ethnographies of academic writing

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Jan 20, 2019 - If you are interested in booking at one of these hotels at special university rates, please contact the university travel agency (Viajes. Halcón: ...
ETHNOGRAPHIES OF ACADEMIC WRITING Research and pedagogy May 16-17, 2019 University of Zaragoza (Spain)

Aiming at a better understanding of research writing and academic literacy development in different L1 contexts, we invite contributions from scholars working in the fields of genre analysis, English for Academic Purposes, literacy studies and rhetoric and composition. We also welcome contributions from English for Academic Purposes and English for Research Publication Purposes instructors and course designers, as well as contributions from scholars working in the fields of language policy, language planning and language management in the context of academic and research communication. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, these: • • • • • • • • • •

Qualitative inquiry methods in ethnographic research Use of mixed-methods in ethnographic research Qualitative methods for situated learning of scholarly writing Ethnographic approaches to bi-/multiliterate research communication Needs analysis methods and research writing Ethnographic studies in support of EAP instruction at a graduate level Ethnographic enquiry into advanced scholarly writing literacies Ethnographies for the study of academic and digital skills literacy Ethnographic approaches to scholarly publishing issues Ethnographic studies on the impact of language policy

Plenary speakers • • • • • •

Christine B Feak (University of Michigan, US) Guillaume Gentil (University of Carleton, Canada) Theresa Lillis (The Open University, UK) Rosa Manchón (University of Murcia, Spain) Christine Tardy (The University of Arizona, US) John Swales (The University of Michigan, US)

General description of the topic of the conference The conference invites contributions that address the use of ethnographically-oriented approaches to the study of research writing so as to understand writing practices and processes of literacy development in different L1 contexts. Although there already exists seminal theoretical work on ethnographic approaches to writing research (e.g. Barton and Hamilton 2000; Paltridge, 2008; Paltridge, Starfield and Tardy, 2016; Swales, 1998), empirically-based approaches to the use of ethnographic perspectives are much less represented in the literature than, e.g., quantitative, corpus-based and 1

corpus-driven approaches. We are thus particularly interested in sharing scholarly views on the scope and validity of qualitative methods for describing and interpreting aspects of research writing. Discussion on the use of multidisciplinary analytical perspectives –e.g. genre analysis, English for Academic Purposes, socio-rhetoric and composition studies, linguistic ethnography, literacy studies and situated genre analysis, among others– is also welcome.

Important dates • • • • •

Deadline for abstracts: January 20th, 2019 Notification of acceptance: February 10th, 2019 Early registration: No later than March 10th, 2019 Deadline for standard registration: May 10th, 2019 Ethnographies of writing Conference: May 16-17th, 2019

Submission guidelines Please submit your abstract of no more than 300 words no later than January 20th, 2019 using this link. The standard length for presentations is 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation, plus 5 minutes for discussion). You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by February 10th, 2019.

Conference fees • • •

Early registration (before 10.03.2019): 190€ Standard registration (between 11.03.2019 and 10.05.2019): 240€ Only attendance: 80€

All the authors of accepted papers must pay the registration fee. Registration fees include: conference materials, certificate of attendance, refreshments and coffee breaks during the two days of the conference. Further information on payment (bank account) will be posted soon. Registration opens: January 2019.

Conference venue The conference will be held at the Paraninfo building, Rectorate of the University of Zaragoza.

Publication Opportunities A selection of conference papers will be published in a volume and/or journal issue. More information will be announced during the conference.

Accommodation The University of Zaragoza has agreements with several hotels in the city, which will offer a special price (breakfast included) to participants in the conference. See the whole list here. If you are interested in booking at one of these hotels at special university rates, please contact the university travel agency (Viajes Halcón: [email protected]). 2

How to get to Zaragoza You will find information on how to get to Zaragoza here

Our sponsors Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund (FFI2015-68638-MINECO/FEDER, EU)

Conference organisers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Carmen Pérez-Llantada (U of Zaragoza) Ignacio Vázquez (U of Zaragoza) Laura M. Muresan (Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies) Ana Bocanegra (U of Cádiz) M José Luzón (U of Zaragoza) Ignacio Guillén (U of Zaragoza) Concepción Orna (U of Zaragoza) Oana Carciu (U of Zaragoza) Miguel A. Benitez (U of Zaragoza) Diana Giner (U San Jorge, Zaragoza) Miguel A. Vela (U of Zaragoza) M Ángeles Velilla (U of Zaragoza) Rosana Villares (U of Zaragoza) Javier Aula (U of Zaragoza) Sofia Albero (U of Zaragoza)

Contact us For any inquiry you can contact the organizers at [email protected]

Conference website