Ekonomi Internasional: Perdagangan, Keuangan & Investasi

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8 Jun 2012 ... a. G Perdagangan internasional : membutuhkan mengambil ekonomi mikro terdahulu. Aspek mikro meliputi jual beli secara internasional.
Oleh : DR. Makarim Wibisono Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta 8 Juni 2012

Praktek Pelajaran Eko. Internasional:

  Perdagangan internasional : membutuhkan mengambil ekonomi mikro terdahulu. Aspek mikro meliputi jual beli secara internasional. Dalam ekonomi mikro mencakup faktor pasar hasil produksi dan pasar faktor produksi.  Keuangan Internasional dan Investasi: membutuhkan ekonomi makro karena menyangkut masalah uang, bank dan lalu lintas modal.

Bedanya dengan ekonomi nasional:

 Immobilitas faktor produksi:

Lingkungan eksternal berbeda:

• tenaga kerja, alat atau mesin serta modal.

• sistim sospol, sistim ekonomi, sistim perbankan, kebudayaan termasuk bahasa.

Factor endowment • berbeda sehingga harga barang juga berbeda.

Perdagangan Internasional

 The Mercantilists : nation building

David Ricardo: comparative advantage

Adam Smith: free trade

Faktor Proporsi (Hecksher & Ohlin)

Faktor price equalization (P. Samuelson)

Partial Theory

The Mercantilists: Nation Building  A Group of early economists called the mercantilists, who were active in the period 1500-1800.  They believed that a country should always export more than it imports, thereby gaining gaining what they called “treasure”-silver and goldfrom other countries.

 An influx of treasure was supposed to stimulate economic activity and provide the revenue necessary to build a stronger nation.

The Mercantilists preference

 Is defined as the difference between the value of exports and the value of imports in a specified period ( a month, quarter, or year ).  By convention the BOT is said to be favorable when exports exceed imports in value.

Adam Smith (1723-1790) : Free Trade

  He argued that the wealth of a nation would expand most rapidly if the government would abandon mercantilistic controls over domestic and foreign economic activities and permit consumers and producers greater freedom to follow their own selfinterests.  Each nation would imports goods from the cheapest overseas source, and would in turn exports those products in which it had a price advantage.

Liberal perspective  Considerable efficiency gains arise as each nation specializes in those goods it can produce most cheaply within a system of international division of labor.

Laissez-faire 

The principle that that government should minimize its role in the economy, confining itself to the maintenance of law and order, defense, and a few public services.

Absolute Advantage  Tenaga kerja yg diperlukan per unit: AS








David Ricardo: Comparative Advantage

 David Ricardo (1772-1823) in his “Principles of Political Economy” (1817).  Even the least efficient, highestcost nation in the world could benefit from trade.

Comparative Cost  Hari kerja yg dipakai untuk memproduksi: Anggur (1 botol)

Pakaian (1 yard)


3 hari

4 hari


6 hari

5 hari

Portugis utk anggur 3/6 < 4/5 or 3/4 < 6/5 Inggris utk pakaian 5/4 < 6/3 or 5/6