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Apr 1, 2015 - Sustainable Development, the protection of the Environment and the effective ... Swire Pacific Offshore is
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Sustainable Development, the protection of the Environment and the effective monitoring of a business’ impact on the environment are all criteria that every Corporate Citizen must strive to meet. Swire Pacific Offshore is committed to be an industry leader, innovating and improving standards in line with its reputation for best operating practices in the industry. We are constantly striving to reduce any negative impacts that our business has on the environment, to monitor performance and identify areas for improvement. The focus is the responsibility of every individual within the organisation and is fully incorporated into the Company’s Management Systems.

In support of the following commitment in its Operating Policy to protect the environment from harm, Swire Pacific Offshore endorses the Swire group’s slogan for promoting environmental consciousness: REDUCE – REUSE – RECYCLE – REPLACE……PLEASE

Recognising environmental protection as being amongst the highest priorities, the Company will take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of our business on the environment, by: •

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Improving corporate practices and environmental performance, taking account of current and potential future legislation, industry codes of best practice, latest technical developments, consumer needs and community expectations;

Taking voluntary steps where possible and appropriate to improve current environmental performance; Educate, motivate and empower employees to be proactive and contribute to raising standards, and conduct activities in an environmentally responsible manner;

Assessing, designing and operating ships with full consideration to the efficient use of energy and materials and minimising adverse environmental impacts and waste generation; Disposing of all residual waste materials safely and responsibly;

Conducting or supporting research, where appropriate, on environmental issues aligned with our vessels' activities;

Developing, maintaining and improving relevant emergency preparedness plans in conjunction with emergency services, relevant authorities and the community; Promoting the adoption of these principles by the Company's suppliers and contractors, encouraging and where appropriate requiring improvements in their practices to make them consistent with those of the Company;

Promoting good public relations and fostering open dialogue with employees, relevant authorities and the public, anticipating and responding to concerns about potential environmental hazards and impact of Company operations;

Measuring, reviewing, evaluating and improving our operations and their environmental impacts to ensure compliance with this policy;

Communicating with all our stakeholders and the public to encourage the widest possible awareness of our environmental record, policy and performance. Rev 1

1 April 2015