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provide about your child's development on page two of this application will help preschool staff to develop each classro

2016-2017 APPLICATION The Elkhorn Public Schools Preschool will offer a limited number of parent pay placements for the 2016-2017 school year. Children enrolled in the Elkhorn Public Schools as a parent pay placement serve as role models for the other children in the program who are struggling learners. Parent pay students are selected through a random drawing. The information you provide about your child’s development on page two of this application will help preschool staff to develop each classroom. Applicants must live within the boundaries of the Elkhorn Public School District. Children must be three (3) years of age prior to July 31, 2016. If your child will be five (5) years old prior to July 31, 2016 he or she is not eligible to apply for the EPS preschool program. EPS preschools offer a quality educational setting for 3 and 4-year-old children with meaningful learning and play experiences guided by certified teachers who have specialized training in early childhood development and teaching. An enriched educational environment with age-appropriate curriculum focuses on the academic, language, social/emotional and physical development of children. Small class sizes and desirable adult to child ratios are essential components of the early childhood program.

Child’s Name______________________________ Date of Birth_______________ Sex_______________ Address_________________________________________City_________________Zip______________ Parent/Guardian_______________________________________________________________________ Phone (H) ______________________ (W) ____________________(C)___________________________ Email Address_________________________________________________________________________

4-Day Program, 3.1 hours per day (two sessions available—morning and afternoon), $175.00 per month

Please indicate your preference (Subject to availability)




_____Mon.-Thurs. 8:20-11:30


_____Mon.-Thurs. 12:20-3:30

--_____West Dodge Station Elementary --_____Westridge Elementary

--_____West Bay Elementary

*Please note: Applications are due by February 5, 2016. A $35 registration fee is due with the application. Please make checks payable to: Elkhorn Public Schools. The registration fee is non-refundable if your child is offered a place in Elkhorn Early Education Preschool. A drawing will be held by February 10, 2016 to select students offered a placement at the preschool. Students placed on the waiting list will have the registration fee refunded.

Please contact Valerie Jensen by phone at 402-289-2579 ext. 11011 or email at [email protected] if you have questions Mail registration form and $35.00 registration fee to: Valerie Jensen Elkhorn Public Schools Student Services Building 20601 Glenn St. Elkhorn, NE 68022

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Preschool Parent Pay Application

Developmental Checklist Child’s Name: Date of Birth: Please check the information that is relevant for your child: PLAY Pretending with Objects __ Uses real objects __ Substitutes objects for other objects __ Uses imaginary objects Role-Playing __ No role playing __ Uses one sequence of play __ Combines sequences of play __ Uses verbal declaration ( ie “I’m a fireman.”) Verbal Communication __ Does not verbally communicate during play __ Talks during play only to self __ Talks only to adults during play __ Talks with peers during play Persistence in Play __ Less than five minutes __ Six to nine minutes __ Ten minutes or longer

SOCIAL SKILLS Interactions __ Plays alone __ Plays only with adults __ Plays with one child can be different child each time __ Can play with two or three children all together Turn-Taking __ Refuses to take turns __ Take turns with others __ Asks for turns, does not wait for a response __ Proposes turn taking, will take and give turns Conflict Management __ Gives in during conflict __ Uses force to solve conflicts __ Seeks adult assistance __ Imitates verbal solutions provided by adults __ Recalls words to use when reminded __ Initiates use of words __ Accepts reasonable compromises

COMMUNICATION SKILLS __ I use words, phrases and sentences to communicate with others __ My speech is intelligible to the listener

GROSS MOTOR __ I can walk independently __ I can navigate up and down stairs/playground equipment __ I can run smoothly, quickly avoiding obstacles, change direction, stop and start easily __ I can do basic loco motor skills (gallop, hop, jump, catch)

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Preschool Parent Pay Application

FINE MOTOR __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

I can cut by myself with regular scissors I am able to cut along curved and straight lines I can cut out basic shapes I can use my right—left hand for writing I can hold a writing utensil correctly (tripod) I can draw basic shapes I can write my first and last name I can write my letters not in my name I can write some numbers

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

I can hang up my coat and backpack I can wash and dry my hands on my own I can use the toilet independently I can eat independently, using an open cup and utensils I can pour a drink from a pitcher I can take off and put my coat on by myself I can zip my coat by myself I can put my shoes on my myself I can tie my shoes by myself