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Idaho Statesman reporter Bill Roberts will interview two principals on prevention of negative. events of safety and prot
#1a MINUTES OF A BOARD WORKSHOP FOR THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF BOISE CITY Thursday May 26, 2016 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Edward L. Davis District Services Center 8169 W. Victory Road - Boise, Idaho WORKSHOP President Gregory called the meeting to order at 11:38 a.m. Those in attendance were Trustees Nancy Gregory, Doug Park, Troy Rohn, A. J. Balukoff, Dave Wagers, Maria Greeley and Brian Cronin. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly; Deputy Superintendent Coby Dennis; Clerk Jennette Clark; Directors Lisa Roberts, Dr. Ann Farris, Amy Kohlmeier, Matt Kobe and Blas Telleria; also present were Administrator Nancy Landon, Public Affairs Specialist Dan Hollar, Communications Specialist Ryan Hill and BEA President Stephanie Myers. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 11:39 a.m. and in accordance with I.C. Section 74-206(1)(b) Trustee Greeley made a motion to move into Executive Session, with a second by Trustee Cronin the Board voted as follows: Balukoff – yes; Gregory – yes; Rohn – yes; Park – yes; Wagers – yes; Cronin – yes; Greeley – yes. Also in attendance were Superintendent Don Coberly and Clerk Jennette Clark. Trustee President Nancy Gregory led a discussion on the annual Superintendent evaluation. Upon a motion by Trustee Greeley with a second by Trustee Cronin the Board unanimously approved to move back into Open Session at 1:02 p.m. AMEND AGENDA A motion was made by Trustee Greeley with a second by Trustee Balukoff, the Board unanimously approved to amend the agenda. The Facilities Audit Update topic was moved to 1:15 p.m. because of travel reservations that needed to be met. FACILITIES AUDIT UPDATE Tracy Richter of DeJong Richter Educational Planning Firm presented to the Board the update and next steps of the facility master planning process. MASTER CONTRACT PRESENTATION Deputy Superintendent Coby Dennis reported that the Master Contract was voted on by the members of the Boise Education Association (BEA) and passed with 98.9% approval. The following items are part of the items addressed in the 2016-17 Master Contract: Article VII – Peer Assistance and Intervention; Article VIII – Leaves: Following the birth of a child, professional employees may use an additional six (6) weeks, for a total of twelve (12) weeks, of employee-accumulated consecutive sick leave. At the end of each school year, up to three (3) unused personal leave days may be rolled over to the following school year for a maximum of seven (7) days. Article XI – Compensation: A 3% increase on the base salary schedule for 2016-17. A motion was made by Trustee Balukoff with a second by Trustee Park, the Board unanimously approved the Master Contract for 2016-17.

STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE Director Dr. Ann Farris led a discussion on the four areas of the Strategic Plan. Goal One: We deliver an exceptional aligned K-12 curriculum, which prepares students for success in the work environment, college and university studies and citizenship in the 21st century. Goal Two: All students have opportunities to access District programs and achieve success in those programs. Goal Three: We hire well-trained, professional employees and provide resources and professional development to ensure instructional excellence. Goal Four: We provide safe, respectful and supportive school environments for students, staff, volunteers and patrons, based on District Values. Upon a motion by Trustee Balukoff and a second by Trustee Cronin the Board voted as follows to add a 5th Goal to the Strategic Plan that was presented as a draft in the May 9, 2016 Board meeting: Nancy Gregory – yes, Maria Greeley – yes, AJ Balukoff – yes, Troy Rohn – yes, Brian Cronin – yes Doug Park – no and Dave Wagers – no. COMMUNITY SCHOOL UPDATE Director Lisa Roberts presented a report on the two day planning meeting that was held May 19 and 20, 2016. The mission statement that was developed is: Engaged communities, increased opportunities, successful students and families. The agenda that led the meetings was: What does it mean to be a Community School; Vision and mission/identify measureable goals; Timeline; Why is your school a good choice for a Community School; Impact on your school building; Understanding the role of the school coordinator; Next steps; Communication plan, Vetting partnerships. BOARD/SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly reported that the State Board Coordinator met with five school principals regarding the SBAC test and scores. Idaho Statesman reporter Bill Roberts will interview two principals on prevention of negative events of safety and protection. Trustee President Nancy Gregory reported that we have received the annual bill for ISBA dues that are due July 1, 2016 Blas Telleria, Director of Human Resources, will retire on June 30, 2016. His retirement social will be on June 1, 2016 at the District Services Center from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. A presentation will be at 4:30. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion a motion was made by Trustee Balukoff with a second by Trustee Rohn to adjourn the meeting. The Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 3:37 p.m.

______________________________________ PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES ATTEST:

_________________________________ CLERK, BOARD OF TRUSTEES May 26, 2016