Effects of Summary and Note Taking Strategies on Reading ...

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Effects of Summary and Note Taking Strategies on. Reading Comprehension and Retention. Şükran TOK-Necla BEYAZIT. Abstract. Problem Statement: ...
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 28, pp, 113-122 / 2007

Effects of Summary and Note Taking Strategies on Reading Comprehension and Retention Şükran TOK-Necla BEYAZIT

Abstract Problem Statement: Reading comprehension means understanding the meaning of passage and summary the passage. Some studies show that reading comprehension is critical thinking skills but students are not successful in this topic. Recent studies support that to develop reading comprehension, cognitive strategies should be taught. Purpose of The Study: Purpose of the study is to examine the effect of summary and note taking (copy and paste) strategies on 3rd grade students’ Turkish reading comprehension. Method: This study has pretest-post test control group research design. Research Group: This study lasted 5 weeks with 3 rd grade 103 public elemantary school students in Hatay. Data Collection Instrument: Reading comprehension achievement test: To develop this test, 60 items were prepared by considiring 3 th grade Turkish Course Curriculum aims. This test were administered to 174, 4 th grade students. Result of the pilot study showed that Croanbach Alpha reliability is .91. Data Collection: To response to hypothesis these procedures were done. 1. Before treatment, 2 hours observation was performed to understand the which strategies are used in Turkish course in control and experimental groups. 2. Six hours course were taught to 1 st experimental group exposed summary strategy 2 nd experimental group exposed to note taking (copy and paste) and using sample passages and worksheet. Researcher was also role model in this 6 hours study (Rosenshine, 1995). Student in control groups not any procedure meanwhile. 3. After training of teaching strategies in two exprimental group, researcher taught 1 st experimental group with “summary strategy”, 2 nd experimental with note taking (copy and paste) strategy and control group with traditional instruction (silent and loudly reading, explanation of passage, responding questions in reading). Pre-test and post-test of reading comprehension achievement test” and 4 week later retention of this test is administered. Findings: This study examined the effects of summary and note taking (copy and paste) strategies on reading comprehension and retention. The result of the study showed that summary and note taking (copy and paste) strategies are effective reading comprehension and retention but there is no significant difference between experimental group. That indicate hypothesis are accepted. Keywords: Summary, note taking strategies, reading comprehension