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Antiestrogen treatment (nafoxidine and tamoxifen) resulted in a 85-90 % decrease in the total estradiol binding sites in the cytosol but did not effect the estra-.

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY


August, 1985


I am indebted to Dr. Charles W. Garner for his direction of this dissertation and to the other members of my committee, Drs. James C. Hutson, Gwynne H. Little, K. John Morrow, and Douglas M. Stocco, for their helpful criticism.

















Materials and Methods










Materials and Methods










Materials and Methods










Materials and Methods

















Materials and Methods











ABSTRACT A study of the mechanism of the estradiol-mediated increase in glucose transport in the uteri of ovariectomized rats was undertaken.

An essential first step in this

study was the characterization of the glucose transport process using plasma membrane vesicles. Uterine plasma membrane preparations were obtained by centrifugation on discontinuous sucrose gradients.


specific activity of the plasma membrane marker 5'-nucleotidase was increased 10-fold while the specific activity of an endoplasmic reticulum marker glucose-6-phosphatase was increased 3-fold.

D-Glucose transport into plasma membrane

vesicles was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents, phloretin, and cytochalasin B. pressures. mM.

Uptake was prevented by high osmotic

The Km of glucose transport was 12.2 +_ 1.1

Transport was unaffected by sodium and was energy

independent. 2-Deoxyglucose transport was determined in uteri of rats grouped by stages of the reproductive cycle, i.e., diestrus 1, diestrus 2, proestrus and estrus.

The rate of

2-deoxyglucose transport was highest in proestrus and lowest in diestrus 1. The increase in glucose transport in ovariectomized rats was half-maximal at approximately 5 ng estradiol/rat and reached the maximal 2 to 3-fold response after 2 hours whether measured in whole tissue or in uterine plasma V

membrane vesicles.

Estrone and estriol treatment resulted

in a similiar 2-fold increase in glucose transport while progesterone and dihydrotestosterone had no effect.


tion of protein synthesis inhibitors cycloheximide and emetine resulted in an increase in the basal glucose transport rate while having no effect on the estradiolstimulated increase in glucose transport.

Treatment with

the transcriptional inhibitor actinomycin D resulted in a slight increase in glucose transport with no effect on the estradiol-stimulated

increase in glucose transport.

Antiestrogen treatment (nafoxidine and tamoxifen) resulted in a 85-90 % decrease in the total estradiol binding sites in the cytosol but did not effect the estradiol-stimulated increase in 2-deoxyglucose transport in uterine tissue. Insulin injection (0.2 mg/rat) resulted in a 40 % increase in 2-deoxyglucose transport in 24 h-starved rats in contrast to the 200 % increase seen with estradiol treatment.

Insulin and estradiol treatment together were

not additive in regard to the increase in 2-deoxyglucose transport in tissue.

Estradiol treatment did not change

binding of [1251 ] insulin to uterine plasma membranes. Estradiol treatment resulted in a 3-fold increase in the Vmax with no apparent change in the Km for 2-deoxyglucose transport.

Also, estradiol treatment did not result

in an increase in the amount of glucose transporters in vi

uterine plasma membranes as measured by antibodies raised against the glucose transporter protein from human erythrocytes . In summary, estradiol stimulates the rate of glucose transport in rat uterus by increasing the rate by which the transporter protein moves glucose across the plasma membrane .



Specific activities of membrane marker enzymes... 17


Inhibitors of glucose transport in uterine plasma membranes 27


Effect of estradiol on vesicular volume



Glucose transport at different stages in the reproductive cycle


Specificity of steroid hormone stimulation of glucose transport in vesicles



Effect of emetine on glucose transport



Effect of actinomycin D on glucose transport



Effect of antiestrogens on translocation of and estradiol occupancy of the cytoplasmic receptor


Effect of antiestrogens on estrogen stimulation of 2-deoxyglucose transport


Effect of estradiol on microsomal receptor number


Effect of insulin and starvation on rat serum glucose concentration


Effect on insulin on glucose transport in rat uterus


Effect of insulin and estradiol on glucose transport in rat uterus


Effect of estradiol on [1251]insulin binding to insulin receptors in rat uterine plasma membranes


Effect of various treatments on protein A binding



4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4



LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7


Electron micrograph of uterine plasma membrane vesicles


Time-course of glucose transport by uterine membranes


Efflux of D-glucose from previously-loaded membrane vesicles


Effect of increasing osmolarity on glucose uptake


Fractionation of uterine membranes on a discontinuous sucrose gradient


D-glucose transport as a function of D-glucose concentration


Inhibition of D-glucose transport in membranes by cytochalasin B


Effect of cytochalasin B on the transport of 2-deoxyglucose in intact uteri


Effect of estradiol amounts on the increase in the rate of glucose transport


Time-course of the estradiol-mediated in glucose transport



Time-course of the estradiol-mediated increase in 2-deoxyglucose uptake in intact uterus


Time-course of glucose efflux from plasma membrane vesicles


Effect of cycloheximide on glucose transport in plasma membrane vesicles


Effect of cyclohiximide on protein synthesis and 2-deoxyglucose transport


2-Deoxyglucose transport as a function of 2-deoxyglucose concentration in uterine tissue previously or not exposed to estradiol


Time-course of [3H]estradiol binding to microsomes



4.2 4.3 4.4


4.6 5.1

6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1

Saturation of [3H ] estradiol binding to rat uterine microsomes


Scatchard plot derived from the data shown in Figure 4.2


Competition of [3H]estradiol binding to rat uterine microsomes with estradiol and antiestrogens


Competition of [3H ] estradiol binding to rat uterine cytosol with estradiol and antiestrogens


Exchange of [3H]estradiol from microsomes with nonradioactive estradiol


Time-course of estradiol effect on plasma insulin concentration and rate of 2-deoxyglucose transport


[1251jProtein A binding with increasing amounts of human erythrocyte plasma membrane protein


Binding of [1251]protein A to increasing amounts of uterine plasma membrane protein


Western blot of SDS-solubilized plasma membrane proteins


Model of glucose transport regulation


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Estradiol stimulates protein, RNA, and ultimately DNA synthesis in the uterus.

The earliest uterine responses

seen after estrogen administration occur within minutes. Some of these responses are incorporation of labelled uridine into RNA ( 1 ) , histone acetylation ( 2 ) , eosinophil infiltration into the uterus ( 3 ) , synthesis of mRNA for induced protein ( 4 ) , RNA polymerase activity ( 5 ) , a decrease in arginine-rich histone content ( 6 ) , an increase in glucose uptake ( 7 ) , and an increase in amino acid uptake ( 8 ) . Among later uterine responses to estrogen requiring 6 hours or more are generalized protein synthesis ( 9 ) , and the increase in the activity of the hexose monophosphate shunt enzymes (10). The classical model of induction of the response of the uterus to estradiol is the two-site model proposed by Gorski et al. (11) and Jensen et al. (12).

This model is

based on studies of the binding of radioactive estradiol to receptor in various cell fractions.

According to this

model, estradiol enters the cytoplasm and binds to the receptor.

The receptor upon estradiol binding has a sedi-

mentation coefficent which changes from 4S to 5S and is then translocated to the nucleus.

Once in the nucleus, the

receptor-estradiol complex binds to chromatin.

It is

through this interaction that estradiol induces changes in cellular activity.

This model, however, is inconsistent

with the findings of Welshons et al. who showed that cytoplasts (cells enucleated with cytochalasin B) showed little estrogen binding activity while the nucleoplasts showed considerable estrogen binding activity (13).

In addition,

the studies of King and Greene, using a monoclonal antibody against the estrogen receptor and immunochemical staining, showed that specific staining was confined to the nucleus (14).

These last two studies support the conclusion that

the estradiol receptor resides in the nucleus and not in the cytoplasm and that the cytoplasmic receptor may be an artifact of the fractionation procedures. Jensen and Jacobsen in 1962 showed that the uterus and vagina of rats injected with [3H]estradiol retained the label for six hours while other tissues such and kidney and blood had increased levels of hormone for approximately two hours after administration (15).

This discovery suggested

that a receptor molecule in these organs was specifically binding to estradiol.

Noteboom and Gorski in 1965 quan-

titated an estrogen receptor and determined the dissociation constant (Kd) to be 0.7 nM (16).

Estrogen binding was

found to be localized in cytosol, nuclear, mitochondrial, and microsomal fractions.

In 1979, Pietras and Szego

reported the presence of an estrogen receptor on the plasma membrane (17).

These results were supported by the work of

Nenci et al. using fluoresent estrogen analogs (18).


ever, these results are in contrast to the findings of Mueller et al. who were unable to demonstrate the presence of an estrogen receptor on the plasma membrane (19). In addition to the estrogen receptor described above, a second estradiol receptor was first described by Best-Belsomme et al. in 1970 (20).

Clark et al. determined

the dissociation constant (Kd) to be 33 nM (21).


binding site (Type II) has received less attention than the high affinity site (Type I) described above.

The Type II

site is believed by some to be due to serum albumin or alpha-feto protein (22).

More recently, the Type II site

has been attributed to the presense of eosinophils in the uterus (23).

The controversy surrounding the origin of the

Type II site has not been settled.

In addition, Clark et

al. described a nuclear Type II binding site which shows a sigmoidal saturation curve (21).

The precise role that

each site plays in the mediation of the estradiol response is unknown.

Recently, Meyers et al. found that

doisynolic-acid type estrogens bind the cytosolic receptor one to two orders of magnitude less tightly than estradiol but have uterotropic activities close to that of estradiol (24).

These results suggest that the doisynolic acid is

either bypassing the receptor step, or a different, as yet undiscovered receptor exists. Estrogen binding to receptors can be blocked by var-

ious compounds known as antiestrogens.

Terenius has di-

vided antiestrogens into two categories depending on a limited or sustained effect in blocking estrogen action (17).

The group of compounds having a sustained effect are

derivatives of polycyclic phenols which include tamoxifen and derivatives of dihydronaphthalene and diphenylindene which include nafoxidine.

Nafoxidine is capable of causing

the translocation of the cytosolic Type I receptor to the nucleus and this event is what Katzenellenbogen and Ferguson suggest is the mechanism by which this antiestrogen blocks estradiol stimulation of uterine growth (26). Earlier studies have indicated that estrogen injected in vivo mediates a rise in glucose transport into the uterus.

Spaziani and Gutman reported, in 1965, the appear-

ance of hexose in the uterus using in vivo permeation studies (27).

Roskoski and Steiner reported a two-fold

increase in the initial rate of 3-0-methyIglucose uptake in vitro 2 hours after in vivo estrogen administration (28). In 1968, Smith and Gorski reported a detectable rise in the rate of deoxyglucose uptake into uteri in vitro as early as 30 minutes after in vivo estrogen administration ( 7 ) . Glucose transport regulation has been studied in detail in a number of other systems.

The ability of Ehrlich

ascites tumor cells to take up glucose increases during the course of tumor development.

Using D-glucose inhibi-

table cytochalasin B binding, Chan et al. demonstrated

that the increase in glucose transport can be explained by an increase in the number of glucose transporters in the plasma membrane and that changes in the turnover and affinity for substrate of the glucose transporter need not be invoked (29).

Another system where glucose transport

regulation has been investigated is in chicken embryo cells infected by Rous sarcoma virus.

Salter et al.

showed that the increase in glucose transport following viral infection is due to an increase in the number of glucose transporters as measured by antibody raised against human erythrocyte glucose transporter (30). A third system used to study the mechanism of the increase in glucose transport is insulin-stimulated glucose transport in rat adipocytes.

Wardzala et al. demonstrated,

using D-glucose inhibitable cytochalasin B binding, that the increase in glucose transport in fat cells following insulin administration is due to an increase in the number of transporters in the plasma membrane (31).

In addition,

Cushman and Wardzala showed that the source of the additional transporter is the microsomal fraction (32). In addition to the translocation of preformed glucose transporter proteins to the plasma membrane as a mechanism to increase glucose transport into the cell, other mechanisms are possible to explain estradiol action on the uterus.

For example, estradiol may induce an increase in the

affinity of the transporter for glucose or it may induce

changes in the composition of the plasma membrane which result in an increase in the intrinsic velocity of the transport process.

Neither of these possibilities require

an increase in the number of transporters in the plasma membrane.

An additional possibility is the translocation

of newly synthesized glucose transporters to the plasma membrane.

These newly synthesized proteins could conceiv-

ably be a different transporter protein than the one already present in the plasma membrane. The transducing mechanisms that convert hormonal signals to an increase in glucose transport via the translocation of the transporter protein from the microsomal membranes to the plasma membrane are unknown.

In the case

of Rous sarcoma virus infection of chicken embryo fibroblasts, a number of effects including a fall in cAMP concentration (34) and an increase in phosphatidyl inositides (35) occur temporally with an increase in glucose transport.

These events are possible candidates in the, as

yet undetermined, transducing mechanism. The mechanism that transduces the insulin-receptor binding signal to the translocation of transporter proteins is also unknown.

Several candidates have been proposed as

elements in the transducing mechanism, including cAMP, cGMP, calcium, and intracellular pH (36,37,38).


in cAMP levels has correlated well with insulin action (39,40), while the increase in cGMP levels in fat cells

was not specific for insulin and its actions (41). Changes in intracellular calcium concentration may be involved in some insulin action (42) but its precise role has not yet been established.

In conclusion, none of the

putative regulators appear to be the sole mediator of insulin action. The goal of this research was to elucidate the mechanism by which estradiol stimulates the increase in glucose transport into the uterus.

In order to study these

mechanisms, two different model systems have been employed. These systems are plasma membrane-enriched membrane vesicles and a whole organ in vitro system.

Plasma membrane-

enriched vesicles were generated in order to characterize and quantitate the glucose transporter protein from the uterus while the whole organ system was used to answer questions more readily obtained with tissue uptake studies than with vesicles.

Among the questions examined are the

role of estrogen receptors and the role of insulin in the increase in glucose transport.

Mechanistic studies

include determining if translocation of newly synthesized or preformed transporters occurs, if the affinity of the transporter for glucose increases, and if the intrinsic velocity of transport increases.

Other mechanistic

studies involve identifying the system that transduces the estradiol signal to an increase in glucose transport. Possible transducing systems include cAMP dependent and

8 calcium dependent systems. Plasma membrane vesicles have been generated from a number of cell types in order to characterize the glucose transporter protein.

Using plasma membrane vesicles, the

glucose transporter protein has been characterized in rat adipocytes (43), human placenta (44), calf thymus (45), and in rat skeletal muscle (46).

Among the characteris-

tics of the glucose transporter protein determined using vesicles are specific, bidirectional transport of D-glucose, sensitivity of the transporter to sulfhydryl reagants, and affinity of binding between the transporter protein and D-glucose.

Furthermore, in this system one

can analyze dose-response relationships and the time course of the response to estradiol administration.


advantage of this model is that one can directly measure glucose transport. Injection of estradiol in vivo followed by removal of the uterus after an appropriate time period and incubation of the whole uterus with glucose analogs such as 3-0methy Iglucose and 2-deoxyglucose is a system utilized by Roskoski and Steiner (28) and Smith and Gorski (29).


this model, the transporter protein cannot be quantitated nor can, in the case of 2-deoxyglucose, transport be directly measured.

Using 2-deoxyglucose, transport and

phosphorylation is measured.

The validity of this model

rests on the assumption that transport and not phosphory-

lation is rate-limiting.

This assumption is based, among

other considerations, on the fact that glucose transport is hormonally regulated; i.e., only a rate-limiting step would be under hormonal regulation.

In addition, Smith

and Gorski showed that the increase in glucose transport occurred well before any increase in hexokinase activity (7).

One advantage of this model over vesicles is that

nonspecific uptake is slow while in the vesicle system, nonspecific uptake is much higher than specific transport which complicates data collection.

In addition to

transport studies, the plasma membrane vesicle model allows the quantitation of the transporter protein.


are two techniques used to quantitate the transporter protein.

The first technique employs labeled cytochalasin

B as a ligand (47).

In this procedure, the specific

binding is the difference in binding between cytochalasin B and cytochalasin B plus high amounts of D-glucose.


second technique employs polysera raised against the purified human red blood cell glucose transporter (48).


this procedure, quantitation can be achieved via an ELISA procedure or a Spot immunochemistry technique.

CHAPTER 2 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE GLUCOSE TRANSPORTER Introduction Some of the effects of estradiol on the uterus of ovariectomized rats include increased amino acid


glucose (7,28,52) and RNA precursor (53) uptake as well as increased vascular permeability (54).

Uterine cell sur-

face glycoproteins are altered as determined by changes in lectin binding (55,56).

All of these effects were observ-

ed to occur within 4 h after exposure to estradiol.


phenomena appear to involve actions at the plasma membrane . Of particular interest to me is the stimulation in glucose transport.

Whether this effect occurs through an

increase in the intrinsic activity of the existing transport protein or through changes in the amount of transport protein in the plasma membrane is not known.

It has been

demonstrated that cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, can block the stimulation in glucose transport by estradiol, as measured by the accumulation of 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate in uterus in organ culture ( 7 ) .


is increased protein synthetic activity during this early time period although the synthesis of significant quantities of protein does not begin until about 4-6 h after estradiol exposure (9,57).

In order to investigate the 10

11 mechanism of the regulation of glucose transport in uterus by steroid hormones, characterization of glucose transport in uterine tissue is an essential first step. In this chapter I describe certain properties of the glucose transport system in uterine plasma membranes. The presence of a glucose transport protein in the plasma membrane vesicles was indicated by stereospecific uptake of D-glucose and its inhibition by classic glucose transport inhibitors, e.g., cytochalasin B, phloretin, and sulfhydryl reagents. Materials and Methods Materials L-[l-14C]glucose

(47 mCi/mmol) and [4-3H]cytochala-

sin B (10.3 Ci/mmol) were purchased from New England Nuclear, Boston, Mass. D-[U-14C]mannitol D-[l-14C]glucose-6-phosphate

(210 mCi/mmol),

(225 mCi/mmol) and D-[l-

3H]glucose (25 Ci/mmol) were purchased from ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Irvine, Calif.

Nonradioactive cytochalasin

B, phloretin, and N-ethyl maleimide were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.

Sucrose was obtained

from Schwarz/Mann, Inc., Spring Valley, N.Y.

Liquid scin-

tillation counting solution, BetaPhase, was obtained from WestChem, Inc., San Diego, Calif.

Other reagents were

obtained at the highest purity available.

12 Buffers Buffer 1 consisted of 0.01 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.1, 0.1 raM EDTA and 4 mM sodium azide.

Buffer 2 was Buffer 1 which

also contained 0.25 M sucrose.

Buffer 3 was Buffer 1

which also contained 1 mM magnesium chloride and 1 mM calcium chloride.

Stop Solution was buffer 3 which also

contained 1 mM mercuric chloride.

Membrane Preparation All procedures were performed at 0-5 degrees Centigrade.

Uterine membranes were prepared from intact


rats (160-180 g) obtained from

Small Animal Supply Co., Omaha, Neb.

The rats were main-

tained on a 12 h dark/light cycle at 25 degrees Centigrade and were fed ad libitum.

The uteri (4-16) were excised

and placed in ice-cold Buffer 2.

The uteri from animals

in random stages of the estrous cycle were stripped of fat, cut into small pieces with a razor blade and homogenized, 2 uteri at a time, in a 10 ml glass-teflon homogenizer using 20-25 strokes.

The pestle was polished with

emery cloth to increase the clearance with the glass from approximately 0.15 mm to 0.35 mm.

Homogenization with a

Polytron homogenizer equipped with a PT-10 generator at full speed twice for 10 s each gave results comparable to the glass-teflon homogenizer.

The homogenate was centri-

fuged at 2 000 x g for 5 min. (Centrifugal forces were

13 estimated from the bottom of the tube.)

The supernatant

solution was saved and the pellet was washed by resuspending it in 4 ml of the same buffer and centrifuging again at 2 000 X g for 5 min.

The supernatant solutions were

combined and centrifuged at 210 000 x g for 45 min.


pellet was resuspended in 2 ml of Buffer 2 and applied to the surface of a discontinuous gradient consisting of 2 ml of 1.1 M sucrose in Buffer 1 and 0.5 M sucrose in the same buffer.

After centrifugation at 41 000 rpm (286 000 x g)

in an SW-41 swinging bucket rotor for 90 min, the turbid material at the interface was removed with a pipet, diluted with an equal volume of Buffer 1, and centrifuged at 210 000 X g for 45 min.

The pellet was resuspended in

Buffer 3 to give a protein concentration of approximately 3 mg/ml.

Transport Assays Stock ethanol solutions of D-[3H]glucose and L-[14C]glucose were blown to dryness in a stream of nitrogen and then resuspended in Buffer 3 containing 0.1 mM D- and Lglucose each unless otherwise indicated. The specific activities were 4.65 dpm/fmol and 2.37 dpm/fmol, respectively.

Five microliters of this solution were incubated

with 10 to 15 microliters of the membrane suspension (approximately 50 micrograms protein/assay) in a total volume of 25 microliters for an appropriate time period at

14 20 degrees Centigrade.

Uptake was terminated by the addi-

tion of 3 ml of ice-cold Stop Solution.

The mixtures were

filtered through 0.65 urn Millipore filters (DAWP) and washed three times with 3 ml of ice-cold Stop Solution. The moist filters were dissolved in 1.0 ml methyl cellosolve during 10 min at room temperature.

To this solution

was added 14 ml of BetaPhase scintillation solution for the determination of radioactivity.

Uptake is defined as

the retention of any solute by membranes.


transport is defined as D-glucose uptake minus L-glucose uptake.

Stereospecific transport was only 20 % of the

total amount of sugar taken up.

D-[14C]mannitol could be

used in place of L-[14C]glucose with identical results. Cold stop solution stopped both specific uptake and efflux.

D-glucose transport rates were measured during a

7 s incubation.

Enzyme Determinations The enzymes, 5'-nucleotidase and glucose-6-phosphatase, were measured as described by Mueller et al. (64) by measuring the rate of release of phosphate from 5'-AMP and glucose-6-phosphate (58); ouabain-sensitive sodium/potassium ATP'ase was measured by the method of Bers (59); phosphodiesterase was measured by the method of Kelley et al. (60); and cytochrome c oxidase was measured by the method of Stocco and Hutson (61).

Protein was determined

15 according to Bradford (62) using a commercially available protein assay reagent (obtained from Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Calif.) with Fraction V bovine albumin (Sigma Chemical, Co.) used as the standard. Electron Microscopy Membrane pellets were fixed with 2.5 % glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, for a minimum of 2 h.

The pellets were then post-fixed for 1

h in 2 % osmium tetroxide, pH 7.0, dehydrated through a graded series of ethanol solutions, and embedded in an Epon epoxy resin.

Sections were cut on a Sorvall MT-2B

ultramicrotome, stained in uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and examined in a Hitachi H-600 electron microscope at 75 kV. Curve Fitting Analysis of kinetics experiments was accomplished by an iterative nonlinear curve-fitting procedure performed on-site with an IBM 370 computer using a program originating from SAS Institute, Box 8000, Gary, N.C., 27511.


results are expressed as estimates of the kinetic parameters ± the asymptotic standard errors. Results Uterine plasma membranes were prepared by centrifugation on a discontinuous sucrose gradient consisting of 0.5

16 M sucrose layered over 1.1 M sucrose.

Plasma membrane

markers were located mainly at the interface between the two solutions. Table 2.1.

A typical purification summary is shown in

This procedure is similar to the procedures of

Kidwai et al. (63) and Mueller et al. (64).

Enzyme mark-

ers determined in several preparations were: 5'-nucleotidase, ouabain-sensitive ATP'ase, and phosphodiesterase (plasma membrane); glucose-6-phosphatase (endoplasmic reticulum); and cytochrome c oxidase (mitochondria).


ATP'ase and 5 ' nucleotidase marker enzymes were purified about 10-fold while phosphodiesterase was purified only about 3-fold.

The increase in specific activity of cyto-

chrome c oxidase indicated some contamination with mitochondria membranes. Electron micrographs (Figure 2.1) of these preparations showed mainly closed vesicles of varying size apparently from plasma membranes.

Other recognizable struc-

tures such as intact mitochondria or contractile elements were not observed.

In other photographs, it could be seen

that the pelleted membranes were homogeneous from the top to the bottom of the pellet.

The intravesicular volume of

1.8 microliters/mg protein was determined from uptake which was allowed to proceed for 90 min. These preparations were capable of stereospecific transport, as expected for a carrier-mediated process. Shown in Figure 2.2 is a typical time-course of the trans-

17 Table 2.1 Specific activities of membrane marker enzymes Preparation Enzyme



5'-nucleotidase phosphodiesterase ouabain-sensitive ATP'ase glucose-6-phosphatase cytochrome c oxidase (protein, mg/uterus)

5.3^.6(6) 0.32+.08(2) 6.24 (1) 1.6+.8(2) 0.49+.17(2) 15.6+2.0(6)

49+11(6) 1.0+0.3(2) 57.8 (1) 5.7+1.7(2) 0.81 + .28(2) 0.39+.15(6)

Specific activities are expressed as micromoles of product formed/h per mg protein except for cytochrome c oxidase, which is expressed as the change in absorbance at 550 nm/min per mg protein. Values are expressed as the mean +_ SD (number of preparations). Membranes were collected at the interface between 0.5 M sucrose and 1.1 M sucrose.


Figure 2.1. Electron micrograph of uterine plasma membranes. Electron micrograph was prepared as described in the Materials and Methods section. The bar represents 500 nm.



20 30 Time; seconds

Figure 2.2. Time-course of glucose transport by uterine membranes. Glucose transport was measured as described in the Materials and Methods section.

20 port of D-glucose.

It is assumed that L-glucose uptake

represents nonspecific uptake due to leakiness of the vesicular membrane while D-glucose uptake represents both nonspecific uptake and specific uptake mediated by a transport protein.

Therefore the difference between the

two curves (Figure 2.2) represents stereospecific, carrier-mediated, transport of D-glucose.

By the end of a

90-min incubation, complete equilibration had been reached. The half-time of D-glucose transport was 20 4^ 4 s.


brane vesicles prepared from ovariectomized rats had similar transport properties. These preparations were also capable of transporting glucose Stereospecifically in both directions.


were loaded with both D- and L-glucose during a 90 min incubation and then diluted with buffer and filtered at various times after dilution.

It can be seen in Figure

2.3 that the loss of D-glucose was more rapid than the loss of L-glucose having a half-time of 4-8 s. Membranes prepared by these procedures behave according to the van't Hoff relationship in that the uptake of D-glucose was markedly reduced by increasing the osmolarity of the medium.

The line shown in Figure 2.4 extrapo-

lated to zero indicating that there was no detectable binding of glucose to the membranes. Shown in Figure 2.5 is the distribution of membrane ma rkers on a discontinuous sucrose gradient which was



20 30 Time; seconds


Figu re 2 .3. Effl ux of D-glu cose from previ ously- loaded memb rane vesi cles Rea c t ion mixt ur es ident ical t o those desc ribed for the measu r emen t of gluco se up take w ere alio wed t o in Cuba te at 20 de grees Cent igr ad e for 90 min, alio wing D- a nd L -gluco se to equi libra te in the V esicles. Thre e ml of B uffe r 3 wa s add ed an d the incu bation was cont inued for the indie ated t ime and f liter ed and washed 3 time s wit h CO Id S top So lu t ion. R adioa ctivi ty was determine d as desc r ibe d. D- gluco se ef flux is de fined as pmol L-gl ucose ret aine d by t he fi Iter minus pmol D-glu cose r e tained by t he f ilter . Val ues a re po sit i Ve indi eating that effl ux o f D-glucos e was more r api d tha n the efflux of L-gl ucose . Er r or bars r epr e sent the s tanda rd deV iation of 3 se par at e de term inatio ns .


o T—

O TJ O ^