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Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, December - 2015; Volume – 3(VI)
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences
ISSN No. 2320 – 8694
Nguyen Trong Ngu1,*, Nguyen Hong Xuan2, Chau Thanh Vu1, Nguyen Trong An3, Tran Nhan Dung4 and Nguyen Thi Hong Nhan1 1
College of Agriculture and Applied Biology, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Can Tho University of Technology, Can Tho, Vietnam 3 National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo Kuang Rd., Taichung 402, Taiwan R.O.C. 4 Biotechnology Research and Development Institute, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam 2
Received – September 19, 2015; Revision – October 16, 2015; Accepted – November 18, 2015 Available Online – December 15, 2015 DOI:
KEYWORDS Candidate gene PCR-RFLP Total egg number Noi chicken
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic potential of candidate genes involved in egg yield of Noi chicken, a popular backyard chicken breed in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam with limited egg production. A total of 130 hens were individually stalled for daily egg record in 20 weeks. Feather samples were collected for DNA extraction and genotyping was carried out using PCR-RFLP method. Five genes, namely DRD2 (Dopamine receptor 2), IGF-I (Insulin-like growth factor I), NPY (Neuropeptide Y), VIP (Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) and VIPR-1 (Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1) were used in the present work. It was shown that allele frequencies of DRD2/BseGI, VIP/VspI and VIPR-1/HhaI polymorphisms were of great discrepancy in Noi chicken population and there were significant associations between genotypes and egg numbers (PC polymorphism on DRD2 gene and found a significant association between first laying age and total egg production in chickens at 300 days of age. For IGF-1 gene, Li et al. (2009) suggested that IGF-1 genetic polymorphism at position 5'UTR was related to egg production at 300 and 400 days of age and the number of continuous laying days. In addition, Xu et al. (2011b) also demonstrated the relationship between g.31394761C>T polymorphism of NPY gene and first-laying age in Ningdu Sanhuang chickens, followed by the publication of Fatemi et al. (2012) on the association between NPY gene and production traits as well as growth ability in many different chicken traits. Similarly, for VIP and VIPR-1 receptor genes, El Halawani et al. (2000) found that injecting VIP into 25 week and 54 week-old chickens resulted in an increase in egg production.
It can be therefore remarked that exploiting candidate genes to improve egg production is a potential strategy, yet will need to be examined in each group of chickens. Within the scope of this study, 8 polymorphism positions of the mentioned genes were used to assess their association with egg yield of Noi chicken. 2 Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted on 130 Noi chickens raised at an experimental farm in Vinh Long province (Vietnam), where all hens were individually kept in cages. The hens in the period of laying eggs (28-47 weeks old) were mated with male Noi chicken at ratio of 1 cock: 8 hens. During the experiment, chickens were fed with diets having metabolizable energy of 2850 kcal/ kg and 17% crude protein and all chickens were vaccinated before and during the experiment. The eggs laid were then collected and data were recorded daily during 20 weeks of laying. Genotypes of candidate genes were determined by PCR-RFLP technique with some basic steps viz. extraction and purification of DNA from hen’s feather (Nozawa et al., 1999); amplification of DNA by using appropriate primers corresponding to each gene; incubation of amplified products with restriction enzymes, and determination of the genotype by electrophoresis band on 2% agarose gel. Details of the primer sequences, annealing temperature, type of restriction enzyme used and size of PCR-RFLP bands are presented in Table 1. Data on the frequency and chi-squared value were calculated using SNPStats program (Solé et al., 2006) ( The association between genotype and egg production was analyzed based on General Linear Model of Minitab software version 16.0: Yij= µ + Gi + ξ ij (where Yij: traits observed; μ: general mean, Gi: Influence of genotype; ξij: random error).
Table 1 Information regarding the polymorphisms studied Gene
Sequencing primer (5’-3’)
F:tgcacataaaagcccactcactg R: gcctgagctggtgggggg IGF-I C364T F: actatacagaaagaacccac R: tatcactcaagtggctcaagt NPY AATA Indel F: tctcagagctccaacgtatga (I31391359D) R: atatttctgtgcctgaacaaca NPY C31394761T F: cgtggctgctttgcttcctttc R: gggtacgaggcaaggacatg VIP C+338T F: gcttggactgatgcgtactt R: gtatcactgcaaatgctctg VIP AGG Indel F: gaaacccatctcagtcatccta (D2648-2650I) R: accacctatttttccttttctac VIPR-1 C1715301T F:ctcctcaggcagaccatcatg R:cttgcacgtatccttgggtagc VIPR-1 C1704887T F:ccccgttaaactcagcagac R:cccaaagtcccacaaggtaa F: Forward primer; R: Reverse primer; Ta: Annealing temperature
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences
Ta (oC)
PCR-RFLP size (bp) 248 196/52 621 364/257 248(252) 167/81 324 200/124 520 480/40 306 154/152 486 310/176 434 253/181
References Xu et al., 2011a Nagaraja et al., 2000 Xu et al., 2011b Xu et al., 2011b Zhou et al., 2010 Zhou et al., 2010 Xu et al., 2011a Xu et al., 2011a
Effects of genetic polymorphisms on egg production in indigenous NOI chicken.
M : Standard DNA 100 bp scale (Fermentas); Ctrl: Non-incubated PCR products with restriction enzymes
Figure 1 Genotyping of different SNPs by agarose gel electrophoresis
3 Results and Discussion In the current study, 6 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and 2 INDELs (Insertion/Deletion) for five candidate genes were identified from Noi chicken breed. The above SNPs were in transition mutations (T>C or C>T), whereas 2 INDEL variations were based on the addition or removal of 4 AATA nucleotides (NPY/DraI) or 3 AGG nucleotides
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences
(VIP/VspI). The number of bands and PCR-RFLP band size, genotype and allele frequencies of these polymorphism are shown in Figure 1 and Table 2. For the DRD2/BSeGI locus, the number of Noi chickens that had T allele accounted for a very low proportion of the population (0.12). Similar trend was found in other loci such as C allele (0.21) (IGF-I/PstI) or T (0.22) (VIPR-1/HhaI) and the frequency of these mutations followed Hardy-Weinberg's law (P>0.05).
Nguyen et al
Table 2 Genotype and allele frequencies of polymorphisms. SNP n DRD2/BseGI 123 IGF-I/PstI 93 NPY/DraI 130 NPY/KpnI 123 VIP/HinfI 107 VIP/VspI 118 VIPR-1/TaqI 111 VIPR-1/HhaI 125 * : P