applications. The foundation of this solution is Microsoft. Message Queuing (
MSMQ). MSMQ is the popular message queuing subsystem integrated with the.
M ESSAGE Q UEUING Windows® Messaging for the Enterprise
Envoy Message Queuing E nv o y M e s s a ge Qu e u in g ( E n vo y M Q) is a rel i a b l e so l ut ion for co nn ec t ing Mi c roso ft an d non M ic roso f t ap p l i cat io ns. It is s i m pl e , re l ia bl e , c o s t e f fe ct i ve s o l ut io n fo r c o n ne ct i ng e nt er p r is e a p pl i ca t io ns.
“With EnvoyMQ and Windows® 2000, organizations can use MSMQ as an interoper-ability standard for the enterprise”
T he f ou n dat io n o f th is so lu ti on is M ic roso ft Me ssag e Qu e ui n g (M SM Q). MSMQ is the popula r m essa ge qu e ui n g su bs yst em in te g rat e d wi th th e W in do w s fam i l y o f p ro d u ct s . M SM Q is a n i n te g ra l par t o f t he Wi n do ws p la tf o rm t ha t p r o v i de s loo s e l y co u p le d a nd re l ia b le n e t w o r k communicatio n services bas ed on mess age q u e u i n g. E nv o y M e s s a ge Qu e u in g is a com p r e h e ns i ve i m p le me nta tio n o f MSM Q fo r a f ul l ra n ge o f n on W indo ws operating s ystem s , i nc lu d i n g So la ri s , H P- U X , A IX , L i nu x , T ru 6 4 U n ix, V M S, O S/ 40 0, O S/ 3 90 , T a n d e m G ua rd i a n a n d H P e 30 0 0 M PE / i X . E nv oy Te c hn o logi es is t he o n ly pro v ider o f n o n - W i n do w s ve rs ions o f M SM Q a n d w e co nt i nu e t o wo rk w ith M i cr oso ft o n a nu m be r o f ma r ke t in g e f fo rts t o m a k e i t e a s ie r f o r a pp l i ca t io n de ve lo pe rs to de l iv e r c ros s- pla t fo r m a p pli ca tio ns based on Microsoft technolo gy. On non-W indows sys tems, E nvoy MQ provides : • M SMQ Messa ges • M SMQ AP Is • M SMQ Pro to co ls • M SMQ Queues W hi le M SMQ fo cus es o n t he Wi nd ows p lat fo r ms, M ic roso f t re co gn i zes th e v al ue o f MSM Q i n t e ro pe rab i l it y w it h o t h e r ke y pl a t fo r ms . To that end, Envo y Tec hno lo g ie s pro v i de s E nv o y Me ssage Qu e ui n g Co nn e cto r (E nv oy M Q C) th at runs on W indows ® pl a t fo r ms . T his con nec to r e na bl es W in dows -b ase d MS MQ a p pl i cat io ns to s en d an d re ce i ve M SMQ messa ges t o no n-W indows E n voy M Q a ppl ic at io ns.
Envoy MQ: Windows Messaging for the Enterprise
Envoy Technologies
MSMQ and Envoy Message Queuing provide a reliable and powerful enterprise backbone for enabling Web based and front office applications to interoperate with back-end information resources.
Web-to-Enterprise Interoperability Developers tasked with delivering new web-based applications are migrating to the Windows platform for the obvious reasons: Simple, easy to use Web development tools and technologies, a wide range of technical support from Microsoft, and widely available tools accessible to a large pool of developers. But as everyone knows, this is not a Windows-only world, therefore, many times a developer may need to have to access a database or other information resource running on a non-Windows system like UNIX or VMS. This type of scenario is what Envoy Message Queuing is uniquely suited for. On the front-end or presentation tier of the multi-tier application, developers can deploy easy to implement browser-based client applications using Microsoft’s Active Server Page (ASP) technology. The Active Server Script on the Web Server calls the ActiveX MSMQ control, which provides the programming interface from the Active Server Script to MSMQ. This puts MSMQ into action by sending a message to a queue. This message can be retrieved by a UNIX, VMS, HPe3000, Tandem, MVS or AS/400 application using Envoy Message Queuing (Envoy MQ). What could have been a very difficult application to write (a web application connecting to a database server on another platform) is now relatively easy to do. In this case, a MSMQ message was sent from the Active Server Page to the UNIX database without writing any system level code – no one had to write TCP/IP code or Socket code to connect Windows and UNIX. What makes it simple is the integrated, comprehensive set of Web application technologies embedded within the Windows platform (MSMQ, ASP, COM+, IIS, etc) and the seamless integration between MSMQ and Envoy Message Queuing from Envoy Technologies.
Envoy MQ: Windows Messaging for the Enterprise
Envoy Technologies
Envoy Message Queuing supports the following enterprise platforms: Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Java, HP-UX, HPe3000 – MPE/iX, Linux, Compaq Tru64 Unix, Compaq Alpha/AXP Open VMS, Compaq VAX Open VMS, IBM OS/400, IBM OS/390, Tandem Guardian, SCO UnixWare and SCO OpenServer.
About Envoy Technologies Envoy Technologies provides mission critical infrastructure software that enables companies to exchange and manage information seamlessly, within and across the extended enterprise, using Internet and transactional messaging solutions. Envoy Technologies products are used in mission critical applications at more than 100 Global 2000 customers. Corporate headquarters are located in Iselin, New Jersey. For more information about Envoy Technologies and our products and services, visit us on the Web at or send email to
[email protected].
Envoy Technologies Corporate Headquarters 555 Route 1 South, Fourth Floor Iselin, NJ 08830 USA Phone: 732-636-4700 Fax: 732-636-4884
© 2001 Envoy Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Microsoft Windows and MSMQ are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks and reWindows gistered trademarks are the property their respective owners. Envoy MQ: Messaging for theofEnterprise
Envoy Technologies