Electrum Theme Guide - Tumblr

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Electrum is a minimalistic tumblr theme, its grid layout is designed to showcase your photography, but also with an opti
ELECtrum responsive tumblr theme

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about Electrum is a minimalistic tumblr theme, its grid layout is designed to showcase your photography, but also with an option to choose a bigger post width it also allows text post to shine. It also allows users to choose from 21 different fonts and adjustable font size. Oh, and did I mention its responsive?


How do I install this theme? ................................................................................... page 3 How do I get my ask/submit box to show? ............................................................. page 5 How do I change colors on my theme? ................................................................. page 7 How do I customize my theme? ............................................................................. page 8 How do I upload Logos and background? ............................................................. page 9 How do I change post widths? .............................................................................. page 9 How do I change font size and font family? ......................................................... page 10 How do I add custom links or social icons? ......................................................... page 11 How do I add Disqus comments? ........................................................................ page 12 How do I add pages ............................................................................................ page 13

Support..................................................................................................................... page 14 Credits .................................................................................................................. page 14

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1. How do I install this theme? 1. Go to https://www.tumblr.com/settings

2. Click on the blog you desire to change theme

3. Then click the customize button which can be found in the theme section

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4. Click edit Html

5. Copy the code placed in the folder

6. Return to the code editing page and paste the code, then click “Update Preview”

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7. Wait until it finish updating and you will see the save button appear, now click it and you finished installing the theme!

2. Why doesn’t my ask/submit box show? The reason your ask/submit link doesn’t show on your blog is because you didn’t turn it on, to turn ask/submit link on simply follow the instruction below

1. Go to https://www.tumblr.com/settings

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2. Click on the blog you desire to turn on ask/submit

3. Check “Let people ask question” or “Let people submit post”

4. Now the submit/ask links should appear on your blog

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How do I change colors on my theme? Go to the customize panel (if you don’t know where the customize panel is, please check “How do I install this theme” and follow step 1 and 2) Open the appearance tab. There you will see a list of options to change your colors

• Background: background color • Blog Title: blog title • Blog Title Hover: the color of blog title when it is hovered • Links: link color, search box, social icons, read more button, current page number • Links Hover: color of links when it is hovered • Post Overlay: The color of the overlay when photo, video, audio post are hovered • Post Overlay Text: The color of the text on overlay (recommend changing it to an visible color with the post overlay, ex. black and white, blue and white....note black and black) • Post Text: color of text on post • Post Title: color of title in text, chat, quote post, share button, notes, source • Scrollbar: color of scrollbar • Theme: header background, post background, page pagination

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How Do I Customize My Theme? Go to the customize panel (if you don’t know where the customize panel is, please check “How do I install this theme” and follow step 1 and 2) Open the appearance tab. There you will see a list of options to change the appearance of the theme

• Captions When Hover: when checked the caption will appear on photo post when it is hovered • Infinitescroll: when checked you will have infinitescroll 1 • Photo Border: when checked the photos will have a border of 7px, you can change the color of the border by changing color:Theme • Rounded: when checked the border of header, post will be rounded • Shadows: when checked header, post will show shadows • Show Archive: when checked the archive link will show • Show Searchbar: when checked the search bar will show • To Top Button: when checked the to top button will show

1 Infinite

scroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages. But essentially it is pre-fetching

content from a subsequent page and adding it directly to the user’s current page. When a user scrolls towards the bottom of the page, the next page of posts is automatically retrieved and appended. This means they never need to click "Next Page", which dramatically increases stickiness.

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How do I upload Logos and background? Theme Electrum allows you to customize your own background and logo, to upload your own logo simply go to the customize panel (if you don’t know where the customize panel is, please check “How do I install this theme” and follow step 1 and 2) Open the appearance tab. there you will see 2 options which are background image and Logo.

To upload and logo/background, click upload and choose the file you desire to upload than click save and your logo/background will be uploaded

How do I change post widths? Theme Electrum allow you change the width of your post with 4 different options, please note that post width wouldn’t effect the width shown on small display PC with width under 1070px and Tablet with width under 700px or mobile phone with width under 520px

• Small: 196px • Medium: 250px • Large: 340px • Huge: 520px

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How do I change font size and font family?

Font size Theme Electrum allows users to change the font size ±40%, the default font size is 100%, but because of the huge range of adjustable fonts families available the size may vary. We give our users an easy option to change the size of the font. To change the font size simply go to the customize panel (if you don’t know where the customize panel is, please check “How do I install this theme” and follow step 1 and 2) Open the appearance tab and search for “Font Size” click on it and you will see the drop down menu, click on the desired size you want and click save.

Font family Theme Electrum allows users to change the font family with a variation of 21 fonts. To change the font size simply go to the customize panel (if you don’t know where the customize panel is, please check “How do I install this theme” and follow step 1 and 2) Open the appearance tab and search for “Post Font” or “Title Font” click on it and you will see the drop down menu, click on the desired size you want and click save.

• Post Font: body, post text • Title Font: blog title, navigation links, pagination

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How do I add custom links or social icons?

Custom Links Go to the customize panel (if you don’t know where the customize panel is, please check “How do I install this theme” and follow step 1 and 2) Open the appearance tab. Then search for custom links, we allow 6 custom links to be added in this theme. To add a custom link type your URL in “Custom Link” and the Title in “Custom Link Title” for example if you wish to have google on your first custom link, type http://google.com in “Custom Link 1” and type Google in “Custom Link 1 Title” it should appear immediately on the theme preview. (A common mistake made by users is they forget to type “http://” in front of their URL)

Social Icons To add a social link logo go to the customize panel (if you don’t know where the customize panel is, please check “How do I install this theme” and follow step 1 and 2) Open the appearance tab. scroll down and you will see a list of social networks enter your username for each social networks and the icons would appear on the preview immediately

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How do I add Disqus Comments? Theme Electrum allow you to add Diqus Comments in the permalink page of each post, it helps engaging the visitors with your company/ blog. To add Disqus comments, go to the customize panel (if you don’t know where the customize panel is, please check “How do I install this theme” and follow step 1 and 2) Open the appearance tab. Then search for “Disqus Shortname” enter your username and Disqus comments will appear on the permalink page of every post (if you do not have a Diqus account, head over to http://disqus.com/)

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Pages If you wish to add a custom page, please head over to http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/ pages#overview tumblr itself has a very detailed guide on how to add pages

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Support For any further question, simply message us on facebook or you can also comment on theme forest, we will get with you shortly. If you like our theme, please like our facebook page and rate our themes on theme forest, Thank you!

Credits Jquery ................................................................................................................... JQuery Masonry Layout (Grid layout) ............................................................. Masonry Desandro Infinite scroll ................................................................................................. Infinite-Scroll 3rd party sharing buttons ..................................................................................... Addthis Theme Guide Cover (PSD) .............................................................................. MediaLoot

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