Effective conductivity of a singularly perturbed periodic two-phase ...

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Jul 30, 2012 - Keywords: effective conductivity, periodic composite, non-ideal contact conditions, transmission problem,
Effective conductivity of a singularly perturbed periodic two-phase composite with imperfect thermal contact at the two-phase interface Matteo Dalla Riva

Paolo Musolino

Abstract We consider the asymptotic behaviour of the effective thermal conductivity of a two-phase composite obtained by introducing into an infinite homogeneous matrix a periodic set of inclusions of a different material and of size proportional to a positive parameter . We are interested in the case of imperfect thermal contact at the two-phase interface. Under suitable assumptions, we show that the effective thermal conductivity can be continued real analytically in the parameter  around the degenerate value  = 0, in correspondence of which the inclusions collapse to points. The results presented here are obtained by means of an approach based on functional analysis and potential theory and are also part of a forthcoming paper by the authors.

Keywords: effective conductivity, periodic composite, non-ideal contact conditions, transmission problem, singularly perturbed domain PACS: 88.30.mj, 44.10.+i, 44.35.+c, 02.30.Em, 02.30.Jr, 02.60.Lj



tinuity in the temperature field has been largely investigated since 1941, when Kapitza carried out the first systematic study of thermal interface behaviour in liquid helium (see, e.g., Swartz and Pohl [1], Lipton [2] and references therein). In this note, we investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the effective thermal conductivity when the positive parameter  is close to the degenerate value 0. Benveniste and Miloh in [3] introduced the expression which defines the effective conductivity of a composite with imperfect contact conditions by generalizing the dual theory of the effective behaviour of composites with perfect contact (see also Benveniste [4] and for a review of the subject, e.g., Drygas and Mityushev [5]). By the argument of Benveniste and Miloh, in order to evaluate the effective conductivity, one has to study the thermal distribution of the composite when so called “homogeneous conditions” are prescribed. As a consequence, we introduce a particular transmis-

This note is devoted to the analysis of the effective thermal conductivity of a two-phase periodic composite, consisting of a matrix and of a periodic set of inclusions, with thermal resistance at the two-phase interface. Two possibly different materials fill the matrix and the inclusions. We assume that these materials are homogeneous and isotropic heat conductors. As a consequence, the conductivity of each of these two materials is represented by a positive scalar. Moreover, we assume that the size of each inclusion is proportional to a certain parameter  > 0, and that as  tends to zero each inclusion collapses to a point. The normal component of the heat flux is assumed to be continuous at the composite interface, while we impose that the temperature field displays a jump proportional to the normal heat flux by means of a parameter ρ() > 0. Such a discon1

− 1 1 − sion problem with non-ideal contact conditions where (u+ j , uj ) ∈ C (clS[]) × C (clS[] ): we impose that the temperature field displays a fixed  jump along a prescribed direction and is periodic in  ∆u+ in S[] , j =0   −  all the other directions (cf. problem (1) below). ∆u = 0 in S[]− ,  j   +  We fix once for all u+ ∀x ∈ clS[] ,  j (x + eh ) = uj (x) + δh,j    ∀h ∈ {1, . . . , n} ,    −  n ∈ N \ {0, 1} , α ∈]0, 1[ .  u− ∀x ∈ clS[]− , j (x + eh ) = uj (x) + δh,j  ∀h ∈ {1, . . . , n} , + −  Then we introduce the periodicity cell Q by setting  + ∂uj − ∂uj  λ ∂νΩ (x) = λ ∂νΩ (x) ∀x ∈ ∂Ωp, ,   p, p,    ∂u+ n j +  Q ≡]0, 1[ .  λ ∂νΩ (x)  p,    − + 1   = ∀x ∈ ∂Ωp, ,  ρ() uj (x) − uj (x) n  R We fix a bounded open connected subset Ω of R of  + u (x) dσ = 0 , x ∂Ωp, j the Schauder class C 1,α such that the complementary (1) set of its closure clΩ is connected and that the origin where ν denotes the outward unit normal to Ωp, 0 of Rn belongs to Ω. We note that, by requiring that ∂Ω , and δ = 1 if h = j, δ = 0 if h = 6 j for p, h,j h,j Rn \ clΩ is connected, we assume that the set Ω does all h, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}. Here {e ,. . . , en } denotes the 1 not have holes. The set Ω represents the “shape” of n canonical basis of R . the inclusions. − The functions u+ j and uj represent the temperaNext we fix a point p in the fundamental cell Q ture field in the inclusions occupying S[] and in the and for each  ∈ R, we set matrix occupying S[]− , respectively. The parameters λ+ and λ− represent the thermal conductivity Ωp, ≡ p + Ω . of the materials which fill the inclusions and the matrix, respectively, whereas the parameter ρ() plays Clearly, there exists 0 > 0 small enough, such that the role of the interfacial thermal resistivity. The fifth condition in (1) means that the normal heat flux is clΩp, ⊆ Q ∀ ∈] − 0 , 0 [ . continuous across the two-phase interface. The sixth condition says that the temperature field has a jump For  ∈]0, 0 [, the set Ωp, represents the inclusion in proportional to the normal heat flux by means of the the fundamental cell Q. We note that for  = 0 the parameter ρ(). The third and fourth conditions in set Ωp, degenerates into the set {p}. (1) imply that the temperature distributions u+ j and We are now in the position to define the periodic − uj have a jump equal to 1 in the direction ej and are domains S[] and S[]− by setting periodic in all the other directions. Finally, the sev[ enth condition in (1) is an auxiliary condition which S[] ≡ (z + Ωp, ) = Zn + Ωp, , we introduce in order to have uniqueness for the soluz∈Zn tion of problem (1). Since the effective conductivity S[]− ≡ Rn \ clS[] , is invariant for constant modifications of the temperature field, such a condition does not interfere in its for all  ∈] − 0 , 0 [. We observe that for  = 0 the definition. sets S[] and S[]− degenerate into p + Zn and into Boundary value problems of this type have been Rn \ (p + Zn ), respectively. largely investigated in connection with the theory Next, we take two positive constants λ+ , λ− of heat conduction in two-phase periodic composites and a function ρ from ]0, 0 [ to ]0, +∞[. For each with imperfect contact conditions. Here we mention, j ∈ {1, . . . , n} and  ∈]0, 0 [ we consider the fol- e.g., Castro and Pesetskaya [6], Castro, Pesetskaya, lowing transmission problem for a pair of functions and Rogosin [7], Drygas and Mityushev [5], Lipton


[2], Mityushev [8]. Boundary value problem (1) is clearly singular for  = 0. Indeed, both the domains S[] and S[]− are degenerate when  = 0. Moreover, the presence of 1 the factor ρ() may produce a further singularity if ρ() → 0 as  tends to 0+ . In this note, we consider the case in which the limit  r∗ ≡ lim+ →0 ρ()

[10], Maz’ya, Nazarov, and Plamenewskij [11, 12], Maz’ya, Movchan, and Nieves [13] (for further references see, e.g., Lanza de Cristoforis and the second named author [14]). In this note, instead, we wish to answer to the question in (2) by exploiting the different approach proposed by Lanza de Cristoforis. Namely, our aim is to represent λeff kj [] when  is small and positive in terms of real analytic functions of the variable  defined on a whole neighbourhood of 0, and of explicitly known exists finite in R. We emphasize that we make no functions of . This approach does have its advantages. Indeed, if we know, for example, that there regularity assumption on the function ρ. As is well knwon, for each  ∈]0, 0 [, problem (1) exist 0 ∈]0, 0 [ and a real analytic function h from has a unique solution in C 1 (clS[]) × C 1 (clS[]− ). We ] − 0 , 0 [ to R such that − denote such a solution by (u+ j [], uj []). Then we inλeff ∀ ∈]0, 0 [ , kj [] = h() troduce the effective conductivity matrix λeff [] with (k, j)-entry λeff then we can deduce the existence of 00 ∈]0, 0 [ and of kj [] defined by a sequence {aj }+∞ j=0 of real numbers, such that Z + ∂u [](x) j eff + dx λkj [] ≡ λ +∞ X ∂xk Ωp, eff λ [] = aj j ∀ ∈]0, 00 [ , kj Z − ∂u [](x) j=0 j + λ− dx , ∂xk Q\clΩp, where the series in the right hand side converges ab00 00 2 for all (k, j) ∈ {1, . . . , n} and  ∈]0, 0 [ (cf. Ben- solutely on ] −  ,  [. As we shall see, this is the case if /ρ() has a real analytic continuation around veniste [4] and Benveniste and Miloh [3]). 0 (for example if ρ() =  or ρ is constant). 2 Then if (k, j) ∈ {1, . . . , n} it is natural to ask the Such a project has been carried out in the case of following question. a simple hole, e.g., in Lanza [15] (see also [16]), and has later been extended to problems related to the What can be said on the map  7→ λeff kj [] (2) system of equations of the linearized elasticity in [17, when  is close to 0 and positive? 18, 19] and to the Stokes system in [20], and to the Questions of this type are not new and have long case of problems in an infinite periodically perforated been investigated with the methods of Asymptotic domain in [14, 21]. We also mention that boundary value problems in Analysis. Thus for example, one could resort to the tech- domains with periodic inclusions have been analysed, niques of Asymptotic Analysis and may succeed to at least for the two dimensional case, with the socalled method of functional equations (cf., e.g., Caswrite out an asymptotic expansion for λeff kj [] of the tro and Pesetskaya [6], Castro, Pesetskaya, and Rotype gosin [7], Drygas and Mityushev [5], Mityushev [8], λeff as  → 0+ , Rogosin, Dubatovskaya, and Pesetskaya [22]). kj [] = P () + R() where P is a regular function and R a remainder which is smaller than a positive known function of 2 Strategy . Here, we mention, as an example, the works of Am- We briefly outline our strategy. First of all we recall mari and Kang [9, Ch. 5], Ammari, Kang, and Touibi that boundary value problem (1), which we consider 3

Theorem 5. Let (k, j) ∈ {1, . . . , n}2 . Then Z + Λkj [0, r∗ ] =λ u ˜+ j (t)(νΩ (t))k dσt ∂Ω Z − λ− u ˜− j (t)(νΩ (t))k dσt

only for positive , is singular for  = 0. Then, if  is in ]0, 0 [ we can convert problem (1) into an equivalent system of integral equations defined on the dependent domain ∂Ωp, by exploiting periodic potential theory (cf., e.g., [23]). Then, by an appropriate change of functional variables, we can desingularize the problem and obtain an equivalent system of integral equations defined on the fixed domain ∂Ω. By means of the Implicit Function Theorem for real analytic maps in Banach spaces, we can analyse the dependence upon  of the solutions of the system of integral equations and we can prove our main results. Further details will be presented in a forthcoming paper by the authors (see [24]).



+ (λ+ − λ− )|Ω|n δk,j , where |Ω|n denotes the n-dimensional measure of Ω, and where (˜ u+ ˜− j ,u j ) is the unique solution in 1 1 n C (clΩ) × C (R \ Ω) of the following transmission problem  ∆˜ u+ in Ω ,  j =0   −  ∆˜ u = 0 in Rn \ clΩ ,  j   −  ˜j  − ∂u    λ ∂νΩ (x)   ∂u ˜+   = λ+ ∂νj (x) + (λ+ − λ− )(νΩ (x))j ∀x ∈ ∂Ω ,  Ω

Main results

∂u ˜+

Theorem 3. Let (k, j) ∈ {1, . . . , n}2 . Then there exist 1 ∈]0, 0 [, an open neighbourhood Ur∗ of r∗ , and a real analytic function Λkj from ] − 1 , 1 [×Ur∗ to R such that /ρ() ∈ Ur∗ for all  ∈]0, 1 [ and such that h  i − n , λeff [] =λ δ +  Λ , (4) k,j kj kj ρ()

                

λ+ ∂νΩj (x)

 + = r∗ u ˜− (x) − u ˜ (x) − λ+ (νΩ (x))j j j R ˜+ j (x) dσx = 0 , R∂Ω u − u ˜ (x) dσx = 0 , ∂Ω j limx→∞ u ˜− j (x) ∈ R .

∀x ∈ ∂Ω ,

If we also assume that r∗ = lim+

for all  ∈]0, 1 [.


 =0 ρ()

then the expression for Λkj [0, r∗ ] = Λkj [0, 0] is simpler and we have the following.

For a proof, we refer to [24]. Here, we note that if /ρ() has a real analytic continuation around 0, then the term in the right hand side of equality (4) defines a real analytic function of the variable  in the whole of a neighbourhood of 0. Accordingly, the term in the left hand side of equality (4), which is defined only for positive values of , can be continued real analytically for  ≤ 0. As a consequence, λeff kj [] can be expressed for  small and positive in terms of a power series which converges absolutely on a whole neighbourhood of 0. Moreover, we give in the following Theorem 5 more information on λeff kj [] for  close to 0 by expressing Λkj [0, r∗ ] by means of a certain quantity related to the solutions of a limiting transmission problem (for a proof we refer to [24]).

Proposition 6. Let r∗ = 0. Let (k, j) ∈ {1, . . . , n}2 . Then Z − Λkj [0, 0] = − λ v˜j− (t)(νΩ (t))k dσt (7) ∂Ω − λ− |Ω|n δk,j , where v˜j− is the unique solution in C 1 (Rn \ Ω) of the following exterior Neumann problem  ∆˜ vj− = 0 in Rn \ clΩ ,    −  ∂ v˜j (x) = −(νΩ (x))j ∀x ∈ ∂Ω , (8) R∂νΩ −  v˜ (x) dσx = 0 ,  ∂Ω j   limx→∞ v˜j− (x) ∈ R . . 4

where |Bn |n denotes the n-dimensional measure of Bn . Now the validity of the proposition follows by equality (7) and by a straightforward calculation (also note that sn = n|Bn |n ).

Proof. Since r∗ = 0 and by Theorem 5 one deduces that Z + Λkj [0, 0] =λ v˜j+ (t)(νΩ (t))k dσt ∂Ω Z − −λ v˜j− (t)(νΩ (t))k dσt


∂Ω +

+ (λ − λ )|Ω|n δk,j ,

We observe that we can investigate also the asymptotic behaviour of suitable restrictions of the func− tions u+ j [] and uj [] as  tends to 0. Moreoveor, we can analyse also the case in which we add to the fifth and sixth conditions in (1) suitable functions defined on ∂Ωp, , and thus we consider nonhomogeneous boundary conditions.

where v˜j− is the unique solution in C 1 (Rn \ Ω) of (8) and where v˜j+ is the unique solution in C 1 (clΩ) of  vj+ = 0 in Ω ,   ∆˜ ∂v ˜j+ = −(νΩ (x))j ∀x ∈ ∂Ω ,  R∂νΩ (x)  + v˜ (x) dσx = 0 . ∂Ω j It follows that v˜j+ (x)

1 = −xj + |∂Ω|n−1

Further remarks

Acknowledgments Z tj dσt

∀x ∈ clΩ .

The first named author acknowledges financial support from the Foundation for Science and Then the divergence theorem implies that Technology (FCT) via the post-doctoral grant Z SFRH/BPD/64437/2009. The work of the first v˜j+ (t)(νΩ (t))k dσt = −|Ω|n δk,j . named author was also supported by FEDER funds ∂Ω through COMPETE–Operational Programme FacNow the validity of the proposition follows by a tors of Competitiveness (“Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade”) and by Portuguese straightforward calculation. funds through the Center for Research and DeIf we further assume that Ω is the unit ball Bn in velopment in Mathematics and Applications (Unin versity of Aveiro) and the Portuguese FoundaR , then we have the following. tion for Science and Technology (“FCT–Funda¸c˜ ao Proposition 9. Let r∗ = 0. Assume that Ω = Bn . para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia”), within project Let (k, j) ∈ {1, . . . , n}2 . Then PEst-C/MAT/UI4106/2011 with COMPETE nums ber FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022690. The second n Λkj [0, 0] = −λ− δk,j named author acknowledges the financial support of n−1 the “Fondazione Ing. Aldo Gini”. where sn denotes the (n − 1)-dimensional measure of ∂Bn . ∂Ω


Proof. By assumption Ω = Bn , one verifies that the unique solution of problem (8) is given by 1 xj v˜j− (x) ≡ n − 1 |x|n

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