distributive lattice D together with a map i : S !D preserving R such that for .... Furthermore the property of having a complement is closed by conjunction and.
Entailment Relations and Distributive Lattices Jan Cederquist1 and Thierry Coquand2 1
Imperial College, London, England University of Goteborg, Sweden
Abstract. To any entailment relation [Sco74] we associate a distributive lattice. We use this to give a construction of the product of lattices over an arbitrary index set, of the Vietoris construction, of the embedding of a distributive lattice in a boolean algebra, and to give a logical description of some spaces associated to mathematical structures.
1 Introduction Most spaces associated to mathematical structures: spectrum of a ring, space of valuations of a eld, space of bounded linear functionals, . . . can be represented as distributive lattices. The key to have a natural de nition in these cases is to use the notion of entailment relation due to Dana Scott. This note explains the connection between entailment relations and distributive lattices. An entailment relation may be seen as a logical description of a distributive lattice. Furthermore, most operations on distributive lattices are simpler when formulated as operations on entailment relations. A special kind of distributive lattices (and hence entailment relations) is then used to represent compact regular spaces. We use this to give an alternative construction of the product of a family of compact regular spaces, and of the Vietoris power locale of a compact regular space [Joh82].
2 Entailment Relation Let S be a set, we think of its elements as abstract \statements" or propositions. We denote by X; Y; Z; : : : arbitrary nite subsets of S . We write X; Y for X [ Y and X; s for X [ fsg.
De nition 1. An entailment relation ` on the set S is a relation between nite
subsets of S satisfying the following conditions of re exivity, monotonicity and transitivity: X ` Y if X \ Y is inhabited (R)
X`Y X; X 0 ` Y; Y 0 X ` s; Z X; s ` Z X`Z
(M ) (T )
The rst condition (R) can be replaced by the condition x ` x using the second condition (M). Notice that this de nition is \symmetric": the converse of an entailment relation is also an entailment relation. As emphasised by Scott [Sco71, Sco73, Sco74], this notion of entailment relation can be seen as an abstract generalisation of Gentzen's multi-conclusion sequent calculus. Gentzen was inspired by the notion of consequence relation, due to Hertz, see [Gen69], and was the rst to formulate the rule (T ) in this setting. The basic idea of this note is that entailment relations provide a general way of presenting distributive lattices. The reason is as follows. First, relations as equations e = f can be replaced by relations as inequations e f and f e. Next, if e is expressed in disjunctive normal form and f in conjunctive normal form, then the inequation e f can be replaced by a set of inequations disjunct of e conjunct of f, which is the same form as an entailment. Here is a general lemma about entailment relations that will be needed in one example. We suppose given an entailment relation ` on a set S . Let A S be a subset of S: We let X `A Y mean that there exists a nite subset A0 A such that X; A0 ` Y:
Lemma2. `A is an entailment relation. It is the least entailment relation `0 containing ` such that `0 a for all a 2 A: Proof. The rules (R) and (M ) clearly hold for `A : Let us check the rule (T ). If we have X `A s; Y and X; s `A Y then there exist A1 ; A2 A nite such that X; A1 ` s; Y and X; A2 ; s ` Y: By (T ) and (M ) for ` it follows that we have X; A1 ; A2 ` Y: Since A1 [ A2 A is nite, this implies X `A Y as desired. It is clear that we have `A a for all a 2 A: Let `0 be an entailment relation containing ` such that `0 a for all a 2 A: If we have X; A0 ` Y with A0 A nite then by using (T ) we get X `0 Y . This shows that `0 contains `A :
3 Distributive Lattices Given a set S with a binary relation R on nite subsets of S we say that a map f : S ! D from S to a distributive lattice D preserves R i X R Y implies ^x2X f (x) _y2Y f (y): We are interested in the following universal problem: a distributive lattice D together with a map i : S ! D preserving R such that for any other map f : S ! L preserving R there is a unique lattice map f 0 : D ! L such that f 0 i = f: We say that D; i : S ! D is generated by S; R: Since the theory of distributive lattice is equational, there is a solution to this universal problem. The goal of this section is to prove the following result.
Theorem 3. Let S be a set with an entailment relation ` : If D; i : S ! D is the distributive lattice generated by S; ` then X ` Y i ^x2X i(x) _y2Y i(y):
Corollary 4. Let S be a set with a binary relation R on nite subsets of S: If D; i : S ! D is the distributive lattice generated by S; R then the relation X R+ Y de ned by ^x2X i(x) _y2Y i(y) is the least entailment relation containing R: We shall prove this theorem by building explicitly a distributive lattice D; i : S ! D generated by a given entailment relation S; ` : Notice that, for any solution, using distributivity, any element of D is equal to one element _j ^x2Y i(x) for some nite set fY0 ; : : : ; Ym?1 g of nite subsets of S: This suggests the j
following construction. Let D be the set of nite sets of nite subsets of S . Intuitively A 2 D is thought of as _X 2A ^x2X x. If A; B 2 D let A ^ B be the nite set of all unions X [ Y; X 2 A; Y 2 B and A _ B be the union of A and B: To each A 2 D we can associate A 2 D such that Z meets all elements of A i Z contains one element of A : we take A to be the set ffxg j x 2 X g if A is a singleton fX g and (A [ B ) = A ^ B : We de ne then A B to mean X ` Y for all X 2 A and Y 2 B : Finally, we let i : S ! D be the map i(a) = ffagg:
Lemma 5. If X ` y; Z for all y 2 Y and Y ` Z then X ` Z . Proof. This is a direct consequence of the rules (M ) and (T ).
Lemma 6. Let B be an element of D: If Y ` Z for all Y 2 B and X ` Y; Z for all Y 2 B then X ` Z . Proof. We write B = fY ; : : : ; Ym? g and reason by induction on m. The base case is trivial. If m > 0 then for any y 2 Ym? and any Y 0 2 fY ; : : : ; Ym? g , we have Y 0 ; y 2 fY ; : : : ; Ym? g and hence X ` Y 0 ; y. By hypothesis Y ` Z; : : : ; Ym? ` Z and hence Y ` y; Z; : : : ; Ym? ` y; Z . By induction hypothesis X ` y; Z , then by the previous lemma X ` Z . Proposition 7. The relation is re exive and transitive on D. Furthermore D is a distributive lattice for the operation A ^ B and A _ B with a least element 0 = ; and a greatest element 1 = f;g. Proof. Re exivity of follows from (R). Transitivity is a consequence of the previous lemma. For checking that ^ is indeed a meet operation, we remark that each element of (A ^ B ) either contains an element of A or contains an element of B : Distributivity holds because A ^ (B _ C ) = (A ^ B ) _ (A ^ C ): Proposition 8. The distributive lattice D; i : S ! D is generated by the entailment relation ` : Proof. Let L be a distributive lattice and f : S ?! L a map preserving `. If A = fXi j i 2 I g we de ne f 0 (A) to be ^i2I _x2X f (x). This is a lattice 0
morphism from D to L such that f 0 i = f . Furthermore, it is clear that the values of f 0 are uniquely determined by the condition f 0 i = f: i
Theorem 3 is a direct consequence. In this particular construction we do have X ` Y i ^x2X i(x) ` _y2Y i(y) and hence, by unicity of the solution of an universal problem, this holds for any solution. Another way of proving this theorem, closer to the way taken in [JKM97], would be to consider the set S of syntactical ^; _-formulae on S , to de ne a sequent calculus on S taking as axiom the sequents on atomic formulae given by the entailment relation. We can then prove a cut-elimination result that gives another proof of theorem 3 [JKM97].
4 Some Universal Constructions The goal of this section is to show that the notion of entailment relation simpli es the construction of the solution of some universal problems for distributive lattices.
4.1 Product Let Dj be a family of distributive lattices, indexed over a set J . We consider S = (j 2 J )Dj and the following relation: X ` Y i there exists j 2 J and a0 ; : : : ; an?1 ; b0 ; : : : ; bm?1 in Dj such that (j; ak ) 2 X and (j; bl ) 2 Y and a0 ^ : : : ^ an?1 b0 _ : : : _ bm?1 in Dj .
Theorem 9. The relation ` is an entailment relation on S . Let D; i : S ! D be the distributive lattice generated by S; ` and j : Dj ! D be the map a 7?! i(a; j ): Then D; j : Dj ! D is the coproduct lattice of the family Dj : Proof. The fact that ` is an entailment relation has a direct proof. Also, we have (j; a)(j; b) ` (j; ab) and (j; ab) ` (j; a); (j; ab) ` (j; b) for each a; b 2 Dj so that j (ab) = j (a)j (b). Similarly we prove j (a _ b) = j (a) _ j (b); j (0) = 0 and j (1) = 1 so that j is a morphism. If we have a lattice L with a family of morphisms fj : Dj ! L we can de ne
f : S ! L; (j; a) 7?! fj (a): It is direct that f preserves ` because each fj is a morphism and hence there is a unique lattice map f 0 : D ! L such that f 0 i = f which is also the unique lattice map such that f 0 j = fj for all j: Remark. If Dj is generated by an entailment relation Sj ; ` another entailment relation generating the coproduct of the family (Dj ) is given by the set S 0 = (j 2 J )Sj with the entailment relation: X ` Y i there exists j 2 J and x0 ; : : : ; xn?1 ; y0; : : : ; ym?1 in Sj such that (j; xk ) 2 X and (j; yl ) 2 Y and x0 ; : : : ; xn?1 ` y0 ; : : : ; ym?1 in Sj .
4.2 Vietoris Construction
Let D be a distributive lattice. We take for S the set of elements 2x and 3x for x 2 D. We de ne the relation ` as follows: 2xi ; 3yj ` 2zk ; 3tl i ^i xi zk __l tl in D for one k or ^i xi ^ yj _l tl in D for one j . Theorem 10. ` is an entailment relation on S . Furthermore, the lattice V (D) generated by S; ` is the lattice generated by abstract symbols 2(a); 3(a); a 2 D subject to the relations (see [Joh85]) { 2(1) = 1; 2(a1a2) = 2(a1 )2(a2); { 3(0) = 0; 3(a1 _ a2) = 3(a1) _ 3(a2); { 2(a1 )3(a2) 3(a1a2 ); { 2(a1 _ a2) 2(a1 ) _ 3(a2):
Proof. (R), (M ) and (T ) for ` are immediate. It is also directly checked that the given relations hold in V (D): Let L be a distributive lattice with elements t(a); m(a) 2 L for a 2 D satisfying { m(1) = 1; m(a1 a2) = m(a1)m(a2 ); { t(0) = 0; t(a1 _ a2) = t(a1 ) _ t(a2 ); { m(a1 )t(a2) t(a1 a2); { m(a1 _ a2) m(a1) _ t(a2): We can de ne a map f : S ! L by f (2(a)) = t(a) and f (3(a)) = m(a): It is direct that f preserves ` and hence there is a unique lattice map f 0 : D ! L such that f 0 i = f which is the unique lattice map such that f 0 2 = t and f 0 3 = m: Remark. If D is generated by an entailment relation S0 ; ` another entailment relation generating V (D) is given by the set of elements 2(X ); 3(X ), where X is a nite subset of S0 ; with the entailment relation: 2Xi ; 3Yj ` 2Zk ; 3Tl i there exists k such that xi ; Zk ` tl for all choices xi 2 Xi ; tl 2 Tl or there exists j such that xi ; Yj ` tl for all choices xi 2 Xi ; tl 2 Tl :
4.3 Embedding of a distributive lattice in a boolean algebra
Let D be a distributive lattice. We are interested in the following problem: to nd a lattice map i : D ! B from D in a boolean algebra B such that, if B 0 is any boolean algebra and f : D ! B 0 any lattice map there exists a unique lattice map f 0 : B ! B 0 such that f 0 i = f: We say that B; i : D ! B is the boolean algebra generated by the distributive lattice D: Let S be the set of elements x 2 D or x for x 2 D. We de ne the relation ` as follows: xi ; yj ` zk ; tl i ^i xi ^ ^l tl _j yj _ _k zk in D.
Theorem 11. ` is an entailment relation on S . If B; i : S ! B is the distributive lattice generated by S; `, then B is a boolean algebra, and x 7?! i(x); D ! B is the boolean algebra generated by D:
Proof. That ` is an entailment relation is direct. We prove that any element of B has a complement. By construction each element i(s) for s 2 S has a complement because i(x) is the complement of i(x): Furthermore the property of having a complement is closed by conjunction and disjunction, hence any element of B has a complement. The map i : D ! B; x 7?! i(x) is a lattice map. Indeed, if x y we have x ` y and hence i(x) i(y): Since i(x); i(y) ` i(xy) we have also i(x)i(y) i(xy) and hence i(xy) = i(x)i(y): Similarly we prove i(x _ y) = i(x) _ i(y) and i(0) = 0 and i(1) = 1: Finally, if B 0 is a boolean algebra and f : D ! B 0 a lattice map, then we can extend f to g : S ! B 0 by taking g(x) = f (x): It is direct to check that g preserves ` and hence we have a unique lattice map f 0 : B ! B 0 such that f 0 i = g: This shows that there exists a unique lattice map f 0 : B ! B 0 such that f 0 (i(x)) = f (x) for all x 2 D since this implies f 0(i(x)) = f (x) and hence this condition is actually equivalent to f 0 i = g:
As an application of theorem 3 we get the following result.
Corollary 12. If B; i : D ! B is the boolean algebra generated by a distributive lattice D we have a b in D i i(a) i(b) in B: The reader can compare this construction with the ones in [Mac37, Mac39, Per57]. Remark. If D is generated by an entailment relation S0 ; ` another entailment relation generating B is given by the set of elements x 2 S0 or x for x 2 S0 with the entailment relation: xi ; yj ` zk ; tl i xi ; tl ` yj ; zk in S0 .
4.4 Dimension of Lattices A. Joyal has suggested the following constructive de nition of the Krull dimension of commutative rings (and distributive lattices, see [BJ81, En86]). We shall only look at the case of dimension 0: For any distributive lattice D one considers the distributive lattice D1 solution of the following universal problem: there exist two morphisms u0; u1 : D ! D1 such that u0 u1 . The dimension of D is then de ned to be 0 i u0 = u1 . We can characterise the lattice D1 as follows. Let S be the set of formal elements u0(x) and u1 (x) for x 2 D. We consider the relation u0 (ai ); u1 (bj ) ` u0 (ck ); u1 (dl ) de ned by: there exists x 2 D such that ^ai x _ ck and ^ai ^ bj ^ x _dl :
Theorem 13. The relation ` is an entailment relation on S and the distributive lattice D generated by S; ` is a solution to the universal problem: there exist two morphisms u ; u : D ! D such that u u . Proof. That the relation ` satis es (R) and (M ) is direct. Let us prove that it satis es (T ). If we have both u (x); u (a); u (b) ` u (c); u (d) and u (a); u (b) ` u (x); u (c); u (d) then there exist z ; z 2 D such that xa z _ c; xz ab d 1
and a z2 _ x _ c; z2 ab d: Let us take z = xz1 _ z2 : We have abz = xz1 ab _ z2 ab d: Furthermore xa z1 x _ c and a x _ z2 _ c so that a z _ c: It follows that we have u0 (a); u1 (b) ` u0 (c); u1 (d) as desired. The second case to consider is if we have both
u1 (x); u0 (a); u1 (b) ` u0 (c); u1 (d) and u0 (a); u1 (b) ` u1 (x); u0 (c); u1 (d): In this case there exist z1 ; z2 2 D such that a z1 _ c; xz1 ab d and a z2 _ c; z2 ab x _ d: Let us take z = z1 z2 . We have a (z1 _ c)(z2 _ c) = z _ c and azb x _ d; azbx d so that azb d: It follows that we have u0 (a); u1 (b) ` u0 (c); u1 (d) as desired. The fact that we get a solution of the universal problem is then proved in the same way as in the previous examples. Using the theorem 3 we get the following corollary.
Corollary 14. We have u (a)u (b) u (c) _ u (d) i there exists x 2 D such that a c _ x and abx d: 0
Another application is the following characterisation of lattices of dimension 0 [En86].
Corollary 15. A lattice D is of dimension 0 i it is boolean. Proof. In general u (a) ` u (a) i u (1); u (a) ` u (a); u (0) i a has a comple1
ment in D: Hence u0 = u1 i D is boolean.
5 Points Let D be a distributive lattice. As usual a lter of D is a subset F of D such that:
{ 1 2 F and { xy 2 F whenever x; y 2 F and { y 2 F whenever x 2 F and x y: Each element x 2 D de nes a lter Fx D by taking y 2 Fx to mean x _ y = 1: Dually an ideal of D is a subset I D such that 0 2 D and x _ y 2 D whenever x; y 2 D and y 2 D whenever x 2 D and y x: Each element x 2 D de nes an ideal Ix = fy 2 D j y xg: Any distributive lattice D de nes canonically a spectral space [Joh82], which, as a frame, is the frame of all ideals of D: Let S; ` be an entailment relation and D; i : S ! D the distributive lattice generated by S; ` : The following result gives a direct characterisation of points of the spectral space de ned by D: We recall that these points can be de ned as prime lters D; that are lters such that 0 is not in and such that if x _ y 2 then x 2 or y 2 :
Proposition 16. The points of the spectral space de ned by D are completely determined by their restriction = i? () S: These are exactly the subsets of S such that if X ` Y and X then Y \ is inhabited. 1
Thus, if we see an entailment relation as a logical description of a spectral space, we can interpret this proposition as stating that points are theories compatible with the entailment relation.
6 Examples We give three examples of entailment relations naturally associated to some mathematical structures. In each case we have a direct description of an inductively de ned entailment relation.
6.1 Spectrum of a ring
Let A be a commutative ring. The relation X ` Y is de ned to mean that the product of the elements of Y belongs to the radical of the ideal generated by X .
Theorem 17. ` is an entailment relation on A: It is the least entailment relation on A such that: { ` 0; { 1 `;
{ x ` xy; { xy ` x; y; { x; y ` x + y: A point for this entailment relation is exactly a prime ideal of A.
6.2 Real Spectrum of a ring
Let A be a commutative ring. A cone of A is a subset C A closed by addition, mutiplication and which contains all square elements x2 ; x 2 A: The following claims are directly checked: the smallest cone S of A is the set of sum of squares; if C is a cone and a 2 A the cone generated by C and a, that is the least cone containing C and a is the set C + aC of elements u + va; u; v 2 C: The relation X ` Y is de ned to mean that there exists a relation of the form m + p = 0 where m is in the monoid generated by X and p is in the positive cone generated by X and f?y j y 2 Y g:
Theorem 18. ` is an entailment relation on A: It is the least entailment relation on A such that: { ` 1;
{ x; ?x `;
{ { { {
x + y ` x; y; x; y ` xy; xy ` x; ?x; xy ` x; ?y: A point for this entailment relation de nes a total ordering over A:
6.3 Space of Valuations Let K be a eld, that is a ring in which any element is 0 or is invertible, and let S be the set of its invertible elements. If xi ; yj are in S; we de ne xi ` yj to mean that there exist qj polynomials in yj?1 and xi with integer coecients such that yj?1 qj = 1:
Theorem 19. ` is an entailment relation on S: It is the least entailment relation on S such that:
{ { { {
` x; x? ; x ` ?x; x; y ` xy; ` x; y if xy = x + y: 1
For a proof, see [CP98]. In [CP98] this description of the space of valuation is used to give a constructive version of a proof of a theorem of Kronecker which uses valuation rings. A point for this entailment relation de nes a valuation ring of K: Finally, notice that X ` y means that y is integral over the set X .
6.4 Total Ordering of a Vector Space Let E be a vector space over the eld Q of rational numbers. We de ne xi ` yj as meaning that there exists ri 0; sj 0 such that ri xi = sj yj and ri = 1: Another equivalent formulation is that X ` Y mean that the convex hull of X meets the positive cone generated by Y:
Theorem 20. ` is an entailment relation on E: It is the least entailment relation on E such that:
{ x; ?x `; { x + y ` x; y: Notice that a consequence of these two entailment is x + y; ?y ` x and so x; y ` x + y: It follows that x ` px and px ` x for any natural number p > 0 and so tx ` x if t is a rational > 0: A point for this entailment relation de nes a strict ordering < on E such that tx < ty implies x < y for t > 0 and x + z < y + t implies x < y or z < t:
7 Normal Lattices and Compact Regular Spaces 7.1 Normal Lattices For x; y 2 D, we let x y mean that there exists m such that xm = 0 and y _ m = 1. We say that a lter F D is regular i whenever x 2 F there exists x0 2 F such that x0 x [Mul90]. Dually we say that an ideal I D is regular i x 2 I whenever x0 2 I for all x0 x: The following results are proved directly. Lemma21. F = f1g and F = D are regular lters. Furthermore if Fx; Fy are regular then so are Fxy and Fx_y : Finally x0 x and y0 y imply both x0 y0 xy and x0 _ y0 x _ y: 0
We say that a distributive lattice D is normal i all lters Fx are regular. An equivalent de nition is given by the following result.
Lemma22. D is normal i whenever x _ y = 1 there exist a; b 2 D such that a _ x = 1; b _ y = 1 and ab = 0. We say that an entailment relation ` on a set S is normal i whenever ` b; X there exist b0 ; m 2 S such that ` b0 ; X and ` b; m and b0 ; m ` : Proposition 23. If ` is normal then so is the distributive lattice D; i : S ! D generated by ` : Proof. Using lemma 21 and the fact that any element of D is a disjunction of conjunctions of elements in i(S ), it is enough to show that each lter Fi(x) is normal for x 2 S: Let a 2 Fi(x) : We can write a = ^j aj with aj = _k i(yjk ) for some family (yjk ) in S: We have then aj 2 Fi(x) for each j and hence, by theorem 3 ` x; yjk for each j: Using the normality of ` we nd then a0jk i(yjk ) such that a0j = _k a0jk 2 Fi(x) : Using the lemma 21 again, we have a0j aj for all j and hence a0 = ^a0j ^aj = a: Since a0 2 Fi(x) ; this shows that Fi(x) is regular.
Corollary 24. Let Dj be a family of lattices and D; j : Dj ! D its coproduct. If each Dj is normal then so is D: Corollary 25. If D is a normal lattice then so is V (D): Proof. Suppose ` 2a; X with X = 2a ; : : : ; 2am ; 3b ; : : : ; 3bn then, by definition, ai _ b _ : : : _ bn = 1, for some i or a _ b : : : _ bn = 1: If we have ai _ b _ : : : _ bn = 1, then we have ` 30; X and ` 21; 2a and 21; 30 ` : If we have a _ b : : : _ bn = 1 then since D is normal there exists a0 a such that a0 _ b _ : : : _ bn = 1; and hence ` 2a0 ; X . We then have m 2 D such that a0 m = 0 and a _ m = 1 and this implies ` 2a; 3m and 2a0 ; 3m ` : We do a similar reasoning if ` 3a; X: 1
7.2 Compact Hausdor Spaces Any distributive lattice de nes a formal spectral space [Joh82] which can be de ned as the frame of all ideals of this lattice.
Lemma 26. For any distributive lattice D if x y and y y0 then x y0 and if x x0 and x0 y then x y: If furthermore D is normal then the relation is dense: if x y then there exists z such that x z y: If D is normal and x y _ y then there exists y0 y and y0 y such that x y0 _ y0 : 1
The importance of the notion of normal lattices comes from the following result.
Theorem 27. If D is a normal lattice, the regular ideals of D de nes a frame which is compact regular [Joh82]. Furthermore, any compact regular space can be presented in this way. Proof. If U is a subset of D de ne
j (U ) = fx 2 D j 8x0 x x0 2 U g: From the lemma it follows that j (U ) is a regular ideal of D whenever U is an ideal of D: It follows that j de nes a nucleus [Joh82] on the frame of ideals of D whose xed points are exactly the regular ideals. Hence [Joh82] regular W ideals form a frame. As a space, it is compact because 1 1; and hence 1 2 Ui i 1 is in the ideal generated by [i Ui . W a regular ideal. We have U = u2U j (Iu ) and we show that j (Iu ) = W Letj (UI be) and that j (Iv ) j (Iu ) if v u: This will show that regular ideals vu v de ne a regular space. The rst assertion follows directly from the de nition of j: If v u there exists m such that m _ u = 1 and vm = 0. We then have j (Im ) _ j (Iu ) = 1 and j (Iv )j (Im ) = 0 and hence j (Iv ) j (Iu ): The corollaries 24 and 25 give an alternative way of de ning the product of a family of compact regular spaces and the Vietoris space associated to a compact regular space respectively and of showing that in both cases we get a compact regular space [Joh82, Joh85]. For the product, this is a special case of Tychono's theorem [Joh82].
Theorem 28. The compact regular space associated to the coproduct of a family of normal lattices is the product of the family of associated spaces.
Theorem 29. If D is a normal lattice, the space associated to the normal lattice V (D) is the Vietoris powerlocale of the compact regular space associated to D: The proofs are omitted here.
8 Example: Linear functionals of norm 1
Let E is a seminormed space [MP91] and S be the vector space Q E: Let us write p < x an element (p; x) 2 S: Using lemma 2 and theorem 20 we consider the entailment relation over S generated by the axioms ` ?1 < x for x 2 N (1): A direct de nition is that pi < xi ` qj < yj holds i there exists ri 0; r 0; sj 0 and z 2 N (1) such that r + ri = 1 and r(z; ?1) + ri (xi ; pi ) = sj (yj ; qj ): Notice that we can suppose z to be in the vector space generated by the elements xi and yj : Theorem 30. ` is an entailment relation on S: It is the least entailment relation such that, writing x < r for ?r < ?x :
{ x < r; r < x `; { r + s < x + y ` r < x; s < y; { ` ?1 < x if x 2 N (1): Notice that ` r < x; x < s is a consequence of these axioms for r < s: Theorem 31. The entailment relation ` is normal. Proof. If ` r < x; X it can be checked directly that there exists r0 > r such that ` r0 < x; X . Furthermore we have then x < r0 ; r0 < x ` and ` x < r0 ; r < x:
The points of the associated compact Hausdor space are exactly the linear functionals over E of norm 1: Let E1 E2 be two spaces. We have now two entailment relations `1 ; `2 on E1 ; E2 respectively. The following result, which is a direct consequence of the direct description of `1 and `2 , can be seen as the localic version of the theorem of Hahn-Banach [MP91]. Theorem 32. The entailment relation `2 is a conservative extension of `1: if xi ; yj 2 E1 then ri < xi `2 sj < yj i ri < xi `1 sj < yj :
Related work and Acknowledgement A Gentzen style sequent calculus is studied in [JKM97]. There a category of coherent sequent calculi with compatible consequence relations as arrows are de ned, this category is equivalent to the category of strong proximity lattices and weak approximable relations. The sequents do not necessarily satisfy re exivity and this makes it possible to have dierent logical systems on the left and right of the turnstile. Direct descriptions of powerlocales in terms of presentational schemes have been carried through in a number of contexts: for algebraic dcpos in [Plo83], continuous dcpos in [Vic93], completions of quasimetric spaces in [Vic97], and for strongly algebraic (SFP) domains in [Abr91]. The second author presented part of this work to the logic group in Padova and wants to thank the audience for their interesting comments. Steve Vickers gave also detailed comments that helped in the presentation of the paper.
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