end homelessness for more new mexicans - New Mexico Coalition to ...

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through its Continuum of Care program. HUD Continuum of Care funds can primarily be used to pay for rental assistance to
END HOMELESSNESS FOR MORE NEW MEXICANS Increase Funding for Housing Stability Performance Awards by $500,000 Housing Stability Performance Awards support strong permanent supportive housing programs for people experiencing homelessness. Permanent Supportive Housing is for homeless people with disabilities who need longerterm support to remain in housing. Permanent Supportive Housing includes both help paying the rent and supportive services, such as case management. Housing Stability Performance Awards help pay for the services component.

We know what it takes to end homelessness. And these programs are doing it.

PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING IS COST EFFECTIVE In 2011 the City of Albuquerque conducted a cost-effectiveness study of a City-funded permanent supportive housing program. They looked at people’s use of expensive public resources in the 12 months before and after becoming housed. They found:

These programs help people end their homelessness because they focus on the root causes of homelessness:  Housing - Homeless New Mexicans need a  Emergency room costs decreased by 65.9% safe, stable place to call home  Income - People in these programs receive  Emergency shelter costs decreased by 93% the support they need to increase their in Jail costs decreased by 96% come through education, career training and benefits  Outpatient medical visits decreased by 40%  Life Skills - People receive the support they need to become stable and address challenges that contributed to their homelessReaching the Most Vulnerable ness. Housing Stability Performance Awards are allocated to agencies that serve some of the most vulnerable people living in our community, including low-income working families with children, people with disabilities, senior citizens and veterans. As a result, everyone benefits. Children are able to succeed in school because they are a safe and stable place to call home. Their parents can focus on learning new job skills or obtaining an education. Senior citizens and people with disabilities can take care their physical health.

Fully Leverage Federal Dollars The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) funds homeless programs through its Continuum of Care program. HUD Continuum of Care funds can primarily be used to pay for rental assistance to help homeless households obtain safe, decent housing. In order to succeed, clients in these programs also need supportive services. Supportive services are at the heart of what makes these programs work because they help people address the issues that contributed to their homelessness. All Continuum of Care funded agencies must secure services funding from other sources besides HUD, yet the current economic climate makes it difficult to do so. A $500,000 investment in the Housing Stability Performance Awards ensures that these programs will be able to produce even stronger outcomes.

Funding Strong Programs Across NM There are over 25 permanent supportive housing programs across NM that serve people experiencing homelessness and that are eligible for these funds. The Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) has been administering the Housing Stability Performance Award Program since 2004. Any increased funding will be administered by the MFA through this program. In FY12, the Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) allocated $245,270 in Performance Awards.

The Evidence is Clear There are 26 HUD- funded programs across New Mexico that provide permanent supportive housing to those experiencing homelessness. From Jan.1, 2011 - Dec. 31, 2011: These programs served nearly 2000 people, 20% of whom were children.

77% of all Permanent Supportive Housing clients were in the program for at least one year.

Since these clients can have many barriers to staying housed, this is an excellent indicator that these programs are helping people stabilize their lives.

Of those who left a Permanent Supportive Housing Program during 2011, 63% moved into their own permanent housing.

As permanent supportive housing clients get back on their feet, they are able to move into their own housing.

(505) 982-9000 www.nmceh.org