COMPETION RULES (GCR) contained in the MNZ Manual of Motorcycle ..... KTM
60 SX (1998-2010), KTM 65 SX (1998-2012), KTM 65 SX (2013), Cobra CX 65.
SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS: 1. Meeting: This meeting will be held in accordance with the current GENERAL COMPETION RULES (GCR) contained in the MNZ Manual of Motorcycle Sport, these Supplementary Regulations, final instructions (that may be contained on the organisers web site) and directions at briefing. 2. Entries: Entries to be completed on official entry form and payment received by the Gold Coast Motocross Club prior to the closing date. Entries close Sunday 5th May. 3. Entry Confirmation: Entries will be confirmed on the event web site www. This will be updated four days before race date. Please contact the event co-ordinator if you have any queries. 4. Minimum entries: Minimum 6 entries to constitute a class. 5. Pre Riding Track: As per MNZ Rule 15-15-4. No competitor may ride the Championship track within 10 days of the Championship Event. Any competitor caught doing so will be disqualified from the Championship Event. Check our web site for open/practice day times.
8. Lap Scoring: An electronic timing lap-scoring system will be used for Senior/ Junior classes. Electronic tags will become the responsibility of the rider, any lost or damaged tags will be charged to the rider or parent or guardian. Riders are able to keep their tags. During the event if tags are lost and need to be reissued, a fee of $10.00 each will be charged to the competitior/parent or guardian. Mini classes will be manually lap-scored. 9. Grid Positions and Point Scoring: Grid position for riders will be by peg draw for first round, then finish position of previous race. 10. Technical Inspection: As per MNZ general competition rule 10-1. Modifications as per rule 15-15-5. Inspections may be undertaken at random, including fuel testing.
Wellington’s own long running regional motocross championships. All classes – Senior, Junior and Mini, raced over the one day on Sunday 12th May 2013. Trophies on offer for all classes, plus the title of Wellington’s best MX rider in each class.
11. Noise Testing: Noise testing will be performed at random with a maximum limit of 98Dba, as per MNZ regulations. 12. Refunds: Refunds of entry fees will be as per rule 5-5-2.
6. Qualifying: No qualifying for any classes. Class close when gate full, as entries received (remainder put on waiting list)
13. Force Majeure: For reasons of Force Majeure, should the meeting or part of the meeting be cancelled, any entry fees refunds will be made at the sole discretion of the organisers.
7. Start: Senior/Junior starts will be with backward falling (self-penalising) gates. Mini starts will be with bungy line. Maximum 30-bike start gate.
14. Tear Offs: NO TEAR OFF’S (tear offs are not permitted at this event). Any will be removed at the start line. Roll-offs are acceptable. 15. Riding in Pits: Bikes to be ridden in 1st gear/walking pace in the pits. Helmets must be worn at all times when riding. 16. Dogs and Pit Bikes: No DOGS or PIT BIKES are allowed on site at this event.
For more details keep a watch on
Permit #TBA
Gold Coast Motocross Club, Himatangi Block Road, Foxton
Phone (H) ………………………………………… (C) ………………………………………… Email ……………………………………………………………………………… MNZ Lic No: …………………………… Transponder system tag #……………………………………………
$20 late entry fee will be applied
To Gold Coast Motorcycle Club , and Motorcycling New Zealand Inc. 1. I have read the Suppplementary Regulations for this Competition and agree to be bound by them and the General Rules of MNZ Inc.
Refunds for entry fees will be as per MNZ Ruling 5-5-2
2. I am aware that the sport of Motorcycle Competition might a) cause me injury; serious of otherwise b) damage my property 3. I wish to take part in the Wellington Champs completion despite the above risks 4. Neither I, nor anyone associated or connected with me will make any claim against you or your officers, employees or agents in respect of: a) any injury suffered by me; or b) any damage to any of my property regardless of how the injury or damage occurs. 5. I will indemnify you against all claims, damages or losses (including costs) which you incur as the direct or indirect result of any injury to me or damage to my property. 6. I am physically fit and there is no health or other reason why I should not participate in the sport of motorcycle competition.
PROTEST COMMITTEE: MNZ Steward, Clerk of the Course, and Rider Representative.
7. I am aware that this disclaimer will not affect any legal obligations you have to me which you cannot contract out of under NZ Law.
For reasons of Force Majeure, should a meeting or part of a meeting be cancelled, any entry fee Refunds will be made at the sole discretion of the Organisers.
8. I agree that in this disclaimer “my property” includes any property owned by me or in my possession or under my control. 9. I agree that this disclaimer will be binding on my family, my heirs, my legal assigns and my administrators and executors. 10. I accept that stripping and re-assembly for Technical Checks are at my cost. 11. I consent to the details contained in this form being held by the Gold Coast Motocross Club for the purpose of the promotion and the benefit of the race meeting concerned and motorcycling in general. I acknowledge my right to access and correction of this information. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. 12. MNZ supports the FIM/IOC Charter on drugs in sport. MNZ uses the services of the NZ Drug Sports Agency (NZSDA) to professionally carry out the testing. I acknowledge by signing this form I may be subjected to a drug/alcohol test at any time. I agree to such testing. I further agree that my name can be published by MNZ as having taken part in a drug/alcohol test together with the results of that testing.
Signature of rider: …………………………………………………………………....................................... Date: ……………………………………………. The disclaimer must be counter-signed by a parent or legal guardian who is to be present at the event if rider is under 16 years of age
The Organisers reserve the right to alter the meeting format as deemed necessary.
SIGNON: Junior / Senior signon will commence at 7:00am Riders briefing to commence at 8:00am Mini signon will commence at 7:30am Riders briefing for mini riders will commence at 8.45am
Parent/Legal Guardian: …………………………………………………………………. Relationship:……………………………………………………….. Mini Classes
All classes, excluding Mini classes, will be transpondered. Mini classes will be manually lapscorred.
Sponsors ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Senior Classes
Permit #TBA
DOB ……………………………………………… Age ………………
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Race No ……………………………
Junior Classes
Mini Classes
MX 50cc 6-8 yrs
8-11 yrs 85cc + 150cc 4 stroke
National Open (MX1)
MX 65cc 7-8 yrs
12-16 yrs 85cc + 150cc 4 stroke
Senior Classes
N.B. The organisers reserve the right to alter race durations to ensure the meeting remains on schedule.
MX 65cc 9-11 yrs
Trail 7-11 yrs
Intro 1 50cc 4-5 yrs Trail
Intro 2 50cc 6-8 yrs Trail
Classes limited to 30 riders max per class - No qualifying will be run for any classes
Intro MX 50cc 4-7 yrs
12-16 yrs 125cc (2 stroke) + 14-16 yrs 250cc (4 stroke)
4 6 8 10 12 Adults:
Amount Enclosed: Entry $……………………
Please note that tearoffs are not permitted at this event
CONFIRMATION OF ENTRIES: Final entry lists will be available on our website 4 days before race day.
TOTAL $…………………… Mail to: GCMCC, P O Box 137, Waikanae. Cheques to be made payable to GCMCC
Trophies to 5th place, medals 6th place onwards
Junior riders
Trophies to 3rd place
Senior riders
Trophies and prize money to 3rd place
Event Secretary:
Melissa Jeffs
Ph 06 367 0430
MNZ Steward:
Shane Ross, Bruce Bryant
Riders Representative:
To be appointed at Riders Briefing
Clerk of Course: Sharlene Bryant
Internet Banking. For payments by Internet Banking, please make payments to: Gold Coast Motocross Club Inc., BNZ Levin. Account 02 0668 0240047 00. For all payments, please put your surname and class (Mini, Junior, Senior) as the reference. Please print and attach a copy of the payment confirmation with this entry for, or send via email to
[email protected]. Entries must be received by 5 May 2013. Entries not accepted unless entry fee is enclosed.
Mini riders
T-Shirts $30 Late Entry Fee (after 5 May 2013)
3 x 18 minutes + 1 lap
T-Shirts: Kids:
Junior & Vet Classes 3 x 13 minutes + 1 lap
TEAROFFS: Please check homologation listing on next page for more information on Mini classes.
Permit No: TBA
Enquiries: Melissa Jeffs
MX 65cc 9-11 year Kawasaki KX 60 (1985-2010), Kawasaki KX 65 (2000-2013), Polini XP 65R (2010), Suzuki RM 60 (2003-2010), Suzuki RM 65 (2003-2010), LEM RX 65 (2005-2010), KTM 60 SX (1998-2010), KTM 65 SX (1998-2012), KTM 65 SX (2013), Cobra CX 65 (2010), Husqvarna CR 65 (2012)
MX 65cc 7-8 year Kawasaki KX 60 (1985-2010), Kawasaki KX 65 (2000-2013), Polini XP 65R (2010), Suzuki RM 60 (2003-2010), Suzuki RM 65 (2003-2010), LEM RX 65 (2005-2010), KTM 60 SX (1998-2010), KTM 65 SX (1998-2012), KTM 65 SX (2013), Cobra CX 65 (2010), Husqvarna CR 65 (2012)
Trail 7-11year Honda CRF 70 (2004-2010), Honda XR 70 (1997-2010), Honda XR 80 (1979-2010), Honda CRF 80 (2004-2010), Honda XR 100 (1985-2010), Honda CRF 100 (20042010), Kawasaki KLX 110 (2002-2010), CMG JS 80 (2004-2010), CMG JS 90 (20042010), Yamaha PW 90 (2002-2010), Yamaha TTR 90 (2000-2010), Yamaha TTR 90E (2004-2010), Polini XP4R (2010), Lifan Club (2005-2010), Suzuki DRZ-70, Suzuki DRZ 110 (2003-2010), Suzuki DS 80 (1990-2010), Suzuki JR 80 (2001-2010)
MX 50cc 6-8 year Honda CRF 50 (2003-2012), Honda XR 50 (2000-2003), Honda QR 50 (1983-2004), Husqvarna Husky-Boy H2O (2002-05), Husqvarna Husky-Boy Basic (2002-05), Husqvarna Husky-Boy Senior (2002-12), Kawasaki KDX 50 (2003-2006), LEM R3 (USA) (2004-2005), LEM RX3 (USA) (2006), Yamaha PW 50 (1983-2012), Yamaha TTR 50E (2005-2012), Suzuki JR50 (1988-2012), Zongshen ZS 50 GY (2005-2006), Keeway Cooper 50 (2007-2008), KTM 50 Mini Adventure (2003-2008), KTM 50 Senior Adventure (2003-06), KTM 50 SX (Junior) AC (1997-2001), KTM 50 SX (Pro Junior) LC (2001-06), KTM 50 SX (Senior) AC (1997-2001), KTM 50 SX (Pro Senior) LC (2001-06), KTM 50 SX (2009-2013), KTM 50 Mini SX (2009-2013)
Support Classes:
4 x races, each not more than 8 minutes + 1 lap
National 125cc (MX2)
Mini’s Championship Classes
Ph 06 367 0430
Intro Trail 50cc: 4 – 5 years Honda CRF 50 (2003-2010), Honda XR 50 (2000-2010), Honda QR 50 (19832010), Kawasaki KDX 50 (2003-2010), Yamaha PW 50 (1983-2010), Yamaha TTR 50E (2005-2010), Suzuki JR50 (1988-2010), Zongshen ZS 50 GY (2005-2010)
Intro Trail 50cc: 6 -8 years Honda CRF 50 (2003-2010), Honda XR 50 (2000-2010), Honda QR 50 (19832010), Kawasaki KDX 50 (2003-2010), Yamaha PW 50 (1983-2010), Yamaha TTR 50E (2005-2010), Suzuki JR50 (1988-2010), Zongshen ZS 50 GY (2005-2010)
Intro MX 50cc: 4 – 7 years Honda CRF 50 (2003-2012), Honda XR 50 (2000-2003), Honda QR 50 (19832004), Kawasaki KDX 50 (2003-2012), Yamaha TTR 50E (2005-2012), Suzuki JR50 (1988-2012), Zongshen ZS 50 GY (2005-2006), Yamaha PW 50 (19832012), KTM 50 Mini SX (2009-2013), KTM 50 Mini Adventure (2003-2010) Note: 50cc support classes may be run together as numbers dictate, if minimum entry number is not obtained. Classes as at 1/11/12. Any MNZ homologation changes prior to race day will be updated and published on our website.