Course description: The 2009 EU Renewable Energy Directive renewable energy target of 20% by 2020 specifies that renewab
Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses
EWEM European Wind Energy Master Duration: 24 months Course description: The 2009 EU Renewable Energy Directive renewable energy target of 20% by 2020 specifies that renewable sources should provide about 35% of the EU’s electricity consumption. By 2020, wind energy is set to contribute nearly 35% of all the power coming from renewable sources. Wind energy direct jobs in Europe are expected to grow from the current 200.000 to 450.000 by 2020, 160.000 of which in Offshore Wind Energy. Global growth will be even faster, in particular in China, the US and India. Global Wind Energy jobs are expected to double every 10 years, from 630.000 in 2010 to 2.400.000 in 2030. Current supply from universities is insufficient to meet future demand, both in number and skill; the technological demands of larger wind turbines and wind farms, with larger penetration on the electricity grid, increases complexity, required performance and needs for new solutions. Especially, the emerging Offshore Wind Energy market demands new research-knowledge-insight and professionals. The EWEM- European Wind Energy Master aims to educate 120-150 MSc graduates per year, covering the top 1-2% global demand of Wind Energy professionals with post-graduate education. EWEM is an advanced MSc for elite cohorts of students, with four specializations that follow the energy conversion chain: Wind Physics Rotor Design Electric Power Systems Offshore Engineering. The joint first semester and the specific multi-disciplinary and project-oriented teaching will give the student the ability to transfer knowledge and competences beyond his/her specialisation and to embed design choices in a sociotechnical context. The student acquires knowledge in theoretical and applied sciences underlying wind energy systems, and specific competencies necessary to operate in the chosen area of specialization. The four universities within the European Wind Energy Master consortium are world leaders in Wind Energy and Offshore Wind Energy research and education. The EWEM prepares graduates for a career in research, both in industry and in academia, and is closely linked to the partners research, in particular the large Wind Energy PhD cohort of the four partner universities, of over 130 PhD students. Website: . Partners: DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Netherlands (Co-ordinating institution) TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARK, Denmark NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Norway CARL VON OSSIETZKY UNIVERSITÄT OLDENBURG, Germany Contact: Dr. Ir. Eng. Carlos Simão Ferreira DUWIND - Delft University Wind Energy Research Institute Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, The Netherlands tel +31 15 278 20 73
[email protected] Maximum grant: 733 400 € (30 000 € consortium + 703 400 € scholarships), 2012 784 800 € (30 000 € consortium + 754 800 € scholarships), 2013