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ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog
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ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog
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Dec 5, 2011 ... $55.00. $25.00. Freaduino ADK v2.0 ... LCD TFT01 Arduino Mega Shield v1.0. Model: SHD05 .... Nokia 5110 LCD Black on White .... $1.50. $1.50. Short Circuit Block Cap 2.0mm 20pcs ... Mini Breadboard 1.77x1.37'' Black.
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
Arduino – Main board Freaduino MEGA2560 v1.2
Freaduino v1.0 with ATMega328
Model: MB_FRDN01
Model: MB_FRDN01
Freaduino ADK v2.0
Arduino Duemilanove(Clone version)
Model: ADK02
Model: DEP01
Arduino Nano
Arduino Pro Mini 328 Enhancement
Model: DEP03
Model: DEP04
2 channel Relay Shield For Arduino
Arduino XBee/Bluetooth Bee USB Adapter
Model: SHD_RL01
Model: SHD17
Bluetooth Shield v1.0
Ethernet shield with micro SD - W5100
Model: SHD18
Model: SHD020
Freaduino Sensor Shield with XBee Shield
Joystick Shield v1.0
Model: SHD_SEN01
Model: SHD_JK
Proto Shield
Sensor Shield V4.0
Model: SHD04
Model: SHD011
USB Host Shiled - Support ADK
XBee Shield with Logic Level Converter
Model: SHUSB021
Model: SHD08
Electronic Brick Shield for Arduino Mega
LCD TFT01 Arduino Mega Shield v1.0
Model: SHD05
Model: SHD10
Arduino – Shield
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
LCD TFT01 Arduino Shield v1.0
Multi LCD shield Just for Nokia5110 now
Model: SHD09
Model: SHD028
Joystick Shield v2.0 Model: SHD_JK2 $12.98
Dev Platform - AVR ATtiny13 Minimum system board
ATMega8 Minimum system board
Model: ATtiny13
Model: ATMega8
ATMega88 Minimum system board
ATMega128 Minimum system board
Model: ATMega88
Model: ATmega128
ATMega168 Minimum system board Model: ATMega168 $21.50
Dev Platform - ARM AT91SAM7S64 Minimum system board
AT91SAM7S256 Minimum system board
Model: AT91SAM7S64
Model: AT91SAM7S256
LPC2103 Minimum system board
ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F103VBT6
Model: LPC2103
Model: STM32F103VBT6
ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F103VCT6
ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F103VET6
Model: STM32F103VCT6
Model: STM32F103VET6
STM32F103VET6_En + TFT01_2.4D Model: STM32F103VET6_En $47.00
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
Dev Platform - CPLD&FPGA Altera EP2C5T144 FPGA Mini DevBoard
MAX II EPM240 CPLD Breakout
Model: EP2C5T144
Model: EPM240
MAX II EPM240 CPLD Mini DevBoard
MAXII EPM570 CPLD Mini DevBoard
Model: EPM240-M
Model: EPM570
Dev Platform - Programmers J-link V8 all-ARM JTAG Programmer
ST-LINK III For STM8/32 Programmer
Model: DB003
Model: DB001
AVR USB Emulator JTAG ICE(2)
Model: DB002
Model: DB004
nRF24L01p+ PA+ LNA+ V3.1
2.4G Wireless nRF24L01P+ PA + LNA
Model: RFM05
Model: RFM03
2.4G Wireless nRF24L01 + PA
2.4G Wireless nRF24L01P
Model: RFM02
Model: RFM04
2.4GHz Easy radio de A7125 Module
433MHz RF Transceiver CC1101 Module
Model: RFM06
Model: RFM07
FM Digital Tuner Module
2.4G Wireless nRF24L01
Model: RFM08
Model: RFM01
Wireless – RF
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
Wireless - GPS/GPRS Fastrax UP501 GPS Receiver Module
4 Frequency ultra GPRS module :SIM900
Model: GPS-UP501
Model: SIM900_01
Wireless - Bluetooth Bee Bluetooth Bee HC-05(Master/Slave)
Bluetooth Bee HC-06(Master or Slave)
Model: BTBee-HC-05
Model: BTBee-HC-06
Bluetooth Shield v1.0
Bluetooth Modem pass-through module
Model: SHD18
Model: BTH-07
Serial port bluetooth module
Bluetooth Breakout HC-06
Model: HC-05
Model: BHC-06
Wireless - Antenna 2.4GHz Vertical Black 2db Antenna
2.4GHz HighGain 5dBi RP-SMA Antenna
Model: Antenna_02
Model: Antenna_01
2.4GHz 6DB Vertical Wireless Antenna
2.4GHz 9DB LAN WIFI Antenna
Model: Antenna_03
Model: Antenna_04
315MHz SMA GSM GPRS Antenna 5.2cm
Model: Antenna_05
Sensors - Accelerometer Compass Breakout - HDPM01
HDPM01: Compass module with altitude
Model: BHDPM01
Model: HDPM01
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
MMA7361L 3-Axis Accelerometer
MMA7260 Three Axis Accelerometer
Model: ACL02
Model: ACL01
Gas Sensor -MQ5
Smoke Sensor MQ-2
Model: GAS01
Model: GAS02
Sensors - Gas
Sensors - Object detection Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Measuring
PIR Motion Sensor Module:DYP-ME003
Model: Ultra01
Model: SEN005
SDM-IO Module
Diffuse reflection IR Switch sensor Analog
Model: Ultra02
Model: ACS04
Sensors - Power Measurement Non-invasive AC current sensor TA12-100
Non-invasive AC current sensor TA12L-10
Model: SSR001
Model: PMT01
Non-invasive AC current sensor TA17
Non-invasive AC current sensor TA17L-03
Model: SSR002
Model: SSR003
Non-invasive AC sensor SCT-013 100A
Non-invasive AC sensor SCT-013 30A
Model: SSR004
Model: SSR005
Non-invasive AC sensor SCT-019 200A Model: SSR006 $15.00
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
Sensors - Temperature Thermal Sensor Adjustable sensitivity Model: ST0101 $4.90
Sensors - Light and Sound Color Sensor Module
Color Light-to-Frequency Converter
Model: COLSEN01
Model: SCO010
Arduino XBee/Bluetooth Bee USB Adapter
Black Wings (3.3v/5v Power Breadboard Adapter)
Model: SHD17
Model: BDP
ENC28J60 Ethernet Module
Voice Record Module
Model: BK001
Model: BKISD1800
SD&MMC Card Module
SD-MMC Cards Breakout Module
Model: SD01
Model: BK007
Joystick breakout module
Relay Module (Arduino Compatible)
Model: BKOUT_MD01
Model: BK008
LED Matrix Module(16x16 Red)
4 Keys and 4 Digital LEDs Module
Model: LEDMX01
Model: BK_LED01
Stepper motor module
DDS Module - AD9850
Model: STP01
Model: BK009
LM2596 DC-DC Step-Down Module
Real Time Clock Module - DS1302
Model: BK_DC010
Model: BKRTC01
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
5 Keys and 8 Digital LEDs Module
RGB LED Module
Model: BK_LED02
Model: RGB01
USB to RS232 Converter
USB to RS232 Converter
Model: BK004
Model: BK006
RS232 Shifter II
RS232 Shifter
Model: BK011
Model: BK003
2 Channel 5V Relay Module
4 Channel 5V Relay Module
Model: BK_RL2_01
Model: BK_RL4_01
8 Channel 5V Relay Module Model: BK_RL8_01 $21.90
Robot L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver
Joystick breakout module
Model: DRV01
Model: BKOUT_MD01
FUTABA S3003- 3.2kg(clone version)
Stepper motor module
Model: SRV01
Model: STP01
TowerPro SG-90 Mini Servo(1.6kg)
6 in 1 Solar Powered Robot
Model: SRV02
Model: RBT_TY
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
LCD - TFT 2.4" TFT LCD: TFT01-2.4
2.4" TFT LCD Panel 65Kcolors 320*240
Model: TFT01-2.4
Model: TFT01_2.4D_Panel
3.2" TFT LCD Screen Module: TFT01-3.2
3.2" TFT LCD Touch Panel 65Kcolors 320
Model: TFT01-3.2
Model: TFT01_3.2D_Panel
3.2" 400*240 TFT LCM: TFT01_3.2W
3.2" Widescreen TFT LCD Panel 400*240
Model: TFT01_3.2WD
Model: TFT01_3.2D_Panel
LCD 128x64 Graphic Blue /Yellow Green
LCD WT-128x64 Graphic -No Backlight
Model: LCD_Graphic_12864_01
Model: LCD_Grahpic_12864_02
LCD –Graphic
LCD WT-128x64 Backlight
Nokia 5110 LCD Black on Blue
Model: LCD_Grahpic_12864_03
Model: LCM5110_B
Model: LCM5110_B
Nokia 5110 LCD Black on White Model: LCM5110_W $7.50
LCD –Characters I2C/SPI LCD1602 (Black on Green)
I2C/SPI LCD1602 (White on Blue)
Model: IIC_LCD01
Model: IIC_LCD02
8x2 Character LCD - Black on Green
8x2 Character LCD - White on Blue
Model: LCM_0802_1
Model: LCM_0802_2
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
16x1 Character LCD - Black on Green
16x1 Character LCD - White on Blue
Model: LCM_1601_1
Model: LCM_1601_2
16x2 Character LCD - Black on Green
16x2 Character LCD - White on Blue
Model: LCM_1602_1
Model: LCM_1602_2
16x4 Character LCD - Black on Green
16x4 Character LCD - White on Blue
Model: LCM_1604_1
Model: LCM_1604_2
20x2 Character LCD - Black on Green
20x2 Character LCD - White on Blue
Model: LCM_2002_1
Model: LCM_2002_2
8x2 Character LCD - Black on Green
20x4 Character LCD - White on Blue
Model: LCM_0802_1
Model: LCM_2004_
Arduino Stackable Header Kit (4 Pcs)
Freaduino Sensor Shield V1.0 Kit
Model: CON18
Model: KIT_SEN01
SMT Capacitor sample book
SMT Resistor sample book
Model: CAP01
Model: REG01
Easy GPS Unit - Fastrax UP501 Kit
Joystick Game Kit
Model: KGP001
Model: JSGKit
Components - Button and Switch ALPS SKQU 4 direction Joystick Switch
Button (10Pcs)
Model: SW01
Model: SW02
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
Button Swich Circle Cap (5Pcs)
Button Swich Circle Transparent Cap 5Pcs
Model: BTN01
Model: BTN02
Playstation2 analog joystick
Push Lock E-Switch (5Pcs)
Model: SW06
Model: SW05
Relay (5VDC)
Sealed Membrane 3*4 button pad
Model: RL01
Model: SW03
Sealed Membrane 4*4 button pad Model: SW04 $5.00
Components - Connector 2-POSITION TERMINAL BLOCK (5Pcs)
Model: CON02
Model: CON26
2.0mm 40Pin Female Header (5 Pcs)
2.0mm 40Pin Male Header (5 Pcs)
Model: CON03
Model: CON04
Model: CON03
2.54mm 2x20Pin Female Header (5Pcs)
2.54mm 2X40Pin Bend Male Header 5 Psc
Model: CON05
Model: CON06
2.54mm 2X40Pin Male Header (5Pcs)
2.54mm 2x4Pin Female Header (5Pcs)
Model: CON07
Model: CON26
2.54mm 40Pin Bend Female Header 5 Psc
2.54mm 40Pin Bend Male Header (5 Psc)
Model: CON08
Model: CON09
2.54mm 40Pin Female Header (5 Psc)
2.54mm 40Pin Male Header (5 Psc)
Model: CON10
Model: CON11
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
2.54mm 40Pin Male Header (5 Psc) - Red
2.54mm 40Pin Male Header (5 Psc) - Yellow
Model: CON22
Model: CON21
2.54 40Pin Male Lengthen Header 5 Psc
2.54mm 6Pin Female Header (5Pcs)
Model: CON12
Model: CON13
2.54mm 7Pin Bend Female Header (5Pcs)
2.54mm 8Pin Bend Female Header (5Pcs)
Model: CON14
Model: CON15
2.54mm 8Pin Female Header (5Pcs)
Arduino Stackable Header Kit (4 Pcs)
Model: CON16
Model: CON18
Long Circuit Block Cap 2.54mm Black
Long Circuit Block Cap 2.54mm Yellow
Model: CON24
Model: CON23
Short Circuit Block Cap 2.0mm 20pcs
Short Circuit Block Cap 2.54mm 20pcs
Model: CON19
Model: CON20
Short Circuit Block Cap 2.54mm 20pcs Model: CON25 $1.20
- Adapter & Socket 3.55 Jack Socket (3 PCcs)
3pin 2.54mm for electronic bricks - 10 pcs
Model: CON17
Model: CON20
4pin 2.54mm for electronic bricks - 5 pcs
9V battery holder & 2.3mm plug
Model: CON20
Model: ACS03
Arduino 9V AC/DC Power Adapter
DB9 (female) Female Serial RS232 9-pin
Model: ACS05
Model: ACS11
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
DR9 (female) Female Serial RS232 9-pin
Memory Card Connector 4 IN 1
Model: ACS10
Model: ADS04
DC Barrel Power Jack/Connector
RJ45 Shielded network socket
Model: CON01
Model: ETHP01
USB Cable - Standard A-B
USB Female Double Type A Connector
Model: ACS02
Model: DAUSB03
USB Female Type A Connector(5 PCS)
USB Female Type B Connector
Model: TAUSB02
Model: TBUSB0
USB Male Type A Connector(5 PCS)
USB Male Type A Soldering 3in1
Model: TAUSB04
Model: TAUSB05
USB Mini-B SMD Connector(5 PCS) Model: CON21 $1.50
Components - Res & Cap SMT Capacitor sample book
SMT Resistor sample book
Model: CAP01
Model: REG01
3296 trimpot trimmable potentiometer Kit
1/4W 25 in 1 Resistor pack Kit 200Ω-4.3K
Model: POTM-01
Model: RKIT-01
1/4W 23 in 1 Resistor Kit (12Ω-180Ω)
1W 12 in 1 Zener diode pack Kit (3V-9.1V )
Model: RKIT-02
Model: CDTK-02
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
- Crystal Oscillator 6.000MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs)
7.3728MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs)
Model: OSC01
Model: OSC06
8.000MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs)
12.000MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs)
Model: OSC02
Model: OSC03
16.000MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs)
22.5792MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs)
Model: OSC04
Model: OSC07
24.000MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs)
24.5760MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs)
Model: OSC05
Model: OSC08
28.8000MHz Crystal Oscillator (10pcs) Model: OSC09 $2.00
Components - Hook Up A Couple Of Alligator Clips
A Couple Of Test Hooks
Model: ACS06
Model: ACS07
High Quality Test Hooks (three Color)
IC Hook ( nine-color )
Model: HKU012
Model: HKU011
Prototyping - Breadboard Mini Breadboard 1.77x1.37'' Black
Mini Breadboard 1.77x1.37'' Blue
Model: BBB001
Model: BBB002
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
Mini Breadboard 1.77x1.37'' Red
Mini Breadboard 1.77x1.37'' White
Model: BBB004
Model: BBB005
Mini Breadboard 1.77x1.37'' Green
SYB-46:290 Tiepoints Solderless Prototype
Model: BBG003
Model: BB-SYB46
Transparent Breadboard - 83 * 55 mm
MB102 : 830 Tiepoints Solderless Prototyp
Model: BBT07
Model: BB_M102_01
Medium Bread Board Self Adhsive
SYB-500: 4 in 1 Merge Solderless Prototyp
Model: BD1
Model: SYB500M
- Open Bare Board Google Android Open Accessory Toolkit
Model: BP007
Model: BP004
AT91SAM7S64 128 256 Mini bare board
AT91SAM7S64 128 256 Mini bare board
Model: BP003
Model: BP003
EPM240 CLPL development board
STM32F103V The Smallest Dev Board
Model: BP005
Model: BP006
ATMega8 48 88 168 Mini system board Model: BP001 $3.00
Prototyping - Adapter Board QFN/QFP/TQFP 16-80 to DIP Adapter
QFP32/44/64 to DIP Adapter (0.8mm pitch
Model: PAT001
Model: PAT004
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
QFP64 to DIP64 Adapter (0.5mm pitch)
SOP32 to DIP32 Adapter(1.25mm pitch)
Model: PAT005
Model: PAT002
TSOP48 to DIP48 Adapter (0.5mm pitch)
Jlink V8 ARM JTAG Adapter converter
Model: PAT003
Model: BK005
Prototyping - Cable & Wire dual-female jumper wire 100mm 50pcs
Breadborad jumper wire 65pcs pack
Model: 1pin100mm
Model: wire105
Alligator clip 5color 5pcs
1 pin F/F jumper wire 200mm 10pcs
Model: wire12
Model: wire01
1 pin M/M jumper wire 200mm 10pcs
2 pin F/F jumper wire 200mm 5pcs
Model: wire02
Model: wire03
2 pin S/F jumper wire - 250mm 5pcs
3 pin F/F jumper wire - 200mm 5pcs
Model: wire04
Model: wire07
3 pin S/F jumper wire - 200mm 5pcs
4 pin F/F jumper wire - 200mm 5pcs
Model: wire06
Model: wire08
5 pin F/F jumper wire - 200mm 5pcs
6 pin F/F jumper wire - 200mm 2pcs
Model: wire09
Model: wire10
8 pin F/F jumper wire - 200mm 1pcs
40 pin Convert 2.54mm to 2.0mm Female
Model: wire11
Model: Wire111
40 pin Premium Female/Female Wires
40 pin Premium Male/Female Wires
Model: wire107
Model: wire115
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
FC-40Pin Cable for Shiftout
10 pin IDC2x5 Cable
Model: wire108
Model: wire106
20 pin IDC2x10 Cable Model: Wire114 $3.00
Tools - Storage SanDisk 2GB SD™ Card
Flash Memory - microSD 2GB
Model: ESD01
Model: ESD02
J-link V8 all-ARM JTAG Programmer
ST-LINK III For STM8/32 Programmer
Model: DB003
Model: DB001
AVR USB Emulator JTAG ICE(2)
Model: DB002
Model: DB004
Tools - Debugger
- Measurement Mini Volt Meter (DC 3.2V - 30V)
Volt Meter (DC 4.2V-30V)
Model: TVOLM01
Model: TVOLM02
DDS Signal Generator-SG100x
LC meter - LC100x
Model: SG100x
Model: LC100x
- Parts Box Combinable SMT Box Yellow (5pcs)
Combinable SMT Box Black (5pcs)
Model: TPB01
Model: TPB02
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
Combinable SMT Box White (5pcs)
Combinable SMT Box Pink (5pcs)
Model: TPB03
Model: TPB04
Combinable SMT Box Blue (5pcs)
Combinable Parts Tackle Box More Big
Model: TPB05
Model: TPB10
Parts Tackle Box - 8 grid
Parts Tackle Box - 6 grid
Model: TPB06
Model: TPB07
Parts Tackle Box - 7 grid
Combinable Parts Tackle Box - 7 grid
Model: TPB08
Model: TPB09
- Hand Tools PLCC IC Extractor
Infrared Remote Control
Model: THT02
Model: THT03
LCD TFT01 Mult Touch Pen Model: THT01 $1.00
Tools - Wireless Bluetooth USB Adapter (Recommend)
Bluetooth USB Adapter
Model: TWB002
Model: TWB001
0.36" Dual Digit Common Anode
0.36" Dual Digit Common Cathode
Model: LED006
Model: LED007
LED - Digitron
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
0.36" Four Digit Common Anode
0.36" Four Digit Common Cathode
Model: LED008
Model: LED009
0.36" Single Digit Common Anode
0.36" Single Digit Common Cathode
Model: LED010
Model: LED011
0.56" Dual Digit Common Anode
0.56" Dual Digit Common Cathode
Model: LED012
Model: LED013
0.56" Four Digit Common Anode
0.56" Four Digit Common Cathode
Model: LED014
Model: LED015
0.56" Single Digit Common Anode
0.56" Single Digit Common Cathode
Model: LED016
Model: LED017
LED - Discrete LED 3mm LED - Blue (10 Pcs)
3mm LED - Green (10 Pcs)
Model: LED016
Model: LED017
3mm LED - Red (10 Pcs)
3mm LED - White (10 Pcs)
Model: LED018
Model: LED019
3mm LED - Yellow (10 Pcs)
3mm LED Green - 100 PCs
Model: LED020
Model: LED01
3mm LED Red - 100 PCs
5mm LED - Blue (10 Pcs)
Model: LED02
Model: LED021
5mm LED - Green (10 Pcs)
5mm LED - Red (10 Pcs)
Model: LED022
Model: LED023
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
5mm LED - White (10 Pcs)
5mm LED - Yellow (10 Pcs)
Model: LED024
Model: LED025
5mm Triple Output RGB- Anode (5PCs)
5mm Triple Output RGB cathode (5PCs)
Model: LED026
Model: LED032
Piranha round head - blue (10Pcs)
Piranha round head - green (10Pcs)
Model: LED027
Model: LED031
Piranha round head - red (10Pcs)
Piranha round head - white (10Pcs)
Model: LED030
Model: LED028
Piranha round head - yellow (10Psc) Model: LED029 $2.30
LED - High Power LED 3W RGB LED strip common anode 12V
3W Triple Output High Power LED RoHS
Model: LED033
Model: HPLED03
5W Triple Output High Power White LED
1W Triple Output High Power LED RoHS
Model: HPLED03
Model: HPLED01
2mm square 8*8 LED Matrix - Red
3.7mm square 8*8 LED Matrix - Red
Model: LED035
Model: LED065
3mm square 8*8 LED Matrix - Red
5mm square 8*8 LED Matrix - Red
Model: LED036
Model: LED66
LED - LED matrix
ElecFreaks Electronics Product Catalog www.elecfreaks.com
LED Matrix Module(16x16 Red)
2mm square 16*16 LED Matrix - Red
Model: LEDMX01
Model: LED034
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