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Viscum album (mistletoe) is an evergreen partial parasite that grows on branches ... aimed at investigating the effects of high salt diet and treatment with ViscumĀ ...
Journal of Science and Technology Research, Volume 6, Number 3, 2007 ISSN 1596-9649

EFFECT OF Viscum album (MISTLETOE) ON SOME HEMOSTATIC PARAMETERS IN HIGH SALT LOADED RATS. Ofem, O. E., Ani, E. J., Agbor, N. O., Eno, A. E and Ibu, J. O Department of Physiology, College of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The effect of mistletoe on some hemostatic parameters (Bleeding time, clotting time, prothrombin and platelet count) was studied in high salt loaded rats. 24 albino Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups (n = 6). Group 1 (control) took normal rat pellets + drinking water. Group 2 received normal rat pellets + drinking water + mistletoe extract (150mg/kg orally once daily). Group 3 took 8% NaCl diet + 1% NaCl as drinking water. Group 4 received same as group 3 + mistletoe extract (150mg/kg orally once daily). These feeding regimens lasted for 6 weeks. From our results, the mean bleeding time (minutes) in control was 4.00 Ā± 0.09. Bleeding time was significantly reduced in group 2 (P