REGULAR SESSION At 6:00 p.m. President Nancy Gregory called the meeting to order. Those in attendance were Trustees Nancy Gregory, Maria Greeley, Doug Park, Troy Rohn, AJ Balukoff, Dave Wagers and Beth Oppenheimer. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly; Deputy Superintendent Coby Dennis and Clerk Jennette Clark; Directors Lisa Roberts, Amy Kohlmeier, Dr. Ann Farris and Matt Kobe; Administrators Dr. Betty Olson, Debbie Donovan, Nancy Landon , Nick Smith and Tom Willis; Communications Specialist Ryan Hill; Public Information Specialist Dan Hollar; BEA President Stephanie Myers and BEA Director Kathy Yamamoto; Principals Robb Thompson, Mark Jones, Val Ulhorn, Tara Coe, Wendi Forrey, Kristen Duskey, Jason Hutchison and Dr. Holly MacLean; Assistant Principal Kelly Anne Kuntz. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance led by Adams Elementary Girl Scout Troop #355, Troop Leader Melissa Hale, Principal Mark Jones. RED APPLE AWARD It is our pleasure this evening to recognize an individual who has served the children of the Boise School District for over 20 years. This person is described as passionate, dedicated, enthusiastic, smart, friendly, and loved. This person is faced with challenges on a daily basis in her position at Boise High School. This person is creative and determined in meeting these challenges head-on. She truly understands how to meet students where they are and help them get to where they need to be in order to be successful. She is continuously looking for new and innovative ways to engage her students in learning and how to apply that learning to the world around them. She advocates for her students, but more importantly, she teaches them how to advocate for themselves. She is a cornerstone in the building of her students’ educational foundation. This person’s ability to engage faculty and students at Boise High with the Extended Resource Room Program are unparalleled. With the help of another Boise High teacher, this person put together the District’s first Peer Mentor and Peer Tutor Program. Through this program, she has connected general education and extended resource room students in such a way that both groups have learned an incredible amount about working with people of all ability levels, and this in turn has created an atmosphere of teamwork, acceptance, and dignity. Tonight it is our distinct honor to present the Red Apple Award for October 10, 2016 to Natalie Lutes, extended resource room teacher, Boise High School, for outstanding service to education and for educating today for a better tomorrow. GOLDEN APPLE AWARD It is our pleasure this evening to recognize an individual who has served the children of the Boise School District for over 9 years. This person is one-of-kind, and he truly represents the values of the Boise School District. This person works incredibly hard to keep Grace Jordan Elementary School in tip-top shape. He takes great pride in the appearance of the school both inside and out. He does everything from blowing leaves -1-
out of the school’s entry way to washing dishes to cleaning and polishing the sinks until you can literally see your own reflection. He works tirelessly to maintain the school and keep things in running order. He works diligently each day to provide students, staff, and community with a safe, sanitary environment. This person is dependable and reliable. He can be counted on to lend a hand no matter the request. When this person was gone for an extended period of time a few years ago, his absence was immediately felt. Although everyone stepped up in an attempt to fill the void, his work simply could not be replicated. This person’s work ethic, efficiency, and creativity are on display each day, and the school is a better place as a result. Tonight it is our distinct honor to present the Golden Apple Award for October 10, 2016, to Paul Hunter, head custodian, Grace Jordan Elementary School, for outstanding service to education and for educating today for a better tomorrow. BOB WAND MEMORIAL ELEMENTARY ART PRESENTATION Retired Consulting Art Teacher Cathy Mansell presented Gentry Powell’s picture to the Board. Gentry’s picture was chosen from over 600 entries and will hang in its place of honor outside the Board room for one year and then will be placed with previous Bob Wand winners outside the Superintendent’s office. Gentry was a fourth grade student at White Pine Elementary at the time of the painting. Gentry and her family received a duplicate of the picture presented to the Board along with a check for $30. ASB REPRESENTATIVES REPORTS ASB representatives from Boise High School and Borah High School reported to the Board of Trustees: Boise – Kevin Jin and Acey Norris and Borah – Christian Corza and Amber Siddoway. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Upon a motion by Trustee Park with a second by Trustee Balukoff, the Board unanimously approved Enclosures #1 - #17. 1. Minutes of previous meetings: a. Enc 1 – Minutes: Board Meeting – September 12, 2016 b. Enc 1a – Minutes: Board Workshop – September 23, 2016 2. Business and Financial Items: a. Enc 2 - Regular Bills – Report reflected total checks written in September 2016 of $20,170,535.54. b. Enc 3 - Treasurer’s Report – Report reflected a balance on the books as of September 30, 2016 of $4,468,261.83. c. Enc 4 - Capital Outlay Projects Completed: JFK Building at Garfield Elementary Projects in Progress: Maple Grove Parking Lot New Operations & Maintenance Facility d. Enc 5 ASB Financial Reports: SCHOOL BOISE BORAH CAPITAL
BEG. BAL. 396,197.48 255,748.49 167,720.39
INCOME EXPENSE 99,047.95 104,650.49 78,719.06 80,900.84 292,589.66 144,236.66 -2-
BALANCE 390,594.94 253,566.71 316,072.90
32,373.80 48,844.50 477,012.94 71,788.96 73,430.43 65,306.25 59,687.21 101,831.03 46,293.37 106,706.62 47,700.67
4,881.22 12,305.94 140,260.31 17,071.95 21,020.12 2,576.05 16,629.28 31,544.56 15,397.23 16,484.22 803.25
3,691.90 12,848.79 94,682.98 11,141.05 18,563.08 6,479.76 12,148.38 43,102.86 10,066.79 22,533.53 1,478.11
33,563.12 48,301.65 522,590.27 77,719.86 75,887.47 61,402.54 64,168.11 90,272.73 51,623.81 100,657.31 47,025.81
e. Enc 6 Elementary Financial Reports: Reports were approved as presented. f. Bid Awards: Enc 7 Sale of Surplus Vehicle – The high bid from Indra Valliquete in the amount of $2,503.00 for the 2006 Ford Taurus has been accepted. This amount exceeded the minimum bid requirement of $2,375.00 which was determined by the average trade in price as reported by NADA Guides for this type of vehicle. The high bid submitted for the Buick was only $100.00 and was not accepted. That vehicle is currently out for bid once again. g. Final Pays: Enc 8 Maple Grove Re-Roof – The final contract amount was $578,100.00 including change orders totaling $3,300.00. Previous payments totaling $549,195.00 have been issued on this project. Therefore, it is recommended that the project be approved and final payment in the amount of $28,905.00 be made to Cano Roofing, dba Signature Roofing. 3. Personnel Items: a. Enc 9 Personnel Report – The Board approved the Personnel Report for October, 2016. New Hire Employee Location Certified Baltz, Amanda Les Bois Jr. Godfrey-wold, Jane 9/12/2016 Classified Billings, Megumi Capital High Harris, Katie Taft Elem Hiser, Kyla West Jr. Horan, Peter Boise High Hudson, Jordan Capital High Lindenberg, Amy 10/3/2016 Lynn, Stephanie Morley Nelson Miller, Emily Boise High Rowland, Bonnie Cynthia Mann Sangster, Sheri Whitney Elem Facilities & Operations Anderson, Robert 10/17/2016 Gruber, Jared F&O Johnston, Nicole Garfield Elem Neilson, Desteni Horizon Elem Food Service Ferree, Marilyn Horizon Elem
Vacancy Reason
Teacher-Music Mtn. View Elem
Resignation School Nurse
Spec. Ed. Asst. Spec. Ed. Asst. Educational Interpreter Spec. Ed. Asst. Spec. Ed. Asst. Valley View
Resignation Resignation Resignation New Position Resignation School Support Asst.
Title 1 Tutor Spec. Ed. Asst. Private Duty Nurse Title 1 Tutor
Retirement New Position New Position Adding FTE
9/13/2016 10/3/2016 9/29/2016 8/26/2016
Borah High
Carpenter Custodian Custodian
Retirement Transfer Transfer
10/10/2016 10/17/2016 10/17/2016
Food Service Worker
Effective 8/18/2016 Resignation
10/3/2016 10/10/2016 10/3/2016 10/3/2016 9/9/2016 Transfer
Kovatch, Candace Garfield Elem Sjekirica, Fatima Horizon Elem Just for Kids Kofoed, Breahna Just For Kids
Food Service Worker Food Service Worker
Transfer Transfer
Child Care Provider
Adding FTE
Admin. Asst. Sec. Spec. Ed. Asst. Educational Interpreter Spec. Ed. Asst.
Retirement Spouse Transfer Personal Personal
11/11/2016 9/30/2016 9/14/2016 9/30/2016
Custodian Custodian F&O
Retirement Personal Support Team
11/18/2016 9/30/2016 Retirement
Return to School
Child Care Provider JFK Site Coordinator
Personal Personal
9/30/2016 8/26/2016
Type of Leave
Borah High Whittier Elem Jefferson Elem
Spec. Ed. Asst. School Support Asst. SIGN LANG INTER
Medical 9/16/16-10/31/16 Student Teaching 8/24/16-12/21/16 Parental 8/23/16-10/14/16
Leaving the District Employee Location Certified Bossart, Mary PTC Classified Bazley, Diane Les Bois Jr. Bird, Alexis Capital High Kuhn, Kara West Jr. Timmins, Janell Taft Elem Facilities & Operations Milien, Esnel Hidden Springs Oweid, Yassin Borah High Peters, Theodore 12/16/2016 Food Service Jones, Medenne Food Service Just for Kids Callahan, Shayna Grace Jordan Gollaher, Monroe Grace Jordan Leave of Absence Employee Classified Hill, April Stull, John Zemaitis, Carleigh
10/4/2016 10/10/2016 10/1/2016
4. Other Items: a. Enc 10 Enrollment Report: The total enrollment for October 4, 2016 is 26,246 up 368 from the same time last year. b. Enc 11 Out of State Trip - Boise High and Borah High Schools: The Board approved March and April, 2016 Out of State trips for District schools as presented. c. Enc 12 - Surplus Property Disposal – The equipment listed has been deemed surplus and no longer of use to the District: Two Delta Table Saws – estimated value between $500.00 and $1,000.00; 2004 Buick Century, 1984 International Boom Truck and Commercial Trash Compactor – estimated value greater than $1,000.00. 5. Committee Reports: a. Enc 13 – Communications: Trustee Dave Wagers presented the following report from October 5, 2016. Attendees: Coby Dennis, Dr. Ann Farris, Ryan Hill, Dan Hollar, Dr. Troy Rohn, Beth Oppenheimer and Dave Wagers Purpose/Focus of Communication Committee Work Need to focus on the “how”, why and who of communications Trying to do all legislative and communications work in one committee lost part of the focus of the overall communication plan ○ Evolution of committees into areas of greater need Current avenues of communication & survey results ○ Conscious effort to equip schools to help tell the story- most trusted source is from their students’ schools ○ Communications department provides guidance for schools ○ Website template was controlled as far as common look/features but schools can still add their “personalities” ○ Survey (3 years old)- 44.7% of news about BSD is via school newsletter ○ Do guidelines exist for schools? Should they? ○ ○
● ● ● ● ● ●
Facilities Audit/potential development Dr. Ann Farris reported that the District is exploring potential partnerships in the community to establish preschool programs in existing or planned facilities in the community. These partnerships could eliminate the District’s facilities costs for providing preschool. The principle costs for the District under this type of arrangement would be the operating costs, which would be mainly staff costs. The Committee was supportive of the concept and encouraged the District to continue to explore these kinds of partnerships to provide preschool. Dr, Farris will report on the progress of any continuing discussions. Topics/Suggestions for future meetings: Policy review New grading policy to parents Career & College Counseling Community Schools Career-Tech Facilities b. Enc 14 – Facilities: Trustee Doug Park presented the following report from October 5, 2016. Attendees: Nancy Gregory, Coby Dennis, Dr. Ann Farris, Nancy Landon and Doug Park. Progress Report on the New F&O Building The progress report reflected the project is on time and on budget with current plans for moving into the facility in late December 2016. Plans are being made for demolition of the old facility once the move is complete. Community Collaboration and Possible Multipurpose Facilities Ann Farris reported that the District is exploring potential partnerships in the community to establish preschool programs in existing or planned facilities in the community. These partnerships could eliminate the District’s facilities costs for providing preschool. The principle costs for the District under this type of arrangement would be the operating costs, which would be mainly staff costs. The Committee was supportive of the concept and encouraged the District to continue to explore these kinds of partnerships to provide preschool options for families. Ann will report on the progress of any continuing discussions. Updating the Facilities Master Plan The committee reviewed the progress being made in our public meetings regarding the update of our Facilities Master Plan. We look forward to the upcoming community meeting. In our September 23rd meeting, Tracy Richter and Alex Boyle from DeJONG RICHTER, provided a draft report representing his summary recommendations for our ten year Facilities Master Plan. Coby Dennis outlined the proposed timeline that will facilitate additional public input and multiple Board Discussions leading to adoption of a plan and how it might be funded. The proposed timeline most likely will include the following: October 10, 2016 – Regular Board Meeting; October 17, 2016 – A follow-up Public Community Meeting facilitated by Tracy Richter from DeJONG RICHTER; November 1, 2016 – Special Board Meeting for discussion of the Facilities Master Plan at 6:00 p.m. and November 14, 2016 – Regular Board Meeting where final decisions will be made. Monitoring of New Construction The committee reviewed the remarkable level of new construction for both single family homes and high density apartments/condominiums. The administration will continue to monitor the approval of these developments and the construction timelines in an effort to factor these developments into our Facilities planning process. -5-
c. Enc 15 – Governance: Trustee Maria Greeley presented the following report from October 4, 2016. Attendees: Jennette Clark, Amy Kohlmeier, Coby Dennis, Dr. Don Coberly, Doug Park, Beth Oppenheimer and Maria Greeley Topics discussed by the Governance Committee: ● Policy process ● Revision process ● Annual Policy Review Schedule ○ 4000 Community relation ○ 7000 Financial ○ 9000 Facilities ○ 10000 Education Agency Relations ○ SDE Annual Review Requirements Policies Reviewed: 2211 Section 504 Students Elaine Eberharter-Maki made suggested revisions to update in accordance with regulations but because there are more changes in the next few months, this policy will be held. 3212 Section 504 Hearing Elaine Eberharter-Maki made suggested revisions to update in accordance with regulations but because there are more changes in the next few months, this policy will be held. 3313 Security Imaging System Suggested notation change and a Cross Reference addition. No content change. 3133P Security Imaging System Procedures Dan Skinner and Directors have suggested deleting the last line in Use Procedures. d. Enc 16 – Legislative and Government Affairs: Trustee Dr. Troy Rohn presented the following report from October 4, 2016. Attendees: Lisa Roberts, Ryan Hill, Coby Dennis, Nick Smith, Troy Rohn and Doug Park I. Legislative Preview A. How to organize this year’s meeting? 1. Last year we held lunches and invited a number of legislators. Was this valuable or worth the time? It seems to be a good way to build relationships. Dr. Coberly maintains relationships with the Senate Education members. We will determine a date and time for the event. 2. Is there something we can do differently? For example, maybe invite major stakeholder groups to our October or November meeting. 3. People to invite- Rob Winslow (IASA), Jess Harrison or Karen Echeverria (from ISBA), Rod Gramer (IBE), Cheryl Charlton (IDLA), IEA, Matt Freeman (Idaho State Board of Ed), Matt Compton, Duncan Robb (SDE), Emily McClure? (Charter Schools Network), We will plan a second day with these folks in December II.
BSD specific legislation A. Are there any specific issues or rules we need to have changed? 1. Background checks: Currently, employees who are new to the district and just getting their teaching license for the first time, must be fingerprinted twice. This causes them to have to pay the $32.00 fee twice. We would like to see legislation that would allow one background check to count for both certification and employment with both the state and employer getting a copy of the rap sheet. We will present our position at the legislative luncheon 2. Modifications to Career Ladder/Master Teacher Premium to include Consulting Teachers: It is our understanding that this legislation will be proposed by the State -6-
Board of Education. We are supportive of this legislation. Consulting Teachers are truly leaders and embody everything that the Master Teacher Premium is all about. We will bring this to Cabinet 3. A concern was raised about communication regarding new rules/temporary rules. The concern is lack of proper notification to school districts regarding implementation of new rules. Is there a way we can be more lock-in-step with the rule making process and how our district is notified about news rules that are going to take effect. I.
Administrative Rules A. The rule packet is currently under public comment for next October. Please take a look here. B. Some rules that I think may be relevant are Bullying/Harassment prevention 1. Pages 18 and 19 C. Various endorsements 1. Pages 23, 24 and 25 (blended early childhood) 2. Pages 35 (biological science and chemistry), 38 (health), 39 (mathematics) 3. Pages 40 (physical Ed), 41 (Theater Arts and Visual Arts) D. Special Education (Individualized Education Programs, IEPs) 1. Pages 51-52 Nick and Lisa will put together some notes about these proposed rules and Troy will put together final packet for our legislators.
e. Enc 17 – Strategy: Trustee AJ Balukoff presented the following report from September 27, 2016. Attendees: Dr. Ann Farris, AJ Balukoff, Coby Dennis, Nancy Gregory, Dave Wagers, Nancy Landon, Scott Engum and Jodi Daugherty. The Strategic Development Committee, in its capacity as the District Audit Committee, met with Jodi Daugherty, Audit Partner with Eide Bailly. The purpose of the meeting was to review the audit report on the 2015-16 District financial statements. Jodi explained how the audit was performed and described the timing of the various audit procedures. She then reviewed the financial statements and the audit opinions rendered by her firm. The auditor’s opinion on the financial statements is unmodified and states that the financial statements present fairly the financial position and the changes in financial position for the year in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The auditors also issued a report on internal control and on compliance with certain laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements. This report states that the auditors did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that they consider a material weakness, and their tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance. The auditors also issued a report on compliance for Major Federal Programs and on internal control over compliance. This report states that the District complied with the compliance requirements of the Major Federal Programs, and that the auditors did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that they consider a material weakness. The auditors also issued a letter to describe any significant audit findings. The letter states that the auditors encountered no significant difficulties with management, no disagreements with management, and they identified no misstatements during the audit. The auditors audited the Associated Student Body Funds (ASB Funds) for the year, and their opinion states that the cash receipts and disbursements are presented fairly. -7-
As in prior years, the auditors audited the travel expenses and purchasing card use by the Superintendency and Area Directors. They identified no misuse or unauthorized expenditures. The auditors’ Information Technology Department tested the District’s information technology controls. Their review did not identify any control deficiencies that would pose a risk of material misstatement. However, they made four recommendations for management’s consideration: 1. Add intrusion detection and prevention to the District’s firewalls. 2. Conduct annual technical vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. 3. Establish minimum password configuration standards. 4. Develop a contingency plan for responding to a major event. Upon completing the discussion of the audit, District staff left the meeting and the three board members met privately with the auditor. Jodi stated she had no concerns she needed to discuss with us, and the three board members did not have any concerns to discuss with the auditor. The committee noted that Nancy Landon and her staff prepared the financial statements, including all of the footnotes and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of the financial statements. We commend Nancy for her efforts to run an accurate, efficient and reliable accounting department that consistently results in a clean audit without major issues, and that gives the Board the assurance that the District is spending taxpayer resources honestly and effectively. Trustee AJ Balukoff presented the following report from October 5, 2016. Attendees: Dr. Ann Farris, AJ Balukoff, Coby Dennis, Nancy Gregory, Dave Wagers, Nancy Landon, Scott Engum and Jodi Daugherty. Facilities and Strategic Planning Ann Farris reported that the District is exploring potential partnerships in the community to establish preschool programs in existing or planned facilities in the community. These partnerships could eliminate the District’s facilities costs for providing preschool. The principle costs for the District under this type of arrangement would be the operating costs, which would be mainly staff costs. The Committee was supportive of the concept and encouraged the District to continue to explore these kinds of partnerships to provide preschool. Ann will report on the progress of any continuing discussions. Co-Teaching Stacey Roth reported on a new learning strategy for English Language Learner (ELL) students, called CoTeaching. The District received a grant to help ELL students learn English and succeed in school. The grant money was used to hire Co-Teachers. The Co-Teachers work in the classroom to ehlp the content teacher plan strategies for learning. The classes are made up of both ELL students and native English speakers. The Co-Teachers help students participate in class by giving them conversational strategies and language. This program has been well received by the students; they prefer this to the “pull out” program for learning English. The co-taught ELL students have made more progress in reading and math than the non-co-taught ELL students. Grading Debbie Donovan reported on the revised grading practices that will be in place next school year. Teachers have been training on the new grading practices and trying different grading methods than they have used in the past, and they are growing more comfortable with the new grading policies. The District has provided book resources, training, opportunities for expressing concerns, and a timeline for implementation. The Strategic Plan Literacy Intervention progress has been posted to the website with links from the strategic plan document to the supporting data. The plan has also been sent to the State Board for approval. Idaho Ed News has collected reports for the districts in the valley and is planning to post a story soon. -8-
AUDIT REPORT Trustee Balukoff made a motion to accept the Financial Statements as presented, audited and reported on by the independent auditors, Eide Bailly, LLP. The motion was seconded by Trustee Wagers with a unanimous vote by the Board. The District contracted with Eide Bailly, LLP to complete the June 30, 2016 audit of the General Purpose Financial Statements (GPFS) and also complete an audit of the Secondary Associated Student Body Funds (ASB’s). The reports for both the GPFS and the ASB’s reported no irregularities and the District was issued an unmodified report. In addition, to the above mentioned audits the independent audit firm was also contracted to complete a review of travel and procurement activities of cabinet personnel and no irregularities were noted in the review. FACILITIES FUNDING PRESENTATION Budget and Finance Administrator Nancy Landon introduced Eric Heringer from Piper Jaffrey. Mr. Heringer presented to the Board, a report on bond financing. The complete report may be viewed in the Accounting Office at the Boise School District. POLICY CHANGES – FIRST READING Director Amy Kohlmeier presented the following policy for First Reading: Security Imaging System Procedures #3313P. ISBA RESOLUTIONS Board of Trustee President Nancy Gregory presented the 2017 ISBA proposed resolutions. President Gregory read a statement from the ISBA Executive Board: “The ISBA Executive Board supports the principle of local control for public schools, the full funding of the career ladder, and the appropriation of operational funds from 2009 up to 2017 adjusted for inflation. Until this has been achieved, the Executive Board will not support any resolution or legislation that would result in any new line items in the State Education Budget.” BOARD/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS Dr. Coberly reported that the District enrollment appears to be up 368 students, 40% of that is at two schools. Additional information will be shared as it becomes available as we near the final reporting date to the state. Trustee Park reported on his experience attending a two-day meeting of the Idaho State required (33-133) “Bias & Sensitivity Committee”. The purpose of the committee is to review, comment and recommend the elimination of any Bias or Insensitivity that might exist in the design of questions contained in the SBAC test. In summary, Trustee Park recommended further discussion of this topic in a future workshop. His experience reviewing the test questions convinced him that the test does not add value and should be eliminated in favor of an alternative that provides actionable feedback for students, teachers, and curriculum designers. Since our policies prevent Trustees from making decisions as individuals, a future discussion is recommended so the Cabinet and the Board can consider his recommendation. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Greeley made a motion with a second by Trustee Balukoff to adjourn the Board meeting. The Board unanimously agreed at 7:40 p.m.
__________________________________________ PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES ATTEST:_____________________________ CLERK, BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 10, 2016 -9-