Sep 30, 2013 - Bhagwati Prasad and Ritu Sahni. Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, A-10, Sector-62, Noida 201307, India.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation ISRN Mathematical Analysis Volume 2013, Article ID 542302, 7 pages
Research Article Endpoints of Multivalued Contraction Operators Bhagwati Prasad and Ritu Sahni Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, A-10, Sector-62, Noida 201307, India Correspondence should be addressed to Bhagwati Prasad; b Received 19 July 2013; Accepted 30 September 2013 Academic Editors: R. D. Chen, F. Colombini, and K. Lurie Copyright Β© 2013 B. Prasad and R. Sahni. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The existence of the endpoints and approximate endpoints are studied in a general setting for the operators satisfying various contractive conditions. Some recent results are also derived as special cases.
1. Introduction Among several generalizations of celebrated Banach fixed point theorem, one interesting extension is Nadlerβs [1] fixed point theorem for multivalued contraction. He exactly proved that a multivalued contraction has a fixed point in a complete metric space. Subsequently, it received great attention in applicable mathematics and was extended and generalized on various settings. Indeed, these extensions and generalizations have been influenced by the applications of the multivalued fixed point theory in mathematical economics, game theory, differential inclusions, interval arithmetic, Hammerstein equations, convex optimization, duality theory in optimization, variational inequalities and control theory, nonlinear evolution equations and nonlinear semigroups, quasivariational inequalities, and elasticity and plasticity theory (see, for instance, [2β8] and several references thereof). The results related to existence of endpoints or strict fixed-points were first given by Rus [9] in 2003. Thereafter, a number of authors established interesting results concerning existence and uniqueness of endpoints for multivalued contractions in different settings; see, for example, [10β15]. The main purpose of this paper is to establish some existence and uniqueness results for endpoints using different multivalued contractions. Our results include some recent results.
2. Preliminaries Let π : π β 2π be a multivalued mapping. An element π₯ β π is said to be an endpoint of π if ππ₯ = {π₯}. We say that
a multivalued mapping π : π β 2π has the approximate endpoint property (AEPP) if inf π₯βπsupπ¦βππ₯ π(π₯, π¦) = 0 (also see [3, 10]). Throughout the paper, let (π, π) be a π-metric space, and let π(π) denote the family of all nonempty subsets of π and πΆπ(π) the family of all nonempty closed subsets of π. For any π΄, π΅ β π(π), the Hausdorff metric is defined as π» (π΄, π΅) = max {sup π (π, π΅) , sup π (π, π΄)} , πβπ΄
where π(π, π΅) = inf{π(π, π) : π β π΅} is the distance from the point π to the set π΅. Let πΌ : π β π be a single-valued mapping and π : π β πΆπ(π) a multivalued contraction. We say that the mappings πΌ and π have an AEPP provided inf π₯βπ supπ¦βππ₯ π(πΌπ₯, π¦) = 0. A point π₯ β π is called an endpoint of πΌ and π if ππ₯ = {πΌπ₯}. For each π > 0, let πΈπ (πΌ, π) = {π₯ β π : supπ¦βππ₯ π(πΌπ₯, π¦) β€ π} be the set of all approximate endpoints of the mappings πΌ and π. Example 1. Let π = (ββ, β) with Euclidean norm. Assume that πΎ = [0, π] and π : πΎ β πΆπ(πΎ) defined by { π β π₯] , { {[π₯, ππ₯ = { {[π β π₯, π₯] , { {
π π₯ β [0, ) 2 π π₯ β [ , π] , 2
where π is a positive constant. Clearly, Fix(π) = [0, π] and End(π) = {π/2}.
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Definition 2 (see [16]). Let π be a nonempty set and π β₯ 1 a given real number. A function π : π Γ π β R+ (set of nonnegative real numbers) is said to be a π-metric iff for all π₯, π¦, π§ β π the following conditions are satisfied: (i) π(π₯, π¦) = 0 iff π₯ = π¦, (iii) π(π₯, π§) β€ π[π(π₯, π¦) + π(π¦, π§)]. A pair (π, π) is called a π-metric space. The class of π-metric spaces is effectively larger than that of metric spaces, since a π-metric space is a metric space when π = 1 in the above condition (iii). The following example shows that a π-metric on π need not be a metric on π (see also [16, page 264]). Example 3 (see [17]). Let π = {π₯1 , π₯2 , π₯3 , π₯4 } and π(π₯1 , π₯2 ) = π β₯ 2, π(π₯1 , π₯3 ) = π(π₯1 , π₯4 ) = π(π₯2 , π₯3 ) = π(π₯2 , π₯4 ) = π(π₯3 , π₯4 ) = 1, π(π₯π , π₯π ) = π(π₯π , π₯π ) for all π, π = 1, 2, 3, 4 and π(π₯π , π₯π ) = 0, π = 1, 2, 3, 4. Then, π [π (π₯π , π₯π ) + π (π₯π , π₯π )] 2
Definition 8 (see [16]). The π-metric space (π, π) is complete iff every Cauchy sequence in π converges. Definition 9. Let π and π be two Hausdorff topological spaces and π : π β π(π), a multivalued mapping with nonempty values. Then, π is said to be
(ii) π(π₯, π¦) = π(π¦, π₯),
π (π₯π , π₯π ) β€
(c) bounded if and only if πΏ(π) = sup{π(π, π) : π, π β π} < β.
for π, π, π = 1, 2, 3, 4, and if π > 2, the ordinary triangle inequality does not hold. Definition 4 (see [16]). Let (π, π) be a π-metric space. Then, a sequence {π₯π }πβπ in π is called (a) convergent if and only if there exists π₯ β π such that π(π₯π , π) β 0 as π β β. In this case, one writes limπ β β π₯π = π₯, (b) Cauchy if and only if π(π₯π , π₯π ) β 0 as π, π β β. Remark 5 (see [16]). In a π-metric space (π, π), the following assertions hold.
(i) upper semicontinuous (u.s.c.) if, for each closed set π΅ β π, πβ1 (π΅) = {π₯ β π : π(π₯) β© π΅ =ΜΈ π} is closed in π; (ii) lower semicontinuous (l.s.c.) if, for each open set π΅ β π, πβ1 (π΅) = {π₯ β π : π(π₯) β© π΅ =ΜΈ π} is open in π; (iii) continuous if it is both u.s.c. and l.s.c.; (iv) closed if its graph Gr(π) = {(π₯, π¦) β π Γ π : π¦ β π(π₯)} is closed; (v) compact if closure of π(π) is a compact subset of π. Definition 10 (see [5]). Let πΌ : π β π be a single-valued mapping and π : π β πΆπ(π) a multivalued mapping. Then, π is called (i) a multivalued πΌ-contraction if there exists a number πΌ β (0, 1) : π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ πΌπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) ,
β π₯, π¦ β π,
(ii) a multivalued πΌ-Kannan contraction if there exists a number π½ β (0, 1/2) : π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ π½ [π (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π (πΌπ¦, ππ¦)] , βπ₯, π¦ β π,
(iii) a multivalued πΌ-Chatterjea contraction if there exists a number πΎ β (0, 1/2) :
(i) A convergent sequence has a unique limit. (ii) Each convergent sequence is Cauchy. (iii) In general, a π-metric is not continuous.
π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ πΎ [π (πΌπ₯, ππ¦) + π (πΌπ¦, ππ₯)] ,
Definition 6 (see [16]). Let (π, π) be a π-metric space. If π is a nonempty subset of π, then the closure π of π is the set of limits of all convergent sequences of points in π, i.e., π = {π₯ β π : there exists a sequence {π₯π }πβπ (4) such that lim π₯π = π₯} . πββ
Definition 7 (see [16]). Let (π, π) be a π-metric space. Then, a subset π β π is called
βπ₯, π¦ β π,
(iv) a multivalued πΌ-quasi-contraction if π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ π β
max {π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) , π (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) , π (πΌπ¦, ππ¦) , π (πΌπ₯, ππ¦) , π (πΌπ¦, ππ₯)}
for some 0 β€ π < 1 and all π₯, π¦ in π,
(a) closed if and only if for each sequence {π₯π }πβπ in π which converges to an element π₯, one has π₯ β π,
(v) a multivalued πΌ-weak or almost contraction if there exist πΌ β (0, 1) and πΏ β₯ 0 :
(b) compact if and only if for every sequence of elements of π, there exists a subsequence that converges to an element of π,
π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ πΌπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + πΏπ (πΌπ¦, ππ₯) ,
β π₯, π¦ β π, (I-mac)
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(vi) a multivalued generalized πΌ-almost contraction if there exists a function πΌ : [0, β) β [0, 1) satisfying lim supπ β π‘+ πΌ(π) < 1 for every π‘ β [0, β) such that π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ πΌ (π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦)) π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + πΏπ (πΌπ¦, ππ₯) , β π₯, π¦ β π. (I-gmac)
be a continuous single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), where π > 0 is a constant. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) be a lower semicontinuous map satisfying (I-mc). Then, πΌ and π have a unique endpoint if and only if πΌ and π have the AEPP. Proof. It is clear that if πΌ and π have an endpoint, then πΌ and π have the AEPP. Then,
Remark 11. A multivalued mapping π : π β πΆπ(π) is called a multivalued πΌ-Zamfirescu (I-mzc) operator if it satisfies at least one of the conditions (i), (ii), and (iii). We have used following Cantorβs intersection theorem in our results. Theorem 12. Let π be a compact space, and let πΆ1 β πΆ2 β πΆ3 β
be a nested chain of nonempty closed subsets of π. Then, β© πΆπ =ΜΈ π.
3. Main Results Lemma 13. Let (π, π) be a π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) for all π₯, π¦ β π, where π > 0 is a constant. If π : π β πΆπ(π) satisfies (I-mc) with ππΌπ2 < 1, then ππ (1 + π) , βπ > 0. πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€ (5) π (1 β πΌπ2 ) Proof. For any π₯, π¦ β πΈπ (πΌ, π), we have π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) = π» ({πΌπ₯} , {πΌπ¦})
πΆπ = {π₯ β π : sup π (πΌπ₯, π¦) β€ π¦βππ₯
β€ ππ + π [π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π» (ππ¦, {πΌπ¦})]
πΏ (πΆπ ) = πΏ (πΈ1/π (πΌ, π)) β€
β€ ππ + π π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π π
β πΆπ = {π₯0 } .
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
ππ (1 + π) , π (1 β πΌπ2 )
βπ > 0.
Thus, π₯0 is the unique endpoint of πΌ and π. Lemma 16. Let (π, π) be a π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) for all π₯, π¦ β π, where π > 0 is a constant. If π : π β πΆπ(π) satisfies (I-mkc), then ππ (1 + π + 2π½π) , π
βπ > 0.
Proof. For any π₯, π¦ β πΈπ (πΌ, π), we have
β€ π [π» ({πΌπ₯} , ππ₯) + π» (ππ₯, {πΌπ¦})]
So, ππ (1 + π) . 1 β πΌπ2 Since ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), we have
π (1 + π) (1/π) π (1 β πΌ π2 )
π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) = π» ({πΌπ₯} , {πΌπ¦})
β€ ππ + π2 π + πΌπ2 π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) . π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) β€
and so limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. It follows from the Cantor intersection theorem that
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€ (6)
βπ β π.
Also, we have for each π β π, πΆπ β πΆπ+1 . By Lemma 14, πΆπ is closed for each π β π. Since πΌ and π satisfy AEPP, then πΆπ =ΜΈ π for each π β π. Now, we show that limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. To show this, let π₯, π¦ β πΆπ . Then, from Lemma 13,
β€ π [π» ({πΌπ₯} , ππ₯) + π» (ππ₯, {πΌπ¦})] 2
1 } =ΜΈ π, π
β€ ππ + π2 [π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π» (ππ¦, {πΌπ¦})]
β€ ππ + π2 π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π2 π β€ ππ + π2 π + π2 π½ [π (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π (πΌπ¦, ππ¦)]
Lemma 14. Let (π, π) be a π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a continuous single-valued mapping. If π : π β πΆπ(π) is a lower semicontinuous multivalued mapping. Then, for each π > 0, πΈπ (πΌ, π) is closed.
β€ ππ + π2 π + π2 2π½π β€ ππ (1 + π + 2π½π) . So, π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) β€ ππ (1 + π + 2π½π) .
Since ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), we have
Proof. The proof follows from Lemma 16 of Hussain et al. [11]. Theorem 15. Let (X, d) be a complete π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
ππ (1 + π + 2π½π) , π
βπ > 0.
ISRN Mathematical Analysis β€ ππ + π2 π + π2 πΎ [π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + π (πΌπ¦, ππ¦)]
Theorem 17. Let (π, π) be a complete π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a continuous single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), where π > 0 is a constant. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) be a lower semicontinuous map satisfying (I-mkc). Then, πΌ and π have a unique endpoint if and only if πΌ and π have the AEPP.
+ π2 πΎ [π (πΌπ¦, πΌπ₯) + π (πΌπ₯, ππ₯)] = ππ + π2 π + π2 πΎ [π» ({πΌπ₯} , {πΌπ¦}) + π» ({πΌπ¦} , ππ¦)] + π2 πΎ [π» ({πΌπ¦} , {πΌπ₯}) + π» ({πΌπ₯} , ππ₯)]
Proof. It is clear that if πΌ and π have an endpoint, then πΌ and π have AEPP. Then,
β€ ππ + π2 π + 2π2 πΎπ» ({πΌπ₯} , {πΌπ¦}) + 2π2 πΎπ = ππ + π2 π + 2π2 πΎπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + 2π2 πΎπ
πΆπ = {π₯ β π : sup π (πΌπ₯, π¦) β€ π¦βππ₯
1 } =ΜΈ π, π
βπ β π.
ππ (1 + π + 2πΎ π) . 1 β 2π2 πΎ (20)
Also, we have for each π β π, πΆπ β πΆπ+1 . By Lemma 14, πΆπ is closed for each π β π. Since πΌ and π satisfy AEPP, then πΆπ =ΜΈ π for each π β π. Now, we show that limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. To show this, let π₯, π¦ β πΆπ . Then, from Lemma 16,
So, π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) β€
ππ (1 + π + 2πΎπ) . 1 β 2π2 πΎ
Since ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), we have π (1/π) (1 + π + 2π½π) πΏ (πΆπ ) = πΏ (πΈ1/π (πΌ, π)) β€ π
and so limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. It follows from the Cantor intersection theorem that β πΆπ = {π₯0 } .
Thus, π₯0 is the unique endpoint of πΌ and π. Lemma 18. Let (π, π) be a π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) for all π₯, π¦ β π, where π > 0 is a constant. If π : π β πΆπ(π) satisfies (I-mcc) with 2π2 ππΎ < 1, then
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
ππ (1 + π + 2πΎπ) , π (1 β 2π2 πΎ)
βπ > 0.
Proof. For any π₯, π¦ β πΈπ (πΌ, π), we have π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) = π» ({πΌπ₯} , {πΌπ¦}) β€ π [π» ({πΌπ₯} , ππ₯) + π» (ππ₯, {πΌπ¦})]
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
ππ (1 + π + 2πΎπ) , π (1 β 2π2 πΎ)
βπ > 0.
Theorem 19. Let (π, π) be a complete π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a continuous single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), where π > 0 is a constant. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) be a lower semicontinuous map satisfying (I-mcc). Then, πΌ and π have a unique endpoint if and only if πΌ and π have the AEPP. Proof. It is clear that if πΌ and π have an endpoint, then πΌ and π have the AEPP. Then, πΆπ = {π₯ β π : sup π (πΌπ₯, π¦) β€ π¦βππ₯
1 } =ΜΈ π, π
βπ β π.
Also, we have for each π β π, πΆπ β πΆπ+1 . By Lemma 14, πΆπ is closed for each π β π. Since πΌ and π satisfy AEPP, then πΆπ =ΜΈ π for each π β π. Now, we show that limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. To show this, let π₯, π¦ β πΆπ . Then, from Lemma 18, πΏ (πΆπ ) = πΏ (πΈ1/π (πΌ, π)) β€
π (1/π) (1 + π + 2πΎπ) π (1 β 2π2 πΎ)
and so limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. It follows from the Cantor intersection theorem that β πΆπ = {π₯0 } .
β€ ππ + π2 [π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π» (ππ¦, {πΌπ¦})]
Thus, π₯0 is the unique endpoint of πΌ and π.
β€ ππ + π2 π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π2 π
Lemma 20. Let (π, π) be a π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) for all π₯, π¦ β π, where
β€ ππ + π2 π + π2 πΎ [π (πΌπ₯, ππ¦) + π (πΌπ¦, ππ₯)]
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π > 0 is a constant. If π : π β πΆπ(π) satisfies (I-mzc) with πΏ = max{πΌ, π½π/(1 β π½π2 ), π½(1 + π2 )/2(1 β π½π2 ), πΎπ/(1 β πΎπ)}, ππΏ < 1, then πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
ππ (1 + π + 2πΏπ) , π (1 β πΏ)
βπ > 0.
So, ππ (1 + π + 2πΏπ) . 1βπΏ Since ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), we have π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) β€
ππ (1 + π + 2πΏπ) , π (1 β πΏ)
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
Proof. Suppose that π satisfies (I-mkc), then we have
βπ > 0.
π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ π½ [π (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π (πΌπ¦, ππ¦)] β€ π½ [π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π» (πΌπ¦, ππ¦)] β€ π½π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π½ππ» (πΌπ¦, πΌπ₯) + π½ππ» (πΌπ₯, ππ¦) β€ π½π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π½ππ» (πΌπ¦, πΌπ₯) + π½π2 π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π½π2 π» (ππ₯, ππ¦)
Proof. It is clear that if πΌ and π have an endpoint, then πΌ and π have the AEPP. Then,
β€ (π½ + π½π2 ) π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π½ππ (πΌπ¦, πΌπ₯) + π½π2 π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) . (27) So, we have π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€
(π½ + π½π2 ) 1 β π½π2
π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) +
π½π π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) . 1 β π½π2 (28)
If π satisfies (I-mcc), then we have
β€ πΎ [π» (πΌπ₯, ππ¦) + π» (πΌπ¦, ππ₯)]
Further, we have for each π β π, πΆπ β πΆπ+1 . By Lemma 14, πΆπ is closed for each π β π. Since πΌ and π satisfy AEPP, then πΆπ =ΜΈ π for each π β π. Now, we show that limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. To show this, let π₯, π¦ β πΆπ . Then, from Lemma 20, πΏ (πΆπ ) = πΏ (πΈ1/π (πΌ, π)) β€
π (1/π) (1 + π + 2πΏπ) . π (1 β πΏ)
+ πΎππ» (ππ₯, ππ¦) π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) πΎπ 2πΎπ π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) . 1βπΎ π 1βπΎ π 2
Let πΏ = max{πΌ, (π½π)/(1 β π½π ), (π½(1 + π ))/(2(1 β π½π )), (πΎπ)/(1 β πΎπ)}. Then, π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ 2πΏπ» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + πΏπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) .
β€ π [π» ({πΌπ₯} , ππ₯) + π» (ππ₯, {πΌπ¦})]
ππ (1 + π + ππ) , π (1 β ππ2 )
βπ > 0.
Proof. For any π₯, π¦ β πΈπ (πΌ, π), we have π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) = π» ({πΌπ₯} , {πΌπ¦})
β€ ππ + π2 π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π2 π
β€ ππ + π2 [π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π» (ππ¦, {πΌπ¦})]
β€ ππ + π π + π 2πΏπ + πΏπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) .
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
β€ ππ + π2 [π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π» (ππ¦, {πΌπ¦})]
π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) = π» ({πΌπ₯} , {πΌπ¦})
β€ ππ + π2 π + π2 2πΏπ (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + πΏπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦)
Lemma 22. Let (π, π) be a π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) for all π₯, π¦ β π, where π > 0 is a constant. If π : π β πΆπ(π) satisfies (I-mqc) with π < 1/(π(π2 + π)), then
β€ π [π» ({πΌπ₯} , ππ₯) + π (ππ₯, {πΌπ¦})]
Thus, for any π₯, π¦ β πΈπ (πΌ, π), we have
β€ ππ + π2 π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π2 π
Thus, π₯0 is the unique endpoint of πΌ and π.
β€ 2πΎππ» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + πΎππ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦)
βπ β π.
β πΆπ = {π₯0 } .
+ πΎπ [π» (πΌπ¦, πΌπ₯) + π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯)]
1 } =ΜΈ π, π
β€ πΎπ [π» (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) + π» (ππ₯, ππ¦)]
πΆπ = {π₯ β π : sup π (πΌπ₯, π¦) β€
and so limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. It follows from the Cantor intersection theorem that
π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) β€ πΎ [π (πΌπ₯, ππ¦) + π (πΌπ¦, ππ₯)]
Theorem 21. Let (π, π) be a complete π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a continuous single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), where π > 0 is a constant. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) be a lower semicontinuous map satisfying (I-mzc). Then, πΌ and π have a unique endpoint if and only if πΌ and π have the AEPP.
β€ ππ + π2 π + ππ2 β
max {π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) , π (πΌπ₯, ππ₯) , π (πΌπ¦, ππ¦) , π (πΌπ₯, ππ¦) , π (πΌπ¦, ππ₯)} β€ ππ + π2 π + ππ2 {π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + π} . (38)
ISRN Mathematical Analysis Proof. For any π₯, π¦ β πΈπ (πΌ, π), we have
π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) = π» ({πΌπ₯} , {πΌπ¦})
ππ (1 + π + ππ) . π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) β€ 1 β ππ2
β€ π [π» ({πΌπ₯} , ππ₯) + π (ππ₯, {πΌπ¦})] β€ ππ + π2 [π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π» (ππ¦, {πΌπ¦})]
Since ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), we have πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
β€ ππ + π2 π» (ππ₯, ππ¦) + π2 π
ππ (1 + π + ππ) , π (1 β ππ2 )
βπ > 0.
β€ ππ + π2 π + π2 [πΌπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + πΏπ (πΌπ¦, ππ₯)]
β€ ππ + π2 π + π2 πΌπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + π3 πΏ [π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + π (πΌπ₯, ππ₯)]
Theorem 23. Let (π, π) be a complete π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a continuous single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), where π > 0 is a constant. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) be a lower semicontinuous map satisfying (I-mqc). Then, πΌ and π have a unique endpoint if and only if πΌ and π have the AEPP. Proof. It is clear that if πΌ and π have an endpoint, then πΌ and π have the AEPP. Then,
β€ ππ + π2 π + π2 πΌπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + π3 πΏπ (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) + π3 πΏπ β€ ππ (1 + π + πΏπ2 ) + π2 (πΌ + π πΏ) π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) . So, π (πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) β€
ππ (1 + π + πΏπ2 ) 1 β π2 (πΌ + ππΏ)
Since ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), we have 1 πΆπ = {π₯ β π : sup π (πΌπ₯, π¦) β€ } =ΜΈ π, π π¦βππ₯
βπ β π.
Also, it is clear that, for each π β π, πΆπ β πΆπ+1 . By the above Lemma 14, πΆπ is closed for each π β π. Since πΌ and π satisfy AEPP, then πΆπ =ΜΈ π for each π β π. Now, we show that limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. To show this, let π₯, π¦ β πΆπ . Then, from Lemma 22, πΏ (πΆπ ) = πΏ (πΈ1/π (πΌ, π)) β€
π (1/π) (1 + π + ππ) π (1 β ππ2 )
and so limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. It follows from the Cantor intersection theorem that
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
ππ (1 + π + πΏπ2 ) π (1 β π2 (πΌ + ππΏ))
β πΆπ = {π₯0 } .
Thus, π₯0 is the unique endpoint of πΌ and π. Lemma 24. Let (π, π) be a π-metric space and πΌ : π β π a single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦) for all π₯, π¦ β π, where π > 0 is a constant. If π : π β πΆπ(π) satisfies (I-mac) with ππ2 (πΌ + ππΏ) < 1, then
πΏ (πΈπ (πΌ, π)) β€
ππ (1 + π + πΏπ2 ) π (1 β π2 (πΌ + ππΏ))
βπ > 0.
Proof. It is clear that if πΌ and π have an endpoint, then πΌ and π have the AEPP. Then, πΆπ = {π₯ β π : sup π (πΌπ₯, π¦) β€
1 } =ΜΈ π, π
βπ β π.
Also, we have for each π β π, πΆπ β πΆπ+1 . By Lemma 14, πΆπ is closed for each π β π. Since πΌ and π satisfy AEPP, then πΆπ =ΜΈ π for each π β π. Now, we show that limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. To show this, let π₯, π¦ β πΆπ . Then, from Lemma 24, πΏ (πΆπ ) = πΏ (πΈ1/π (πΌ, π)) β€
π (1/π) (1 + π + πΏπ2 ) π (1 β π2 (πΌ + ππΏ))
and so limπ β β πΏ(πΆπ ) = 0. It follows from the Cantor intersection theorem that β πΆπ = {π₯0 } .
βπ > 0.
Theorem 25. Let (π, π) be a complete π-metric space with the π-metric as a continuous functional. Let πΌ : π β π be a continuous single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), where π > 0 is a constant. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) be a lower semicontinuous map satisfying (I-mac). Then, πΌ and π have a unique endpoint if and only if πΌ and π have the AEPP.
Thus, π₯0 is the unique endpoint of πΌ and π.
ISRN Mathematical Analysis
On putting π = 1 in the above Theorem 25, we obtain the following result of [11]. Corollary 26 (see [11]). Let (π, π) be a complete metric space. Let πΌ : π β π be a continuous single-valued mapping such that ππ(π₯, π¦) β€ π(πΌπ₯, πΌπ¦), where π > 0 is a constant. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) be a lower semicontinuous map satisfying (I-mac). Then, πΌ and π have a unique endpoint if and only if πΌ and π have the AEPP. If πΌ is the identity mapping on π and π = 1, then the above result reduces to the following results: Corollary 27 (see [11, Corollary 3.5]). Let (π, π) be a metric space, and let π : π β πΆπ(π) satisfy (I-mac) with πΌ + πΏ < 1. Then, for each π > 0, πΏ (πΈπ (π)) β€
π (2 + πΏ) , 1 β (πΌ + πΏ)
where πΈπ (π) = {π₯ β π : supπ¦βππ₯ π(π₯, π¦) β€ π}. Corollary 28 (see [11, Corollary 3.6]). Let (π, π) be a complete metric space. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) be a lower semicontinuous map satisfying (I-mac) with πΌ + πΏ < 1. Then, π has a unique endpoint if and only if π has the AEPP. If πΏ = 0, in almost contraction, then we have following result in metric space. Corollary 29 ([10, Corollary 2.2]). Let (π, π) be a complete metric space. Let π : π β πΆπ(π) satisfy (mc). Then, π has a unique endpoint if and only if π has the AEPP.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to sincerely thank the referees and the editors for their valuable comments to improve the paper in its present form.
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