EE323.3. Electronic Instrumentation ... Electronic Principle, Malvino, 6th Edition.
... Applied Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, David Buchla & Wayne.
EE323.3 Electronic Instrumentation
Course Outline
1. Review op-amp
Instructor: Anh Dinh Office: 3B14 Telephone: 966-5344 e-mail:
2. Negative feedback 3. Oscillators and Waveform shaping circuits 4. Passive and active filters 5. Power supply 6. Measurement and standards 7. Transducers 8. Noise and noise-reduction techniques 9. Measurement of temperature, pressure and motion 10. Digital instrumentation 11. Design project Marks:
Assignments: Group project: Midterm: Final:
10% 15% 20% 55%
References: 1. Course notes 2. Electronic Principle, Malvino, 6th Edition. (EE221 Text Book) 3. Microelectronic Circuits, Sedra & Smith, 3rd Edition (in Engineering Library, 2 hrs loan) 4. Microelectronic Circuits & Designs, Horenstein, (in Engineering Library, 2 hrs loan) 5. Applied Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, David Buchla & Wayne McLachlan. (in Engineering Library, 2 hrs loan) 6. Principles of Engineering Instrumentation, DC Ramsay, Arnold Publishing (Co-published by Halstead Press) 1996. Class website: