Offering critical articles, notes, and reviews on all the varied .... Technology and Education aims to provide a ..... E
Engineering Journals from Taylor & Francis
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Engineering Journals from Taylor & Francis
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Engineering Project Organization Journal
HVAC&R Research
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering
International Journal of Ambient Energy
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
Journal of Enterprise Transformation
Journal of Information Display
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
Engineering, Computing & Technology
Engineering, Computing & Technology
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The Engineering, Computing & Technology Online Collection features current content from 1997 to the present day, where available, and allows access to over 90 journals from the Taylor & Francis portfolio. Some of the most prestigious titles in their fields are included in the Collection with 63 titles listed in Thomson Reuters’ Citation Indexes/Web of Science®. Don’t miss out on valuable current research – tell your librarian! More information and a full list of titles in this collection are available at
Sports Biomechanics
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Journal of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS)
Endorsed by the Société de Biomécanique Editors: John Middleton, Cardiff University School of Dentistry and Christopher R. Jacobs, Columbia University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The primary aims of the journal are to provide a means of communicating the advances being made in the areas of biomechanics and biomedical engineering, and to stimulate interest in the continually emerging computer based technologies which are being applied in these multidisciplinary subjects. The journal also provides a focus for the importance of integrating the disciplines of engineering with medical technology and clinical expertise, which will have a major impact on health care in the future.
Footwear Science Official Journal of the Footwear Biomechanics Group
Editor: Young-Hoo Kwon, Texas Woman’s University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Sports Biomechanics sets out to generate knowledge to improve sports performance and reduce the incidence of injury, and to communicate this knowledge to sports scientists, coaches, and sports participants. Sports Biomechanics is unique in its emphasis on sports techniques and sports injuries. As well as maintaining scientific rigour, there is a strong editorial emphasis on ‘reader friendliness’. By emphasising the practical implications and applications of research in sports biomechanics, the journal seeks to benefit sports practitioners directly.
International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis and Restoration Editors: Paulo B. Lourenço, Universidade do Minho, Portugal and Pere Roca, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
International Journal of Architectural Heritage provides a multidisciplinary scientific overview of existing resources and modern technologies useful for the study and repair of historical buildings and other structures. The journal includes information on history, methodology, materials, survey, inspection, nondestructive testing, analysis, diagnosis, remedial measures, and strengthening techniques.
Building Research & Information
International Journal of Construction Education and Research The Official Journal of the Associated Schools of Construction
Editor-in-Chief: Edward C. Frederick, Exeter Research Inc., USA
Editor: Richard Lorch, London, UK
Editor-in-Chief: David E. Gunderson, Washington State University, USA
Building Research & Information (BRI) is a leading international refereed journal focused on buildings and their supporting systems. Unique to BRI is a focus on a holistic, transdisciplinary approach to buildings and the complexity of issues involving the built environment with other systems over the course of their life: planning, briefing, design, construction, occupation and use, property exchange and evaluation, maintenance, alteration and end of life. Published articles provide conceptual and evidence-based approaches which reflect the complexity and linkages between cultural, environmental, economic, social, organisational, quality of life, health, well-being, design and engineering of the built environment.
The International Journal of Construction Education and Research is a respected international refereed journal that publishes original works that address cutting edge issues related to construction around the globe. The Journal supports the mission of the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC), a professional association comprised of about 100 universities and colleges. The scope of the Journal embraces pedagogical and industry content through a broad spectrum of construction-related topics.
Footwear Science publishes reports of original research in the disciplines of biomechanics, ergonomics, physiology, clinical science, kinanthropometry, physics, engineering and mathematics. The use of footwear or footwear components, or application of the results to footwear is a major component of the research published in this international, peer-reviewed Journal. Papers published in the journal may cover a wide range of topics within the broad scope of footwear science.
Construction Management and Economics Editor-in-Chief: Will Hughes, University of Reading, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9 Construction Management and Economics is the leading international refereed journal that publishes original research concerning the management and economics of building and civil engineering, while also including the management of built facilities.
Visit the Taylor & Francis website for more information on these titles or alternatively view details for each journal via its individual web address. Journal of Building Performance Simulation Official Journal of the International Building Performance Simulation Association Editors-in-Chief: Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Carleton University, Canada and Jan Hensen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The wide scope of JBPS embraces research, technology and tool development related to building performance modelling and simulation, as well as their applications to design, operation and management of the built environment. This includes modelling and simulation aspects of building performance in relation to other research areas such as building physics, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, control engineering, facility management, architecture, ergonomics, psychology, physiology, computational engineering, information technology and education.
Drying Technology Editor: Arun S. Mujumdar, National University of Singapore, Singapore 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Drying Technology explores, in depth, the science, technology, and engineering of drying, dewatering, and related topics. Articles cover the following topics: transport phenomena in porous media, heat and mass transfer in single or multiphase systems, evaporation, membrane separation, solid/liquid separation, powder technology, fluidization, agglomeration, gas-solid systems, humidity and solid moisture content measurements/control, solids mixing, handling, and transport.
Indian Chemical Engineer Journal of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Anil Kumar Saroha, Indian Institute of Technology, India 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
Aerosol Science and Technology The Official Journal of the American Association for Aerosol Research Editor-in-Chief: Peter McMurray, University of Minnesota, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Aerosol Science and Technology covers theoretical and experimental investigations of aerosol and closely related phenomena. It presents high quality papers on fundamental and applied topics in this important and rapidly expanding field.
The Journal of Adhesion Editor-in-Chief: Louis H. Sharpe, Williamsburg, USA
Editor-in-Chief: William N. Gill, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
For 39 years, The Journal of Adhesion has been of broad interest to the large technical community concerned with the development and understanding of adhesion and its practical applications. The art of adhesion has matured into a science that requires a broad, coordinated interdisciplinary effort to provide an understanding of its complex nature and numerous manifestations.
Chemical Engineering Communications
Chemical Engineering Communications provides a forum for the latest results of both basic and applied research in all conventional areas of chemical engineering, including semiconductor processing, materials engineering, bioengineering, fluid mechanics, the molecular theory of equilibrium and transport properties, applied mathematics and computer-aided design.
Indian Chemical Engineer (ICE) is an international forum for the presentation of original research, interpretative reviews and discussion on new developments in all areas of chemical engineering and allied fields. It contains papers describing novel theory and practical applications as well as reports of experimental work - carefully executed and soundly interpreted. The Journal also contains impartial, generic papers or an overview of a technology - intended to provide guidance to practicing chemical engineers.
Ozone: Science and Engineering Editor-in-Chief: Barry L. Loeb, Cincinnati, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The only journal in the world that focuses on the technologies of the ozone, Ozone: Science and Engineering now brings you more of its quality review papers, research notes, and case histories in each issue. Get the most up-to-date results of basic, applied, and engineered research dealing with all aspects of ozone technology.
Particulate Science And Technology Editors-in-Chief: Malay K. Mazumder, University of Arkansas, USA and Virendra M. Puri, Pennsylvania State University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Particulate Science and Technology addresses all aspects of science and engineering related to particles and particle systems from millimetre to nanometre sizes. Serving the growing particle and powder technology community, this peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal focuses on industrial processes, bringing researchers at institutions closer to professionals in industry.
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering Editor-in-Chief: Munmaya K. Mishra, Polymer Innovation Corporation, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering provides a forum for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed articles such as state-of-the-art reviews, full research papers, reports, notes/ communications, and letters on all aspects of polymer and plastics technology that are industrial, semi-commercial, and/or research oriented.
Separation & Purification Reviews Editor-in-Chief: Alain Berthod, Université de Lyon, France 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Separation & Purification Reviews provides comprehensive summaries and interdisciplinary viewpoints of significant developments in all areas of separation and purification, including innovative methods, apparatus, theory, and applications. Topics covered by the journal include adsorption, centrifugation, chromatography, crystallization, distillation, extraction, filtration, ion exchange, and membrane separations.
Separation Science and Technology Executive Editor: Steven M. Cramer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Offering critical articles, notes, and reviews on all the varied aspects of separation Separation Science and Technology presents concepts and techniques for addressing separation challenges in a variety of fields displaying the full interplay between the basic sciences and innovative technology. Topics covered by the journal include separations theory, membranes, chromatography, extraction, flocculation, crystallization, electrophoresis, distillation, adsorption, and ion exchange.
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems Editor-in-Chief: Paul W. Jowitt, Heriot-Watt University, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems is devoted to the discussion, dissemination and development of systems techniques and their underlying assumptions through the spectrum of civil engineering activity and environmental decision-making and management. The journal provides a comprehensive approach to the practical application and development of “hard” and “soft” systems methodologies and welcomes papers on engineering optimization, risk assessment and decision making, environmental policy and sustainable development, system identification, numerical simulation and qualitative modelling of complex systems, safety, and methods of modelling uncertainty.
Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal Editors-in-Chief: Hai-Sui Yu, University of Nottingham, UK and Michele Jamiolkowski, Politechnico di Torino, Italy 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Geomechanics and Geoengineering is a major publication channel for research in the areas of soil and rock mechanics, geotechnical and geological engineering, engineering geology, geo-environmental engineering and all geo-material related engineering and science disciplines. The Journal provides an international forum for the exchange of innovative ideas, especially between researchers in Asia and the rest of the world.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering Endorsed by the International Society for Concrete Pavements Co-Editors-in-Chief: Imad L. Al-Qadi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA and Tom Scarpas, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
International Journal of Pavement Engineering is dedicated to the publication of cutting edge research and development in structures and facilities, including advanced analytical and computational techniques, pavement mechanics, laboratory techniques, nondestructive testing, innovative design approaches and their implementation, construction, performance, maintenance and rehabilitation techniques.
Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards Editor-in-Chief: Kok-Kwang Phoon, National University of Singapore, Singapore 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Georisk covers many diversified but interlinked areas of active research and practice, such as geohazards (earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, rockfalls, tsunamis, etc.), safety of engineered systems (dams, buildings, offshore structures, lifelines, etc.), environmental risk, seismic risk, reliability-based design and code calibration, geostatistics, decision analyses, structural reliability, maintenance and life cycle performance, risk and vulnerability, hazard mapping, loss assessment (economic, social, environmental, etc.), GIS databases, remote sensing, and many other related disciplines.
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management Editor-in-Chief: Prof Edmundas K. Zavadskas, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The Journal of Civil Engineering and Management formerly known as Statyba – Civil Engineeringi has been published since 2002 and aims to provide a multidisciplinary forum for researches, designers, users and manufacturers involved in the different fields of civil engineering and management. The Journal of Civil Engineering and Management is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal which provides an international forum for the dissemination of the latest original research, achievements and developments in all areas of civil engineering and management, providing essential ideas and information that will help for new scientific inquiries and improve competency, efficiency and productivity in world markets.
Journal of Earthquake Engineering Editors: A. S. Elnashai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA and N. N. Ambraseys, Imperial College, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
The Journal of Earthquake Engineering publishes peer-reviewed papers on research and development in analytical, experimental and field studies of earthquakes from an engineering seismology as well as a structural engineering viewpoint.
Visit the Taylor & Francis website for more information on these titles or alternatively view details for each journal via its individual web address. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology Editors-in-Chief: Ronald C. Chaney, Humboldt State University, USA and John C. Wiltshire, University of Hawaii, USA 1SJOU*44/9r0OMJOF*44/
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology publishes research applied to the scientific and engineering aspects, and the management and utilization, of seafloor sediments and rocks. The journal is intended for researchers and engineers, in both academia and industry, who seek solutions to problems in marine mineral resources and civil engineering. Areas covered range from marine minerals exploration and recovery to anchoring and mooring systems, bottom installations, and coastal engineering structures. The journal includes the study of acoustical, biological, chemical, mechanical, and physical properties affecting the geological system of the seafloor and response of this system to applied static and dynamic loads. Special emphasis is placed on the environmental aspects of seafloor exploration and development.
Ships and Offshore Structures Editor-in-Chief: Jeom Kee Paik, Pusan National University, South Korea 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
Ships and Offshore Structures is an international, peer-reviewed journal which provides an authoritative forum for publication and discussion of recent advances and future trends in all aspects of technology across the maritime industry. The Journal covers the entire range of issues and technologies related to both ships (including merchant ships, war ships, polar ships etc.) and offshore structures (floating and fixed offshore platforms, offshore infrastructures, underwater vehicles etc.) with a strong emphasis on practical design, construction and operation.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering:
Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance
International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts
Editor-in-Chief: Dan M. Frangopol, Lehigh University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Structure & Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management and Life-Cycle Design & Performance is an international journal dedicated to recent advances in maintenance, management and life-cycle performance of a wide range of infrastructures, such as: buildings, bridges, dams, underground constructions, offshore platforms, pipelines, naval vessels, ocean structures, nuclear power plants, airplanes and other types of structures including aerospace and automotive structures.
The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering
Codesign Editor: Janet McDonnell, University of the Arts London, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
CoDesign is inclusive, encompassing collaborative, co-operative, concurrent, humancentred, participatory, socio-technical and community design among others. Research in any design domain concerned specifically with the nature of collaboration design is of relevance to the Journal.
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education Recommended by The Textile Institute
Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Editor-in-Chief: Kristina Shin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Editor-in-Chief: Wang Chien Ming, National University of Singapore, Singapore
The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering provides a forum for the publication and rapid dissemination of original research and developments in civil and structural engineering. Papers cover a wide range of structural, geotechnical, water resources, environmental, and infrastructure engineering, including mathematical formulations, novel methods and solutions in construction techniques, experimental investigations and practical applications. State-of-the-art surveys, technical notes and discussions offer a focused, vibrant and timely communication tool for researchers and consultants. Drawing on the international resources of the Institution, the Journal maintains an international outlook whilst having a strong focus on primary research and development works from Asia.
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education aims to provide a high quality peer-reviewed forum for research in fashion design, pattern cutting, apparel production, manufacturing technology and fashion education. The Journal encourages interdisciplinary research and the development of an academic community which shares newly developed technology, theory and techniques in the fashion and textile industries and promotes the development of excellent education practice in the clothing and textile fields.
Journal of Engineering Design Editor: Alex Duffy, University of Strathclyde, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Journal of Engineering Design is an international publication that provides an essential forum for dialogue on insightful issues across all disciplines and aspects of the design of engineered products and systems. The Journal publishes pioneering best industrial practice as well as authoritative research, studies and review papers on the underlying principles of design, its management, practice, techniques and methodologies.
Virtual and Physical Prototyping ONLINE ONLY Endorsed by the Global Alliance of Rapid Prototyping Associations Editors-in-Chief: Paulo Jorge da Silva Bártolo, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal and Chee Kai Chua, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Virtual and Physical Prototyping aims to provide an international forum for professionals and academics to exchange novel ideas and disseminate knowledge covering the full range of activities related to virtual and rapid prototyping. The journal is published online only from 2011, and taking full advantage of the benefits of online publishing, it is expected that this title will enrich the experience of its community of researchers and practitioners by encouraging the submission of multimedia content as supplementary material.
International Journal of Electronics Editor-in-Chief: Ian Hunter, University of Leeds, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
International Journal of Electronics publishes original papers in experimental and theoretical aspects of electronics. The wide scope encompasses analogue and digital circuit design, microwave circuits and systems, optoelectronic circuits, photovoltaics, semiconductor devices, sensor technology, transport in electronic materials, VLSI technology and device processing. The journal also recognizes the importance of emerging technologies and encourages papers on new areas, such as electronics for micromachines, mesoscopic devices, molecular electronics, superconducting electronics and vacuum microelectronics.
Electric Power Components and Systems
Official Journal of the Korean Information Display Society Editor-in-Chief: Sin-Doo Lee, Seoul National University, Korea Print ISSN: 1598-0316 Online ISSN: 2158-1606
Editor-in-Chief: H. Y. David Yang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
Electromagnetics includes refereed papers that span the entire broad field of electromagnetics. Included in this wide ranging scope are the developments in electromagnetic theory, high frequency techniques, antennas and randomes, arrays, numerical techniques, scattering and diffraction, materials, and printed circuits.
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization publishes original research papers, short communications, review articles, book reviews, and symposium announcements covering all aspects of coal preparation. The journal is significant reading for all individuals involved with coal preparation, including those in operations, engineering, management, education, and scientific research.
Combustion Science and Technology
Journal of Information Display
This well-established journal publishes original theoretical and applied papers of permanent reference value related to the broad field of electromechanics, electric machines, and power systems.
Editor-in-Chief: B.K.Parekh, Center for Applied Energy Research, USA
Journal of Information Display is the official journal of the Korea Information Display Society (KIDS), and publishes original and significant contributions dealing with the theory and practice of information displays. The scope includes the following areas: LCD, PDP, EL, FED, Large Area Displays, Applied Vision/Human Factors, 3D Displays, Material/ Component/Manufacturing Equipment and Liquid Crystal Technology.
Editor-in-Chief: Jim Cathey, University of Kentucky, USA
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization
NEW IN 2011
Editors-in-Chief: Irvin Glassman, Princeton University, USA and Richard A. Yetter, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
Combustion Science and Technology is an international journal which provides for open discussion and prompt publication of new results, discoveries and developments in the various disciplines which constitute the field of combustion. The editors invite original contributions dealing with flame and fire research, flame radiation, chemical fuels and propellants, reacting flows, thermochemistry, material synthesis, atmospheric chemistry and combustion phenomena related to aircraft gas turbines, chemical rockets, ramjets, automotive engines, furnaces and environmental studies. In so doing, the editors hope to establish a central vehicle for the rapid exchange of ideas and results emanating from the many diverse areas associated with combustion. Accordingly, both full-length papers on comprehensive studies, and communications of significant, but not fully explored, theoretical or experimental developments are included in the journal together with unsolicited and solicited comments on published matter and yearly, cumulative indices.
Visit the Taylor & Francis website for more information on these titles or alternatively view details for each journal via its individual web address. Combustion Theory and Modelling Editors-in-Chief: Moshe Matalon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA and Mitchell D. Smooke, Yale University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Combustion Theory and Modelling is devoted to the application of mathematical theory, modelling, numerical simulation and experimental techniques to the study of combustion. Experimental studies that are published in the Journal should be closely related theoretical issues, by highlighting fundamental theoretical questions or byproviding a sound basis for comparison with theory.
Energy Sources – Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects Editor-in-Chief: James Speight, Wyoming, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Energy Sources, Part A serves as a publication medium for the investigation of trends in and solutions to resolving the issues of continuing increase in worldwide demand for energy, the diminishing accessibility of natural energy resources, and the growing impact of energy use on the environment. The technological, scientific and environmental aspects of energy from coal, geothermal energy, natural gas, nuclear energy, oil shale, organic waste, petroleum, solar energy, tar, sand, and wind are addressed.
Energy Sources – Part B:
Publication of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)
Editor-in-Chief: James Speight, Wyoming, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Energy Sources, Part B serves as a forum for the reporting and investigation of economic and political trends and issues relating to the use of fossil fuels and alternate fuel sources. The journal covers articles related to the continuing increases in worldwide energy costs and diminishing accessibility of fossil energy resources, and the economic impact of energy use on the environment.
Energy Engineering Publication of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Editor-in-Chief: Wayne C. Turner, Oklahoma State University, USA
International Journal of Ambient Energy
The International Journal of Green Energy focuses on the forms and utilizations of energy that have no, minimal, or reduced impact on environment and society. Emphasis is placed on energy diversity, energy localization, energy security, and sustainable development. The International Journal of Green Energy provides a multidisciplinary and international forum for the rapid dissemination of the latest high-quality research results in the fields of energy research, management, and conservation, especially the advanced environmentally friendly energy technologies.
International Journal of Sustainable Energy ONLINE ONLY Contact:
[email protected] 0OMJOF*44/9
The International Journal of Sustainable Energy publishes experimental theoretical and applied results in both the science and engineering of sustainable energy. Topics include photovoltaics, wind energy, bioenergy, marine and hydropower, thermal power plants, solar heat, building applications, water treatment, combined systems and meteorological data. The journal is unique in that it provides up-todate information from Europe, North America, Japan and the developing nations.
NEW IN 2011 Editor: A.F.C Sherratt, Independent Consultant, London, UK Print ISSN 0143-0750
Journal of The Solar Energy Society of India Co-Published with Anamaya Publishers
Energy Engineering publishes evaluations of important new products and detailed case studies illustrating technical applications and assists in finding cost-effective solutions for managing energy costs. Articles cover the latest developments in efficient lighting, HVAC performance improvement, gas cooling, boiler and combustion system optimization, fuel cell and fluidized bed technologies, energy management and control systems, electrotechnologies, power generation, alternative fuels and refrigerants, heat recovery, thermal storage, and load management.
Increasing awareness of the need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels has led to the development of academic research and policy surrounding self-regenerating energy sources. International Journal of Ambient Energy reports original research, review papers, book reviews, applications and case-studies on all areas of this subject, including nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, biomass, solar, photovoltaic, tidal, wave and geothermal power. Particular attention is given to the use of renewable power within the built environment. Our aim is to provide a forum for the worldwide dissemination of both technical and policy information relating to renewable energy.
Economics, Planning and Policy
Editor-in-Chief: Steven A. Parker
Editor: Xianguo Li, University of Waterloo, Canada
Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal
Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal covers detailed information and expert analysis of the power market. Contributions from leading authorities cover both technical and non-technical issues, from financial and regulatory trends, to cogeneration and distributed generation success stories. The journal invites original manuscripts involving analytical engineering, management, strategy, and/or policy approaches to distributed generation, cogeneration, combined heat and power or related systems.
International Journal of Green Energy
Editor: Dr. Ashvini Kumar, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
SESI Journal publishes original contributions on all the aspects of renewable energy including basic science, technology, policy, economics, extension and field monitoring issues. It contain s research papers, technical notes, short communications, book reviews, letters to the authors, reports of conferences and meetings etc. SESI Journal will be useful to graduates, postgraduates, researchers and professionals working in different areas of renewable energy.
Petroleum Science and Technology Editor-in-Chief: James Speight, Wyoming, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Petroleum Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal publishing articles that relate to the scientific and processing aspects of petroleum. The journal covers the character, properties, science, and processing aspects of heavy oil, tar sand bitumen, and residua. Articles also address the environmental aspects of petroleum recovery, refining, and use.
Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment Publication of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Editor-in-Chief: Wayne C. Turner, Oklahoma State University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment provides information on developments in the energy and environmental marketplace, as well as key regulatory and policy changes. Articles discuss how to effectively use an integrated approach to meeting energy cost control and environmental compliance demands, from assuring indoor air quality without sacrificing energy efficiency, to optimizing boiler performance while meeting emissions requirements, and to getting reliable feedback on the latest energy and environmental technologies. The journal invites original manuscripts involving strategic energy management issues such as management or energy policy.
Engineering Project Organization Journal NEW IN 2011 Official Journal of the Engineering Project Organization Society (EPOS) Editor-In-Chief: Paul S. Chinowsky, University of Colorado, USA Print: 2157-3727 Online: 2157-3735
The Engineering Project Organization Journal addresses the need to publish interdisciplinary scholarly articles in the field of organization studies as applied to the complex and dynamic engineering project domain. The scope of interest extends vertically from the individual project level to the program level and to the organizational level and horizontally through all stages of governance from initial project development to project delivery and through all areas of organization management from leadership to strategic issues. The journal welcomes papers from a diverse range of topics including: project dynamics, leadership, learning, innovation, globalization, and knowledge management.
Engineering Studies Official Journal of the International Network for Engineering Studies Editor: Gary Downey, Virginia Tech, USA Managing Editor: Kacey Beddocs, Virginia Tech, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The Engineering Economist Editor-in-Chief: Joseph C. Hartman, University of Florida, USA 1SJOU*44/9r0OMJOF*44/
The Engineering Economist is a refereed journal published jointly by the Engineering Economy Division of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) and the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE). The journal publishes articles, case studies, surveys, book and software reviews, and readers’ comments that represent current research, practice, and teaching involving problems of capital investment.
European Journal of Engineering Education Official Journal of the European Society for Engineering Education Editor-in-Chief: Erik de Graaff, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
European Journal of Engineering Education is the official journal of SEFI, the Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs, a non-government organization whose aims are to develop information about engineering education, to improve communication and exchange between professors, researchers and students and to promote cooperation between the various institutions concerned with engineering education.
Engineering Studies is an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the scholarly study of engineers and engineering. Its mission is threefold: 1. to advance research in historical, social, cultural, political, philosophical, rhetorical, and organizational studies of engineers and engineering; 2. to help build and serve diverse communities of researchers interested in engineering studies; 3. to link scholarly work in engineering studies to broader discussions and debates about engineering education, research, practice, policy, and representation.
Visit the Taylor & Francis website for more information on these titles or alternatively view details for each journal via its individual web address. Industry and Innovation Published in association with the Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID) Editor-in-Chief: Mark Lorenzen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa
Editor-in-Chief: George S Dulikravich, Florida International University, USA
Published on behalf of the Royal Society of South Africa
Co-published with UNISA Press
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering provides an international forum for the discussion of conceptual ideas and methods for the practical solution of applied inverse problems. The Journal aims to address the needs of practising engineers, mathematicians and researchers and to serve as a focal point for the quick communication of ideas.
Editor: D.M. Avery, FRSSAf
Print ISSN: 1366-2716, Online ISSN: 1469-8390
Industry and Innovation is informed by, and contributes in turn to, advancing the theoretical frontier within economics, organization theory, and economic geography. The journal adds to a “new generation of industrial organization theory”, drawing upon the institutional turn within economics in a broad sense: transaction cost economics; economics of organization; and new economic sociology. Industry and Innovation dedicates special attention to depicting tendencies in industrial dynamics, such as the emergence of new industries; restructuring of existing industries; rise of new institutional and organizational forms; globalization; and other aspects of geographical organization.
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering Editor-in-Chief: Shahin Rahimifard, Loughborough University, UK *44/1SJOUr*44/0OMJOF
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering is predicated on the need for engineers to have access to a source of information and an opportunity to share, through publication, new ideas and solutions for sustainable development. Researchers from both academia and industry are invited to submit papers on their recent research into problems related to reducing the environmental impacts of engineered systems, processes and products. The International Journal of Sustainable Engineering also welcomes papers that include economic and social components that complement the engineering dimension, consider the management of sustainable engineering, or address the modelling of sustainable engineering solutions.
Editor-in-Chief: Ragnar E. Löfstedt, King’s College London, UK
Founded in 1878 as Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, the Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, published on behalf of the Royal Society of South Africa since 1908, reflects a rich tome of original scientific research in and beyond South Africa. The journal’s strength lies in its multi- and interdisciplinary orientation, with all scientific disciplines being well represented, including astronomy, archaeology, botany, ethnology, climatology, mineralogy and petrology, physics and engineering, geology, palaeontology, irrigation, mathematics, oceanography, physiology and zoology.
Print ISSN: 1366-9877, Online ISSN: 1466-4461
Journal of Risk Research Official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan
Journal of Risk Research is an international journal that publishes peer-reviewed theoretical and empirical research articles within the risk field from the areas of social, physical and health sciences and engineering, as well as articles related to decision making, regulation and policy issues in all disciplines.
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers NEW IN 2011 Editor-in-Chief: Shi-Shuenn Chen, Nat’l Taiwan Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Taiwan Print ISSN: 0253-3839 Online ISSN: 2158-7299
The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers is devoted to publishing articles in all aspects of engineering and related fields in applied sciences, ranging from fundamental principles to practical applications. A platform for the timely dissemination of original engineering researches and emerging technologies, the findings and ideas published in this journal are considered to have significant enduring value in the field.
Annals of GIS Journal of the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences Editor-in-Chief: Hui Lin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Annals of GIS is an international peer-reviewed journal that encourages the interdisciplinary exchange of original ideas on theory, methods, development and applications in the fields of geo-information science. Research papers are invited to cover the latest development in the following areas: r remote sensing and data acquisition r geographic information systems r geo-visualization and virtual geographic environments (VGE) r spatial analysis and modeling r uncertainty modeling and their applications in natural resource, ecosystem, urban management, and other humanities and social science areas.
Geocarto International Editors: Kamlesh Lulla, NASA/Johnson Space Centre, USA, M. Duane Nellis, Kansas State University, USA and Bradley Rundquist, University of North Dakota, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Geocarto International is a professional journal serving the worldwide scientific and user community in the fields of remote sensing, GIS, geoscience and cartography. The journal is designed:
International Journal of Digital Earth
International Journal of Image and Data Fusion
Official journal of the International Society for Digital Earth
Editor-in-Chief: Jixian Zhang, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, China
Editor-in-Chief: Guo Huadong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Chief Editor: Ramesh P. Singh, Chapman University, USA
International Journal of Digital Earth is concerned with the science and technology of Digital Earth and its applications in all major disciplines. The journal has wide range of interest, but the principal topics are: Digital Earth Framework, Digital Earth Applications, Digital Earth Architecture and Standards, Digital Earth and Earth System, Geoinformatics, Geo-spatial Science, Mobile Mapping System, Visualization and Numerical Simulation, Visible and Microwave Earth Observation, Data Fusion and Integration Algorithm, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence, Data Processing, Earth System and Global Databases, Remote Sensing - GIS-GPS, Global Environmental Change, Discrete Global Grids. The journal contains primary research papers on basic science, techniques and applications, review articles, short technical notes and a section of technical letters containing material that merits fast publication.
r To promote multidisciplinary research in and application of remote sensing; r To enhance international exchange of information on new developments and applications in the field of remote sensing; r To foster interest in and understanding of remote sensing technology; and r To encourage the publication of timely papers and research results on remote sensing.
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk publishes papers that deal with new concepts, approaches and case studies using geospatial (GIS and GPS) and remote sensing techniques to study monitoring, mapping, risk management and mitigation, risk vulnerability and early warning of natural hazards. All types of natural hazards associated with land, ocean, atmosphere, land-ocean-atmosphere coupling and those induced by climate change will be considered. The journal will also focus on the emerging problems related to multihazard risk assessment, multi-vulnerability risk assessment, risk quantification, visualization and communication.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science Editor: Brian Lees, University of New South Wales, Australia 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The aim of this interdisciplinary and international journal is to provide a forum for the exchange of original ideas, techniques, approaches and experiences in the rapidly growing fields of geographical information science (GISc) and geocomputation. It is intended to interest those who design, implement and use systems for monitoring, modeling, planning and policy-making. Published research covers innovative applications of geographic information in natural resources, social systems and the built environment, and developments in computer science, cartography, surveying, geography and engineering in both developed and developing countries.
International Journal of Image and Data Fusion provides a single source of information for all aspects of image and data fusion methodologies, developments, techniques and applications. Image and data fusion techniques are important for combining the many sources of satellite, airborne and ground based imaging systems, and integrating these with other related data sets for enhanced information extraction and decision making.
International Journal of Remote Sensing Editor: G. Foody, University of Nottingham, UK Co-Editor: A.P. Cracknell, University of Dundee, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The International Journal of Remote Sensing is concerned with the science and technology of remote sensing and the applications of remotely sensed data in all major disciplines. Principal topics are: data collection, analysis, interpretation and display; surveying from space, air and water platforms; sensors; image processing; use of remotely sensed data; economic surveys and cost-benefit analyses. The journal contains primary papers on basic science, techniques and applications, and a section of Remote Sensing Letters containing material that merits fast publication.
Journal of Location Based Services Editor: Jonathan Raper, Placr Ltd, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The aim of this interdisciplinary and international journal is to provide a forum for the exchange of original ideas, techniques, designs and experiences in the rapidly growing field of location based services on networked mobile devices. It is intended to interest those who design, implement and deliver location based services in a wide range of contexts. Published research will span the field from location based computing and next generation interfaces through telecom location architectures to business models and the social implications of this technology. The diversity of content echoes the extended nature of the chain of players required to make location based services a reality. Hence the journal’s aim is to bridge the research undertaken in industry and academia and promote communication amongst all in this diverse and rapidly growing sector.
Visit the Taylor & Francis website for more information on these titles or alternatively view details for each journal via its individual web address. Remote Sensing Letters Official Journal of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric Society Editor-in-Chief: G. Foody, University of Nottingham, UK Co-Editor-in-Chief: A.P. Cracknell, University of Dundee, UK 1SJOU*44/9r*44/
Remote Sensing Letters is designed to accompany International Journal of Remote Sensing, and will be concerned with the rapid publication of synopses and short communications dealing with the science and technology of remote sensing and the applications of remotely sensed data in all major disciplines.
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering NEW IN 2011 Official Journal of the Institute of Industrial Engineers Editor-in-Chief: John Fowler, Arizona State University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
IIE Transactions
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering publishes papers geared to researchers who want to stay abreast of cutting edge approaches to healthcare problems. The refereed journal aims to foster the healthcare systems community by providing papers that have a strong methodological focus and direct applicability to healthcare systems. Published quarterly, the journal is composed of six departments: Healthcare Operations Management, Medical Decision Making, Socio-Technical Systems Analysis, Quality Engineering, Healthcare Informatics, and Healthcare Policy.
Official Journal of the Institute of Industrial Engineers
Editor-in-Chief: Susan Albin, Rutgers University, USA 1SJOU*44/9r0OMJOF*44/
As the flagship journal of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, IIE Transactions publishes original high-quality papers on a wide range of topics of interest to industrial engineers who want to remain current with the stateof-the-art technologies. The refereed journal aims to foster the engineering community by publishing papers with a strong methodological focus motivated by real problems that impact engineering practice and research. The journal is composed of four focus issues: Design and Manufacturing, Operations Engineering and Analysis, Quality and Reliability Engineering, and Scheduling and Logistics.
International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications A Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management Official Journal of the Logistics Research Network Editor: Tony Whiteing, University of Leeds, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications focuses on the publication of original and challenging papers that either make a significant contribution to the development of concepts and theory or involve a novel application of such concepts in any field of logistics and supply chain management. Whilst all papers are peerreviewed to an academic journal standard, the journal aims to be relevant to practitioners and the business world as well as to the academic sector.
International Journal of Production Research
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Official Journal of the International Foundation for Production Research
Editor-in-Chief: Stephen Newman, University of Bath, UK
International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) is a well-established and highly successful journal reporting production and manufacturing research. IJPR includes papers on manufacturing technology and the fundamental behaviour of production resources, and also the complex and crossdisciplinary problems of analysis and control that arise in combining these resources within the design of production systems.
The International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing is a journal of new knowledge, reporting research and applications, underlining the opportunities and limitations of CIM, and demonstrating how new technology can be developed and used in specific manufacturing situations. The Journal publishes papers on topics as diverse as product design and process planning, next generation manufacturing systems, customized manufacturing, eTransition and distribution scheduling and focused issues covering regional research such as in the EU Framework Programmes.
Editor: J. E. Middle, Loughborough University, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Official Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taiwan 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
JCIIE is an international journal, devoted to the publication of high quality research contributions for the industrial engineering community. Coverage includes operations research and soft computing; quality and applied statistics, manufacturing automation and e-Business; human factors and HCI; information technology and management; product lifecycle management; production and operations management.
Machining Science and Technology An International Journal Executive Editor: S. Jahanmir, MiTi Heart Corporation, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Machining Science and Technology publishes original scientific and technical papers and review articles on topics related to machining and traditional and non-traditional machining processes performed on all materials-metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. In addition, this high-quality journal covers novel concepts for machining of advanced materials; measurement of surface quality and metrology including detection and characterization of machining damage; special cutting tools, coated inserts, new grinding wheels, special coolants, and cutting fluids; and design and implementation of in-process sensors for monitoring and control of surface quality and integrity.
Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations Editor: Stephen J. Childe, University of Exeter, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Production Planning & Control is an international journal that brings together research papers on all aspects of production planning and control and the management of operations in all industries. The Journal focuses on research that stems from an industrial need and can guide the activities of managers, consultants, software developers and researchers. It publishes accessible articles on research and industrial applications, new techniques and development trends.
Quality Engineering® An Official Journal of the American Society for Quality Editor-in-Chief: Connie Borror, Arizona State University, USA
Materials and Manufacturing Processes Editors: T.S. Sudarshan, Materials Modification Inc., USA and T.S. Srivatsan, The University of Akron, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Materials and Manufacturing Processes deals with issues that result in better utilization of raw materials and energy, integration of design and manufacturing activities requiring the invention of suitable new manufacturing processes and techniques, unmanned production dependent on efficient and reliable control of various processes including intelligent processing, introduction of new materials in industrial production necessitating new manufacturing process technology, and more.
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence Editor: Jens Dahlgaard, Linköping University, Sweden 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence is an international journal which sets out to stimulate thought and research in all aspects of total quality management and to provide a natural forum for discussion and dissemination of research results. The journal is designed to encourage interest in all matters relating to total quality management and is intended to appeal to both the academic and professional community working in this area. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence is the culture of an organization committed to customer satisfaction through continuous improvement. This culture varies both from one country to another and between different industries, but has certain essential principles which can be implemented to secure greater market share, increased profits and reduced costs.
Directed to practitioners and researchers, Quality Engineering® is a refereed journal devoted to the publication of original quality engineering solutions. The journal aims to promote a rich exchange among the quality engineering community by publishing papers that describe new methods ready for immediate industrial application or examples of techniques uniquely employed. The journal contains the latest research on quality control design and analysis of experiments, reliability engineering, six sigma methods, and process optimization.
International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials Editor-in-Chief: Jinsong Leng, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
The central aim of International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials is to publish original results, critical reviews, technical discussion and book reviews related to this compelling research field: smart and nano materials, and their applications. We believe that the papers published in this journal will provide cutting edge information and instructive research guidance, encouraging more scientists to make their contribution to this dynamic research field.
Editor: Leigh Sparks, University of Stirling, UK
Print ISSN: 0959-3969 Online ISSN: 1466-4402
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research provides a forum for the publication of high quality and original research across the field of retailing and distribution. The journal reflects the multinational nature of the distribution sector and the paradigm of its study.
Visit the Taylor & Francis website for more information on these titles or alternatively view details for each journal via its individual web address. Wood Material Science and Engineering Editor: Dr. Dick Sandberg, Linnaeus University, Sweden 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The journal Wood Material Science and Engineering aims to serve at the forefront of the wood science and technology field and accepts original articles relevant to: r Wood material science with emphasis on: water-wood relations, wood durability, wood rmodification, wood mechanics, wood composites, engineered wood products, and ecoefficient r wood based products r Wood engineering, i.e. the application of the wood material science to the design, building, and use of machines, constructions etc. In this aspect the link between the nature of the wood material and the properties of the final wood products in-service is of utmost importance.
Heat Transfer Engineering Editor: Afshin J. Ghajar, Oklahoma State University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Heat Transfer Engineering is an unparalleled resource for key advances in the field of heat transfer for the practicing engineer and other workers in this field. In a clear, easy-to-read format, the journal includes refereed papers of original work, state-of-the-art reviews, articles on new developments in equipment or practices, reviews of fundamentals, heat in history articles, book reviews, news items on people and companies in the field, announcements of meetings and educational programs, directories of companies offering equipment or services, advertising, and any other items that may be appropriate.
HVAC&R Research NEW IN 2011
Experimental Heat Transfer Editor-in-Chief: Dimos Poulikakos, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Experimental Heat Transfer provides a forum for experimentally based high-quality research articles and communications in the general area of heat-mass transfer and the related fluid dynamics. In addition to the established multifaceted areas of thermal energy conversion and transport that are intimately connected to heat transfer related research, the journal also communicates contributions from new and emerging areas of research such as micro- and nanoscale science and technology, life sciences and biomedical engineering, manufacturing processes, materials science, and engineering.
Official Journal of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Society of North America Editor-in-Chief: Reinhard Radermacher, University of Maryland, College Park, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
HVAC&R Research reports on the significant research in the fields of environmental control for the built environment including indoor air quality and cooling technologies for a wide range of applications and related processes and concepts, including underlying thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. This journal is the archival research publication of ASHRAE, the world’s leading organization for the advancement of HVAC&R technology.
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics Editor-in-Chief: J. N. Reddy, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
This journal provides an interdisciplinary forum for papers dealing with mathematical models and computational methods and algorithms for the numerical simulation of natural processes arising in applied science and mechanics.
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics Editor-in-Chief: W.G. Habashi, McGill University, Canada *44/1SJOUr*44/0OMJOF
The aim of the International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics is the continuous and timely dissemination of new and innovative CFD research and developments. The Journal is a truly interdisciplinary forum for CFD, and publishes refereed papers on the latest advances in numerical methods in fluid dynamics and their applications to the aeronautics, hydrodynamics, environmental, and power and process fields.
International Journal of Optomechatronics Editor-in-Chief: Hyungsuck Cho, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Korea 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
International Journal of Optomechatronics publishes the latest research results in the integrated field of optomechatronics which combines optical, mechanical, and electrical engineering. Peer-reviewed articles focus on the interaction between those fields, but also on the analysis and design of these integrated systems. The journal covers various aspects of the fundamental engineering principles of integrating optics/photonics and mechatronics. The aspects include the interaction phenomena between optics and mechatronics, the nature of the integration combining the functions of optical, mechanical, and electronic elements, the functional behavior of the integrated devices and systems, optomechatronic interfaces and embedded characteristics, and the application of optomechatronics to create innovative functionalities for new and advanced systems.
Journal of Thermal Stresses Editor-in-Chief: Richard B. Hetnarski, Florida, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
Journal of Thermal Stresses publishes refereed articles on the theoretical and industrial applications of thermal stresses. Intended as a forum for those engaged in analytic as well as experimental research, this journal includes papers on mathematical and practical applications. Emphasis is placed on new developments in thermoelasticity, thermoplasticity, and theory and applications of thermal stresses. Papers on experimental methods and on numerical methods, including finite element methods, are also published.
Journal of Turbulence ONLINE ONLY Editors-in-Chief: Charles Meneveau, John Hopkins University, USA Online ISSN 1468-5248
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines Editor: Steven A. Velinsky, University of California, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines contains analytical, numerical, and experimental contributions of permanent interest to research engineers. In addition to classical applications such as structures and machine analysis and design, the journal encourages submission of new fundamental and interdisciplinary contributions of mechanics and mechanics-based design in emerging application areas such as robotics, automotive, space structures, smart structures, and micromachines.
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
Journal of Turbulence is a digital forum for new theoretical, numerical and experimental concepts aimed at understanding, predicting and controlling fluid turbulence, either statistically or deterministically. The multimedia capabilities offered by this electronic journal, combined with the digital journal format provides a unique opportunity for disseminating detailed research aimed at deciphering the internal structure of turbulence and modelling it in its various fundamental, industrial, geophysical or astrophysical forms.
Editor-in-Chief: Kenneth Goodson, Stanford University, USA
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
Editor-in-Chief: J. N. Reddy, Texas A&M University, USA
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Dixon, University of Warwick, UK
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures promotes the dissemination of significant developments and publishes state-of-the-art reviews and technical discussions of previously published papers dealing with mechanics aspects of advanced materials and structures. The journal includes refereed contributions describing analytical, numerical, and experimental methods and hybrid approaches that combine theoretical and experimental techniques in the study of advanced materials and structures.
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation publishes letters, papers and review articles describing the results of research and development in the underlying theory, novel techniques and applications of non-destructive testing and evaluation. Articles concerning both the investigation of physical processes and the development of mechanical processes and techniques are welcomed. In addition, articles are invited on general aspects of nondestructive testing and evaluation in education, training, validation and links with engineering.
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering covers the basic science and engineering of nanoscale and microscale energy conversion, transport, storage, mass transport, and reactions. In addition, the journal addresses their integration and uses in devices and systems in the fields of medicine, transportation, energy, environment, and information.
Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A Editor: W.J. Minkowycz, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA *44/1SJOUr0OMJOF*44/
Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A Applications covers numerically-based, results oriented papers highlighting problems in heat transfer, mass transfer, and fluid flow. Underlying numerical solutions may be based either on available methodologies or on adaptations of moderate extensions of available methods. Experimental results which support the numerical solutions are also acceptable.
Numerical Heat Transfer – Part B Editor: W.J. Minkowycz, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
This journal addresses all aspects of the methodology for the numerical solution of problems in heat and mass transfer as well as fluid flow. The journal’s scope also encompasses modelling of complex physical phenomena that serves as a foundation for attaining numerical solutions, and includes numerical or experimental results that support methodology development.
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation® Official Journal of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing Editor-in-Chief: John C. Duke, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation® contains the results of original research in all areas of non-destructive evaluation (NDE). The journal covers experimental and theoretical investigations dealing with the scientific and engineering bases of NDE, its measurement and methodology, and a wide range of applications of materials and structures that relate to the entire life cycle, from manufacture to use and retirement.
Visit the Taylor & Francis website for more information on these titles or alternatively view details for each journal via its individual web address. Tribology Transactions
An Official Journal of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
Engineering Optimization
Editor-in-Chief: Farshid Sadeghi, Purdue University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/9
Tribology Transactions features scientific and technical papers in the field of tribology, which includes friction, wear, lubrication, and the materials involved in relative motion. This Journal has published more than 2,000 papers of relevance to a wide variety of industries, including aerospace, automotive, biomedical, computer hardware, environmental, manufacturing, mining, petrochemical, and power generation.
Welding International 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Welding International is a well-established and widely respected journal that provides English translations of complete articles selected from major international welding journals. Each issue contains a balanced selection of between 15 and 20 articles covering research techniques, equipment and process developments, applications and materials that are not available elsewhere in English.
Editor-in-Chief: Raj K. Singhal, Alberta, Canada 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The journal covers all aspects of mining and environmental technology relating to coal, oilsands, industrial minerals and metalliferous deposits. Environmental issues specially identified for coverage include: Environmental impact assessment and permitting; mining and processing technologies; waste management and waste minimization practices; mine site closure, decommissioning and reclamation; acid mine drainage. Mining issues to be covered include: Design of surface and underground mines (economics, geotechnical, production scheduling, ventilation); mine optimization and planning; mining geostatics, drilling and blasting technologies; material handling systems; mine equipment. The role of computers and micro-processor based technology are also covered. The editors will consider papers on other topics related to mining and environmental issues.
Engineering Optimization serves the large technical community concerned with quantitative and computational methods of optimization, and their application to engineering planning, design, manufacture and operational processes. The policy of the Journal treats optimization as any formalized process for improvement. Algorithms for numerical optimization are therefore mainstream, but equally welcome are papers which use many of the methods of operations research, decision support, statistical decision theory, systems theory, logical inference, knowledge-based systems, artificial intelligence, information theory and processing, and all methods which can be used in the quantitative modelling of the decision-making process.
Numerical Functional Analysis And Optimization Editor-in-Chief: M. Z. Nashed, University of Central Florida, USA
Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review Editor-in-Chief: S. Komar Kawatra, Michigan Technological University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review publishes original theoretical and applied papers dealing with extractive and process metallurgy and mineral processing. The journal emphasizes research and review papers related to specific industrial processes; economic and environmental issues; basic engineering technology; ore genesis; properties and uses of minerals, scientific, engineering, and economic aspects of mineral and metal extraction; separation and purification of minerals and metals; and hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processing.
Editor: Andrew Templeman, University of Liverpool, UK
In original research papers, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization examines the development and applications of functional analysis and operator theoretic methods in numerical analysis, approximation theory, optimization, control and systems theory, harmonic analysis, and signal processing. Emphasis is placed on interaction and unification of these fields, and the use of abstract methods to provide insight and fundamental contributions to problems and models in the natural, physical, engineering, and decision sciences.
Optimization A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research Editor-in-Chief: Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain Managing Editor: R. Elster, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Optimization publishes refereed, theoretical and applied papers on the latest developments in fields such as linear, nonlinear, stochastic, parametric, discrete and dynamic programming, control theory and game theory. A special section is devoted to review papers on theory and methods in interesting areas of mathematical programming and optimization techniques. The Journal also publishes conference proceedings, book reviews and announcements.
Optimization Methods and Software Co-Editors: Oleg Burdakov, Linköping University, Sweden and Andreas Griewank, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Optimization Methods and Software publishes refereed papers on the latest developments in the theory and realization of optimization methods, with particular emphasis on the interface between software development and algorithm design.
Enterprise Information Systems Editor-in-Chief: Li Xu, Old Dominion University, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Published four times a year, Enterprise Information Systems focuses on both the technical and application aspects of enterprise information systems technology, and the complex and cross-disciplinary problems of enterprise integration that arise in integrating extended enterprises in a contemporary global supply chain environment. Techniques developed in mathematical science, computer science, manufacturing engineering and operations management used in the design or operation of enterprise information systems are considered.
International Journal of Control Editor: Eric Rogers, University of Southampton, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The International Journal of Control publishes high quality, peer reviewed papers in all areas, both established and emerging, of control theory and its applications. The journal is intended for an audience of development engineers and research workers in industrial automatic control; research workers and students in automatic control and systems science in universities; teachers of advanced automatic control in universities; applied mathematicians and physicists working in automatic control and systems analysis; development and research workers in fields where automatic control is applied.
Dynamical Systems: An International Journal
International Journal of General Systems
Editors-in-Chief: Peter Ashwin, University of Exeter, UK and Matthew Nicol, University of Houston, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The primary goal of Dynamical Systems: An International Journal (founded as Dynamics and Stability of Systems) is to act as a forum for communication across all branches of modern dynamical systems, and especially to facilitate interaction between theory and applications. This journal aims to publish high quality research articles in the theory and applications of dynamical systems, especially (but not exclusively) nonlinear systems.
Editor: George Klir, Binghamton University, USA
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems Editor-in-Chief: Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems aims to publish high quality scientific papers arising from original research and development from the international community in the areas of parallel, emergent and distributed systems. Topic areas include: parallel algorithms: design, analysis and applications; multiple-processor systems and architectures; emergent computing structures; neural networks; complex distributed systems; distributed systems and algorithms; fault tolerance; mobile computing; etc.
International Journal of Systems Science Editor-in-Chief: Peter Fleming, University of Sheffield, UK *44/1SJOUr0OMJOF*44/
A wide range of new theories, methodologies and techniques in modelling, control and optimization is required to ‘enable’ systems that may be distributed, co-operative, selforganized and autonomous. The primary aim of the International Journal of Systems Science is to lead in this exciting and demanding field of complex systems and engineering and its applications in emerging areas such as systems biology, nanobots swarm intelligence, uninhabited air vehicles, smart structures and supply chains.
Journal of Enterprise Transformation
International Journal of General Systems is a crossdisciplinary periodical devoted primarily to the publication of original research contributions to system science, basic as well as applied. The principal aim of the journal is to promote original systems ideas (concepts, principles, methods, insightful theoretical or experimental results, etc.) that transcend the boundaries between traditional academic disciplines. The term “general systems” indicates the journal’s aim to publish systems ideas that have a general applicability.
NEW IN 2011 Official Journal of the Institute of Industrial Engineers and International Council on Systems Engineering Editors-in-Chief: Deborah Nightingale and Ricardo Valerdi, both at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The Journal of Enterprise Transformation (JET) provides a forum for original articles on trends, new findings, and ongoing research (both theory and application) related to enterprise transformation. JET brings together interdisciplinary research in management, industrial and systems engineering, information systems, organizational behavior, political science, economics, etc.
Visit the Taylor & Francis website for more information on these titles or alternatively view details for each journal via its individual web address. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related Sciences Editor-in-Chief: Inge Troch, Vienna University of Technology, Austria 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
The derivation, combination, simplification and validation of models and submodels are the main topics of this journal which provides an international forum for the presentation of new ideas in modelling and for the exchange of experience and knowledge through descriptions of specific applications.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Editors-in-Chief: Chang-Ho Park, Seoul National University, Korea and S.C. Wong, The University of Hong Kong, China
The Official Journal of the AAAM, the ICADTS, the IRCOBI and the ITMA Editor-in-Chief: David C. Viano, ProBiomechanics LLC, USA
The International Journal of Sustainable Transportation provides a discussion forum for the exchange of new and innovative ideas on sustainable transportation research in the context of the environment, economics, society, and engineering, as well as current and future interactions of transportation systems and other urban subsystems.
Traffic Injury Prevention bridges the disciplines of medicine, engineering, public health and traffic safety in order to foster the science of traffic injury prevention. The archival journal focuses on research, interventions and evaluations within the areas of traffic safety, crash causation, injury prevention and treatment.
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems:
Transport NEW IN 2011
Technology, Planning, and operations
Editor-in-Chief: Prof Adolfas Baublys, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Editor: Asad J. Khattak, Old Dominion University, USA
NEW IN 2011 Editor-in-Chief: Prof Dr Habil Jonas Stankunas, Antanas Gustaitis Aviation Institute of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Published since 1996 the journal Aviation publishes papers concerning the following fields of research: flight physics; aerostructures; propulsion; aircraft avionics, systems and equipment; flight mechanics; integrated design and validation (method and tools); air traffic management; airports; human factors; air transport technologies and development, and the history of aviation.
The Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems is devoted to scholarly research on the development, planning, management, operation, and evaluation of intelligent transportation systems. The journal is interested in research that leads to the development of such systems and improved planning and operation of the transportation system through the application of these new technologies. The journal also publishes papers that add to the scientific understanding of ITS impacts on accessibility, congestion, pollution, safety, security, noise, and energy and resource consumption.
International Journal of Crashworthiness Editor-in-Chief: E. C. Chirwa, University of Bolton, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
International Journal of Crashworthiness is the only journal covering all matters relating to the crashworthiness of road vehicles (including cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles), rail vehicles, air and spacecraft, ships and submarines, and on- and off-shore installations. The Journal provides a unique forum for the publication of original research and applied studies relevant to an audience of academics, designers and practising engineers.
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security Editors-in-Chief: Stephen Richards, Southeastern Transportation Center, USA and Xuedong Yan, Beijing Jiaotong University, China 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security provides a forum for the exchange of integrated transportation safety solutions developed through research in multimodal transportation safety arenas. These arenas encompass highway, transit, ridesharing, pedestrian, and bicycle modes, as well as rail, water, and aviation. The journal’s mission is to disseminate advanced research results and engineering experience to educators, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to enhance transportation safety with comprehensive and integrated solutions.
Traffic Injury Prevention
Supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, the journal Transport has been published since 1986. The journal publishes papers concerning the following fields of research: transport policy; fundamentals of the transport system; technology for carrying passengers and freight using road, railway, inland waterways, sea and air transport; technology for multimodal transportation and logistics; roads; railways; airports; ports, etc.
Transportation Planning and Technology Editor: David Gillingwater, Loughborough University, UK 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Transportation Planning and Technology presents papers covering transport demand, land use forecasting, economic evaluation and its relationship to policy in both developed and developing countries, conventional and possibly unconventional future systems technology, urban and interurban transport terminals and interchanges and environmental aspects associated with transport (particularly those relating to noise, pollution and the movement of hazardous materials) as well as more narrowly focused technical papers.
Journal of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation
Hydrological Sciences Journal
Editors-In-Chief: William H.K. Lam, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong S.C. Wong, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Transportmetrica, the number one journal in transportation, provides an international discussion forum for transportation studies and facilitates the exchange of new and innovative ideas in transportation research. Although the focus is placed on quantitative analysis and studies, policy and descriptive papers with arguments supported by transportation statistics and data are acceptable. Short and discussion papers are also welcome.
Journal of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Editors-in-Chief: Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz and Demetris Koutsoyiannis 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) is the official journal of IAHS and provides a forum for original papers and for the exchange of information and views on significant developments in hydrology worldwide.
Transport Reviews A Transitional Transdisciplinary Journal
Published in Partnership with the IAHR
Editor: David Banister, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, UK
Chief Editor: Paul Bates, University of Bristol, UK
Transport Reviews is an international review journal covering all aspects of transport. It provides authoritative and up to date research-based reviews of transport related topics. Transport Reviews encourages submissions from all disciplinary perspectives (e.g. economics or engineering), all relevant subject areas (e.g. safety or environment), and all analytical approaches (e.g. modelling or database analysis). The reviews normally present new methodological approaches, new analysis, innovative perspectives and original data, but are not exclusively research based.
Vehicle System Dynamics Official Journal of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics Editors: M. Ahmadian, Virginia Tech, USA, S. Horiuchi, Nihon University, Japan, S.D. Iwnicki, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and M. Plöchl, Technische Universität Wien, Austria 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Vehicle System Dynamics is an international journal, providing a source of information for the vehicle engineer and the applied scientist. The Journal emphasizes the theoretical background of research and development problems of all kinds of road, rail and other ground based vehicles.
Published in Partnership with the IAHR Editor-in-Chief: Willi Hager, VAW, ETH Zürich 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR) was founded in 1964. It publishes scientific and technical material of broader interest in the areas of theoretical, experimental and computational hydraulics and fluid mechanics in various fields of applications, including rivers, coasts, environment, structures and industrial flows.
International Journal of River Basin Management
Journal of Hydraulic Research
International Journal of River Basin Management provides a cross-sectorial approach encompassing all aspects of river and floodplain management, with a truly global perspective. Co-published with IAHS and INBO.
International Journal of Water Resources Development
Urban Water Journal Editors-in-Chief: David Butler, University of Exeter, UK and Cedo Maksimovic, Imperial College London, UK 1SJOU*44/9r0OMJOF*44/
The Urban Water Journal provides a forum for the research and professional communities dealing with water systems in the urban environment, directly contributing to the discussion on sustainable development. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of interrelationships and interactions between the individual water systems, urban water bodies (including groundwater) and the environment. The Journal encourages the adoption of an integrated approach to solve the numerous problems associated with sustainable urban water management.
Editor-in-Chief: Asit K. Biswas, Third World Centre for Water Management, Atizapan, Mexico
Water International
Official Journal of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA)
International Journal of Water Resources Development covers all aspects of water development and management in both industrialized and Third World countries. Contents focus on the practical implementation of policies for water resources development, monitoring and evaluation of technical projects, and, to a lesser extent, water resources research. Articles are rigorous and in-depth, and range in approach from applied geographical analysis to the examination of strategic, economic and social issues.
Editor-in-Chief: James Nickum, Tokyo, Japan 1SJOU*44/r0OMJOF*44/
Water International is the official journal of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA), founded in 1972 to serve as an international gateway to the people, ideas and networks that are critical to the sustainable management of water resources around the world. Water International’s articles, stateof-the-art reviews and technical notes are policy-relevant and aimed at communicating in-depth knowledge to a multidisciplinary and international community.
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