English language exams - Mondadori Education

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acts as the first step in English language ..... The Macmillan Practice Online courses dedicated to exams are the perfect solution to support students' exam ...

Preparation for

Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Name: Key English Test (For Schools version also available) Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL British English CEF Level: A2

This is a low level test of English that often acts as the first step in English language qualifications. It covers input for a range of everyday situations which require basic and predictable use of language.

The Macmillan guide to...

English language exams EXAM STRUCTURE

Paper 1 Reading/Writing 1hr 10 mins

Parts 1-5

Reading skills tested with a range of short texts

Parts 6-9

Basic writing skills tested

Paper 2 Listening 30 mins Paper 3 Speaking 8-10 mins per candidate

Parts 1-5

Listening tasks include short conversations, discussions, interviews and messages

Part 1

Students interact with examiner

Part 2

Students interact with each other


The final score is an aggregate of all three papers. Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Pass = approx. 70% Narrow fail = within 5% of passing

Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre When: Monthly (paper-based exam bi-monthly) How: Paper or computer-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org

A Macmillan guide to some of the most widely taken English language exams, what they KET Testbuilder involve and what we offer for preparation PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS


Four complete practice tests Guided analysis of answers Focus on common problem areas

For more information on exam preparation materials visit

www.macmillanenglish. com/exams


Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Ready for... Series


Full Name: Key English Test (For Schools version also available) Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL British English CEF Level: A2

This is a low level test of English that often acts as the first step in English language qualifications. It covers input for a range of everyday situations which require basic and predictable use of language.

EXAM STRUCTURE Paper 1 Reading/Writing 1hr 10 mins Paper 2 Listening 30 mins

PartsIELTS 1-5 Materials Reading skills tested with a range of short texts

Paper 3 Speaking 8-10 mins per candidate

Parts 6-9

Basic writing skills tested

Parts 1-5

Listening tasks include short conversations, discussions, interviews and messages

Part 1

Students interact with examiner

Part 2

Students interact with each other


Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre Exam Courses for Younger The final score is an aggregate of Blended all Short When: Monthly (paper-based exam Young Learners three Learners papers. of English Courses bi-monthly) Pass with Merit = approx. 85% How: Paper or computer-based Pass = approx. 70% More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org Narrow fail = within 5% of passing Young Learners English

Young Learners English

P r ac t i c e t e S t S

P r ac t i c e t e S t S

Bryan Stephens

Young Learners English

Sandra Fox

P r ac t i c e t e S t S Sandra Fox



Grammar and Vocabulary

Four complete practice tests Guided analysis of answers Focus on common problem areas

For more information on exam preparation materials visit

www.macmillanenglish. com/exams


Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Macmillan Education provides an extensive list of titles for English

Full Name: Key English Test language exam preparation. This booklet some of English the most This isexplains a low level test of that often (For Schools version also available) internationally accepted English language exams for which Macmillan acts as the first step in English language Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL qualifications. It covers input for a range publishes. British English Information is given on the structure of each exam, exam of everyday situations which Education books to require choose.basic CEF timetables Level: A2 and centres, and which Macmillan and predictable use of language.


Parts 1-5 YOUNG LEARNERS Parts 6-9


Reading skills tested with a range of short texts Basic writing skills tested

Paper 2 Parts 1-5 Listening tasks include short conversations, Listening discussions, interviews and messages 30 mins ACADEMIC ENGLISH Paper 3 Part 1 Students interact with examiner Speaking BUSINESS Part AND ENGLISH 2 PROFESSIONAL Students interact with each other 8-10 mins per candidate


Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre When: Monthly (paper-based exam bi-monthly) How: Paper or computer-based of English page 3 More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org page 4 PET page 5 FCE page 7 PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS CAE page 9 CPE page 13 IELTS page 15 KET Testbuilder ® TOEFL TESTS page 17 TESTS THAT TEACH TOEIC® TESTS page 18 Four complete practice PTE tests page 19 For more information Guided analysisBEC of answers page 20 on exam preparation Focus on common problem areas LCCI page 21 materials visit Aviation English page 22 www.macmillanenglish. The final score is an aggregate of all three papers. Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Pass = approx. 70% Young Learners Narrow fail = within KET5% of passing


Young Learners of English Preparation for

Full Name: Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL British English CEF Level: pre-A1 – A2 Approximate Age: Starters (from age 7) Movers (age 8-11) Flyers (age 9-12)


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

The Cambridge ESOL Young Learners English Tests are often a child’s first experience of exams and the emphasis is very much on making the experience a positive one.


Total 45 mins

All candidates who take the test Approx. 20 mins 4 tasks, 20 items receive an award, highlighting what Listening they can do and giving them credit Reading & Writing 20 mins 5 tasks, 25 items for taking the test. Score boundaries Speaking 3-5 mins 5 tasks are set so that all the results equate MOVERS Total 65 mins to a scale of achievement.

Where: Recognised Cambridge ESOL testing centre When: Dates are chosen to fit in with local conditions (school terms, holiday periods etc) How: Paper-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org

Listening Approx. 25 mins 5 tasks, 25 items Reading & Writing 30 mins 6 tasks, 40 items Speaking 5-7 mins 4 tasks


Total 75 mins

Listening Approx. 25 mins 5 tasks, 25 items Reading & Writing 40 mins 7 tasks, 50 items Speaking 7-9 mins 4 tasks


Young Learners English Practice Tests The nature of these tests is reflected both in our beautifully illustrated practice tests and in the Teacher’s Notes with practical activity ideas for each of the Cambridge ESOL YLE Starters, Movers and Flyers tests. The perfect bridge from coursebook to exam!

Young Learners English

Young Learners English

Young Learners English

P r ac t i c e t e S t S

P r ac t i c e t e S t S

P r ac t i c e t e S t S

Sandra Fox

Sandra Fox

Bryan Stephens

For more information on exam preparation materials, visit www.macmillanexams.com



Preparation for

Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Name: Key English Test (‘for Schools’ version also available) Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL British English CEF Level: A2

This is a low-level test of English that often acts as the first step in English language qualifications. It covers input for a range of everyday situations which require basic and predictable use of language.

EXAM STRUCTURE Paper 1 Reading/Writing 1hr 10 mins

Parts 1-5

Reading skills tested with a range of short texts

Parts 6-9

Basic writing skills tested

Paper 2 Listening 30 mins Paper 3 Speaking 8-10 mins

Parts 1-5

Listening tasks include short conversations, discussions, interviews and messages

Part 1

Students interact with examiner

Part 2

Students interact with each other


The final score is an aggregate of all three papers. Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Pass = approx. 70% Narrow fail = within 5% of passing

Where: Recognised Cambridge ESOL testing centre When: Computer-based – monthly; Paper-based – February, March, May, June (twice), July, October, November, December (based on 2012 dates) How: Paper- or computer-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org


KET Testbuilder TESTS THAT TEACH Four complete practice tests Guided analysis of answers Focus on common problem areas For more information on exam preparation materials, visit

Information ‘For Schools’ exam: Recently Cambridge ESOL has introduced ‘for Schools’ versions of some of their most popular exams. These exams follow exactly the same structure and skills as their original counterparts, but the topics have been adapted for a lower age range.

Laser A2

New introductory level from the popular Laser series. Includes a test per unit, term tests, final test and a KET practice test.



Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Name: Preliminary English Test (‘for Schools’ version also available) Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL British English CEF Level: B1

The PET exam assesses all four skills needed in real-life situations and reflects the students’ language proficiency in terms of their overall communicative ability. At this level, entrants should be able to understand opinions, attitudes, moods and wishes.

EXAM STRUCTURE Paper 1 Reading/ Writing 1hr 30 mins Reading – 35 questions Writing – 7 questions

Paper 2 Listening 30 mins, 25 questions

Paper 3 Speaking 10-12 mins per candidate

Part 1

5 multiple-choice questions on five short discrete texts – signs and messages, postcards, notes etc

Part 2

5 matching questions

Part 3

10 true/false questions on an adapted authentic text

Part 4

5 multiple-choice questions

Part 5

10 multiple-choice cloze questions

Part 1

Sentence transformations

Part 2

Short communicative message

Part 3

Longer piece of continuous writing

Part 1

Short neutral or informal pieces – 7 discrete multiple-choice questions with visuals

Part 2

Longer monologue or interview – 6 multiple-choice questions

Part 3

Longer monologue – six gaps to fill

Part 4

Longer informal dialogue – 6 true/false questions

Part 1

Interaction with examiner (2-3mins)

Part 2 / 4 Interaction with other candidates (2-3mins) Part 3

For more information on exam preparation materials, visit www.macmillanexams.com


Extended individual speaking (3 mins)

Where: Recognised Cambridge ESOL testing centre When: Computer-based – monthly; Paperbased – February, March (twice), May (twice), June (twice), July, October, November, December (based on 2012 dates) How: Paper- or computer-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org


The final score is a total of all four papers. Each paper has an equal weight. Pass with Merit = 85-100% Pass = 70-84%


Ready for PET In-depth short course for all students preparing for PET. With practice tests on CD-ROM.

CODE A blended exam preparation course for teenage students. Ideal for PET for Schools with integrated online components.


Information ‘For Schools’ exam: Recently Cambridge ESOL has introduced ‘for Schools’ versions of some of their most popular exams. These exams follow exactly the same structure and skills as their original counterparts, but the topics have been adapted for a lower age range.

Ideal for short courses or self-study Check Your Vocabulary for PET Activities to help build, improve and revise vocabulary for the PET exam.

PET Testbuilder Four complete practice tests with a guided analysis of answers and a focus on common problem areas.

A preparation course for teenage students – ideal for PET and PET for Schools.

Hotspot 5 A general English course with a strong grammar syllabus that, by level 5, prepares students to take the PET exam through specific exam practice sections and exam-style activities.

Macmillan Practice Online – PET Web-based exercises to practise the skills and topic areas needed by PET students. www.macmillanpracticeonline.com


Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Testin English FullName: name: Key FirstEnglish Certificate (For Schools version also (‘for Schools’ version alsoavailable) available) Exam ExamBoard: Board:Cambridge CambridgeESOL ESOL British BritishEnglish English CEF CEFLevel: Level:A2 B2

This widely taken exam tests the ability of the This is a low level test of English that often candidate to communicate effectively in acts as the first step in English language English. In many countries it is seen as the qualifications. It covers input for a range benchmark of English language knowledge and of everyday situations which require basic is a requirement for employment. It is also taken and predictable use of language. in many schools as part of school-leaving exams.


Paper 1 Part 1 Text + 8 multiple-choice questions Paper 1 Parts 1-5 Reading skills tested with a range of short texts Reading Part 2 Text with 7 sentences removed that must be correctly inserted Reading/Writing 6-9 Basic writing skills tested 1hr 10 mins 1hr Part 3 Parts Long text or several short texts + 15 multiple-matching questions Paper 1-5 Listening tasks include conversations, discusPaper 22 Part 1 Parts One compulsory question (a lettershort or email) Listening sions, interviews and messages Writing 1hr 20 mins Part 2 One task to be chosen out of five 30 mins Candidates are expected to write texts such as an article, an essay, a letter, an email, a

Paper PartThe 1 writing Students interact with report,3a review or a short story. may refer to one of examiner the two set texts. Speaking Papermins 3 per candidate Part 1 Part Modified cloze test with options 12 questions 2 Students interact with– each other 8-10 Use of English 45 mins

Part 2 Part 3

Modified open cloze test – 12 questions Selecting the correct word from a provided word stem – MARKING 10 questions Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre The final score is an aggregate of all Part 4 8 sentence-creation questions When: Monthly (paper-based exam three papers. Paper 4 Part 1 8 short extracts with a multiple-choice bi-monthly) question for each one Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Listening How: Paper Sentence-completion task with or 10computer-based questions Pass = approx. 70% Part 2 approx. 40 mins More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org Part 3 5 short, related monologues with 5 multiple-matching questions Narrow fail = within 5% of passing Part 4 Monologue/text involving interacting speakers – 7 multiple-choice questions Paper 5 Part 1 Conversation PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS between candidate and examiner Speaking 14 mins 2 candidates and 2 KET Testbuilder examiners

Part 2

Individual ‘long turn’ for each candidate with brief response from second candidate (visual and written stimuli, with spoken instruction)

Part 3

Two-way conversation between candidates


Discussion on topics related to Part 3

Four complete 2012 Set Textspractice – FCE tests Guided analysis of answers William Thackeray: Focus on common problem areas Vanity Fair Mary Stewart: The Rough

2012 Set Texts – FCE for Schools For more information William Shakespeare: Macbeth on exam preparation Joe Simpson: Touching the Void materials visit www.macmillanenglish. com/exams

For more information, visit www.macmillanenglish.com/readers



Preparation for

MARKING The final score is based on the total Find your nearest centre at: score for all five papers. In order to www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep pass the examination, not all five papers need to be at a satisfactory level. Fullpapers Name: are Keyequally Englishweighted Test All and (For Schools version also available) the total score is 200. Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL Results given as A, B or C for British are English a pass, and D or E for a fail. These CEF Level: A2 grades are set according to statistics of candidature, success rates, examiner advice/recommendations, and comparison with the previous year. EXAM STRUCTURE

Where: Recognised Cambridge ESOL testing centre When: Computer-based – January, February, March, is June, a lowJuly, level test of English that often April,This May, August, September, October, acts asPaper-based the first step–inFebruary, English language November; March, April, It covers forOctober, a range May,qualifications. June (twice), July (twice), input August, of everyday situations which require November, December (twice) (based on 2012basic dates) and predictable use of language. How: Paperor computer-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org

For more information on exam Paper 1 Parts 1-5 Reading skills preparation tested with amaterials, range ofvisit short texts www.macmillanexams.com Reading/Writing PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS

1hr 10 mins

Parts 6-9

Paper 2to FCE Direct

Parts 1-5 AListening concise fast-track preparation 30 mins course for FCE, combining print and online Paper 3 materials. Part 1 Speaking CODE Part 2 8-10 mins per candidate For younger students preparing for the FCE exam and schoolleaving exams. MARKING

Basic writing skills tested


Listening tasks include short conversations, ‘For Schools’ Exam: recently Cambridge discussions, interviews and messages

ESOL has introduced ‘for Schools’ versions of some of their most popular Students interact withThese examiner exams. exams follow exactly the same structure and skills as their original Students interact with each other counterparts but the topics have been adapted for a lower age range

The final score is an aggregate of all three papers. Laser A preparation course for teenage Pass with Merit = approx. 85% students – ideal for bridging the Pass = approx. 70% gap between PET and FCE. Narrow fail = within 5% of passing

Ready for FCE

In-depth exam training to build the confidence and skills of PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS students preparing for FCE. Key exam focus areas and coverage of relevant topics.

KET Testbuilder Gateway TESTS THAT TEACHto lead Designed specifically

teenage students to success in school-leaving exams and Four complete practice tests university entrance exams.

Guided analysis of answers Focus on common Macmillan Practiceproblem areas

Online – FCE

Online practice tests for the FCE exam. www.macmillanpracticeonline.com

Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre Ideal for short courses orexam self-study When: Monthly (paper-based bi-monthly) How:Check Paper Your or computer-based MoreVocabulary info: www.cambridgeESOL.org for FCE Activities to help build, improve and revise vocabulary for the FCE.

FCE Testbuilder Four complete practice tests with a guided analysis of answers and a focus on common problem areas.

For more information FCE Language Practice on exam preparation

materials Reliable and detailedvisit approach to the grammar www.macmillanenglish. and vocabulary that is com/exams covered in the exam.


Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full EnglishinTest FullName: Name:Key Certificate Advanced (For Schools version also available) English Exam ExamBoard: Board:Cambridge CambridgeESOL ESOL British BritishEnglish English CEFLevel: Level:A2 C1 CEF


Paper 1 Paper 1 Reading Reading/Writing 1hr 15 mins 1hr 10 mins Paper 2 Listening 30 mins Paper 32 Paper Writing 1hr 30 mins Speaking

This goes further testingthat often Thisexam is a low level test ofinEnglish English language proficiency reflecting acts as the first step in Englishby language candidates’ ease in their use of structure, qualifications. It covers input for a range register, fluency and their understanding of everyday situations which require basic predictable use of language. ofand social and cultural linguistic elements.

Part 1 3 texts on a similar theme, each with 2 multiple-choice questions Parts 1-5 Reading skills tested with a range of short texts Part 2 Text with 6 paragraphs removed that must be correctly Parts 6-9in theBasic writing skills tested inserted correct order 1-5 Listening tasks includequestions short conversations, discusPart 3 Parts Text followed by 7 multiple-choice sions, interviews and messages Part 4 Long text or several short texts + 15 multiple-matching questions Part 1 Part 1 compulsory question interact with examiner 1 Students Part 2 1 task to be chosen out of five (including one on the set texts)

Part 2 Students interact with each other 8-10 mins per candidate Candidates are expected to write texts such as an article, an essay, a letter, information sheets, a proposal, a report, a

review, or a competition entry. Evaluation, hypothesis, persuasion, justification and expression of opinion are expected.


Part 1 Modified cloze test with 12 gaps and 12 questions

Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre Usefinal of English The score is an aggregate all Part 2 of Modified open clozeWhen: test with 15 gaps Monthly (paper-based exam 1hr papers. three Part 3 Selecting the correct word to fit into a text – 10 questions bi-monthly) Pass with Merit = approx. 85% How: Paper or computer-based Pass = approx. 70% Part 4 5 questions, each with 3 discrete sentences with one gap. info: www.cambridgeESOL.org These sentences mustMore be completed with one word appropriate Narrow fail = within 5% of passing to each of the 3 sentences

Part 5 8 gapped sentences with given ‘key word’

PREPARATION FROM Part MACMILLAN Paper 4 1 3 short EXAMS extracts with 2 multiple-choice questions for each extract Listening approx. 40 mins

Part 2 Sentence completion task with 8 questions Part 3 Text involving interacting speakers with 6 multiple-choice

KET Testbuilder questions TESTS THAT TEACH Part 4 5 short, related monologues with 10 multiple-matching questions Paper 5 Part 1 Conversation between candidate and examiner Four complete practice tests Speaking For more Part 2 Individual ‘long turn’ for each candidate with information brief response 15Guided mins analysis of answers on exam preparation from second candidate (visual and written stimuli, with Focus on common problem areas 2 candidates and 2 materials visit spoken instruction) examiners www.macmillanenglish. Part 3 Two-way conversation between candidates com/exams

Part 4 Discussion on topics related to Part 3



Preparation for

MARKING Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

The final score is based on the total score for all five papers. In order to pass the examination, notEnglish all five Test papers need to Full Name: Key be at a satisfactory level. (For Schools version also available)

Where: Recognised Cambridge ESOL This is a low level test of English that often testing centre acts as the first step in English language When: Computer-based – January, Exam Board: ESOL and the All papers areCambridge equally weighted qualifications. It covers input for range February, March, April, May a(twice), British English total score is 200. ofJune everyday situations which require basic (twice), July, August, September, CEF Level: A2 and predictable use of language. October, November, December; PaperResults are given as A, B or C for a pass, based – January, February, March and D or E for a fail. These grades are (twice), April (twice), May (thrice), June, set according to statistics of candidature, EXAM STRUCTURE July, August, September, October, success Paper 1 rates, examiner advice/ Parts 1-5 ReadingNovember, skills testedDecember with a range of short texts (thrice) (based recommendations, and comparison with Reading/Writing on 2012 dates) Parts 6-9 Basic writing skills tested year. 1hrthe 10previous mins How: Paper- or computer-based www.cambridgeESOL.org Paper 2 Parts 1-5 ListeningMore tasksinfo: include short conversations, Listening 2012 Set Texts 30 mins William Golding: Lord of the Flies Paper P. D. 3 James: The LighthousePart 1 Speaking Part 2 8-10 mins per candidate


discussions, interviews and messages Students interact with examiner Students interact with each other

The final score is an aggregate of all EXAMS PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN three papers. Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Pass = approx. 70% Ready for CAE Narrow fail = within 5% of passing In-depth exam training to build the confidence and skills of students preparing PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS for CAE. Key exam focus areas and coverage of relevant topics.


CAE Testbuilder Four complete practice tests

FourGuided complete practice tests analysis of answers withFocus a guided analysis of on common problem areas the answers and a focus on common problem areas.

Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre When: Monthly (paper-based exam bi-monthly) How: Paper or computer-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org

Macmillan Practice Online – CAE Web-based exercises to practise the skills and topic areas needed by CAE students. www.macmillanpracticeonline.com For more information on exam preparation For morematerials information visiton exam preparation materials, visit www.macmillanenglish. www.macmillanexams.com com/exams


Macmillan Exam Practice Online Exams covered: PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS, TOEIC® and TOEFL®. The Macmillan Practice Online courses dedicated to exams are the perfect solution to support students’ exam preparation, allowing them to work on their language skills while building their confidence and becoming familiar with the exam structure.

Key features • Each course includes between 100 and 200 resources • Courses include material that simulates the paper part of the chosen exam • Each course includes access to the Macmillan English Dictionary • All activities are automatically marked, so learners receive immediate feedback and can monitor their own progress


Macmillan Test Maker Your essential online testing toolkit Macmillan Test Maker is an online testing tool that allows teachers of English as a foreign language to create and set an unlimited number of tests for an unlimited number of students.

Key features • Limitless, paper-free English testing • 24/7 access from any computer with an internet connection • Six pre-built tests, plus a Placement Test, ready to use and easy to adapt • A library of over 1,800 exercises to create tailor-made tests • Testing resources covering listening, reading, language and vocabulary skills • A wealth of exam-preparation materials for IELTS, TOEIC®, TOEFL® and the Cambridge suite • Automatic marking, including question-by-question feedback


Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Name: Certificate of Proficiency in English Full Name: KeyCambridge English Test Exam Board: ESOL ThisCPE is aislow test level of English that often (For Schools version also available) thelevel highest of Cambridge British English acts as the first step in English language Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL ESOL exam. Its high standard CEF Level: C2 qualifications. input for a range British English recognises Itancovers extremely advanced of everyday situations which require basic CEF Level: A2 grasp of English. and predictable use of language.

EXAM STRUCTURE Paper Paper 11 Reading/Writing Reading 1hr 1hr 10 30 mins mins Paper 2 Listening 30 mins Paper 2 Paper Writing3 Speaking 2 hrs

8-10 mins per candidate

Parts1 1-5 tested with acloze rangequestions of shortontexts Part 3 shortReading texts withskills 6 multiple-choice each Part 4 shortBasic texts writing with 2 multiple-choice questions on each Parts2 6-9 skills tested Part Gapped text with 7 questions Parts3 1-5 Listening tasks include short conversations, discussions, interviews and messages Part 4 Long text with 7 multiple-choice questions Part 1 One compulsory question

Part 1

Students interact with examiner

Part 2 One question out of a choice of four (including set Part 2 text option) Students interact with each other

Candidates are expected to write texts such as an article, an essay, an email, a report, a review or a short story. The writing may refer to one of the two set texts. MARKING

The final3score is an aggregatePart of all1 Paper three papers. Use of English Part 2 Pass 1hr 30with minsMerit = approx. 85% Part 3 Pass = approx. 70% Narrow fail = within 5% of passing Part 4

Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre

Modified open clozeMonthly with 15 (paper-based questions When: exam 1 short text with 10 word formation questions bi-monthly)

How: Paper or computer-based 6 sets of 3 gapped sentences

More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org

8 word key transformations

Part 5 2 texts with 4 questions and a summary writing task Paper 4 Part 1 EXAMS 4 short extracts with 2 multiple-choice questions on each PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN Listening 40 mins

KET Testbuilder TESTS TEACH Paper THAT 5 Speaking

Part 2 1 long text with 9 sentence completion questions Part 3 1 long text with 5 multiple-choice questions Part 4 1 long text with 6 matching questions 3 parts

19Four mins complete per pair of practice candidates tests

Guided analysis of answers Focus on common problem areas

Interview, collaborative task, individual long turns and follow-up discussion

For more information on exam preparation materials visit

www.macmillanenglish. com/exams


CPE MARKING All papers are equally weighted and the total score is 200. Results are given as A, B, or C for a pass, and D or E for a fail. These grades are set according to statistics of candidature, success rates, examiner advice/ recommendations, and comparison with the previous year. Where: Recognised Cambridge ESOL testing centre When: March, May, June, November, December (twice) (based on 2012 dates) How: Paper-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org

For more information, please visit the Macmillan Exams portal www.macmillanexams.com


New Proficiency Testbuilder Four complete practice tests with a guided analysis of answers and a focus on common problem areas.

Macmillan Practice Online – CPE Web-based exercises to practise the skills and topic areas needed by CPE students. www.macmillanpracticeonline.com


Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Name: International English Full Name: Key English Test Language Testing System (For Schools version also Exam Board: Cambridge available) ESOL Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL International English British English CEF Level: n/a CEF Level: A2

The exam is taken worldwide and many This is ahave low level test ofitEnglish that often universities now made a requirement as the first step in English that acts foreign students should have alanguage specific It covers a range levelqualifications. before entering study.input This isfornormally of everyday situations require basic placed between bands 5.5which and 7.5. and predictable use of language.

EXAM STRUCTURE ReadingSTRUCTURE 3 passages with a total of 1500-2500 words EXAM

1hr 40 questions thatParts get progressively moreskills difficult Paper 1 1-5 Reading tested with a range of short texts At least one of the tests will contain a detailed logical argument Reading/Writing Parts 6-9 Basic writing skills tested Writing of a range of vocabulary 1hr 10 mins Two writing tasks – students are marked on the use and grammar, organisation and development and how theyconversations, respond to the task. 1hr Paper 2 Parts 1-5 Listening tasks include short discusSpecialist knowledge is not being tested. Listening sions, interviews and messages Task 1 Factual description of data – either a graph, table, bar chart 30 mins or diagram using a minimum of 150 words. This takes about 20 minutes Paper 3 Part 1 Students interact with examiner Task 2 Essay discussing an argument, opinion or a point of view. Students Speaking may be asked about interact one or more the following Part 2 to write Students withofeach other specific 8-10 mins per candidate aspects of a topic: causes, effects, solutions, problems, measures, proposals, suggestions, advantages/disadvantages, reasons for/ against. Students may be asked to put forward their own opinion MARKING and suggestions for causes and solutions. This takes about 40 centre minutes Recognised CESOL testing The final score is an aggregate of all around 250Where: and requires words

When: Monthly (paper-based exam three papers. Listening 4 sections – 40 questions getting progressively more difficult bi-monthly) Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Approx. Section 1 Conversation between two people on aorgeneral or social theme How: Paper Pass approx. 70% each section will only be played once computer-based -40=mins 30 More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org Narrow fail = within2 5%Monologue of passing or interview on a general or social theme Section Section 3

Conversation between up to 4 speakers on an educational or training theme PREPARATIONSection FROM EXAMS 4 MACMILLAN Talk or lecture on a theme of general academic interest Speaking Part 1 The examiner will introduce themselves and ask questions about 11-15 mins (4-5 mins) the student

KET Testbuilder Part 2 Monologue or interview on a general or social theme TESTS THAT TEACH (3-4 mins) Part 3

The student and the examiner have a discussion linked to the

Four complete tests from part 2. mins) subject (4-5practice Guided analysis of answers Focus on common problem areas

This information was taken from Sam McCarter’s Tips for IELTS.


For more information on exam preparation materials visit

www.macmillanenglish. com/exams


Preparation for

Did you know...? Find youranswers nearest centre at: be written on the official All IELTS must www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep answer sheet for them to be considered. Full Name: Key English Test MARKING

This isRecognised a low levelCambridge test of English that often Where: ESOL acts as the first step in English language testing centre qualifications. It covers input for a range When: 48 fixed dates a year of everyday situations which require basic How: or computer-based andPaperpredictable use of language. More info: www.IELTS.org

(For Schools version also available) Band scores are awarded between Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL 1 and 9. British English CEF Level: A2

PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS EXAM STRUCTURE Paper 1 Reading/Writing Ready for 1hr 10 mins


Paper 2 exam In-depth Listening training for the 30 mins IELTS exam. Paper 3 Speaking 8-10 mins per candidate

Parts 1-5

Reading skills tested with a range of short texts

IELTS6-9 Foundation/ Tips for IELTS Parts Basic writing skills tested Packed full Graduation Parts 1-5 course, Listening tasks include short of allconversations, the A two-level discussions, interviews and messages information with accompanying you need to study skills books. know about the Part IELTS1bands Students interact with examiner IELTS exam. 4–7/7.5. Part 2 Students interact with each other

Check Your Vocabulary for Testbuilders The final score is an aggregate of all Four complete three papers. IELTS practice testsMerit = approx. 85% Activities to help Pass with at Pass each=level. build, improve and approx. 70% revise vocabulary Narrow fail = within 5% of passing IELTS MARKING

for the IELTS exam.

Skills Series Where: Recognised testing centre This CESOL series may When: Monthly (paper-based exam be used together bi-monthly) as a complete course or How: Paper or computer-based individually More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org alongside other coursebooks.

Clear grammar explanations, themed vocabulary units and KET Testbuilder a variety of exercise types to TESTS THAT TEACH provide plenty of practice for all students preparing to sit complete theirFour IELTS exams. practice tests

Focusing on IELTS

A comprehensive learning package of practice tests and skills development for IELTS students.

Focusing on

IELTS Language Practice




Practice Tests with answer key



Philip Gould Michael Clutterbuck

For more information on exam preparation materials visit www.macmillanenglish. Macmillan Practice Online – Academic English with IELTS Web-based exercises to practise the skills and topiccom/exams areas needed by IELTS students: www.macmillanpracticeonline.com

Guided analysis of answers Focus on common problem areas


Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Name: Test of English as a Foreign Language® Exam Board: ETS American English CEF Level: n/a

Widely used by universities in the US and across the globe as an indicator of English proficiency, and often required for admission. Increasingly used by government agencies, scholarship programmes and licensing/certification agencies.

Where: ETS-recognised testing centre How: Paper-based or Internet-based More info: www.ets.org

EXAM STRUCTURE TOEFL® iBT™ Internet-based test Reading 60-100 mins 3-5 passages from academic texts, 12-14 questions per passage Listening 4-6 lectures and class discussion each 3-5 mins long, 6 questions on each 60-90 mins 2-3 conversations each 3 mins long, 5 questions on each Speaking 2 tasks to express an opinion 20 mins 4 tasks to speak based on what is read and listened to Writing 1 task to write based on what is read and listened to 50 mins 1 task to support an opinion on a topic


EXAM STRUCTURE TOEFL® Paper-based test Listening Comprehension (30-40 mins) Structure and Written Expression (25 mins) Reading Comprehension (55 mins) Writing (30 mins)

50 questions 40 questions 50 questions 1 topic question

The TOEFL iBT gives a score between 0 and 120. The TOEFL PBT gives a score between 310 and 677.


A principal preparation course, a supplement to a general English course or a self-study guide.

TOEFL® Testbuilder

with answer key

Two complete practice tests with a guided analysis of answers and a focus on common problem areas. IELTS Testbuilder 1 is designed to improve exam performance and increase language competence for success in the International Language Testing System (IELTS). This book is suitable for students who are aiming to achieve a minimum of IELTS Band 6.0.

Four completely new practice tests • Clear introduction to IELTS

• Full range of IELTS task types

• Reading and Writing Tests are for the academic module

Further Practice and Guidance pages

Need new back cover text • Test-specific exercises to develop exam techniques • Focus on common problem areas in the tests • Builds confidence in all exam question types

• Useful language and ideas for the Speaking Test • Guided analysis of model Writing Task answers

Activities to help build, improve and revise vocabulary for the TOEFL® exam.


Answer key

Testbuilder for TOEFL® iBT

• Complete answer key with useful explanations

• Authentic student writing answers with examiner comments • Includes listening scripts

Accompanying audio CDs contain all four Listening Tests. For other titles in the Testbuilder series see www.macmillan.com/testbuilders

Pamela Vittorio

Tests that Teach Pamela Vittorio


Use your Macmillan English Dictionary with this book

Macmillan Practice OnlineTOEFL®


Check Your Vocabulary for TOEFL®


Testbuilder for TOEFL iBT Testbuilder for TOEFL iBT

A short, concise course that combines print and online materials. The website includes three online TOEFL® iBT practice tests for an authentic test experience, accessed through a unique code found at the back of the Student’s Book.

The Heinemann TOEFL® Preparation Course

With Key

with a u

Direct To TOEFL® iBT™




Preparation for


Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Name: Test of English for International Communication® Full Name: Key English Test Exam Board: ETS (For Schools version also available) American English Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL CEF Level: covers a range of levels British English CEF Level: A2

Used by companies and institutions to determine a potential employee’s English This is aIt low level test of English that often proficiency. is based on real-life ® acts as the first step in language international scenarios. The English new TOEIC qualifications. It covers input for a range Speaking and Writing Tests have been added of everyday situations which require basic to the TOEIC® English language learning and predictable use of language. product line to test the full range of skills.

EXAM STRUCTURE STRUCTURE EXAM Listening Paper 1 and Reading Reading/Writing 2 hours 1hr 10 mins

SectionParts I ListeningReading (photos,skills question/response, conversations, short 1-5 tested with a range of short texts talks) – 100 questions Parts 6-9 Basic writing skills tested Section II Reading (incomplete sentences, error recognition, Paper 2 Parts 1-5 tasks include conversations, readingListening comprehension) – 100short questions Listening discussions, interviews and messages Speaking 11 Read a text aloud, describe a picture, respond to 30 mins 20 mins questions questions, propose a solution, express an opinion Paper 3 Part 1 Students interact with examiner Writing Speaking 8 Write a sentence based on a picture, respond to a Part 2written request, Studentswrite interact each other 60 mins 8-10 mins per candidatequestions an with opinion essay


Where: ETS-recognised testing centre Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre How: Paper-based When: Monthly (paper-based exam More info: www.ets.org bi-monthly) How: Paper or computer-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org

Check Your Vocabulary

Macmillan Practice Online – TOEIC® Web-based exercises to practise the skills and topic areas needed by TOEIC® students. www.macmillanpracticeonline.com

® The final score is ana aggregate of all10 TOEIC gives score between three papers. and 990. Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Pass = approx. 70% PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS Narrow fail = within 5% of passing

for TOEIC® FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS PREPARATION Activities to help build, improve and revise vocabulary for the TOEIC® KET Testbuilder exam. THAT TEACH TESTS

Testbuilder for the Four®complete TOEIC tests practice tests Guided analysis of answers Contains three complete tests Focus on common problem areas for the Listening & Reading TOEIC® test, followed by three tests for the Speaking TOEIC® test and three tests for the Writing TOEIC® test.

For more information on exam preparation materials visit For more information on Testbuilder www.macmillanenglish. ® for the TOEICcom/exams tests, visit www.macmillanexams.com


PTE Full Name: Pearson Test of English Academic Exam Board: Pearson Language Tests International English CEF Level: A1 – C2 (University entrance requires a level of B1-C1)

PTE Academic assesses all four language skills – listening, reading, speaking and writing. The test, which is entirely computer-based, lasts approximately three hours. This includes an untimed introduction to the test and one optional break of up to 10 minutes. PTE Academic consists of three main parts. There is a general introduction to the test and specific instructions about what to expect in each part of the test. Each part may contain a number of sections. Each section is individually timed.

EXAM STRUCTURE Paper 1 Reading/Writing Approx. 1hr 30 mins

Paper 2 Reading Approx. 40 mins

Paper 3 Listening

Section 1 Section 2

Section 3-4 Section 5 Section 6

Section 1 Section 2

Approx. 50 mins

Personal Introduction Read aloud Repeat sentence Describe image Re-tell lecture Answer short question Summarise written text Summarise written text or write essay Write essay Multiple-choice, choose single answer Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers Re-order paragraphs Reading: Fill in the blanks Reading & writing: Fill in the blanks Summarise spoken text Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers Fill in the blanks Highlight correct summary Multiple-choice, choose single answer Select missing word Highlight incorrect words Write from dictation


The score range for the Overall Score is 10-90 points. Students are notified of their score by email about 5 days after taking the test. PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS

Where: Recognised Pearson Test of English testing centre When: Various dates throughout the year How: Computer-based More info: www.pearsonpte.com

PTE Academic Testbuilder


Four complete practice tests with a guided analysis of answers and further practice and guidance on various aspects of the different tasks.

For more information on exam preparation materials, visit www.macmillanexams.com


Preparation Preparationfor for

Find Findyour yournearest nearestcentre centreat: at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Full Name: Business English Certificate Exam Board: Cambridge ESOL Full Name: Key English Test International English (For SchoolsBEC version also available) Preliminary – B1 CEF Level: Exam Board: Cambridge BEC Vantage –ESOL B2 British English BEC Higher – C1 CEF Level: A2


The BEC exam has three examination levels and is one of the most common English This is a low levelthat testfocuses of English thatarea often language exams on the acts as the first step in English language of business. It is recognised by employers qualifications. It covers input for a range and institutions across the globe. of everyday situations which require basic and predictable use of language.

BEC Reading and Reading – 7 parts including 3-option multiple choice, matching, Preliminary Writing right/wrong/doesn’t say, form-filling/note-completion exercises EXAM STRUCTURE 1hr 30 mins Writing – 2 parts – covering internal communication Paper 1 Parts 1-5 words) Reading skills tested with a range of short texts (30-40 and business correspondence (60-80 words) Reading/Writing Listening 40 minsParts 4 parts 3-option multiple 6-9 including Basic writing skills testedchoice, gap-filling 1hr 10 mins and note-taking exercises Paper 2 Parts 1-5 covering Listening tasks include conversations, Speaking 3 parts conversation betweenshort interlocutor and candidate, Listening discussions, interviews and messages 12 mins mini-presentation, collaborative task between candidates 30 mins BEC Reading 1hr 5 parts covering matching, 4-option multiple choice, Paper 3 Part 1 Students with examiner Vantage multiple choice clozeinteract and proof-reading Speaking Writing 45 mins Part 22 parts – writing a message, memo or other email (40-50 words) Students interact with each 8-10 mins per candidate and writing business correspondence, a short report or a

MARKING Listening 40 mins

proposal (120-140 words)

3 parts, gap-filling, multiple matching, multiple choice

Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre The final score Speaking is an aggregate of all 3 parts covering conversation between(paper-based interlocutor and candidate, When: Monthly exam three papers. 14 mins mini-presentation, collaborative task between candidates bi-monthly) Pass with Merit = approx. 85% 6 parts – matching, 4-option multiple choice, 4-option BEC Higher Reading How: Paper or computer-based Pass = approx. 1hr 70% multiple choice cloze, open cloze, proof-reading More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org Narrow fail Writing = within 5% of passing 2 parts – a short report (120-140 words) and a report, a proposal 1hr 10 mins or a piece of business correspondence (200-250 words) Listening 40 mins 3 parts – gap-filling, multiple-matching, 3-option multiple choice Speaking 3 parts covering conversation between interlocutor and candidate, PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS 16 mins mini-presentation, collaborative task between candidates

MARKING KET Testbuilder Each level totals 120 marks after weighting TESTS THAT and scores areTEACH given as either A, B or C grades for a pass, and D or E for a fail. Four complete practice tests Guided analysis of answers PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS Focus on common problem areas BEC Testbuilders Four complete practice tests with a guided analysis of answers and a focus on common problem areas. See also www.macmillanenglish.com/business

Where: Cambridge ESOL-recognised test centre How: Paper-based or computer-based More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org For more information on exam preparation materials visit www.macmillanenglish. com/exams


XXX (EFB) LCCI Full Name: London Chamber of Commerce andName: Industry English Test for Business Exam Full Key– English Exam Board:version London Chamber of (For Schools also available) Commerce Industry ESOL Exam Board:and Cambridge BritishEnglish English British CEF Level: n/a CEF Level: A2

Preparation for

Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

Available at 5 levels (Preliminary and 1-4),test these readingThis is aLevels low level of English thatand often writing-based tests examine English acts as the first step in English languagein a practical and business-related context. qualifications. It covers input for a range are also optional and ofThere everyday situations whichspeaking require basic and predictable use of language. listening tests available.


Level Compulsory Reading and 4 compulsory questions including composition of a letter Paper 1 Parts 1-5 Reading skills tested with a range of short texts 1 Writing or memo; understanding and responding to a passage of Reading/Writing 2 hrs prose;skills ‘read and think’ comprehension test, Parts business-related 6-9 Basic writing tested 1hr 10 mins based on graphic or numerical display; ‘read and write’ Paper 2 Parts reformulation 1-5 Listening conversations, discustasktasks using include data toshort complete forms Listening sions, interviews and messages or diagrams 30 mins Optional Speaking 2 parts: warm-up conversation on general topics (e.g. study, Paper 3 Part 1work ambitions); Studentsdiscussion interactofwith examiner 12 mins a topic chosen by the examiner Speaking Optional Listening 2 tasks: 10 multiple-choice questions; 20 multiple-choice Part 2 Students interact with each other 8-10 mins per candidate 30 mins questions about conversations or announcements Level Compulsory Reading and 3 questions including an extended writing task; a letter2 Writing 2 hrs 30 mins writing task and a reformulation task MARKING Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre The finalOptional score is an aggregate of all2 parts, as above Speaking 13 mins When: Monthly (paper-based exam three papers. Optional Listening 25 mins 2 parts, as above bi-monthly) Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Level Compulsory Reading and 4 questions: composition of aorletter; draft internal report; How: Paper computer-based approx. 70% Writing 3 hrs comprehension task; reformulation task 3Pass = More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org Narrow fail = within 5% 15 of passing Optional Speaking mins As above Optional Listening 25 mins As above

PREPARATION MARKING FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS Graded results of either Fail, Pass, Credit, Distinction.


Where: Registered LCCI centres How: Paper-based More info: www.lccieb.com

PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS FourTestbuilders complete practice tests LCCI

Guided analysis of answers Four complete practice tests with a guided Focus on common problem areas analysis of answers and a focus on common problem areas.

22 21

For more information on exam preparation materials, visit www.macmillanexams.com

For more information on exam preparation materials visit

www.macmillanenglish. com/exams


Preparation for

Aviation English Find your nearest centre at: www.CambridgeESOL.org/nextstep

– Language Proficiency Requirements

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has introduced new legislation that Full Name: Key and English Test controllers operating in international airspace to have a requires all pilots air traffic This is asafety low level of English that often standard levelversion of English. was brought in to increase andtest avoid miscommunication (For Schools alsoThis available) acts as the first step in English language between pilots and air trafficESOL controllers – especially in the case of emergencies and Exam Board: Cambridge qualifications. It covers input for a range ‘non-routine’ scenarios. British English of everyday situations which require basic CEF Level: A2 Operational 4 and predictable use of language. Level Pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation are influenced by the Pronunciation Structure first language or regional variation but only sometimes interfere Assumes a dialect and/or accent EXAM STRUCTURE intelligible to the aeronautical community. with ease of understanding. Basic grammatical structures andwith sentence patterns are used Paper 1 Parts 1-5 Reading skills tested a range of short texts Structure creatively and are usually well-controlled. Errors may occur, Relevant grammatical structures and Reading/Writing Parts 6-9 Basic writingorskills tested circumstances, but rarely patterns are determined by particularly in unusual unexpected 1hrsentence 10 mins language functions appropriate to the task. interfere with meaning. Paper 2 Parts 1-5 Listening tasks include short conversations, Vocabulary range and accuracy are usually sufficient to Listening Vocabulary discussions, interviews and messages communicate effectively on common, concrete and work30 mins related topics. Can often paraphrase successfully when lacking Paper 3 Part 1 vocabulary Students interact with examiner in unusual or unexpected circumstances.

Speaking 8-10 mins perFluency candidate

stretches interact of language an appropriate tempo. There Part 2 ProducesStudents withateach other

may be occasional loss of fluency on transition from rehearsed or formulaic speech to spontaneous interaction, but this does not prevent effective communication. Can make limited use of MARKING Where: Recognised CESOL testing centre or connectors. Fillers are not distraction. The final score is an aggregate of all discourse markers

When: Monthly (paper-based exam three papers.Interactions Responses are usually immediate, appropriate and informative. bi-monthly) Pass with Merit = approx. 85% Initiates and maintains exchanges even when dealing with an How: Paper oradequately computer-based unexpected turn of events. Deals with apparent Pass = approx. 70% More info: www.cambridgeESOL.org misunderstandings by checking, confirming or clarifying. Narrow fail = within 5% of passing PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN PREPARATION FROM MACMILLAN EXAMS

Aviation English

Check Your

Aviation English

Ed tie modoluptat, se facilluptat. Duis acinciduis nit incil dolor ipit adionsecte exercipit la con hent esequisim doleseq uipsum vero eugue tin veraessi ex etue moleseq uismodit, commy nonsectet ad dunt ad eu feum velis am illum ing esequis seniat volobore dionsequam, con utetum zzriusc illandipisi erciliquisi tat iurer secte delenis isseniatie te feugueros at am ip essi te tie euguer adignim dunt at veliquatue magnim quatis dolenibh eum dolortie dunt utpat adio er inci blam auguero duis ea feum vendiam niamconsed modolobor sustinc incidunt iuscipis ad euis ad ea conse facil ea amcon velit aut lut wis el erat. Duis nisisis ciduisim diatinibh ex eros aliquip eugait nisis nonsequipit nulputat. Ut in utatin

Focus on common problem areas

Henry Emery and Andy Roberts

Ugiat. Ro conse dolore dignim quat. Dui eumsan henim non utat. Oborperos alit volutpa tetuer aut nim venisl dit et, quamcor periliquatet lutpat. Ut dolesectem duipis autEctet dolorpero elit augait lorem il ulput essequat. Ut lorem ipisl el in hendion sequat. Lenibh ex ese magnisl irilit, con euiscilis adiamco nsequam, volent ad magnit veliquisi eu feugait lum illandipit luptatio exeros nit velit lore diat del dolobore dit lorem vullaor peraess equat. Gait del delis dolor si tat.

Check Your Aviation English

Developed to the descriptors above, this will prepare students for any credible Aviation English KET Testbuilder exam. There areTEACH 12 chapters TESTS THAT covering non-routine scenarios, using radio-telephony to create a Fourand complete practicebytests context complemented two GuidedCD-ROMs. analysis of answers interactive

Check Your Aviation English

Check Your

Aviation English 30 Units to practise and prepare your speaking and listening for ICAO compliance Plus • progress and review tests • realistic R / T exchanges • audio CD with example answers

Henry Emery and Andy Roberts

All R / T extracts checked and verified by Oxford Aviation Academy


Both these titles were written by the author team Henry Emery and Andy Roberts. They have written a test – the English Test for Aviation and run an Aviation English consultancy and training company. For more information, visit: www.emery-roberts.co.uk

A self-study or classroom book, containing 30 two-page units and 3 audio CDs, which focuses on the topics and language structures required by pilots and air traffic controllers preparing to gain ICAO level 4 languageFor requirements. Endorsed by more information

on exam preparation materials visit

www.macmillanenglish. com/exams

For more information, visit www.macmillanenglish. com/aviationenglish

23 22

Macmillan Exams Portal

www.macmillanexams.com This leaflet has been produced by Nicola Wood, Marketing Executive for Exams, Skills, Grammar and the Middle East. If you need any further information on the products mentioned here, you can contact Nicola through [email protected]


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