Energy-Momentum Tensors for Dispersive Electromagnetic ... - ANU

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called the ponderomotive force density) is that expected from the Abraham .... We make the theory manifestly Lorentz covariant by working only with 4-scalars.
Aust.J. Phys.,1977,30, 533-75

Energy-Momentum Tensors for Dispersive ElectromagneticWaves

R. L. Dewar Department of Theoretical Physics, Research School of Physical Sciences, Australian National University; presentaddress: PlasmaPhysicsLaboratory, Princeton University, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, N.J. 085z|(),U.S.A.


Abstract Classical relativistic field theory is used as a basis for a general discussion of the problem of splitting up the total energy-momentum tensor ofa system into contributions from its component subsystems. Both the Minkowski and Abraham forms (including electrostriction) arise naturally in alternative split-up procedures applied to a nondispersive dielectric fluid. The case of an electromagnetic wave in a (spatially and temporally) dispersivemedium in arbitrary but slowly varying motion is then treated. In the dispersive case the results cannot be found by replacing the dielectric constant e with e(&,ar) but include derivatives with respect to the wave vector k and the frequency ar. Ponderomotive force expressions are obtained and the perturbation in the total energy-momentum tensor due to a one-dimensional wavepacket is found, A nonlinear Schrtidinger equation is obtained for the evolution of a three-dimensionalwavepacket. Both hot and cold plasmasare treated.

1. Introduction The ancient Abraham-Minkowski dispute regarding the correct form of the energy-momentumtensorfor nondispersiveelectromagnetic wavesin material media has recentlyreceivedrenewedattention in the literature. For a review of the older literature the readeris referredto the English edition of Pauli's book on relativity (1958,pp. 109, ll0), while for the current status of the controversythe review by Robinson(1975)is recommended. The latter author, while emphasizingthe difficulty of obtaining a generalmicroscopicderivation,points out that the problem of obtaininga macroscopicsolution in arbitrarily moving media has been solvedby Penfieldand Haus (L967)using their methodof virtual power. As Robinsonpoints out, the resultis in fact a generalization of Helmholtz's (1882)solution for the force densityacting on a medium subjectto staticfields,a resultwhich predatesthe controversyitself by almost 30 years! Stated succinctly,the conclusionis that the force densityacting on the medium (henceforth called the ponderomotiveforce density)is that expectedfrom the Abraham form of the energy-momentumtensor, plus a part describedmacroscopicallyas electrostrictiveand magnetostrictiveeffects. This result can be found in suchtext books as Landau and Lifshitz (1960)or Panofskyand Phillips (1962)for the specialcaseof quasistaticnondispersivemedia. It is the calculation from first principles of the electrostrictiveand magnetostrictive coefficientswhich makesa microscopictreatment difficult (Robinson 1975; Peierls1976). Thereis a case,however,in which a microscopictreatmentis possible,namelythat of the collisionlessplasma. The problem of ponderomotiveforcesof electromagnetic wavesin inhomogeneousplasmasis of great interestin laser fusion research(Hora


R. L. Dewar

1969) and also has application in magnetic containment devicesin RF confinement and microwave heating. The reasonfor the tractability of the problem in the plasma case is that the particles of a plasma are weakly interacting and may be adequately described using a self-consistentfield model: the vlasov equation or some fluid approximation to it. Klima and Petrzilka (1968)have shown that the ponderomotive force in a cold plasma is that expectedfrom the Abraham tensor with the electrostrictive correction. This is actually quite surprising since a plasma is a highly dispersive medium and it is not clear that the conventional treatment holds. Landau and Lifshitz (1960, p. 256) give a derivation of the time-averagedinternal energy density in a medium exhibiting temporal dispersion, but they explicitly state that ponderomotive force expressionshave not been derived for such a medium. We shall seein Section 4d here that the reason why the result holds is that there is no spatial dispersion in a cold plasma. This is no longer true in a warm plasma, and it is one of the principal aims of this paper to derive the ponderomotive force for a system exhibiting spatial dispersion. Our overall aim is to provide a unified macroscopic (continuum) description in which ponderomotive effectsin all statesof matter (solids, fluids and plasmas)can be discussed. A simple application of the ponderomotive force expressioncombined with the electromagneticenergy-momentum tensor is to calculatethe total perturbed energymomentum tensor convected with a one-dimensionalwavepacket. This has been discussedby Haus (1969) and by Robinson (1975) in the nondispersivecase,and by Hora (1974) and Klima and Petrzilka (1973, 1975)in the cold plasma case. As the equation of motion for the background medium must be solved to find the amount of momentum and energy carried by the background, the result correspondsneither to the Abraham nor to the Minkowski result in general-the medium 'dresses'the wavepacket and modifies the energy-momentum tensor. A three-dimensionalwavepacket leaves a sonic wake behind it (Peierls 1976), which is related to induced Brillouin scattering(Kroll 1965). There are also self-focusingeffectsand modulational instabilities (Karpman and Krushkal' 1969) which tend to break an initially onedimensional wavetrain into three-dimensionalwavepackets. Although the preceding remarks would appear to imply that Minkowski was 'wrong' and Abraham (and Helmholtz) were 'right', the situation is not as simple as this since there is no unique way of splitting up a systeminto interacting subsystems. This point has been made clearly by Penfieldand Haus (1967). The Minkowski form is wrong only if one demands that the energy-momentum tensor for the background subsystembe unaffectedin form by the introduction of interacting fields. But surely this is the only 'natural' assumption? In this paper we argue that there is at least one other equally natural form for the background energy-momentum tensor. By basing the treatment on Hamilton's principle and the methods of relativistic field theory (Pauli l94l ; Hill l95l) it becomesapparent that there is a canonical procedurewhich, from a Hamiltonian viewpoint, is also very natural. Just as the canonical momentum for a particle in general differs from its physical momentum, so does the canonical energy-momentum tensor for a subsystemdiffer from what we shall call its physical energy-momentum tensor. This distinction is different from that between the canonical and the symmetrizedenergy-momentum tensor (Pauli l94l) for the system as a whole. The canonical and physical split-up procedurescould be applied to either the canonical or symmetrizedtensor, although we will not find it useful to talk about the physical split-up of the canonical energy-momentum tensor.

Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor Dispersive Waves


The approachwe adopt is a natural extensionof earlier work (Dewar 1970)on hydromagneticwaves,in which the ideaof canonicaland physicalsplit-up procedures was introduced,and Whitham's(1965)averagedLagrangianprinciplewas usedto effecta generaltreathent of dispersivewaveswithin the WKB approximation. Some of the techniqueshave also been used to discussthe analogy betweenelectrostatic plasmawavesand galacticdensitywaves(Dewar 1972a),and to treat modulational instability of electrostaticplasmawaves(Dewar 1972b). The conceptof canonical backgroundmomentumin the presenceof waveshas also beenapproachedfrom the point of view of canonicaltransformationtheory (Dewar 1973,1976). In generalizingthe previouswork to fully electromagnetic wavesthe major obstacle has been that the standardtreatmentsof field theory do not include an arbitrarily deformablebackgroundmedium. It is essentialto vary the backgroundcoordinate field in Hamilton's principle (taking into account such constraintsas mass conservation)in order to obtain the correct ponderomotiveforce; and so a relativistic variational techniquehas been developedwhich includesthe constraintsexplicitly, unlike Penfieldand Haus (1967)who useLagrangemultipliers. Although for most practical purposesa relativistictheory for the backgroundis quite unnecessary, it is requiredfor the electromagnetic field. It has beenfound that the most efficienttechniquewith any claim to generalityis first to do the calculations fully (special)relativistically,exploitingthe compactness of 4-vectornotation,and then to translatethe resultsinto 3-vectorform, making nonrelativisticapproximationsas desired. A few other authors(e.g.Toupin 1960; Schiipf1964)havealsousedHamilton's principle to treat the electrodynamicsof continuous media, but have not treated dispersivewaves. On the other hand, Furutsu (1969)has treated dispersivewaves relativisticallybut has omitted to vary the background. Doughefty (1970,1974)has reviewedthe averagedLagrangianmethod in the context of the cold plasmamodel, and has discussedtwo covariantmethodsfor varying the background. The problem of wavesin an arbitrarydielectricwasnot discussed.Jones(1971)hasreviewedthe useof Hamilton'sprinciplefor wavesoccurringin geophysics and hasalsodiscussed the useof classicalfield theory techniques. Hamilton's principle is open to the objectionthat it requiresone to postulatethe form of the Lagrangiandensity,but it should be rememberedthat any macroscopic theory involvesa numberof postulates,and Hamilton's principlemay be deeperthan many of these. When one bearsin mind that the macroscopicLagrangiandensity must be an averageof the microscopicdensity,which is known, and imposesLorentz invariance,much of the arbitrarinessgoesout. We also know some of the EulerLagrangeequationsa priori, such as Maxwell's equations,and we find that we are unambiguouslyled to a definite form for the total Lagrangiandensity. Rules for forming Lagrangiandensitiesare further discussedby Penfieldand Haus (1967),who defend Hamilton's principle with the remark that the systematicbookkeepingand standardizedset of rules for applying the variational principle allow one to derive equationsof motion in a way that is likely to be freeof errors. A more seriousdefectof Hamilton's principle, when appliedto a systemof nonlinearlyinteractingfields,is that it cannothandledissipation.For treatmentswhich allow entropyflow betweensubsystems the readeris referredto the books by Penfield and Haus (1967)and de Groot and Suttorp (1972). Therehas also beenconsiderable work on this subjectfrom the standpoint of continuum mechanics(Lianis 1974).

R. L. Dewar

In Section2 below we adapt Noether'stheoremand the generalsymmetrization procedureof Belinfanteto continuousmediaand introducethe canonicaland physical split-up procedures. In Section3 the theory is appliedto isotropic dielectrics(asthe simplestexample), and the connectionwith the Abraham-Minkowski controversyis made. we also treat longitudinal and transversewavesin an isotropic dispersivemedium through a polarizationtensorapproach,and derivethe energy-momentumtensors(and hence ponderomotiveforces)for thesecases. The connectionwith 3-vectorformalism is madein Section4 wherewe spell out the full 3-vectorexpressions.Although many of theseterms disappearin the nonrelativisticlimit it is one of the advantagesof our generalupp.ou"h that we can see just what is being omitted. The connectionwith the frequency-and wavenumberdependentdielectricconstantformulation of dispersiveelectromagnetic wavesis also made. In Section5 we find the 'dressing'transformationof the physicalelectromagnetic energy-momentumtensor due to the excitation of backgroundmotion by a one_ dimensionalwavepacket.An evolutionequationfor a three-dimensional wa-vepacket is alsofound which takesinto accountself-focusing and stimulatedBrillouin scattering. Section6 containsthe adaptationof the previousformalismto the caseof a hot collisionless plasma. Becausewe usethe Vlasovdescription,we are still in a sense dealing with a continuum description,exceptthat the plasmais now regardedas a fluid in phasespace. In this casethe meaningof the canonicalenergy-momenrum tensoris rather clearer,as a Hamiltoniantheory for single-particle motion can be developed; this we do in Appendix2. Appendix I is devotedto a discussionof averaging,in order to clarify the meaningof 'background'in the presence of waves. The SI systemof electromagnetic units (equivalentto MKS) ii usedthroushout this paper. 2. RelativisticField Theoryfor Continua (a) Notation and Terminology We make the theory manifestlyLorentz covariantby working only with 4-scalars (as is the Lagrangiandensityg),4-vectors (suchas the 4-positionxp : (ct,x) and 4-gradient0p : }lax) or 4-tensors. Greek indicesrun from 0 to 3, Roman from I to 3, the summationconventionis assumedand the metrictensorgrn is suchthat goo : -gr| : -g22 : -g33: I (seee.g. Landau and Lifshitz (1971)for an introductionto this notation). The scalarproductsapbr: aobo_a.b, undouor: a|-a'will be abbreviateda.b and.a2respictively,andihe aigrimentlist xe, xr, x2, x, will be abbreviatedby x. Although we are dealing here with a continuum description of some material (which can be either a solid or a fluid), it is convenientto use the term particle to denotean infinitesimalelementof the material. Sucha particleforms a microsystem, which we assumeto be characterizedcompletelyby its position, velocity and strain tensor,the vector whoseelementsconsistof theseparameters,togetherwith the time at which they were measured,representinga microstate. The set of all microstates whosetime componentequalsI is the state of the systemat time /. we implicitly assumethat density, temperature,etc. are related by holonomic constraintsto the microstate.

Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor DispersiveWaves


The path traced out in 4-spaceby a particle as I goes from - oo to * a is its world line, and the unit 4-vector tangent to a world line at x is the local 4-velocity ur(x). (b) ReferenceStates Unlike the case in quantum field theory (Pauli l94l), we cannot vary the field describing the material arbitrarily at all times. This is becausethere must be at least one time at which the state of the system (the reference state) is held fixed in order that variations in the strain tensor of the material may be defined relative to this reference state. However, it is unsatisfactory for a covariant theory to single out a special reference frame in which 'time' is to be defined. One could instead define a generalized reference state as the set of all the microstates of the system whose 4-position lies on a spaceJikehypersurface,but this is found to be inconvenient. This is because we wish to describe the system in 4-space, but the map from a general region of 4-space to this hypersurface is a projection, and therefore has no inverse function. In order to retain the convenient feature of 3-space continuum mechanics that the map from the current state to the reference state is invertible, we introduce the concept of an expanded reference state, which allows microstates with a range of time values. For instance,we could designatethe union of all the statesof the system at times - oo < l, ( /o as the expanded reference state. That is, all variations vanish prior to fo. Since Hamilton's principle really only requires variations which can be localized around the current time I (although for a dispersivesystemwe shall assume the variations to be slow with respect to the characteristicmemory of the system), holding the systemfixed over a range of times not containing I is perfectly compatible with Hamilton's principle. To avoid specifying a special frame to define /o we introduce the concept of a reference region of 4-space, denoted by Qo. The expanded reference state associated with 96 is the set of all the microstates whose 4-position lies within Qo, and designating it as a reference state implies that the allowable uariations in Hamilton's principle uanish within Qo, (c) Mappings In 3-space continuum mechanics (Eringen 1967) the strain tensor is defined in terms of the map from the reference state at / : 0 to the state of the system at the current time I (i.e. the time in whose neighbourhood variations are to be taken), generatedby the motion of the particles during the time interval [0,1]. Becausethe map is one to one we can equivalently use the inverse map from the current state to 'Eulerian variations' the reference state. This is more convenient because it allows (Dewar 1970) to be used. We shall call this mapping a reference map. 'pseudotime' parameter t and To obtain a covariant formulation we introduce a seek a continuous one-parameter family of expanded reference maps rr from the 4-space region fl, in which variations are to be taken, onto a family of expanded reference regions frok) (disjolnt from Q). If the point x is mapped on the point X we can write (l) Xp : Xp(x,r). We require the map to be one to one and differentiable, and we require that any point in Q be connected to its image in Ao@) by q world line. Such a mapping is


R. L. Dewar

depicted in Fig. l. We also require that Xo(x,z) be a monotonically decreasing function of r in all frames. An example of such a map is that provided by sliding every point in I back in time along the appropriate world line through a distance r measured along that world line, but there are infinitely many other pcissibilities. The lack of uniqueness of the map need not be a worry becausewe find that XP(x,z) can always be eliminated in favour of physically observablevariables. For a generaldiscussion,however, it is formally much more convenient to express all observablesin terms of XF(x,r), becausethis fleld can be varied without constraint. The resulting Euler-Lagrange equations and conservation relations can always be re-expressedin terms of observables,and then becomeunique. z--.-\



\. \

Fig. 1. Schematic diagramof the mappingbetweenthe reference world region9s and thecurrentregionQ. The cylindricalvolumeelements usedin Section3aarealsoshown. (d) Hamilton's Principle For the time being we need only remark that the 4-velocity, proper density and strain tensor can all be expressedas functions of XP,6pXn and a/. Thus the most general Lagrangian density we can encounter is 9 : 9(X,AX,u,ry,A4),


where the 4i(x) are the other fields entering into the problem. Hamilton's principle is stated in the form


6 9 d a x: 0 ,



where Xr(x) and 4,@) are to be varied with r held constant and the world lines in 8o held fixed, XP changing as a function o/ x because the world lines within 4 are varied. Changes in functional dependenceon n will be denoted by the Eulerian variation symbol 6, while changesevaluated at the varying 4-position determined by XP : const., r : corst. will be denoted by the Lagrangian variation symbol A, the

Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor DispersiveWaves


relationbetween the two typesof variationbeing A:


d+ LX.A,


A,XP: 0,

dxr : 0

6XP :


- Lx.1X!.


(e) Eulerian Variations The variation in APXnis the obvious result 6ApX": Ap6X,: _Ap(Lx.AX\.


To find the variation in uP, we first note that a world line is traced out by xP as r is varied with XP fixed. Thus

up: _XJeX-'),u{(X".AX-\2}-+,


where (dX-t)r" it the inverse of the matrix ArXn and the subscript r denotespartial differentiation with respect to z. Using the facts that L,X.P : 0 and L(}X-t'1"u : (AX-L .A Lx),P,


we can calculate LuP and hence find 6uP : (gun- uqun)u,0L,x, - L,x . AuP.


(f) Euler-Lagrange Equations Substitution of equations (6) and (9) into the variational principle (3) yields the Lagrange equations of motion for the background material ; . u x "d r ( , d , E \ - ; " t \AApX"l

" a9 -a^(up(qpu-rou";V\ -;.ru"09 :0. 'Au, "\ 0X" 6u, l


which can also be written as a canonical energy-momentum balanceequation for the background material in the form : f6u, AuT6Pn where

ro,'="ffiu' +(ae* "#;-

"Y-)(n,- r,u')- eae,' (rr)

is the canonical energy-momentum tensor for the background subsystemand .ftu:0a'9 -Ang6,


is the canonical force density acting on the background subsystem,the symbol do denoting the total derivative with respectto the background variables, n a d io''= (d''Xu)fi* e"{e, r,)a x G'u )fi;, 4 "+ and the symbol I'odenoting that part of I alone.


depending on the background variables


R. L. Dewar

Variationof thefields4, yieldsthewell-knownEuler-Lagrange equations au@9l00un)-a9l0q1:0.


(g) Canonical Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor Fields If we associate the 4, in the subspace ie ( i 1 ir,*t with the ftth subsystem, and also associatepart of I with the icth subsystemso that

s : ea*1n0, thenwe can definethe canonicalbalanceequationfor the kth subsystem to be 1uTuu'-fion,


wherethe canonicalenergy-momentum tensorfor the kth subsystem is definedto be it+r-l

T''u u u :


I #0"n,-?r"gru. iau o or4i


Using equation (14), we find the canonical force density to be fru = 0*'g -Angk.


The symbol do"is defined analogouslyto donas

uo':'. if-.(O,;fr,+u{a, . n,)-!-.)


Sincethe canonicalequationsfor the backgroundsubsystem weregivenin the previous subsection, equation(18)completes the definitionof the canonicalenergy-momentum tensorsof all subsystems. If 9odependsonly on the fieldsassociated with the ftth subsystem, and has no explicit dependence on x, then the forcedensityfi actingon the kth subsystem vanishes and we call this a closedsubsystem, i.e. onewhich hasno interactionwith any other subsystem.In the more typical and interestingcaseof interactingsubsystems, the 9owill dependon fieldsassociatedwith other subsystems and in fact therewill be no unique way of definingI o, altholgh thereis usuallya most 'natural' way of splitting up I into contributionsfrom differentsubsystems. (h) Translationlrusariance We now considerthe conservation equationswhich the systemas a whole must obey. We know from Noether'stheorem(Hill l95l) that theseare associated with the invarianceof the equationsof motion under symmetrytransformations. In fact, in both classicaland quantumfield theories,I itself is form invariant under time and spacetranslationsand Lorcntz transformations. In our problem we must recognize the fact that a constraint has been applied on allowable variations, namely the requirementthat 4o be held fixed. Thus our first symmetrypostulateis that I (and in fact 9o and 9o) is invariant under space-timetranslationsof Q and the world


Energy-Momentum Tensors for DispersiveWaves

lines and fields within Q. That is,


Lg :0 when LxP : eP

A4; : 0.


The condition that equation (19) hold for all ep is

Apg _Abpg -la;S

: O.



From equations(12), (15) and (17) we seethat (20) impliesthat the total 4-force densityactingon the systemis zero,thus implying the conservationof total canonical energyand momentum )uTPu : where the total canonical energy-momentum .fpv:


0' tensor is defined by

T{n +LTkt'"



(i) Local LorentzInuariance 'rigid rotation' (in Our secondsymmetrypostulateis that I is invafiant under 'rotated'' 4-space)of 4 aboltthe origin, the world linesand fieldswithin fr alsobeing This operationis a Lorentztransformationof Q,but go is, as always,held fixed' We shall call this invariancelocalLorentzinuariance,this beinga strongerassumption than the global Lorentz invarianceimplicit in the 4-vectorformulation. We further assumethat 96 and 9e are locally Lorentz invariant and translation invariant. Statedsuccinctly,we require (23) L9:O when L,x! :

tln xn,




where epuis an arbitrary antisymmetric infinitesimal 4-tensor, the matrices /rn;; being representations of the infinitesimal operators of the Lorentz gro:up(Pauli 1941). Without loss of generality, Ipnii Qdr-be assumed antisymmetric in p and v. The condition that equation (23) be satisfied for all eunis, on using (20)'

xeffi; - uu (nr,ffi +a" aury) ^.". + t r ini "i a+# + ; . p l l i ' r , fof i,, :


pn part of a tensor. That is, if t is wherethe subscripta.s.denotesthe antisymmetric an arbitrary tensor, tf]r. = +(tP"-t't'). Equation (25) is to hold for 9o and 9y as well, and is a restriction on allowable constitutiverelations. This aspectwill be discussedfurther in Section34. In this


R. L. Dewar

section we demonstrate that equation (25) has the consequences(i) that angular momentum is conservedand (ii) that the energy-momentum tensor is symmetrizable. The first consequence(i) follows directly from Noether,s theorem (Hill l95l) which yields APMPtt' -



where |l[our-

_xpTpn lxnTpp _@gl0Ao4)Iiiqi.


It is easily verified that equation (26) follows from equations (ll), (16), (21), (22), (25) and (27). Jones(1971) has interpreted the last term in equation (27) as rhe,spin' of the fields 4,, but for the purposesof the presentpaper we limit ourselvesto interpreting the energy-momentum tensor. (j) Symmetrization The secondconsequence(ii) above of equation (25) follows directly from application of the method of Belinfante (see pauli 1941). we define a modified "*rgymomentum tensor oP! : TPr *ao'f ouu' (28) where aY -^., dg \ dg J:t)ttv:-'l

-'\aa7'Y,ntffirfi" 4i Aft.,i:'r').


In view of the antisymmetry of f'u' with respect to p and,u, Oru obeys the same conservation equation as Tp', namely 0 u 0 Y ': 0 .


After some algebra it can be shown that the modified angular momentum tensor mpvn :

_ xt ]pu * xn )pp


obeys the conservationequation A r m P P:u 0 ,


whence it follows that 0F'is a symmetric tensor. It can be shown that 0p, is uniquely determined by requiring symmetry (Pauli l94l). (k) Physical Split-up As with the total canonical energy*momentum T!,, we can split Opninto contributions from the various subsystems. There seem to be two natural conventions for effecting this split-up. The first we call, following Dewar (1920), the physical split-up. we define the physical energy-momentum tensor for the ftth subsyitem by

u= u.dx" "0uu + x. * # uu,u" r, ffi:u' (de #k - #) (0, u,,,) -9*gr'*0of*or', where

-t(ffi,rl'nt l:k',v: ffi1#'qiffitA'11,

(33) (34)


Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor DispersiveWaves

and similarly for 0orn and foQqn,simply by replacingthe subscriptk with b. The subsystemsexchange energy and momentumaccordingto the equations


ftn ,




with the physical force density @ouacting on the kth subsystemgiven by

o- ",\ u#)- a"u,aff (n" Xoa,(ffi) - a'x,ffi - a,(uu 0xn: an lAq \ 0go +e'nar\ffi)-6",t,d,


where we have used equation (20). From equations (10) and (14) it is readily verified that the physical forces acting on the systemas a whole sum to zero. We term @onthe ponderomotiue4-force density, as it gives the force acting on the averagemotion of the material. Note that 0opnand 9pnwill always be symmetric, but that 0op"need not necessarilybe so if there are severalinteracting subsystems. The advantageof the physical breakup is that the background energy-momentum tensor has a very natural form since it is unmodified by the existenceof other fields-all interactions are contained in the ponderomotive force. On the other hand, the canonicalforms for the other subsystemsseemmore'natural', except for the absence of the symmetrizing term. (l) Modified Canonical Splil-up The above reasoning leads us to introduce a second way of splitting up the symmetric energy-momentum tensor 0!u, which we call the modified canonical split-up. Supposethe matrices ltij have a block diagonal form corresponding to the fact that the fields 4, in the kth subspace4 ( i I io*, transform only amongst themselves.(That is, the subspacek correspondsto one or more irreducible represenpqv tations of the Lorentz group.) Then we can decomposef into a sum of tensors glPru defined by ir+r-lir+r-t I Aq \ Ag dg (37) s*"':--i ,1. ,4_\ffit:t'rrt-ffi,tli"ni-ffi.tii'r'r'

This decomposition is distinct from that defined by equations (24). As with the strict canonical split-up we associatethe fields in the kth subspace with the kth subsystem. Thus we define the modified canonical energy-momentum tensor for the ftth subsvstembv ilyr-l

= Suuu


,1, ffi,r'n,-9ogu'+apgkoPn


We define the modified canonical energy-momentum tensor for the background to be the same as the canonical energy-momentum tensor:

(3e) = r{' -,ffiu'+(a,x"ffi--#)(o'"-,'u') -eosp". soun


R. L. Dewar

Although none of the subsystem tensorsare in generalsymmetric,they sum to the symmetrictensor So,"+ I soun: 9Fn (40) k

Since Surndiffers from Tou' by a 4-divergencelessterm, the balance equation 1uSoun: 6ru


applies, withfo" given by equation (17). 3. Constitutive Relations and their Consequences (a) Dependenceon Background Variables All constitutive equations must obey the two symmetry postulates expressed by equations (20) and (25). The first is trivially satisfied simply by demandingthat g have no explicit dependence on xP. The second, however, restricts the allowable dependenceof I on the deformation 4-tensor 1pX,,because X, is a scalar, not a vector, under the local Lorentz transformation (24) (i.e. its components are invariant). Also, L A p X n : e p o7 o x " , (42) so that )pXn is a vector rather than a tensor under local Lorentztransformation. and similarly for higher derivatives. Furthermore, a vector ar(x) depending only on the initial state is also a scalar under local Lorentz transformations. Thus the only way the deformation 4-'tensor' can appear in g is through the combinations 1PX,a'(X)




We shall not enumerateall the ways a scalarg can be formed from these elements, but shall insteadconsideras a simple examplethe constructionof the background Lagrangiandensityfor an isotropic fluid. Since-540is to be a scalar,it sufficesto evaluateit in the local rest frame of the medium. In this frame the kinetic energyvanishesand g6 is just the negativeof the total internal energydensity,including the rest energy,as 9o:

-p'(x)c2 -8,(p'),


where to be consistentwith the assumptionof scalarpressurewe have assumedd', the proper internal energydensitywith rest energysubtracted,to be a function only of p' , the proper density. By 'proper' we meanevaluatedin the local rest frame, and this we indicate with a prime. we evaluatep'(x) by a geometricargumentsimilar to that usedfor flux conservationin hydromagnetics(Newcomb 1962). supposedo, is an elementof area on a spacelikehypersurfacecutting Q and d.E,is its imageunder the mappingequation(l). Then massconservation requires p'(x) : p'(X) U.dZ ,


where Ue, the 4-velocityat XP, is given by U p : u . A X p{ @ . A X ) 2 \ _ +


Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor DispersiveWaves


A cylindrical volume element of side dXr maps into a cylindrical volume element of side dxr, the ratio of the volumes dX, being the Jacobian, det(0"Xf) (see Fig. 1). Since this holds for all dxp, we have

dou: 6uYud2"ldet(0,xq).


Substitutingequation(47) into (45) we find p'(x) : det(a,xp){@.a\' l-+



If I dependson dpXnonly through p' (as in an isotropic fluid) then we can use equation(48) to simplify someof the equationsof the previoussection,since,ffi:o. ffir*r-"'H: p'o^n,


For example,the physicalenergy-momentumtensorcorrespondingto equation(44) is from (33) |oun: (p'""+E')upvn-P'(glv-sruunl, (50) wherethe properpressureP'is definedby p, :_ p,AE,f0p,_8, .


Equation (50) is the expected form for the energy-momentum tensor of a continuous system(Landau and Lifshitz l97l). (b) Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field The slowly varying parts of the electric and magnetic fields E and B are contained in the antisymmetric tensor B!' :


A p A u_ A u A p ,

where ,4Pis the 4-vector potential. In the absenceof dispersion, I depends on ,4p through Ap and BPn only, the Euler-Lagrange equations (14) resulting from taking 4i: Ap being the covariant Maxwell equation A , H P ' : J u,


where Ht'Y-

-2Agf ABu",

J" :



"I" being the 4-current carried by free charges. The canonical energy-momentum density (16) and force density (17) are given by T!]:

- g u o ) u A o- 9 . - g q n ,


-+Hro)uBpo -Au9"



Provided we work in Lorentz gauge, or some other relativistically invariant gauge, the 4-potential Ap is a 4-vector. Thus the infinitesimal operators for the electromagnetic subspaceare representedby f p u p o:





R. L. Dewar

From equation (25) the constraint of local Lorenlz invariancerequiresthat / a q A q \ : o, (rff ,"" +a'x";;:#;- ","iui -, h o") u.".


wherewe havetaken 9" to be that part of I dependingonly on Ap and the background variables,and H!]($^) to be that part of HPv(Jp)contributedby 9" . Using equations(34), (54) and (56) we find

f!#" : H"(,iA".


Thus from equation (33) the physical energy-momentumtensor for the electromagneticsubsystemis

- u',") : u.u*" uti^ x,ffi - -#) (o'" mu" +(a, +H,(:8"" -9"

9'n -@pH:#)A".


From equation(57)it is easilyseenthat 0f[ is a symmetrictensorwhen thereis no free current. Becauseof this it is temptingto identify 0![ as the generalform of the Abrahamelectromagnetic energy-momentumtensor. As we shall see,however,this is not quite correct. Nevertheless,the modified canonicalenergy-momentumtensor, definedby equation(38), is givenby S"*rl: H'oBon-9"^9u",


and we shall now show that this is identical with the Minkowski electromagnetic energy-momentumtensor. (c) Linear Isotropic Case by a term in I " linear in Bpnwhile the linear Piezoelectriceffectsare represented responseis representedby a quadraticterm dielectric,magneticand magnetoelectric and the nonlinear responseis representedby higher order terms. We shall consider only a linear uncharged,insulatingisotropic fluid, for which (seeSection4c below) 9.

: +p;t {(Qil-t - e')BeBe++Q))-r Bp, B" p},


where e'(p') and p'Qt') are the proper dielectric permittivity and proper magnetic permeabilityrespectively,relativeto the vacuumvalueseoand p6, and BP :- Bunn".


Considerthe casewhere only the backgroundand low frequencyelectromagnetic subsystems are present,i.e. g : 9v* 9"^. (63) Then the canonicalbackgroundenergy-momentumtensor is, from equations(11)

Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor DispersiveWaves


and (49), Touu: (p'c'+E')uPun -t-lp, - +t ;' e,) np,B pB, - }((p')-')," r, B o,B. o}l(spu- upun) {(0,) (64) + *po' (e' - (trt')-r)upBoB o" (g"u- ulun), wherethe subscriptlnp' denotesp'1lAp'. From equations(54)we find Hpu _ po t{((p)-r _e,)(uuBn_u"Br)+Qt)-rBr"},


where9"^can be written 9"^


*BooHo o.


The modifiedcanonicalelectromagnetic energy-momentum tensoris, by equations (60) and (66), S ! , 1: H ' o B P n - + B P o H o p g P n . (67) Comparisonwith equation(301)of Pauli (1941)confirmsthat the presentequation (67)is indeed(to within a signconvention)the Minkowski form of the electromagnetic energy-momentumtensor. The interaction 4-force density acting on the canonical backgroundsubsystemis most easilyobtainedfrom the conservationequation (21),

fo" : -f"i":



The two subsystems are clearlycoupledby any inhomogeneityin the background, thus illustrating the futility of discussingthe 'true' form of the electromagnetic energy-momentumtensor in isolation from the background. Even worse, the canonicalenergy-momentumtensorfor the background,equation(64),containsterms quadraticin the electromagnetic field. At first sightthis appearsunphysical(hencethe designation'physical'for Oopn), especiallyas it leadsto an asymmetrictensor,but it is really no more unphysicalthan the fact that a term qA appearsin the canonical momentum of a particle in an electromagneticfield. One can carry this analogy furtherusing'oscillationcentre'canonicaltransformationtheory(Dewar 1973,1976). The physical energy-momentumtensor for the background,Ooru,is unchanged, and given by equation (50). From equations(49), (59), (65) and (66) we find the physicalenergy-momentumtensorfor the electromagneticsubsystemto be 0!i" : 0 tu"* f,p'(aH p"l 0 p')Boo(g,' - u,un),


where 04pnis the Abraham energy-momentumtensor(equation(303) of Pauli 1958) for an isotropic medium,given by 0orn = Ht'pBpr _+HeoBopgun _(e,p,_l)upen,


Q" beingthe'Ruhstrahlvektor' Qn = (unH"t *uoH"n tu"Huo)Bou".



R. L. Dewar

Since0f[ is symmetricin the rest frame,it is symmetricin all frames. The ponderomotive force is easilyobtainedfrom the conservationequation(30) as

do": -dl. : -auoth.


Thus our resolution of the famous controversyis as follows: The Minkowski form is correct provided the canonical energy-momentumtensor is used for the backgroundsubsystem; the Abraham form is not quite correct when the physical is used,but may be corrected energy-momentumtensorfor the backgroundsubsystem by the addition of a tensorwhich accountsfor electrostrictiveand magnetostrictive effects.It will be seenin Section4c belowthat this correctionterm correspondsto the Helmholtz form of the ponderomotiveforce (Robinson 1975). (d) High FrequencyElectromagnetic Field Considerthe high frequencyelectromagneticfield to be due to the passageof a nearlv monochromaticwavetrain. describedbv o


L' alexp(in?), tr=-@


whereaf(x) is the slowly varying complexamplitudeof the nth harmonicof the wave 4-potentialand 0(x) is the phaseof the wave. At this stagewe make no assumption regarding the linearity of the response,so harmonics will in general be present. in However,we assumethat the amplitudesof the higherharmonicscan be expressed with the waveis the slowly termsof that of the fundamentalal = aP. Also associated varying wave 4-vectorkp(x) defined(Dougherty 1970)as the 4-gradientof 0, that is kP = -0P0.


Within the WKB approximation,I is a function only of Xp, APX",eF,ap* andkt'. Following Whitham (1965)we assumelocal averagingto have been applied to I (which has negligibleeffect on the action integral), so that I is independentof 0. to 4i: ap,au*ate the'wave The Euler-Lagrangeequations(14) corresponding equations' (75) 0 9 l 1 a P *: 0 9 l d a L : 0 , which besidesgiving the dispersionrelation for the wavealso determineits polarization. The Euler-Lagrangeequationfrom variation of 0 is the continuity equationfor wave action (76) 0 r N P: o , where Np: aglakp Q7) is the wave action current (seeSection4d). From equations(16) and (17) we find to be the canonicalenergy-momentumtensorand forcedensityfor the wavesubsystem Trr!" :

NPkn -9*gPu


fnq :

N" }Pk, -APg*,


where 9n is that part of I depending on kP and aP. Since g*ppnvanishes, equation (78a) also gives the modified canonical tensor S*p'.


Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor DispersiveWaves

We now show that equations(78) are consistentwith equations(55) for nondispersivewaves. In this casethe only kp dependence in g* comesfrom B Fu : I


in(k" aP- kPa) exp(in?) .

Then, since 9n is the averaged electromagnetic Lagrangian, 9*:


(9" ),

we have, to lowest order in the WKB approximation,

N,:(a{^'!g*):(n*%>, \aBp, akp,/ \--




where the angle bracketsdenote local time and spaceaveraging. It is then easily seenthat (82) T*ru : (f"{}. However,we sawthat T.fidiffers from the Minkowski tensorSff only by the addition of )o(HeeAn).To lowestorder in the WKB approximationthis averagesto zero, and hence (83) Tnr" : (Sjff). We havethusestablished that, for nondispersive waves,the waveenergy-momentum tensor (78a) is equal to the averagedMinkowski energy-momentumtensor. For dispersivewaveswe adopt equation(78a)as the definitionof the Minkowski tensor. It is interestingto note that this equation is consistentwith the remark by Peierls (1976)that the Minkowski tensorcorrespondsto assigningpseudomomentumftft to the wave. Sinceap is a 4-vector and 0 a scalar,local Lorentzinvariancefrom equations(25) and (56) implies / aq aq\ +Nrk" +A"X,:--ur"{:*l l H n r oB o n o ouxo oun| ".". \



where Hnpo is that part of HPo eontributedby J/* (assumingthe low frequency electromagnetic field to influencethe dispersivepropertiesof the high frequencyfield). The physical energy-momentumtensor for the wave subsystemis, from equations (33)and (34),

: u. ax,ffiu"+(a,*,ffi" - "#)(o'"- u,u") lnu' *Hn'o

Bon+NPkn -9.guu,

From equations(75) and (84) this is seento be a symmetrictensor.



R. L. Dewar

(e) GeneralLinear Cqse To treat the linear responseof the systemin a generalcovariantfashionwe adopt the rank-2 polarizationtensordescriptionof quantumelectrodynamics.This has beenexpoundedby Melrose(1973)and is far simplerthan the rank-4 susceptibility tensordescriptionusedby O'Dell (1970)and O'Sullivanand Derfler (1973). The polarizationtensor ap"(k)is definedas the linear responsefunction for the high frequencycurrent"rfi taking the 4-vectorpotential1fi, as the driving term, J"ft : aPnAip.


Thus the wave equationis (kzgqn-kqkn * psav,)a' : 0.


Now we know that the vacuumcontributionto g*fromequations (61)and (79)is t(l ttto'(B(, "B{, o> : p; k.al2 -k2ax .a).


When it is consideredthat the wave Lagrangian density must be derivable, at least in principle, from the exact microscopic Lagrangian density, it is clear that the effect of polarization of the material must be to provide an additional term to be added to equation (88). This extra term must yield equation (87), and its complex conjugate, on use of (75). The following Lagrangian density fulfills theserequirements,provided cpnis a hermitian matrix (nondissipativecase): S*:

pot(k,ol, -kro*.a) -atdpoao.


The requirement that g * be gaugeinvariant implies that the conditions kodPo:

dqoko :


be satisfiedby qun. Theseconditionsare met automaticallyin the representation

o ," :,o (g uo-


ro" (n' ,- y)


By virtueofthe conditions(90),thewaveequations(87)arenot linearlyindependent and the determinant of the coefficient matrix vanishesidentically. This trivial singularitycan be removed,without affectingthe componentof qu orthogonalto ftp, by adding kPknto the matrix. The generalcovariantdispersionrelation is therefore det(k2gq, * poue"): g.


Note that equations(87) and (89) imply 9* : 0. Thus the Minkowski tensorfor a linear dispersivewaveis T*rn :



where N P:

t &6 (k . o ou* * k . a* ap - 2kp a* . a) - af(lup "l 0k )a, .


Qf) Linear Isotropic Case In an isotropic dielectricfluid with no DC fields, r/uu is completelydetermined (up to terms proportional to uu or an,which do not contributeto apn)by two scalar


Energy-Momentum Tensorsfor DispersiveWaves

functions II r(k.u, k'; p') and. IIr(k.u, k2; p'), measuringthe longitudinal and transverseresponses respectively : ilru

ntkt'k" k'k" n [ -u * :ffi-n,(su"+GA-;+).



Substitutionof equation(95)into (91)yields ^2,, _GW:*__@ u r r o-re v_ QI,-il,)kulgt


_ II. oF..n (k. u)2II r- kzII t krun* uqku

(k'utfi:f tr'


We now seekthe eigenvectorsof the wave equation (87). First we observethat (kzgqn -kqk,

I psaq)un

: - {l -nlc2(k.u)'}(ktgr,

-kpk)u' .


Thus longitudinal wavesobey the dispersionrelation | -II{k,u,

: g k2)1c21k.u12


and have the polarizationvectors (99)

uP+)"tkw, where.l1is arbitrary,dependingon the gauge. To find the transversewave solutions,definetwo vectors rr,zp by'ti:0,



Then (kzgqn-kpkn * p6a,,)t" : (k2-ntlcz){



Thus the transversewaveshave the dispersionrelation | -nt(k.u, k2)lc2k2: 0


rr,rp +).r,"kq,


and the polarizationvectors where,1.,and )"2are arbitrary. Expand apin terms of thesenormal modesas ap : alf Ia1r1p *a2rrp +Lkt'.


Then the wave Lagrangiandensityreducesto the sum of I, = p;r {(k.u)2-k2\{l -n/c2(k.u)t}lo,l,


9, = troLk21l-nr1c'k' )lorl' ,


and where + l a r l 2. lorl'= la1l2


R. L. Dewar

The longitudinal and transversewave action currents,as definedby equation (77), are therefore

xr : ffi

- 3#w- +#i,4W, (2n.,,'
