Embryo Movements and Amnion Contractions in the Chick and the ...

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embryo and of the contractions of the amnion over the entire developmental ... contrast, the amnion activity is higher at earlier stages and decreases as the body ...


Role of Motility in Embryonic Development I: Embryo Movements and Amnion Contractions in the Chick and the Influence of Illumination K.-C. WU,1 J. STREICHER,2* M.L. LEE,1 B.K. HALL,3 AND G.B. MÜLLER2 1 Tzu Chi College of Medicine and Humanities, Hualien, Taiwan 2 Integrative Morphology Group, Department of Anatomy, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 3 Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H451, Canada ABSTRACT This study provides a quantitative analysis of the active movements of the chick embryo and of the contractions of the amnion over the entire developmental period of 21 days. Four types of embryo movements are distinguished. The motor activity of the embryo shows two characteristic peaks, with maximum contraction frequencies on the 12th and on the 16th day. In contrast, the amnion activity is higher at earlier stages and decreases as the body activity increases. The amnion activity is largely independent of the body activity. Illumination has a strong influence on embryo movements. It is shown that increases of light intensity affect the patterns of activity of both the embryo and the amnion. While the effect of light on the embryo can be interpreted as being transmitted via the optic system, the mechanism of the amniotic response is unclear. The results suggest that the amnion itself may be sensitive to light. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 291:186–194, 2001. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Movements of the embryo represent an important epigenetic factor of vertebrate development and evolution (Müller, ’89; Müller and Streicher, ’89; Hall and Herring, ’90; Streicher, ’91). The embryonic and fetal movements indicate not only the capacity of cell contraction but also reflect the developmental establishment of neuromuscular interaction (Drachman, ’63; Murray and Smiles, ’65; Bradley and Bekoff, ’90, ’92; Bekoff, ’92). Correct formation of tissues and anatomical structures of the locomotor system depends on the establishment of specific patterns of embryo movements (Drachman and Sokoloff, ’66). It is also a prerequisite for normal development of other structures. Disturbances of the motor activity can have dramatic effects, primarily on the skeletal system and on functionally associated structures, such as muscles and nerves. Even minor deviations from the normal patterns of embryonic activity can have long lasting functional consequences in postnatal life (Sival et al., ’92a,b, ’93; Visser et al., ’92; Sival, ’93). Thus, next to the molecular and cellular development of its components, a causal understanding of dysfunction and dysplasia of the vertebrate locomotion system needs to include the development, and the morphogenetic role, of motor activity in the embryo. © 2001 WILEY-LISS, INC.

A traditional model system for the study of the development of vertebrate motor activity is the chick embryo (Hamburger, ’63; Hamburger and Balaban, ’63; Hamburger et al., ’65; Singer et al., ’78; Provine, ’80; Bekoff, ’81, ’82, ’92; Bradley and Bekoff, ’90, ’92; Watson and Bekoff, ’90; Chambers et al., ’95;). However, many of these studies concentrated on the analysis of selected periods of development and did not distinguish between the different phases and patterns of embryo movements. Most importantly, no study has been carried out under strictly standardized conditions. However, the maintenance of standardized conditions is essential for any investigation of normal motor development, because slight variations of influential parameters, such as egg position, temperature, or illumination, can substantially influence the observed motility. Although many of these effects are well known, they were seldom considered in quantitative analyses. In the present study we established standard

Grant sponsor: NSERC, Canada; Grant sponsor: FWF, Austria. *Correspondence to: Johannes Streicher, Integrative Morphology Group, Department of Anatomy, University of Vienna, Währingerstrasse 13, A-1090 Vienna. E-mail: [email protected] Received 17 August 2000; 10 December 2000


experimental conditions and then systematically recorded both the embryo movements and amnion contractions throughout the entire embryonic development of the chick. In order to establish a clear reference for later studies, we have grouped the spectrum of embryo movements into four major and distinct types, which could be followed up throughout development. We abstained from a detailed description of all the subtle variations of movements that occur in the more advanced stages of development. In addition, we studied the effects of experimental illumination changes on the activity patterns of the embryo and the amnion. MATERIALS AND METHODS Embryos of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus, White Leghorn) were used for all investigations of embryonic motor development. The fertilized eggs were kept at 38 ± 1°C and 80% humidity in a ventilated standard incubator (Ragus). On day 2 of incubation the eggs were windowed above the embryos. The developmental stages were carefully designated according to Hamburger and Hamilton (Hamburger and Hamilton, ’51) (HH), and the windows were resealed with surgical tape. Initially, the windows measured about 7 mm in diameter, but were gradually enlarged up to 3 cm, so that the entire embryo was visible for as long as possible. Sterile working conditions were maintained during all manipulations, and a few drops of Locke‘s solution containing 1% antibiotics (penicillin-streptomycin) were added to each egg. For observation of the motility patterns and for experimental stimulation, the tape was removed, and the eggs were transferred from the standard incubator into an observation incubator (50 × 50 × 20 cm) covered with a 4-mm glass plate. Temperature and humidity in the observation incubator were kept identical with conditions in the standard incubator. All observations were performed in situ, through the glass top of the incubator, under constant light conditions, after 2 hr of adaptation to the ambient light. Hence the temperature, humidity, and the brightness of illumination were kept constant throughout the entire observation period. For stimulation experiments a cold light source (Volpi Intralux 2000) was placed at a 15cm distance above the respective egg. During the light stimulation experiments, the illumination was increased to a 12-fold intensity of the ambient light (from 1 mW/cm2 to 12 mW/cm2). The experiments were performed from days 4 to 14, when the eyelids of the embryo close.


All observations were performed through a dissection microscope (Wild M8) that was equipped with a video camera connected to a color monitor and a video recorder. In addition to the direct observation by the investigator, the entire observation period was recorded for further analysis. Periods of fast, complex, and overlapping embryo movements and amnion contractions could thereby be analyzed in detail. All recordings of motility were typed directly into a computer and were analyzed using the StatView statistics software. Four batches of 20 eggs each were studied from day 2 through day 20 of development. Each egg was observed three times per day for a 5-min period. For the study of the activity phases of amnion contractions the observation period was extended up to 100 min. In case of iterative movements of the embryo, every active motion component was recorded as a separate movement. Values given below are means ± 1 standard error (SE) of the numbers of embryo movements and amnion contractions per 5 min respectively. The statistical significance was evaluated using the Student’s t-test for paired comparisons. P-values < 0.05 were considered as significant. RESULTS Normal development of motility Two kinds of motility can be discerned in the chick egg: active movements of the embryo and contractions of the amnion. Development of active embryo movements Embryo movements occur as grouped periodic episodes of activity that are separated by phases of inactivity, especially during early developmental stages. At the onset of movements, long periods of inactivity are interrupted by short periods of activity. With progressive development the duration of activity periods increases. Activity periods come to equal the duration of inactivity periods at day 10. Between day 11 and 18 the activity periods distinctly exceed the inactivity periods. During the last hours before hatching all activity arrests. In the following sections we describe the patterns and frequencies of movements during the activity periods. Four different types of movements were discerned by their time of onset, location, and frequency (Fig. 1 and 2): #1-movements: Trunk movements in a sagittal plane #2-movements: Unilateral movements of one limb (wing or leg)



Fig. 2. Detailed comparison of trunk movements (#1) (Ò), unilateral limb movements (#2) (.), and bilateral limb movements (#3) ( ).


movements begin 4 days earlier than any other movements. The frequency of these movements increases rapidly (Fig. 1A and B, Fig. 2), reaching a plateau on days 5 and 6 (10.4 ± 2.0 movements/5 min, and 10.7 ± 1.5 movements/5 min respectively). After a significant trough on day 7 (5.4 ± 2.3 movements/5 min, P = 0.0006) activity again increases toward a second plateau lasting from day 8 through 11. The maximum frequency of trunk movements is reached on day 12 (14.1 ± 2.6 movements/5 min), followed by a significant decrease (4.7 ± 1.0 movements/5 min, P = 0.0016) on day 13 and a further continuous decline until day 20. Fig. 1. Development of embryo movements. #1, trunk movements in a sagittal plane (Ò), #2, unilateral movements of one limb (.), #3, bilateral simultaneous movements of pairs of limbs ( ), #4, generalized movements affecting the whole body ( ). (A) Combined view of all four types of movements. (B–C) Separate views of sagittal trunk movements (B), unilateral movements of one limb (C), and simultaneous movements of limb pairs (D). Error bars represent ± 1 SE.



#3-movements: Bilateral simultaneous movements of pairs of limbs (wings or legs) #4-movements: Generalized movements affecting the whole body. #1-movements

The first spontaneous movements of the embryo are observed along the body axis on the third day of development. These “trunk movements” consist of a light flexion of the trunk, starting in the mid trunk region and spreading toward the cranial and caudal poles (1.2 ± 0.2 movements/5 min). Trunk


Unilateral movements of the limbs start between days 6 and 7 of development (1.8 ± 2.2 movements/5 min). The frequency of single unilateral movements reaches its maximum between days 10 and 13 (14.8 ± 4.4 movements/5 min and 13.9 ± 4.0 movements/5 min respectively), and subsequently decreases continuously until day 20 (Fig. 1A and C, Fig. 2). #3-movements

Bilateral simultaneous movements of limb pairs appear on day 9 (3.5 ± 1.2 movements/5 min) and moderately increase in frequency until day 13 (7.1 ± 1.2 movements/5 min) (Fig. 1A and D). The maximum frequency is reached on day 17 (16.9 ± 7.7 movements/5 min), followed by a rapid decline toward day 20 (Fig. 1D). Between days 14 to 17 bilateral simultaneous movements of the limbs



represent the prevailing type of limb movements (Fig. 1A and 2). #4-movements

In addition to the distinct movements of the limbs and the trunk, from day 7 onward variable patterns of interfering movements can be observed that affect several body regions or the whole body. In order to obtain a comparable measure for general motor activity, which can be followed throughout development, #4 movements include all these movement patterns. The “generalized” movements start rather abruptly on day 7, with a frequency of 7.9 ± 1.5 movements/5 min (Fig. 1A). They appear most frequently from days 12 to 16 (72.6 ± 11.2 movements/5 min, and 75.3 ± 10.4 movements/5 min respectively), with an intermediary trough on day 14 (57.1 ± 8.9 movements/5 min). After day 16 the frequency continuously declines to 10.0 ± 3.7 on day 20 (Fig. 1). From their very beginning on day 7, the frequency of generalized movements exceeds the total of the other three types of movements taken together. The common depiction of all four movement types together (Fig. 1A) shows that in the chick embryo the first movements to appear are trunk movements on day 3, followed by generalized body movements starting on day 7, and unilateral limb movements commencing on day 8. The last type of movement to appear is bilateral simultaneous limb movement on day 9. While generalized body movements dominate throughout their occurrence, bilateral limb movements first lag behind in terms of frequency, but later on (after day 14) exceed the unilateral limb movements (Fig. 2). During the last hours before hatching all movements cease. The sum of the frequencies of all four types of movements provides a single curve of overall embryo movements (Fig. 3). It shows that motor activity of the embryo is high between day 10 (81.6 ± 13.1 movements/5 min) and day 17 (83.9 ± 11.4 movements/5 min). Two characteristic peaks of activity occur on day 12 (107.6 ± 15.3 movements/ 5 min) and on day 16 (97.3 ± 11.3 movements/5 min), separated by a period of reduced activity. Although both peaks are mostly an expression of the generalized contractions, the other types of motion contribute to their augmentation (Fig. 1). Development of amnion contractions The amnion of sauropsids is not innervated, but it contains a layer of smooth muscle cells that enable contraction. In the majority of cases contrac-


Fig. 3. Developmental of embryo movements ( ) and amnion contractions (.) in the chick egg. Error bars represent ± 1 SE.

tion waves start from the frontal pole of the amnion and spread caudally. Occasionally, minor contractions start from the caudal pole. The amnion contractions promote a swinging motion of the embryo. Their intensity, frequency, and periodicity change with the developmental stage. Almost immediately after the closure of the amnion at stage HH 18 on the third day of development, the first spontaneous contractions of the amnion begin (2.4 ± 0.3 contractions/5 min) (Fig. 3). The contraction frequency increases rapidly to a maximum on the 9th day (73.0 ± 7.6 contractions/5 min) and thereafter again decreases rapidly until day 13 (22.7 ± 5.2 contractions/5 min). From days 13 to 15 amnion activity stabilizes at frequencies of about 20 contractions/5 min. Subsequently these contractions decline further and come to a complete arrest on day 18. A comparison of the pattern of amnion contractions with the pattern of active embryo movement (Fig. 3) reveals an inverse relationship. In the early phases of development (days 3 to 9), when body movements still occur at low frequencies, amnion contractions dominate. Amnion contractions reach their maximum prior to embryo movements (at day 9 versus day 12) and subsequently slow down, while active embryo movements increase in frequency. However, during the intermediary decrease of embryo motion (days 13 through 15), the decline of amnion contractions slows down and exhibits a plateau. Similar to the body motions, amniotic motility also separates into active and inactive phases. The duration of an activity period is rather constant,



each lasting 3 to 5 min, but the length of inactive periods varies in the same egg and among different eggs (Fig. 4). During maximum activity (day 9) the amnion contractions either occur in pairs, separated by short, 4-min breaks (Fig. 4A), or as singular contractions (Fig. 4B, C). Within an activity period the contractions appear as rhythmic waves, especially when frequencies are high. Contraction frequency is always highest at the beginning of an activity period and subsequently decreases until the end of the period (Fig. 4). Experimental stimulation of motility by illumination change During the experimentally investigated period, from day 4 to day 14 of development, increasing the illumination intensity from 1 mW/cm2 to 12 mW/cm2 results in a remarkable stimulation of

both kinds of motility, embryo movements and amnion contractions. Stimulation of active embryo movements In response to the increase of illumination intensity, the number of embryo movements increases on average by 220% during the illumination phase. A first pronounced effect is observed on day 5, when intensified illumination results in a sixfold increase of activity from 8.1 ± 2.4 to 51.7 ± 4.9 contractions/5 min (Fig. 5). A comparable effect appears on day 10 of development, when the rate of embryo movements rises from 81.6 ± 13.2 to 393.3 ± 25.9 contractions/5 min. On all other days significant, but less pronounced effects are evoked (Fig. 5, Table 1). In relation to the frequency curve of spontaneous embryo movements under normal conditions, the relative stimulatory effect of experimental illumination is stronger during the period of lower spontaneous activity (days 9–11) and less pronounced at the time of maximum spontaneous activity (12th day) (Fig. 5). Stimulation of amnion contractions by illumination change Changes of light intensity also affect the amnion, although less strikingly (Table 1). On average, the contraction frequency increases by 40% during periods of illumination. The relative increase of contraction frequency is higher at early developmental stages (days 5 and 6, plus 58% and plus 38% activity respectively), then decreases to a minimum at days 9 and 10 (plus 5% and plus 4% respectively), and then increases again to 50%

Fig. 4. Activity periods and inactivity periods of the amnion in three different eggs on day 9 of development. (A) biphasic pattern, (B), (C) monophasic patterns. Bars in (A) demarcate activity periods. Every point (.) represents the number of contractions per 1 min. Arrows indicate the points of maximum frequency within each activity period.

Fig. 5. Effect of increased illumination intensity on frequencies of embryo movements from days 4 to 14. Error bars represent + 1 SE. (*P < 0.01)



TABLE 1. Experimental stimulation of motor activity by illumination change1 Embryonic movements / 5 min Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1

1mW/cm2 4.22 8.11 9.90 13.64 31.43 57.86 81.58 92.23 107.64 90.86 82.43

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

0.62 2.38 1.80 1.78 3.98 9.24 13.15 10.26 15.30 11.07 9.26

Amniotic contractions / 5 min

12mW/cm2 13.40 51.70 23.50 38.70 66.10 230.00 393.30 243.00 176.00 123.60 105.90

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±


3.63 4.89 2.45 4.21 7.80 17.95 25.95 9.64 4.53 4.16 2.12

8.56 27.40 40.00 50.93 69.36 73.00 68.83 48.38 34.36 22.71 20.29

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

1.33 4.02 6.89 7.88 8.96 7.59 13.38 10.10 5.90 5.25 4.48

12mW/cm2 12.60 43.40 55.20 70.20 82.70 76.60 71.50 53.10 39.10 34.00 31.90

± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±

4.74 3.34 2.70 2.89 2.43 3.16 2.66 3.51 2.30 1.75 1.72

Values are expressed as mean ± 1 SE.

at day 13 and 57% at day 14 (Fig. 6). The experimental increase of amnion contraction frequencies clearly depends on the initial condition: The stimulatory effect is greater when spontaneous activity is low (days 5–7 and 13,14), and it is less pronounced when spontaneous activity is already high (Table 1). This relation possibly reflects an absolute maximum of contraction frequency, near 80 contractions per min, during the experimentally investigated period. DISCUSSION The aim of this investigation was to establish a qualitative and quantitative account of motility development in the chick, in order to provide a descriptive basis for experimental approaches to the morphogenetic and evolutionary function of embryonic motility (Müller, ’89; Müller and Strei-

Fig. 6. Effect of increased illumination intensity on frequencies of amnion contractions from days 4 to 14. Error bars represent + 1 SE. (*P < 0.05)

cher, ’89; Streicher, ’91). In contrast to previous studies of chick motor development, this study was carried out under carefully standardized conditions and distinguishes the development of four different kinds of embryo movements. In addition, we provide a quantitative investigation of the effect of lighting conditions on the patterns of embryonic and amniotic motions. Active movements of the embryo The development of embryo movements follows a characteristic and constant pattern. As a whole, the pooled activity of all four movement types shows a slow but continuous increase from days 3 to 7, followed by a marked increase at day 8. Outstanding peaks of activity, with about 20 contractions per min, are observed on days 12 and 16, flanking an intermediary decrease. After the second peak activity continuously declines until hatching. The two peaks of activity were not explicitly mentioned in earlier studies and were probably regarded as a stochastic variation. Both peaks are clearly discernible in the earlier diagrams and show the same 4-day interval (Hamburger et al., ’65; Oppenheim, ’70). However, Oppenheim (’66) reported the day of the first main peak to be one day earlier than that found in our study, while Hamburger et al. (’65) described it one day later. These differences may be due to different incubation conditions, the strain or number of embryos used, or incongruence in staging, which is why we took great care in keeping conditions constant, assigning correct stages, and used large numbers of embryos. Nevertheless, the earlier data provide independent confirmation of the existence of a two-peaked embryo movement pattern in chick development. The neurophysiological significance



of this phenomenon is yet unclear and needs to be further analyzed. Earlier classifications of motor development as a temporal sequence of three qualitatively different types of movements (Hamburger, ’63, ’75; Hamburger and Balaban, ’63; Hamburger and Oppenheim, ’67; Narayanan et al., ’71) in principle use the same kinds of movements as in our quantitatively more detailed analysis, but omit several distinctions, especially in the early phases of development. Type I movements, described as “uncoordinated, independent, and convulsive backward movement from head, neck, trunk or limbs” pool together #1-, #2-, and #4-movements of our classification. However, due to their clear difference of onset, it seems reasonable to distinguish early sagittal trunk movements (#1) and uncoordinated, unilateral limb movements (#2), from the generalized movements that affect the whole body (#4). In our classification these early, generalized body movements are grouped together with later movements of the entire body (specified as Type II movements by the earlier authors). Bekoff (’82) pointed out that, the later Type II movements, described as “entire body contraction,” may represent a further development (or a subclass) of the earlier uncoordinated movements of the whole body. The last distinct kind of movements to appear in development, the “bilateral simultaneous movements of limb pairs,” we classify as #3-movements. These correspond with the Type III movements of the earlier authors, with the exception that our classification places head, neck, and trunk movements in the category #4-movements. We believe that our new classification will be more useful for future studies of the neurophysiological substrate of the development of embryo movement patterns. The development of embryo movement is usually interpreted as reflecting the development of the neuromuscular control system (Bekoff, ’81). However, the sagittal trunk movements (#1) already start on the third day of development. At this stage (HH 17), the motor axons from the lateral column of the neural tube barely extend to the medial surface of the myotome (Hollyday, ’83). Neither the motor endplates nor the connectivities within the neural tube are established at this stage. Therefore these movements probably do not represent the beginning of the “endogenous activity” of the nervous system (Bekoff, ’81), but are likely to represent autonomous contractions of the myogenic cell populations. In contrast, the motor activity of the limbs starts on the seventh day of

development, 1.5 days after the first segmental and intersegmental connections are established (Singer et al., ’78) and 1 day after the first motor endplates are morphologically distinguished (Hollyday, ’83). Electromyographic (Bradley and Bekoff, ’90; Bekoff, ’92) and kinematic (Watson and Bekoff, ’90; Chambers et al., ’95) studies have shown that spinal coordination of limb movements already starts at day 7 as a coordination of flexor and extensor muscles within an individual limb, but not as a coordination with the contralateral limb (unilateral uncoordinated limb movements, #2-movements in our classification). Spinal coordination required for bilaterally synchronized movements is established around day 9, coinciding with the onset of #3-movements as observed in our study. Supraspinal coordinating input becomes functional only after day 10, as shown by spinal transsection experiments (Oppenheim, ’75). Contractions of the amnion The present study provides the first description of the frequency and periodicity of amnion contractions throughout development of the chick embryo. Earlier observations were limited to particular developmental periods and the percentage of amnion activity (Romanoff, ’60; Oppenheim, ’66). The first contractions of the amnion appear almost at the same time as the first trunk movements, on the third day of development, but later exhibit a complementary temporal pattern in relation to embryo movements. While body motion increases slowly over the first four days following onset, and then more rapidly toward a peak on day 12, amnion motion rises steeply and reaches its maximum already on day 9. During the intermediary decrease of body motion around day 14, the decline of amnion activity is almost halted for 2 days. This complementary tendency of the activity curves suggests that amnion motion supplements body motion in circulating the amnion fluid and thereby prevents adhesions of the embryo to the embryonic membranes. Overall however, there is a clear transition from the initially dominating passive movement of the embryo via amnion motion toward active movement of the embryo itself. A potential functional coupling of body and amnion motion is opposed both by this disparity of activity patterns, and by the fact that experimental inhibitions of body motion do not affect amnion contraction (Hall, ’86). In addition, investigations of the influence of temperature on body and amnion motion showed independent effects (Nechaeva and Turpaev, ’91).


Influence of light on embryonic motility Embryonic motility can be influenced by electric, mechanic, thermal, and chemical stimuli (Romanoff, ’60). In the present study we show that body and amnion motility are also influenced by illumination. Both kinds of embryonic motility, but body movements in particular, react to increased illumination with increased activity. Especially during the phases of low endogenous activity a marked response is evoked, whereas excitability is relatively lower during phases of high endogenous activity. The amniotic reaction to illumination changes only slightly under experimental inhibition of body motion (unpublished data), again indicating independence of the two systems. While it is evident that the light-induced increase of embryo movement is mediated via the optic system of the embryo, the pathway mediating light sensitivity of the amnion is yet unclear. Two scenarios are possible: the initial reaction may either occur in the amnion itself, via photosensitive cells such as pigment cells known to exist in the reptilian amnion (Bautzmann and Schmidt, ’60), but no pigment cells were reported for the chick. A second possibility is that the stimulus is transmitted from the embryo onto the amnion as an electric or chemical phenomenon. This possibility is probably less likely, because of the immaturity of the optical system at the onset of amnion reactivity. But a number of neurotransmitters, as well as prostaglandin E, have been shown to trigger contractions of the amnion (Bowers, ’89; Turpaev et al., ’90). Additional experiments must be performed for a conclusive clarification of the mechanistic basis of amnion reactivity to light. For the time being, our data demonstrate that for any investigation of embryonic motility illumination has to be taken into account for the interpretation of experimental results. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a grant from NSERC, Canada, to B.K.H. and from FWF, Austria, to G.B.M. We thank Edith Simon for her technical assistance. The constructive comments of two anonymous reviewers are also gratefully acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED Bautzmann H, Schmidt W. 1960. Vergleichende elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen am Amnion von Sauropsiden und Mammaliern (Huhn, Katze, Mensch). Zeitschrift für Zellforschung, 51:571–588. Bekoff A. 1981. Embryonic development of chick motor behaviour. TINS 4:181–183. Bekoff A. 1982. Verhaltensembryologie bei Vögeln und


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