Economics. Ismael Rodriguez Lara ... Elena MartÃnez'SanchÃs siempre estuvo abierto para que pudiese hablarle de cosas ajenas a mi .... Introducción. Todo aquel que ha tenido alguna vez en sus manos un manual de EconomÃa, ha ...... hard information as being verifiable (Jean Tirole, 1986), whereas soft information is.
Essays on Behavioral and Experimental Economics Ismael Rodriguez Lara
Essays on Behavioral and Experimental Economics Ismael Rodriguez Lara
Supervisor: Luis Ubeda
Quantitative Economics Doctorate Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico Universidad de Alicante June 2010
To my family.
Agradecimientos Me gustaría empezar agradeciendo el cariño de mi familia y de Vivi. Sin su aliento, hubiese sido imposible terminar esta tesis. Los miembros del Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico han sido también un apoyo muy importante para mí durante estos años de investigación. Agradezco, sobre todo, a mi director Luis Ubeda, su paciencia y ayuda durante estos años. Su disponibilidad y sus acertadas sugerencias han ayudado a mejorar enormemente los capítulos de esta tesis. También me gustaría agradecerle a Lola Collado su disposición para resolver mis dudas econométricas, y a Juan Mora el apoyo que me brindó durante los primeros años del doctorado. El despacho de Elena Martínez-Sanchís siempre estuvo abierto para que pudiese hablarle de cosas ajenas a mi investigación. Le agradezco enormemente a Elena que haya sabido escuchar mi lado más humano. En mis últimos años de doctorado, ha sido también muy importante para mí Giovanni Ponti. Él me ha ayudado a descubrir el espíritu de equipo en la Economía Experimental y se ha mostrado siempre solícito a mis peticiones. Por último, agradezco la presencia de los miembros del departamento en mis seminarios; en especial a Miguel A. Sánchez-Villalba, Carlos Oyarzun y Adam Sanjurjo, quienes me han ayudado con sus comentarios a mejorar muchos de mis artículos. La ayuda …nanciera del Departamento y del Ministerio de Educación (AP2005-1318 y SEJ2007-62656) ha facilitado enormemente mi labor investigadora. Pero este camino no hubiese comenzado sin Pablo Amorós, que me sugirió hacer un doctorado. Debo agradecerle a Pablo que me haya brindado siempre la oportunidad de compartir con él mis inquietudes. Del mismo modo, quisiera agradecer a Francisco Trujillo y Fernando Isla el espíritu entusiasta con el que daban sus clases. Su manera de entender la educación universitaria, ha servido para potenciar mi espíritu docente. Y a Ilker Kandemir debo agradecerle que supiese ilusionarme y me animase a perseverar, a pesar de las di…cultades. Quiero expresar también mi gratitud a las personas que hicieron posible mi visita a UCF. Conocer a Glenn W. Harrison y a Elisabet Rutstrom ha sido una de las experiencias más enriquecedoras, a nivel personal y profesional. Los consejos y la ayuda de Fran Percival durante mi estancia en Orlando son también muy apreciados. Sin lugar a dudas, mis compañeros de fatigas en el QED han sido una excelente ayuda para mí. Entre ellos, me gustaría agradecer enormemente el cariño que me han procesado Borja Mesa, con el que he compartido cafés in…nitos -que a veces no llevaban a ninguna parte y que otras veces resolvían el mundo-. También quiero agradecer a Berti y Alfonso los buenos momentos que hemos compartido trabajando
juntos. El trabajo con Brice Corgnet y Luis Moreno ha sido también muy enriquecedor, y las charlas con Marcela me han servido para estructurar algunas de mis ideas, cuando solo eran proyectos. Por último, no quisiera pasar sin agradecer a los médicos del Hospital Universitari Sant Joan D’Alacant, muy especialmente al Dr. Jorge Cantavella y al Dr. Antonio López, por su trato tan afectivo. Su sonrisa cómplice en los momentos más difíciles me ha servido para sobrellevar los malos tragos. También quiero darle las gracias a todas las enfermeras y auxiliares del hospital de día, por su cariño y su paciencia. No sé si algún día encontraré el modo de devolverles a todos ellos el amor que supieron regalarme.
Contents Agradecimientos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Introducción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1 Self-Interest and Justice Principles 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Sel…shness and Justice Principles in 1.3 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . 1.4 Behavior in the Dictator Game . . 1.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Do Social Network Prevents Bank 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 The Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Experimental Design . . . 2.2.2 The Network Structure . . 2.2.3 The Underlying Model . . 2.2.4 Payo¤s . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Experimental Evidence . . . . . . 2.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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3 Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? fuence Costs and Contract Design. 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 The Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Players, Payo¤s and Actions . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Information and In‡uence . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Contingent Contracts: De…nition and Properties 3.3 Rational Supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Supervision and In‡uence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
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3.4.1 In‡uence Contracts . . . 3.4.2 In‡uence-free Contracts 3.5 In‡uence Costs and the Value of 3.5.1 In‡uence Contracts . . . 3.5.2 In‡uence-free Contracts 3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . the Firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Experimental Evidence . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 The Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Doing It On Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Introducción Todo aquel que ha tenido alguna vez en sus manos un manual de Economía, ha tropezado con una de…nición escurridiza del término. A partir de la misma, resulta fácil comprender que los economistas son una especie distinta, enfrentada a un problema apasionante: el de conciliar la presencia de necesidades ilimitadas con la existencia de recursos escasos (véase, por ejemplo Stiglitz y Walsh, 2005) Al leer las primeras páginas de un manual de Economía, uno también entiende que la Economía es una ciencia social y que la literatura económica está dividida en dos grandes bloques. De un lado la Microeconomía –que estudia el comportamiento individual de los agentes económicos (consumidores, empresas, trabajadores e inversores), así como de los mercados- y del otro lado la Macroeconomía –más centrada en el análisis de variables agregadas tales como el producto interior bruto, el desempleo, la balanza de pagos, o la in‡aciónLa presente tesis, que lleva por título “Essays on Behavioral and Experimental Economics”(esto es, “Ensayos en Economía del Comportamiento y Experimental”) pertenece al ámbito de la Microeconomía y trata de arrojar luz sobre cómo se comportan los agentes económicos en un entorno concreto: aquél en el que sus acciones tienen incidencia sobre otras personas. Siendo más precisos, el presente estudio analiza el problema de la in‡uencia externa en la toma decisiones, centrándose en estudiar teórica y experimentalmente cómo afecta a la toma de decisiones cuatro variables distintas: (i) los ideales de justicia, (ii) la posibilidad de observar el comportamiento de otros agentes (así como de saberse observado), (iii) la posibilidad de manipular cierta información sobre el rendimiento del agente, y (iv) las preferencias sociales en un entorno inter-temporal. Estudiar cómo incentivos no-económicos in‡uyen en la toma de decisiones individuales constituye por tanto, el hilo conductor de la presente tesis, cuyo objetivo último es enfatizar la existencia de ciertas restricciones en nuestro comportamiento. De este modo, el presente trabajo trata de poner de relieve que cuando un agente económico se enfrenta a su objetivo último (el de maximizar su utilidad o bienestar), va a verse limitado por una serie de restricciones externas, que le ayudarán o perjudicarán en la consecución de dicho objetivo. Para entender, no obstante, en qué medida contribuye mi tesis a la literatura económica existente hasta este momento, es importante acercase al presente estudio desde una perspectiva más global, que enmarque bien cuál es el ámbito de estudio de las dos herramientas usadas en este trabajo: la economía experimental y del comportamiento, dos ramas que han contribuido a la economía revisando y discutiendo algunos de los modelos y supuestos de la teoría clásica sobre los que cimentaba la Microeconomía. Como veremos a continuación, la economía experimental y del comportamiento di…eren en su enfoque y motivación, si bien ambas están asociadas por su reciente contribución a la economía, ya que han permitido entender mucho 7
mejor cómo se comportan realmente los agentes económicos.1
La Economía Experimental La economía experimental es una rama de la economía que trata de comprender mejor el comportamiento de los individuos desde un punto de vista cuantitativo. Se conoce como experimental porque el método que usa para conocer este comportamiento está basado en experimentos, herramienta conocida y usada en otras ciencias como la física, la química o la biología. Existen diversos tipos de experimentos para recopilar datos: los experimentos de campo, los experimentos de laboratorio y los experimentos on-line (estos últimos, han surgido en los últimos años, aprovechando el auge de las tecnologías y la expansión de Internet). El experimento de laboratorio, que es el usado en los artículos del presente trabajo, tiene una ventaja fundamental sobre el resto de formas y es que permite aislar el efecto de algunas variables que in‡uyen la toma de decisiones. En los experimentos de laboratorio se recluta a un grupo de personas (en mi caso, estudiantes de la Universidad de Alicante), a las que se cita en el laboratorio (una sala con 24 ordenadores en cubículos separados). Los estudiantes se inscriben voluntariamente al experimento por medio del Campus Virtual (un recurso web que permite su acceso a su información escolar y que es muy popular entre los alumnos). Así, los alumnos saben que participarán en un experimento económico en el que pueden ganar dinero por responder preguntas o resolver problemas durante una o dos horas. Al llegar al laboratorio, los participantes reciben las instrucciones, que les sitúan ante una representación esquemática de una situación económica (en los experimentos, los estudiantes suelen tomar a veces roles de empresas, consumidores o trabajadores; otras veces, se evita la asignación de este tipo de roles para evitar sesgar los resultados). Los participantes en el experimento toman un asiento frente a un ordenador, de forma que sus decisiones no se observan por nadie (aunque son registradas por el ordenador). Las instrucciones se leen en voz alta y se les deja a los participantes que pregunten si tienen alguna duda. Los alumnos saben que es importante que entiendan bien en qué consiste el experimento, ya que su comportamiento durante el mismo determinará en parte sus ganancias. Una vez explicada la situación, cada participante tiene en el ordenador distintas opciones entre las que puede escoger libremente. Esto (junto con decisiones de otras personas), determinan su ganancias, que son pagadas al …nalizar el experimento (a cada participante de forma anónima e individual, salvaguardando que nadie conozca lo que otros sujetos han ganado y/o hecho durante el experimento). 1
Tal está siendo la contribución y el auge de estas dos ramas que en 2002, Vernon Smith y Daniel Kahneman fueron galardonados con el premio Nobel de Economía, por contribuir a la economía con el uso de experimentos de laboratorio y la investigación psicológica, respectivamente.
Como hemos dicho, la principal ventaja del experimento de laboratorio es que al ser diseñado por el experimentalista, se puede determinar qué tipo de información reciben los individuos en cada momento, logrando aislar el efecto de algunas variables que probablemente afecten en el mundo real (por ejemplo, si los individuos están en un grupo, podemos determinar si reciben información o no de lo que hacen otras personas de su grupo, o podemos darle información parcial sobre cuántas personas están llevando a cabo una determinada acción, lo que nos permite un control total de muchas situaciones). Además, el experimentalista está presente durante el desarrollo del experimento, lo que le permite resolver dudas y cuestiones, asegurándose de que las instrucciones han sido comprendidas correctamente. El objetivo último es lograr que los datos resultantes del experimento sirvan como herramienta precisa y limpia para entender mucho mejor el comportamiento y las motivaciones de los individuos que están participando en el experimento, resolviendo el problema de interés. Los trabajos pioneros en el área de la economía experimental pueden establecerse en la época que transcurre entre 1930 y 1960, aunque el lector interesado en una revisión histórica exhaustiva puede consultar Roth (1995), quien señala que ya existen “experimentos”desde 1738, cuando Daniel Bernoulli enunció la paradoja de San Petersburgo. Esta paradoja, en realidad, no es más que un juego de azar en el que se propone apostar a una persona una cantidad de dinero …ja en un evento cuyo valor esperado es in…nito (y por tanto, el precio que debería pagar esta persona por participar también debería ser in…nito). Usando el ejemplo del propio Bernoulli (1738), supongamos que se lanza una moneda al aire y que el objetivo es conseguir el máximo número posible de caras consecutivas. De hecho, si sale una cara nos llevaríamos 2 Euros. Si salen dos caras nos llevaríamos 4 Euros, y cada vez que sale una nueva cara se duplica el premio que haya acumulado hasta ese momento (esto es, tras tres cara consecutivas el premio sería de 8 Euros y si lográsemos 10 caras consecutivas el premio sería de 210 Euros, o sea, 1024 Euros). El juego se acaba si sale una cruz. En ese momento, se toman las ganancias acumuladas y se da por …nalizado el juego. En este juego el valor esperado de participar es in…nito porque la posibilidad de sacar una cara es de 1/2 –que tiene un premio de 2 Euros-, la de sacar dos caras consecutivas es de 1/4 -y el premio es de 4 Euros-; la de sacar tres caras consecutivas es de 1/8 -y se ganarían 8 Euros. . . sumando estos premios resulta que deberíamos obtener (1/2) 2 + (1/4) 4 +(1/8) 8. . . . = 1+1+1+. . . de modo que deberíamos estar dispuestos a pagar in…nito por participar en este juego, cuyo bene…cio esperado es in…nito. La duda que se planteaba Bernoulli era bien sencilla: ¿Es lógico pagar in…nito por jugar dicho juego? Mucha gente ha discutido de la Paradoja de San Petersbursgo. En parte, la clave puede encontrarse en que la gente muestra cierta aversión al riesgo o en que el valor del dinero no es siempre el mismo, sino que depende de nuestras ganancias hasta el momento. Dicho de otro modo, existe un concepto de utilidad asociado al dinero, o como el propio Bernoullu dijo: 9
“La gente con sentido común, en la práctica, lo valora [el dinero] en proporción a la utilidad que puede obtener de él [no en función de su valor matemático]”. Aunque esta tesis no tiene por objeto estudiar la utilidad del dinero ni la disposición de la gente a participar de loterías, este sencillo ejemplo ilustra la importancia de los experimentos y su contribución a la economía. Usar experimentos resulta bene…cioso para entender cuál es el comportamiento real de las personas, porque en algunas situaciones, como la ilustrada por la Paradoja de San Petersburgo, las predicciones teóricas, no se corresponden con el comportamiento observado, lo cual signi…ca que debemos replantearnos algunas situaciones y el modo en que predecimos cómo actuarán las personas. Han sido numerosos los experimentos que se han llevado a cabo en los últimos 50 años, cada uno de ellos con un objetivo bien diferenciado pero todos con la misma idea: la de tratar de describir y comprender mejor la toma de decisiones, el funcionamiento de mercados y la estructura de las organizaciones. Los experimentos han sido cada vez más complejos y precisos, abarcando áreas de interés para la economía que van desde los problemas de coordinación o la provisión bienes públicos, a otros en áreas como la Economía Industrial o las Redes Sociales. Aunque podríamos detallar cómo han contribuido los distintos experimentos al desarrollo de la economía, quizás merezca la pena resumirlo todo volviendo al pasado y recordando las palabras de Allais (1953, 504): “La racionalidad puede [también] de…nirse experimentalmente, al observar las acciones de la gente. Estas acciones pueden ser consideradas como si actuasen de modo racional”. Es decir, que a veces lo que se pretende con un experimento es entender cómo se comporta la gente para de…nir a partir de ahí lo que es racional. Porque, como dijo el físico y antropólogo francés Paul Broca: "Para estar seguros, la observación es superior a las teorías”
La Economía del Comportamiento Si, de forma genérica, podemos decir que la economía experimental usa datos para describir qué hacemos, podríamos decir que la economía del comportamiento se fundamenta en la psicología, la sociología y la antropología para formalizar cómo y/o por qué hacemos lo que hacemos. Puede decirse, por tanto, que la economía experimental y la economía del comportamiento tienen un carácter diferente. Mientras que la economía experimental
tiene una orientación investigadora (claramente de…nida por el uso de los experimentos), la teoría del comportamiento es fundamentalmente un método, que ha procurado tomar lecciones de estos experimentos y del resto de ciencias anteriormente citadas para desarrollar modelos teóricos que incorporen ideas acerca del comportamiento del ser humano, así como de las motivaciones que lo mueven. De todos modos, existen muchas interconexiones entre ambas ciencias, dado que la economía del comportamiento se cimienta en muchas ocasiones en resultados experimentales. El lector interesado, puede leer Camerer (2003) para obtener un exhaustivo análisis de la conexión entre ambas áreas. La economía del comportamiento está resultando de enorme utilidad en el ámbito de la economía, ayudando a los economistas a entender mejor el mundo que les rodea, y sirviendo como herramienta en el diseño de políticas gubernamentales o en el diseño de estructuras organizacionales. Esto es algo que se pone de mani…esto en el Capítulo 3 de la presente tesis, que tiene como ámbito de estudio el diseño de contratos óptimos en un modelo principal-agente. Si bien no pretendo ahora hablar de este capítulo (esto es algo que haré en las próximas páginas con mayor profundidad), sí que considero importante motivar ahora el modelo que desarrollaré, puesto que se relaciona con una idea bien sencilla que puede ayudarnos a entender mejor el ámbito de estudio de la economía del comportamiento y el uso de otras ciencias en el desarrollo de modelos teóricos. Es una realidad bien palpable para los psicólogos que muchas veces asociamos en nuestra mente ideas y/o hechos que no siempre están relacionados. Un buen ejemplo de ello ha sido presentado recientemente por Mullainathan, Schwartzstein y Shleifer (2008). Los autores recurren al mundo empresarial y del marketing para motivar cómo a veces asociamos ideas en nuestra mente de forma errónea. Por ejemplo, si en un anuncio vemos un champú que “contiene seda”, será muy fácil asociar el producto con un pelo suave y brilloso, lo que sin duda ayudará a que compremos el champú. La cuestión es ¿nos están engañando de algún modo para hacernos comprar el champú? Es posible que el publicista no mienta en absoluto y ciertamente haya añadido unas hebras de seda al líquido jabonoso. Pero ¿cambia eso en algo la calidad del champú? La realidad es que no. Cualquiera que entienda sobre la composición del champú (que no es mi caso) podría decirnos que añadir un poco de seda al champú no cambia en nada la calidad de éste. Sin embargo, nuestra mente ha asociado (equivocadamente) el contenido de la seda con el pelo sedoso. Tratar de comprender este tipo de comportamientos puede resultar útil para las economistas y no sólo desde un punto de vista del marketing, sino también desde un punto de vista organizacional. Porque si a veces nuestra mente nos lleva a confundir hechos o acciones, ¿no es posible confundir también algunos mensajes enviados por el trabajador a su jefe? Dicho de otro modo, ¿cuál es la probabilidad de confundir a un trabajador bueno (que trabaje duro y se esfuerce mucho), con un trabajador que sea “buena persona” (y se dedique a invitarnos a café, darnos la razón siempre o 11
apoyar todas nuestras decisiones)? Está claro que muchas veces asociamos el trabajo con la personalidad, como se asocia el contenido en seda con el pelo brillante, incluso cuando estos dos ámbitos no siempre se relacionan de forma inequívoca. Hablar de este tipo de ejemplos y emplear conocimientos basados en la psicología, puede resultar pues de importancia para los economistas que deben considerar en sus modelos este tipo de comportamientos o confusiones potenciales para modelizarlos mejor y reaccionar ante ellos del mejor modo posible. En el caso concreto del modelo de principal-agente que nos ocupará en el Capítulo 3, está claro que el jefe podría diseñar mecanismos de supervisión para obtener señales sobre el esfuerzo de los trabajadores, teniendo en cuenta la posibilidad de que el agente esté llevando a cabo “acciones de in‡uencia”que estén afectando la evaluación del empleado, propiciando que a veces el salario no se ajuste consecuentemente.2 Aunque éste haya sido sólo un ejemplo, es bastante ilustrativo de la contribución de la economía del comportamiento, cimentada en los conocimientos de la psicología, sociología y antropología. Por ejemplo, si al enfrentarnos a la realización de tareas en la vida normal, tenemos una cierta tendencia a retrasar tareas incómodas, o nos dejamos llevar por la inercia, ¿qué papel tiene todo esto en nuestro ahorro? ¿Y en nuestra capacidad para percibir el riesgo …nanciero al que nos enfrentamos? ¿In‡uye en algo nuestra inercia en nuestro trabajo? La economía del comportamiento ha tratado de responder a estos interrogantes de inconsistencia temporal, y ha estudiado otros problemas en el ámbito de la economía laboral, la economía de las organizaciones y las motivaciones individuales (por ejemplo, la fuerza de voluntad, el sesgo por creerse mejor de lo que somos, los modelos de aprendizaje, la racionalidad acotada. . . ) Todo ello usando lecciones de otras ciencias para explicar el comportamiento humano desde un punto de vista teórico. En lo que sigue en esta Introducción, detallaré de forma más precisa en qué consiste cada uno de los capítulos de mi tesis, relacionada con la economía experimental y del comportamiento. Procuraré motivar cada capítulo y enfatizar mis principales contribuciones, relacionando éstas con la literatura existente.
Capítulo 1: Self-Interest and Justice Principles El primer capítulo de la tesis puede traducirse como “Egoísmo y Principios de Justicia” y lleva a cabo un experimento de laboratorio para estudiar cómo estos dos factores interaccionan en las decisiones individuales. Mi estudio pertenece a lo que se conoce como “preferencias sociales”, que enmarcan la idea de que la utilidad de un agente económico no sólo depende de sus 2 Este problema de diseñar esquemas de salarios óptimos, no obstante, es más complejo de lo que parece porque, como ya explicaremos más adelantes, los sistemas de salarios deben basarse en señales veri…cables por otros agentes, de modo que no podemos castigar a un trabajador porque nos invite a un café o porque nos caiga bien y sea buena persona.
ganancias, sino también de las ganancias que estén obteniendo otras personas. Las preferencias sociales han sido (y aún son hoy) un motivo de debate importante en la economía, hasta hace poco preocupada de estudiar el comportamiento individual de cada agente bajo la idea de que éste maximizaba su propia utilidad (o su pago monetario), sin importarle lo que recibiesen los demás.3 El primer experimento que trató de demostrar la existencia de preferencias sociales fue Guth, Schmittberger y Schwarze (1982), en lo que se conoce como “juego del utltimatum”. En este juego participan dos personas, una de las cuales (conocida como oferente) propone a la otra la división de una cierta cantidad de dinero, Si la división es aceptada, el dinero se reparte de acuerdo a la propuesta del oferente y si la división se rechaza ambos participantes en el experimento obtienen cero. La predicción para este juego (cuando los agentes son egoístas) determina que la persona que responde debe aceptar cualquier oferta (ya que siempre está mejor aceptando una oferta, por baja que sea, que rechazando y obteniendo cero). Si la persona que propone sabe esto, le ofertará lo mínimo posible y el reparto se llevaría a cabo. El comportamiento observado, no obstante, señala que la gente suele rechazar ofertas inferiores al 20% y que quienes proponen llegan a dar en ocasiones hasta la mitad de la cantidad a repartir. Aunque esta actitud de dar dinero puede entenderse como “altruismo” o “generosidad”, es cierto también que el oferente se enfrenta al riesgo de que su oferta sea rechazada. Este componente, conocido como aversión al riesgo, lleva al oferte a incrementar la oferta predicha por la teoría, haciendo difícil valorar si su comportamiento está siendo realmente altruista o no. Con la intención de solventar este problema, surge en la literatura el “juego del dictador”, que permite a un jugador (conocido como dictador), proponer un reparto del dinero sin que su oferta pueda ser rechazada; esto es, sea cual sea el modo en que el dictador decida repartir el dinero, el reparto siempre se lleva a cabo. Por extraño que pueda parecer a ojos de la teoría clásica, el dictador (que debería no dar nada a la otra parte si fuese egoísta), suele transferir parte del dinero disponible, ofreciendo en torno al 20% del total, incluso si sus decisiones son anónimas e inobservables por los experimentadores. Este comportamiento del dictador también tiene lugar si se cambia el tamaño del dinero a repartir o si se toman a sujetos de distintas culturas, dando lugar al nacimiento del conocido homo-economicus (Henrich et al. 2004), y la proliferación de distintos modelos económicos, que tratan de explicar este tipo de comportamientos basándose en la idea de que la utilidad de los dictadores depende de la utilidad de los demás (véase Camerer 2003 para obtener más detalles sobre los distintos resultados experimentales y algunos modelos propuestos para explicar el comportamiento de los agentes). El punto de in‡exión en el estudio del juego del dictador es el artículo de Cherry, 3
En cierto modo, esta idea de egoísmo es la que usa la Teoría de Juegos para predecir el equilibrio de Nash en una situación donde varios agentes interactúan de modo no-cooperativo. Los modelos de preferencias sociales son discutidos con más detalle en el Capítulo 1.
Fryblom y Shogren (2002), que introdujo los derechos de propiedad en escena. Y es que, según Cherry, Fryblom y Shogren (2002), para estudiar el comportamiento real de los agentes en un problema como el juego del dictador, cuyos resultados suelen explicarse a partir de la idea de justicia, es imprescindible que la gente contribuya el dinero que se reparte. Dicho de otro modo, si al dictador se le proporciona una cantidad de dinero para que ésta sea repartida, es probable que el dictador tenga tendencia a dar dinero a la otra parte involucrada en el juego, no porque el dictador tenga una preocupación por la utilidad de los demás, sino porque el dictador no siente el dinero como suyo. En su estudio, Cherry, Fryblom y Shogren (2002) consideran un juego con dos fases: una donde se los dictadores acumulan ganancias y otras donde se reparte el dinero. Los autores demuestran que en este contexto el 90% de los dictadores no trans…ere ninguna cantidad de dinero bajo condiciones de anonimato. Como veremos, esta idea del derecho de propiedad es enfatizada por otros autores, que demuestran que los dictadores dan dinero a la otra parte involucrada en el juego, cuando ésta también contribuye al dinero a repartir, concluyendo que los repartos en el juego del dictador pueden estar relacionados con la justicia contributiva y la idea del merecimiento. En el primer capítulo, presento un estudio en que las fronteras entre justicia y merecimiento están difuminadas. Más concretamente, mi estudio considera un juego del dictador con dos fases. En la primera, las partes involucradas resuelven un test multi-respuesta que determinará la contribución de los participantes al dinero total que se va a repartir durante la segunda fase. Aunque la primera fase es idéntica para ambas partes (es decir, todos los participantes resuelven el mismo test), el esfuerzo de los agentes es recompensado de forma asimétrica. En mi experimento, los dictadores siempre van a recibir 150 pesetas por cada respuesta que tengan acertada en el test, mientras que los otros sujetos con los que se emparejan pueden cobrar 100, 150 o 200 pesetas por cada respuesta correcta (este precio depende del tratamiento y se determina de forma aleatoria e independiente de los resultados del test). De este modo, la contribución de los agentes depende de dos factores: uno que depende del esfuerzo bajo su control –el número de respuestas acertadas- y otro que no depende de ellos sino del precio exógeno que determina el valor de cada acierto. En este contexto existen tres principios de justicias distintos que pueden ser considerados. La idea del igualitarismo defendería que el total del dinero se dividiese en dos partes idénticas, dado que ambos sujetos han hecho el mismo test. El principio de justicia basado en el esfuerzo (conocido en la literatura como “accountability principle”), determinaría que los dictadores deberían ignorar la discriminación de precios y basar su decisión en el número de aciertos de cada participante. Por último, la idea libertaria de justicia, consideraría que cada parte debería recibir su contribución económica. Usando un ejemplo, supongamos que el dictador acierta 10 preguntas, que pagadas a 150 pesetas determinan una contribución de 1500 pesetas. Supongamos también que el otro agente acierta 12 preguntas, que pagadas a 100 14
pesetas, determinan una contribución de 1200 pesetas. En total el dictador tiene que dividir 2700 pesetas. Si fuese igualitario, dividiría las 2700 pesetas en dos partes iguales. Si fuese justo en el sentido del esfuerzo daría a la otra parte más de la mitad (dado que tiene 12 preguntas acertadas sobre un total de 22 aciertos, mientras que el dictador tiene sólo 10 preguntas acertadas), y si siguiese un criterio de justicia libertario daría menos de la mitad (dado que la otra persona ha contribuido 1200 pesetas sobre el total de 2700). Estudiar cómo se comportan los dictadores en este caso constituye el objetivo del Capítulo 1, en el que demuestro que el dictador tiene tendencia a elegir aquel principio de justicia que les es más conveniente. Así, cuando sus preguntas se pagan a un menor precio, muestran tendencia a seguir el criterio igualitario o el accountability principle, mientras que usan la idea libertaria cuando sus preguntas se pagan a un mayor precio. Este resultado establece la justicia como un criterio dependiente del contexto y además establece una idea sesgada y/o convenida de lo que cada uno entiende por justicia, lo que sin duda supone una novedad dentro de la literatura, que hasta ahora había respondido a un problema similar argumentando que los individuos tienen distintos conceptos de justicia (Cappelen et al. 2007). No se trata, por tanto, de que los individuos tengan una idea heterogénea de la justicia, ni de que los individuos tengan unas preferencias por la justicia. Más bien al contrario, los individuos tratan de ser egoístas y maximizar sus ganancias, pero están sujetos a escoger un reparto que les haga parecer justos. En este sentido, la justicia impone restricciones en nuestro modo de actuar.
Capítulo 2: Do Social Networks Prevent Bank Runs? La reciente crisis económica ha puesto de mani…esto la importancia de la estabilidad …nanciera. El pánico bancario generado en 2007 alrededor del banco inglés Northern Rock fue el presagio de lo que iba a ocurrir posteriormente: depositantes haciendo cola en la entrada de las sucursales del banco demostraban que los pánicos bancarios no eran fenómenos del pasado, sino que pueden ocurrir también hoy en día en sociedades avanzadas. El segundo capítulo de mi tesis, traducido como “¿Previenen las redes sociales los pánicos bancarios?”, se analiza teórica y experimentalmente cómo las acciones observadas por los depositantes de un banco (y cómo saberse observado por otros) pueden in‡uir en su decisiones sobre retirar sus fondos. Las dos principales explicaciones que existen en la literatura para explicar los pánicos bancarios recurren a problemas de fundamentales de los bancos (variables macroeconómicas, problemas de liquidez, etc) y los problemas de coordinación entre los depositantes. Algunos estudios empíricos demuestran que las retiradas de depósitos no se deben meramente al deterioro de las variables fundamentales, por lo que los problemas de coordinación son también importantes (Calomiris and Mason 15
2003). El modelo seminal que habla de problemas de coordinación entre los depositantes es Diamond y Dybvig (1983), que determina que los pánicos bancarios pueden ocurrir en equilibrio si los depositantes se coordinan para retirar sus fondos. El problema del modelo de Diamond y Dybvig (1983), y de otros artículos en la literatura, es que considera que la decisión de los depositantes sobre si retirar o no sus fondos es simultánea, algo que no encaja con las descripciones de los pánicos bancarios y los análisis empíricos, que apuntan que los depositantes muchas veces observan lo que otros hacen y tienen en cuenta estas acciones a la hora de tomar sus propias decisiones (Kelly y O Grada 2000). En el capítulo 2, se elabora un modelo teórico usando redes sociales, lo que permite conciliar la idea de secuencialidad con las decisiones sobre retiradas de fondos. Nuestro modelo considera que hay tres agentes en el banco y que uno de ellos es impaciente y necesita el dinero. En nuestro modelo, los depositantes conocen esta situación y su posición en la cola. Además, pueden observar lo que han hecho el resto de depositantes de su banco si están enlazadas con ellos. La presencia de enlaces entre los depositantes justi…ca el ‡ujo de información y tiene sentido en un entorno de redes sociales. De este modo, la presencia de un enlace permite al depositante que actúa (i) observar qué han hecho otros depositantes en su banco y (ii) saber si su acción está siendo observada por otros depositantes. El resultado teórico demuestra que si el depositante 1 y el depositante 2 están enlazados, esto resulta su…ciente para eliminar problemas de pánicos bancarios, de modo que los depositantes pacientes no deberían retirar sus depósitos del banco. El resultado teórico otorga importancia a la red social a la hora de que ocurran pánicos, por lo que el capítulo 2 también lleva a cabo un experimento, enfocado a comprobar las predicciones teóricas. Los resultados experimentales con…rman la importancia de los enlaces en las decisiones. Cuando los depositantes que actúan en primer lugar son observados por otros, tienden a retirar con menos frecuencia, tratando de señalizar tranquilidad para evitar retiradas de depósitos posteriores. De hecho, cuando el depositante 2 observa que alguien espera, tiene una gran tendencia a esperar. El problema surge cuando el depositante 2 observa retiradas. En este caso, él acude también al banco a retirar su dinero, aunque la predicción teórica determina que debería esperar y concluir que la retirada del depositante 1 se debe a su impaciencia. La relevancia de estos resultados en la literatura y sus consecuentes repercusiones en políticas efectivas que eviten los pánicos bancarios, resultan evidentes. En primer lugar, nuestro modelo es el primero que introduce simultaneidad y secuencialidad en el problema de los pánicos bancarios, haciendo que nuestra predicción se ajuste más y mejor a la realidad descrita para este tipo de situaciones. En segundo lugar, nuestros resultados demuestran la importancia de observar buenas noticias para 16
evitar los pánicos bancarios; y en tercer lugar, proponemos una nueva explicación para los pánicos, que no está relacionada con fundamentales ni con problemas de coordinación, sino con el hecho de observar “malas noticias”sobre lo que otros han hecho. Sin duda, estos aspectos ayudan a entender mejor los pánicos y sugieren que las políticas encaminadas a su eliminación serán efectivas en tanto en cuanto éstas medidas estén relacionadas con la red social y el tipo de información existente.
Capítulo 3: Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? In‡uence Costs and Contract Design La motivación para el capítulo 3, “¿Eres un Buen Trabajador o Simplemente un Buen Tipo? Costes de In‡uencia y Diseño de Contratos”, ha quedado expuesta en el apartado en que se hablaba de la economía del comportamiento. Los recientes escándalos …nancieros, entre los que se encuentran las estafas del Señor Maddof o la distorsión de cifras …scales por parte del gobierno griego, han puesto de mani…esto la importancia y las repercusiones que tiene la distorsión y/o la manipulación de la información en la economía. En el Capítulo 3, nos adentramos en este tema por medio de un modelo teórico de principal-agente. El agente elije el nivel de esfuerzo que llevará a cabo (alto o bajo). Este esfuerzo determina el bene…cio del principal, que no puede observar el esfuerzo del agente. El principal, sin embargo, cuenta con dos señales para determinar si el esfuerzo del agente está siendo alto o bajo, y puede estas dos señales para remunerarle. Una de estas señales es objetiva (hard signal), puesto que viene determinada por la producción del agente: a más producción del agente, es más probable que el esfuerzo haya sido alto. La señal de producción es cuantitativa y no se puede manipular. En nuestro modelo, suponemos que el principal puede obtener también una señal de supervisión (soft signal), que depende de cómo evalué el principal al agente; es decir, la señal de supervisión depende de cómo considere el principal que está trabajando el agente (es una señal más subjetiva, pero es en cierto modo veri…cable: es decir, que no depende del antojo del principal sino que terceras personas estarían de acuerdo en el resultado de la supervisión). Si el principal supervisa al agente puede creer que éste es un buen trabajador (que se esfuerza mucho) o un mal trabajador (que es vago y se esfuerza poco). En nuestro modelo, esta percepción sobre el trabajador puede estar afectada por acciones que lleva a cabo el trabajador, con la intención de manipular la percepción que tiene el principal de su trabajo. Esto es posible en nuestro modelo usando la idea de “asociación errónea” anteriormente expuesta, de modo que el agente puede llevar a cabo acciones para parecer un “buen tipo”, dado que el principal puede equivocar este mensaje con ser un “buen trabajador” (ejemplos donde el agente parece buen tipo son esos en que el agente paga un café al principal, le da la razón siempre, se muestra simpático, etc. . . ) En todos estos casos, confundir a un “buen tipo” y a un “buen trabajador” es posible, usando la 17
idea de persuasión inherente en Mullainathan, Schwartzstein y Shleifer (2008) El capítulo estudia cómo debe ser el esquema de salarios óptimos en este caso, en que el principal puede proponer contratos que dependan de la señal de supervisión, pero no de la presencia de actividades de in‡uencia.4 En el capítulo 3 se derivan las condiciones que debe cumplir el esquema de salarios óptimo. También demostramos cómo la confusión de los mensajes “el agente es buena persona” y “el agente es buen trabajador”, va a favorecer al agente, haciendo que sea más costoso para el principal implementar el esfuerzo e…ciente. Además, demostramos que cuanto más manipulable sea la señal de supervisión (es decir, cuanto mayor sea el sesgo del principal), el salario óptimo será más comprimido y menos volátil, además de dar más importancia a la señal “hard”. En la segunda parte del capítulo 3, extendemos el modelo usando la idea de Milgrom (1988), según la cual las actividades de in‡uencia distraen al trabajador de sus tareas, afectando a su productividad. En nuestro modelo, si esto ocurre, el principal puede estar dispuesto a diseñar contratos que disuadan al agente de llevar a cabo actividades de in‡uencia. Este tipo de contratos que eliminan in‡uencia van a estar caracterizados por hacer que los trabajadores altamente productivos reciban salarios que son más sensibles a la señal de producción que los salarios de los trabajadores menos productivos.
Capítulo 4: Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others La inconsistencia temporal es un hecho probado y fácilmente observable a través de la introspección. Las personas suelen prometerse dejar de fumar, hacer ejercicio o eliminar las grasas de su dieta alimenticia, pero estas promesas resultan en vano. Hablar de inconsistencia temporal signi…ca por tanto hablar de retraso de tareas, de planes o deseos incumplidos y de tentaciones difíciles de ignorar. La inconsistencia temporal tiene importantes recursiones para la economía en decisiones de ahorro e inversión (Angeletos et al 2001), además de in‡uir en el diseño de contratos por parte de las empresas y en las decisiones impositivas del gobierno (Gruber y Koszegi 2004) Para modelizar la inconsistencia temporal, el modelo tradicional de descuento exponencial resulta insu…ciente por lo que la economía del comportamiento ha usado la idea de “descuento hiperbólico”, a la que ha contribuido de forma magistral el trabajo de Laibson (1997). El modelo basado en el descuento hiperbólico trata de recoger la idea de que el futuro se descuenta de modo diferente conforme éste se acerca. Como apuntan O’Donoghue y Rabin (1999), el individuo puede ser con4
Es importante tener en mente que esta restricción supone asumir que las actividades de in‡uencia son observables pero no veri…cables; esto es, no hay una tercera persona o juez que pueda determinar si el agente ha invitado al principal a un café o no, pero esta tercera persona si puede veri…car que el agente es buena persona, por lo que el contrato puede depender de esta señal.
sciente o no del hecho de ponderar relativamente más los periodos futuros conforme se acercan. En caso de que sea así, el individuo es so…sticado, lo que le permitirá adelantar algunas tareas, ante el miedo de retrasarlas para siempre. Por el contrario, los individuos ingenuos (que no son consciente de cómo se comportarán más tarde), se prometen actuar en el futuro de un determinado modo sin éxito, por lo que acaba incumpliendo sus planes. En el capítulo 4, “Actuando a Tiempo Bajo la In‡uencia de Otros”, estudio qué ocurre con el problema de la inconsistencia temporal cuando nuestras decisiones afectan a los demás. En el capítulo 4, extiendo el modelo de descuento hiperbólico al caso de preferencias sociales y demuestro por medio de un experimento que si la gente sólo se preocupa de su propio bienestar, es probable que emplee el descuento hiperbólico en la toma de decisiones; pero cuando sus decisiones afectan a otras personas este modelo no puede explicar sus acciones. Así, en el capítulo 4 derivo un modelo teórico que explica cómo los individuos ingenuos pueden actuar a tiempo si saben que sus acciones tienen impacto en la utilidad de otro. Un ejemplo empleado en el capítulo 4, es aquél en que un individuo decide comprar entradas para un concierto. Si el individuo sólo piensa en sí mismo y es su…cientemente ingenuo, es posible que retrase la compra de entradas hasta el último momento, pero si algún amigo le pide que compre las entradas para él, entonces el individuo puede reaccionar y comprar las entradas óptimamente. Esta in‡uencia del entorno en nuestras decisiones sobre cuándo realizar tareas se ve numerosas situaciones de la vida real. Las adicciones son un buen ejemplo, ya que la gente deja malos hábitos o adicciones cuando se preocupan por los demás. Del mismo modo, las decisiones de divorcio o separación están a veces in‡uidas por la existencia de hijos en el matrimonio, lo que pone de mani…esto que la decisión sobre cuándo actuar está determinada en parte por saber a quién in‡uye esta decisión, y por saber cuál es la preferencia que otros tienen sobre cuándo es mejor realizar la acción. El capítulo 4 presenta evidencia empírica al respecto de cómo in‡uyen los demás en nuestras decisiones inter-temporales, usando un simple cuestionario. Además de desarrollar un modelo teórico, el capítulo señala que es posible estimar los parámetros de la forma funcional propuesta y discute cómo podría llevarse a cabo dicho experimento. Como puede verse, aunque mis artículos abarcan distintos campos de la economía y las motivaciones son diversas, el objetivo que subyace en todos las capítulos es el de resaltar cómo las decisiones sobre reparto, retiradas de depósitos, diseño de contrato y realización de tareas en el tiempo están en parte determinadas por una serie de restricciones que limitan el comportamiento de los agentes. Por tanto, determinar qué consideramos como justo, qué podemos observar de otros, qué ocurre si los demás pueden in‡uir en nuestras percepciones y cómo se afectan nuestras decisiones cuando éstas repercuten en los demás, son factores que deben ser estudiados a la hora de describir nuestro comportamiento. 19
Introduction This thesis collects the main results of my doctoral studies in the Quantitative Economics Doctorate (QED) at the Universidad of Alicante. The thesis is entitled “Essays on Behavioral and Experimental Economics” and it is made up by four di¤erent chapters, which focus on decision-making and in‡uence. In the …rst chapter, “Self-Interest and Justice Principles”, I attempt to show that justice principles impose a constraint on otherwise self-maximizing agents. To that purpose, I elicit individuals’preferences over justice principles by using a dictator game with production in a two-phase laboratory experiment. The dictator game has long been used to demonstrate that economic actors do not always behave according to their own self-interests. The experimental evidence suggests that dictators frequently violate the theoretical prediction for strictly sel…sh agents, giving around 20% of the surplus on average instead of nothing (see Camerer 2003 for a review of the results). However, Cherry, Fryblom and Shogren (2002) emphasize that the dictator game is not suitable for studying fairness or altruistic attitudes given that players do not contribute to the production of the surplus that is being distributed. Then, at the …rst stage of my experiment, all the subjects solve a questionnaire and contribute to the surplus that will be divided in the second stage, in which randomly selected dictators split the available amount after being informed about all players’contribution to the surplus. I consider three di¤erent treatments in which dictators are paid less than, more than, or equal to the recipient for each correct answer. Hence, two factors determine a subject’s contribution to the surplus: her score on the test and the rate at which this score is turned into money. It is common knowledge that reward levels and the dictator role are assigned at random, therefore it is likely that distributional preferences based on property rights are highlighted. In particular, the outcome of the second stage is expected to fall into three di¤erent categories- each representing a di¤erent justice principle: (i) dividing the surplus into two identical parts (egalitarian principle), (ii) using the agent’s number of correct answers to split the surplus (accountability principle) or (iii) taking into account agents’monetary contributions to the surplus (libertarian principle). The experiment provides evidence that no single justice principle can explain the dictators’ choice. Instead, dictators seem to divide the surplus according to the principle that best satis…es their own interest according to the circumstances. As a result, when dictators earnings come under unfavorable conditions (i.e., when they are paid a smaller reward per correct answer), their behavior is observed not to accord with the libertarian principle (which bases payo¤s distribution on agents’ monetary contribution). However, the egalitarian and the accountability principles (which ignore the reward discrimination introduced by experimenters) can be presented as plausible explanations of dictators’behavior. Not surprisingly, such justice 21
principles do not appear to characterize the dictators’ choice when their earnings are under an advantageous position (i.e., when they are paid higher than recipients per correct answer). The evidence in this latter scenario reveals that dictators do respect agents’…rst-stage monetary contributions to the surplus. The inability to link the experimental subjects’ behavior to a unique justice principle is consistent with Cappelen et al. (2007), who …nd that individuals are heterogeneous in their use of justice principles. However, they do not …nd evidence for self-serving bias and assume that "individuals have a fairness ideal that is independent of the distributional function in which they …nd themselves" (Cappelen et al. 2007, page 824). In contrast, my data suggest that justice principles are contextdependent and that dictators divide the surplus according to whichever principle best satis…es their own best interest in each instance. I interpret this result as the justice norms imposing a constraint on purely sel…sh behavior. As a result, I interpret that the deviations from zero giving which are typically observed in the dictator games are not due to the presence of social preferences, but rather to the role played by context-dependent justice principles. The second chapter, “Do Social Network Prevent Bank Runs? ” is a joint paper with Hubert Janos Kiss and Alfonso Rosa-Garcia. The aim of the paper is to study the emergence of bank runs in a sequential setup, in which social networks determine the information ‡ow between depositors. In the Great Depression, much economic loss was directly caused by bank runs (Bernanke, 1983). In 2007, the bank run on Northern Rock in the UK heralded the oncoming economic crisis. Since then, several noteworthy banks in developed countries have experienced runs, such as the Bank of East Asia in Hong Kong and Washington Mutual in the US. Non-bank institutions, such as investment funds, have also experienced massive withdrawals very similar to bank runs. The leading explanations for the occurrence of bank runs can be grouped into two main categories; the degradation of market fundamentals (e.g., macroeconomic shocks, speci…c industrial conditions) and coordination failure by depositors (e.g., self-ful…lling prophecy). Empirical evidence suggests that bank runs cannot be explained by changes in the fundamentals alone (Calomiris and Mason, 2003) but rather that coordination problems also play an important role. Diamond and Dybvig (1983) provide the seminal model of coordination problems between depositors. They represent the depositor coordination problem as a simultaneous-move game in which multiple equilibria emerge, one of which has depositors making a bank run. Although many researchers have continued to use and build on this seminal model of depositor coordination, descriptions of real-world bank runs and statistical data make clear that depositors’ decisions are not entirely simultaneous but partially sequential (Kelly and O Grada 2000). In our model, we attempt to capture the e¤ects of observability as a determinant of bank runs, an issue that has mostly been disregarded by the literature. We 22
construct a theoretical model that resembles a bank-run environment and displays both simultaneity and sequentiality. We show that in theory, the mere possibility of observing predecessors’actions may prevent bank runs. Experimentally, we observe that which action is being observed a¤ects the likelihood of a bank run; therefore, initial decisions in the sequence (and whether these decisions are being observed) are crucial in terms of the emergence of bank runs. We consider three depositors in line at a common bank, who have had their endowments deposited in that bank. We assume that depositors know their position in the sequence, which is exogenously given. Depositors have to decide whether to withdraw their deposit from the bank or not. There is an impatient depositor who has an immediate need for funds and always withdraws her deposit, regardless of her position in the sequence. The other two depositors, who are called patient depositors, do not need their money urgently and decide whether to withdraw their funds from the bank or keep them deposited. We assume that depositors belong to a social network, so that a link connecting two depositors implies that the depositor who acts later can observe the other depositor’s action. Likewise, the depositor who acts earlier knows that her action is being observed. These features allow the connected depositors to play a sequential game, while the depositors who are not linked play a simultaneous game. A bank run occurs, according to our de…nition, if at least one of the patient depositors withdraws. We study the impact of di¤erent network structures on equilibria and show that if the link between the …rst two depositors to decide (henceforth, link 12) is in place, no bank run arises in equilibrium; therefore the link 12 represents a su¢ cient condition to prevent bank runs. In fact, if depositors 1 and 2 are not connected, bank runs may occur in equilibrium. The idea of the link 12 as a su¢ cient condition to prevent bank runs provides a testable prediction of the model, which is exploited in a laboratory experiment. We thus designed an experiment to mimic the bank-run setup described above. We matched subjects in pairs to form banks of three depositors, letting the computer act as the impatient depositor. Experimental data partially con…rm the theoretical prediction. In those networks in which the link 12 exists, depositor 1’s withdrawal rate is signi…cantly lower than in those without this link. We also see that with respect to the case in which depositor 1 has no links, the link 13 has a considerable e¤ect in reducing depositor 1’s withdrawal rate. Regarding depositor 2, the experimental data con…rm that the link 12 a¤ects her withdrawal rate. We see that when depositor 2 observes a waiting, it decreases the likelihood of withdrawal, which is in line with our prediction. However, if depositor 2 observes a withdrawal, then she is likelier to withdraw; a …nding that is not in line with our prediction and suggest that some bank runs are not due to fundamentals or coordination problems. The third chapter, “Are you a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? In‡uence Costs and Contract Design” is a joint paper with Brice Corgnet. In this paper, 23
we study the design of optimal contracts in a principal-agent model, in which the agent is given the possibility to in‡uence the principal’s evaluation of his work by manipulating certain pieces of information. Recent …nancial scandals including the Mado¤’s case of felony and the distortion of budget …gures by the Greek government, raise the question of the manipulability of information. A comprehensive analysis of the manipulability of information requires a precise understanding of the relation between the concepts of hard and soft information. In the …nance literature, hard information is de…ned as being quantitative, easy to store, transmitted in impersonal ways and independent of the collection process; all these features making it a priori di¢ cult for hard information to be manipulated. Further, research on supervision and delegation in principal-agent models refer to hard information as being veri…able (Jean Tirole, 1986), whereas soft information is considered to be unveri…able, meaning that it cannot be observed by a third party (the "judge"). In our paper, we consider a principal-agent model, in which the principal has access to both, hard and soft information about the agent’s level of e¤ort. We assume that the agent’s level of output cannot be manipulated and provides hard information about his level of e¤ort. The supervision signal, however, provides soft information as it is subject to manipulation attempts, which cannot be veri…ed. The manipulation is rendered possible by assuming that the principal su¤ers from cognitive biases and may wrongly interpret the supervision signal. More speci…cally, we follow the idea of associate thinking by Mullainathan, Schwartzstein and Shlei¤er (2008), and assume that the principle is unable to distinguish the following positive pieces of information: "The agent is a hard-working employee" and "The agent is a good person". These pieces of information belong to two di¤erent categories, work abilities and personality, and the di¢ culty for the principal is to disentangle signals that concern the contribution of their employee to the …rm and the ones that relate to personal characteristics. We consider that the agent can take positive actions to appear as “good person”by undertaking in‡uence activities at a cost (e.g. inviting his boss for a co¤ee). These activities are unveri…able by a third party so that the principal cannot prevent in‡uence simply by punishing attempts to manipulate soft signals. We allow the principle to use the hard and the soft information when signing the contract. We characterize the optimal incentive contracts that implement the e¢ cient level of e¤ort by the agent and compare the incentive scheme under in‡uence with the case in which in‡uence is not possible. We show that as signal becomes more manipulable (i) the optimal wages become more compressed and less volatile, and (ii) more weight tends to be given to the hard signal in the payment scheme. We also show that the agent’s ability to manipulate the soft signal increases the cost of implementing the e¢ cient level of e¤ort. 24
In the second part of the paper, we extend our analysis to the case in which in‡uence activities are costly in terms of the …rm productive activities as is suggested by Milgrom (1988). We compare two possible strategies to dissuade in‡uence activities. The …rst one consists of designing incentive contracts that are less responsive to the soft signal so as to reduce the expected bene…ts associated with in‡uence activities. This …rst strategy would induce even greater wage compression in the case of productivity-based in‡uence costs than in the previous case. The second strategy, which is actually followed by the principal in equilibrium, consists of increasing the expected costs associated with in‡uence activities by increasing the incentives associated with the hard signal. In that case, in‡uence activities become less attractive as they reduce the probability that the agent will get the high payment associated with a high level of performance on the hard signal. As a result, we show that principals may be interested in designing high-powered incentives to avoid in‡uence activities. More speci…cally, we show that high-powered incentives and in‡uencefree contracts that deter in‡uence are more likely to be o¤ered to agents for which in‡uence is especially costly in terms of …rm productivity. This implies that highproductivity workers are expected to be paid according to in‡uence-free contracts whereas low-productivity agents are likely to be rewarded with contracts which allow for some level of in‡uence activities. In the fourth chapter, “Doing It on Time under the In‡uence of Others”, I consider an agent with hyperbolic discounting whose intertemporal behavior is a¤ected by other agents’payo¤s and by expectations for what others consider desirable. The aim of this paper is to show that concern for others a¤ects the incentives for the agent to undertake or delay the realization of a task in the context of intertemporal decisions. When should we invest in education? When should we save money? When should we exercise? When should we get married or quit bad habits? Intertemporal decisions are those in which costs and bene…ts that occur at di¤erent points in time are involved. Through the decision making process, people show tendency to procrastinate and delay unpleasant tasks when current costs are salient in comparison with future bene…ts. When current bene…ts are unduly salient, people often preproperate and engage in activities that they would have preferred to postpone. This phenomenon is referred to as time-inconsistent behavior and accounts for the inability of people to carry out their today’s plan in future. The model of quasi-hyperbolic discounting has been reformulated by Laibson (1997) and then used by O’Donoghue and Rabin (1999) to study the individual’s behavior in the context of intertemporal decisions. The characteristic feature of a quasi-hyperbolic agent is that she gives stronger relative weight to earlier moments in time as they get closer. The agent may or may not be aware of this feature. If she does, the agent is said to be sophisticated; otherwise, she is said to be naive. O’Donoghue and Rabin (1999) indeed develop a model in which time-inconsistent 25
behavior emerges from the tradeo¤ between the agent’s ability to foresee her future behavior and the salience of present payo¤s in comparison with the future ones. As detailed in Chapter 4, the study of time-inconsistent behavior is an important topic for economists as it is closely related to optimal contracting, bad habits and addictions, optimal taxation, and people’s decision to acquire information. Moreover, quasi-hyperbolic preferences are consistent with relatively large evidence, both in the experimental lab and in the …eld. In Chapter 4, I attempt to show that intertemporal decisions are the result of expectations for what others consider to be desirable and the agent’s motivation to comply with these expectations, taking into account that the agent’s taste for immediate grati…cation and the degree of awareness about future behavior are two important factors at stake too. Thus, I develop a model in which intertemporal behavior stems partly from di¤erences between the agent’s impatience and her belief about how impatient other agents are. As a result, when the agent has to decide a period to perform a task or complete an action, she will weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a particular period, having in mind the impact of her decision on the other agents’payo¤ as well as the other agents’willingness to wait. In recent times, economists have shown keen interest in studying formulas to mitigate the problem of time-inconsistency. Behavioral interventions that encompass externally-imposed deadlines and economics incentives have been designed to address this problem, but the results are not clear-cut. My paper contributes to the current debate by pointing out the importance of social accountability on intertemporal behavior, therefore the external in‡uence should also be considered when analyzing time-inconsistent behavior and the agents’ability to overcome bad habits, postpone tasks or engage in harmful activities. My speci…cation implies that the standard tendency to procrastinate in situations in which current costs are unduly salient, can be counter-balanced by internalizing the other agents’payo¤s. Using a questionnaire, I report evidence to support this claim. In Chapter 4, I also propose an experiment to study how the concern for other agents can be identi…ed. Hence, even thought this thesis is made up by four di¤erent chapters, dealing with di¤erent topics, all of them are related as these chapters highlight the importance of constraints on decision making. Indeed, the four articles are uni…ed by the theme of how economic agents may in‡uence each other’s behavior through nonpecuniary means (i.e., justice principles, observability, in‡uence activities and social accountability).
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Chapter 1 Self-Interest and Justice Principles Equity is merely a word that hypocritical people use to cloak self-interest. H. Peyton Young (1994)
The dictator game has long been used to demonstrate that economic actors do not always behave according to their own self-interest. In this game, one of the players (the dictator) chooses how to split a certain amount of money between herself and her counterpart (the recipient), who has no strategic input into the …nal outcome. Thus, the prediction is that strictly sel…sh dictators will give nothing to recipients. However, in real experiments, dictators frequently violate this prediction, giving around 20 percent of the surplus on average (see Camerer 2003 for a review of the results). Although the dictator’s behavior has usually been interpreted as support for other-regarding preferences, recent studies emphasize that the dictator game is not suitable for studying fairness or altruistic attitudes given that players do not contribute to the production of the surplus that is distributed. Along these lines, Cherry, Frykblom and Shogren (2002) …nd that when their identities are anonymous and their e¤ort levels determine the size of the surplus, 95 percent of dictators transfer no money at all to recipients. Relatedly, Oxoby and Spraggon (2008) point 29
Chapter 1
Self-Interest and Justice Principles
out that dictators will be prone to give more money away if the size of the surplus is determined by recipients’e¤ort levels. The idea of desert is also presented in other studies such as Frohlich, Oppenheimer and Kurki (2004), who discuss the relationship between choices based on entitlements and egalitarian divisions of the surplus and conclude that dictators are motivated by entitlements, not egalitarianism.1 The aim of this paper is to elicit experimental subjects’preferences over justice principles, using a context in which agents’e¤ort levels are di¤erentially rewarded and determine the size of the surplus. I design a two-phase laboratory experiment. In the …rst phase (the earning stage), subjects earn money by answering a multiplechoice test that pays for each correct answer a …xed random reward. This reward is the same for all questions but might vary across individuals according to three di¤erent treatments in which dictators are paid less than, more than, or equal to the recipient for each correct answer. Hence, two factors determine a subject’s contribution to the surplus: her score on the test and the rate at which this score is turned into money. Using this procedure, the available surplus to be divided depends on agents’ e¤ort: as a result, rational behavior should be produced, as argued by Cherry, Frykblom and Shogren (2002). In the second phase (the allocation stage), dictators are randomly selected to split the earned surplus after being informed about each agent’s reward for each correct answer, and thus all members’ contribution to the surplus. Since it is common knowledge that reward levels and roles are assigned at random, it is likely that distributional preferences based on property rights are highlighted. In particular, the outcome of the second stage is expected to fall into three di¤erent categories- each representing a di¤erent justice principles: (i) dividing the surplus into two identical parts (egalitarian principle), (ii) using the agent’s number of correct answers to split the surplus (accountability principle) or (iii) taking into account agents’monetary contributions to the surplus (libertarian principle).2 I refer to these as natural justice principles. 1
Ru- e (1998), Eckel and Grossman (1996) and Gätcher and Riedl (2005) also refer to this idea of desert as a plausible explanation to describe the dictator’s behavior. 2 Overall, my approach can also be seen as an attempt at studying the extent to which the dictator feels responsable by the reward di¤erences and tries to compensate for them in a laboratory
Chapter 1
Self-Interest and Justice Principles
I …nd that there is no single natural justice principle that can explain the allocators’choice but that dictators adapt themselves to the exogenous payo¤ parameter and seem to behave according to the "most sel…sh" of the natural justice principles. Hence, when dictators earnings come under unfavorable conditions (i.e., when they are paid a smaller reward per correct answer), their behavior is observed not to accord with the libertarian principle (which bases payo¤s distribution on agents’ monetary contribution). However, the egalitarian and the accountability principles (which ignore the reward discrimination introduced by experimenters) can be presented as plausible explanations of dictators’behavior. Not surprisingly, such justice principles do not appear to characterize the dictators’ choice when their earnings are under an advantageous position (i.e., when they are paid higher than recipients per correct answer). The evidence in this latter scenario reveals that dictators do respect agents’…rst-stage monetary contributions to the surplus. The inability to link the experimental subjects’ behavior to a unique justice principle is consistent with Cappelen et al. (2007, 2009), who …nd that individuals are heterogeneous in their use of justice principles. However, they do not …nd evidence for self-serving bias and assume that "individuals have a fairness ideal that is independent of the distributional function in which they …nd themselves" [Cappelen et al. 2007, page 824]. In contrast, my data suggest that while dictators endorse a fairness ideal, justice principles are context-dependent. More precisely, the dictator’s behavior depends on the external circumstances (i.e., the reward levels) that determine earnings.3 experiment. See Fleurbaey and Maniquet (2009) for a review of the literature on compensation. To see that e¤ort and the resulting sense of entitlement decreases self-interested behavior, read Konow (2000) and List (2007). Importantly, roles and rewards are assigned at random in my experiment, what accounts for the problem of equality of opportunity given that each subject is given exactly the same opportunities to be rewarded more or less than her counterpart. The introduction of the random reward is also key to test the libertarian principle, as the accountability and the libetarian principle di¤er in the weight that subjects assign to e¤ort and circumstances. Finally, roles are assigned at random because if the dictator is chosen after scoring higher in the test then sel…sh behavior arises more frequently (Ho¤man et al. 1994). This may occur because the dictator associates her role with property rights (i.e., because the dictator role is "earned") or simply because the use of this device to identify the person who is the dictator alerts the dictator to what her property rights are (Harrison and McKee, 1985). 3 Andreoni and Miller (2002) and Bardsley (2008) use a di¤erent approach to show that altruistic
Chapter 1
Self-Interest and Justice Principles
The in‡uence of the context in distributional justice has been studied in the …eld of empirical social choice since Yaari and Bar-Hillel (1984), who attempt at evaluating several distribution mechanisms by the way of a questionnaire. Yaari and Bar-Hillel (1984) ask subjects to choose between di¤erent allocations and show that framing e¤ects matter, as subjects choose di¤erent solutions for the same distribution problems depending on the prevalence of tastes or needs in the story underlaying each question. The "stated context" is also an important feature in Konow (2001), who proposes a theory of positive justice in which three di¤erent justice principles (the accountability principle, e¢ ciency and taste) interact with the context to determine the …nal allocation. Konow (2001) concludes that context matters because of the interpretation and application of the justice principles, rather than because of the lack of general principles. This idea of context-dependent justice di¤ers from Young (1994), who suggest that fairness de…es generalization as the contextual details are crucial to understand the concept of justice.4 To explore the lack of a general principle, I leave aside the treatment approach while undertaking a pooled data analysis. In this framework, I seek for a justice principle that explains the dictator’s behavior. I reject the hypothesis that any of the three natural justice principles explains the subjects’ behavior. However, I cannot reject the hypothesis that dictators divide the surplus according to whichever principle best satis…es their own best interest in each instance. This idea of a "bias principle" can be interpreted as the justice principles being equally fair from the dictator’s point of view, so that the dictator chooses the one that maximizes her own payo¤. Karni and Safra (2002) present the rationale for this interpretation. They model the individual’s preferences by considering two di¤erent components: the self-interest and the individual’s moral value judgment. Karni and Safra (2002) de…ne a self-interested individual as the one who prefers an allocation over another if both are equally fair and the former is preferred over the latter. In my case, concerns change according to the "price of giving". 4 Konow (2001) refers to this idea as context-speci…c justice. In this paper, I use the term context-dependent justice to stress that individuals endorse a justice principle that depends on the (external) treatment condition.
Chapter 1
Self-Interest and Justice Principles
self-interest can be interpreted as the dictator’s tendency to allocate the surplus according to the most favorable justice principle. In addition, the idea of "bias" justice goes back to Messick and Sentis (1983), who show that subjects choose equity (i.e., the accountability principle) or equality (i.e., the egalitarian principle) in a self-interested manner.5 These …ndings represent a novelty in the dictator game literature by suggesting that dictators are self-interested agents who may not be concerned by the other agent’s payo¤s but constrained by the justice norms. In that sense, I do not propose to model the dictator’s preferences by relying on the social preferences literature which, roughly speaking, underscore the assumption that allocators’utility does not depend only on their …nal payo¤s but also on that of other agents, as well as on the relationship between both amounts.6 I instead conjecture that deviations from narrow self-interest are basically motivated by a context-dependent justice principle. As a result, dictators maximize their own payo¤s constrained by being considered fair by at least one of the natural justice principles. Then, my results are related to the idea of individuals having a weak preference for fairness (Dana, Weber and Xi Kuang 2007) or at least a self-interested preference over redistribution (Rutström and Williams 2000). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 1.2 o¤ers a template for di¤erent justice principles that could be considered in the dictator game analysis and formally presents the hypotheses. I outline the experimental design in Section 1.3 and present the main results in Section 1.4. I conclude in Section 1.5. 5
Messick and Sentis (1983) conclude that agents have egocentric bias and have a tendency to believe it more fair for them to keep money for another to do so in the same situation. Recently, Cappelen et al. (2008) explore this idea in an experiment that involves real e¤ort to explain the di¤erence between rich and poor countries. 6 These models usually consider that dictators give money away because they have increasing utility in recipients’ payo¤ (Kritikosa and Bollea 2001; Andreoni and Miller 2002), because they dislike payo¤ di¤erences (Fehr and Schmidt 1999; Bolton and Ockenfels 2000; Frohlich, Oppenheimer and Kurki 2004) or because they want to maximize the lowest payo¤ to any one party (Engelmann and Strobel 2004).
Chapter 1
Self-Interest and Justice Principles
Sel…shness and Justice Principles in the Dictator Game
Consider the dictator game in which players can be labeled i 2 fa; bg such that i = a
(player a) embodies the dictator and i = b (player b) is the recipient. The dictator has to divide a certain surplus (M
0) between herself and her counterpart, where
the available amount of money to be shared depends on agents’contribution to the surplus, denoted by mi In particular,
0 for i = fa; bg: M = m a + m b = p a qa + p b qb
where qi
0 represents agent i’s performance in a previous stage and pi > 0 is
the weight assigned to this input (in our context, subjects will be asked to solve a questionnaire, so qi will be the number of agent i’s correct answers in a quiz and pi the reward for each correct answer). I denote s 2 [0; 1] the proportion of the surplus that dictator allocates to the
recipient, where s(p; q) : R2+
Z2+ ! [0; 1]; for p = (pa ; pb ) and q = (qa ; qb ):
De…nition 1.1. We say that the dictator is purely sel…sh if s(p; q) = 0, 8p > 0; q
0: When s(p; q) = 0:5, 8p > 0; q
0; we say that the dictator allocation
satis…es the egalitarian principle.
Therefore, a sel…sh dictator would keep the entire surplus, regardless of the agents’ contribution to the surplus, whereas an egalitarian dictator would choose to divide it equally, ignoring the source of the surplus or its size. This de…nition makes the Nash Equilibrium prediction for non-altruistic dictators compatible with the dictator’s sel…sh behavior. The egalitarian behavior is related to the underlying idea of the inequality aversion models, which consider that people dislike unequal outcomes, regardless of the source of the inequality. Nevertheless, these concepts are distant from other justice theories that plead for a solution in which entitlements over the available surplus are directly determined by the Aristotle’s idea of proportionality. 34
Chapter 1
De…nition 1.2. Let xq : =
Self-Interest and Justice Principles qb qa +qb
denote the proportion of the answers that is due
to the recipient. We say that the dictator follows the accountability principle if s(p; q) = xq : We say that the dictator behaves according to the accountability principle whenever she relies on discretionary variables (the number of correct answers) to make the division of the surplus. Basically, this notion of justice corresponds to an equity principle as it relies on the subject’s performance (i.e., the inputs). Overall, the accountability principle implies that those factors that cannot be controlled by agents (i.e., the rewards) should not be considered by dictators when they are making their choice. In that vein, the …nal allocation would depend solely on the exerted e¤ort (Roemer 1998).7 It can be argued, however, that each person should receive exactly what she produces (Nozick 1974) for an allocation to be considered just. De…nition 1.3. Let xm : =
mb ma +mb
denote the proportion of the surplus that is
due to the recipient. We say that the dictator follows the libertarian principle if s(p; q) = xm : The libertarian principle embodies the idea that those who had been lucky with reward assignments should not be punished to favor those who had been not. Unlike the previous principles, the libertarian idea does not assign any value to equality and stands for the case in which nature (i.e., luck or birth) plays a crucial role. I assume that any of the above principles could be claimed to re‡ect entitlements over bargaining surplus and, thereby, they could be considered plausible justice norms from the dictators’ point of view.8 The egalitarian principle implies that neither the score in the test nor the prices is important to determine the dictators’ 7
The accountability principle is also referred to as liberal egalitarianism or the attribution theory. Konow (2000) studies the extent to which this principle can explain the dictator’s choice. See Fleurbaey (2008) for the relationship between responsibility and justice principles and Konow (2003) for a further description of various theories of justice. 8 According to Rawls (1999), justice principles are normative concepts and, hence, apply to judgements made beyond the veil of ignorance. However, the veil of ignorance is a dubious mechanism to guarantee distributive justice (Moreno-Ternero and Roemer 2008).
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giving. The accountability principle is based solely on the …rst factor, and the libertarian principle is based on both. I refer to these principles as natural justice principles.9 If justice were a genuine concept, then dictators would follow any of them when dividing the surplus. I state this hypothesis as follows: Hypothesis 1. Dictators allocate the surplus according to a single natural principle and follow the egalitarian, the accountability or the libertarian principle, regardless of the external factors (i.e., the reward levels) that determine the subject’s contribution to the surplus. I want to reject Hypothesis 1 so as to claim that there is no unique or absolute natural justice principle to explain the dictator’s behavior. This …nding would be consistent with individuals being heterogeneous regarding justice attitudes, as pointed out by Cappelen et al. (2007, 2009). The authors, however, assume that individuals endorse a justice principle that is not context-dependent. This implies that dictators are equally likely to distribute earnings according to each of the natural justice principles, regardless of the treatment conditions. I depart from this view and conjecture that justice principles are not stationary but a¤ected by the exogenous variable (i.e., the reward levels). In the next section, I show that context matters by showing that dictators do not divide the total surplus according to the libertarian principle (i.e., the criteria based on earnings) when they are at a relative disadvantage with regard to accumulating money (pa < pb ), whereas the accountability principle (i.e., the criteria based on e¤ort) cannot be rejected in that case. Similarly, dictators follow the libertarian principle instead of the accountability principle when their correct answers are being rewarded at a higher rate (pa > pb ). My second hypothesis goes in line with the idea that dictators who transfer money away do not really have a preference relation for fairness but justice principles 9
Of course, there exist cases in which these principles overlap. For instance, if pa = pb ; then the accountability and the libertarian principle coincide (xq = xm ). When qa = qb , the accountability principle and the egalitarian principle coincide (xq = 0:5): When the agents’monetary contribution to the pie is the same (ma = mb ), then the libertarian and the egalitarian principles coincide (xm = 0:5).
Chapter 1
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impose a constraint on their behavior (i.e., dictators try to maximize their earnings while being fair by at least one of the principles). The hypothesis implies that dictators are self-interested agents who endorse a bias fairness ideal and transfer the minimum amount that they have to give away so as to appear just by at least one of the principles, that is, xb : = minfxq ; xm ; 0:5g. Hypothesis 2. When dictators give money away, they do not do not employ a bias principle, that is, they transfer an amount of money that is di¤erent to the one that maximizes their own payo¤, among the fair allocations. Formally, s(p; q) 6= xb : I want to reject Hypothesis 2 so as to claim that dictators who give money away allocate based on recipients’contribution, choosing which natural justice principle best maximizes their earnings. I use the bias principle as the plausible self-serving bias explanation to describe behavior. The result, however, can be related to three di¤erent ideas outlined by the literature. On the one hand, Kahneman, Knetsch and Thaler (1986) explore the role of fairness in the …rm’s maximization problem and conclude that …rms are constrained by fairness ideals when maximizing pro…ts. In my case, this interpretation would imply that the justice norm imposes a constraint on otherwise self-maximizing agents. Another interpretation, which goes in line with Andreoni and Bernheim (2009), is to consider that people like to be perceived as fair. Finally, we may think that dictators evaluate the egalitarian, the accountability and the libertarian principle as equally fair, precisely because all of them are natural justice principles. In that case, self-interest makes subjects to choose the most convenient principle to maximize their payo¤. This latter reasoning is in line with Karni and Safra (2002).
Experimental Design
A total of 144 students reporting no previous experience in experiments were recruited from the University of Alicante in May 2008 and November 2008. Through 37
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6 di¤erent sessions, subjects were received in the Laboratory for Theoretical and Experimental Economics (LaTEx) and were invited to take a numbered ball to determine their place during the computerized experiment. The Laboratory consists of 24 networked computer workstations in separate cubicles. The experiment was implemented using the z-Tree software due to Fischbacher (2007). The Earning Stage When the subjects are in front of their computers, instructions are read aloud. Subjects are explained that they have to individually complete a test that will provide earnings for the second stage of the experiment. At this point, it is common knowledge that the test is the same for all individuals. Subjects are also informed about the existence of a second phase. However, they are not told that the test is intended to redistribute earnings. The quiz takes 35 minutes and contains 20 multiple-choice questions, with only one correct answer over the …ve possibilities. Before answering the questions, subjects know that each of their correct answers will be randomly paid at a certain reward rate pi 2 [100; 200]; for i 2 fa; bg.10 The reward coincides for all questions but might vary across individuals. Moreover, the realization of pi is unknown until the second period.11 Treatments When the time for the test expires, subjects are randomly matched in pairs and assigned a type, namely "player a" (dictators) or "player b" (recipients). This type 10
It is standard practice for all experiments run in Alicante to use Spanish pesetas as experimental currency. The reason for this design choice is twofold. First, it mitigates integer problems, compared with other currencies (USD or Euros, for example). Second, although Spanish pesetas are no longer in use (replaced by the Euro in 2002), Spanish people still use pesetas to express monetary values in their everyday life. In this respect, by using a "real" (as opposed to an arti…cial) currency, we avoid the problem of framing the incentive structure of the experiment using a scale (e.g. "Experimental Currency") with no cognitive content. Exchange rate: 1 Euro = 166,386 pesetas. 11 The instructions are in the appendix and the complete test is available on request. I use questions 1 to 10 given by List and Cherry (2000) and 10 additional questions of my own. I use List and Cherry (2000) because their questions are easy to solve but time-consuming. List and Cherry (2000) argue that their questions are a good way to measuring e¤ort, rather than talent.
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does not depend on agents’ performance in the test and is used to determine the subjects’role through the second stage of the experiment as well as the reward for their correct answers. I …x pa = 150 pesetas and pb 2 f100; 150; 200g pesetas as follows.
In the dictator worse (DW) treatment, with 24 observations, dictators are treated relatively worse than recipients since their correct answers are paid at a lower reward rate, so pa = 150 pesetas and pb = 200 pesetas. In the dictator better (DB) treatment, with 24 observations, the previous situation is reversed and type-a players receive a higher reward per correct answer than type-b players, that is, pa = 150 pesetas and pb = 100 pesetas. Finally, in the baseline (BL) treatment, with 24 observations, reward levels coincide for both subjects, so pa = pb = 150 pesetas. The Allocation Stage When subjects are informed about their rewards and their contribution to the surplus, it is common knowledge that reward levels and roles have been randomly decided. The total surplus is then divided according to a dictators’decision, which is made under anonymous conditions.12 In the allocation stage, "player b" was asked to make an hypothetical division of the surplus. The purpose of asking subjects b to perform a choice task was to prevent them from identifying player a by observing some subjects making a choice and others not. A show-up fee of 4 Euros is paid to each participant at the end of the session, regardless of their performance in the quiz.
Behavior in the Dictator Game
On average, the dictators divided around 3000 pesetas (18 Euros) in the allocation stage and no signi…cant di¤erence exists between the number of dictators’and re12
I do not use a double-blind procedure because it might make agents skeptical about whether transfers will be carried out (Bolton, Katok and Zwick 1998). The appendix provides further details about the allocation stage.
Chapter 1
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cipients’ correct answers except in the BL treatment, where recipients have more correct answers than dictators.13 Table 1 summarizes the main variables for each treatment and presents an overview of the data. In the earning stage, qi denotes the average number of correct answers for player i 2 fa; bg. In the allocation stage, s 2 [0; 1] stands for the
proportion of the surplus that dictators give away, whereas (s
xq ) and (s
xm )
are used to measure the dictator’s deviation from the accountability and the libertarian principle, respectively. In all the cases, standard deviations are reported in brackets.14
I …nd that positive transfers occur 90 percent of the time and that average distribution is around 40 percent of the surplus, which is signi…cantly higher than the 13
In the BL treatment, the null H0 : qa = qb can be rejected at the 5% signi…cance level in favor of the alternative H1 : qa 6= qb (t = 2:14, p value = 0:036). 14 I do not report the results for player b, given that economic incentives were not involved in their decision. However, the conclusions for player a do also hold for player b.
Chapter 1
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average distribution in dictator games without production. This may indicate that the presence of the earning stage makes people care more about fairness consideration (Cappelen et al. 2007; Oxoby and Spraggon 2008). I observe in Table 1 that the shares given away are higher in the DW scenario than in the rest of the treatments.15 One way to interpret why s 2 [0; 1] is higher in the DW is to recall that pa < pb in
this case, so it is likely for the recipient’s monetary contribution to the surplus to be higher in this framework. Indeed, the variable (s
xm ) is never positive in the DW
treatment, whereas the mean of this di¤erence is close to zero in the DB treatment. Across treatments, I also observe that deviations from the accountability principle are not constant and that (s
xq ) is closer to zero in the DW treatment. These
…ndings suggest that entitlements are important to drive behavior but that justice principles seem to be context-dependent. For instance, the accountability principle describes well the dictator’s behavior in the DW treatment, but it is not the case for the libertarian principle. I provide further evidence for this conjecture in Figure 1. Along the horizontal axis, I plot the proportion of the surplus that is due to recipients’performance in the quiz and I use the vertical axis to represent dictators’giving, s 2 [0; 1]. As a con-
sequence, the 45-degree line represents the appropriate theoretical prediction in the sense that observations on this line indicate that recipients are being transferred exactly the proportion of the surplus that they have contributed. Since the recipients’ contribution to the surplus depends on inputs and payments, I distinguish between the proportion of the surplus that is due to recipients’correct answers (xq ) in Figure 1A and the proportion of the surplus that is due to their monetary contribution (xm ) in Figure 1B. In the DW treatment (pa < pb ), self-interested dictators would be strictly better o¤ if they followed the accountability principle instead of the libertarian principle. Figure 1A suggests that (on average) dictators rely on recipients’ correct answers 15
If I compare average giving, the di¤erence is not signi…cant across treatments at any common signi…cance level (e.g., t = 1:38; p value = 0:174 for the comparison between DW and DB). However, I reject that the distributions of o¤ers are the same using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS = 0:33; p value = 0:089). A Chow test yields the same results.
Chapter 1
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when they split the money, as the data clouds around the line predicted by the accountability principle. Figure 1B actually shows that observations lie on the right-hand side of the 45-degree line when we consider the libertarian principle as the theoretical prediction. This implies that the recipients’monetary contribution to the surplus is an upper bound from the dictators’objective of deciding how much to give in this treatment. As commented above, the straightforward interpretation is that dictators do not transfer their earnings to the recipients, which is probably under the belief that recipients are being paid a higher reward per correct answer.
My hypotheses state that dictators behave in a self-interested manner. I undertake a similar approach to Konow (2000) to study the extent to which each natural justice principle can explain the dictator’s behavior in each of the treatments. I estimate si =
+ xk;i + "i for k 2 fq; mg and test for the intercept ( ) not being
signi…cantly di¤erent from zero and the slope ( ) not being signi…cantly di¤erent from one in each of the treatments. If the null hypothesis H0 :
= 0;
= 1 cannot
be rejected after running the regression over the independent variable xq (xm ); then I will not …nd evidence against the accountability (libertarian) principle. In both regressions, not rejecting the hypothesis that the intercept is 0.5 and the slope is 0 would imply that there is no evidence to reject that dictators follow the egalitarian principle, giving away half of the surplus. In Table 2 I report the estimates of the parameters ( and ) and the correspond42
Chapter 1
Self-Interest and Justice Principles
ing p-values for the individual signi…cance (in brackets). I consider the Huber/White sandwich estimator of the variance to accomplish robust estimates. I also report the results after predicting the median o¤er by minimizing the sum of absolute residuals (i.e., I run quantile regressions).16 Additionally, I report in Table 2 the results for the hypothesis testing (i.e., the statistical values), including the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
In the linear regressions, I …nd that the intercept is generally not signi…cantly 16
I bootstrap the results to ensure that the standard errors are correct if the residuals are neither normally distributed nor homoscedastic. Robust procedures (i.e., the use of the Huber/White sandwich estimator) allows the …tting of a model that does contain heteroscedastic residuals. Additionally, quantile regressions protects against the in‡uence of vertical outliers, which are de…ned as observations that have outlying values for the y dimension but are not outlying in the x-dimension. See Kennedy (2008) for an introduction to robust procedures and Rousseuw and Leroy (2003) for a more detailed analysis.
Chapter 1
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di¤erent from zero but that the slope is. If I test for the justice principles, I observe that regardless of the procedure, the dictator’s allocation fails to satisfy the libertarian principle in the DW treatment (F2;22 = 7:93, F2;22 = 8:03 and W = 4:09, with p
value = 0:0025, 0:0024 and 0:0000 respectively), although I cannot reject
the accountability principle in this case (F2;22 = 2:04, F2;22 = 1:39 and W = 0:93, where p
value = 0:1534, 0:2705 and 0:3529 respectively).17 The results are re-
versed for the DB treatment. In this case, I cannot reject the libertarian principle (F2;22 = 0:88, F2;22 = 0:00 and W = 0:29, with p
value = 0:4278, 1 and 0:7719),
but the accountability and the egalitarian principle can be rejected at any plausible signi…cance level (p
value < 0:0032 in all the cases). As a result, the data
suggest that there exists no natural justice principle that survives in all treatment conditions. In the last column of Table 2 I observe that none of the natural justice principles can be used to explain the pooled data (p
values < 0:0020 in all the cases). The
second hypothesis states that dictators do not behave as self-interested agents in the sense that they will not distribute earnings according to the most favorable justice principle in each instance. I employ pooled data analysis to test this hypothesis. I isolate the e¤ect of purely sel…sh dictators and estimate si =
+ xb;i + "i ;
where xb := minfxq ; xm ; 0:5g is de…ned as the bias principle. Alternatively, I can estimate the median o¤er by considering med(si ) =
+ xb;i + "i ; where xb :=
minfxq ; xm ; 0:5g: In both cases, I test the null hypothesis H0 :
= 0;
= 1 to reject
that dictators endorse a biased ideal of fairness.18 17
The results for the egalitarian principle are not clear-cut. I reject the egalitarian principle in light of the robust regression estimates (F2;22 = 4:28, p value = 0:0269), but I cannot do so in light of the quantile regression and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (F2;22 = 0:61 and W = 1:06, with p value = 0:5524 and 0:2889 respectively) 18 In total I have 72 observations (i.e., 24 observations in each treatment). There are 8 dictators choosing s = 0, one giving s = 0:01 and another one transferring s = 0:02. In the case of the robust regression, I do not consider these observations to eliminate the in‡uence of sel…sh dictators (outliers) who give away less than 5% of the pie and can be said to follow the theoretical prediction s = 0. Still, we have one dictator who gives s = 0:08 in the DB treatment. I include this observation in yhe analysis, but the exact same results are valid when this observation is removed. The results are the same when we undertake other robust procedures, such as M-estimators which down-weight the in‡uence of outliers. I do not report these results in Table 3 to keep the consistency with the procedures presented in Table 2.
Chapter 1
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The results in Table 3 show that the intercept is not signi…cantly di¤erent from zero but that the slope is. Moreover, none of the test procedures reject the hypothesis that the bias principle drives dictators’ behavior (F2;60 = 0:69; F2;60 = 0:35; W = 0:10, with p
values = 0:5064; 0:7056 and 0:9172; respectively).
I interpret this result as evidence rejecting Hypothesis 2: therefore dictators appear to behave according to the most favorable justice principle (bias principle) when dividing the surplus.
All during 80’s and 90’s, researchers have presented the dictator game as paradigmatic situation to support the agent’s deviation from narrow self-interest. The gist of their argument is that subjects who are initially allocated a certain amount of money (dictators) give some money away to their counterparts (recipients), who play no proper role in the division but to accept any share. I design a laboratory experiment with three di¤erent treatments in which dictators are paid less than, more than, or equal to the recipient for each correct answer 45
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so that the agent’s e¤ort is di¤erentially rewarded relative to the size of the surplus. I provide experimental evidence to show that there is no single natural justice principle to explain the dictator’s behavior but rather that justice principles are context-dependent. Moreover, the results suggest that justice can interpreted as a constraint on otherwise self-maximizing agents. This implies that dictators are selfinterested agents who behave according to the justice principle that best maximizes her own payo¤.
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WELCOME TO THE EXPERIMENT! (Spanish translation) This is an experiment to study decision making, so we are not interested in your particular choices but rather on the individual’s average behavior. Thus, all through the experiment you will be treated anonymously. Neither the experimenters nor the people in this room will ever know your particular choices. Please do not think that we expect a particular behavior from you. However, keep in mind that your behavior will a¤ect the amount of money you can win. Next, you will …nd instructions on the computer screen explaining how the experiment unfolds. The instructions are the same for all subjects in the laboratory and will be read aloud by experimenters. Please follow them carefully, as it is important that you understand the experiment before starting. Talking is forbidden during the experiment. If you have any questions, raise your hand and remain silent. You will be attended to by the experimenters as soon as possible. THE EXPERIMENT First phase The experiment has two phases. In the …rst one, you are able to get money by solving a questionnaire. The quiz that you will face is the same for all subjects in the room and contains 20 multiple-choice questions with 5 possible answers (only one of them is correct). You have 35 minutes to solve the quiz. Each of your correct answers will be rewarded at a reward rate that will be the same for each correct answer but may vary across individuals. No questions will be rewarded higher than others and the reward of each correct answer will be randomly announced once you …nish the questionnaire. This reward per correct answer lies between 100 and 200 pesetas and does not depend on your performance. You will now receive the questionnaire on a piece of paper. To answer the questions, you must use the computer screen. Please do not write on the questionnaire, 51
Chapter 1
and make sure that you have selected your answers correctly on the computer screen before continuing, as the computer will automatically check your answers at the end of this phase. Calculators cannot be used during the experiment. You will be provided an additional piece of paper to make computations if needed. Remember that during the experiment you are not allowed to communicate with each other: you can only communicate with the experimenters. (Subjects introduced their answers in the computer screen. See Figure 2)
Second phase In this second phase, you will be randomly matched with a subject in this room and your total earnings will be announced. Remember that the reward of each correct answer is randomly determined so it does not depend on your performance in the quiz. (Subjects were informed about their earnings. They faced a computer screen quite similar to Figure 3, which was used for the allocation stage). Now, you will be assigned a type, that is, you will either be player A or player B. This type is randomly determined to choose the one subject that divides the surplus. 52
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Hence, the subject selected as player A will divide the total earnings. Remember that your choices will be treated anonymously. Neither during the experiment nor after the experiment will you know the identity of the person you are matched with.19
Notice that I do not constrain dictators to choose from a menu or a set of alternatives: rather, they freely decide how to divide the earned surplus according to some internal criteria. Moreover, dictators are not informed about which division corresponds to which "justice principle". In that sense, justice principles arise naturally in my experimental design. It is also worth noting that prices are said to be randomly determined. In each session, we have 24 subjects, who are randomly paid as follows: 16 subjects receive a reward equal to 150 pesetas, 4 subjects are rewarded 200 pesetas, and 4 subjects are rewarded 100 pesetas. The prices do not depend on performance.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Do Social Network Prevents Bank Runs? Where’s that money, you silly stupid old fool? Where’s that money? Do you realize what this means? It means bankruptcy and scandal and prison. That’s what it means. One of us is going to jail - well, it’s not gonna be me. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
In the Great Depression, much economic loss was directly caused by bank runs (Bernanke, 1983). In 2007, the bank run on Northern Rock in the UK heralded the oncoming economic crisis. Since then, several noteworthy banks in developed countries have experienced runs, such as the Bank of East Asia in Hong Kong and Washington Mutual in the US. Non-bank institutions, such as investment funds, have also experienced massive withdrawals very similar to bank runs. Two recent examples are the collapse of Bear Stearns and the temporary suspension of redemptions in the Spanish real estate investment fund, Banif Inmobiliario. This paper attempts to capture the e¤ects of observability as a determinant of bank runs, an issue that has mostly been disregarded by the literature. The leading explanations for the occurrence of bank runs can be grouped into two main cate55
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gories; the degradation of market fundamentals (e.g., macroeconomic shocks, speci…c industrial conditions) and coordination failure by depositors (e.g., self-ful…lling prophecy).1 Empirical evidence suggests that bank runs cannot be explained by changes in the fundamentals alone (Calomiris and Mason, 2003) but rather that coordination problems also play an important role. Diamond and Dybvig (1983) provide the seminal model of coordination problems between depositors. They represent the depositor coordination problem as a simultaneous-move game in which multiple equilibria emerge, one of which has depositors making a bank run. Although many researchers have continued to use and build on this seminal model of depositor coordination, descriptions of real-world bank runs (Sprague, 1910; Wicker, 2001) and statistical data (Starr and Yilmaz, 2007) make clear that depositors’decisions are not entirely simultaneous but partially sequential. As a result, many depositors have information about what other depositors have done, and they use this information when making their decisions (Kelly and O Grada, 2000; Iyer and Puri, 2008). In this paper, we construct a theoretical model that resembles a bank-run environment and displays both simultaneity and sequentiality. We show that in theory, the mere possibility of observing predecessors’actions may prevent bank runs. Experimentally, we observe that which action is being observed a¤ects the likelihood of a bank run; therefore, initial decisions in the sequence (and whether these decisions are being observed) are crucial in terms of the emergence of bank runs. Our model considers three depositors in line at a common bank, who have had their endowments deposited in that bank. We follow Green and Lin (2003) and assume that depositors know their position in the sequence, which is exogenously given.2 It is also assumed that depositors belong to a social network, so that a link connecting two depositors implies that the depositor who acts later can observe the 1
Gorton and Winton (2003) is a comprehensive survey on …nancial intermediation dealing in depth with banking panics. 2 Models involving a small number of depositors are often analyzed in the literature that focuses on bank runs (Green and Lin, 2000; Peck and Shell, 2003; Ennis and Keister, 2009b). The assumption about the perfect knowledge of the position is often considered as well (Andolfatto, Nosal and Wallace, 2007; Green and Lin, 2000; Ennis and Keister, 2009b).
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other depositor’s action. Likewise, the depositor who acts earlier knows that her action is being observed. These features allow the connected depositors to play a sequential game, while the depositors who are not linked play a simultaneous game.3 The social network structure determines then the type of strategic interaction (simultaneous or sequential) and the information ‡ow among depositors. We study the impact of di¤erent network structures on equilibria. Each depositor knows her liquidity needs, which is private information, and decides in sequence whether to withdraw her deposit or to wait.4 There is an impatient depositor who has an immediate need for funds and always withdraws her deposit, regardless of the social network and her position in the sequence. The other two depositors, who are called patient depositors, do not need their money urgently and decide whether to withdraw their funds from the bank or keep them deposited. If both of the patient depositors decide to keep the money in the bank, they receive the highest possible payo¤. Withdrawal yields a lower but still relatively high payo¤ to the …rst two depositors who decide to withdraw. Waiting alone yields a lower payo¤, and the worst payo¤ is received by the depositor who withdraws after other depositors have made two withdrawals. Given these payo¤s, a patient depositor prefers to wait if the other patient depositor does so as well, but observability is restricted by the network structure and the position in the sequence of decision. A bank run occurs, according to our de…nition, if at least one of the patient depositors withdraws. We show that if the link between the …rst two depositors to decide (henceforth, link 12) is in place, no bank run arises in equilibrium. This result implies that when the link 12 is in place, patient depositors should wait, regardless of their position and what they observe.5 The link 12 (and not the information it 3
Here, we follow the standard convention in game theory, in which two actions are said to be simultaneous if players are not informed about other players’actions. Even though the decisions may be made at di¤erent points in time, the game is simultaneous because players make decisions without knowing the actions that are being chosen by others. By contrast, sequentiality requires information ‡ow and the knowledge of predecessors’actions. 4 We will use "to keep the money in the bank" and "to wait" in an interchangeable manner. 5 Our model relies on local information so that depositor 3 (that is, the depositor in the third position) does not know whether the link 12 exists. However, we construct the model in such a way that it is always optimal for depositor 3 to wait if patient.
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transmits) thus represents a su¢ cient condition to prevent bank runs. We show that if depositors 1 and 2 are not connected, bank runs may occur in equilibrium. To the best of our knowledge, our analysis is the …rst to use a network to model information ‡ow among depositors in the classic bank-run problem. Our modeling choice has various advantages. First, it …ts the empirical descriptions of bank runs well. Second, it allows for the representation of both simultaneous and sequential moves to exist in the same framework and is the …rst model in the bank run literature to do so. Third, the use of networks helps to disentangle issues involving the uniqueness versus the multiplicity of equilibria. Namely, our theoretical result contributes to this debate by revealing the importance of the information structure in determining whether the equilibrium is unique.6 The idea of the link 12 as a su¢ cient condition to prevent bank runs represents a clear-cut prediction to be tested in a controlled laboratory experiment. We thus designed an experiment to mimic the bank-run setup described above. We matched subjects in pairs to form banks of three depositors, letting the computer act as the impatient depositor. Subjects and the computer were randomly set in a network structure. A random position in the decision-making sequence was assigned to each participant. Subjects were asked to decide between waiting or withdrawing. Subjects knew that the computer was programmed to always withdraw. They were also informed that coordination on waiting with the other subject in the lab yielded the highest payo¤s. The game was played for 15 rounds, and subjects faced a di¤erent scenario each time (i.e., a di¤erent network structure or/and a di¤erent position in the sequence of decision).7 Statistical tests partially con…rm the theoretical prediction. In those networks in which the link 12 exists, depositor 1’s withdrawal rate is signi…cantly lower than 6
Diamond and Dybvig (1983) and Peck and Shell (2003) are examples of models with multiple equilibria. Goldstein and Pauzner (2005) show in a global games setup that both run and no run are possible equilibria but that the fundamentals determine unambigously which one occurs. Green and Lin (2003) show that a bank can o¤er a complex contract that uniquely implements the e¢ cient outcome. 7 The network and the position were exogenously determined so that we leave aside issues of network formation while focusing our attention on the impact of observability.
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in those without this link. We expected this result, given our theoretical result. We also see that with respect to the case in which depositor 1 has no links, the link 13 has a considerable e¤ect in reducing depositor 1’s withdrawal rate. This result suggests that -besides the existence of the link 12- being observed matters for a patient depositor 1. We interpret that depositor 1’s behavior is driven by the fact that her action is observed. By waiting, depositor 1 can induce the other patient depositor to follow suit. Regarding depositor 2, the experimental data con…rm that the link 12 a¤ects her withdrawal rate. We see that when depositor 2 observes a waiting, it decreases the likelihood of withdrawal, which is in line with our prediction. If depositor 2 observes a withdrawal, then she is likelier to withdraw; a …nding that is not in line with our prediction. We also observe that depositor 3’s choice is partially a¤ected by what she observes. Depositor 3 tends to wait upon observing that predecessors did the same, but observing withdrawals does not increase her likelihood of withdrawal. The experimental evidence suggests that the existence of a link at the beginning of the sequence can prevent the emergence of bank runs, but only under certain conditions. If depositor 1 is patient and her action is observed, bank runs occur less often than in the case in which no actions are observable. However, if depositor 1 is impatient, then being observed sparks bank runs, which are not due to fundamentals or to coordination problems.8 Next, we review the literature. In Section 2.2 we detail our experimental design and present our theoretical framework. In Section 2.3, we analyze and discuss the experimental results. Section 2.4 concludes.
Literature Review Two strands of work are related to our paper: the theoretical literature on bank runs and the experimental literature on coordination. 8
Real-life descriptions of bank runs suggest that depositors may panic and run to the bank upon observing that others do. This hypothesis would be in line with our experimental …ndings.
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The literature on bank runs follows the seminal work of Diamond and Dybvig (1983) and shows the existence of multiple equilibria, one of which involves depositors running the bank. Our goal is to …nd conditions that ensure a unique equilibrium without bank runs. This aim has been achieved by Green and Lin (2003) who keep the simultaneous framework, but introduce some substantial changes.9 Pursuing the same aim, we consider the issue of observability, which is missing from most models on bank runs. Observability plays a central role in Chao Gu (2009), but the scope of her paper is very di¤erent. She considers that patient depositors withdraw only if they expect the bank to perform poorly, so she focuses on a signal extraction problem while leaving coordination problems aside. Our paper is also related to the large literature on coordination games in experimental economics. More speci…cally, the spirit of our experiment is very much related with coordination problems in networks.10 Choi et al. (2009) analyze how network structure a¤ects coordination in a public-good game. Despite obvious differences in the model there is a striking similarity in the results. They call strategic commitment the tendency to make contributions early in the game to encourage others to contribute. This commitment is of strategic value only if it is observed by others. Our …nding that depositor 1 is more likely to wait when observed by any of the subsequent depositors can be seen as a case of strategic commitment. Similar results are obtained by Brandts and Cooper (2006), who focus on the importance of observability in the context of coordination in organizations. As far as we know, the issue of bank runs and its experimental investigation are jointly present in three papers. Madies (2006) studies the possibility of self-ful…lling bank runs and the e¢ ciency of policy instruments (suspension of convertibility and deposit insurance) in preventing bank runs. He …nds that self-ful…lling bank runs are recurrent and persistent phenomena but that banks with su¢ cient liquidity or full deposit insurance may curb them. Schotter and Yorulmazer (2009) analyze the 9
Green and Lin (2003) allow for a more complex contract and assume imperfect but inferable knowledge about one’s position in line. 10 See Devetag and Ortmann (2007) for a comprehensive discussion of coordination games in experiments. Kosfeld (2004) provides a special survey on network experiments.
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factors (e.g., asymmetric information, deposit insurance) that a¤ect the severity of a run, which is certain to occur. Their experimental evidence highlights the importance of information. In particular, they …nd that behavior in the laboratory experiment is in‡uenced by the available information. Although our approach is also concerned with the importance of information, our analysis clearly departs from these studies, as their foci are withdrawal dynamics when a bank run is already underway, whereas we address is how bank runs emerge. The closest paper to ours is Garratt and Keister (2009). The novelty in their experiment is that in some situations subjects were given up to three opportunities of withdrawal and/or faced forced withdrawals. When subjects were given multiple opportunities to withdraw, they were informed about the total number of withdrawals in their bank after each opportunity. Forced withdrawals occurred with some probability as some subjects were not allowed to decide on their own but were forced to withdraw; thus, the other subjects observed these forced withdrawals. Garratt and Keister (2009) …nd that in the absence of forced withdrawals players e¤ectively coordinate on the outcome without bank run, and withdrawals are rare. Nevertheless, adding forced withdrawals results in high withdrawal rates. The authors identify the multiple withdrawal possibility as the culprit of the high number of bank runs. They claim that more information about other depositors’decisions may be harmful for coordination when there are still opportunities to withdraw. Similarly to Garratt and Keister (2009), our experimental evidence highlights that when a withdrawal is observed, bank runs are more likely to emerge. As a result, the impatient depositor (i.e., the computer) in the …rst position may increase the likelihood of bank runs. However, if depositor 1 is patient, the link 12 enforces coordination and helps to prevent bank runs in equilibrium. Beyond these similarities, however, our papers diverge both in the experimental design and in the aim of the paper. Unlike Garratt and Keister (2009), we do not consider the multiple possibilities of withdrawal or force individuals to withdraw. Instead, withdrawal demand in our experimental design is certain and due to the computer (i.e., it is programmed into the simulation software). Additionally, Garratt and Keister (2009) study how forced withdrawals 61
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and multiple possibilities to withdraw a¤ect the emergence of bank runs, whereas our approach is an attempt to study how di¤erences in the information structure in‡uence whether bank runs occur.
2.2 2.2.1
The Setup Experimental Design
A total of 48 students reporting no previous experience in laboratory experiments were recruited among the undergraduate population of the Universidad de Alicante. Students had no (or very little) prior exposure to game theory and were invited to participate in the experiment in December 2008. We conducted two sessions at the Laboratory of Theoretical and Experimental Economics (LaTEx). The laboratory consists of 24 computers in separate cubicles. The experiment was programmed and conducted using the z-Tree software (Fischbacher, 2007). Instructions were read aloud with each subject in front of his or her computer. We let subjects ask about any doubts they may have had before starting the experiment.11 The average length of each session was 45 minutes. Subjects received on average 12 Euros for participating, including the show-up fee. In both sessions, subjects were divided into two matching groups of 12. Subjects from di¤erent matching groups never interacted with each other throughout the session. Subjects within the same matching group were randomly and anonymously matched in pairs at the end of each round. Each of these pairs was assigned a third depositor, simulated by the computer so as to create a three-depositor bank. Subjects played a coordination problem for 15 rounds. Subjects knew that one of the depositors in the bank was simulated by the computer.12 Subjects were informed about their position in the line. They knew that this position (i = 1; 2; 3) was randomly and exogenously assigned and that it was subjects’ 11
The instructions are in the Appendix A. In the spirit of the bank-run literature, we refer to the computer as the impatient depositor because it was programmed to always withdraw. The other two depositors in the bank were members of the subject pool. We refer to them as patient depositors. Types (patient or impatient) were not publicly observed. 12
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private information. Furthermore, they knew that positions were equiprobable and independent of previous rounds (e.g., the computer was not more probable to be at the beginning of the sequence).13
The Network Structure
In each round, subjects invested their initial endowment in the bank and were asked to choose between withdrawing or waiting. In addition, subjects might have information about other depositors’ action. We model the information ‡ow among depositors through a network. A network ( ) is the set of existing links among the depositors. Two depositors are neighbors if a link connects them. A link is represented by a pair of numbers ij for i; j 2 f1; 2; 3g, i < j: For instance, 12 denotes that depositor 1 and depositor 2 are linked; therefore, depositor 1 knows that depositor 2 will observe her action and that depositor 2 chooses after observing depositor 1’s action. Then, when depositor i has to decide, she knows: (a) the actions of neighbors who acted earlier, and (b) whether her action would be observed by neighbors deciding later. Obviously, depositor i does also know her own type and her position in the line. The network structure, however, was not commonly known, meaning that information was local and thus that no depositor knew whether the other two depositors were connected.14 Links were independent of types, so depositors of the same type were not more likely to be linked, nor was there any relationship between types and the number of links. Subjects were aware of these features and knew that the information structure was exogenously given (i.e., it was not the depositor’s choice to decide her position in the line or the number of links). Finally, it was commonly known that one’s 13
Private types and equiprobable positions imply that only the conditional probability of the type sequence was known. For instance, if depositor 1 is patient, then both type sequences (patient, patient, impatient) and (patient, impatient, patient) have probability 1/2. 14 Given the nature of bank runs, it seems reasonable to consider this assumption. However, our theoretical result also holds when the network structure is known. Importantly, the network allows the depositors to obtain information about what happened in their bank in each round, but subjects do not get any information about the history (e.g., they never know what their neighbors have done in previous rounds or the networks that their neighbors have played in).
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position in the line, the network structure, or both changed each round. We considered all of the possible networks: (12; 23; 13), (12; 23), (12; 13), (13; 23), (12), (13), (23), (;), where (;) stands for the empty network, which has no links at all, whereas the structure (12; 23; 13) contains all the possible links and is called the complete network. The empty network can be interpreted as a simultaneousmove game where depositors have no information about other depositors’actions, as in Diamond and Dybvig (1983). On the other extreme, the complete network represents a fully sequential setup, meaning that depositors observe predecessors’ actions.
The Underlying Model
Consider that each of the three depositors in the sequence deposits her endowment of e > 0 monetary units at t = 0 and signs a contract that speci…es the depositors’ payo¤s depending on two factors: (a) depositors’choice at t = 1, and (b) the available funds of the bank. At the end of t = 0, depositors learn their types, their links and their position in the sequence of decision (i = 1; 2; 3). The impatient depositor only cares about immediate consumption, so she always withdraws at t = 1. The other two depositors derive utility from consumption at any period, so as they are called to decide at t = 1, they may either keep the money in the bank or withdraw it. Depositors cannot trade directly and they decide once, according to their position in the sequence.15 Notationally, y i 2 f0; 1g for i = 1; 2; 3 stands for depositor i’s decision, where 0
denotes keeping the money, whereas 1 indicates withdrawal. We de…ne as y the unordered decisions of the other depositors, where Y
= (f1; 1g ; f1; 0g ; f0; 0g).
We denote as ci1 depositor i’s payo¤ upon withdrawal at t = 1 and ci0 the payo¤ if
she waits at t = 1 for i = 1; 2; 3. We assume that the utility functions are strictly 15
The absence of trade possibilities among depositors is a standard assumption in bank-run models (e.g., Ennis and Keister, 2009a). In these models, it is also assumed that depositors learn their types after signing the contract and before making their choices. We assume that all decisions are made at t = 1 as in the literature. At t = 1; we can think of three stages, with each depositor deciding in one of these stages.
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increasing and strictly concave.
We now detail the payo¤s in the experiment for both the impatient and the patient depositors. Depositors have an endowment of e = 40 pesetas in each round.16 This amount was deposited in their common bank. If a depositor decides to withdraw at t = 1, then she immediately receives the money from the bank. Payo¤ upon withdrawal is ci1 = c1 = 50 for i 2 f1; 2g, and
for i = 3 it is
c31 =
c1 = 50 if y 3 2 ff1; 0g ; f0; 0gg : c11 = 20 if y 3 = f1; 1g
In words, the bank commits to pay c1 = 50 to the …rst two withdrawing depositors. This amount corresponds to the depositor’s initial endowment (e = 40) plus an interest rate of 10 monetary units. Note that depositor 3 may be the …rst or second withdrawing depositor and that in this case she receives c1 = 50. If depositor 3 withdraws after two withdrawals, then she gets the remaining funds in the bank (c11 = 3e
2c1 = 20), which amount to less than her initial endowment e = 40.
If at least one of the depositors waits, the amount of funds the bank has at the end of period 1 is either E1 = 3e
c1 = 70 or E2 = 3e
2c1 = 20. We assume that
this amount earns a return and then is split up equally among the depositors who have waited, yielding the following payo¤s at t = 2 for i = 1; 2; 3, that is, ci0 =
c00 = 70 if y c01 = 30 if y
i i
= f1; 0g ; = f1; 1g
where the …rst symbol (0) in the subscript shows that depositor i waits, while the second symbol denotes the other patient depositor’s decision. In words, if both patient depositors wait at t = 1, then the total amount E1 = 70 is doubled and divided equally among them. If only one patient depositor decides to wait, then the available money after the two withdrawals (E2 = 20) is incremented by 10 units and 16
Recall that the use of Spanish pesetas is standard practice for all experiments run in Alicante.
Chapter 2
Do Social Network Prevents Bank Runs?
then given to the patient depositor who waited, that is, c01 = 30.17 The contract
= (c00 ; c1 ; c01 ; c11 ) = (70; 50; 30; 20) resembles the ex ante opti-
mal contract in Diamond and Dybvig (1983) and allows for coordination problems, satisfying the following relations: c00 > c1 > e > c01 > c11
Figure 1 summarizes the timing of our model:
A key element of the model is that when depositors decide, they know their position, but they may not be sure of the payo¤ they will receive. For instance, if a patient depositor 1 waits, then her payo¤ depends on what the other patient depositor does (i.e., c10 2 f70; 30g). Similarly, if depositor 3 has no links and decides to withdraw, she does not know whether she will receive c1 = 50 or c11 = 20. We de…ne a bank run in the following way. De…nition 2.1. A bank run occurs if at least one patient depositor withdraws, that P is, there exists a bank run whenever 3i=1 y i > 1
This de…nition is the broadest, and accordingly, a withdrawal due to a patient
depositor already constitutes a bank run. Our theoretical result states that the link 12 prevents bank runs. 17
In the experiment, we justi…ed these payo¤s by stating that the bank carries out a project at t = 1, and obtains the bene…ts at t = 2. The pro…ts of the projects depend on the available amount (E1 or E2 ) at t = 1.
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Proposition 2.1. If the link 12 exists, the unique perfect Bayesian equilibrium satis…es the condition that bank runs do not occur. In any network in which the link 12 does not exist, bank runs may occur in equilibrium. The formal proof is relegated to the Appendix B. Proposition 1 helps us to disentangle network structures in which the equilibrium is unique and network structures in which there is multiplicity of equilibria. Therefore, in the set of networks comprised of f(12; 23; 13); (12; 23); (12; 13); (12)g bank runs should never occur. The intuition for this result is the following. Depositor 3 has a dominant strategy and al-
ways waits if she is patient, regardless of the network structure. This waiting occurs because for any possible history, waiting yields a higher payo¤ than withdrawing: Suppose that the link 12 is in place. If a patient depositor 2 observes a waiting, her dominant strategy is to wait. As a consequence, a patient depositor 1 waits because she receives the highest payo¤ either because she will induce depositor 2 to wait as well or because depositor 3 is waiting (i.e., when depositor 2 is impatient, she will not wait, but depositor 3 will). Then, depositor 2, upon observing a withdrawal, must infer that it is due to the impatient depositor with certainty and that the best she can do is to wait. When the link 12 does not exist, in equilibrium depositor 1 (depositor 2) believes that depositor 2 (depositor 1) is patient with probability 21 , given that each possible type of sequence describing positions in the line is equiprobable. In this framework, depositor 1 and depositor 2 may withdraw in equilibrium, even if patient, as their optimal strategy depends on their beliefs about what the other patient depositor does.
Experimental Evidence
In this section, we analyze the data gathered during the experimental sessions. The main results and insights are summarized in Table 1. We report the network structure in the …rst column. The second column speci…es the position of the impatient
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agent (i.e., the computer), and the third column shows the number of observations.18 In the next three columns, we present the frequency of withdrawal for depositors 1, 2 and 3. The bank run column indicates the frequency of bank runs in each scenario. Recall that there is no bank run if neither of the two patient depositors withdraws; therefore, this column contains the likelihood of the complementarity of that event. Finally, the last column ranks the information structures according to the frequency of bank runs, with the lowest ranking belonging to the lowest frequency of run.
To appreciate the e¤ect of the network structure, it is worth looking …rst at the case without any link (i.e., the empty network). In that case, depositors know their position, but it is of no help to prevent bank runs. This …nding is con…rmed by the 18
Remember that neither the network structure nor the position of the impatient depositor was known to the patient depositors, who were only informed about their own position, their links and the predecessor neighbor’s actions.
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frequencies of bank runs, which are in the worst third of the cases. Contrariwise, we see that the complete network has the lowest frequency of bank runs (0% and 13%), which suggests that if information abounds due to the existence of many links, then bank runs are less likely to occur. In the complete network, it is also worth noting that when the impatient depositor is the …rst one to decide, the frequency of a bank run surges and reaches a level that is comparable to the case of the empty network. Theoretically, we have seen that the existence of the link 12 prevents bank runs. Regarding the frequency of bank runs, Table 1 shows that the top-three network structures have the link 12. On the contrary, three out of four network structures at the bottom of the ranking do not contain this link. At the individual level, we see in Table 1 that depositor 1’s withdrawal rate is at most 25% when the link 12 is present, whereas it exceeds 70% and the average is 33% when the link 12 does not exist. However, the evidence is not so clear for depositor 2, as her decision seems to be a¤ected by the position of the impatient depositor. In particular, when the link 12 exists, depositor 2 is more likely to withdraw when the depositor 1 is the computer. This result suggests that observing a withdrawal with certainty plays a role in depositor 2’s decision.19 Therefore, the descriptive statistics suggest that depositor 1 acts according to the theoretical prediction, whereas depositor 2’s behavior is a¤ected by the impatient depositor’s position. Next, we analyze depositors’behavior in detail. We estimate a logit model in which the dependent variable is the probability of withdrawal.20 Recall that y i 2 f0; 1g for depositor i = 1; 2; 3 denotes her decision,
where 0 stands for keeping the money, whereas 1 indicates withdrawal. We propose the following speci…cation for depositor 1. Pr(y 1 = 1) = F (
1 L12
2 L13
3 L12L13)
where z(z) = ez =(1+ez ) and the explanatory variable Lij is de…ned as a dummy 19
In Table 1, we can also see that in any network in which the link 12 does not exist, the smallest frequency of bank runs occurs when depositor 1 is impatient. This …nding con…rms that the impatient depositor’s position is relevant. 20 The probit speci…cation yields the same results.
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variable that takes the value 1 (0) when link ij is (not) present for i = 1 and j 2 f2; 3g. L12L13 is then obtained as the product of the two dummy variables L12 and L13, and it stands for the cases in which both links are present (networks
(12; 13) and (12; 13; 23)). L12L13 enables the determination of whether there is some additional e¤ect of having both links apart from the e¤ect that the links generate separately. Equation (2.2) accounts for all the possible information that depositor 1 might have and states that the probability of withdrawal for that depositor 1 may depend on the existence of the links 12 and 13. We run the logit model in (2.2) over 238 observations. The results are presented in Table 2. The estimated standard errors of the parameters take into account the matching group clustering.21
All the coe¢ cients are signi…cantly di¤erent from 0 except
so the links 12
and 13 jointly have no additional e¤ect apart from the separate e¤ects that they have. The marginal e¤ects in Table 2 reveal that the probability of withdrawal 21
An important feature is to investigate whether learning a¤ects our results. Because subjects have di¤erent information in each round (i.e., they probably face a di¤erent problem with a different equilibrium prediction) we cannot disentangle whether changes in behavior are due to the experience in previous rounds or due to the new information structure. However, we tested whether they changed their behavior after some rounds. If subjects in the lab changed their behavior, we should observe changes in the regression coe¢ cients. For this purpose, we consider a Chow test in equation (2.2) where we de…ne a dummy variable that takes the value 1 if decision is taken in the last 7 rounds (see, for example, Kennedy, 2008). The results indicate that there is no learning, as we reject that depositor 1 behaves di¤erently in the last part of the experiment ( 23 = 10:94; p value = 0:0121): The same result is obtained for depositor 2 ( 23 = 2 105 ; p value = 0:0000) and depositor 3 ( 23 = 6047:74; p value = 0:0000).
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depends negatively on the existence of the links 12 and 13. The link 12 decreases the probability of withdrawal for depositor 1 around 20% whereas the link 13 decreases this probability by 10%. Both probabilities are signi…cantly di¤erent from zero at the 1% signi…cance level. If we test the hypothesis that the link 12 has the same impact as link 13 in reducing the probability of depositor 1’s withdrawal (i.e., H0 : 2 );
we cannot reject that hypothesis at any common signi…cance level (
2 1
= 0:98;
value = 0:3213). These …ndings are summarized as follows.
Result 1. With respect to the case when depositor 1 has no links, the link 12 signi…cantly reduces the probability of withdrawal. We do not reject that the link 13 has a similar e¤ect. If the link 12 is in place, we cannot reject the hypothesis H0 : any signi…cance level (
2 1
= 0 at
value = 0:3568). This means that the link
= 0:85; p
13 does not reduce the probability of withdrawal if the link 12 is already in place. On the contrary, the link 12 helps to reduce the withdrawal rate even if the link 13 already exists, given that the null hypothesis H0 : signi…cance level (
2 1
= 0 is rejected at 5%
value = 0:0178). These results suggest that the
= 5:62; p
link 12 fosters most the elimination of the bank-run outcome, as predicted by the theory. We summarize these …ndings in the following way: Result 2. When depositor 1 has the link 13, the link 12 has an additional e¤ect in reducing the probability of withdrawal. The opposite is not true. In order to analyze depositor 2’s behavior, we de…ne the dummy variable Y 1 (Y 0), which takes the value 1 when depositor 2 observes withdrawal (waiting) and is zero otherwise. Therefore, if depositor 1 and 2 are not connected, Y 1 = Y 0 = 0. We propose to model depositor 2’s choice as follows: Pr(y 2 = 1) = z(
3 L23
where z( ) is de…ned as above. We consider the explanatory variable L23 for the existence of the link 23. The variable Y 1L23 combines information about what 71
Chapter 2
Do Social Network Prevents Bank Runs?
player 2 observes and whether she is observed. This variable takes the value 1 only if depositor 2 observes a withdrawal and has a link with depositor 3. We run the regression (2.3) over 207 observations, taking into account matching group clustering.22
In Table 3, we present the results. The fact that the coe¢ cients
are signi…cantly di¤erent from 0 suggests that the link 12 considerably a¤ects the behavior of depositor 2 with respect to the case in which she has no links. However, with the link 23,
is not signi…cantly di¤erent from 0.
Result 3. Compared with the case with no links, the link 12 a¤ects depositor 2’s behavior, whereas the link 23 does not. The marginal e¤ects in Table 3 show that observing a withdrawal, increases the probability of withdrawal by nearly 20%, while observing waiting decreases this probability by 33%. Both probabilities are signi…cantly di¤erent from zero at the 5% signi…cance level. The theoretical prediction states that no matter what depositor 2 observes, she must always wait. We test H0 :
to con…rm
that observing a withdrawal or a waiting is equally important for depositor 2 given any network structure. We reject that hypothesis at any common signi…cance level 22
The explanatory variable Y 10L23 Y 10 L23 predicts waiting perfectly (36 observations). As a result, when depositor 2 observes a waiting and is linked with depositor 3, she always waits. We do not consider these observations in Table 3.
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2 1
Do Social Network Prevents Bank Runs?
= 8:42; p-value=0:0032). Therefore, our data suggest that the link 12 does
matter for depositor 2, and unlike what the theory predicts, the decision observed also matters.23 Result 4. Depositor 2’s behavior is a¤ected by what she observes, and observing a waiting (withdrawal) signi…cantly decreases (increases) her probability of withdrawal. Finally, we consider depositor 3. We de…ne the dummy variables Z1, Z11, Z0 and Z10 by relying on each of the possible information sets that depositor 3 may have. Therefore, depositor 3’s decision may come after observing a withdrawal (Z1 = 1), after observing two withdrawals (Z11 = 1), after observing a waiting (Z0 = 1), after observing a withdrawal and a waiting (Z10 = 1) or simply after observing nothing (Z1 = Z11 = Z0 = Z10 = 0). As a result, we propose the following speci…cation to model depositor 3’s behavior: Pr(y 3 = 1) = z(
1 Z1
2 Z11
3 Z0
4 Z10)
where z( ) is de…ned as above. In Table 4, we present the results, that are obtained after running the regression (2.4) over 237 observations, taking into account matching group clustering. Because a patient depositor 3’s dominant strategy is to wait, we expect her to do so. The dominant strategy also implies that the network structure should not a¤ect her behavior. However, our data suggest that observing waiting or withdrawal has a di¤erent e¤ect on depositor 3’s choice. The marginal e¤ects reveal that compared to the case without links, depositor 3 does not change her behavior upon observing only withdrawals, whereas observing a waiting (or a waiting and a withdrawal) signi…cantly decreases her probability of withdrawal by roughly 15%. In fact, once 23
We cannot reject the hypothesis that depositor 2 acts at random upon observing a withdrawal, but we reject the random behavior when waiting is observed. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test yields W = 7:216, p value = 0:0000 when testing the hypothesis H0 : Pr(y 2 = 1 j Y 1 = 1) = 0:5; and we get W = 0:492, p value = 0:6225 for the null H0 : Pr(y 2 = 1 j Y 0 = 1) = 0:5. A plausible explanation would be that depositor 2 panics and behaves at random upon observing a withdrawal. However, we cannot really test for that interpretation in the light of our data.
Chapter 2
Do Social Network Prevents Bank Runs?
depositor 3 observes waiting, it does not matter whether a withdrawal is also observed (i.e., we cannot reject the null hypothesis H0 : p
given that
2 1
= 0:10,
value = 0:7554).
If a withdrawal is already observed, we reject the hypothesis that depositor 3 changes her behavior if another withdrawal is observed (i.e., we reject the hypothesis that H0 :
given that
2 1
= 1:74, p
value = 0:1871), but we cannot reject
the hypothesis that depositor 3 changes her behavior if a waiting is observed (i.e., we cannot reject H0 :
given that
2 1
= 4:51, p
value = 0:0338). We
summarize these …ndings as follows. Result 5. If depositor 3 observes waiting, then her probability of withdrawal significantly decreases. It does not occur when she observes a withdrawal. Given these …ndings on the individuals’behavior we may draw some conclusions about whether information structures modeled through social networks matter for the emergence of bank runs. The answer is positive as, when it is compared with the case without any links, we see that the frequency of bank runs is di¤erent in networks that enable the observation of other depositors’decision. We see also that theory predicts some behavior fairly well. When a patient depositor 1 is linked to other depositors, she tends to signal that she is patient and waits, inducing the other patient depositor to follow suit. We also observe in the experimental data that 74
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Do Social Network Prevents Bank Runs?
link 12 has a crucial role in eliminating the bank-run outcome, as it decreases the probability of withdrawal, even though the link 13 exists. Observing a waiting also leads to choices predicted by theory. Nevertheless, we also observe behaviors that are not in line with the theoretical …ndings. In particular, depositor 2 observing a withdrawal tends to withdraw, although the withdrawal is due to the impatient depositor. We also observe that depositor 3 is less likely to withdraw upon observing waiting.
An important question regarding the emergence of bank runs is what kind of information depositors have about other depositors’ decisions. Existing theoretical models leave aside this issue and use a simultaneous-move game to approach the problem. We generalize the information structure and suppose that an underlying social network channels the information among depositors. This modeling choice allows for incorporating both simultaneous and sequential decisions in the same framework and conform to the empirical descriptions. We derive a theoretical prediction about depositors’behavior in a tractable environment that resembles a classic bank-run setup. We show that the information structure determines whether the equilibrium is unique or multiple, contributing to the debate on this issue. We observe that no bank run emerges as a unique equilibrium if the …rst two depositors to decide are connected. This result does not depend on the type sequence and pinpoints the importance of links enabling information ‡ow among the depositors at the beginning of the sequence. We design a controlled laboratory experiment to study the subjects’ behavior. We observe that depositor 1’s behavior is in‡uenced by the link 12, as predicted by theory. The link 12 also a¤ects the choice made by depositor 2, who tends to act as her observed predecessor. The information transmitted through the links matters also for depositor 3, who withdraws less often upon observing waiting. Although our setup is simple, our results imply that policy should be careful
Chapter 2
Do Social Network Prevents Bank Runs?
about the information channels. We have explored the issue of observability, both theoretically and experimentally. We have provided a su¢ cient condition in the network structure to prevent bank runs in equilibrium, but we have found that it is possible for bank runs to emerge in these structures. Early withdrawals are seen as signs of a bank run, inducing patient depositors to withdraw. As a result, if there are many withdrawals at the beginning of the sequence of decision, observability may ignite a bank run, which does not occur because of fundamentals or coordination problems, the two main culprits of bank runs identi…ed by the literature. On the other hand, if patient depositors are the …rst to decide, then making their decisions observable helps to prevent bank runs.
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Chapter 2
Appendix A: Instructions Welcome to the experiment!
This is an experiment to study decision making, so we are not interested in your particular choices but in individuals’ average behavior. Therefore, during the experiment you’ll be treated anonymously. Neither the experimenters nor the people in this room will ever know your particular choices. Next, you will …nd the instructions in the computer screen explaining how the experiment unfolds. The instructions are the same for all subjects in the laboratory and will be read aloud by experimenters. It is important for you to understand the experiment before starting, as the money that you will earn will depend on your choices. You also have a copy of the instructions on your table. Number of rounds This experiment has 18 rounds in total. The …rst 3 rounds are for you to become familiar with the software. The remaining 15 rounds will be used to determine your …nal payo¤, so please be sure that you understand the experiment before starting the 4th round. This will help you to earn more money. What is this experiment about? At the beginning of each round, you will be provided a certain amount of money (40 pesetas) to be deposited in a bank, The same will be done with two other depositors. The bank in which you will invest your money will be formed by 3 depositors: one of them is you, the other one is someone else in this room and the third depositor is simulated by the computer. Therefore, the bank in which you deposit your money will have 120 pesetas per round in total. 24
Instructions are originally in Spanish.
Chapter 2
Choice and earnings In principle, your decision is to choose whether to withdraw your money from the common bank in the …rst period or to wait until the second period, taking into account that your earnings will depend not only on your choice but also on other depositors’choices. Indeed, it is important to know that the computer will always withdraw her money and, thus that your earnings in each round will only depend on your choice and the choice of the other depositor in this room. Speci…cally, if you both wait until the second period to withdraw your money, you will get 70 pesetas, corresponding to your initial investment plus interests generated during the …rst period of time (in which you have decided to wait). If only one of you withdraws the money, then the one who withdraws takes 50 pesetas (exactly the same amount that the computer will take in this case). The depositor who waits will receive 30 pesetas. In this case, this depositor receives the amount that remains in the bank after the …rst period -20 pesetas- plus an additional quantity of interest. Finally, it might be the case that you both withdraw your money in the …rst period. As a result, your earnings will depend on the available amount in the bank and your position in the line. Therefore, if you are at Position 1 or Position 2 in the line and decide to withdraw, you will take 50 pesetas, but if you are the last one in the line (Position 3), only 20 pesetas will remain in the bank and this is exactly the amount of money that you will receive. Therefore, your payo¤s can be summarized in the following table:
Please remember that the depositor simulated by the computer will always withdraw the money in the …rst period.
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Before starting, it may be important for you to consider that: 1. The person with whom you are linked will change every round. As a result, do not think that you are going to play with the same person. 2. You will always know your position in the line, but this position might change in each round. In particular, you may be located at Position 1, Position 2 or Position 3 with the same probability. The same is true for the computer. 3. In each round, you will have di¤erent information about what other depositors at your bank have done. Therefore, in some cases, you will know what has happened before you arrived at the bank (number of deferrals and withdrawals) and in some other cases, you will not. At the time of making your choice, you will also know whether someone else will observe your decision. It may be of your interest to consider this information when making your decision. The information will appear at the left-hand side of the computer screen: E.g., You are at Position 1. Depositors at Position 2 and Position 3 will observe your choice. E.g., You are at Position 2. Depositor at Position 1 has waited. Depositor at Position 3 will not observe your choices We are now going to start with the …rst three rounds. At the end of the three rounds, you can ask any questions to make sure that you have understood the procedure. If you have any doubt afterwards, please raise your hand and remain silent. You will be attended by the experimenters as soon as possible. Talking is forbidden during this experiment.
Appendix B: Proof of Proposition Proposition 2.1 If the link 12 exists, the unique perfect Bayesian equilibrium satis…es the condition that bank runs do not occur. In any network in which the link 12 does not exist, bank runs may occur in equilibrium. Proof. In a Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium (PBE), each depositor’s choice must be optimal given her beliefs, which must be consistent with the other depositors’choices 82
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(i.e., beliefs should be updated using the Bayes’rule whenever possible). Moreover, PBE requires Bayesian equilibrium in every "continuation game". Since the impatient depositor’s optimal decision is always to withdraw, we focus on the patient depositors’decision and show that they always wait if the link 12 is in place. At the beginning of the game, nature chooses a sequence of types and a network structure with some probability, being both events independent. Let H i = fhi1 ; :::; hiL g be the set of depositor i’s information sets. The behavioral strategy si = (sihi ; :::; sihi ) assigns to each information set of depositor i a probability distri1
bution over the actions available at each information set, that is sihi = l
(A(hil )). It
is worth noting that A(hil ) = Y i = f0; 1g given that depositor i has two possible actions at each information set, where y i = 0 denotes waiting and y i = 1 denotes withdrawing. We denote y
the other depositors’unordered decisions.
We de…ne as (s1 ; s2 ; s3 ) the equilibrium strategy pro…le for patient depositors, where si is the set of behavioral strategies of depositor i: First, we show that a patient depositor 3 will always wait. Her decision may follow either two withdrawals (Y
= f1; 1g) or a waiting and a withdrawal (Y
f1; 0g). In the …rst case, by waiting she receives u(c01 ) = u(30), while withdrawal yields u(c11 ) = u(20) . In the second case, by waiting she receives u(c00 ) = u(70),
while withdrawal yields u(c1 ) = u(50). Since u(c01 ) > u(c11 ) (and u(c00 ) > u(c1 )) waiting is a dominant strategy, no matter the history. Thus, depositor 3’s optimal strategy s3 requires that she assigns probability 1 to the action of "waiting", independently of her beliefs over the type sequence or the network structure. Second, if the link 12 exists, depositor 2 may observe a waiting or a withdrawing. If she observes a waiting, she may withdraw and receive u (y 2 = 0jy 1 = 1; :) = u(c1 ) = u(50) or wait and receive u (y 2 = 1jy 1 = 1; :) = u(c00 ) = u(70): Since u(c1 ) < u(c00 ), a patient depositor 2 waits after observing a waiting, independently of her beliefs and the information set in which depositor 2 is. Therefore, the equilibrium strategies s2 require that if depositor 2’s information set is reached after observing a waiting, she must assign probability 1 to the action of "waiting". 83
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Third, given the existence of the link 12 and the optimal strategies previously described, patient depositor 1 knows that if she waits, the other patient depositor will wait as well. It occurs because if depositor 1 waits, then depositor 2 will wait if patient, or if depositor 2 is impatient and withdraws then depositor 3 will be the patient one and will wait. As a result, for any patient depositor 1 u y 1 = 0js2 ; s3 ; : = u(c1 ) = u(50) < u y 1 = 1js2 ; s3 ; : = u(c00 ) = u(70) and therefore, a depositor 1, independently of any other information or belief she has, assigns probability 1 to the action of "waiting" in any element of s1 . Fourth, consider a depositor 2 who observes a withdrawal. In a PBE, consistency of beliefs require that she assigns probability 1 to depositor 1 being impatient, given that equilibrium strategies imply that a depositor 1 who is patient waits with probability 1. Therefore, consistent beliefs of depositor 2 require that any information set h2l 2 H 2 that is reached after observing a withdrawal, must assign probability 1 to depositor 1 being impatient (i.e., depositor 2 assigns probability 1 to
the event of depositor 3 being patient). In that case, depositor 2’s optimal strategy is to wait as well: u y 2 = 0; jy 1 = 0; s3 ; : = u(c1 ) = u(50) < u y 2 = 1jy 1 = 0; s3 ; : = u(c00 ) = u(70) Thus, in any information set where she observes a withdrawal, equilibrium strategy must assign probability 1 to the action of "waiting". As a result, if the link 12 is in place any equilibrium strategy pro…le requires that patient depositors choose with probability 1 the action "waiting" in any information set. Notice that the optimal behavioral strategy pro…le s = (s1 ; s2 ; s3 ) in which all patient depositors wait is the unique PBE. There exists other strategy pro…les that satisfy being Bayes-Nash but they are not PBE. For instance, imagine that depositor 3 is impatient and the network is complete (just to make things simpler). The strategy pro…le in which depositor 2 always withdraw is Bayes-Nash if depositor 1 withdraws. This occurs because Bayes-Nash is not imposing beliefs on the continuation game. Thus, if depositor 2 decides to withdraw regardless of what 84
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depositor 1 does, then depositor 1’s best response is to withdraw as well. By using the concept of PBE we constrain o¤-equilibrium beliefs and eliminate the possibility of depositor 2 choosing withdrawal after observing a waiting. The second part of the proposition assumes that link 12 does not exist. We show multiplicity of equilibria by constructing a no-bank-run and a bank-run equilibrium. A pro…le of strategies in which patient depositors wait always in any position is a no-bank-run equilibrium. Recall that a patient in the third position waits. If the strategy of depositor 1 (depositor 2) when patient is to wait, then the best response of depositor 2 (depositor 1) is also to wait, as u(c00 ) > u(c01 ). Therefore for the patient depositors "waiting at any position" de…nes an equilibrium. In the bank-run equilibrium, consider the pro…le of strategies where depositors 1 and 2 withdraw if patient. Note that if depositor 1 (depositor 2) withdraws if patient, the best response of depositor 2 (depositor 1) is also to withdraw if u (c1 ) > 1 2
[u (c00 ) + u (c01 )] is satis…ed. This is the case because Bayesian updating requires
that depositor 2 (depositor 1) believes that depositor 1 (depositor 2) is patient or impatient with probability 21 . Thus if the link 12 is absent, for c1 high enough, there exists a bank run equilibrium. As a result, there are multiple equilibria. .
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design. And this shows the intuition can sometimes get things wrong. And intuition is what people use in life to make decisions. But logic can help you work out the right answer. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (2003)
Recent …nancial scandals including the Mado¤’s case of felony and the distortion of budget …gures by the Greek government, raise the question of the manipulability of information. In this paper we study this issue in a principal-agent setup, in which the agent is given the possibility to in‡uence the principal’s evaluation of his work by manipulating certain pieces of information.1 A comprehensive analysis of the manipulability of information requires a precise understanding of the relation between the concepts of hard and soft information. In the …nance literature, hard information is de…ned as being quantitative (Berger 1
Hereafter, we use the feminine pronouns for the principal and masculine for the agent.
Chapter 3
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
et al., 2001; Stein, 2002; Petersen, 2004; Liberti and Mian, 2009). Hard information is assumed to be easy to store, to be transmitted in impersonal ways and to be independent of the collection process; all these features making it a priori dif…cult for hard information to be manipulated. Further, research on supervision and delegation in principal-agent models refer to hard information as being veri…able (Tirole, 1986) whereas soft information is considered to be unveri…able (Baliga, 1999; Faure-Grimaud, La¤ont and Martimort, 2003). In these models, a signal is unveri…able whenever it cannot be observed by a third party (the "judge"), so that manipulability of information implies that soft information can be distorted while hard information can simply be hidden. We develop a principal-agent model in which the principal has access to both hard information (the level of output) and soft information (the supervision signal) about the agent’s level of e¤ort. We assume that hard and soft information di¤er because hard information cannot be manipulated whereas soft information is subject to manipulation attempts. In our framework, agents do not distort or hide their own pieces of information but undertake in‡uence activities in order to manipulate the soft signal collected by the principal.2 The manipulation of the soft signal is rendered possible by assuming that the principal su¤ers from cognitive biases and may wrongly interpret the soft signal as a result. More speci…cally, negative signals about the work of the agent can be thought as being positive signals if the agent concomitantly undertakes apparently positive actions. This way of modeling in‡uence is related to Mullainathan, Schwartzstein and Shlei¤er (2008) that propose a psychological account for persuasion using the concept of associative thinking under which individuals classify situations into categories, and transfer the informational content of a given signal from situations in a category where it is useful to those where it is not. Applying this concept to our model, we can interpret the principal as being unable to distinguish the following positive pieces of information regarding the agent "The agent is a hard-working employee" and "The agent is a good per2
In‡uence activities have been identi…ed as actions completed by organizational members in order to bias the decisions of managers towards more pay and promotions (Milgrom, 1988; Milgrom and Roberts, 1988; Milgrom and Roberts, 1992).
Chapter 3
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
son". These pieces of information belong to two di¤erent categories, work abilities and personality, and the di¢ culty for the principal is to disentangle signals that concern the contribution of their employee to the …rm and the ones that relate to personal characteristics. The aim of this paper is to derive incentive contracts that implement the e¢ cient level of e¤ort by the agent in the context of in‡uence activities. We assume that in‡uence activities are unveri…able so that the principal cannot prevent in‡uence simply by punishing attempts to manipulate soft signals. We …rst show that the cost of implementing the e¢ cient equilibrium increases as the soft signal becomes more manipulable and in‡uence activities are more pervasive. This occurs because in the presence of in‡uence activities the principal relies on less informative signals to provide incentive for the agent so that the principal must increase the wage variance in order to keep incentives intact. This implies that a larger rent will have to be paid to the risk-averse agent in order to ensure that the participation constraint holds. Our result follows from Kim (1995) after showing that the e¢ ciency of the information structure decreases in the manipulability of the soft signal. When considering that the cost of the in‡uence activity is privately incurred by the agent we show that optimal wages become more compressed and less volatile signal becomes more manipulable. Also, more weight tends to be given to the hard signal in the payment scheme as the soft signal becomes more manipulable. These results are closely related to the su¢ cient statistic theorem (Holmström, 1979) in which incentive contracts must include all the signals that are informative about the agent’s level of e¤ort. Indeed, incentive schemes will be less responsive to the soft signal as it becomes more manipulable (and therefore less informative). Given that wages are less responsive to the soft signal, both the range of possible wages as well as the variance of wages decrease. This …nding is related to the result established in MacLeod (2003) in which wage compression occurs when the measures of agent performance are subjective. However, the mechanism behind wage compression in MacLeod (2003) is di¤erent from ours. In the previous model, wage compression follows from the fact that subjective evaluations are unveri…able so that the opti89
Chapter 3
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
mization problem of the principal includes the additional constraint that both the agent and the principal truthfully reveal their private signals. Finally, we extend our analysis to the case in which in‡uence activities entail costs in terms of the …rm productive activities as is suggested by the initial de…nition in Milgrom (1988). "That time of course is valuable; if it were not wasted in in‡uence activities, it could be used for directly productive or simply consumed as leisure." In this context the principal will have to choose between accepting some in‡uence activities in equilibrium or designing in‡uence-free contracts that eliminate manipulation attempts.3 The design of in‡uence-free contracts relies on two possible strategies to dissuade in‡uence activities. The …rst one consists of designing incentive contracts that are less responsive to the soft signal so as to reduce the expected bene…ts associated with in‡uence activities. This …rst strategy would induce even greater wage compression in the case of productivity-based in‡uence costs than in the case of private in‡uence costs. The cost of providing incentives to the agent would then increase for the principal under this strategy. The second strategy, which is actually followed by the principal in equilibrium, consists of increasing the expected costs associated with in‡uence activities by increasing the incentives associated with the hard signal. In that case, in‡uence activities become less attractive as they reduce the probability that the agent will get the high payment associated with a high level of performance on the hard signal. As a result, we show that principals may be interested in designing high-powered incentives to avoid in‡uence activities. More speci…cally, we show that high-powered incentives and in‡uencefree contracts are more likely to be o¤ered to agents for which in‡uence is especially 3
We must emphasize that in‡uence-free contracts cannot always implement the e¢ cient equilibrium (i.e., an in‡uence-proof principle does not hold). Consider that in‡uence costs are arbitrarily close to zero so that in‡uence-free contracts would consist of a …xed wage. Indeed, this is a necessary condition in order to eliminate the agent’s incentives to boost his actual contribution. However, …xed wage contracts do not satisfy the incentive-compatibility constraint since in this case the agent would exert no e¤ort in equilibrium.
Chapter 3
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
costly in terms of …rm productivity. In short, we expect high-productivity workers to be paid according to in‡uence-free contracts whereas low-productivity agents are likely to be rewarded with contracts which allow for some level of in‡uence activities. In particular, we show that the incentive contracts of high-productivity agents tend to be more responsive to the hard signal compared to low-productivity agents. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Next, we review the related literature and compare our results with previous …ndings. In Section 3.2, we present our model in the case of rational supervisors and solve the corresponding model in Section 3.3. The analysis of the model with in‡uence is developed in Section 3.4. We extend our model for the case in which the in‡uence activity is costly for the organization in Section 3.5. We conclude in Section 3.6. All proofs are available in the Appendix.
Literature Review In this paper, we consider a principal-agent model, in which the agent can manipulate the soft signal by undertaking in‡uence activities that bias the principal’s assessment on his work. Our approach di¤ers from three-tier supervision models (Tirole, 1986) in which the principal has the possibility to hire a supervisor to monitor the agent’s level of e¤ort. In general, these models analyze whether it is optimal for the principal to hire a supervisor in a context in which agents and supervisors can collude. In particular, Faure-Grimaud, La¤ont and Martimort (2003) consider the case in which the information gathered by the supervisor is unveri…able (i.e., they assume that the supervisor possesses soft information about the agent). In that context, the authors stress the equivalence in terms of e¢ ciency between decentralized structures in which the principal contracts only with the supervisor and centralized structures in which the principal can directly contract with both agents and supervisors. In this paper we do not consider a three-tier supervision model but a standard bilateral principal-agent model. We then leave aside issues of collusion while extending the principal-agent model by allowing the agent, at the cost of undertaking in‡uence activities, to manipulate certain pieces of information. 91
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Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
Although modeled in a reduced form, our approach is related to psychological models of persuasion under which the principal may be manipulated. We use the idea of associative thinking to model persuasion, therefore we model persuasion as a reduced form of coarse thinking by considering that the principal su¤ers from biased information processing à la Bénabou and Tirole (2002). As a result, the principal may misperceive a negative soft signal about the level of e¤ort of the agent as being positive.4 Persuasion has also been modeled using an informational approach (Milgrom and Roberts, 1986; Dewatripont and Tirole, 1999). We study the design of optimal contracts that rely on both hard and soft signals. The consideration of both hard and soft signals also relates our analysis to the literature on subjective evaluations (Baker, Gibbons and Murphy, 1994; MacLeod, 2003). In our model, similarly to the analysis developed in Baker, Gibbons and Murphy (1994), the principal can propose contingent contracts that depend on a hard signal (determined by the level of production) as well as on a soft signal, which provides additional information about the level of e¤ort of the agent. However, in contrast with the model of Baker, Gibbons and Murphy (1994) and the general framework of MacLeod (2003), we assume that both the principal and the agent agree on the value of the soft signal so that the signal can be treated as if it were veri…able. As a result, we can disentangle the issues related to the unveri…ability of subjective evaluations (MacLeod, 2003) from the issues related to the manipulability of such evaluations. When manipulation costs are privately incurred by the agent, we …nd that in‡uence activitities yield to wage compression because wages are less responsive to the soft signal, both the range of possible wages as well as the variance of wages decrease. As commented in the Introduction, this result is related to MacLeod (2003). Wage compression is also present in the model of in‡uence activities in promotion decisions of Milgrom (1988) in which the reduction in wage di¤erentials between available jobs 4
Although our model of manipulation is closely related to the analysis of in‡uence activities in the organizational literature, an alternative interpretation of our model is related to the distortion of quantitative information (e.g., documents falsi…cation). In this paper, we do not focus on the latter interpretation, although the majority of our results can be interpreted from this perspective.
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Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
is found to be an optimal response against in‡uence activities by employees.5 In our model, in‡uence activities tend to reduce aggregate welfare by increasing information asymmetry between principal and agent. As a result, the agent’s ability to manipulate the soft signal increases the cost of implementing the e¢ cient level of e¤ort. Our approach di¤ers from the model developed by Maggi and RodríguezClare (1995) in which agents can distort the principal’s private information in order to reduce information asymmetry. In their setting, information distortion may actually allow for the falsi…cation of information in equilibrium, and as a result, may increase aggregate welfare. Relatedly, Lacker and Weinberg (1989) consider a sharecropping model which focus on optimal risk-sharing when agents have the possibility to misreport the volume of the crop. The authors …nd that, in general, the principal should induce some misreporting in equilibrium in order to improve risk-sharing. When manipulation activities negatively a¤ect the agent’s productivity, we show that the design of in‡uence-free contracts that deter manipulation may lead to highpowered incentives. This result implies that high-productivity workers face incentive schemes that are more sensitive to hard evidence than those faced by their low-productivity counterparts. In this version of our model, the substitutability between hard and soft information follows from the fact that improving the soft signal through in‡uence activities is detrimental to the value of the hard signal. In Baker, Gibbons and Murphy (1994) as in our model with private in‡uence costs the substitutability between di¤erent types of signals follows from the fact that highly precise hard signals are su¢ cient to ensure the implementation of the e¢ cient equilibrium independently of the reception of soft signals. 5
Milgrom (1988) also mentions the use of compensation schemes as one of the possible instruments with which to reduce in‡uence activities. In particular, the author puts forward that the compression of wage di¤erentials between current jobs and promotion jobs is an e¤ective strategy for reducing incentives to in‡uence the manager’s promotion decision.
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
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The Model
Players, Payo¤s and Actions
We consider a principal-agent model with four stages described as follows. In Stage 1, the principal [she] sets a contract w that will be used to pay the agent [he] in the last stage of the game. The revenues for the principal R( ) are positively related to the level of production in the organization y 2 Y
f0; 1g.
This production depends on the level of e¤ort (e) exerted by the agent on the productive task where e 2 feL ; eH g, and eH > eL . We assume that the
level of e¤ort of the agent cannot be observed by the principal. However, the principal is able to observe the level of output (y) where P [y = 0 j e = eL ] =
P [y = 1 j e = eH ] = R(1) > R(0)
and the precision of the signal
1 ;1 2
0. The level of output can be interpreted as a hard and
non-manipulable signal. At this stage, the principal also decides whether to engage in supervising the agent (s = 1) or not (s = 0) in order to obtain an additional signal (v) on his actual level of e¤ort. This signal is obtained at a cost engages in supervision she observes the signal v 2 V follows: P [v = B j e = eL ] = P [v = G j e = eH ] = the signal is denoted by
1 ;1 2
> 0. If the principal fG; Bg de…ned as
where the precision of
. This piece of information obtained by the
supervisor in Stage 4 of the game can be interpreted as a soft signal about the employee’s performance where B means: the agent is a lazy (bad) employee and G means: the agent is a hard-working (good) employee.6 If the agent is not being supervised then v = f?g. In Stage 2, the agent decides whether to exert a high level of e¤ort (e = eH ) or a low level of e¤ort (e = eL ) on the productive task. The cost of e¤ort on the 6
The supervision signal can be interepeted either as subjective evaluation of the supervisor or as quantitive information about the performance of the agent.
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
Chapter 3
productive task is denoted by C (e)
0. We denote C
C (eH ) and without
loss of generality C(eL ) = 0. In Stage 3, the agent decides whether to undertake an in‡uence activity (a = 1) or not (a = 0). The private cost of e¤ort associated with in‡uence activities is denoted by (a)
0; where
(1) > 0 and
(0) = 0:
As we explain in the next subsection on information and in‡uence, the in‡uence activity may a¤ect the evaluation of the principal with regard to the agent’s actual level of e¤ort. In Stage 4, the principal observes the level of output as well as the supervision signal and pays the agent according to the contract chosen in Stage 1. The contract can be contingent on both the hard and the soft signals received by the principal at this stage.
The payo¤s for the principal are determined as follows. UP
U (y; w; s) = R(y)
s s ; where s 2 f0; 1g denotes whether supervision
takes place (s = 1) or not (s = 0):
The payo¤s for the risk-averse agent are determined as follows. UA
U (w; e; a) = u(w)
C (e)
(a) > 0 where u0 > " > 0, u00 < 0.7
We denote u > 0 the agent’s outside option. 7
We assume that the utility of the agent is separable in e¤ort and in the in‡uence cost as used for example in MacLeod (2003).
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
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Information and In‡uence
The principal does not directly observe the level of e¤ort of the agent on the productive task, e 2 feL ; eH g but she receives a hard signal on the level of e¤ort by observing output (y). Also, the principal may obtain an additional signal (v) about
the performance of her subordinate by engaging in supervision activities. We assume that the supervisor’s perception of the level of e¤ort of the agent can be manipulated by in‡uence activities (a). We model the in‡uence of the agent on his supervisor’s assessments as a case of biased attribution (Bénabou and Tirole, 2002) in which the principal may mistakenly perceive a negative signal about her employee as being positive as a result of in‡uence activities. This biased attribution process is likely to occur whenever interpersonal relationships exist between the agent and the principal (Brown, 1986; Sedikides et al., 1998; Campbell et al., 2000).8 We can also think of trust and positive reciprocity as important factors in explaining the supervisor’s biased perception of the performance of the agent in the presence of in‡uence activities.9 We state the in‡uence hypothesis as follows. We denote by vs the principal’s perception of the true supervision signal (v) and we refer to
2 [0; 1] as the bias of
the principal. Assumption I (In‡uence)
If the agent decides to undertake an in‡uence activity (a = 1), the principal will perceive with probability
in (0; 1) any soft signal as if it
were good. With probability (1
) the principal uses standard Bayesian updating.
In the case of rational supervision,
= 0 so that vs
This biased attribution process can be related to the concept of transference for which the characteristic of an agent as a person is associated to his quality as an employee even though in our context “being a good person” is not informative about “being a good employee” (Mullainathan, Schwartzstein and Schlei¤er, 2008). 9 See Hosmer (1995) concerning trust in organizations.
Chapter 3
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
The bias of the principal captures the di¢ culty of the supervisor to disentangle positive in‡uence behaviors (a = 1) from positive soft signals (v = G). The existence of this bias creates incentives for the agent to manipulate the soft signal through in‡uence activities.10 In this paper we consider the situation in which the principal and the agent are fully aware of the bias of the principal. We state this assumption as follows. Assumption A (Awareness of Biases) The principal updates her belief about the soft signal as follows. 8 v > < P [v = G j vs = G; e = eH ] = (1 v )+ v 1 v P [v = G j vs = G; e = eL ] = (1 )+ v v > : P [v = Gjv = B; e] = 0 s
This assumption is used in Bénabou and Tirole (2002) and is referred to as metacognition. Under this assumption, the principal knows that perceiving her employee positively (vs = G) may not systematically imply that the soft signal was positive given that, with probability , the principal being under the in‡uence of the agent (a = 1) always perceives the soft signal positively. Assumption O (Observability of actions and signals) i) The in‡uence activity (a 2 f0; 1g) is observed by the supervisor but it is not veri…able.
ii) The supervision signal vs is observable by both the agent and the principal. The …rst part of Assumption O states that the in‡uence activity is unveri…able by a third party implying that incentive contracts cannot be contingent on the observed action a 2 f0; 1g. For example, if you invite your boss for a co¤ee (a = 1)
she will naturally observe this action but she will not be able write any incentives 10
In‡uence activities could also be interpreted as, for example, document falsi…cation in which case we would need to interpret in (0; 1) as the agent’s ability to falsify the signal.
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
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contract using this piece of information.11 The second part of Assumption O implies that both the principal and the agent agree on the value of signal vs so that the supervision signal can be treated as if it were veri…able (See MacLeod, 2003).12 As a result, we can disentangle the issues related to the fact that subjective evaluations are unveri…able (MacLeod, 2003) from the issues related to the manipulability of such evaluations. We consider that exerting an e¤ort is e¢ cient in the following sense. Assumption E (E¢ ciency) eH =arg max f UP + (1 e2feL ;eH g
)UA g for all
[0; 1] where
6= ?
It follows from our de…nition that the e¢ cient equilibrium is achieved whenever the wage scheme implements the high level of e¤ort eH . Assumption E guarantees that the high level of e¤ort maximizes total welfare for some values of
[0; 1].Hereafter, we focus on the implementation of the e¢ cient level of e¤ort, that is we study the contract that elicits a high level of e¤ort (eH ) at the lowest possible cost to the principal.
Contingent Contracts: De…nition and Properties
We consider the following de…nition for the contingent contracts determined by the principal in the …rst stage of the game. De…nition 3.1. A contingent contract is a vector w for which the agent is paid as a function of the hard and the soft signals (y; vs ) 2 S where S 2 f(0; 1) We use the following notation wyvs
(B; G; ?)g.
w (y; vs ).
Also, at the time the agent decides to have a co¤ee with his boss he does not know his performance on the soft signal. If this were the case, the agent would attempt to in‡uence his boss only after observing vs = B so that inviting the boss for a co¤ee would automatically reveal the soft signal (v = B) to the principal. This is why in the timing of our model in‡uence attempts precede the formation of the soft signal (vs ). 12 This is the case if we assume that a third party can design a mechanism that would punish the agent and the principal if they do not reveal the same value of the soft signal vs .
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We denote by P1 [P0 ] the probability vector associated to receiving the following payments: w = [w1G ; w1B ; w0G ; w0B ]> when the agent is supervised and exerts a high [low] level of e¤ort on the productive task. In the absence of supervision, the contingent contract is reduced to wN = [w1;? ; w0;? ]> and the probability vector N associated with the latter payments is denoted by PN 1 [P0 ] when the agent exerts
a high [low] level of e¤ort on the productive task. The principal can always choose not to supervise the agent (v = ?) in which case the principal does not collect the soft signal which may consist of an erroneous piece of information. However, the soft signal includes additional information on the agent level of e¤ort that the principal may need in order to incentivate the agent to exert a high level of e¤ort. The principal will then choose to supervise the agent whenever the soft signal is su¢ ciently valuable. De…nition 3.2. We say that the supervision signal is valuable to the principal as > ) in R4 long as there exists (w> ; wN
R2 such that w> P1
> N P1 < 0. wN
De…nition 3.2 considers that the soft signal is valuable when it is informative about the agent’s performance (i.e., when it contains pieces of information that can be used to elicit the agent’s level of e¤ort). In case of costless supervision (
= 0)
it is easy to see that the principal will supervise the agent whenever the soft signal is informative about the level of e¤ort of the agent, that is for any
> 12 . In that
case, the optimal contract will be contingent on both the hard and the soft signals so that w ^ = [w^1G ; w^1B ; w^0G ; w^0B ]> . In the analysis of optimal contracts we will use the following de…nitions that assess the respective weights of the hard and the soft signals as well as the power of incentives. We assess the relative weight of each signal by comparing optimal wages in the situation in which the principal receives con‡icting signals ((y; vs ) 2 f(1; B) ; (0; G)g).
De…nition 3.3 (Respective weights of hard and soft signals). i) We say that more weight is assigned to the hard (soft) signal in the optimal contingent contract if w0G
w1B (w0G > w1B ). 99
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ii) We say that an increase in a parameter ( ) raises the weight that is assigned to the hard (soft) signal in the optimal contingent contract if ( @@ (w0G
@ @
w0G ) > 0
w1B ) > 0).
In the following de…nition we assess how responsive the incentive contracts are with respect to hard and soft signals. In particular we state that the power of incentives within a contract increases in a given signal if the di¤erence between wages following a low value of the signal and wages following a high value of the signal increases. In that respect our de…nition of the power of incentives is related to the concept of wage compression since a reduction in the power of incentives in both hard and soft signals implies an increase in wage compression. De…nition 3.4 (Wage compression and the power of incentives). i) We say that the power of incentives increases (decreases) in the hard signal (y) with respect to parameter ( ) whenever
@w1vs @k
0) and
0 (
@w0vs @k
< 0 (> 0) for
any v 2 fB; Gg.
ii) We say that the power of incentives increases (decreases) in the soft signal
(v) with respect to the parameter ( ) whenever
@wyG @k
0 (
0) and
@wyB @k
< 0 (> 0)
for any y 2 f0; 1g.
Rational Supervision
In this section we solve the principal-agent model in the absence of in‡uence ( = 0) in which case the principal is able to identify the soft signal without errors. In that context, the agent will never engage in an in‡uence activity (a = 0) in Stage 3 of the game given that he will not be able to manipulate the soft signal and will be unable to manipulate the principal’s beliefs as a result. We show in the next proposition and in the next corollary how wages are set by the principal in that context. In this section, we denote by w ^ [w ^ N ] the optimal contracts that allow the principal to implement the e¢ cient level of e¤ort eH in the absence of in‡uence ( = 0) and the presence [absence] of supervision.
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Proposition 3.1 (Optimal wages under supervision). If the principal supervises the agent in the model without in‡uence, the optimal contract w ^ that implements the e¢ cient equilibrium satis…es the following conditions: - If - If
1 2 1 2
0; @ 1B < 0; @ 1G > 0 @ v
@w ^0B @ y
< 0;
@w ^0G @ y
< 0;
@w ^1B @ y
> 0;
@w ^1G @ y
Therefore, an increase in the precision of the output signal (supervision signal), raises the weight that is assigned to the hard (soft) signal in the optimal contract. From Proposition 3:1 and Corollary 1, we deduce the following relationship between wages under supervision and wages in the absence of supervision, where optimal 13
This is the case because our signals satisfy the monotone likelihood ratio property.
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
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wages in the absence of supervision are denoted by w ^ N = w^1? ; w^0?
> 14
Corollary 2 (Wages comparison). - If - If
1 2 1 2
- If
then w^0B < w^0? < w^0G < w^1B < w^1? < w^1G
then w^0B < w^0? < w^1B < w^0G < w^1? < w^1G
P1 > 0 for any where (w ^ N )> PN 1
2 ( 12 ; 1].
We show next that as the precision of a signal increases optimal wages decrease so that the principal saves costs in the implementation of the e¢ cient level of e¤ort. We also analyze how the decision to supervise the agent is a¤ected by the precision of the hard and the soft signals. Corollary 4 (E¢ ciency cost and precision of the signals). i) As the precision of the hard or the soft signal increases the cost for the principal of achieving the e¢ cient level of e¤ort decreases. w ^ N> PN w ^ 1 @ v w ^ > PN w ^ @ N 1@ y
ii) @ iii)
> 0. 0). In that context, the principal updates the soft signal incorrectly as she su¤ers from cognitive biases in the perception of the supervision signal. In this setup, the principal has two di¤erent options. On the one hand, the principal may propose in‡uence contracts (wI ) for which she anticipates that agents will be willing to manipulate the soft signal. On the other hand, the principal may deter manipulation by proposing in‡uence-free contracts (wF ). In this case, the optimization problem of the principal includes an additional constraint to deter in‡uence activities. We analyze both possibilities in this section.
In‡uence Contracts
We …rst determine the condition under which the agent undertakes the costly in‡uence activity (a = 1) whenever the principal supervises the agent.16 Lemma 3.1 (In‡uence activity). If the agent is being supervised in an e¢ cient equilibrium (e = eH ) then he will perform the in‡uence activity (a = 1) whenever: (IA)
u (w1G )
u (w1B )] + (1
y )[u (w0G )
u (w0B ) >
Under supervision, the agent will decide to undertake the in‡uence activity as long as the bene…ts derived from increasing the probability of receiving a high pay 15
This result is closely related to the classical trade-o¤ between risk and incentives in the moral hazard literature. See Prendergast (1999) for a discussion of this trade-o¤ in the light of the empirical literature. 16 The fact that wages are non-decreasing in the soft signal is necessary for the existence of this condition. Besides, we assume that the agent does not undertake the in‡uence activity if he is indi¤erent to either in‡uencing the principal or not in‡uencing the principal.
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wyG instead of getting a low pay wyB (where wyB < wyG for any y 2 f0; 1g) are
larger than the cost of the in‡uence activity ( a ). In particular, as the quality of the hard signal
rises, the incentives for the agent to undertake the in‡uence activity
decrease. This occurs because as
increases, the principal gives more weight to the
non-manipulable hard signal so that the in‡uence activity that entails a distortion of the soft signal becomes less bene…cial. The opposite is true when the precision of the soft signal ( v ) increases. Finally, notice that an increase in the principal’s bias ( ) facilitates in‡uence activities as it lowers the right-hand side in condition (IA). The intuitive reasoning is that an increase in
raises the manipulability of
the soft signal so that the probability with which in‡uence activities turn a low pay (wyB ) into a high pay (wyG ) increases as well. We now analyze the properties of the optimal contract under in‡uence. We de…ne in‡uence contracts as follows. De…nition 3.5 (In‡uence contracts). An in‡uence contract is such that restriction (IA) holds given the contract (wI ) set by the principal. The principal can allow for in‡uences activities by choosing an incentive contract wI that satis…es condition (IA). In that case, the optimal in‡uence conI > I I I ^ I = arg min (wI )> PI1 ; ] is determined as follows: w ; w^0B ; w^0G ; w^1B tract w ^ I = [w^1G wI 2Z
where PI1 is the probability vector associated to the case in which the agent exerts a high level of e¤ort on the productive task and the principal accepts in‡uence from the agent, where Z is the subset of contingent wages for which condition (IA) is satis…ed. Notice that for costless in‡uence activities (
= 0) the subset Z is non-
empty.17 In the following proposition we show that supervision remains valuable even in the presence of in‡uence activities given that soft signals continue to be informative about the agent level of e¤ort as long as
1 2
< 1. In Proposition
3:2, we characterize the optimal contingent contract under in‡uence based on the precision of the signals as well as on the bias of the principal. Proposition 3.2 (Optimal wages under in‡uence contracts). If the principal supervises the agent in an e¢ cient equilibrium under in‡uence then (w ^ I )> PI1 17
In general, there exists an upper bound for in‡uence activities costs non-empty.
> N wN P1
for which Z is
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
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0, where (w ^ I )> PI1
> N wN P1 = 0 for
1 2
or for
= 1. The optimal wage scheme
w ^ I satis…es the following conditions: 1 2 1 2
(a) If (b) If
P1 i) @ >0 @ > I > I (w^ ) P1 (w^ ) P1 ii) @ >0 @ v > I > I (w^ ) P1 (w^ ) P1
w ^F
In that case, the principal discourages in‡uence activities by imposing an additional constraint on her optimization problem. This condition is described in the following de…nition. De…nition 3.6 (In‡uence-free contracts). A contract is in‡uence-free as long as the following restriction (IF) is imposed on the principal’s problem: (IF) u wF
u wF
In the following proposition, we characterize the optimal in‡uence-free contracts. Proposition 3.4. i) The optimal in‡uence-free contract that implements the e¢ cient equilibrium satis…es the condition that an increase in the principal’s bias ( ) increases the weight that is assigned to the hard signal. ii) The optimal in‡uence-free contract that implements the e¢ cient equilibrium satis…es the condition that the power of incentives decreases in the soft signal (vs ) with respect to the principal’s bias ( ). As a result, wage compression increases in the principal’s bias while the variance of wages decreases. This proposition follows from the relationship between the principal’s bias and optimal in‡uence-free wages. In particular, we show that in‡uence-free wages are less responsive to both hard and soft signals given that and
F @w ^1G @
F @w ^0B @
> 0;
F @w ^0G @
< 0,
< 0. This result is similar to the case of in‡uence contracts but wage
compression is actually stronger under in‡uence-free contracts given that F @w ^1B @
F @w ^1B @
> 0 whereas
I @w ^0B @
I @w ^1B @
F @w ^0B @
= 0 in the case of in‡uence contracts. An
increase in the principal’s bias ( ) does not reduce the accuracy of the bad soft 21
By de…nition we know that PF 1
P1 .
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signal (vs = B) received by the principal so that under in‡uence contracts wages do not depend on the manipulability of the soft signal for vs = B. On the contrary, in the case of in‡uence-free contracts an increase in the manipulability of the signal leads the principal to raise the payments that are contingent on the reception of a bad supervision signal so as to eliminate the incentives for the agent to manipulate the soft signal.
In‡uence Costs and the Value of the Firm
In‡uence activities are costly for the organization as they detract workers from their productive task (Milgrom and Roberts, 1992). In this section we consider that in‡uence activities are time-consuming and undermine the quality of the work of the agent as a result. This translates into the following assumption in which in‡uence activities reduce the probability that the agent obtains the high level of output. Assumption C (In‡uence costs and the value of the …rm) If the agent decides to undertake an in‡uence activity (a = 1), then P [y = 1 j e = eH ] = (1 where
and P [y = 1 j e = eL ] = (1
) 1
2 [0; 1] measures the in‡uence cost.
In line with the previous section we analyze two possible strategies for the principal that correspond to accepting in‡uence from the agent (in‡uence contracts) or designing contracts that deter in‡uence (in‡uence-free contracts).
In‡uence Contracts
In the next proposition we characterize the optimal in‡uence contract w ^ = (w ^1G ; w^1B ; w^0G ; w^0B ) that implements the e¢ cient level of e¤ort eH in the case of in‡uence costs. Proposition 3.5 (In‡uence contracts and power of incentives). i) The optimal in‡uence contract that implements the e¢ cient equilibrium in the case of in‡uence cost satis…es either the condition that an increase in the principal’s 110
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Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
bias ( ) or that a decrease in in‡uence costs ( ) raises the weight that is assigned to the hard signal in the optimal contingent contract. ii) The optimal in‡uence contract that implements the e¢ cient equilibrium in the case of in‡uence costs satis…es the condition that the power of incentives decreases in the soft signal (vs ) with respect to the principal’s bias ( ) while the power of incentives decreases in the hard signal with respect to in‡uence costs ( ). The …rst part of the proposition follows similarly to the model with private in‡uence costs ( a ) from the fact that an increase in the manipulability of the soft signal reduces its accuracy and leads the principal to put more weight on the hard signal. Also, a reduction in productivity-based in‡uence costs ( ) tends to reduce the weight that is assigned to the non-manipulable signal given that @w ^1G @
@w ^0B @
> 0 and
= 0. Indeed, the accuracy of a low level of output (y = 0) as a predictor of
the level of e¤ort of the agent decreases as
rises because a low level of production
can be attributed either to a low level of e¤ort or to in‡uence activities. In the extreme case in which in‡uence costs destroy the whole output ( = 1) the signal y = 0 is uninformative about the level of e¤ort of the agent. The second part of the proposition follows from the same reasoning as above.
In‡uence-free Contracts
We …rst establish the condition under which the principal is willing to design in‡uencefree contracts in order to implement the e¢ cient equilibrium. We denote by w ^f = h i f f f f (w^1G ; w^1B ; w^0G ; w^0B ) Pf1 the optimal in‡uence-free wage contract [probability vec-
tor] and by w ^ = (w^1G ; w^1B ; w^0G ; w^0B ) [P1 ] the optimal in‡uence wage contract
[probability vector] in the case of in‡uence costs. It is optimal for the principal to design in‡uence-free contracts in this context as long as the cost of implementing an e¢ cient equilibrium under in‡uence-free contracts is lower than in the presence of in‡uence. We determine this trade-o¤ in the following condition where the cost associated with the in‡uence contracts consists of two parts: the reduction in the revenues of the …rm due to destructive in‡uence activities ( R (y)) and the payment
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
Chapter 3
of wages to the agent (w > P1 ).22 R (y) + (w )> P1
Then, the principal designs in‡uence-free contracts when (3.2) is satis…ed. Otherwise, the best option for the principal is to accept being in‡uenced by the agent. We determine in the next proposition two su¢ cient conditions for the principal to choose in‡uence-free contracts. Proposition 3.6 (In‡uence-free strategy). i) If the in‡uence costs
satis…es the condition that
then the principal
will use in‡uence-free contracts to implement the e¢ cient equilibrium. ii) If the revenues of the high level of output R(1) satis…es the condition that R (1)
Rf then the principal will use in‡uence-free contracts to implement the
e¢ cient equilibrium. The …rst part of the proposition states that the principal is better-o¤ eliminating in‡uence by setting adequate contracts when the cost of in‡uence activities for the …rm is too large (
f ).
In the extreme case in which
= 1 the presence of
in‡uence activities will bring the revenues of the principal down to zero meaning that in‡uence-free contracts cannot be dominated by in‡uence contracts. Indeed, in the worst scenario the principal can always eliminate in‡uence by setting w^yB = w^yG for y 2 f0; 1g in which case the agent may still have incentives to exert a high level of
e¤ort if the hard signal is su¢ ciently accurate. The cost for the …rm associated with in‡uence activities also increases in R (y), that is the more productive the agent is, the more detrimental in‡uence activities are to the value of the …rm. As a result, the principal will design in‡uence-free contracts whenever the high level of output produced by the agent is highly valuable to the principal, that is for R (1)
Rf .
In the following proposition we characterize the optimal in‡uence-free contracts. (1 ) We denote = max f 0 ; 1 ; f g where 0 = (1 ) y and 1 = (1 (1 ) v+) . y
More speci…cally, the principal reduces the revenues associated to the high level of output in the e¢ cient equilibrium, R(1).
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
Chapter 3
Proposition 3.7 (In‡uence-free contracts and power of incentives). i) The optimal in‡uence-free contract that implements the e¢ cient level of e¤ort in the case of in‡uence costs satis…es the condition that an increase in in‡uence costs ( ) raises the weight that is assigned to the hard signal. ii) The optimal in‡uence-free contract that implements the e¢ cient level of e¤ort in the case of in‡uence costs satis…es the condition that for any
, the power
of incentives increases in the hard signal with respect to in‡uence costs ( ). As a result, the variance of wages increases in in‡uence costs ( ). The intuition for this result is that principals designing in‡uence-free contracts can rely on two possible strategies to deter in‡uence activities. The …rst possibility is to set up incentive contracts that are less responsive to the soft signal so as to reduce the expected bene…ts associated with in‡uence activities. As a result, the principal has to compress wages even more than in the case of private in‡uence costs, but this would increase the cost of providing incentives to the agent. The other strategy for the principal consists of increasing the expected costs associated with in‡uence activities by raising the incentives associated with a high level of output. In that case, in‡uence activities become less attractive as they reduce the probability that the agent will obtain the high payment associated with a high level of performance on the hard signal. Consequently, as is stated in the …rst part of Corollary 2 the principal may be interested in increasing the weight given to the hard signal to discourage in‡uence activities. The second part of the proposition follows from the fact that for any f @w ^1G
> 0,
f @w ^1B
> 0,
f @w ^0G
of incentives increases in
< 0 and
the following comparative statics hold
f @w ^0B
< 0 implying that, by de…nition, the power
. Notice that the threshold ( ) above which in‡uence
costs lead to an increase in the power of incentives increases in . Indeed, for high values of the principal’s bias we have that
f @w ^1G @
0 in which case the power of
incentives does not increase in in‡uence costs. This is the case because for high values of
eliminating in‡uence activities by increasing the pay associated with a
high level of output may be more than compensated by the necessity to decrease the pay associated with a highly manipulable soft signal, i.e. 113
f @w ^1G @
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
Chapter 3
More speci…cally, we show in the next corollary that high-powered incentives and in‡uence-free contracts are more likely to be o¤ered to agents for which in‡uence is especially costly in terms of …rm productivity. Corollary 8 (In‡uence-free contract and agent’s productivity). If the in‡uence costs satis…es the condition that
, then there exists a level of productivity R ( )
above which wages o¤ered to low-productivity agents R (1) < R ( ) are less responsive to the hard signal than they are for high-productivity agents R (1)
R( ) .
This corollary follows from the last two results where R ( ) is the level of productivity for which the principal is indi¤erent between supervising the agent or not given in‡uence costs . As a result, high-productivity workers (h) for which Rh (1)
will be paid according to in‡uence-free contracts whereas low-productivity agents (l) for which Rl (1) < Rf will be rewarded with contracts under which it is optimal for the agents to in‡uence their supervisor.23 In the last corollary, we show that in the case of productivity-based in‡uence costs the principal may decide to avoid supervision and rely solely on the hard signal. This result holds even in the extreme situation in which monitoring the agent is costless (
= 0).
Corollary 9 (Supervision and in‡uence). If the principal’s bias
satis…es that
then the principal will not be willing to supervise the agent, even though monitoring is costless. This result holds because discouraging in‡uence activities is very costly for large values of . Indeed, if the soft signal is highly manipulable the principal will have to dissuade in‡uence activities by putting a particularly important weight on the hard signal that may increase the variance of wages and the cost of implementing the e¢ cient equilibrium as a result. For example, in the extreme case in which 23
= 1 and
This result goes in line with the main …ndings in Green (1998) that studies the impact of skills on wages. Green (1998) …nd that computer skills (i.e., hard signals) are highly valued whereas communication skills (i.e., soft signals) have little impact on wages, so that workers at higher levels of the hierarchy are paid higher and more on a hard signal than on a soft signal
Are You a Good Employee or Simply a Good Guy? Infuence Costs and Contract Design.
Chapter 3
= 0 the principal will be indi¤erent between supervising and not supervising since then (w ^ )> P1 = P (w ^ N )> PN 1 . If we take exists an arbitrarily small value of " such that
= " where " > 0 we know that there
0 then we can conclude using the Blackwell su¢ ciency theorem that the cost of implementing the e¢ cient level of e¤ort decreases in
To show that (P1 ; P0 ) is su¢ cient, in the sense of Blackwell, for (P1" ; P0" ) we have to show that there exists a transition matrix Q = (qij ); (i; j) 2 f1; :::; 4g2 that 4 4 X X is independent of the level of e¤ort such that pj1" = qij pj1 and pj0" = qij pj0 . j=1
This 2 can be shown taking the following transition matrix: 3 " 1 2 " 1 0 0 2 y 1 y " 7 6 1 2 " 1 0 0 7 6 2 y 1 y Q=6 7 " " 0 0 1 2 1 5 4 2y 1 y " " 1 0 0 2 y 1 2 y 1 The rest of the Corollary is derived from the previous results.
Proof of Lemma 3.1. Contingent wages will depend on both signals. Consider the I I I I ; w0;B ; w0;G ; w1;B case of an e¢ cient equilibrium (e = eH ) : We denote wI = w1;G
the vector of contingent wages under in‡uence and PI1 the probability of receiving each of these payments when the agent undertakes the 2 3 in‡uence activity. Then, [ + (1 )] y v v 6 7 (1 ) (1 y v) 1 I 7 P1 (pi1 )i2f1;:::;4g = 6 4 1 5 y [ v + (1 v )] 1 ) (1 y (1 v) Contrariwise, if the agent does not undertake the in‡uence activity: 3 2 P1 = (pi1 )i2f1;:::;4g
y v
6 =6 4
y (1 1
7 7 5
1 y (1 v) Therefore, the agent undertakes the in‡uence activity if and only if u wI
P1 ) >
That is, y
I u w1G
I u w1B ] + (1
y )[u
I w0G
I u w0B
Chapter 3
Proof of Proposition 3.2. If the Principal supervises under in‡uence: vs 2 fB; Gg =
v with probability (1
) and vS = G otherwise. Recall that the optimal contract
cannot depend on the in‡uence activity a 2 f0; 1g because it is unveri…able. We deI I I I note the optimal contingent contract under in‡uence w ^ I = w^1;G ; w^1;B ; w^0;G ; w^0;B
and denote PI1 PI0 the probability of receiving each of these payments when exerting a high [low] level of e¤ort. Thus, 2 3 y [ v + (1 v )] 6 7 ) (1 y (1 v) 7 PI1 pIi1 i2f1;:::;4g = 6 4 1 5 [ + (1 )] y v v 1 (1 ) (1 v) 2 y 3 1 (1 + y v v) 6 1 ) 7 y v (1 7. and PI0 pIi0 i2f1;:::;4g = 6 4 5 y (1 v + v) ) y v (1 The …rst part of the proposition can be proven by showing that the signal vs is informative about the agent’s level of e¤ort. Recall that P [vs = G j e = eL ] =
and P [vs = G j e = eH ] =
P [vs = G j e = eH ] for any
> 12 ;
+ (1
v ).
Since, P [vs = G j e = eL ]
I ^ = min4 w 1 > < (1) w w2R
IR (2) u (w)> PI1 C u > : > I > I (3) u (w) P1 C u (w) P0 IC I I I I ) so ) and u0B = u(w0;B ); u0G = u(w0;G ); u1B = u(w1B We can de…ne u1G = u(w1G
I I I I = h(u0B ): = h(u0G ) and w0B that w1G = h(u1G ), w1B = h(u1B ); w0G
Then, the …rst-order Kuhn-Tucker conditions are necessary and su¢ cient to determine contract 8 the optimal I (1) w ^ = min pI11 h(u1G ) + pI21 h(u1B ) + pI31 h(u0G ) + pI41 h(u0B ) > > > f(u ;u )g 0 1 < (2) pI11 u1G + pI21 u1G + pI31 u1G + pI41 u1G C u IR > (3) pI11 u1G + pI21 u1G + pI31 u1G + pI41 u1G C > > : pI10 u1G + pI20 u1G + pI30 u1G + pI40 u1G IC We denote and the non-negative Lagrange multipliers associated respectively
with the incentive compatibility (IC) constraint and the individual rationality (IR) constraint. If we use the arguments in Proposition 1, we conclude that: 125
Chapter 3
8 I > (11G ) u0 w^1G = > > > > > 0 I > < (11B ) u w^1B =
y( v+ y( v+
I u0 w^0G =
(10G ) > > > > > > > : (10B )
v ))+
y (1 y (1
y )[
I u0 w^0B =
(1 (
)(1 v )+ ( (1
v ))
v+ y
1+ (
v ))
1)( y
v + (1 v )]+ ( (1 y )(1 )(1
v )]
v+ y
(1 y )(1 )(1 v )+ ( 1)( v + y 1) And notice that lim !0 (w ^ I w ) = ~0. Indeed, for = 0 the optimal contingent
I I I I contract w ^ I = w^1G ; w^1B ; w^0G ; w^0B
nal supervision w ^ that lim
I w^1;G
coincides with the optimal scheme under ratio-
= [w^1G ; w^1B ; w^0G ; w^0B ]> : For completeness, we can also observe I w^1;B = 0:
If we compare (11G ), (11B ); (10G ) and (10B ) above, we get that for any 1 y 2 ( 2 ; 1) and I (1) u0 w^1G
w^1B > w^0B : 0
I I I I I I (2) u0 w^1G < u0 w^0G < u0 w^0B , w^1G > w^0G > w^0B
We need to study whether more weight is assigned to the hard or the soft signal I in the optimal contingent contract under in‡uence. This relationship between w^0G I and w^1B varies according to the Principal’s bias ( ) and the precision of the signals
and can be derived after equating the likelihood ration associated to the
hard and to the soft signal in the case of in‡uence. Then, we can see that for any
0 therefore
Proof of Corollary 5. If we use the Implicit function theorem in equations (11G ) ; (11B ) ; (10G ) and8(10B ) above it is easy to see that I (2 v 1)( y 1) y < @ w@^1G = 00 I u (w ^1G )(( ( v 1) v ) y + ( v + y + I (2 v 1)( y 1) y : @ w^0G = I @ u00 (w ^0B )(( ( v 1) v )(1 y ) ( y whereas n I @w ^1B @w ^I = @ 0B = 0 @
v ))
> > > > > < > > > > > > > :
I @w ^0B @ v I @w ^0G
I @w ^1B
v I @w ^1G
I u00 (w ^0G )(
And 8 I @w ^0B > = > > @ y > > I > > < @@w^0G = > > > > > > > :
y I @w ^1G
I w ^1G
I u00 (w ^1B )(
y I @w ^1B
I u00 (w ^0B )(( (
2 )(
2 )(
y (1
)(1 (
v )(1 y) ( y 1)
(1 1)
v )+
v) y
y+ v
v+ y
y ))
v+ y+
v ))
y+ v
v+ y
y ))
v+ y+
+ (
( ( v 1) v )(1+( v 1) v )(1 y) ( v 1) v I u00 (w ^0G )( (1 y )[ v + (1 v )]+ ( ( v 1) v )(1+( 1) I u00 (w ^1B )( y (1 )(1 v )+ ( ( v 1) v I u00 (w ^1G (( ( 1) ) v v) y + (
v )]+
I u00 (w ^0B )(( (
>0 >0
0. At the same time, we have that
y )(1 y v
PI denotes the probability vector under in‡uence. (1 + ) (1 y )(1 v + v ) + 1 y [ v+ (1 v )] = y [ v + (1 v )] ( y) v v
g and
(1 v) + y (1 y ) v
< 0. As a result, for any increase in the in‡uence parameter
the information structure P ( v ) is not as e¢ cient as
> 0. In order to make
information structure P ( result any increase in
) where
( v
PI1 (w @ y
)> P1
< 0 (the
follows the same reasoning).
We use the result established by Kim (1995), showing that an information structure P is more e¢ cient than an information structure mean preserving spread of that of X p p ( ii01 v; v ; y; y ;
if its likelihood ratio is a
. We compute the following function: pi0 ) pi 1
j 2 fP;
j i
stands for the precision of signal i 2 fv; yg of information structure PI denotes the probability vector under in‡uence. (1 + ) (1 y )(1 v + v ) = + 1 y [ v+ (1 v )] y [ v + (1 v )] ( y) v v
g and v;
y v
(1 ; y )
v; v; y;
y (1
As a result, for any e¢ cient as P
p y
p y
p y
y + y
for y
> 0 and
v; v; y; y;
> 0.
we need for the information structure
that for an increase in
> 0 for any
Also, for an increase in as e¢ cient as P
p y
= y;
; y.
to be as
y; + y
= 0. will be
We conclude
and P are not a¤ected similarly.
In particular, an increase in y tends to favor information system P compared to @2 ( v ; v ; y ; y ; ) since > 0 that is the likelihood ratio of information system P @ @ y
is increased by a larger amount than the likelihood ratio of information system when
Proof of Proposition 3.4. The optimal contract to detract workers from the in‡uence activity ^ F ) solves: 8 (w (1) w ^ F = min4 (wf )> P1 > > > wi 2R > < f > (2) u w P1 C u IR f > f > > > (3) u w P1 C u w P0 IC > > : f > f > (4) u w P1 u w P1 IF a The non-negative Lagrange multipliers are denoted
know that all of them are positive because w
> 0,
> 0 and
> 0. We
is not a solution to the optimization
F F problem. We consider the change of variable u1G = u(w1G ); u1B = u(w1B ); u0G =
Chapter 3
F F u(w8 ^ F and get: 0G ) and u0B = u(w0B ) to ensure concavity. We then solve for w y v F (11G ) u0 w^1G = > > > y v + ( y + v 1)+ ( ( v 1) y ) > > (1 v ) y F 0 > > < (11B ) u w^1B = (1 v ) y + ( y v )+ y (1 v ) (1 y ) v F 0 > > (10G ) u w^0G = (1 y ) v + ( v y )+ ( y + v 1 y v ) > > > > (1 y )(1 v ) > F : (10B ) u0 w^0B = 1 ( y )(1 v )+ (1 y v )+ ( v 1)( y 1) Therefore, we can show that: F @w ^1G @
(11B )
F @w ^1B @
(10G )
F @w ^0G @
F @w ^0B @
(11G )
(10B )
F u00 (w ^1G )( (
( F u00 (w ^1B )(( +
2 v y
v y
)( (
F u00 (w ^0G )((
2 y
v 1) y + ( v 1) v (1 y )2
y ))
1)( ( v 1) + v )+( ( v 1)2 ( y 1)2
F u00 (w ^0B )(( +
1) )2
y+ v
Similarly, we can derive the results
1) ( F for @@w^ y y
>0 v)
v+ y
p10 > ) + (1 > p11 > > 1 0 > > < (11B ) u (w^1B ) = + (1 p20 ) (10G ) > > > > > > > : (10B )
u0 (w^0G ) =
u0 (w^0B ) =
+ (1 1
+ (1
p30 ) p31
p30 ) p31
By taking derivatives and using simple algebra we get the results summarized in
the proposition.
Chapter 3
Proof of Proposition 3.6. It is optimal for the principal to design in‡uence-free contracts as long as:
R(y) + (w )> P1
P1 . Also, we know by using a very
similar proof to the one presented for Proposition 3:3 that (w )> P1 is increasing in both
and decreasing in the precision of both signals
conclude that as
We then
increases not only in‡uence contracts tend to be more expansive
but revenues will also decrease ( R(y) rises). The cost of implementing the e¢ cient level of e¤ort in the case of in‡uence-free contracts depends on the solution to the following optimization program: 8 ^ f = min4 (wf )> P1 > > (1) w > wi 2R > < > (2) u wf P1 C u IR > > f f > > (3) u w P1 C u w P0 IC > > : f > f > IF P1 P1 u w (4) u w We consider that the in‡uence-free constraint (IF) is binding, that is the e¢ cient
contract w ^
is not a solution to the optimization problem with in‡uence. We denote
IF = u wf
P1 ). Also, by simple algebra we get the following comparative
statics: i) @IF @ y
@IF @
> 0, ii)
< 0 for
@IF @
< 0, iii)
@IF @ v
> 0, iv)
high. As a result, an increase in
@IF @ y
> 0 for low values of
will increase the costs of choosing
in‡uence contracts since both R(y) and (w )> P1 increase in
but also wf
decrease in
since the in‡uence-restriction becomes looser as
- We conclude that there exists a level
2; (0; 1] above which the principal will
always choose to design in‡uence-free contracts. Indeed, for the upper bound
we know that in‡uence-free contracts are the only solution since then the principal obtains no revenues from the agent. - Also, as the ability of the worker increases the only part of the inequation that is a¤ected is
R(y) so that there exists a level of ability, say yf ; above which the
principal will decide to design in‡uence-free contracts. - Concerning , there exist two opposite e¤ects. First an increase in
rises the
costs of implementing in‡uence contracts but at the same time it tends to render more attractive the in‡uence activity so that contracts become more costly as
rises. 130
@IF @
< 0 meaning that in‡uence-free
Chapter 3
Proof 8 of Proposition 3.7. We need to solve the following optimization problem. (1) w ^ F = min4 (wf )> P1 > > > wi 2R > < > (2) u wf P1 C u IR > > > > (3) u wf P1 C u wf P0 IC > > : f > f > (4) u w P1 u w P1 IF We get the following …rst order conditions, where is the non-negative Lagrange
multiplier associated with restriction IF. It is easy to see that
> 0,
> 0 and
>8 0 as long as w ^ is not a solution to the optimization problem. f y v > = (11G ) u0 w^1G > + ( + 1)+ ) y v (1 ) y (1 v )) > ( y v y v y v (1 > > (1 v ) y > f 0 > < (11B ) u w^1B = (1 ) + ( )(1 )) v y y v )+ y (1 v )(1 (1 1 ( ) f y v > (10G ) u0 w^0G = 1 > > ( y ) v + ( v y )+ ((1 y ) v (1 (1 ) y )( v + (1 v ))) > > > > (1 y )(1 v ) : (10B ) u0 w^ f = 0B (1 y )(1 v )+ (1 y v )+ (1 v )(1 y (1 (1 ) y )(1 )) We conclude after some algebra that: 8 f @ w ^ (1 ) 1G > > (11G ) @ > 0 for > 1 , where 1 = (1 ) vv+ . > > f > < (1 ) @ w^1B > 0 for any > 0. 1B
@w ^ > (10G ) @ 0G < 0 for any > 0. > > > f > (1 ) : (1 ) @ w^0B < 0 for any > 0 , where 0 = (1 ) y . 0B @ y - This is a summary of our results on in‡uence-free contracts, wage compression
and responsiveness - Given i) For
P1 ; w we know that (w ^ )> P1 = arg minf(w
that (w ^ )> P1 > w ^ > P1 for any
P1 g. We know
is such that (w ^ )> P1 = w ^ > P1 .
P1 g
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others I am I plus my circumstances. Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)
People frequently face intertemporal decisions in which costs and bene…ts that occur at di¤erent points in time are involved.1 Through the decision making process, people show tendency to procrastinate and delay unpleasant tasks in which current costs are salient in comparison with future bene…ts (Akerlof 1991). Contrariwise, when current bene…ts are unduly salient, people often preproperate and engage in activities that they would have preferred to postpone. This phenomenon is referred to as time-inconsistent behavior and accounts for the inability of people to carry out their today’s plan in future. Thus, when presented a choice between receiving 10 Euros in one year versus 12 Euros in one year and one month virtually everyone would prefer the 12 Euros in one year and one month. But given the same choice in one year, people may jettison today’s plans and they may prefer 10 Euros 1 See Frederick, Lowenstein and O’Donoghue (2002) for a comprehensive survey dealing in depth with these intertemporal decisions
Chapter 4
Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others
immediately rather than 12 Euros in one month.2 The study of time-inconsistent behavior is important in a variety of economic …elds such as optimal contracting (DellaVigna and Malmendier 2004, O’Donoghue and Rabin 1999b), bad habits and addictions (O’Donoghue and Rabin 2002), optimal taxation (Gruber and Koszegi 2004), or people’s decision to acquire information (Carrillo and Mariotti 2000; Brocas and Carrillo 2000). Since the standard model of exponential discounting is not able to capture the time-inconsistent behavior, researchers have modeled it by considering present-biased preferences, which rely on the agent’s taste for immediate grati…cation.3 The use of quasi-hyperbolic discounting abides decreasing impatience and underlies the idea that intertemporal discount rates decline with the delay in rewards.4 The characteristic feature of a quasi-hyperbolic agent is that she gives stronger relative weight to earlier moments in time as they get closer. The agent may or may not be aware of this feature. If she does, the agent is said to be sophisticated; otherwise, she is said to be naive.5 In consequence, the intertemporal decision can be said to emerge from the tradeo¤ between the agent’s ability to foresee her future behavior and the relationship 2
The empirical evidence is gleaned from an questionnaire that I discuss later on. Another illustrative example of time-inconsistent behavior is provided by O’Donoghue and Rabin (1999, page 103): "When presented a choice between doing 7 hours of an unpleasant activity on April 1 versus 8 hours on April 15, if asked on February 1 virtually everyone would prefer the 7 hours on April 1. But come April 1, given the same choice, most of us are apt to put o¤ the work until April 15". 3 Ainsley (1992) refers to the agent’s "impatience" or "impulsiveness", whereas O’Donoghue and Rabin (1999) use the concept of "bias for present". I will use the concepts of "impatience", "bias for present" and "taste for immediate grati…ctation" interchangeably. 4 The use of quasi-hyperbolic discounting was …rst proposed by Phelps and Pollak (1968) to allow for "imperfect altruism", so that present generations may discount future generations’consumption relative to their own. The speci…cation has been reformulated by Laibson (1997) and then adopted by many other authors to study the individual’s behavior. Loewenstein and Prelec (1992) present an alternative model for decreasing impatience in which the discount factor is a generalized hyperbola. In a recent paper, al-Nowaihi and Dhami (2007) have reformulated this model to account for two classes of value functions: the HARA class and the constant loss aversion class, which were not compatible with Loewenstein and Prelec (1992). Bleichrodt, Rohde and Wakker (2009) have recently proposed a formulation to accommodate any degree of decreasing or increasing impatience. 5 There exists an intermediate case (partial naitivity), which takes place when the agent understimate her bias for present (O’Donoghue and Rabin, 2001).
Chapter 4
Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others
between present and future payo¤s (O’Donoghue and Rabin 1999).6 The aim of this paper is to show that concern for others a¤ects the incentives for the agent to undertake or delay a task. The gist of my argument is twofold. On the one hand, intertemporal decisions can be though as the result of expectations for what others consider to be desirable and the agent’s motivation to comply with these expectations, taking into account that the agent’s taste for immediate grati…cation and the degree of awareness about future behavior are two important factors at stake too. On the other hand, people may choose di¤erently for themselves and for other people simply because they recognize their own taste for immediate grati…cation, whereas they do not think that other agents have taste for immediate grati…cation. In this paper, I rely on these features to suggest that intertemporal behavior stems partly from di¤erences between the agent’s impatience and her belief about how impatient other agents are. Consider the choice between 10 Euros and 12 Euros presented above. The model of exponential discounting predicts for people who prefer 12 Euros in one month and one year to choose 12 Euros in one month instead of choosing 10 Euros immediately. On the contrary, the model of quasi-hyperbolic discounting accounts for immediate grati…cation so that it allows for people to switch from choosing 12 Euros in one year and one month to choose 10 Euros immediately. The model of quasi-hyperbolic discounting, however, does not take into account other-regarding preferences therefore any agent who prefers 10 Euros immediately to 12 Euros in one month, should also prefer for herself and other people to receive 10 Euros immediately rather than 12 Euros in one month. In Section 4.2, I consider a questionnaire to show that this need to be the case. Thus, people might act di¤erently when choosing for themselves and when they know that the action will be carried out for more people. More speci…cally, I …nd that roughly 50% of the subjects who prefer 10 Euros immediately to 12 Euros in one year, switch to choose 12 Euros in one year instead of 10 6
Overall, this approach underlines that changes in preferences are due to the pass of time. From a di¤erent perspective, Becker and Murphy (1988), Bénabou and Tirole (2004) or Bernheim and Rangel (2004) allow for endogeneity of preferences, meaning that changes in preferences are not due to the pass of time but to the person’s past choice of actions.
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Euros immediately when the are told that the choice will be carried out for a total of 30 people. This result suggests that the traditional model on quasi-hyperbolic discounting cannot be supported, therefore a more general model might be able to explain the systematic deviations that occur both when the decision is pushed forward one year, and when it is made to a¤ect other people. This paper is an attempt to show the importance of social accountability on intertemporal behavior. In Section 4.3, I extend the traditional quasi-hyperbolic formulation to accommodate for other-regarding preferences. My model follows the traditional approach and considers that there exists an agent who has a …nite number of periods to perform an action or complete a task (e.g., the agent has to decide when to invest money in a project, when to buy tickets for a match or when to submit a paper). Each of the available periods in which the action can be performed is associated with a reward and a cost, which will be received at di¤erent points in time. More precisely, if the agent’s choice implies immediate rewards, she will receive the reward in the period in which she performs the action, getting the costs at some point in the future. In the case of immediate costs, the situation is reversed and the agent will face a tradeo¤ between a current cost and a future reward.7 The agent is treated as separate selves, each of whom decides at each period of time whether to perform the action immediately or to postpone it for a future period. When evaluating her future behavior, the agent may have an idea about when she would actually like to perform the action, but I assume that the agent is naive and cannot foresee her future behavior (i.e., the agent may jettison today’s plan in future). The most important contribution and novelty of my model is that the agent weighs up the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a particular period, having in mind the impact of her decision on the other agents’payo¤ and the other agents’ willingness to wait. For simplicity, I assume that the agent considers that all other agents who are being a¤ected by her choice have the same taste for immediate grati…cation. I focus 7
Decisions about leisure goods, bad habits or addictions have been usually interpreted as immediate reward situations. Decisions about investment goods, unpleasant tasks or education decisions have been usually identi…ed as immediate cost situations.
Chapter 4
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the discussion on two extreme cases: either the agent thinks that other agents have taste for immediate grati…cation; or she thinks that the other agents do not feel tempted for immediate grati…cation. These agent’s beliefs about how impatient the other agents are can be interpreted as how the agent thinks that other agents would act if they were asked to do so. This feature is crucial for evaluating the agent’s choice as it can be interpreted as a constraint on her behavior. In Section 4.4, I derive the theoretical results. First, I show that social preferences do not impose a constraint on behavior when the agent’s belief about other is uniform (i.e., when the agent believes that all other agents have the same taste for immediate grati…cation that she has). Otherwise, the agent may choose di¤erent options when choosing for herself and when her choice is made to a¤ect other agents. In particular, I show that in the case of immediate costs, the standard tendency to procrastinate of a naive agent is potentially counter-balanced by internalizing the other agents’payo¤s and taste for immediate grati…cation. When the situation implies immediate rewards, the standard tendency to preproperate of a naive agent is potentially counter-balanced. In Section 4.4, I also investigate whether the agent’s behavior is optimal. I de…ne optimal behavior as the agent performing the action in the …rst period in which total surplus is maximized. I show that optimality is achieved in the case of immediate costs if the action does not entail any cost at that period (e.g., the action is costless but bene…ts will be received in future). In the case of immediate rewards, optimality is achieved if the action does not entail bene…ts at the optimal period. When performing the action optimally entails costs (or bene…ts), then the decision maker’s concern for other agents should be high enough to achieve optimality. Indeed, there exists some situations in which optimal behavior will never arise. In particular, if there exists more than one optimal period that maximizes total surplus, a naive agent will never act in the optimal behavior, and will at most choose another period that maximizes total surplus to perform the action. In recent times, economists have shown keen interest in studying formulas to mitigate the problem of time-inconsistency. Behavioral interventions that encom139
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pass externally-imposed deadlines (Ariely and Wertenbroch 2002; Burger, Charness and Lynham 2009) or economics incentives (Angrist and Lavy 2009; Charness and Gneezy 2009) have been designed to address the problem of time-inconsistent behavior, but the results are not clear-cut.8 This paper contributes to the current debate by stating that agents’decisions about when to complete a task or perform an action may be a¤ected by other agents’payo¤s and preferences about the realization of the task. As a result, the external in‡uence by other agents should be considered when analyzing time-inconsistent behavior and the agents’ability to overcome bad habits, postpone tasks or engage in harmful activities. To the best of my knowledge, there are no papers that combine quasi-hyperbolic discounting and other-regarding preferences, in spite of the overwhelming evidence in both …elds. There are many papers on the impact of external in‡uence on behavior. Ho¤man, McCabe and Smith (1996) highlight that other-regarding preferences are closely related to the social distance, whereas Luo (2005) shows that the presence of peers in a purchasing situation is likely to in‡uence the decision to make a purchase.9 Besides, quasi-hyperbolic preferences are consistent with relatively large evidence. Empirical data in the consumption-saving literature is better explained by quasihyperbolic discounting than by exponential discounting (Angeletos et al. 2001). In the …eld, the empirical results suggest that agents’tendency to delay work can be predicted by the quasi-hyperbolic discounting model (Burger, Charness and Lynham 8 Ariely and Wertenbroch (2002) suggest that deadlines are e¤ective to improve performance and overcome procrastination but this is not the case in Burger, Charness and Lynham (2009). Concerning the economic incentives, Angrist and Lavy (2009) …nd that payments are not e¤ective to encourage boys matriculation in a school in Israel, whereas Charness and Gneezy (2009) highlight that economic incentives are e¤ective to encourage exercise by increasing the attendance rate of students to a gym. 9 In a di¤erent context, Garicano, Palacios-Huerta and Prendergast (2005) …nd that professional soccer referees favor home teams. Unlike the previous examples, this one involves explicit lobbying by others. In this paper, I do not consider these situations, even though it is a stylized fact that the social context and peers’actions in‡uence our choices. Calvó-Armengol and Jackson (2010) indeed show that agents in a social network can exert costly activities to pressure other agents to take an action that can be welfare improving. Benhabib, Bisin, and Jackson (2010) provide examples in this framework. An alternative consideration is to study the cases in which other agents’actions (for instance, smoking or quitting bad habits) can have an impact on the agent’s decision. I leave aside these cases, while focusing my attention on situations that imply "responsability" (i.e., the agent’s choice have an impact on other’s payo¤s).
Chapter 4
Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others
2009) and in laboratory experiments about discounting con…rm that roughly onehalf of the subjects use quasi-hyperbolic discounting (Coller, Harrison and Rutstöm 2009). In Section 4.5, I explain the model by Coller, Harrison and Rutstöm (2009) and I propose a way to identify the di¤erence between the agent’s impatience and her beliefs about how impatient other agents are. In Section 4.5, I also conclude and present lines for future research. All proofs are relegated to the Appendix.
Experimental Evidence
I report in this section the experimental data commented in the Introduction. I designed a short questionnaire in which subjects were asked to choose between a smaller more immediate reward, 10 Euros; and a larger more delayed reward, 12 Euros. Three questions were faced sequentially. In total, 192 subjects participating in experimental sessions run in Alicante from November 2008 to December 2008 answered the questionnaire at the end of their session. The instructions, originally in Spanish, stated that "the questions present hypothetical situations" so that previous earnings would not be a¤ected. Although there exists empirical evidence that suggests that the use of hypothetical rewards makes a di¤erence in the context of lottery choices (Holt and Laury 2002) it is quite a common practice to use hypothetical outcomes when working with intertemporal choices since "there is no clear evidence that hypothetical rewards are discounted di¤erently than real rewards" (Frederick, Loewenstein and O’Donoghue 2002; page 206). This is, of course, a controversial discussion. However, I do not pretend to elicit individual’s behavior but to …nd evidence for other-regarding preferences in the context of intertemporal choices, so I use hypothetical rewards. First, I present the three questions. Then, I comment on the experimental evidence. Question 1. Imagine that, when leaving this room, someone is o¤ering you an extra amount of money for answering this questionnaire. This amount of money will be transferred to your bank account. You only have to decide whether to 141
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receive the amount in one year or in one year and one month. If you choose the …rst option, you will receive 10 Euros. If you choose the second one, you will be transferred 12 Euros. What would you prefer? (a) Ten euros in one year in my bank account; (b) Twelve euros in one year and one month in my bank account. Question 2. Suppose now that you do not need to wait one year to get the money. Then, you are asked to decide whether to receive a bank transfer immediately or in one month. It is important for you to know that the payment will not take place in cash but using your bank account (i.e., in both cases the order will be sent to your bank right now but it will not e¤ective until the day that you choose to receive it). What would you prefer? (a) Ten euros, received today in my bank account, (b) Twelve euros, received in one month in my bank account. Question 3. Finally, suppose that your decision is exactly the same as before but now your choice will be carried out for a total of 24 people, namely all other subjects in this room. As in the previous case, recall that the order will be sent to your bank accounts today but it will not be e¤ective until the day that you choose to receive the payment. What would you prefer? (a) Ten euros today in our bank accounts; (b) Twelve euros in one month in our bank accounts. The …rst two questions were designed to identify time-inconsistet behavior. Question 1 asked subjects to choose between 10 Euros to be paid in one year and 12 Euros to be paid in one year and one month. Question 2 changes the time horizon: the 10 Euros were paid immediately and the 12 Euros were paid in one month. All the payments were assumed to be bank transfers so as to treat money homogeneously. The standard null hypothesis is that subjects do not make di¤erent choices in Question 1 and Question 2. This hypothesis would be consistent with subjects using exponential discounting as moving the rewards forward should not have an impact on their decision. The hypothesis can be stated as follows:
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HYPOTHESIS 1. In Question 1 and Question 2, subjects will choose the larger more delayed reward with the same frequency. When facing Question 3, subjects were asked to choose between the immediate reward of 10 Euros and the delayed reward of 12 Euros, but now their choices were having an impact on other agents’payment. In particular, choosing 10 Euros immediately (12 Euros in one month) implied that everybody in the room would received 10 Euros immediately (12 Euros in one month). The purely sel…sh individuals, who only care about their own payo¤s, should behave exactly as they did in previous questions. I formalize this hypothesis as follows: HYPOTHESIS 2. In Question 3, subjects will choose the larger more delayed reward with the same frequency than in Question 1 and Question 2.
I summarize the main results in Figure 1. As we can see, roughly 80% of individuals (159 subjects) reveal to be willing to wait for the larger reward when answering Question 1. However, the number of subjects who chose the larger reward decreases up to 109 when the 10-Euros payment was immediate (Question 2). Statistically speaking, we reject the hypothesis that the answers for Question 1 and Question 2 are the same using the Wilcoxon rank sum test (W = 5:522 ,p
value < 0:0001).
As a result, there exists statistical evidence against Hypothesis 1. This can be interpreted as subjects preferring a larger more delayed reward when payments are in the distant future, but they prefer the smaller more immediate reward in the short-run. At the individual level, I …nd that 66 out of 192 subjects switched from choosing 12-Euros in Question 1 to choose 10-Euros in Question 2. This proportion represents above 30% of the subjects pool. On the contrary, 16 out of 192 subjects switched from 10-Euros in Question 1 to 12-Euros in Question 2. Using the McNemar test (correcting for continuity) to compare these proportions, I reject the hypothesis that the number of changes in each direction is equally likely 10
One might argue that if the answers for questions 2 and 3 di¤er, it is not because of otherregarding preferences but because of agents deciding over a larger reward in question 3. However, the model of quasi-hyperbolic discounting states that if x < y then x < y for any > 0:
Chapter 4
2 1
Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others
= 29:2805; p
value < 0:0001).
Figure 1. Questionnaire. Error bars re‡ect standard errors. Figure 1 shows that above 70% of the participants chose the larger more delayed reward when answering Question 3. If I use the Wilcoxon rank rum test, I reject the hypothesis that subjects chose the same option in both, Questions 2 and 3 (W = 3:983; p
value < 0:0001). The McNemar test (correcting for continuity) rejects
the hypothesis that the proportion of subjects who switched from the larger reward in Question 2 to the smaller reward in Question 3 is the same as the proportion of subjects who switched from the smaller reward in Question 2 to the larger reward in Question 3 (
2 1
= 14:7924; and p
value = 0:0001). In addition, the data suggest
that people do not behave equally in the long-run (Question 1) and when choosing for other agents (Question 3) in the light of the Wilcoxon test (W = 2:832; p
value =
0:0046). If I focus on analyzing the individual’s behavior, I …nd that rougly 50% of the subjects who prefer 10 Euros immediately to 12 Euros in one year, switch to choose 12 Euros in one year instead of 10 Euros immediately when the are told that the choice will take place for a total of 30 people. In addition, 20% of the individuals make the same choice in Questions 1 and 3, but they changed her behavior when answering to Question 2. A more detailed description of the data is presented in the 144
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following table. For each of the questions (Q1 ; Q2 ; Q3 ), I report the number of individuals that chose the immediate reward (10 Euros) and the number of individuals that chose the delayed reward (12 Euros). Q2 = 10 Q2 = 12 Q2 = 10 Q2 = 12 Q1 = 10 13 (0.07) 2 (0.01) 4 (0.02) 14 (0.07) Q1 = 12 29 (0.15) 10 (0.05) 37 (0.19) 83 (0.43) Q3 = 10 Q3 = 12 Table 1. Questionnaire. Relative frequency is presented in brackets. Overall, I …nd that there exists people who behave "hyperbolically" and felt tempted for the immediate reward when choosing for themselves. However, some individuals were willing to wait for the larger more delayed rewards when their choices a¤ected to other agents. The insights gleaned from this questionnaire seem to suggest that the traditional model on quasi-hyperbolic discounting should be extended to account for other-regarding preferences.
The Model
Let N be the set of agents involved in a particular decision where each agent in
N is labeled i = f0; 1; :::; N g and is associated a reward-cost scheme xi = (v i ; ci )
such that v i = (vi1 ; :::; viT ) > 0 and ci = (ci1 ; :::; ciT ) > 0, for T < 1. Assume that supt kvit
cit k < 1, 8i 2 N , 8t 2 f1; 2; :::T g: I further assume that, among
the agents, the decision maker (hereafter, i = 0) is the only one who can perform a particular action. This action yields either immediate cost or immediate rewards for all agents i 2 N as follows: De…nition 4.1. Let ui (t) denote agent i’s instantaneous utility at period t and suppose that the action is completed at t = t^, then: (a) The8 action implies immediate costs if for all agents i 2 N we have: < cit for t = t^ ui (t) = v for t = t^ + ; where > 0 : it 0 for all t 6= ft^; t^ + g (b) The action implies immediate rewards if for all agents i 2 N we have: 145
Chapter 4
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8 < vit for t = t^ ui (t) = cit for t = t^ + ; where : 0 for all t 6= ft^; t^ + g
Then immediate cost situations lead to future bene…ts at a present cost while
agents get the bene…t immediately at the cost of a future payment in the case of immediate rewards. The fact that future payments will occur at the same period for all agents (i.e.,
> 0 for all i 2 N ) is used to simplify the model. Hereafter, I also
assume for simplicity that agents’reward and cost schemes are proportional so that for any two agents i; j 2 N , i 6= j there exists i
> 0 such that xi =
, where
x = (v ; c ) and x = (v ; c ) (i.e., all agents’rewards and costs can be written by using the decision maker as baseline). Finally, I distinguish between actions that entail costs (bene…ts) at a particular period, and actions that do not. De…nition 4.2. An immediate cost situation entails costs at t if cit > 0 for all i 2 N . Similarly, an immediate reward situation entails bene…ts at t if vit > 0 for
all i 2 N .
The following utility function, U t (s; ); is used to evaluate the decision maker’s current utility and presents a natural way to combine social preferences and quasihyperbolic discounting. The …rst two terms in U t (s; ) replicate the functional form presented by Laibson (1997) and O’Donaghue and Rabin (1999) to model quasihyperbolic discounting.11 Since i = 0 is the only agent who can complete the action, the additional altruistic term in (4.1) is intended to capture how agent i = 0 weights the other agents’utility. Thereby, the value of
0 can be considered as a measure
of how much the decision maker cares about agent j’s utility for j 2 f1; :::; N g U t (s; )
s t 0 u0 (t)
s 0
u0 ( ) +
N X j=1
s t j uj (t)
s j
uj ( )
We can interpret U t (s; ) as the decision maker’s perceived utility at t for doing the action at s; where s 11
t: As usual, U t (s; ) is continuos and increasing in
The preferences has been also known as ( ; ) preferences.
Chapter 4
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all components. The parameter consistent discounting whereas
i i
2 (0; 1] represents the agent’s long run time-
2 (0; 1] stands for the agent i’s bias for present,
for all i 2 N .12 It is worth noting that the speci…cation in (4.1) assumes that
the agent’s discount factor between consecutive future periods ( i ) is larger than
between the current period and the next one ( i
i i ).
For simplicity, I assume that
= 1 for all i 2 N so there is no long-time discounting. The assumption is usually
considered in the literature to focus the attention on the bias for present parameter and it can be supported by thinking of short time periods.13 Under these conditions, the equation (4.1) can be rewritten so that when the decision maker evaluates the possibility of doing the action at period s, her utility will be given by:
U t (s; ) = u0 (t) +
where ~
u0 ( ) +
N X j=1
uj (t) + ~ j
uj ( )
= ( ~ 1 ; :::; ~ N ) stands for the decision maker’s belief about other
agents’ bias for present. Then, equation (4.2) can be referred as "social quasihyperbolic preferences", that is we are considering "quasi-hyperbolic" preferences throughout both in terms of the discounting bias and the "bias" in beliefs. De…nition 4.3. Decision maker’s beliefs are biased if ~ 0 = ~ < 1 and unbiased if ~ 0 = 1: When, in addition, ~ 0 = 0 then we say that these beliefs are uniform. By this de…nition, I focus on two extreme situations: either the decision maker thinks that the other agents share the same taste for immediate grati…cation ( ~ < 1) or she thinks that the other agents do not feel tempted for immediate grati…cation ( ~ = 1). In both cases, these subjective beliefs may represent how the decision maker thinks that other agents would act if they were asked to do so. The beliefs are crucial 12
In principle, the decision maker has no information about other agent’s impatience (i.e., 0 ( 1 ; :::; N )) so she replaces it in (4.1) by ~ 0 ( ~ 1 ; :::; ~ N ) that can be interpreted as the decision maker’s belief about other agents’bias for present. 13 O’Donaghue and Rabin (1999) indeed show that the original reward and cost schemes can be re-scaled so that we can take = 1 for the transformed schemes.
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for evaluating the decision maker’s choice given that they can be interpreted as a constraint on decision maker’s behavior.14 When agent i = 0 maximizes her utility she evaluates at each point in time the possibilities of doing the action immediately or postponing it for a future period. I focus on the case in which the decision maker is myopic so she believes that her future selves’ preferences will be exactly the same as her current self’s one. This behavior is well-known in the literature as naive behavior and it implies that the decision maker does not correctly take into account her future preferences when evaluating her actions. As a consequence, she may make shortsighted decisions and may jettison today’s plan in future. I denote by p( ) the period in which the decision maker acts. p( )
minft j U t (t; ) t
U t ( ; ) for all
> tg
Thereby, the action is completed at t whenever the decision maker’s utility at t, U t (t; ) is higher than the utility that she would receive after performing the task at any future period
> t, where this latter utility is evaluated at t, U t ( ; ):
My …rst goal is to compare the period in which decision maker acts p( ) with the decision maker’s choice being sel…sh, p(0); which can be de…ned as follows:15 p(0)
minft j U t (t; 0) t
U t ( ; 0) for all
> tg
In addition, I want to study whether the decision maker’s choice is optimal. Traditionally, the idea of optimal behavior has been closely related with decision maker acting when the di¤erence between bene…ts and costs is the highest. Let Git
cit de…ne the agent i’s gain at t, for all i 2 N , 8t 2 f1; 2; :::T g. Then,
the optimal behavior would imply performing the action at p , where:16 14
A plausible intuition is that i = 0 feels that she is being judged by others whose payo¤s are being a¤ected by her choice. 15 This is the behavior predicted by the standard model of quasi-hyperbolic discounting. 16 This concept for optimal behavior is related to the idea of time-consistent behavior usually presented in the literature. This idea re‡ects the long-run self’s behavior (i.e., the behavior when = 1).
Chapter 4
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minft j t
Gi for all
> tg
Optimal behavior implies that the decision maker acts in the …rst period that maximizes total surplus. Clearly, there may exist several periods that maximize total surplus. I de…ne the set of these periods as follows: ft
T :
Gi ; for all
6= tg
Then, I de…ne the concept of second-best optimality. I say that the decision maker’s behavior is second best optimal if and only if she performs the action in a period that maximizes total surplus, t 2
; which is di¤erent to the optimal period
to act, p . As a result, second best-optimality implies that total surplus is being maximize, but the decision maker has already delayed the realization of the action.
Doing It On Time
The aim of this section is to study the relationship between p( ), p(0) and p so as to analyze under which circumstances the decision maker acts optimally. First, I show that uniform beliefs are unable to a¤ect the decision maker’s behavior. Thus, the …rst trivial result states that if the decision maker thinks that the other agents are as impatient as she is, she will behave exactly as if she were sel…sh and other-regarding preferences will play no role. Lemma 4.1. (i) When beliefs are uniform and 0 = ~ 0 = 1 then p( ) = p(0) = p (ii) When beliefs are uniform and 0 = ~ 0 < 1 then (a) p( ) = p(0)
p when immediate costs.
(b) p( ) = p(0)
p when immediate rewards.
Lemma 1 presents the case in which the other agents’payo¤s do not impose a constraint on the decision maker’s behavior. Thus, p(0) and p(0)
p when immediate costs
p when immediate rewards so that naive decision makers make short-
sighted decisions and procrastinate when immediate costs and preproperate (i.e., 149
Chapter 4
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act after desirable) when immediate rewards. Nativity, however, does not impose a constraint on optimal behavior as illustrated in the following proposition. Proposition 4.1. Let
< ~0
In the case of immediate costs p
p( )
p(0), where p( ) = p if and only if
(i) The action does not entail cost at p ; or nP n (ii) The set is singleton and j=1
If the set
j j
~ ) 0
is not singleton and the action entails cost at p , then the decision nP o n j maker’s behavior is second-best optimal for ( 0 ; ~ 0 ); that is, j=1 j
p( ) 6= p but p( ) 2
Therefore, naive decision makers who show a tendency to procrastinate when costs are immediate might be urged to act on time (i) if their actions do not entail any cost at the optimal period (i.e., c0p = 0) or (ii) when there exists a unique period that maximizes total surplus and decision makers care su¢ ciently about other agents’ payo¤s. The second possibility is illustrated in Example 1. Proposition 1 states also that if there exists more than one period that maximizes total surplus, the other agents’payo¤ might help to achieve second-best optimality, but optimality will only be achieved if the action does not entail cost at p . Example 1. Consider the case of two agents i 2 f0; 1g such that v i = (30; 30; 30)
and ci = (9; 12; 18). Suppose that i = 0 has to choose when to complete an action that yields immediate costs. For instance, imagine that i = 0 wants to buy tickets for a concert that she values 30. The bene…t will not be received until the day of the concert (say, next week). Now, i = 0 has to choose whether to buy tickets on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, Friday being t = 1, Saturday t = 2 and Sunday t = 3. The cost scheme is increasing so the later the tickets are bought, the worse are the seats to be sited in. Clearly, the best option for her is to buy the tickets on Friday (p = mint ft j t 2 arg max(vit But if i = 0 were sel…sh U t (t; 0) and had biased-for-present preferences
cit )g = 1).
= 21 , she would
end up buying tickets on Sunday (i.e., p(0) = 3) This result follows because in period 1, i = 0 thinks that she will buy the tickets in period 2 (i.e., U 1 (1; 0) =
1 (30) 2
Chapter 4
Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others
6 < U 1 (2; 0) = 12 (30
12) = 9) but in period 2 she procrastinates and end up buying
the tickets in period 3 (i.e., U 2 (2; 0) = 21 (30)
12 = 3 < U 2 (3; 0) = 12 (30
Suppose that i = 0 is concerned for the other agent’s payo¤ (
18) = 6):
= 1); that is, imagine that
i = 0 decides to buy the tickets also for her friend i = 1, whose situation is exactly the same as the decision maker’s one. If i = 0 has unbiased preferences ( ~ = 1) then tickets will be 0
purchased optimally (i.e., p( ) = p = 1) because U (1; 0) =
6 + 21 = 27 > (
1 )(v0t
0 v01
c01 + 1 (v01 c01 ) =
c0t ) = U 1 (t; 0) for t 2 f2; 3g:
The example illustrates the idea of "responsibility". As agent i = 0 believes that agent i = 1 would act optimally, i = 0 buys the tickets on time. Of course, this is not always the case as there is a tradeo¤ between concern for others and the personal bias for present. In the following proposition, I present the result for the case of immediate rewards. Proposition 4.2. Let
< ~0
In the case of immediate rewards p(0)
p( )
p , where p = p( ) i¤
(i) The action does not entail bene…ts at p , or nP o n j (ii) ( 0; ~ 0) j=1 j
It follows from Proposition 4.2 that if the action does not entail bene…ts at the optimal period, then optimality will be achieved (e.g., the decision maker chooses when to perform an action that does not have any immediate bene…t but it has a future cost). Otherwise, the decision maker’s concern for others should be high enough to get optimal behavior.
The core of this paper has been to show that other agents’payo¤s a¤ect the agent’s intertemporal decisions, which stem partly from di¤erences between the agent’s impatience and her belief about how impatient other agents are.
Chapter 4
Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others
Theoretically, I have shown that agents may mitigate procrastination (preproperation) in immediate costs (rewards) situations as their concern for other agents may counter-balance their time-inconsistent behavior. Experimentally, I have provided some empirical evidence in this direction by the way of a questionnaire. In this section, I propose a plausible way to extend the empirical evidence, by considering a laboratory experiment. The majority of experiments for eliciting discount rates employ choice tasks which involve individuals choosing between a smaller but more immediate reward, say I; and a larger but more delayed reward, say L: A nice model has been recently proposed by Coller, Harrison and Rutström (2009). Subjects in their experiment were asked to choose between a …xed immediate reward I = $500 and larger payment to be received in less than 60 days. By varying the value of the postponed reward L; Coller, Harrison and Rutström (2009) identify the point at which the individual switches from taking I to L and, therefore, an upper bound for discount rate. Changing the time horizon is also useful in their experiment to relate the time horizon with the discount rate. Coller, Harrison and Rutström (2009) propose two di¤erent models to explain their data. On the one hand, they consider expected utility theory and CRRA utility functions to model subjects’choices. On the other hand, they consider the possibility of quasi-hyperbolic discounting. Conditional on both speci…cation being true, they use mixture models and maximum likelihood procedures to conclude that both speci…cations are equally likely to explain the data. They conclude: "Our experimental design and statistical model therefore reconcile the major competing theories, simply by recognizing that di¤erent subjects might behave according to di¤erent discounting models." [page 14]. The important feature in Coller, Harrison and Rutström (2009) is that they do not simply calibrate the exponential and quasi-hyperbolic discounting models, but identify the true data generating process. In that sense, I propose a similar way to proceed so as to calibrate my model. Indeed, the baseline treatment (BL) would 152
Chapter 4
Doing it on Time Under the In‡uence of Others
replicate the procedure in Coller, Harrison and Rutström (2009). Then, subjects will be asked to choose between a …xed immediate reward I and larger payment L to be received in less than 60 days. As a result, I will be able to identify the proportion of subjects who behave according to the hyperbolic discounting model and the proportion of subjects who follow expected utility theory (conditional on the parametric speci…cations being true). In a di¤erent treatment, say the "social treatment" (ST), subjects will be asked to choose between a …xed immediate reward I and larger payment L for someone else in the room. A possible way to do it is to assign a number to each participant and announce that they are choosing rewards for some other participant. If the previous procedure is considered, I will get the distribution of subjects who are more likely to behave according to hyperbolic or exponential discounting. I can compare the (BL) and (ST) distributions. If they are di¤erent, I would conclude that choosing for other agents makes a di¤erent intertemporal behavior. The accuracy of the experiment can be improved by considering treatments in which subjects choose for themselves and for others at the same time. In addition, it would be also interesting to consider di¤erent values of I. In the …eld, experiments that investigate the impact of social accountability on intertemporal behavior can also be implemented. Similarly, the use of real data might shed light on this phenomenon. Do couples delay their decision about divorce when they have children? The problem of addiction can also be approached from this perspective as it seems that relatives or friends are usually considered an external motivation to quit bad habits. My model can be extended to consider that actions of others (rather than the presence of others) in‡uence on the individual behavior (e.g., Do people quit smoking when their friends do?) It would also be worth studying how in‡uence a¤ects delegation processes or commitment devices, or to further develop the experimental design to study whether intentions and beliefs are really the argument to explain the changes in intertemporal behavior (e.g. Do researchers work quicker when writing papers with coauthors because we want to ful…ll their expectations about their performance?) I consider all these possibilities as fruitful areas for future research. 153
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I prove the main theoretical results in this Appendix. Recall that for each agent i 2 N there exists a reward-cost scheme xi = (v i ; ci ) such that v i = (vi1 ; :::; viT ) > 0
and ci = (ci1 ; :::; ciT ) > 0, for T < 1: The decision maker (i = 0) is the only agent
who can complete a particular action and her utility is given by U t (s; ) in the following equation. t
U (t; ) = u0 (t) +
u0 ( ) +
N X j=1
uj (t) + ~ j
uj ( )
To formally describe the decision maker’s behavior, let me consider the vector s( ) = (s1 ( ); s2 ( ); :::; sT ( )) 2 f0; 1gT in which st ( ) = 1 stands for "acting at
period t instead of waiting" whereas st ( ) = 0 means that "decision maker waits til a future period
2 (t; T ) for doing the action".
De…nition 4.4. The decision maker’s perception perfect strategy s( ) is such that: (i) sT ( ) = 1 (ii) For all t < T; st ( ) = 1 i¤ U t (t; ) (iii) Otherwise, st ( ) = 0:
U t ( ; ) for all
> t:
Chapter 4
I denote p( )
mint ft j st ( ) = 1g the period in which decision maker acts.17
Condition (i) states that the action must be completed at T if it wasn’t done before. For all periods t before the last one, the decision maker compares her utility for performing the action immediately with the utility that she would receive after performing the task at a future period
> t, where this latter utility is evaluated at
t, i.e., the decision maker compares U t (t; ) and U t ( ; ): Thus, condition (ii) implies that if current utility is at least as higher as future one, the decision maker acts at t (st ( ) = 1). Otherwise, the action is postponed for a future period (st ( ) = 0). I want to compare the period in which decision maker acts p( ) with the decision maker’s choice being sel…sh, p(0); where p(0) is the standard prediction of the quasihyperbolic discounting model. In the Introduction, I claim that the traditional model on quasi-hyperbolic discounting cannot explain deviations that occur when the decision is made to a¤ect other people. In that model,
= 0; therefore the
decision maker does the action in period t whenever U t (t; 0)
U t ( ; 0) for all > t: In immediate reward situations, if the decision maker acts in period t^ the cost is received immediately, whereas the bene…t is postponed and received in period t^+ ;
> 0: In De…nition 1, I have assumed that instantaneous utility in the case
of immediate 8 costs is given by: < cit for t = t^ ui (t) = v for t = t^ + ; where > 0 : it 0 for all t 6= ft^; t^ + g In this case, p(0) = mint ft j 0 v0t c0t 0 (v0t
c0t ) for all
> tg
And it is easy to see that any change of scale in the decision maker’s cost and
reward schemes will not a¤ect p(0): This is indeed the case for any instantaneous utility ui (t) that is homogeneous and satis…es that ui ( xit ) =
ui (xit ) for xit =
fcit ; vit g: It is also worth noting that if the decision maker’s …nal bene…ts (v0t ) and
costs (c0t ) are obtained by weighting her own payo¤s (say, v~0t and c~0t ) and the other P agents’s payo¤s, then x0t = x~0t + N x0t ; for x~0t = f~ v0t ; c~0t g because the j=1 vjt = '~ decision maker’s payo¤s is proportional to the other agents’payo¤, i.e., v~0t = 17
j vjt :
This de…nition relies on the decision maker’s èreception perfect strategy but it is equivalent to the one presented in Section 2, in which p( ) mint ft j U t (t; ) U t ( ; ) for all > tg
Chapter 4
In addition, I want to study whether the decision maker’s choice is being optimal. I denote the agent i’s gain at t as Git
cit , for all i 2 N , 8t 2 f1; 2; :::T g.
Then, I de…ne the optimal perception perfect strategy as follows:
De…nition 4.5. An optimal perception perfect strategy s = (s1 ; s2 ; :::; sT ) 2 f0; 1gT
is such that:
(i) sT = 1 (ii) For t < T; st = 1 i¤ (iii) Otherwise, st = 0:
Gi for all
> t:
mint ft j st = 1g the optimal period to act. Then, I say that
I denote p
the decision maker’s behavior is optimal if and only if p( ) = p : As a result, I do not look for decision maker having an optimal plan but for decision maker acting on time.18 As explained in the text, the decision maker’s behavior is second best optimal when p( ) 2
but p( ) 6= p :
Proof of Lemma 4.1. When uniform beliefs, it is easy to see that p( ) = p(0) beP j cause U t (s; ) = U t (s; 0); where (1 + N j=1 j ) > 0 does not depend on time.
The …rst part of the Proposition is then trivial.
The second part of the Lemma states that p( ) p( )
p when immediate costs and
p when immediate rewards.
I show that (a) st ( ) = 1 =) st = 1 when immediate costs, and (b) st = 1 =) st ( ) = 1 when immediate rewards. (a) Immediate costs: By de…nition, st ( ) = 1 if and only if n o P j ~ 0 v0t c0t (1) 0 v0t c0t + N j=1 j
Assume (for contradiction) that st = 0; that is: (2) v0t
c0t < v0
Then, for any (3) v0t 18
c0t 0
< v0
c0 for some 2 (0; 1)
c0 for some
c0 g +
> t: > t:
Obviously, s( ) = s ) p( ) = p but, in general, p( ) = p ; s( ) = s .
j j
~ 0 fv0
c0 g
Chapter 4
fv0 c0 g for some > t: The same is true for ~ 0 > ~ 0: (5) ~ 0 v0t c0t < ~ 0 fv0 c0 g for some > t: PN j If we multiply equation (5) by 0 then we get o P j=1 j PN j n ~ j ~ c0t < N c0 g for some (6) j=1 j 0 v0t j=1 j 0 fv0 0 v0t
Adding (4) and (6) we contradict st ( ) = 1: (b) Immediate rewards: By de…nition, st = 1 if and only if P P i > t: (6) i2N Git i2N G for all Since c0t =
j cjt
and v0t =
j vjt
for j = 1; :::; N; then st = 1 is equivalent to say
that: (7) G0t
G0 for all
> t:
Assume (for contradiction) that st ( ) = 0, that is: o PN j n P ~ (8) v0t c + v c c0 g + N 0t 0 0t 0 0t < 0 fv0 j=1 j j=1
for some
> t:
j j
~ fv0 0
c0 g
Taking common factor on the right-hand side: o n o PN j n Pn j ~ ~ (9) v0t c + v c < + G0 for some > t: 0t 0 0t 0 0 0t 0 j=1 j j=1 j P We can add and subtract 0 v0t and nj=1 jj ~ 0 v0t so that equation (9) can be
rewritten as: (10) (1
0 )v0t +
> t: (11) (1 As v0t (G0t
(1 j
n ~ 0 )v0t + ~ 0 1 + Pn j=1
j j
G0 ) < 0 for some
v0t + ~ 0 (G0t > 0 and
G0 ) < 0 for some > t: ~ 0 ; 0 2 (0; 1) for (11) to be satis…ed we need that
G0 ) < 0 but this contradicts equation (7).
Proof of Proposition 4.1. I show that when immediate costs, st (0) = 1 =) st ( ) = 1 =) st = 1 therefore p
p( )
First, st (0) = 1 if and only if (1)
0 v0t
0 (v0
c0 ) for all
Chapter 4
Take ^ 0 > 0 : Then, it must be the case that (2) ^ 0 v0t c0t ^ 0 (v0 c0 ) for all > t. P We multiply equation (2) by nj=1 jj 0. Then, adding the resulting equation
and (1) we get that: (3) all
0 v0t
c0t +
( ~ 0 v0t j
c0t )
0 (v0
c0 ) +
> t =) st ( ) = 1
~ (v0 0
c0 ) for
Second, st ( ) = 1; implies that equation (3) holds. P Let us add and subtract 0 c0t and nj=1 jj ~ 0 c0t : Then, st ( ) = 1 implies that: n o n o P P (4) ( 0 1) + nj=1 jj ( ~ 0 1) c0t + 0 + ~ 0 nj=1 jj (G0t G0 ) 0 for all
> t:
(5) t:
~ 0+ 0
Since 0
0; the right-hand-side of equation (5) is greater
or equal than zero. Thus, for equation (5) to be satis…ed we need (G0t G0 )
0 for all
This completes the …rst part of the Proposition.
> t ) st = 0
To study the cases in which p = p( ); it is worth noting that st = 0 ) st ( ) = 0
because st = 0 ) G0t G0 < 0 for at least one for c0t 0 and 0 ; ~ 0 2 (0; 1) ) st ( ) = 0
> t ) Equation (4) does not hold
Then, I derive the condition such that st = 1 ) st ( ) = 1 for t = p : Assume that st = 1: This can be interpreted as: (7) 9
0 : G0t
for all
2 (p ; T )
Recall that st ( ) = 1 i¤ equation (4) is satis…ed, that is: n o n P Pn j (8) 0 + ~ 0 nj=1 jj (G0t G0 ) (1 0) + j=1 j (1
o ~ 0 ) c0t
Trivially, (7) is su¢ cient for equation (8) to hold if c0t = 0: Otherwise, equation (8) is satis…ed if and only if: nP o n (1 0 )c0t j 0 (9) for all > t j=1 j ( ~ 1) + ~ 0
Notice that if the set of optimal periods
tg is not singleton, then
T :
= 0; that is, 9 2 (p ; T ) : G0t
Gi ; 8 6=
G0 = 0 . As a result, if
is not singleton, equation (8) does not hold for any c0t > 0 therefore st = 1 but 161
Chapter 4
st ( ) = 0: This implies that p( ) > p : I summarize the main results for optimality in the following table, in which nP o n )c0t j 0 I denote ( ; ) : and ( 0 ; ^ 0 ) (1( ~ 01) j=1 j +~ 0
c0p = 0 is singleton p( ) = p is not singleton p( ) = p
c0p = 0 ^ ( ; ) ( 0; 0) ( ; ) < ( 0; ^ 0) p( ) > p p( ) > p p( ) = p p( ) > p
From previous results, we can see that the decision maker’s behavior will be second best optimal when
is not singleton.
Proof of Proposition 4.2. I show that when immediate rewards, st = 1 =) st ( ) = 1 =) st (0) = 1 therefore p(0)
p( )
First, recall that st = 1 if and only if (1) (G0t
G0 )
Then, for any (2) (G0t
0 for all
> t:
G0 )
0 for all > t: Since v0t 0 and 0 ; ~ 0 2 (0; 1) we can say that Pn j ^ )v0t + (G0 G0 ) 0 for all > t: (3) (1 0 )v0t + 0 t j=1 j (1 n o P n j ~ Take = and the …rst result follows; that is, I have shown 0+ 0 j=1 j
that st = 1 =) st ( ) = 1.
Notice also that st ( ) = 0 ) st = 0 because st ( ) = 0 if and only if n o Pn Pn j j ~ ~ (4) 9 > t : (1 )v + (1 )v + + (G0t G0 ) < 0 0 0t 0 0t 0 0 j=1 j j=1 j Since 0 ; ~ 0 2 [0; 1] and v0t 0, equation (4) implies that (G0t G0 ) < 0; and
then st = 0
To study the case in which p = p( ), I look at the condition under which st = 0 ) st ( ) = 0:
On the one hand, if st = 0; then G0t < G0 for some I de…ne !
> t:
G0t > 0
On the other hand, it is easy to see from equation (4) that st ( ) = 0 occurs whenever 162
Chapter 4
o Pn Pn j j 0 0 ~ ~ )v0t (5) (G G ) > (1 )v + 0t 0+ 0 0 0 t j=1 j j=1 j (1 n o P P n n j j ~ ~ )v0t > (1 (6) (G0 G0t ) 0+ 0 0 0 )v0t j=1 j (1 j=1 j o n P 0 G0t ) (7) nj=1 jj ~ 0 (G0 G0t ) (1 ~ 0 )v0t > (1 0 )v0t 0 (G P 0 G0 ) (1 )v0t 0 (G 0 )v0t 0! t = (1 (8) nj=1 jj > ~ (G00 G 0 ) (1 ~ )v ~ ! (1 ~ )v0t 0 0t 0 0 0 t If v0t = 0; equation (8) is satis…ed for any value of 0 ; ~ 0 2 (0; 1); and ! > 0: Finally, I show that st ( ) = 1 =) st (0) = 1
Assume (for contraction) that st ( ) = 1 but st (0) = 0: If st (0) = 0 then (5) v0t
0 (v0
c0 ) for some
> t.
~ 0 c0t < ~ 0 (v0
c0 ) for some
> t, for ~ 0
0 c0t
t, for ~ : 0
But this result contradicts st ( ) = 1:
> t, for ~ 0
c0 ) for some 0 (v0
c0 ) +
j j
~ 0 (v0
c0 ) for