Elizabeth Rigby

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M.A., Education, Washington University in St. Louis, 1997. B.A., Political Science, Emory University, 1995. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS. Assistant Professor ...
Elizabeth Rigby October 2007 Department of Political Science Office: (713) 743-3905 447 Phillip G. Hoffman Hall Fax: (713) 743-3927 University of Houston Email: [email protected] Houston, Texas 77204-3011 Web: http://www.polisci.uh.edu/erigby ________________________________________________________________________________________________

EDUCATION Ph.D., Politics and Education, Columbia University, 2005 (with distinction) M.A., Education, Washington University in St. Louis, 1997 B.A., Political Science, Emory University, 1995 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Houston (9/07-present) Research Associate, Center for Public Policy, University of Houston (9/07-present) Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholar, University of Wisconsin - Madison (9/05-8/07) Graduate Research Fellow, National Center for Children and Families, Columbia University (9/00-8/05) DISSERTATION The Politics of Early Care and Education Policymaking in the American States Committee: Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Robert Erikson, Jeffrey Henig, Sharon Lynn Kagan, Robert Lieberman JOURNAL ARTICLES (PEER-REVIEWED) Rigby, Elizabeth. (2007). Same Policy Area, Different Politics: How the Characteristics of Policy Tools Alter the Determinants of Early Childhood Policymaking. Forthcoming in Policy Studies Journal. Rigby, Elizabeth., Ryan, Rebecca M. & Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne. (2007). Child Care Quality in Various State Policy Contexts. Forthcoming in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 26(4), Rigby, Elizabeth., Tarrant, Kate. & Neuman, Michelle J. (2007). Alternative Policy Designs and the SocioPolitical Construction of Child Care. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, Special Issue: Child Care Politics, 8(2), 98-108. Rigby, Elizabeth. (2005). Linking Research and Policy on Capitol Hill: Insights from Research Brokers. Evidence and Policy, 1(2), 25-45.

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OTHER PUBLICATIONS Rigby, Elizabeth. (2007). Family Health Policies. In W. Kirch (Ed.). Encyclopedic Reference of Public Health. Dresden: Springer. Rigby, Elizabeth. (2006). State Prekindergarten Programs. In R. New & M. Cochran (Eds). Early Childhood Education: An International Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing. [Also wrote entries on: Preschool Programs and the federal Child Care and Development Fund] Rigby, Elizabeth, Kagan, Sharon L., Ochshorn, Susan., & Fuller, Bruce. (2004). Infant and Toddler Child Care: Meeting the Needs of Families with Options that Work. Denver, CO: National Conference of State Legislatures. Kagan, Sharon. L. & Rigby, Elizabeth. (2003). Improving the Readiness of Children for School: Recommendations for State Policy (A Concept Paper Commissioned for the Policy Matters Project). Washington, DC: Center for the Study of Social Policy. WORKS IN PROGRESS Rigby, Elizabeth. You Can’t Always Get What You Want: The Success of Governors’ Prekindergarten Proposals in Different Contexts. Revise and Resubmit at State Politics and Policy Quarterly. Rigby, Elizabeth. State Early Care and Education Policy Choices: Trends and Trade-offs (1990-2005). Rigby, Elizabeth, Bruch, Sarah, & Soss, Joe. Race, Class, and State Provision: Social Groups as Actors and Objects in the Policy Process. Rigby, Elizabeth & Joe Soss. Policy and Place: A Contextual Account of Welfare and Medicaid Participation. Rigby, Elizabeth, Joe Soss, Bridget Booske, Angela Kempf, and Stephanie Robert. When Does Inequality Matter? The Group Basis of Public Response to Health Disparities. PRESENTATIONS Rigby, E. & Springer, M.J. (2007, August). The Effect of State Elector Laws on Observed Class and Race Bias in Turnout Rates, 1972-2000. Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Wright, G.E. & Rigby, E. (2007, August). Party Polarization and the Representation of the Poor in State Parties. Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Rigby, E., Bruch, S., & Soss, J. (2007, February). Race, Class, and State Provision: Social Groups as Actors and Objects in the Policy Process. 2007 State Politics and Policy Conference, Austin, TX, February 22-23 (also presented at 2007 Midwest Political Science Association, April 2007). Rigby, E. & Soss, J. (2006, November). Policy and Place: A Contextual Account of Welfare and Medicaid Participation. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 28th Annual Research Conference, Madison, WI, November 2-4. Rigby, E. (2006, May). Other People’s Policies: Social Benefits in States with Differing Levels of Social Diversity. Annual Meeting of the Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholar Program. Washington, DC, May 11-13. Rigby, E. (2006, May). Governors and Prekindergarten Policy Change. Paper presented at the 2006 State Politics and Policy Conference. Lubbock, TX, May 19-20.

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Rigby, E. (2006, April). Governors as Policy Entrepreneurs: State Preschool Investment 1990-2005. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Midwest Political Science Association National Conferences. Chicago, IL, April 16-22. Rigby, E. (2005, April). Representation in State Legislatures: Consequences for Policy. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Midwest Political Science Association National Conferences. Chicago, IL, April 7-10. Rigby, E., Tarrant, K., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Kagan, S.L. (2005, March). State Policy Variation: Common Approaches to Early Care and Education Policy. Poster presented at Child Care Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, March 8-11. Rigby, E., Brooks-Gunn, J., Kagan, S.L. (2004, October). Federalism, State Variation, and Early Care and Education Policy Choices. Poster presentation at the 26th Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Atlanta, GA, October 28-30. Rigby, E., Kagan, S.L. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2004, April). Child Care Policymaking in an Era of Devolution: Determinants of State Policy Variation. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State Politics and Policy Section of the American Political Science Association. Akron, OH, April 29-May 1. Rigby, E., Kagan, S.L. & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2004, April). State Child Care Policy: Growth and Variation over the 1990s. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Child Care Bureau Research Consortium, Washington, DC, April 13-16. Rigby, E. (2004, February). Linking Research and Policy on Capitol Hill. Paper presented at the Symposium on the Academy and Public Policy Sponsored by the Columbia University Public Policy Consortium. New York, NY. Rigby, E. & Neuman, M. J. (2003, November). Policy Matters: Policy Planning in the Real World. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, November 68, Chicago, IL. Rigby, E., Neuman, M. J. & Kagan, S. L. (2002, November). ECE Policy Profiles: Measuring and Comparing State Policy Efforts. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, November 20-23, New York, NY. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE  Reviewer: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Journal of Politics, Political Analysis (editorial intern 2004), Publius: The Journal of Federalism, US Department of Health and Human Services (research grants)  Discussant: American Political Science Association (2007), Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (2006); Midwest Political Science Association (2005, 2006, 2007), State Politics and Policy Conference (2007); Univ. of Wisconsin Political Behavior Working Group (2006)  Steering Committee Member, Child Care Policy Research Consortium, Federal Child Care Bureau GRANTS AND FUNDING  Health Justice: Public Deliberation Regarding Alternative Distributions of Health (with Erika Blaksher, Columbia Univ.), Columbia University Health and Society Program, 6/07-8/08, $10,000  Representing the Poor: Where, When, and How are the Interests of the Poor Represented in State Legislatures? (with Jerry Wright, Indiana Univ.), Russell Sage Foundation, 1/07-12/08, $145,000.  The Politics of Medicaid and Food Stamp Take-up under Different Welfare Policy Models, University of Wisconsin Health and Society Scholar Program, 1/06-12/06, $10,600.  Understanding State Variation in Child Care Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Child Care Bureau, 10/03-10/05, $50,000  Public Policy Dissertation Grant, Columbia Public Policy Consortium, 09/03-05/04, $5,000.

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TEACHING  Survey of American Institutions and Public Policy, University of Houston, Spring 2008  Introduction to Public Policy, University of Houston, Fall 2007, Spring 2008  Poverty and American Social Policy, Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, New School for Social Research, Spring 2004  Education Research and Public Policy, Teachers College, Fall 2005 [Teaching Assistant]  Child and Family Policy I & II, Columbia University, Fall 2001- Spring 2002 [Teaching Assistant] AWARDS AND HONORS  Finalist, Politics and Education Association Outstanding Dissertation Award (2006)  Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholar Fellowship (2005-2007)  Dissertation awarded Distinction, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia (2005)  David T. Kearns Fellowship in Politics and Education, Teachers College, Columbia (2004-2005)  Research Scholar Fellowship, Child Care Bureau, ACF, U.S. DHHS (2003-2005)  Dissertation Fellowship, Columbia Public Policy Consortium (2002-2003)  Graduate Research Fellowship, National Center for Children and Families (2000-2005)  Membership in Phi Beta Kappa, National Academic Honor Society (1995) RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE  Data Consultant, Child Care Inc. (6/03-12/03)  State-wide Coordinator, Invest in Missouri’s Children Campaign, Citizens for Missouri’s Children (6/99-8/99 and 1/00-8/00)  First Grade Teacher, St. Louis Public Schools (8/97-1/00)  Preschool Teacher, Washington University Nursery School (9/95-5/96)  Research Intern, Instructional Services Division, Fulton County School District (1/05-5/05)  Staff Assistant, Project Vote Smart (6/90-6/91 and 6/92-8/92)  Congressional Page, Office of the Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives (9/89-3/90) PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS  American Political Science Association  Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management  Midwest Political Science Association  Politics of Education Association RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Politics of Poverty and Inequality; Education, Health, and Social Policy; Political Economy; State Politics; Policy Analysis and Evaluation; Quantitative Research Methods