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Mar 23, 2010 - Keywords FEA · Adipose · Mechanical properties · MRI. A. M. Sims · L. Fong ... School of Medicine, The University of Western Sydney,. Sydney, Australia ..... matter as there is a non-trivial trade off between temporal and spatial ...
Biomech Model Mechanobiol (2010) 9:703–711 DOI 10.1007/s10237-010-0207-9


Elastic and viscoelastic properties of porcine subdermal fat using MRI and inverse FEA A. M. Sims · T. Stait-Gardner · L. Fong · J. W. Morley · W. S. Price · M. Hoffman · A. Simmons · K. Schindhelm

Received: 17 November 2009 / Accepted: 4 March 2010 / Published online: 23 March 2010 © Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract There is a scarcity of investigation into the mechanical properties of subdermal fat. Recently, progress has been made in the determination of subdermal stress and strain distributions. This requires accurate constitutive modelling and consideration of the subdermal tissues. This paper reports the results of a study to estimate non-linear elastic and viscoelastic properties of porcine subdermal fat using a simple constitutive model. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to acquire a time series of coincident images during a confined indentation experiment. Inverse finite element analysis was used to estimate the material parameters. The Neo Hookean model was used to represent the elastic behaviour (μ = 0.53 ± 0.31 kPa), while a single-element Prony series was used to model the viscoelastic response (α = 0.39 ± 0.03, τ = 700 ± 255 s). Keywords

FEA · Adipose · Mechanical properties · MRI

A. M. Sims · L. Fong · A. Simmons (B) · K. Schindhelm Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia e-mail: [email protected] M. Hoffman School of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia J. W. Morley School of Medicine, The University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia T. Stait-Gardner · W. S. Price School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, The University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia

1 Introduction Pressure sores are a significant clinical problem, resulting in the breakdown and potential necrosis of the skin and underlying tissue. The aetiology of pressure sores or ulcers is a focus of current investigation. The understanding of the mechanics of pressure ulcers was queried by Bouten et al. (2003). They proposed a multi-modal hierarchical structure for more detailed investigation into the mechanics of pressure ulcers over various length scales. This included pathophysiology under load and mechanics at the cellular level, and ranged through to the gross system response to the mechanical loading of the body through the interface of the skin. Pressure sores are commonly classified as being superficial or deep tissue injuries (DTI) according to the National Pressure Ulcer Staging System (Black et al. 2007; National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel 1989). The dominant understanding for decades has been that pressure ulcers were caused by an applied contact pressure which exceeds capillary perfusion pressure (Landis 1930). Subsequent investigations have shown that it is possible for DTI to be incurred without significant degradation of the skin (Nola and Vistnes 1980) and that the localised state of stresses and strains play a more significant role than pressure alone. This is a particularly insidious condition as it allows for the DTI to progress extensively in the subdermal tissue before being discovered, potentially leading to sepsis. The localised nature of stresses and strains in the body are functions of the applied load, local morphology and the constitutive behaviour of the soft tissue. The local morphology such as the proximity of a bony prominence or overall tissue thickness influences the local mechanical state of the soft tissue, for example through a stress concentration under the ischial tuberosity in the case of sitting.



Oomens et al. (2003) demonstrated through the use of finite element analysis (FEA) that the non-homogeneity of tissue types has a strong influence on the mechanical state of the tissue. By its very nature, contact loading will have compressive and shear components. As the layers of superficial tissue are arranged in series, namely the skin, subdermal fat (or hypodermis) and the underlying muscle, they will all be on the load path as a load is transferred through to the bearing structure. Therefore, in order to accurately simulate the mechanical behaviour of the superficial soft tissues in contact, it is necessary to consider their constitutive behaviour. The mechanical behaviour of soft tissues has been the subject of much research over several decades. Skin has received, and continues to receive considerable attention, and it is now generally understood to be a specialised material exhibiting non-linear elasticity, anisotropy and viscoelasticity (Lanir and Fung 1974). Similarly, skeletal muscle has been the focus of a significant amount of research, including both active and passive properties. On the other hand, there is a paucity of information in the literature regarding the mechanical properties of adipose tissue or fat. Adipose tissue is a connective tissue consisting predominantly of adipocytes bound by vascular loose, or areolar, connective tissue. Adipose tissue concentrates much of the body’s fat in the subcutaneous tissue among other preferential locations including the omentum and breasts. Functionally, adipose tissue acts as an energy reservoir, thermal insulator and as a mechanical load absorbing and distribution member, such as in the calcaneal fat pad under heel strike impact loading (Williams et al. 1989). Subdermal fat, as previously mentioned, is arranged in series with the skin forming an elastic foundation. Considering the idealisation of springs in series, the overall compliance of a structure is governed by the most compliant member. In this case, this will be the subdermal fat. Therefore, the material properties of the subdermal fat will be a significant influence on the deformation of the composite as a whole. Since soft tissue deformation is commonly considered to be in the large deformation domain, the state of deformation will influence the structural stiffness and the load distribution. Therefore for compressive loading, the mechanical behaviour of the subdermal fat should not be discounted. Investigation into the mechanical properties of adipose tissue has been focussed on the calcaneal fat pad (Erdemir et al. 2006; Miller-Young et al. 2002) and breast tissue (Azar et al. 2002; Samani et al. 2003; Samani and Plewes 2004). Incompressibility has been assumed, or in the case of linear models that the Poisson’s ratio is near ν ≈ 0.5. Published values for the material properties of breast and calcaneal fat vary significantly. Various studies using different constitutive models by Samani et al. have found that the mean elastic modulus of normal breast adipose tissue was in the range of E = 3.25–3.6 kPa (Samani and Plewes 2004; Samani


A. M. Sims et al.

et al. 2007), while Azar et al. (2002) using an exponential model reported an initial modulus of E = 4.46 kPa; considering the calcaneal fat pad, Erdemir et al. (2006) using a first- order Ogden model reported an initial shear modulus of 56 kPa, while Miller-Young et al. (2002) using a secondorder Mooney–Rivlin polynomial model determined an initial shear modulus of approximately 0.02 kPa, and recently Wearing et al. (2009) have reported an in vivo secant modulus of E = 580 ±145 kPa although this was calculated on the full tissue thickness. Even from this brief survey, it can be seen that the material properties for adipose tissue vary widely in the literature and appear to be location specific. Turning now to subdermal fat, in only a few studies, published mechanical property values range from G = 0.02 kPa (Hendriks et al. 2006) through to G = 7.5 kPa (Geerligs et al. 2008). In this study, a confined indentation experiment was developed to estimate a minimal set of non-linear elastic and time-dependent properties. Indentation was chosen as the experimental technique as it applies a compressive load which will be similar to in vivo contact loading. The experiment was performed within a high-field NMR spectrometer providing cross-sectional images of the sample as the primary data source. Image-processing methods were used to extract experimental measurements from the test sample. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Tissue preparation and mounting Superficial porcine soft tissue was excised from the abdomen immediately post mortem and then stored in an isotonic PBS solution within a thermally insulated container during transportation to the test site. Approval was obtained for the experiments (BRSC07/014). For this study, cylindrical specimens (n = 6) of subdermal adipose soft tissue were cut using a sharp cylindrical borer. A scalpel was used to carefully trim any tissue remnants that were not cut cleanly. The natural thickness of the subdermal fat was maintained for the experiment. The tissue samples were then placed in a cylindrical testing dish. A gelatine solution (10% by mass, in 0.1 M CuSO4 · 5H2 O) was then used to fill the remaining volume of the dish up to but not covering the top surface of the tissue sample, embedding it in an elastic media. This arrangement eliminated voids from the test and provided a known fixed boundary condition for subsequent FE simulation. The sample was allowed to set for 20 min. A prepared sample is shown in Fig. 1a. 2.2 Test rig design A custom test rig was required for this investigation. The Bruker Avance NMR spectrometer (wide bore, 11.7 T) used

Elastic and viscoelastic properties of porcine subdermal fat

Fig. 1 a Mounted specimen; b indentation experiment schematic showing 1 profiled base, 2 cylindrical body, 3 indenter, 4 filler material, 5 spherical tip, 6 sample

in this study has a small vertically oriented contained scanning volume. Placement in the spectrometer required that all materials used in the experiment did not interact with the strong magnetic fields present. A custom test rig was developed, consisting of a two part housing (acetyl) and a lightweight indenter (Fig. 1b). The indenter assembly consisted of an epoxy sealed balsa wood body and a PTFE spherical tip with a radius of 4 mm. The housing base was profiled to snugly fit the coil sensor, additionally the indenter was self-aligning to assist engagement, negating the need for spatial registration from test to test. The indenter was machined to engage with the body in a smooth running fit; additionally, three evenly spaced axial grooves were machined into the body to allow air venting during engagement. The indenter body was designed to carry a filler material and apply a known gravitational load. 2.3 Procedure The embedded specimen was assembled into the test rig and mounted into the MRI probe. This was inserted axially into the Bruker spectrometer and calibrated. A 1 H 3D volume scan was taken of the sample in the reference condition. The indenter (2 g) was then applied to the sample (t = 0) and a series of orthogonal 1 H images was taken at regular intervals (t = 30 s) over 10 min. The voxel size for each of the scans of the sample was 0.1953 × 0.1953 × 0.5 mm. The indenter was then removed (tr ) and the tissue allowed to relax for 10 min. An identical series of orthogonal images was commenced at the removal of the load to track the relaxation of the sample. The mass applied by the indenter was then increased (5, 10 g) and the procedure repeated. Three load histories were used, (a) 2, 5 g, (b) 2, 10 g, and (c) 2, 5, 10 g. Two different MRI scanning protocols were used in this study. These are the 3D scans and the 2D orthogonal section


scans. The 3D scans are used to define the full 3D geometry of the test. In each case, the DICOM output from these scans was used to segment the embedding gel and the soft tissue. Copper sulphate was included in the gelatine solution as a contrast agent to enhance the edge definition between the gelatine matrix and the fatty tissue layer in particular. The 3D scan type was multi-scan multi-echo (MSME) with a repetition time of 3000 ms and an echo time of 3.0 ms. The approximate duration of a 3D scan was 384 s. The shorter duration of 2D orthogonal scans (14 s) compared to the 3D scans allows for the scanning period of t = 30 s, providing a history to investigate the time-dependent response of the soft tissue. The 2D scan type was MSME with two mutually perpendicular scan planes (termed coronal and sagittal), a repetition time of 220.5 ms, and an echo time of 3.0 ms. 2.4 Image processing The output from each of these scans was a DICOM series. In the case of the 3D scans, it defined the scan volume, whereas for the 2D scans, the series corresponded to a time history through the same cross section. A representative time series of scans is shown in Fig. 2. The voxel size for each of the scans of the sample was 0.1953 × 0.1953 × 0.5 mm. DICOM images were filtered using a 2D anisotropic diffusion filter in order to preserve the image edge gradients defining material boundaries. The 2D section time series was segmented using ScanIP software (Simpleware) based on image intensity and Canny edge detection for the material boundaries. The 3D volumes were reconstructed using ScanIP software. The level set method was used to define the overall volume of the sample. Interior voxels were assigned to material groups based on their greyscale intensity in conjunction with the edge detection based on the gradient image (∇ · I ). The marching cubes algorithm was utilised to generate bounding surfaces. The model consists of discrete material volumes for the gel matrix and the embedded adipose soft tissue sample within the test rig. Each of the scans from the 2D orthogonal sets were collated into a time history at that spatial location. Each scan was similarly segmented based on greyscale intensity. Matlab was then used to fit spline curves to the interfaces between each of the materials in the plane of the scan. The DICOM attribute Content Time or Image Time (DICOM Standards Committee 2007) was used to determine the time stamp associated with each deformation configuration. 2.5 Derived quantities The vertical positions of the sample surface yt (t) were extracted at the intersection of the central axis of the sample



A. M. Sims et al.

Fig. 2 2D 1 H MRI images (voxel size 0.1953 × 0.1953 × 0.5 mm) of an adipose tissue sample from scan sequence showing indentation and relaxation history. a Reference configuration, b and c 2 g indentation

period, d and e load removal and relaxation, f and g 5 g indentation period, h and i load removal and relaxation. Note that a wrap around artifact has been removed from the images

and the spline curves to construct time histories for each series. The indentation was normalised by the reference height of the sample, this was calculated according to

boundary) and fat. The 3D reconstructions of the gel/sample composite indicated that the samples were approximately cylindrical in shape, therefore idealised geometry was used for all of the samples except for one, which exhibited a convex superior surface. Sample-specific models were developed by maintaining the known boundary of the sample dish and determining the respective fat tissue thickness and diameter in order to provide the correct material volumetric ratios and overall volume, as determined in Sect. 2.4 from the 3D reconstructions. The sample which exhibited a convex superior surface was profiled to match this surface and again dimensioned accordingly to provide the correct material volumetric ratios. The axisymmetric cross section of the sample was meshed using four node planar quadrilateral elements. The indenter contact was modelled as a rigid profile, driven by a pilot node and assumed to be frictionless. Incompressible hyperelastic material properties were assumed for the fat, so mixed U/P element formulation was used to prevent volumetric locking.

z ind =

Y−y . Y


Variables are assumed to be functions of time. The continuum mechanics convention of using upper case variables to refer to the reference configuration and lower case to refer to the deformed configuration has been used. 2.6 Inverse finite element analysis 2.6.1 Model description An inverse FEA procedure was used to estimate the material properties of the soft tissue samples using ANSYS v11 and Matlab. The experiment was modelled as a 2D axisymmetric model with discrete materials used for the gel (elastic


Elastic and viscoelastic properties of porcine subdermal fat


The contact interface was modelled using Lagrange multipliers to enforce the normal penetration tolerance constraint. Large deformation theory was used for the model. The standard fundamental relations of solid continuum mechanics apply. The deformation gradient F maps the reference configuration to the deformed configuration. ∂u ∂x =I+ (2) ∂X ∂X where X and x are Cartesian position vectors of a point in the reference and deformed configurations, respectively, and u is a displacement vector. The volumetric ratio J = det F is identically 1 due to incompressibility. The right CauchyGreen deformation tensor is given by F=

C = FT F.


The eigenvalues of C are the squares of the principal stretches of the material λi2 . The invariants of C are given by I1 = trC = λ21 + λ22 + λ23 , −1

I2 = trC

det C =

λ21 λ22

+ λ22 λ23

(4) + λ21 λ23 ,


and I3 = det C = λ21 λ22 λ23 = J 2 .


Symmetry conditions were enforced along the central axis, and all nodes in contact with the sample dish boundary were fully constrained in the x and y directions. The pilot node of the indenter was located on the central axis and was constrained to only allow motion in the vertical (y) direction. The mesh and model setup used for the analyses is shown in Fig. 3. 2.6.2 Material properties The gel material forming the elastic boundary of the samples was separately characterised using both tensile and compressive testing corrected to take into account friction according to Morriss et al. (2008). A three parameter Mooney–Rivlin hyperelastic model (7) was used for the elastic component of the material  = C10 (I1 − 3) + C01 (I2 − 3) + C11 (I1 − 3) (I2 − 3) . (7) A two-element Prony series (8) (k = 2) was used to model the viscous component of the gel, with G 0 being the underlying shear elastic property and αi being the series relative moduli where   k  −t/τi G = G 0 α∞ + αi e (8) i=1

α∞ = 1 −

k  i=1


Fig. 3 FEA mesh showing model for the convex profiled sample including the load and boundary conditions Table 1 Gel Mooney Rivlin parameters Parameter (kPa)








Table 2 Gel viscoelastic properties i




τi (s)


2 0.044 21.2

The gel material properties are identified in Tables 1 and 2. The simple Neo Hookean hyperelastic material model (9) was assumed for the subdermal fat. The viscoelastic



A. M. Sims et al.

behaviour was modelled with a single-element Prony series (8) (k = 1). As these parameters form the independent variables for the non-linear inverse analysis, the starting values must be chosen. The initial shear modulus μ = 0.5 kPa was chosen arbitrarily. The initial values for the Prony series constants, the relative modulus α and the time constant τ were taken from the experimental curve fit =

μ (I1 − 3) . 2


2.6.3 Optimisation The model was solved quasi-statically using large deformation theory in a series of load steps with outputs synchronised to the scan times of the experiment throughout the duty cycles. The first of these steps applies or removes the load as a step function over a short time period. This corresponds to the instantaneous response of the material and is governed by the underlying elasticity (ANSYS Inc 2005). An inverse FEA procedure was used to estimate hyperelastic and viscoelastic material properties for subdermal fat in the load application and relaxation steps, respectively. A non-linear least squares fitting routine was used to track and coordinate the solution. A user defined objective function was written to perform the following tasks: (1) write material properties to disk, (2) launch ANSYS as a batch process, ANSYS then reads the material properties, solves the model and writes out the normalised indentation results to file (3) read in ANSYS results to a model results vector and calculate norm of the residual vector r. As mentioned previously, only the loading portion of the experiment was considered. This was implemented by multiplying the experimental (z indE ) and model (z indF ) normalised indentation result vectors by a binary masking function γ . r = γ z indE − γ z indF  0 if indenter is not applied, γ = 1 if indenter is applied,


Therefore, the optimisation is defined as min r2


2.6.5 3D FEA comparison As a check on the axisymmetric modelling assumption, the reconstructed geometry from one of the samples was generated into a three-dimensional FEA model using a mapped mesh with eight node hexahedral elements. Elements were allocated to the fat or gel material through a transformation mapping element gauss point coordinates with voxel indicies. This simulation was also used to evaluate the feasibility of using a 3D model within an inverse analysis. The mesh is shown in Fig. 6

3 Results and discussion 3.1 Experimental A time history of a representative sample is shown in Fig. 4. From this, several characteristics of the material behaviour can be inferred. Firstly, the viscoelastic behaviour of the material is evident, as upon load application, there is a clear initial response followed by a constant load creep towards an asymptotic value (Fig. 4a). Additionally, upon load removal, the corresponding behaviour can be seen as the tissue relaxes (Fig. 4b). It is important to note at this point that there is a nonrecoverable portion of the deformation which is a function of the indentation load (Fig. 4b). As an initial investigation of these results, a single constant exponential curve fitted to the data  for a large proportion of the recorded var accounted iation r 2 > 0.9 . This suggests that a simple single parallel element Prony series viscoelastic model will be appropriate to capture the viscous behaviour of the adipose tissue. This normalised experimental data was used to calculate residuals for the inverse FE analysis which was used to estimate material properties. 3.2 FEA results


2.6.4 Parameter study The uniqueness of the parameter estimation can be assessed by altering the starting point to see whether this influences the converged parameter estimate. Since the elastic component from the Neo Hookean model is a single parameter model, the convergence to the instantaneous response is assured. The viscous response in the Prony series is a function of both α and τ , so may be sensitive to starting values α0 , τ0 . Therefore, a sample model was investigated by superimposing a


random perturbation on the parameters’ initial estimates for n = 5 iterations with an amplitude of up to 50% of the value.

It was noted previously that the fat tissue underwent nonrecoverable deformations. This raises a limitation with this current study. Hyperelastic models assume that the deformation is elastic i.e. fully recoverable. Therefore, this current model will not be able to capture this component of the material behaviour. For this, study inverse analysis was only performed on the loading portion of the experimental data, and the relaxation component was not considered. The effect of the non-recoverable deformation was incorporated in a dummy load step by applying a corresponding enforced displacement and updating the reference geometry to this configuration for the subsequent analysis.

Elastic and viscoelastic properties of porcine subdermal fat



(a) 0.45



Normalised Indentation

Normalised Indentation

0.16 2 g Expt


2 g Fit 5 g Expt


5 g Fit

0.1 0.08

0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2

2 gm Expt


5 gm Expt


10 gm Expt Secant Fit

0.05 0

0.06 0




Pooled Fit









Time (s)

Time (s)

(b) (b)


Normalised Indentation

2 g Expt 2 g Fit 5 g Expt


5 g Fit




0 0





Time (s) Fig. 4 Representative experimental data of normalised  and    indentation corresponding curve fits during a loading y = A 1 − e−t/τ + C ,   and b relaxation y = Ae−t/τ + C Table 3 Optimised elastic and viscoelastic secant properties of subdermal fat (mean ± SD) Outliers were defined by values exceeding the median by more than the interquartile range n

μ (kPa)


τ (s)



0.21 ± 0.08

0.28 ± 0.08

217 ± 114



0.42 ± 0.25

0.22 ± 0.06

376 ± 188



0.52 ± 0.08

0.24 ± 0.11

189 ± 74

Mass (g)

The results from the inverse analyses yielded estimates for the shear modulus μ, relative modulus α and the time constant τ at each of the indentation loading levels. These are reported in Table 3. Data values which exceeded the median value by more than the interquartile range were considered to be outliers. This resulted in three values being excluded from the analysis (μ = 1.3, 2.2, 1.6 kPa). The shear modulus results lie within the broad range of published properties of adipose tissue of μ = 0.02–7.5 kPa

Fig. 5 a Normalised indentation vs. time, experimental data and optimised FEA (secant and pooled properties), b overlay of MRI indentation scan and sample specific FEA model showing vertical displacement

Table 4 Optimised elastic and viscoelastic properties of subdermal fat (mean ± SD), corresponding outliers as identified for Table 3 were removed μ (kPa)


τ (s)

0.53 ± 0.31

0.39 ± 0.03

700 ± 255

(Miller-Young et al. 2002; Hendriks et al. 2006; Geerligs et al. 2008). The results from a representative sample and model are shown in Fig. 5. Figure 5a indicates that the optimised parameters are able to simulate the indentation behaviour of superficial fat for the various indentations very well when μ is considered as a secant modulus. Due to practicalities, all the samples could not be taken from the same animal, and as a result, there is some inherent variation in the results. The viscoelastic properties exhibited significantly greater relative variation than the elastic properties. However, these data are encouraging considering the extremely soft nature of the material in question.



A. M. Sims et al.

Table 5 2D and 3D sample optimised parameter comparison Model

μ (kPa)


τ (s)









Error (%)




Removal of the outliers greatly reduced the variation of the 2 g indentation results. After this treatment, the 5 g data exhibits the greatest variation. A one-way analysis of variance was performed on the reduced data set. From this analysis, an increasing trend could be clearly be identified in μ with increasing indentation force, however, it did not reach significance at a 95% confidence level ( p = 0.09). Additionally, a set of parameters were calculated by pooling the loading levels for each of the samples in the residual calculation of the inverse analysis. After exclusion of the corresponding outliers, these results are reported in Table 4 and Fig. 5a. It can be clearly seen that the pooled fit, while optimum in an average sense does not agree as well as the secant data at specific load points. The results from the parameter uniqueness study indicated that the relative modulus parameter was robust with respect to varying the starting point with α = 0.2453 ± 0.0319, while the time constant was sensitive to the starting value with τ = 245.1 ± 78.9. 3.2.1 3D FEA results comparison As previously described, a commensurate 3D FEA model was compared to one of the 2D axisymmetric models. The comparative results from a 5 g indentation are shown in Table 5 and Fig. 6. The 3D model was run within the same optimisation loop, however, the objective function minimised on actual displacements, rather than normalised displacements in the 2D models. Excellent agreement was found between the 3D model and the 2D axisymmetric model for the shear modulus μ, while the viscous parameters agreed

to within 17%. This error, however, is well within μ ± σ from the 2D analysis. This both highlights the feasibility of using 3D models in optimisation loops judiciously, as well as validating the 2D axisymmetric assumption used. Of the viscoelastic properties, the relative moduli α return the least variation. In contrast, the time constant τ exhibited significant variation both across samples and when subject to different starting configurations. This is not surprising considering that the indentation is approaching an asymptote where any change in the time constant will not influence the overall result significantly. Due to the temporal resolution being limited by scan duration at t = 30 s there are not many data points in the initial stages of the creep and relaxation parts of the time history to more accurately capture this phenomenon. Ideally, this could be improved by refining the temporal resolution, however, using MRI this is not a simple matter as there is a non-trivial trade off between temporal and spatial resolution. For instance, improving spatial resolution by creating smaller voxels increases the number of scan locations. An isometric refinement by an integer factor β will increase the number of voxels by β 3 , correspondingly increasing the number of scans (n s ) and the scan time. However, the signal to noise ratio ζ also degrades with smaller √ voxels such that ζ ≈ n s . Therefore, a voxel refinement of β = 2 results in a total time increase by a factor of approximately 64 to maintain the same signal to noise ratio. The variation in this parameter could be reduced by allowing an increased indentation time and weighting the residual calculation more to the initial stage of the indentation. Despite this large variation in the time constant, it does not preclude the extraction of valuable material data as the time-dependent response is a weak function of time.

4 Conclusions The intent of this study was to address the paucity of information on the mechanical properties of subdermal fat and to investigate the suitability of using magnetic resonance

Fig. 6 a 3D mesh of a cylindrical sample, b capped section display of deformation


Elastic and viscoelastic properties of porcine subdermal fat

imaging as a means of acquiring both elastic and viscoelastic mechanical properties of extremely soft tissues. From this study, we were able to successfully estimate secant material parameters for a Neo Hookean hyperelastic model, and the Prony series viscoelastic properties, as reported in Table 4 for three indentation loads. Additionally, an average pooled set of material properties was estimated to give μ = 0.53 ± 0.31, α = 0.39 ± 0.03, and τ = 700 ± 255. These results fall within the range of published data. Viscoelastic material properties exhibited significant variability. Ideally, this could be improved by refining the temporal resolution, however, using MRI this is not a simple matter as there is a non-trivial trade off between temporal and spatial resolution as discussed in Sect. 3.2. Considering the available sampling rate, this could be improved by allowing a greater duration for the infinite time response to be approached and/or applying greater weighting to the initial data records of each indentation. The secant Neo Hookean parameters identified that there is a trend of increasing modulus with increasing load, although this was not found to be significant at a 95% confidence level ( p = 0.09). Additionally, it can be seen that the pooled material parameter estimation is inferior to the specific solutions, suggesting that a more complex and highly configurable non-linear model such as the Ogden hyperelastic model would be a good candidate for future investigation as it is able to follow a more highly non-linear load path. This study did not attempt to address the unloading part of the curve, and it was noted that non-recoverable deformations were encountered. A further direction for future work would be to consider the material as elastoplastic and quantify the extent of plasticity. In summary, these secant constitutive parameters provided close approximation of the mechanical behaviour for the all indentations. This indicates that the Neo Hookean model is adequate at low to moderate strains to model subdermal fat under a compressive load and a single-element Prony series can capture the viscoelastic component of the material, however, scope exists to develop or utilise a more complex material model that can incorporate a greater degree of non-linearity, such as the Ogden model. The material properties estimated in this paper can be used to improve FEA models of soft tissue in line with the recommendations of Bouten et al. (2003) to consider the heterogenous nature of subdermal tissues. The use of MR sections provides scope to develop this method to include the simultaneous estimation of the dermal-/subdermal-layered composite, or incorporate additional methods such as digital image correlation or MR tagging to develop more complex constitutive models. Additionally, as MRI is a feasible technology for non- invasive testing, this procedure could lead to the development of an in vivo testing regime.


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