Emerging Pollutants – Part II: Treatment Olya S. Keen1*, Katherine Y. Bell2, Carla Cherchi3, Benjamin J. Finnegan4, Meagan S. Mauter5, Austa Marie Parker6, James S. Rosenblum6, Holly A. Stretz7
The goal of this review is to summarize
wastewater treatment, reclaimed water
new research published in the field of emerging pollutants doi:10.2175/106143014X14031280668731
in the past year. For the purpose of the review, unregulated and relatively new compounds found in wastewater, drinking water, recycled water and the environment were
considered. The review consists of two parts, with Part I
A few notes must be added on the terminology
focusing on the occurrence of the contaminants in the
associated with pollutants of emerging concern. In general,
media mentioned above, and Part II focusing on the
this class of pollutants includes compounds that have been
treatment technologies.
found in the environment, wastewater and drinking water relatively recently and are presently unregulated. Several
terms are used to denote emerging pollutants almost
disruption compounds, micropollutants, pharmaceuticals
interchangeably. Some of those terms are micropollutants
and personal care products, nanoparticles, antibiotic
and trace pollutants. There are also terms that refer to
resistance genes, trace organics, drinking water treatment,
subsets of emerging pollutants. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) is an example of a term that
————————— 1*
indicates a narrower subset of emerging pollutants, as those
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, 9201
can also include trace pesticides, insect repellents, musks
University City Blvd, University of North Carolina, Charlotte,
and fragrances, plasticizers, fire retardants, perfluorinated
NC, 28223; Tel. 704-687-5048; e-mail:
[email protected] 2
CDM Smith, Nashville, Tennessee
MWH Global, Chicago, Illinois
resistance genes (ARGs) have also been included in the
CDM Smith, Chicago, Illinois
class of emerging pollutants and are believed to be related
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
to the trace levels of antibiotics in the environment.
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
Another narrower subclass of emerging pollutants is 7
Tenessee Technical University, Cookeville, TN
endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). This term refers
2036 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
to specific pollutants that have been demonstrated to have
and membranes are necessary to properly address emerging
an effect on the endocrine system of aquatic organisms or
pollutants. This appears to have driven development of
were designed with the purpose to act on a human
membrane technologies including techniques such as
hormonal system. Typical representatives are bisphenol A
functionalization and grafting of membrane materials. In
(BPA) and natural and synthetic human hormones.
chemical oxidation, advanced oxidation processes show the
Somewhat broader, but not all-inclusive terms are trace
most promise, however several studies caution regarding
organic compounds (TrOCs or TOrCs) and synthetic
the properties of the transformation products, which should
organic compounds (SOCs). Because most of emerging
be properly studied and understood. Catalytic processes
pollutants are trace synthetic organics, these terms are
have been one of the major focal points of the chemical
inclusive of the majority of the pollutants, with the
treatment technologies.
exception of metal nanoparticles, inorganic ions (e.g.
There is also a trend towards coupling various
bromate) and ARGs. Some of the less common terms in
processes which in many instances are shown to have
this category are unregulated organic compounds (UOC)
synergistic effects compared to each individual process.
and xenobiotic organic compounds (XOC).
And, multiple studies identified the differences between the
This paper provides a review of advances in the
bench-scale and synthetic wastewater research and the
field of the treatment of emerging pollutants during 2013. It
larger scale research with the more complex background
is divided into biological treatment, chemical treatment,
matrix. One of the most important research areas for future
focus should be on the translation of research results from
combinations and comparisons of technologies. Physical treatment
In addition to this review, several other reviews
processes, such as ion exchange and coagulation, as these
were published in 2013. Fatta-Kassinos and Michael (2013)
methods move the pollutant from one medium to another
summarized the outcomes of a workshop held in Cyprus
without changing it structurally. Some of the most
during September 2012, where the challenges of emerging
interesting trends that were noted in this review are
pollutant removal were discussed with respect to the
identification of specific organisms capable of TrOC
wastewater reuse practice. Some of the outcomes of the
discussion included the need of long-term (chronic)
Apart from
exposure data at sub-lethal levels, the need for a stricter
bacterial biodegradation, white rot fungus is receiving
standardization of protocols for measuring and monitoring
increased attention. Additionally, despite the improvements
emerging pollutants, the lack of effluent quality criteria and
in the biological treatment processes and their better
understanding, the consensus is still that chemical oxidation
cost/performance comparison evaluations.
bench-scale to pilot- and full-scale.
biological processes with these organisms.
2037 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
Other reviews focused on treatment technologies
of UOCs by coagulation/flocculation/clarification was
from conventional to advanced methods. A broad literature
limited. Air stripping was also not an effective treatment.
review on the presence and removal of pharmaceuticals in
Ozone did achieve a significant reduction of most
compounds with the exception of several phosphate-based
conventional and advanced treatment systems (Rivera-
fire retardants, N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET), caffeine
Utrilla et al., 2013). Advantages, disadvantages, important
and cotinine. Granular activated carbon (GAC) was not, in
design parameters, and key literature pertaining to the
general, effective except at one plant which did not pre-
treatment technologies were summarized. Another study
chlorinate, and the limited removal was attributed to the
(Rojas et al., 2013) provided a literature review and
possible presence of biological activity rather than
statistical analysis on the use of conventional wastewater
adsorption. Benner et al. (2013) published a critical review
treatment processes for the removal of emerging pollutants,
on the viability of biological treatment processes to remove
specifically focusing on biological processes (membrane
micropollutants from drinking water resources. The authors
bioreactors (MBRs), sequencing batch reactors, lagoons,
provided a summary of occurrence of micropollutants in
trickling filters, and activated sludge). Compound-specific
drinking water sources and in finished drinking water. A
parameters were consolidated in this review, with statistical
discussion on conventional and advanced drinking water
results showing biodegradability and hydrophobicity to be
treatment processes for micropollutant removal was also
the dominant drivers for removal. Jasper et al. (2013)
provided. Authors also proposed biological treatment and
assembled a review of TrOC removal in constructed
bioaugmentation as a potential targeted, cost-effective, and
wetlands with the effort to improve the design of the
sustainable alternative to existing processes while critically
wetland unit processes for the purpose.
examining technical limitations and scientific challenges
With respect to conventional drinking water
that need to be addressed prior to implementation.
treatment, an extensive study and report were issued by the
In the area of advanced treatment options, Feng
Water Research Foundation (2013) detailing actual
et al. (2013) reviewed the current state-of-knowledge on
performance of four full scale water treatment facilities in
the application of electrochemical advanced oxidation
New Jersey and the removal performance for 105
processes (AOPs) for the removal of widespread pollutants,
unregulated organic chemicals (UOC) found in raw water,
targeting chemicals with the potential to be endocrine
disrupters. Additionally, the study characterized how
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are not specifically
upstream inputs correlated with presence of pollutants in
designed to achieve complete removal of pharmaceuticals,
raw water. While a review of the 189 page report is beyond
electrochemical AOP has been proposed as a promising
the scope of this work, a few highlights stand out. Removal
2038 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
electrochemical advanced oxidation, for example, the
carbon adsorption – may be necessary to prevent the
release of trace levels of antibiotics into the environment.
compounds is obtained by the action of hydroxyl radicals
While physical and chemical processes were
via direct electrochemical anodic oxidation or indirectly
consistently rated as most promising in the review studies,
through Fenton’s reaction. Although largely evaluated
Ba et al. (2013) prepared a review of laccases (fungal
enzymes) in order to elucidate their catalytic mechanisms,
scalability of this technology to a greater industrial scale
immobilization techniques, and reactor design effects for
are desirable, as concluded by the authors of the review.
Other studies supported the assertion that
biotransformation of micropollutants in wastewater. Yang,
advanced technologies are necessary for treatment of
Hai, Nghiem, Price et al. (2013) also published a critical
emerging pollutants.
Boyjoo et al. (2013) conducted a
review for removal of TrOCs by white rot fungi.
literature review on greywater and found that advanced
Chemicals which are resistant to bacterial degradation
oxidation is the most promising current technology for
(including diclofenac, carbamazepine (CBZ), naproxen,
emerging pollutant treatment. Lofrano et al. (2013)
and 17α-ethynylestradiol) showed active removal by the
reviewed SOC treatment in industrial wastewater (tannery).
fungi. Three main classes of enzymes are secreted by these
The authors found that advanced oxidation and membrane
filtration are the best treatment processes for the purpose.
peroxidases and laccase. Compounds with strong electron
Tijani et al. (2013) surveyed the existing literature on
donating groups such as hydroxyl or amines were
emerging pollutant treatment and determined that current
effectively biotransformed. Among compounds with strong
technologies, such as biological treatment, ozonation and
activated carbon, were not designed to handle emerging
effectively treated. Whole cell presence was found to be
pollutants and are therefore not effective as singular
more effective for contaminant biotransformation than
processes. The authors recommend that the focus should
simple addition of enzymes.
be on AOPs in combination with other processes as the
enzymes was reported to be successful: decrease in
most promising technology.
Similarly, Michael et al.
nonylphenol (NP) and triclosan were observed using
(2013) reviewed the current knowledge base on the
laccase immobilized on silica beads. Most of the work
removal of antibiotics in conventional WWTPs and in
reviewed focused on pure culture tests and the authors
WWTPs with advanced treatment processes, and proposed
recommend more studies in continuous reactors, where it
that advanced treatments or their combinations – such as
was found that combinations of bacteria and fungi can
advanced oxidation, membrane filtration and activated
eventually limit the fungi performance as the bacteria
Some immobilization of
compete successfully for substrate.
2039 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
Enhanced Natural Systems
performance, a critical review of wastewater treatment models
This section describes natural processes that are
used to polish water treated in the engineered treatment
micropollutants in biological treatment processes (Pomies
works. The two most common types of enhanced natural
et al., 2012). The review provided insights into model
system treatment are subsurface treatment in-situ and
improvements including an inventory of experimental
engineered wetlands.
In-situ and subsurface treatment. In-situ
comparison of model differences, and standardization of
biodegradation using aerobic co-metabolism of methane
calibration methodologies. Another study used the review
and benzene amended groundwater (in soil columns) was
of existing data to develop a statistically-based model for
shown to be a viable treatment for remediation of N-
removal of micropollutants in drinking water treatment
nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and a structural analog
(Sanches et al., 2013). Authors found that for membrane
(Weidhaas and DuPont, 2013).
rejection, the most influential parameters are alkalinity,
Burke et al. (2013) conducted a study on the
molecular size descriptors, molar volume, molecular weight
influence of aeration on the fate of wastewater derived
and its distribution coefficient. For adsorption, polar and
electrostatic interactions were found to be more important
antimicrobial compounds from anoxic groundwater. Results
than hydrophobic interactions. Clouzot et al. (2013)
from the study showed that degradation of six phenazone
reviewed the current models developed to predict the
compounds was dependent on oxygen availability and
removal, attenuation and fate of organic and inorganic
compounds were efficiently treated under oxic conditions
micropollutants in wastewater treatment processes. The
only. The antimicrobials doxycycline and trimethoprim
review focused on the implications of these models in
were better removed during aeration, whereas a slightly
engineering design and operations, and recently on the
improved removal under anoxic conditions was observed
development of national and international regulatory
frameworks. Although, these predictive models can be used
demonstrating that their biodegradation is influenced by the
as benchmarking tools for comparing treatment processes
redox environment.
Engineered wetlands.
capabilities towards the removal of specific pollutants, the
Constructed wetlands
were evaluated for their ability to remove antibiotic
understanding of the ecotoxicological implications of
resistant genes (ARGs) that are introduced into the
pollutants discharges into receiving waters is still limited.
environment via treated municipal wastewater effluent. The
systems were able to reduce the concentration of ARG, and the removal rate was affected by operational parameters, as
2040 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
well as concentrations of nitrates, ammonia, and organic
matter (Nolvak et al., 2013)
operational strategy (alternation of saturated/unsaturated
Hsieh et al. (2013) demonstrated that several
phases versus permanently saturated) on the removal of
phenolic endocrine disruptors including nonylphenol
various emerging pollutants in horizontal subsurface flow
constructed wetlands. Results showed that the occurrence
nonylphenol exhibited 55‒91% removal in freshwater
of higher redox potentials within the wetland bed promotes
constructed wetlands. Authors showed that removal was up
the elimination of conventional as well as emerging
to 30 times greater in freshwater systems when compared
pollutants, and that removal efficiencies were improved
to brackish or estuarine wetland systems.
under batch operations.
While biodegradation is one of the primary Biological Treatment Methods
mechanisms for removal of TrOCs in wetlands, photolysis can be also important and was studied by Jasper and Sedlak
While there are numerous advanced chemical and
(2013). In this study, a photolysis model was constructed
physical treatment methods that are employed to address
using steady state relationships for pollutant destruction by
emerging pollutants, conventional biological wastewater
carbonate and hydroxyl radicals to predict the required land
treatment processes are important and researchers have
area for removal of 90% of TrOCs including atenolol, CBZ,
continued to work to identify the treatment rates and
propranolol, and sulfamethoxazole (SMX). The authors
mechanisms for these systems.
concluded that for 90% removal in nitrified wastewater
Activated Sludge. The primary theme in
effluent, a land area of approximately 15 hectares is
activated sludge treatment studies was determining
treatability of specific compounds either at bench- or Apart from chemical pollutants, fecal indicator
laboratory-scale, although research was also conducted at
bacteria and antibiotic resistance were studied at 7 pilot-
In one full-scale study, 8 micropollutants of
scale constructed wetlands and one urban WWTP treating
household origin were examined for the removal by
the same effluent. Constructed wetlands achieved greater
activated sludge. All micropollutants apart from sucralose
bacterial reductions compared to conventional activated
and PFOA were degraded or transformed by activated
sludge, although there was no significant difference
sludge (Pasquini et al., 2013). Fate and occurrence of 36
between levels of antibiotic resistant bacteria and the
emerging pollutants were investigated during primary and
treatments used (Sidrach-Cardona and Becares, 2013).
secondary treatment in a WWTP (Stasinakis et al., 2013).
Wetland configuration can also be of importance
Nine of the 36 compounds detected in influent were
for pollutant removal. Avila et al. (2013) evaluated the
removed by more than 70%; while the other compounds
influence of primary treatment (hydrolytic upflow sludge
were removed to a lesser degree or not at all, suggesting
2041 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
advanced treatment processes should be included in order
in-situ data demonstrating that the expected hydrophobic
to remove the other pollutants of interest. Carvalho et al.
interaction and the modeled biological degradation from
(2013) evaluated activated sludge for the removal of
BIOWIN4 predicted removal of PPCPs from a secondary
veterinary pharmaceuticals enrofloxacin, tetracycline, and
treatment process. Additional research efforts focused on
ceftiofur from slaughterhouse wastewater in conventional
studying specific aspects of biological processes to improve
activated sludge laboratory batch reactors. Results showed
the modeling of pharmaceutical fate (Sathyamoorthy et al.,
that the major factor influencing the efficiency of pollutant
2013). A cometabolic process-based model was developed
removal was sorption to sludge and, to a smaller extent, to
to incorporate nitrification in order to improve biochemical
the organic matter present in the wastewater. The results
modeling processes for the accurate prediction of
highlighted the need to measure both the dissolved and the
pharmaceutical biodegradation in wastewater treatment.
adsorbed fraction of pharmaceuticals in the treatment
The new model may provide a good descriptor for
process. Yang, Wang and Tseng (2013) examined how an
pharmaceutical degradation in wastewater treatment due to
activated sludge mixed microbial culture could be used in a
its insensitivity to biokinetic parameters.
continuous stirred tank reactor to degrade methylamine
Some studies caution about generalizing between
(MA), a chemical used in a variety of industrial
synthetic wastewater and real wastewater for drawing
applications. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) for
research conclusions. Yang, Wang and Chen (2013) studied
complete removal of MA was measured under various
the removal of di-n-butyl phthalate from synthetic and
conditions including 600-1000 mg/L of MA, synthetic and
actual wastewater in a batch reactor using mixed microbial
actual wastewater, and batch conditions.
The optimum
cultures from activated sludge and soil from a rice paddy.
HRT was 1.16 days and the contribution of degradation
The di-n-butyl phthalate removal rates were approximately
products to change in pH was discussed.
4 times higher in the synthetic versus actual wastewater,
Some studies included the element of modeling
with the difference being attributed to lack of pH buffering
in evaluating the performance of activated sludge for PPCP
capacity in the actual wastewater.
removal. Blair et al. (2013) studied 54 PPCPs and
matrices di-n-butyl phthalate decreased by 91–100%. Some
hormones over six dates in raw influent, primary effluent,
However, in both
secondary effluent, and final effluent of a full-scale plant.
pathways of removal for specific pollutants in activated
Results showed that the majority of the removal occurred
sludge: adsorption onto solids or biodegradation. For
across the secondary treatment process for the majority of
example, Samaras et al. (2013) identified nine emerging
the compounds. Secondary treatment removal rates were
predicted by integrating BIOWIN4 into pseudo-first order
(ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, ketoprophen, triclosan,
kinetics of PPCPs; predicted values were compared to the
BPA, and NP with two metabolites), and traced them
2042 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
through the wastewater treatment process. Nonylphenols
have been shown to be important. Gerrity et al., 2013
and triclosan showed dominant removal by adsorption to
studied the effects of SRT in a conventional full-scale
the sludge, and all other compound removal was driven by
activated sludge WWTP for removal of 33 emerging
biodegradation/biotransformation. Tang, Li et al. (2013)
pollutants. The authors observed that compounds that are
investigated the sorption and degradation of naproxen and
susceptible to biodegradation and/or sorption, such as
bezafibrate by activated sludge. Removal by sorption was
antibiotics and analgesics, are removed best at SRTs
higher for naproxen then bezafibrate, while the reverse was
ranging from 10 to 15 days. Removal of up to 100% was
true for degradation. There was no observed relationship
observed during the study for select compounds. However,
between COD removal and naproxen degradation that
other pollutants which do not exhibit susceptibility to these
could be used as a surrogate, suggesting an alternative
processes, such as recalcitrant compounds including
indicator is needed to determine the impact of natural
anticonvulsants and flame retardants, showed little removal
organic matter (NOM) on degradation of pharmaceuticals
in conventional biological treatment processes independent
by activated sludge. To elucidate the mechanism of the
of the SRT. Miller et al. (2013) also found that operational
biosorption pathway, Metivier et al. (2013) studied the
conditions, including longer SRT, significantly reduced
ability of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in both
ARGs. Yet another study showed that SRT is important for
their soluble (S-EPS) and bound (B-EPS) forms to bind to
biodegradable contaminants (Zeng et al., 2013).
acetaminophen and ethylsuccinate. S-EPS and B-EPS
removal of two estrogens (17β-estradiol [E2] and 17α-
presented the same affinities for each compound, both
ethinylestradiol [EE2]) was studied in an anaerobic-anoxic-
binding more easily to acetaminophen. Low ethylsuccinate
aerobic treatment. The authors found the optimal SRT that
adsorption documented in this study may explain the
achieved both contaminant degradation and nutrient
compounds relatively poor removal rates (50–80%) in
removal, and cautioned that some of the hormones
activated sludge. Sathyamoorthy, Ramsburg, et al. (2013)
partitioned into sludge, especially EE2. E2 was completely
utilized existing pharmaceutical (PhAC) sorption data in
removed from the water by anaerobic biodegradation with
order to create a predictive model for PhAC sorption. The
SRT having no significant effect. EE2 removal efficiency
study suggests separating PhAC modeling into the charge
was 65–81% by biodegradation and sorption combined, and
of the dominate species (negative or positive), depending
most of the sorption occurred in the anaerobic unit.
on the experimental pH, rather than relying on octanolwater
While most research on biological treatment
processes published in 2013 focused on mixed activated
distribution coefficient (KD) parameters alone.
sludge cultures, some studies identified the specific
Operational parameters of the activated sludge,
organisms participating in biodegradation of PPCPs. Zhou
such as solids retention time (SRT) and oxygen conditions
et al. (2013) reported bacterial isolates capable of
2043 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
degrading PPCPs from 1 mg/L to 90%), compared to 5‒40% for the
anaerobic/oxic combination processes showed greater
activated sludge. The sludge however removed all four
removal efficacy. In general, more hydrophobic estrogen
compounds and fungi only removed SMX in the presence
containing compounds exhibited greater removal. Further,
of HBT mediator-enhanced laccase catalyst, and did not
increasing HRT and SRT also led to greater removal of
remove CBZ; authors discussed the mechanisms of the
hydrophobic compounds.
phenomena. Edwards et al. (2013) discussed the role of
In addition, the researchers showed interest in
biofilms on the bioremediation of persistent organic
comparing small decentralized system efficiencies to those
pollutants and PPCPs (e.g., biphenylol, p-chlorom-cresol,
of large centralized systems. Garcia, Clubbs et al. (2013)
2047 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
compared the effluent concentrations of testosterone, E1,
were grafted with acrylic acid (AA) and N-vinyl-2-
E2 and EE2 to assess differences in endocrine activity
pyrrolidone (NVP). The pollutants investigated in this
between effluent from on-site (septic and decentralized)
study include 4-acetimiophenol, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin,
and centralized municipal wastewater treatment systems.
tetracycline, chloramphenicol, propranolol, and diclofenac.
The effluent water quality results showed that, although on-
The authors demonstrated that the AA grafted membranes
site treatment provides an additional treatment of EDCs
through soil infiltration, its water quality was the lowest
ciprofloxacin, and propranolol and the degree of removal
among the alternative treatment options considered.
increased with the degree of AA grafting, up to 97%
removal of propranolol was achieved. For the NVP-grafted membranes increased removal was only observed with Physical Treatment Methods propranolol in comparison to the standard un-grafted PES Among advanced treatment processes, physical membranes. Removal of up to 82% was observed for removal is one of the most effective treatment tools propranolol at a lower degree of grafting, as the degree of available for addressing emerging pollutants. grafting increased with the NVP membranes the compound Membrane processes.
A number of research removal decreased. Functionalized membranes, using poly-
studies on membrane process applications focused on the vinylbenzyl-chloride with cyclic diamine piperazine, were membrane material. For example, Yuksel et al. (2013) used investigated for their ability to remove boron from natural six commercially available membranes to compare waters (Thakur et al., 2013). The functionalized membranes efficiency for removal of BPA at 50 mg/L. Polyamide based exhibited a maximal boron sorption of 28 mg/g at a neutral membranes exhibited good rejection (>98%) while pH, while being easy to prepare, robust and reusable, cellulose acetate (CA) membranes had low or variable demonstrating the potential application of these membranes rejection rates.
In another study, charged surface for boron removal from natural waters.
into The material of the membrane is important for
modified CA nanofiltration (NF) membranes, and these rejection properties, and adsorption characteristics. The role modified membranes were tested against commercially of adsorption in the reverse osmosis (RO)-NF membranes available thin-film composite (TFC) membranes (Filmtec was studied by Dolar et al. (2013) using different filtration NF-270) for removal of emerging pollutants (Narbaitz et technologies
al., 2013). The commercial TFC NF membrane showed anesthetics of different physical-chemical properties (e.g., better removals of CBZ, ibuprofen, and sulfamethazine in hydrophobicity,
filter water effluents. Gong et al., 2013 analyzed the effect adsorption to membrane occurred for smaller and of UV-grafted polyether sulfonate (PES) membranes on hydrophobic molecules (e.g., procaine and lidocaine), the removal of select emerging pollutants. The membranes
2048 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
release of this compound in permeates via diffusion
properties (e.g., active skin layer thickness). Membranes
become likely. Compounds with high dipole moments and
characterized by high mean free volume hole-radius or
poorly soluble in water showed higher likelihood to be
thicker skin layer showed higher rejection potential,
adsorbed onto membranes with larger pores.
particularly for high molecular volume compounds. The
Different types of membranes were compared in
removal of three pharmaceutically active compounds
several studies. Garcia, Moreno and al. (2013) studied the
(PhACs) was studied with a NF membrane using spiked
detectability and rejection of 22 micropollutants in a full-
surface waters from a drinking water treatment plant
scale microfiltration (MF)-RO system. Two parallel pilot
(Vergili, 2013). The bench scale study showed overall
operations using NF and RO were run independently to
rejections of 31‒39% for CBZ and 55‒61% for diclofenac
monitor the removal of two pharmaceutical compounds, NP
and ibuprofen. Moderate removals of PhACs coupled with
and ibuprofen, and resulted in a negligible role of
high organic matter removals, suggests NF as a possible
membrane selectivity on their rejection. With few
method for surface water treatment.
exceptions, the full-scale MF-RO system substantially
removed the majority of the tested compounds (>75%), and
considered by researchers included application of an
in other cases concentrations were below detection.
electric field to the membrane or adding micelle forming
Differences in removal rates were observed from full-scale
surfactants to the process.
to pilot-scale system operations, with lower rejections in
evaluated electro-ultrafiltration (EUF) to separate 4-
the full-scale possibly due to the older age of the membrane
methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) from water by
tested in the full-scale system. D’Haese et al. (2013)
applying an electric field across the membrane to remove
compared the rejection capacity of forward osmosis (FO),
this ultraviolet (UV) light filtering compound and minimize
NF and RO towards the removal of 20 different
fouling. The modification of polyvinylidene fluoride
pharmaceuticals. Modeling was conducted to determine the
(PVDF) membrane resulted in a rougher surface with
build-up of trace organics in the closed loop of a FO-RO
increased pore size which improved hydrophilicity in the
system and the result showed that high TOrC concentration
PVDF membrane; results of testing showed EUF could
develop in the draw solution of RO when compounds are
increase 4-MBC rejection and reduce filtration resistance.
transported through convection. Three RO membranes of
Exall et al. (2013) explored the improvement of
different mean free volume hole-radius and water
conventional ultrafiltration (UF) processes through micellar
permeability were tested in the study by Fujioka et al.
enhanced UF process, where the addiction of a cationic
(2013) to investigate the rejection of small solutes, such as
surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was shown to
boric acid and the disinfection byproduct NDMA as a
result in 3‒4 fold increase in membrane rejection of
function of their molecular dimension and membrane
sulfonamide antibiotics. The study also demonstrated that
Chen and Deng (2013)
2049 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
the wastewater matrix plays a significant role in the
being the main factor in extraction efficiency, with the
removal of sulfonamide antibiotics, showing an increased
diluent 1-decanol having the longest lifetime of 150
rejection for increased solids content in wastewater and
minutes. While most of the studies focused on the removal
showing little to no effect in presence of DOM, due to poor interaction
of organic pollutants, application of membranes for other
types of pollutants have received attention. Riquelme-
bromide micelles and the antibiotics. Among water quality parameters, NOM and
Breazeal et al. (2013) considered membranes for treatment
divalent cations have been studied for their effects on
of ARGs in WWTPs to prevent their release to receiving
membrane performance. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)
environments. The removal of AGRs was shown to be
may be removed effectively from inlet water using NF in
successful with membranes ≤100 kDa with dependence on
the presence of calcium ions, as described by Zhao et al.
the corresponding protein, polysaccharide, and total organic
(2013). Rejection improved from 86% to 95% as pH was
carbon (TOC) colloidal fractions. Wongsawa et al. (2013)
increased from 3 to 9 with 0.1 mM Ca+2. Authors describe
presented both a design equation model and experimental
a bridging mechanism between the negatively charged
data for the removal/stripping of silver ions from
PFOS and the membrane with density functional theory
pharmaceutical wastewater by a hollow fiber supported
calculations to quantify this bridging mechanism.
liquid membrane, LIX-84-I. The model was validated by
In addition, several studies focused on the
predictions of concentrations of silver ions in the feed and
operational parameters. Chemical cleaning and temperature
stripping phases. Axial convection, axial diffusion, and
impacts on NF and its physicochemical properties, along
with its separation efficiency of inorganic salts and two
membrane-stripping interfaces were considered.
PhACs (SMX and CBZ) were investigated (Simon et al.,
FO has been studied as a cost-effective
2013). Chemical cleaning at high temperatures resulted in a
alternative to RO technology. Researchers (Alturki et al.,
large increase in the rejection of the variables studied in
2013) investigated FO, pressure retarded osmosis (PRO),
their neutral form, while caustic cleaning at high
and RO in two commercial membranes with respect to
temperatures had no impact on the rejection of the variables
rejection of 40 compounds at pH 6. Five compounds were
studied. Sunsandee et al. (2013) examined a hollow-fiber
positively charged, 8 were negatively charged and the
supported liquid membrane (HFSLM) and its ability to
remaining 27 existed predominantly in their neutral forms.
recover (S)-amlodipine from pharmaceutical wastewater.
Results showed that in RO mode, electrostatic interactions
The HFSLM was tested under various chemical parameters
played a dominant role in governing the rejection of
charged TrOCs; in FO and PRO modes, the rejection of
concentration), which revealed the polarity of the diluents
charged TrOCs was governed by electrostatic interaction
2050 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
and size exclusion, while rejection of neutral compounds
Benzotriazole and 5-tolyltriazole at 30C, respectively.
was dominated by size exclusion, with rejection increasing
Jiang, Chang et al. (2013) investigated the removal of
with TrOC molecular weight. Further rejection of neutral
ciprofloxacin from aqueous solutions with bernessite, a
TrOCs in FO mode was higher than in RO mode. FO
manganese oxide. The results of the study showed uptake
transmembrane temperature changes and differences and
their effects on rejection of 12 TrOC was examined by Xie,
accumulation of the pollutant in natural systems. Globular
Ngheim, et al. (2013). The rejection of charged TrOCs was
organo-bentonite (GOB) was compared to powdered
higher than for neutral TrOCs (due to size and electrostatic
organo-bentonite (POB) for their abilities to remove 2-
repulsion effects), and temperature exerted only a small
naphthol during solid/liquid separation (Sun, Huang et al.,
influence on removal of these substances. A combination of
2013). GOB and POB had similar removal efficiency for 2-
low feed and high draw solution temperature produced
naphthol, but GOB was easily separated from the treated
significant enhancement in neutral TrOC rejection, notably
wastewater when compared to POB, which demonstrated
linuron and triclosan.
the potential of GOB compared to classical POB. Das et al.
by bernessite
(2013) performed a series of batch adsorption tests using a
Zeolites were some of the most commonly
modified palygorskite-based clay media MatCARETM to
studied mineral surface adsorption materials. Grieco and
investigate the removal of PFOS from wastewaters or its
Ramarao (2013) investigated the ability of select alumina-
fixation in contaminated soils. The natural clay exhibited
silica zeolites to adsorb tris-2-chloroethyl phosphate
faster adsorption kinetics and higher affinity to PFOS than
(TCEP) from aqueous solutions. The results demonstrated
activated carbon. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier
that a zeolite with high silica to aluminum ratio showed the
Transformed Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy showed that the
greatest adsorptive capabilities (103,000 microgram of
adsorption occurred at the surface level of the media
TCEP per gram of zeolite) in low pH (~pH 4.0) solutions.
through hydrophobic interactions between the long chains
However at typical environmental concentrations below
of PFOS and MatCARETM. Treatability studies using
100 micrograms per liter, adsorption of TECP was greater
MatCARETM showed its potential to exothermically fix
at a higher pH (pH ~10.0). Jiang, Yang and Yan et al.
PFOS in contaminated soils with retention capacity
influenced by soil physical-chemical properties (e.g., pH,
benzotriazoles with a novel zeolitic adsorbent. The
organic content, etc.). Álvarez et al. (2013) researched the
adsorption of 1-H-Benzotriazole and 5-tolyltriazole showed
sorption characteristics of sepiolite Minclear SG36 as a
pseudo first order reaction kinetics in agreement with
low-cost alternative to traditional sorbent materials such as
Langmuir isotherm kinetics. Adsorption constants of 298.5
activated carbon, for removal of caffeine from aqueous
and 396.8 mg per gram were observed for 1-H-
solutions. Compared with activated carbon adsorbent,
Mineral Exchange.
2051 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
sepiolite adsorbent, with small particle size and high
models. Strong-base polymeric anion exchange resins were
specific surface area, showed faster adsorption rate and
tested for their ability to remove diclofenac from both fresh
middle adsorption capacity for caffeine. The equilibrium
and ureolyzed synthetic urine (Landry, 2013). Diclofenac
adsorption capacity for caffeine by sepiolite was 20.0 mg/g,
removal was >90% for polystyrene resins, with the
and adsorption equilibrium could be reached in 10 days.
interactions between quaternary ammonium functional
adsorbents and resins. The ability of a metallic (zinc,
groups of resin and carboxylic acid of diclofenac and non-
copper, cobalt, and ferrite) based multi-phase adsorbent to
electrostatic interactions between resin matrix and benzene
remove select compounds including anionic (Congo red,
rings of diclofenac. The presence of competing ions (e.g.
and Orange G) and cationic (methylene blue and malachite
phosphate and citrate) did not significantly reduce
green) dyes was studied by Jacob et al. (2013). The study
diclofenac adsorption.
showed rapid pseudo-first order kinetics of adsorption with
Carbon Adsorption. Carbon is still one of the
a rate constant ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 min-1. Huang and
most popular adsorbents for the treatment of emerging
Keller (2013) studied magnetic nanoparticle interactions
pollutants. SMX, caffeine, iopromide and CBZ were
with several emerging pollutants. The nanoparticles had a
studied for their removal by several types of activated
magnetite core and porous crystalline silica outer shell
carbon: powdered (PAC), and fluidized, coagulated and
filled with surfactant micelles. Relatively fast adsorption
flocculated activated carbons (FAC) (Piel et al., 2013). PAC
kinetics were observed for 2-chlorophenol, atenolol, D-
showed efficient removal of CBZ (80%), and FAC showing
consistent (80 to >95%) removal of all four compounds.
dihydroxyphenyl)alanine, methyl orange, succinic acid, and
Juan and Hoffman (2013) modeled the quantitative
SMX. Adsorption studies with methyl orange indicated that
structure activity relationship (QSAR) for 115 pollutants
almost all of the compound was removed from the water
published on the US Environmental Protection Agency
within 60 minutes, a time frame within the range of most
(EPA) Contaminant Candidate List 3. The results of the
water treatment processes. Grimmett (2013) showed that
model indicated that the majority of the compounds are
over 99% removal of sulfamethazine was observed with
treatable using activated carbon. Subsequent bench scale
three hyper cross-linked polystyrene resins, approximately
studies documented the adsorption of 17β-estradiol,
31% was observed with a fourth resin. Control tests were
conducted with glass beads and a copolymer resin which
diethoxalyate, azithromycin and tylosin with activated
showed no appreciable removal. The adsorption of
carbon in Lake Ontario water. In the bench scale tests,
sulfamethazine on a MN250 resin (the most efficient one of
breakthrough of the carbon column was only observed for
the four) compared favorably with the Langmuir isotherm
two pollutants, ibuprofen and SMX after approximately
2052 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
110,000 bed volumes (consistent with 1 year of operation
was evaluated for removal of EDCs via molecular
in a conventional treatment plant). Results of bench studies
dynamics simulations and adsorption experiments (Boateng
confirmed predictions by the QSAR model.
et al., 2013). Binding free energies for adsorption of BPA
Nano-scale carbon materials have received a
and EE2 onto graphene, single-walled carbon nanotubes
great deal of interest from the research community. The
(SWNTs), and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
ability of graphene nanosheets and graphite oxide to
were computed. Computed results showed preferential
remove organic pollutants from aqueous solutions was
sorption of EE2 onto the CNMs compared to BPA and were
studied by Ji, Chen et al. (2013). The study showed three
consistent with experimental results in which higher
aromatic compounds (naphthalene, 2-naptshanol, and 1-
removal efficiencies were observed for EE2 compared to
napthylamine) and one pharmaceutical compound (tylosin)
BPA. Zhang, Fang et al. (2013) found that bisphenol AP
showed a high degree of affinity for both the grapheme
(BPAP) could be adsorbed onto MWCNT reversibly, and
nanosheets and graphite oxide nanotubes. Joseph et al.,
recharged using an ethanol/sodium hydrate solution. Ionic
2013 demonstrated the removal of estrogenic compounds
strength had no effect on adsorption and pH only led to
with carbon nanotubes and GAC adsorption. The study
lower adsorptions outside of the range of 4 to 10. A pseudo
investigated the removal of BPA and EE2 in seawater,
second order model mainly governed by external mass
synthetic landfill leachate, and natural river water. The
transfer fit experimental data the best. Zhang, Lv et al.
results of the study showed up to 90% removal of both
(2013) examined the removal of bisphenol AF (BPAF)
compounds with activated carbon adsorption. Coagulation
using adsorption onto MWCNT. The optimal pH range
with the carbon nanotubes showed minimal removal and
was 4.0 to 8.3. This adsorption was reversible by stripping
did not provide a synergistic effect at reducing the
with small amounts of ethanol.
pollutants when used in tandem with the GAC. Carbon
external mass transfer processes were involved in the
nanofibers are being investigated in a variety of
sorption process. Zhang, Pan et al. (2013) also examined
applications for water treatment currently, and Yang and
the removal of bisphenol F (BPF) from water using
Yen (2013) have described a novel process whereby
adsorption onto multiwall carbon nanotubes MWCNT.
Removal efficiencies were >90%, with a wide range of
effective pH (4‒10) and no effect was observed by
electrocoagulation and electrofiltration unit and then tested
variations in either ionic strength or major cation/anion
for both adsorption and removal efficiencies for caffeine,
presence. Regeneration was achieved using 10 mL
acetaminophen and SMX. Caffeine and SMX were
ethanol/1.0 M sodium hydrate solution (7:3 v/v). Removals
removed at ~95%, but acetaminophen removal was only
of EDCs in water by graphene-based composites with γ-
~80%. The adsorptive capacity of carbon nanomaterials
Fe2O3 nanoparticles were investigated (Sinha and Jana,
carbon film
nanofibers were
Both intra-particle and
2053 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
2013). The removal capacities of these graphene based
illustrating the mixture of fly ash and soil could be used as
compounds, were 360 and 680 mg/g for BPA and 1-
an adsorbent material for removing CBZ from water.
naphthol, showing substantial removal efficiencies of the
Crespo-Alonso et al. (2013) used the Langmuir
compounds studied.
isotherm model to evaluate adsorption properties of cork
In general the process of adsorption also had an
for the removal of fluoroquinolone ofloxacin, a widely used
effect on the occurrence, fate and level of mobilization of
antibiotic. The sorbing performance of cork was found to
seven selected PPCPs (e.g., ibuprofen, diclofenac, CBZ,
be independent of the particle size, and experimental pH
etc.) in a sewer catchment during dry and wet weather
seemed to have influenced the type of interactions between
conditions (Del Rio et al., 2013). The result of the field
sorbent and sorbate. The study showed that at different pH
campaign revealed the adsorption of these compounds in
protonated species and moieties of ofloxacin interacted
biofilms formed in the collector and in sediments and their
differently with the solid surface of cork.
subsequent release and mobilization through wet weather
Chitosans cross-linked with glutaraldehyde and
flows. Mobilization only occurred for compounds that are
typically removed through adsorption to solids in WWTPs,
carboxybenzyl) (CsNCB) were tested alongside non-
and excluded others, such as caffeine, that typically
modified chitosan (Cs) for their ability to adsorb
undergo degradation in secondary treatment.
pramipexole dihydrochloride (Kyzas, 2013). Tests showed
that CsSLF adsorbed pramipexole dihydrochloride most
Beltran-Heredia, Delgado-Regana et al. (2013) synthesized
efficiently, followed by CsNCB and Cs. Researchers
laboratory scale tannin rigid foams for emerging pollutant
proposed modified chitosan as promising, environmentally
(methylene blue, polyoxyethylene sodium lauryl ether
friendly adsorbents for use in pharmaceutical wastewater
sulfate, and trimethoprim) treatment by adsorption.
treatment. Nanofiber mats made of chitosan or cellulose
Adsorption behavior could be predicted by existing kinetic
were tested for adsorption of five trace toxic metals from
and equilibrium models; and adsorption capacities were
water (Musyoka et al., 2013). Both materials were able to
comparable to commercial adsorbents.
remove metals from river and treated water, though
Fly ash was also considered as an alternative
chitosan out-performed the cellulose.
adsorbent and fly ash-amended soil was investigated for its
Molecularly imprinted silica sorbents were
ability to remove CBZ from an aqueous solution
fabricated via an acid-catalyzed sol-gel process in the
(Swarcewicz et al., 2013). Results demonstrated a mean
presence of a templating pollutant (Morais et al., 2013).
removal of 92.8% with a soil mixture containing 30% fly
Silica with molecular cavities imprinted by chemical
ash, while soil alone had only a 33% removal of CBZ,
pollutants displayed adsorption capacities of 55‒65% when
2054 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
used in potable and ground water, while non-imprinted silica had adsorption capacities of only 15‒20%.
compound (Tamoxifen) from secondary WWTP effluents
Coagulation. The majority of the studies focused
using coagulation was investigated. Removal of the
on selecting the right coagulant and the best dose for the
compound by FeCl3 (36%) and polyaluminium chloride
purpose. Two coagulants, aluminum sulfate and pre-
(20%) were limited even as coagulant dose increased,
hydroxylyzed polyaluminum chloride (PAX-XL1, PAX-XL
suggesting anti-estrogenic fractions are difficult to remove
19), were added to contaminated water for the removal of
through coagulation (Tang, Wu, et al., 2013).
several types of PCBs and heavy metals. PAX-XL 19
Comparison of Physical Processes.
Khalaf et
showed the most removal, with the total PCB concentration
al. (2013) studied the removal of mefenamic acid with RO,
being reduced by 71%, and an 86% reduction in lead
activated charcoal and a micelle clay complex. The results
concentration (Rosinska and Dabrowska, 2013). Parmar
indicate that in wastewater spiked with the compound,
and Upadhyay (2013) utilized various doses of coagulants
activated carbon proved more effective at removing the
FeCl3, AlCl3, and FeSO4 in combination in order to
pollutant with a 97.2% removal. The Langmuir adsorption
optimize the removal of pharmaceuticals in wastewater,
capacity of activated carbon was 90.9 mg/g while the
and found that the optimal dosing of each coagulant was
micelle-clay complex exhibited a capacity of 100.0 mg/g,
dependent on the wastewater and pH.
or slightly higher than activated carbon.
The impacts of water quality on coagulation Chemical Treatment Methods
performance with respect to removal of emerging pollutants were also investigated. Diemert and Andrews
Chemical treatment methods can be used to
(2013) investigated the effectiveness of coagulation via
transform pollutant molecules rather than physically
bench-scale alum treatment for the removal of a number of
remove them; there are a number of chemical oxidants that
pharmaceutically active and EDCs from three surface
were studied in 2013.
waters in Canada. Removal mechanisms varied depending
Ozone. Ozonation of excess wastewater sludge
on the target molecule, water chemistry and on the
for the treatment of EDCs [E1, E2, estriol (E3), EE2, BPA)
complexes that these molecules established with NOM in
and NP] was investigated with results showing effective
water matrixes. In a similar experiment with alum
removal of these EDCs in ozonated activated sludge
coagulation a following study by Diemert et al. (2013)
(Qiang, Nie et al., 2013). Proper ozone dosing, the addition
looked into the role of NOM on halo-benzoquinones
of H2O2, and a possible pH adjustment were listed as
removal from the same waters and showed increased
important factors for efficient removal. SMX and EE2 were
removal efficiencies by increasing the coagulant dose.
subjected to ozonation at lower doses than generally used to treat wastewater to test whether biological treatment
2055 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
would respond to match or enhance total degradation
(HO•), and HO• exposure. Reaction rate constants were also
(Larcher and Yargeau, 2013). Experimental results testing
reported for 16 common micropollutants. Hubner, Keller
ozonation as a pre-treatment to biological treatment
and Jekel (2013) showed that in a pilot-scale ozone reactor
indicated that pre-treatment enhanced the SMX removal,
the destruction of TrOCs in WWTP secondary effluent can
but decreased the EE2 removal. This variability suggests
that the potential for ozone pretreatment is compound-
concentration of a tracer compound. However prediction of
dependent. Other studies also demonstrated the potential
TrOC removal by direct reaction with ozone was not
for combining ozonation with biological treatment. The
feasible. The authors determined that the reaction of ozone
biodegradation of ozonation by-products of CBZ in soil
with these compounds was largely limited by mass transfer
columns was investigated by Hubner, Seiwert et al. (2013).
efficiency highlighting the importance of considering
The authors demonstrated that after ozonation of secondary
reactor design and geometry when studying compound
wastewater effluent containing 10 micrograms per liter of
destruction with ozone. Yong and Lin (2013) have
CBZ, approximately 50% of the compound converted into
developed an explicit method to determine simultaneous
a primary by-product known as BQM. Subsequent soil
rate constants for initiation, promotion and inhibition in
column tests showed this compound to be more
ozonation of NOM as it influenced the degradation of
biodegradable than CBZ itself however other by-product
ibuprofen. The model was validated using a model initiator
compounds showed no appreciable removal after 5 to 6
(hydroxide ion), model promoter (methanol) and model
days of residence time in the sand column.
inhibitor (acetate).
Identification of the products and determining their
included pricing and modeling the process. Shadow prices
toxicity is always an important consideration with chemical
of treating wastewater for five pharmeceuticals and
processes including ozonation.
personal care products using ozonation were estimated
(2013) detailed the effects of oxidation with ozone and
(Molinos-Senante et al., 2013). All estimated shadow prices
hydroxyl radicals on the destruction of the antibiotic
were negative, indicating that the environmental benefit of
levofloxacin. The kinetic results of these experiments
treating wastewater with these pollutants outweighs the
indicate that the destruction of levofloxacin with ozone
treatment costs. Lee, Gerrity et al. (2013) developed a
exhibits a second order decay constant of 6.0×10-4 M-1s-1 at
predictive, mechanistic model to describe the removal of
a pH of 7.2 and a temperature of 20 °C. The rate constant
micropollutants by ozonation.
Model inputs included
for destruction with hydroxyl radicals at pH 6.0 and 7.2
ozone dose normalized to the dissolved organic carbon
were 4.5×109 M-1s-1 and 5.2×109 M-1s-1, respectively. Four
(DOC) concentration, rate constants for the reaction of the
treatment by-products were identified for the reaction of
given micropollutant with ozone and hydroxyl radicals
levofloxacin with ozone. Toxicity of these constituents was
Hamdi El Najjar et al.
2056 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
analyzed by inhibition of luminescence of the bacteria V.
also measured removal efficiencies of these EDCs which
fisheri and indicated that the intermediate compounds are
varied from 20 to 70%, depending on flow conditions at an
potentially more toxic than the levofloxacin. Barritaud et al.
ozone dose of 0.5 g O3 per g TOC. Biological tests showed
(2013) tested a methodology to identify the potential by-
that the oxidation stage did not significantly reduce the
products of emerging chemical pollutants generated during
estrogenicity of the effluent and revealed the presence
ozonation by testing river water samples spiked with
and/or formation of genotoxic compounds showing that
estrone sulfate.
Four main treatment by products were
poor performances recorded in this study could be
found by chromatography. Estrogen receptor-mediated
attributed to the presence of a significant industrial
chemical activated luciferase gene expression bioassays
component in the influent wastewater.
were performed to measure the estrogenic potency of
Ozone and ozone/H2O2 were studied at different
samples before and after treatment. Results of this study,
concentrations for their ability to degrade bezafibrate and
which were also reported by Bourgin, Gervais et al. (2013),
CBZ, along with characterizing the transformation products
showed that degradation of the parent compound (>80%)
(TPs) formed. CBZ was completely oxidized under both
occurred in 10 minutes. A non-targeted chemical profiling
conditions and had TPs for ozone only, while low levels or
approach derived from metabolomic profiling studies
non-detects for ozone/H2O2 were observed. Bezafibrate
revealed 11 ozonation by-products, among which 4 were
was oxidized by both (>89%) and had TPs for ozone and
predominant. While the results confirmed that ozonation
low levels or non-detects for ozone/H2O2, suggesting that
showed formation of by products, the by-products had
while ozone is great at degrading the parent compound,
significantly lower estrogenic activity. The performance of
hydroxyl radicals are still important in the transformation
a full-scale ozonation plant was investigated in order to
of TPs (Tootchi et al., 2013).
assess the removal efficiency of four target EDCs:
Antoniou et al. (2013) investigated the ozone
nonylphenol, nonylphenol monoethoxylate, nonylphenol
dosage required to remove PhACs from biologically treated
diethoxylate and BPA (Bertanza, Papa, Pedrazzani, Repice
wastewater of varying quality, originated from different
and Dal Grande, 2013). Researchers evaluated tertiary
raw wastewater and wastewater treatment processes. Test
effluent from a municipal WWTP which receives an
waters were spiked with 42 PhACs and treated with
industrial (textile) load. Results of the study showed that
different ozone doses (0.5–12.0 mg/L) in bench-scale
measured removal efficiency was lower than what could be
experiments. Fifteen of the 42 investigated PhACs could be
predicted based on literature data, because of the relatively
classified as easily degradable, while 19 were moderately
high residual content of biorefractory compounds still
degradable, and 8 were recalcitrant towards ozone
present after biological treatment. In a companion paper,
treatment. The ozone dose for 90% degradation can be
Bertanza, Papa, Pedrazzani, Repice, Mazzoleni et al. (2013)
2057 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
predicted based on the target pharmaceutical and the DOC
precursors during chloramination and chlorination of
of the wastewater to be treated.
wastewaters as a function of the initial water chemistry
Chlorination, bromination and chloramination.
(e.g., dissolved organic nitrogen, DOC and bromide).
Chlorination was questioned as a potential treatment
During speciation dichloroacetamide was the most common
technology for the EDCs BPA, triclosan, and NP from
HAcAm detected during chlorination or chloramination
secondary wastewater effluent, and was not found to be
whereas bromochloroacetamide was the most abundant
completely effective (Noutsopoulos et al., 2013). NP, BPA,
species among the six bromine-containing HAcAms. Shen
and triclosan were effectively removed (60‒84%) at
and Andrews (2013b) studied the impact of pre-
moderate chlorine doses, however, ethoxylates of NP
chlorination and water matrix upon the formation of
(NP1EO and NP2EO) showed removal efficiencies of
NDMA from amine-based pharmaceuticals. In deionized
chlorophene > nortriptyline HCl >
from oxidation of aromatic double bonds. Zhang, Sun et al.
benzotriazole > DEET. Reaction rate constants for
(2013) studied how permanganate can be utilized to oxidize
bromination of the compounds ranked in the same
BPA and compared results to the existing literature on BPA
sequence. The efficiency of chlorination for the degradation
fate in other oxidative processes. The reaction rates were
of these compounds when present in surface water from a
second order (28.53 M-1s-1), the same as photo-catalytic
public reservoir, and two effluents from municipal WWTPs
degradation of BPA, though ferrate oxidation was an order
showed chlorination degraded some of the compounds but
of magnitude greater. The advantage of the process was
was not effective for all, especially benzotriazole and
selectivity of permanganate for BPA in a complex matrix,
DEET. Also, chlorination in the presence of bromide
while other oxidants can be non-selective and can suffer
revealed that low bromide concentrations enhanced slightly
from reduced efficiency in some samples. BPA removal
the reaction of the selected compounds during chlorine
was highly pH and temperature dependent, but co-existing
oxidation. Pape et al. (2013) found that the antimicrobial
solutes had no negative effects on BPA degradation.
triclosan transformed quickly in wastewater treatment
Photolysis. The studies in photolysis focused on
chlorination when tested in the absence of full matrices, but
two main aspects of the process: kinetics and quantum
found inconsistencies when tested in a natural water matrix,
yields, and transformation products. Ji, Zhou et al. (2013)
composition on triclosan chlorination transformation.
phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid, an agent present in sunscreen, by high pressure mercury vapor lamp and laser
Chlorination effects upon microbial antibiotic using
flash photolysis. In this study a quantum yield of 2.7 × 10-4
metagenomics. Results suggested that chlorination in
was reported at a pH of 6.8 in buffer solution. The results
drinking water could concentrate various ARG, as well as
of the study indicate that the principal means of destruction
plasmids, insertion sequences, and integrons, illustrating a
of the pollutant is by direct photolysis. Indirect photolysis
potential public health concern (Shi et al., 2013).
only plays a role when direct photolysis is inhibited by
2059 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
photosensitizers such as nitrate. De Laurentiis et al. (2013)
photodegradation rates and the relative distribution of the
studied the effect of UV photolysis on benzophenone-4,
major reaction intermediates. Salgado et al. (2013)
commonly present in freshwater and seawater environment
investigated the use of medium pressure direct UV
from direct wastewater discharge or release during
photolysis on the degradation of three pharmaceuticals
sunbathing. The two deprotonated forms of benzophenone-
(ketoprofen, diclofenac, atenolol) in both laboratory grade
4, HA- and A2-, present different degradation kinetics when
water and wastewater, in order to provide insight into
exposed to direct photolysis, with the latter generally faster
wastewater discharge products when UV photolysis is
than the former. The opposite occurs for low levels of
employed. Photodegradation kinetics were followed with
DOM in the water matrix, due to the faster reaction of HA-
ketoprofen > diclofenac > atenolol, and the associated
with hydroxyl radicals. Presence of bromide and DOC in
byproducts were identified for all three compounds.
seawater environment plays a significant role in the
Apart from emerging chemical pollutants, UV was
reactivity of benzophenone-4 during photolysis. Four
also evaluated for emerging biological pollutants such as
halobenzoquinones, a class of emerging disinfection by-
antibiotic resistant bacteria. Guo et al. (2013a) elucidated
product, showed as much as 90% degradation by UV
the dose-response curves at the bench scale for nine
irradiation in both pure and tap water, and several major
antibiotic resistance strains of bacteria with ultra-violet
byproducts were identified (Qian et al., 2013). Keen et al.
(UV) disinfection. Strains of bacteria that were investigated
(2013) studied the photodegradation of diclofenac under
identified in the treatment plant included strains resistant to
UV and found that quantum yield of photolysis was
independent of wavelength, and that one of the products of
photolysis is a dimer of the parent molecule. Because the
chloramphenicol, and a strain resistant to both tetracycline
dimers were found only in pure water and not in
and erythromycin. The results of the study showed that
wastewater, the authors postulated that incorporation into
the background organic matter may be a reaction pathway
erythromycin required a UV fluence of 50 mJ/cm2 for a 4-
for this pollutant.
log inactivation, a 2-log inactivation was achieved at a
In addition, dissolved oxygen and
fluence of approximately 10 mJ/cm2. All other species
instrumental for the dimer formation. Another study also
required a UV fluence between 10 and 20 mJ/cm2 for a 4-
found that oxygen can affect photodegradation of some
log reduction. The authors indicated that UV treatment
compounds (Marotta et al., 2013). The photodegradation of
showed a potential for selectivity for certain strains,
aqueous solution of naproxen and its photo-products were
including those resistant to gentamicin, vanomycin,
studied under aerated and deaerated conditions. Results
showed a significant influence of dissolved oxygen on
proportions of these strains in comparison to the others
intermediate epoxide formation
was shown
2060 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
increased after UV treatment. In a subsequent article, Guo
in a reaction with hydroxyl radicals. Based on that, and
et al. (2013b) detailed the same effect for tetracycline and
other criteria, authors proposed using sucralose as a
erythromycin resistant bacteria. After 1-log of bacterial
performance indicator for AOP reactors for treatment of
counts reduction, the proportion of tetracycline resistant
emerging pollutants. Benitez et al. (2013a; 2013b; 2013c)
bacteria increased in proportion to that of erythromycin
performed photodegradation experiments by UV radiation
resistant bacteria.
alone, UV/H2O2 and Fenton’s reagent system on five
Huang et al. (2013) documented the
tetracycline-resistant E. coli. The bacteria showed no
chlorophene, 3-methylindole, and nortriptyline HCI),
increased resistance to UV irradiation compared to non-
frequently found in surface waters and wastewaters. The
tetracycline resistant strains of E. coli. However, the
researchers determined quantum yields and rate constants
authors showed that after 4.3-log inactivation with chlorine
for the radical reaction between each compound and
exposure, tetracycline-resistant strains were more prevalent
than non-tetracycline resistant bacteria indicating selection
photodegradation of mixtures of the selected compounds in
of these bacteria in the disinfection process.
several water matrices were conducted. A model was
While UV photolysis was most commonly studied,
proposed for the elimination of these compounds and
some researchers explored solar photodegradation of
compared to experimental results confirming its viability to
pollutants. Babic´ et al. (2013) studied the photolytic
predict the elimination of these compounds in various
degradation of norfloxacin, enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin,
waters (Benitez et al., 2013b). In addition, transformation
fluoroquinolone antibacterials widely used in human and
products were identified, and the authors reported that
veterinary medicine under simulated solar irradiation in
some of the early intermediates showed higher toxicity
using a Microtox test (Benitez et al., 2013c). A variety of
AOPs were applied to the same five compounds in public
photodegradation followed pseudo first order kinetics;
reservoir water and two secondary effluents from municipal
researchers also identified the degradation pathways. The
wastewater plants by the same group of researchers
slowest photodegradation rate was observed in river water
(Benitez et al., 2013a) to evaluate the costs of each
for all three fluoroquinolones.
process. In general, combined oxidation processes, like
matrices. degrade
The results showed very
Advanced Oxidation Processes. Because UV is
UV/TiO2, O3/H2O2 and photo-Fenton systems, resulted in
commonly as a component of advanced oxidation, multiple
greater contaminant removal than single oxidant processes.
studies compared UV with UV/H2O2 for transformation of
Researchers noted that the electrical energy required for
a variety of compounds. Keen and Linden (2013b) showed
operating UV lamps can be significant, and found
that sucralose is stable under UV to 200 nm, but degrades
traditional Fenton’s reagent to have the lowest cost of
2061 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
materials and energy (Benitez et al., 2013c). Direct
90%, although high H2O2 doses were required due to bulk
iron was found not to improve removal rates and
organic and inorganic carbon in the wastewater (Schulze-
efficiencies due to increased reduction of UV transmittance
Hennings and Pinnekamp, 2013). Forty pharmaceuticals
and limited presence of dissolved iron due to Fe(III)
were compared in terms of degradation rate under
precipitation at pH of 6‒7. In another study by Keen and
UV/H2O2 treatment by Wols et al. (2013). Three different
Linden (2013a), the effectiveness of both UV and UV/H2O2
water sources and two different UV lamps were used. Most
was examined for degradation of antibacterial activity of
antibiotics. Representatives of 6 different antibiotic classes
monochromatic LP lamp regardless of water source. For a
were used with low pressure and medium pressure mercury
polychromatic medium pressure (MP) lamp, photolysis was
lamps, and the treatment was studied in both pure water
improved for some pharmaceuticals depending on the water
matrix. Degradation kinetics for several pharmaceuticals
was not previously reported, including metformine,
paroxetine, pindolol, sotalol and venlafaxine. In oxidation
Erythromycin formed antibacterial products at UV fluence
processes influent constituents can affect the rate at which
the antibiotics into products with
2062 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
acid pharmaceuticals are degraded. Yuan et al. (2013) have
compounds tested (e.g., CBZ, diclofenac, metoprolol,
investigated the effects of humic acids in influent water for
SMX, etc.) and that degradation efficiencies and rates of
UV/H2O2 treatment of six pharmaceuticals. Humic acid at
UV and UV/H2O2 treatment are increased with lower flow
1, 5 and 10 mg/L inhibited the degradation rate
rates and addition of H2O2, respectively.
significantly. The presence of several anions including Cl-,
Fenton and photo-Fenton processes are among
NO3-, and HCO3- were also shown to inhibit the reactor
other popular AOPs. Klamerth et al. (2013) investigated
efficiency of pharmaceutical degradation. Authors discuss a
the destruction of emerging pollutants (total concentration
number of other variables including temperature, H2O2
240 ng/L) in wastewater effluent using a solar photo-
concentration, pH and lab versus natural waters.
Fenton and modified photo-Fenton process. Over 95%
Several AOP studies evaluated and compared
removal of all compounds was achieved. The photo-Fenton
alternatives for generating hydroxyl radicals. Pablos et al.
process at pH 3 was more effective than the modified
(2013) explored various photochemical AOPs (UV-C/H2O2,
photo-Fenton process which was conducted at neutral pH.
Photodegradation of a recalcitrant endocrine disruptor, 4-
removal of pharmaceuticals and inactivation of bacteria.
tert octylphenol or as promoted by Fe (III) was reported by
Pharmaceuticals were only fully eliminated using UV-
Wu et al. (2013). Complete degradation after 45 minutes at
A/TiO2, but a longer irradiation time was necessary to
365 nm was noted. 2-propanol was an effective inhibitor (a
achieve bacterial inactivation. UV/Cl2 and UV/H2O2 AOPs
mechanism was discussed).
were considered for the removal of emerging pollutants and
Some of the less common types of AOP were
taste and odor compounds in a drinking water facility, with
evaluated as well. Oncu and Balcioglu et al. (2013b)
chlorine-based AOPs showing an economic advantage, and
evaluated microwave-assisted hydrogen peroxide treatment
a reduction of MIB ranging between 45 and 90%
and microwave-assisted persulfate treatment of biological
depending on pH (Rosenfeldt et al., 2013). Potential
sludge and compared treatment methods in terms of
advantages of UV/Cl2 include minimal disinfection by-
product formation as a result of chlorination, performance
solubilization. Although both methods yielded nearly
at low oxidant doses, improved efficiency (site specific),
complete antibiotic degradation, the microwave-assisted
and no residual quenching. In the study by Eyser et al.
persulfate was found to be efficient at a lower temperature
(2013), oxidation of PPCPs using advanced oxidation
and oxidant dose. Additionally, it also provided more
treatment with ozone, UV and UV/H2O2 was investigated
overall metal solubilization, twofold higher improvement in
dewaterability, and the oxidation of solubilized ammonia to
intermediates evaluated. The results showed that ozone
nitrate occurred in a shorter treatment period. Although
alone achieves high removal efficiency (>84%) of the
most of the AOP rely on chemical addition for generation
2063 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
of hydroxyl radicals, some of the background contituents
fluorescent lamp. In addition, the nanocomposite rods were
can do so as well. Effluent organic matter (EfOM) acts as a
easily recovered and removed due to their long axial
photosensitizer by producing reactive oxygen species,
dimensions (Lam, 2013a). Lam et al. (2013b) also
which in turn oxidize recalcitrant organic compounds. The
synthesized nano-scaled tungsten oxide (WO3) coated
study by Lee, Glover and Rosario-Ortiz (2013) reveals that
evenly on ZnO nanorods (ZNRs) to create robust WO3-
ZNR nanocomposites with a red-shifted adsorption
physicochemical properties of EfOM, including molecular
size and hydrophobicity.
photocatalytic activity in the degradation of resorcinol over
Activity of the transformation products was also
pure ZNRs, as well as successful degradation of other
the focus of the study by Yu et al. (2013). The authors have
endocrine disrupting chemicals. Leshuk et al. (2013)
studied the degradation mechanisms for diclofenac reacting
with hydroxyl radical and solvated electron. Rate constants
paramagnetic γ-Fe2O3@SiO2@TiO2 colloidal nanospheres
were reported at 9.29×109 and 1.53×109 M-1s-1 respectively.
with mesophorous TiO2 shells for use in photocatalysis for
Toxicity studies were also reported using V. fischeri
bioluminescent species. The advanced reduction process
photcatalytic activities to high-activity, mixed-phase titania
was found to remove toxicity more effectively.
photocatalyst (e.g. P25 TiO2, Degussa), but were recyclable
Catalysis. Many studies focused on testing novel
via magnetic recovery. Baumgartner et al. (2013) evaluated
catalysts for treatment of emerging pollutants. Xin et al.
a catalytic system with Rh/Al2O3 and H2 and found this
(2013) described a combination of water-surface discharge
system to be capable of efficiently degrading a wide range
of halogenated benzenes at ambient temperature and
microcystine-LR (MC-LR), a toxin from cyanobacterial
pressure. Results of this work showed slower degradation
blooms. The optimal reported removal rate was 90.2%
with increasing number of fluorine substituents and
versus 75.3% without xerogel addition.
An oxidation-
increasing degradation rates with increasing number of
adsorption kinetic model was used to analyze the system
adjacent fluorine substituents. The observed fluorinated
and indicated that catalytic oxidation was dominant in
intermediates indicated that adjacent fluorine substituents
determining rate. ZnO nanorods coated evenly with
are preferably removed. Chalasani and Vasudevan (2013)
evaluated water-dispersible, photocatalytic Fe3O4@TiO2
nanocomposites showed high charge-separation efficiency,
core shell magnetic nanoparticles for their ability to capture
high hydroxyl radical generation ability, and higher
and photocatalytically destroy BPA and dibutyl phthalate in
photocatalytic activities in the degradation of phenol and
water. The specially prepared nanomaterial showed that
methylparaben than pure ZnO nanorods under a compact
high removal rates could be achieved and the catalyst can
2064 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
be magnetically separated from the dispersion after reaction
effluent from a hybrid biological concentrator reactor.
and reused with little or no loss of catalytic activity. Chi et
Results revealed differences in removal rates depending
al. (2013) used a modified polyacrylonitrile catalyst and
upon the technique used for synthesis of the composite
dosed effluent from a conventional WWTP with hydrogen
TiO2-based catalyst. Buda and Czech (2013) evaluated
peroxide in a heterogeneous Fenton’s process to remove
mesoporous C- and C,N-codoped TiO2 in the removal of
EDCs and PPCPs. The treatment system was effective at
diclofenac from water. Results showed that the synthesized
ambient temperature and at the natural pH of the
catalysts were effective for degrading diclofenac and
wastewater. Estrogenic potency was removed by 82.77%,
enabled reduction of the COD value of the wastewater by at
91.36%, and 96.13% from three different WWTPs with
least 60%. The process of catalyst production had an
furnace dust was insolubilized by a solution of highly
ozonation > solar heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2.
enriched bacteria within 168 hours of culture.
Similar conclusion was drawn in another study. The
Comparison of Chemical Processes. Several
removal of 11 pharmaceuticals in RO brine by ozonation
studies focused on comparing different processes, and the
and UV/H2O2 oxidation was studied by Justo et al., 2013.
process with the highest promise was not consistent from
In general, due to the resistance to oxidation by ozone of
one study to another and depended on the properties of the
several chemicals including atenolol and CBZ, UV/H2O2
proved to be a more efficient technology as effective
Heredia and Domingues (2013) investigated the use of UV
removal of these compounds was observed with this
photolysis, UV/TiO2, and UV/H2O2 for the removal of
treatment method.
2071 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
Apart from chemical pollutants, some studies
using pulsed ozonation. They found that daily pulsed ozone
compared various technologies for treating biological
doses could shorten the standard 15–30 day-long aerobic
emerging pollutants. Oncu and Balcioglu (2013a) compiled
digestion process to 4 days, while maintaining greater than
a literature review, and performed a study on the removal
85% of mixed liquor suspended solids removal and
of antimicrobial resistant elements by various oxidation-
achieving 99% removal of EDCs. Collado, Quero et al.
(2013) evaluated the performance of a combined wet
photocatalysis and ozonation were shown to be more
oxidation/aerobic biological process in removing phenolic
effective than conventional chlorination for the removal of
compounds (phenol and salicylic, p-hydroxybenzoic and 5-
a resistance carrier in DNA from a bacterial plasmid.
hydroxyisophthalic acids) from wastewater effluents from
Rizzo, Fiorentino and Anselmo (2013) utilized both UV
pharmaceutical manufacturing. The integrated process
radiation and chlorination for the treatment of antibiotic-
maintained high stability during fluctuations of hydraulic
resistant E. coli strains including those resistant to
and pollutant loads, and significant COD removal
amoxicillin, SMX, and ciprofloxacin (CPX). Chlorination
efficiencies (>97%) were obtained during each process
process did not cause an effect in the antibiotic-resistant
step. Yoon et al. (2013) performed bench-scale soil batch
strains, while UV was effective. UV photolysis was also
reactor studies in combination with ozonation to elucidate
able to degrade all three compounds, with the treatment
how aquifer recharge and recovery might attenuate TrOCs,
time required for each compound as follows: CPX (14 min)
< amoxicillin (20 min) < SMX (25 min). The authors
biotransformation, and remove oxidation products from
conclude that conventional chlorination may not be
coupled ozonation. Seventeen target TrOCs were treated.
effective for addressing ARGs.
Fluorescence studies were used to analyze for bulk organic
carbon attenuation. Ozonation was enacted either before or Combinations of Processes Combinations
after aquifer recharge and recovery. Pre-ozonation was and
superior for removal of dissolved organics, while post-
oxidation processes have been a common focus of
ozonation was more effective for removal of certain
treatment research. Ozonation of amoxicillin in wastewater
fluorescing compounds and TrOCs. Nitrosodimethylamine
was tested as a pretreatment to biological degradation in an
formed in ozonation was found to be eliminated by aquifer
SBR (Lefebvre et al., 2013). Although ozonation was
recharge and recovery. A comparison of suspended
successful, performance of the SBR degraded, likely due to
activated sludge (MBBR), activated sludge, hydrodynamic
ozone byproducts, indicating that ozone may not be a
cavitation (HC)-H2O2, and UV treatment versus sequential
suitable pretreatment for amoxicillin wastewater. Muz et
treatment and the efficiency for removal of ibuprofen,
al. (2013) studied removal of EDCs in activated sludge
naproxen, ketoprofen, CBZ, diclofenac and a metabolite of
2072 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
clofibric acid was reported by Zupanc et al. (2013). The
al., 2013). The vast majority of compounds were able to be
highest amount of biomass was actually determined to be in
removed by MBR followed by O3, O3/H2O2, or PAC, but
activated sludge rather than suspended on the carriers
not by MBR followed by ClO2.
(attached biomass), contrary to expectations. Removal was
studied the removal of a mixture of emerging pollutants
inconsistent for most pharmaceuticals and zero for CBZ be
either biomass method. The HC/H2O2 treatment did remove
combination of ozonation, black-light photocatalysis and
CBZ and diclofenac, but featured only 40‒50% removal of
titania (supported in activated carbon and non-supported).
other TrOCs. Highest overall removals of all compounds
Processes that used ozonation achieved the highest
combined was found for a sequence of MBBR-HC/H2O2-
degradation rates compared to other processes (e.g.,
UV where CBZ and diclofenac removal was >98%. Silva et
photolysis (UVA), adsorption (TiO2 and [AC-TiO2]),
al. (2013) investigated the effect of a multitude of
photocatalytic oxidation). According to the results of TOC
treatments on biodegradability enhancement and trace
conversion profiles, ozonation-based processes are also
pollutants within
most likely to achieve some degree of mineralization.
character of the leachate resulted in an initial 39%
Another research team (Zylan and Ince, 2013) compared
reduction in organic carbon utilizing biological treatment
the effectiveness of ozone-based treatments combined with
alone, but the removal increased to 70% when biological
combinations of UV, H2O2, FeSO4 and ultrasound (US) for
treatment was followed by photo-Fenton and another
biological treatment after photo-Fenton.
laboratory-scale reactor. Of the various combinations, the
wastewater containing high levels of CBZ and venlafaxine
US/UV and US/Fe+2 in combination with ozonation were
was run through biological activated sludge followed by
found to be remarkably efficient in rendering diclofenac-
ozonation to test the system’s removal efficiency (Lester et
free water and providing mineralization to reduce
al., 2013). Both CBZ and venlafaxine were recalcitrant to
disinfection byproduct production at the later chlorination
biological degradation but were degraded by ozone, with
steps. The US/Fe+2 process additionally allowed for a
degradation rates individually varying with pH. Ozonation
chemical-free coagulation step as a follow-on. Ferreira de
also increased the biodegradability of the wastewater,
Oliveira et al. (2013) observed that coupling of ozone and
which would be desired if followed by biological treatment.
activated carbon treatment enhanced the removal efficiency
One major focus area of research was the
and rates of recalcitrant pollutants, such as phthalates. The
Encinas et al. (2013)
simultaneously DOC
enhancement of ozonation by coupling it with a variety of
other processes. PhACs in hospital wastewater effluent
mineralization of the compound as well as reaction product
were tested for removal using MBR coupled with oxidation
intermediates. The enhancement is most likely linked to the
(O3, O3/H2O2, ClO2) or adsorption technologies (Nielsen et
reaction of radicals formed via ozonation with the
2073 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
functional groups at the activated carbon surface. The
draw solution, recycle of the draw solution using in-line
structure of the carbon surface is progressively modified
GAC or UV treatment could mitigate this limitation. Yet
during treatment, and shows increasing formation of
another alternative for concentrate management in tandem
carbonyl groups with longer ozone exposure times.
with membrane filtration was studied by Urtiaga et al.
Membranes coupled with other processes were
(2013) who examined an advanced tertiary treatment
studied by many research groups. Cartagena et al. (2013)
method, which included membrane technologies (UF-RO)
evaluated an MBR pilot plant using two different
and electrooxidation (boron-doped diamond electrodes) for
membrane systems. Removal efficiencies of 10 emerging
the elimination of two stimulants and ten pharmaceuticals
pollutants were determined and results were consistent with
from secondary wastewater treatment effluent. The
other previously published research showing that coupling
membranes were able to achieve 99% reduction for all
target compounds with the electrooxidation utilized on the
biodegradation), and NF or RO (which provides size
concentrate stream (95% removal for most of the
compounds studied), exhibiting the potential of this
In some instances the combined
treatment train to remove emerging pollutants from
emerging pollutants.
processes had a synergistic effect.
Low-pressure UV
secondary WWTP effluents.
photolysis combined with NF was investigated for the
Chon et al. (2013) evaluated the removal of seven
removal of emerging pesticides in drinking water, and
micropollutants of emerging concern performance using an
efficient removal of all pesticides was found with
integrated reclamation system (coagulation-disk filtration-
photodegradation byproducts also being removed by NF
UF and RO). The study showed that high pollutant
following UV treatment. An added benefit of disinfection
removals were achieved in the RO, with performance
can be found by coupling this process, and could perhaps
strongly influenced by the pollutants diffusion coefficient,
require a lower chlorine dose for disinfection, minimizing
molecular size cut-off and charge. The study of membrane
disinfection byproduct formation (Sanches, Penetra et al.,
foulants showed the highest affinity of RO membranes with
2013). Another study also found membrane treatment
hydrophilic fractions of pollutants, while hydrophobic
followed by UV to be a promising coupling (Xie, Price et
residuals were mainly detected in UF foulants. Diemert et
al., 2013). A combination of FO and membrane distillation
al. (2013) evaluated the production of halo-benzoquinones,
was examined for on-site use in mining of sewer effluent to
disinfection byproducts present in disinfected treated
produce recycled water. In particular the hybrid system
waters, from three different sources when alum coagulation
showed good removal of TrOCs, and membrane distillation
is followed by chlorination. The study also focused on the
could be operated with waste heat. The authors further
showed that while some compounds accumulated in the
benzoquinones and demonstrated that, in some instances a
2074 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
correlation exists between recalcitrant humic fraction of
water and the formation of the 2,6-benzoquinone, when a
sulfonamides. In short, authors made the same conclusion
compiled dataset with the three waters is used. Another
that a combination of technologies was necessary to
study evaluated combinations of processes and their effect
remove the mixture of antibiotics from the source water.
on unregulated disinfection by-product formation (Wei et
Yet another example of a beneficial coupling of membrane
al., 2013). Authors discussed the role of biological
filtration with other processes was demonstrated by
pretreatment and BAC in producing soluble microbial
Miralles-Cuevas (2013). Photo-Fenton treatment processes
experience slow reaction kinetics when the pollutant
was highly effective in
trihalomethanes (I-THM). I-THMs were found in drinking
concentration is low.
water from Southern China after the chloramination unit.
micropollutants via NF prior to solar photo-Fenton
Model studies showed that CH2ClI levels increased with
treatment reduced H2O2 consumption and enhanced
increasing iodine content but remained low under high
degradation rates as compared to solar photo-Fenton
chlorine doses.
systems alone.
Lipids were the most reactive model
precursors of the soluble microbial products.
Pre-concentrating pharmaceutical
Another set of studies evaluated the performance
In general, most studies evaluating process
of whole plants. Occurrence and the removal of emerging
combinations concluded that a multibarrier approach is the
pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and caffeine were
key to providing treatment objectives. Combining multiple
investigated at a WWTP over a fourteen-month period in
western Greece (Stamatis and Konstantinou, 2013). In
micropollutant removals was investigated, with the purpose
addition to the traditional preliminary, primary and
of suggesting treatment trains (Sudhakaran, Maeng and
secondary treatment with chlorine disinfection, the plant
Amy, 2013). This hybrid approach aimed to establish
included chemical phosphorus removal and sand filtration.
sustainable processes, and suggested the use of oxidation
All compounds investigated were detected within the
and microfiltration for pretreatment, while also suggesting
wastewater samples, with removal efficiencies of 46.3% for
NF, adsorption, and chlorination for a post-treatment
CBZ and 96.8% for naproxen. The study illustrated the
method in aquifer recharge and recovery. Conventional
coagulation-sedimentation and ozone-biologically active
pharmaceuticals, although significant amounts still enter
carbon (BAC) systems were evaluated for removal of
the waterways. Ibañez et al., 2013 demonstrated the
antibiotics and organic matter in a contaminated lake in
occurrence of over 60 types of pharmaceuticals and
China (Liao et al., 2013). While coagulation and
emerging pollutants in WWTP effluent. The study showed
sedimentation was effective in removing fluoroquinolones,
ozonation was required for the removal of tetracycline and
conventional waste water treatment processes. Further
the compounds were effectively removed
2075 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
treatment with ozone at a dosage of 7‒12 mg/L provided
plant investigations were not limited to WWTPs. The use
effective removal for all pollutants. The authors also
of UV/H2O2 alongside GAC and conventional surface water
documented the ineffectiveness of ultrasound treatment in
treatment in removing pesticides, endocrine disruptors,
combination with ozonation. Roccaro et al. (2013)
pharmaceuticals, solvents, and algae toxins, was tested for
proposed 10 possible upgrades to conventional WWTPs
use in full-scale water treatment plants which use water
utilizing a combination of treatment technologies in a
from Lake IJsell. It was confirmed that atrazine and diuron
multi-barrier treatment approach to aid the removal of
are degraded by photodegradation while benzatone and
EDCs and PPCPs. Data on the removal efficiency was
bromacil are degraded by hydroxyl-radical oxidation.
synthesized from existing literature in order to calculate the
Generally, it was found that this multibarrier system was
total unit cost for the upgraded facilities water for various
successful in degrading many compounds found in Lake
plant sizes. The concentrations and removal rates of trace
IJsell (Kruithof, 2013).
emerging organic pollutants were evaluated across various
In addition to the studies measuring the
stages of treatment in 16 WWTPs in UK. In this study by
performance of the whole plant, some modeled the plant
Gardner et al. (2013) a wide range of treatment
performance for specific pollutants. The preliminary design
performance was observed, and often tertiary treatment
and exploratory testing and modeling of a mineralizing
showed better pollutant removals than those achieved by
urban/suburban ambient net-zero water (UANZW) system
secondary treatment, possibly more sensitive to operating
was conceptualized by Englehardt et al. (2013) for potable
conditions (e.g., redox, HRT, SRT). Removal by adsorption
reuse applications and consequent elimination of emerging
to solid is also reported by Gardner et al. (2013) as an
compounds. The treatment train including MBR, IMA,
important removal process for TrOCs, and often not
vacuum UF, peroxone, and UV was designed to meet
functional for hydrophobic molecules. Faul et al. (2013)
potable water quality criteria through denitrification and
reviewed the quality of reclaimed water for domestic and
effluent mineralization of wastewater. EE2 was modeled as
human consumption from Gammams Sewage Treatment
a target compound and found to be completely removed
Plant (GSTP) and Goreangab Water Reclamation Plant
after treatment with peroxone at specific doses (6.7 g/h
(GWRP) in Namibia. E3, E1, testosterone, were among the
H2O2 and 22 g/h O3) and in presence of 17 mg COD/L or
EDCs under evaluation. The results showed that rainfall
events produced seasonal patterns in the concentrations
investigated eight drinking water treatment methods for
profiles of EDCs in raw sewage entering GSTP. The GRWP
organic micropollutant removal using experimental and
has the potential to achieve complete removal of these
model studies. Multi-criteria analysis was conducted (cost,
compounds, even if partial removal is achieved in GSTP
sustainability, time, treatment, technology) which assessed
(27‒92% depending on the EDC considered). The full-scale
a slew of variables, with the model selecting river-bank
2076 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
filtration and ozonation as the best method. A quantitative
structure activity relationship model was used, suggesting
micropollutants in hospital wastewater using O3, O3/H2O2,
NF outranked RO for organic micropollutant removal.
PAC, and UV light with or without TiO2. They found that
the majority of wastewater micropollutants can be removed Comparison of Processes
by ozone and PAC, while some recalcitrant compounds,
While some of the studies that compared
like diatrizoate, can only be removed by high UV doses.
different methods within the biological, chemical or
Combined treatments of O3/H2O2 and UV/TiO2 did not
physical class were discussed in the corresponding sections,
improve removal efficiency over single treatments of ozone
this section summarizes the studies that compared
and UV. The efficiency of MBRs and ozonation in
processes involving different mechanisms of action. Some
removing endocrine disruptive potentials was studied for
studies focused on systems that involve a variety of
use in treatment of hospital wastewater (Maletz et al.,
processes. Abargues et al. (2013) evaluated the effect of
2013). Treatment by MBRs reduced estrogenicity of
light, oxygen and microalgae on removal of the endocrine-
sewage while ozonation efficiently removed most measured
disrupting compounds 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol,
compounds. Future investigation may require establishing
technical-nonylphenol, 4-n-nonylphenol, and BPA from the
whether either of these processes generates endocrine
effluent of an anaerobic MBR. Results demonstrated that
active metabolites.
the removal rates of these compounds differed with each
Yet another subset of studies in this category
post-treatment method and that aeration (oxygen) resulted
evaluated whole plants and either compared different
in the highest removal ratios indicating the importance of
treatment trains or compared processes within a single plant
an aerobic step in EDC degradation; a mass balance also
to each other in terms of effectiveness for emerging
showed that chemical oxidation was more important than
pollutant abatement. The concentrations and removal rates
of ARGs were measured in three municipal WWTPs
perchlorate-selective ion exchange, biological reduction
employing conventional treatment followed by different
and catalytic treatment for perchlorate removal based on
advanced treatment systems [biological aerated filter,
constructed wetland, and UV disinfection] (Chen and
normalized to the mass treated, in a lifecycle analysis.
Zhang 2013). The authors reported ARG reductions of 1−3
Because resource consumption during the operational phase
orders of magnitude through three conventional activated
comprises > 80% of the total impacts of these technologies,
sludge processes. However, advanced post-treatment
the analysis indicates that ion exchange is competitive, but
systems differed with 1−3 orders of reductions in ARGs in
emerging technologies also show great promise from an
constructed wetlands, 0.6−1.2 orders in the biological
environmental sustainability perspective. Kovalova et al.
aerated filter, and no apparent decrease by UV disinfection.
2077 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
Flores et al. (2013) evaluated a full-scale drinking water
upsetting biological processes were those meant to have
treatment plant and several pilot treatment systems with a
antibacterial action. In particular, silver nanoparticles and
number of conventional (prechlorination, coagulation, sand
antibiotics were of interest to researchers. Collado,
filtration and ozonation) and advanced (RO, reverse
Buttiglieri et al. (2013) studied the influence of 50 µg/L of
electrodialysis and GAC adsorption) water treatment
SMX on the bacterial community of a lab scale SBR fed
processes for their ability to remove perfluorinated
with synthetic wastewater over 2 months. COD and
compounds. Authors found the most efficient process was
nitrogen removal did not seem to be impacted by SMX.
RO, which resulted in 99% removal of the studied
SMX removal was favored during the aerobic phase of the
pollutants. Other processes that showed removal of both
SBR cycle and ranged between 20 and 50%. The bacterial
the pollutants were adsorption onto GAC and reverse
community changed after introduction of SMX, some
electrodialysis. All of the conventional processes proved to
species fading while new ones growing. Doolette et al.
be fully ineffective. Concentrations of antibacterial
(2013) investigated the toxic impact of silver and
chemicals triclocarbon and triclosan and a triclosan
polyvinylpyrrolidone coated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
biodegradation product methyltriclosan (MeTCS) were
to nitrifiers and methanogens cultured in bench-scale SBRs.
monitored in the liquid phase throughout a wastewater
Results showed that, in the short-term, both bacterial
plant by Lozano et al. (2013). Triclocarbon and triclosan
communities were not affected by exposure to AgNPs,
were primarily removed by sorption and settling, though
however a shift in bacterial population was observed,
concentrations of both also decreased during nitrification-
particularly for the anaerobic population. The sulfidation of
denitrification and triclosan concentration decreased during
Ag to form Ag-S species might have contributed to the
the activated-sludge stage. Ozonation followed by sand
limited toxicity observed, due to consequent reduction of
filtration and PAC followed by either sand filtration or UF
highly toxic Ag+ ions. Miller et al. (2013) studied the
were tested in parallel for removal of 70 potentially
effects of antibiotic and AgNPs on prevalence of 5
problematic substances and reduction of ecotoxicological
antibiotic-resistant genes (ARGs) in anaerobic digesters.
effects at large scale WWTPs over a year (Margot et al.,
AgNPs had no apparent effect on thermophilic digester
2013). Both technologies significantly reduced toxicity of
performance or ARG copy numbers. ARGs are the subject
wastewater, but PAC/UF technologies were both more
of increasing attention and concern. Yang, Wang, Qui et al.
costly and more effective.
(2013) showed that an RP4 plasmid can be transferred from donor strain to activated sludge in a MBR. Horizontal
Effect on Treatment transfer was indicated, and COD and nitrogen removal Biological processes at WWTPs are the most efficiency studies indicated changes in reactor performance vulnerable part of the water treatment cycle.
Some within 24 hours of inoculation and performance recovery
emerging pollutants that cause the most concern for
2078 Water Environment Research, Volume 86, Number 10—Copyright © 2014 Water Environment Federation
by day 31. In addition to inducing antibacterial resistance in the culture, some of the trace antibiotics were also shown to
affect the ability of the microorganisms to perform their
The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of
tasks. Activated sludge was exposed to varying levels of
Sara R. Kelly from Carnegie Mellon University.
oxytetracycline to investigate changes in COD removal efficiency and microbial composition (Liu, Zhang et al.,
2013). High levels of oxytetracycline exposure led to
Abargues, M. R.; Ferrer, J.; Bouzas, A.; Seco, A. (2013) Removal
significant decreases in COD removal efficiency along with
and Fate of Endocrine Disruptors Chemicals under LabScale Postreatment Stage. Removal Assessment Using
changes in bacterial and eukaryotic composition. An
Light, Oxygen and Microalgae. Bioresour. Technol., 149,
increase in relative abundance of tetracycline-resistant
genes was also recorded. Acero, J. L.; Benitez, F. J.; Real, F. J.; Roldan, G.; Rodriguez, E.
Chemical pollutants that do not have an
(2013) Chlorination and Bromination Kinetics of Emerging
antibacterial effect still were shown to be of some concern
Contaminants in Aqueous Systems. Chem. Eng. J., 219, 43–
to wastewater treatment. Eight micropollutants originating
from household use were studied for effect on activated
Alturki, A. A.; McDonald, J. A.; Khan, S. J.; Price, W. E.; Nghiem,
sludge microbial population (Pasquini et al., 2013). Some
L. D.; Elimelech, M. (2013) Removal of Trace Organic Contaminants by the Forward Osmosis Process. Sep. Purif.
micropollutants caused an adjustment period for the
Technol., 103, 258–266.
microbial community in activated sludge. Stalder et al.
Antoniou, M. G.; Hey, G.; Rodriguez Vega, S.; Spiliotopoulou, A.;
(2013) assessed the influence of hospital effluents—which Fick, J.; Tysklind, M.; la Cour Jansen, J.; Andersen, H. R.
are known to contain surfactants, PPCPs, hazardous
bacteria, and antibiotic resistance determinants—on lab-
Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater Effluents. Sci. Total
scale conventional activated sludge treatment. The authors
Environ., 456–457, 42–49.
determined that overall process performance was not
Ávila, C.; Reyes, C.; Bayona, J. M.; García, J. (2013) Emerging
affected; however, hospital effluents induced floc erosion,
Organic Contaminant Removal Depending on Primary Treatment
promoted excretion of extracellular polymeric substances,
Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands: Influence of Redox.
modified the bacterial community, induced an increase of
Water Res., 47 (1), 315–325.
Class 1 resistance integrons as genetic determinants or Avisar, D.; Horovitz, I.; Lozzi, L.; Ruggieri, F.; Baker, M.; Abel,
markers of antibiotic resistance determinants, and altered
M.-L.; Mamane, H. (2013) Impact of Water Quality on
sedimentation and treated water quality. Additionally,
Removal of Carbamazepine in Natural Waters by N-Doped
Pseudomonas ssp. were introduced to the bacterial
TiO2 Photo-Catalytic Thin Film Surfaces. J. Hazard. Mater.,
community by the hospital effluent.
244–245, 463–471.
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