Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses - Eacea

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Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses ... Course description: ... ANPA Association (Italy), the Tuko Logistics Oy company, the
Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses EDAMUS Sustainable Management of Food Quality Duration: 24 months Course description: The Erasmus Mundus Master in Sustainable Management of Food Quality (EDAMUS) aims to develop internationally trained experts in management of Food Quality. It answers to the increasing need to better understand and anticipate the complex problems of food quality management in European Union or at an international scale. The food quality problematic and the food health policies need to take into account various factors dealing with socio economic, social, technological and biological issues. The composition of our consortium meets this requirement. The programme is coordinated by the University of Montpellier 1 (France), in collaboration with an international partnership: Basilicata University (UNIBAS) (Italy), Mediterranean Agronomic Institute (MAI) of Zaragoza (IAMz) (Spain), MAI of Chania (MAICh) (Greece), MAI of Montpellier (IAMM) (France) and University Mentouri of Constantine (UMC) (Algeria). University of Tsukuba (Japan), University of Sherbrooke (Canada), MAI of Bari (IAMb) (Italy) and Institut Agronomique Vétérinaire (IAV) Hassan II (Morocco) are associated members. Their support will be tutoring and monitoring of students, sponsoring, quality assessment and offer of international extensive professional networks. In addition, the professional and research sectors are involved: the Latinus network, the “Q@LI-Mediterrean Pôle”, the CIHEAM, the FederBio Association (Italy), the ANPA Association (Italy), the Tuko Logistics Oy company, the Raisio Group (Finland) and the “Agglomeration of Montpellier” (France). The EDAMUS Master delivers a coherent and integrated programme that combines the collective capabilities and skills of the partners which will help the EDAMUS students to develop their capacity to have effective and appropriate reactions towards the complex management of food quality issues. It offers a two-year academic curriculum with integrated and advanced theoretical, methodological and empirical courses. It provides knowledge and expertise in food security as well as in food safety and International Food Law and development. To connect theory with applied methodology, the last semester will be devoted to an internship in a research laboratory or in an industrial company. The qualification consists of a multiple Master’s degree . The master’s degree is fully recognised by all the partners. Admission is based on academic excellence. Professional attractiveness will be strongly encouraged by the multicultural and multidisciplinary approach of the Master. The students will be tutored personally and carefully welcomed by each host institution's international office. Particular assistance will be given concerning accommodation and cultural integration. In the future, our ambition is to apply for a PhD program as an educational continuation of this Master. Duration: 4 semesters, 120 ECTS Languages of teaching: English and French. Courses in local language will be offered to help the students' integration. Website: Partners: UNIVERSITY OF MONTPELLIER 1, France (Co-ordinating institution) UNIVERSITY MENTOURI DE CONSTANTINE, Algeria MEDITERRANEAN AGRONOMIC INSTITUTE OF MONTPELLIER, France MEDITERRANEAN AGRONOMIC INSTITUTE OF CHANIA, Greece UNIVERSITY OF BASILICATA, Italy MEDITERRANEAN AGRONOMIC INSTITUTE OF ZARAGOZA, Spain

Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Contact: Michel LARROQUE Faculty of Pharmacy Avenue Charles Flahault FR - 34090 MONTPELLIER Email: [email protected] Maximum grant: 848 600 € (30 000 € consortium + 818 600 € scholarships), 2012 830 400 € (30 000 € consortium + 800 400 € scholarships), 2013