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Jul 14, 2016 - Min-Kyoung Seo, Shin Young Park, Md. Furkanur Rahaman Mizan, Sang-Do Ha. 출처 ... of each work. Nor does it guarantee the contents.

Min-Kyoung Seo, Shin Young Park, Md. Furkanur Rahaman Mizan, Sang-Do Ha



한국수산과학회 양식분과 학술대회 , 2015.5, 621-621 (1 pages)



한국수산과학회 양식분과 The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science



APA Style

Min-Kyoung Seo, Shin Young Park, Md. Furkanur Rahaman Mizan, Sang-Do Ha (2015). EFFECT OF ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION ON REDUCTION OF FOOD SPOILAGE MOLDS AND QUALITY OF THE SURFACE OF DRIED ALASKA POLLACK. 한국수산과학회 양식분과 학술대회, 621-621.

이용정보 (Accessed)

중앙대학교 안성캠퍼스 2016/07/14 20:17 (KST)


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621 EFFECT OF ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION ON REDUCTION OF FOOD SPOILAGE MOLDS AND QUALITY OF THE SURFACE OF DRIED ALASKA POLLACK Min-Kyoung Seo*, Shin Young Park, Md. Furkanur Rahaman Mizan, Sang-Do Ha School of Food Science and Technology Chung-Ang University Gyunggi-do 456-756, South Korea [email protected] In Korea, there is steady consumption dried Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) throughout the year. Penicillium citrinum, Cladosporium cladosporioide and Eurotium spp. are re the primary spoilage molds of dried fishery food products. In the food industry, ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been commercially utilized for the disinfection of air, contamination reduction on the surface of plant and packaging materials, or in postharvest storage of fresh agricultural produce such as fruits and vegetables. UV can directly disinfect food spoilage microorganisms on some food products that have smooth and clean surfaces. The current study was carried out to investigate the effects of UV radiation at 260 nm on the reduction of potential spoilage molds on the surface of dried Alaska pollack and its effect on the quality of the Alaska pollack. Spore suspensions of P. citrinum, C. cladosporioide, or Eurotium spp. (initial inoculums, 6 to 7 log CFU/ml for P. citrinum and C. cladosporioide, 2 to 3 log CFU/ml for Eurotium spp.) were spot inoculated on 5 g (6 × 6 cm) skin surface of dried Alaska pollack. The UV dose was set at 180, 300, 600, 1,200, 1,800 and 3,600 mW ·s/cm2 at 260 nm. The color of UV treated dried Alaska pollack was measured as Hunter colors (‘L’, ‘a’ and ‘b’). Sensory qualities of UV-treated Alaska pollack were evaluated using 7 point hedonic scale test. The overall reduction counts of P. citrinum under 3,600, 1,800, 1,200, 600, 300, and 180 mW·s/cm2 of UV were 1.5, 1.19, 1.1, 0.96, 0.82, and 0.69 log10CFU/g, respectively. The overall reduction counts of C. cladosporioide under 3,600, 1,800, 1,200, 600, 300, and 180 mW·s/cm2 of UV were 1.59, 1.31, 1.2, 1.02, 1.01, and 1.03 log10CFU/g, respectively. The overall reduction counts of Eurotium sp. under 1,800, 1,200, 600, 300, and 180 mW·s/cm2 of UV were 0.72, 0.57, 0.42, 0.48, and 0.42 log10CFU/g, respectively. Eurotium sp. was completely inactivated at 3,600 mW·s/cm2 of UV. Although the differences in Hunter color (L, a, b) and sensory parameters (color, texture, and appearance) of dried Alaska pollack were not significant (p > 0.05) between the nontreated (control) and UV-treated dried Alaska pollack, the flavor and overall acceptability significantly (p < 0.05) decreased with the stepwise increase of UV, except for the dried Alaska pollack treated with 600 mWs/cm2 of UV. P. citrinum and C. cladosporioide were reduced to approx. 1 log10CFU/g (>90%) by 600 mW·s/cm2 UV without any changes in the dried Alaska pollack color or sensory qualities. However, Eurotium spp. was only reduced to 0.5 log10CFU/g (>85%) by 600 mW·s/cm2 UV. This study suggest that 600 mW·s/cm2 of UV was suitable the antifungal effect on P. citrinum and C. cladosporioide on the surface of dried Alaska pollack without any color or sensory qualities changes in this food . On the other hand, we may suggest that the combination of UV and other antifungal treatments could be useful for the inactivation of Eurotium spp.

중앙대학교 안성캠퍼스 | IP: | Accessed 2016/07/14 20:17(KST)