Feb 15, 2013 ... Get a sneak peak at. McGraw-Hill Ryerson's NEW Environmental Science
resource. .... A number of SCH3U topics can be addressed using the.
Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute
Friday, February 15, 2013
Jason Foster
8:15 - 8:30
8:45 - 9:00
Welcome, Cafetorium Steve Bibla - Program Coordinator, Science and Technology Gen Ling Chang - Chief Academic Officer, Teaching and Learning
9:00 - 9:45
Keynote Speaker, Cafetorium Jason Foster, University of Toronto
9:45 - 10:20
Exhibitor’s Hall, Main Gym
10:20 - 11:30 AM-S1 Workshops 11:30 - 12:20 LUNCH, Cafetorium 12:20 - 1:30 1:40 - 2:50
PM-S1 Single Workshops PM-S2 Single Workshops
12:20 - 2:50
PM-D1 Double Workshops
3:00 - 3:20
Closing, Cafetorium
A Systems Design Engineer and Senior Lecturer, Jason teaches engineering design, communication, and philosophy to astoundingly bright engineering students at the University of Toronto. In this interactive keynote address, Jason will be gathering, sharing, and busting some myths about the 'E' in STEM. Through examples and interactive activities, plus a little improvisation, Jason will challenge the audience to see the world through the lenses of engineering and design. All the while he will be sharing where engineering education is, where it's going, and simple ways to prepare and support 'E'-type students regardless of discipline or background. Jason is a practiced university lecturer whose energy and ideas will engage the mind, challenge conceptions, and set the stage for a great day of discovery and learning.
How to Register Browse through the brochure and choose option (a) or (b) below with alternatives in case a workshop is full. a) three single workshops (one in the AM session & two in the PM session) b) one single workshop and one double workshop (one AM & one Double PM) Make a note of the workshops with their Key-To-Learn Reference number (e.g., KTL Ref: AM-S1.04) Login to Key-To-Learn. Select: “Teacher: Secondary and Junior High School” Select: “Board-wide PA Day - Feb 15th, 2013” Search for and Select: “T&L-SCITECH-Secondary Science Teachers’ “Eureka” Conference” In the AM session, select ONE workshop and a lunch option (vegetarian or meat). For the PM session, select ONE double workshop OR two single workshops. Lunch meals will be available from 11:30a.m. to 12:20p.m. in the Cafetorium.
For Questions Contact: Paige Preston-Walker Office Assistant Science & Technology West Education Centre 1 Civic Centre Crt, 1st Flr email:
[email protected]
DIRECTIONS to Marc Garneau CI 135 Overlea Blvd, East York, ON Public Transit Bloor-Danforth line: Travel to Pape station and transfer to the Don Mills bus (route 25). Get off at Overlea Boulevard. Marc Garneau CI is on the south-west corner of the intersection. From downtown, take the Yonge subway north to Eglinton station and transfer to the Eglinton East bus (route 34). Get off at Don Mills Road and take the Don Mills Road bus south to Overlea Boulevard. Get off at the intersection of Overlea Boulevard and Don Mills Road. Marc Garneau CI is on the south-west corner of the intersection.
Driving From downtown, take the Don Valley Parkway north to Don Mills Road north. Continue on Don Mills Road to Overlea Boulevard. Turn left at Overlea Boulevard. From points north, take Highway 401 or 404 until you reach the Don Valley Parkway south. Continue to Wynford Drive and head west to Don Mills Road. Turn left at Don mills Road and continue south to Overlea Boulevard. Turn Right on Overlea Boulevard.
TDSB School Website: http://www.tdsb.on.ca/MOSS/asp_apps/school_landing_page/ index.asp?schno=1950
Parking On-site parking at Marc Garneau CI is limited to workshop presenters and exhibitors only.
EXHIBITORS ACCENT WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTS Association for Canadian Educational Resources Astronomy in Action B&B School Supplies Bio-Rad Laboratories (Canada) Ltd. Boreal Northwest and Sargent-Welch CBC Learning Institute of Food Processing Technology Conestoga College Deep River Science Academy EDU reference Publishers Direct EF Educational Tours Enviro-Health Presentations Explore Learning iDesign Kidder Science and Technology Supplies
Laing Scientific Laser Quest Marathon and Spongelab McGraw-Hill Ryerson McMaster University, Faculty of Engineering Merlan Scientific National Film Board of Canada Nelson Education Saunders Book Company Spectrum Educational Supplies STAO Texas Instruments University of Guelph University of Ontario Institute of Technology Virtual Researcher On Call (VROC) Visual Education Centre
10:20 - 11:30
Building Images with Ray Optics Roberta Tevlin TDSB Science Teacher, Danforth CTI Target: Physics (Gr. 10) Room # - 324 KTL Ref: AM-S1.01 How does light form images? Plan with a wide variety of handson activities using cheap materials to illustrate the different ways images can form. Explore teaching techniques that promote small group discussions for deeper understanding of each activity. Teachers will be provided with all the information they need to incorporate these activities into their own classrooms.
FREE Earth and Space Science Resources Alyssa Gilbert Outreach Coordinator , Western University Target: Earth & Space Science (Gr. 9 &12) Room # - 331 KTL Ref: AM-S1.02
a DVD spectroscope lab to explore how light is used to determine the presence of different atmospheric gases and explore aerosol properties that contribute to climate change.
Networking Multimedia In Today's Classroom Robert B. Mansour President/Owner, ETHOS Ltd. & RBM Productions Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 237 KTL Ref: AM-S1.05 Explore effective, multimedia instructional products to then have a say in the development of new products. The networking of DVD's and CD-ROM's in a computer lab or classroom can eliminate many pitfalls of online learning: nasty images during a search, inaccurate info, or material beyond the student's comprehension level. Many online "educational" videos are more entertainment than educational and not interactive. As well as working together to develop new, effective resources for the digital age, we need to explore all options and become comfortable using them.
The Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration has developed a suite of Earth and Space Science teaching resources based on the Ontario curriculum. In this workshop, an overview of the resources will be given, and teachers will be given a chance to view demos of several of the activities. All resources are available to download for FREE!
Developing High Skills Related to Environmental, Food and Agricultural Sciences Karen Nelson Hamilton Ontario Agricultural College Liaison Officer , University of Guelph Target: All Course Relevance Gr.10-12 Room # - 229 KTL Ref: AM-S1.06
Bring Environmental Science to Life in Your Classroom! Anne Jackson Science Program Leader; Environmental Science SHSM Lead Teacher , St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School Target: Grade 11 & 12 (Environmental Science) Room # - 221 KTL Ref: AM-S1.03
In this workshop, teachers will learn about OAC`s “Reach Ahead” outreach program, designed to provide students with experiential learning opportunities. There are labs and lectures in which to engage students when previewing university education through Reach Ahead Days. Learn about upcoming competitions that OAC will host to support skill development related to environmental science and food science. Walk through several land use planning lesson plans adapted from a university level and re-written to be appropriate for the high school classroom. As well, several online resources will be shared with teachers.
Join us for an invigorating and engaging workshop where teachers share projects that give students the opportunity to engage in an investigation as scientists and apply their work to make a difference in the environment. Get a sneak peak at McGraw-Hill Ryerson's NEW Environmental Science resource.
The Physics of Climate Change Ashley Kilgour / Dr. Kim Strong CANDAC Outreach and Education Facilitator , University of Toronto / Associate Professor, University of Toronto Target: Earth & Space Science (Gr. 9-11) Room # - 233 KTL Ref: AM-S1.04
Think. Create. Build. Amaze. Brian Hunte Account Manager , iDESIGN Solutions Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - TV Studio (1st Floor) KTL Ref: AM-S1.07
Technological advancements are great. But advancing technology with educators and students is greater! This CANDAC (Canadian Network for the Detection of Atmospheric workshop provides educators with practical knowledge and how Change) scientists make measurements of the atmosphere from it can be utilized in the classroom to engage all students. This is the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory going to be a hands-on, active and dynamic workshop. There will (PEARL) in Eureka, Nunavut. Learn about climate change be a robotics challenge for participants and all winners will research currently undertaken by CANDAC scientists and ask receive a free prize. All teacher participants will walk away with Professor Kim Strong, an expert in experimental atmospheric a free resource. physics, a burning question about climate change. Participate in
Bio-Rad. Engineer the Tools for Inquiry of Candy Food Dyes Doug Gajic Biology Teacher , Bio-Rad Laboratories (Canada) Ltd. Target: Biology (Gr. 11 & 12) Room # - 310 KTL Ref: AM-S1.08
Target: Earth & Space Science (Gr. 10-12) Room # - Library (Computer Lab) KTL Ref: AM-S1.12
What’s in your candy? Extract the colourful food dyes from candy and separate them on a do-it-yourself agarose electrophoresis box to identify what dyes were used to make them so appealing. This inquiry based activity makes for a great skills lab by teaching pipetting, gel electrophoresis and making solutions with stunning results. Turn this into a complete STEM activity by building your very own horizontal electrophoresis box, allowing your students to investigate the science and engineering behind a workhorse in the biotech lab.
Your introduction to a comprehensive resource designed specifically for the climate unit in Grade 10 Science. This free online resource consists of lessons, videos, labs and supplemental resources — one-stop shopping, everything you need to deliver the curriculum expectations. Climate change can be discouraging and overwhelming. This resource engages students by connecting them to change agents and by providing them with authentic opportunities to take action and collaborate with other students in change. This resource is housed on GreenLearning’s COOL 2.0 platform, a collaborative online community for teaching and learning about climate change. http://cool.greenlearning.ca/
Glacial Landforms and Human Land Use Henri van Bemmel Teacher of Physics , Marc Garneau CI Target: Earth & Space Science (Gr. 9-11) Room # - 323 KTL Ref: AM-S1.09
Discover Science Using NFB Films and Educational Resources Claudia Sicondolfo Team Leader, National Education Programs, NFB Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9 Room # - 224 KTL Ref: AM-S1.13
The presentation describes a day long hiking trip that allows students to explore first hand features that show how glaciers and rivers modified the Earth.
Welcome to NFB SPACE SCHOOL an interactive, online learning platform that lets you and your students observe and connect with Chris Hadfield as he becomes the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station (ISS). NFB SPACE SCHOOL includes interactive learning modules, a live Virtual Classroom event with a Canadian astronaut, and exciting learning resources and high-quality produced content. Also, look for titles of NFB films for use in the classroom such as the 26episode DISCOVER SCIENCE. We encourage hands-on learning exercises aimed at teaching this content, as we guide you through easy-to-learn animation tricks and tools.
In a Heartbeat. 150 Days in Space Steve Lang Director Canadian Space Resource Centre , Marc Garneau CI Target: Earth & Space Science (Gr. 9) Room # - CSRC (108) KTL Ref: AM-S1.10 Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is living and working in space as we speak. Through social media he is sharing his unique and exciting experience with the world. Discover how you can use Chris Hadfield’s posts and tweets about life on the International Space Station to generate interest in your science classroom. Connections to Earth and Space Science (ESS) and other curriculum will be explored.
Videoconference: A sample VROC Session - Model Species Dr. Thomas Merritt Biologist, Laurentian University Target: Biology Room # - Library (Classroom) KTL Ref: AM-S1.11
Students' Research-informed Actions on STSE Issues Dr. J. Lawrence Bencze / Brandon Zoras Associate Professor OISE, University of Toronto / ACL of Science, Cedarbrae CI Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 242 KTL Ref: AM-S1.14 After a brief outline of theory surrounding promotion of student -led, primary research-informed, actions on STSE issues, practical classroom-tested examples will be shared. With issues, debates among powerful decision-makers are emphasized; with research, correlational studies are emphasized; with actions, ITbased ones are highlighted.
This VROC (Virtual Researcher On Call) session demonstrates how videoconferencing works as an excellent tool in the classroom to enrich the learning experience for students. Dr. Active Lesson Design and Cooperative Learning Merritt is a leading expert in biology, genetics, genomics and will Don Plumb focus on model species. Consultant , GLACIE Organization Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 234 KTL Ref: AM-S1.15 Climate Change, Everything you Need to Teach the Unit! Gordon Harrison Are you the hardest working person in your classroom? Executive Director , GreenLearning Canada PowerPoint-and-talk may have replaced chalk-and-talk but many
Science classrooms continue to feature the familiar teachercentred question and answer approach. Most teachers could increase their effectiveness with a more intentional approach to lesson design that integrates co-operative learning structures with formative assessment strategies. Learn ways to make your classes more energetic and your students more successful in this highly interactive workshop.
Labquest2...Going Wireless! Bob Sanders Vernier Workshop Leader, Merlan Scientific Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 311 KTL Ref: AM-S1.16
content and develop learning-process skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, and communication. This workshop will introduce the principles of POGIL. Participants will experience a POGIL classroom from a student’s perspective, analyze a POGIL activity, and learn about the pedagogic basis for POGIL. Information about the effectiveness of the approach in a variety of settings will be presented, along with online resources available.
Use of LEGO in 3U Chemistry Shirley Ng TDSB Science Teacher , Emery CI Target: Chemistry (Gr. 11) Room # - 225
KTL Ref: AM-S1.20 See how easy and powerful it is to use the NEW LabQuest 2 with either external or built-in sensors. Step into the future of science A number of SCH3U topics can be addressed using the probeware as we introduce the 'Connected Science System', manipulative LEGO, a familiar toy for most students. LEGO is a allowing wireless connectivity! useful tool that can be used to bridge the gap between the mathematical aspects of many SCH3U topics and the large abstract numbers represented by the mole. The blocks can be Measuring Climate Impacts in Your Schoolyard assembled and disassembled easily in ratio and stoichiometric Alice Casselman problems. The disassembly of reactants and assembly of President, ACER- Association for Canadian Educational products helps students understand: sequence, changes in Resources concentration, limiting reagent, excess reagent, atomic mass Target: Earth & Space Science (Gr. 9-12) and isotopic abundance, molar mass and percent concentration. Room # - 103G KTL Ref: AM-S1.17 Participate in hands-on learning to measure, enter data regarding tree number, height, location, identification, diameter, crown depth and area of newly planted and established trees. The equipment is provided. Check out www.acer-acre.ca for our programs. All involve these measurements and reporting using international protocols.
Bringing Nanoscience & Nanotechnology into the High School Classroom Jay Leitch Undergraduate Nanoscience Coordinator, University of Guelph Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 307 KTL Ref: AM-S1.21
Nanoscience, the science of the incredibly small, is pervading many aspects of life from medicine to energy and the environment. It is not a science discipline but rather the size scale where most disciplines intersect. If we cannot see at the nanoscale level, how do we introduce this area of science to high school students? There are demonstrations and experiments appropriate for the biology, chemistry or physics classroom that will help explain nanoscience in a fun and How can high school students prepare themselves for University interesting way. and pursue exciting engineering career opportunities? We'll share some of the key professional competencies required of engineers and show you how to bring them into the classroom. Make Your Own Video Lessons Find out how to engage your students and support their Peter Bloch development through experiential learning activities. TDSB Science Teacher, Northern SS Set for Success: The Life Cycle of a Professional Engineer Lynn Stewart Director, Outreach and Community Engagement, Faculty of Engineering, McMaster University Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 301 KTL Ref: AM-S1.18
An Introduction to POGIL Dr. Lori Jones Associate Professor, University of Guelph Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 327 KTL Ref: AM-S1.19 Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) provides research-based strategies for helping students master course
Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 325 KTL Ref: AM-S1.22 Do your students do a good job catching up on missed lessons and understand their classmates’ notes? This session will show you how to produce your own high quality video/audio lessons that students can download to experience the class they missed.
The Modifications Document and the Science Curriculum Angie Boragina / Sharon Petipas / Geetu Sharma Coordinator, Special Education / Special Education Department Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 328 KTL Ref: AM-S1.23 A small group presentation in collaboration with Special Education and Science staff to provide Science classroom teachers with an introduction to the "Success for All: Modifying Programs in Secondary Schools for Students with IEPs" binder. Participants will experience the process to follow when considering making some modifications to a student's program.
Safeguarding Migratory Birds in the Urban Environment Michael Mesure / Paloma Plant Executive Director / Program Coordinator Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 321 KTL Ref: AM-S1.24 Many people have experienced the sickening thud of a bird hitting a window. Day time collisions with window glass or buildings tend to be more lethal than nocturnal collisions and have surpassed the numbers of birds striking lit structures at night. Causes of these problems will be identified, and solutions will be discussed to prevent this issue from continuing.
Making Chemistry Exciting on a High School Budget Paul Zelisko Instructor , Brock University Target: Chemistry (Gr. 9-12) Room # - 317 KTL Ref: AM-S1.25 Chemistry demonstrations can be done on a budget. The demonstrations will focus on using a combination of household and inexpensive chemicals and equipment to illustrate chemical principles and to engage students at various levels of high school chemistry. A number of demonstrations along with their chemical basis, including appropriate safety precautions, will be presented for teachers. Session attendees will be provided with procedures for the demonstrations that are presented.
Hands-On Electronics - Making Light and Noise Dr. Darrick Heyd Associate Professor; Associate Dean, Undergraduate Science Program and Student Affairs, Ryerson University Target: Physics (Gr. 11 & 12) Room # - 332 KTL Ref: AM-S1.26 Participate as a student to learn how basic electronics are used creatively in science, technology and art by generating light and noise to make a "Light Theremin" musical instrument. The Office of Science Outreach and Enrichment at Ryerson University hosts high school class for hands-on and minds-on activities in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics in addition to this physics activity. Enrichment activities are supervised, relevant to
the curriculum and free of charge. Your visit also includes a campus tour and pizza lunch. More information about our program can be found at www.ryerson.ca/osoe.
Bringing the Latest Technology into Your Science Classroom Wendy Noble-Dalgleish Ontario Account Manager , Boreal Northwest Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 313 KTL Ref: AM-S1.27 We will be introducing our newest technology products such as a new probeware line and our new digital slides program. This will show you a whole new way to bring real world technology into your science classroom, making it exciting for your students.
12:20 - 2:50
Target: Biology (Gr. 11 & 12) Room # - 221
KTL Ref: PM-D1.04
If you are registering for these double workshops, do Genomics is changing the way we live our lives. Not only is genomics changing the way we treat disease, it is also changing not register for any single workshops in the the way we interact with our environment, produce energy and afternoon. The Wave Particle Duality of Light Roberta Tevlin TDSB Science Teacher, Danforth CTI Target: Physics (Gr. 12) Room # - 324 KTL Ref: PM-D1.01 Wave or particle? Learn about a wide-variety of activities to make both the wave and quantum models come alive. Make a variable single-slit and observe Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in action. Play with 3-D glasses and use these to understand quantum cryptography. Learn how to make a quantum eraser and use it to learn about entanglement. Learn how to play Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe to understand how a quantum computer works. Copies of Perimeter Institute’s resource ”The Challenge of Quantum Reality” which contains a 30-minute video, teachers guide and student activities will be available.
Here's a Twist on an Old Saying: Diamonds are a Teacher's Best Friend! Heather Henry Co-ordinator Teacher, Mining Matters Target: Gr. 10-12 Room # - 222 KTL Ref: PM-D1.02 Explore hands-on activities from Discovering Diamonds that teaches high school student the use of ArcGIS software. These resources communicate Earth Science concepts, and offer students opportunities for experiential learning and scientific investigation.
Introducing Smarter Science Michael Newnham Director, Smarter Science Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 331 KTL Ref: PM-D1.03 Smarter Science is a framework for teaching curriculum through the lens of inquiry science. In this workshop you will be introduced to the 35 process skills of science and how you can introduce them. Using a scaffolded approach, you will learn how to introduce the ‘Steps To Inquiry’ technique to your students and how to gradually transfer responsibility to your students for the creation of investigations.
Genomics: Changing the way we live Dr. Alison Symington VP Corporate Development and Communications, Ontario Genomics Institute
ensure the safety of our food. Using a mixture of lecture and hands on activities, the role of genomics in society will be explored.
Initiation Training Session-First Steps in Robotics in the Classroom Annika Pint TDSB Teacher, B&B School Supplies Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - 233 KTL Ref: PM-D1.05 This introduction course to Robotics will help teachers to learn the basics about programming and building LEGO Mindstorm NXT robots, classroom organization and how to link this practical learning experience to the Ontario Science Curriculum. Get ready to play in this hands on workshop! Participate and get a chance to win a LEGO Education Solar panel.
Jinxwood Activities for the SPH4C course Rhonda McCoubrey TDSB Science Teacher, Weston CI Target: Physics (College) Room # - 237 KTL Ref: PM-D1.06 This workshop will focus on activities for the SPH4C college course. We will concentrate on the fluids unit, however these activities are easily adapted for other strands of the course. Teachers will use jinxwood to build a pneumatic device. We will use resources available from Tippett: the technology hand tool kit and resource binder. Sample lesson plans and strategies for using jinx wood will be provided. Lessons will focus on group problem solving, design and developing skills with hand tools.
Beyond the Atom: Remodelling Particle Physics Tim Langford TDSB Science Teacher, Newtonbrook SS Target: Physics (Gr. 12) Room # - 229 KTL Ref: PM-D1.07 Be a bubble chamber detective: use classical physics to deduce what particles were produced in a hydrogen bubble chamber. Tame the particle zoo: use a simple set of rules to logically arrange the elementary particles in a table. Find top quark: use Fermilab’s original data to deduce the energy level of the heaviest quark. See how easy it can be to do with your students! All participants will receive a free DVD and Teacher’s Guide from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS 12:20 - 1:30 Sign up for the following workshops only if you are NOT registering for a double workshop. Bio-Rad. Enzymes & Biofuels Doug Gajic Biology Teacher , Bio-Rad Laboratories (Canada) Ltd. Target: Biology (Gr. 11 & 12) Room # - 310 KTL Ref: PM-S1.01 Reveal the power of enzyme kinetics by illustrating the theory through a real world application to biofuels. Through guided inquiry activities your students will determine how temperature, pH, the concentration of substrate and the concentration of enzyme will effect an enzymatic reaction. In this workshop, you will determine the rate of reaction for the enzyme cellobiase – a key enzyme in the production cellulosic ethanol (a highly researched biofuel). Can biofuels solve global warming? Let your students decide if this is possible!
Cosmology for Senior Students and Teachers Henri van Bemmel Teacher of Physics , Marc Garneau CI Target: Earth & Space Science (Gr. 9-11) Room # - 323 KTL Ref: PM-S1.02
videoconferencing works as an excellent classroom tool to enrich the learning experiences for students.
Engage Inquiry Based Learning with Online Tools Cindy Matthews / Andrea Sykes TDSB Instructional Leaders, Library & Learning Resources and Interdisciplinary Studies Target: All Course Relevance Gr. 9-12 Room # - Library (Computer Lab) KTL Ref: PM-S1.05 This session will include a demonstration and hands-on exploration of the Virtual Library to gain familiarity with valuable resources for specific content, issues, inquiry, project-based and student learning.
Access Science Tony Spagnoli Learning Advisor , Distribution Access Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 224 KTL Ref: PM-S1.06 We will give an overview of our product, go through each feature allow for questions to be asked while delivering the presentation and then allow you to use the product directly.
Making Science Relevant Through STSE Marietta (Mars) Bloch This presentation considers how scientific thinking helps humans Director, Education Services , Let's Talk Science understand the basics of our place in the universe and how Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 astronomical events have radically affected life on Earth. Room # - 242 KTL Ref: PM-S1.07 The Armageddon Effect Steve Lang Director Canadian Space Resource Centre , Marc Garneau CI Target: Earth & Space Science (Gr. 9) Room # - CSRC (108) KTL Ref: PM-S1.03 Hollywood’s science fiction movies can be a great inspiration to young people, but they can also misrepresent the realities of space exploration. Using popular Hollywood movies and TV shows, this presentation will compare science fiction with the reality of space exploration.
Videoconference: A sample VROC Session - Electrochemistry Dr. Ted Roberts Chemical Engineer, University of Calgary Target: Chemistry Room # - Library (Classroom) KTL Ref: PM-S1.04
How are milk and electricity related? Find out using CurioCity, an online place of free STSE-related resources in areas like health, tech, entertainment, sports, and the environment. Explore My Zone – a personalized place for you to organize ‘favourited’ CurioCity articles, videos, and teaching resources and share those with students or other colleagues using the ‘My Groups’ and ‘Share’ sections.
Engaging Students Through Cross-Curricular Use of TI-Nspire Technology & Vernier Probes Connie Lam TDSB Math / Science Teacher, John Polanyi CI Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 226 KTL Ref: PM-S1.08
New or experienced, you can learn how to use and integrate TINspire technology in their teaching through hands-on science labs. Learn how to effectively use the latest graphing technology so that students will have a better understanding of the data In this VROC (Virtual Researcher On Call) session, learn more they collect. After a quick introduction to the TI-Nspire about research in electrochemistry such as water treatment, calculators, you will have the opportunity to work at different batteries and fuel cells by speaking to Chemical Engineer, Dr. subject-specific lab stations. Classroom-ready labs and online Ted Roberts who will discuss his experience working in a lab and resources will be available as well as ideas on how to implement in the market. Watch the live demonstration on how them in a variety of classrooms.
Boosting Academic Achievement with Teambuilding and Classbuilding Mitch Zeltzer Teambuilding Professional, Dynamix Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 234 KTL Ref: PM-S1.09 Don't let your lessons fall flat! Harness students’ true potential by establishing a caring, compassionate and united classroom and school. Hands-on teambuilding and class-building activities combine with stimulating reflection helping students learn together and boost academic achievement. Join Mitch for a fun, practical workshop for engaging ideas and strategies you can implement with your class right away. Discover why the Dynamix approach is approved for the Ministry’s Registry of Resources for Safe and Inclusive Schools.
My Other Lab Coat Is a Toga: Bringing Philosophy to the Science Classroom Amy Leask VP, Enable Education, Author KidsThinkAboutIt books Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 311 KTL Ref: PM-S1.10 Pre-college philosophy is a movement in education that is growing rapidly worldwide. Instead of teaching philosophy as a subject unto itself, many educators are electing to work philosophical questions into other subject areas, including science. This approach allows educators to cover learning objectives from science and the humanities simultaneously, and in a cross-curricular manner. Philosophical discussion can infuse STEM education with 21st century skills such as literacy, global awareness, and creativity.
Literacy Based Activities for Applied and Locally Developed Paul Weight TDSB CL of Science , Danforth CTI Target: Gr.9 & 10 LDCC Room # - 103G KTL Ref: PM-S1.11 This session involves sharing experiences using numerous literacy based activities specifically targeted for the Applied and Locally Developed Courses. Try out the activities first hand. Also, be prepared to share other literacy based strategies that you have used in your classrooms.
on how to flip your class, engage your students and coopt the latest trends in technology and education.
What Does 21st Century Learning Look Like in a Classroom? Luciano Lista Online Learning Principal, Nelson Education Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 327 KTL Ref: PM-S1.13 21st century learning is about Students using technology to discern, filter, research, and apply knowledge to solving problems, understanding content, and analysing data, collaborate, and applying critical thinking skills .
A Particle Pictures Approach to Teaching Nomenclature in Chemistry Jon P. McGoey Department Head of Science , John Paul II Secondary School Target: Chemistry (Gr. 9-11) Room # - 225 KTL Ref: PM-S1.14 Come and work through grades 9, 10, and 11 Particle Picture activities designed (and empirically shown) to generate deep understanding of this vital chemistry concept. Supporting research underpins the session without overpowering it. Is the traditional leap between chemical formulae and chemical names too large? This approach grounds itself in cognitive linguistics, in that human minds are predisposed during concrete learning to seeing and naming objects, as well as actions that those objects undergo.
Food Processing - Debunking Common Misconceptions of the Food Processing Industry Mihaela Simion / Susan McLachlan Program Manager / Communications Officer Craig Richardson Institute of Food Processing Technology Conestoga College Target: All Course Relevance (Gr.9-12) Room # - 307 KTL Ref: PM-S1.15 Join us for a hands-on workshop to discover the good, the better, and the beneficial aspects of food processing and the way industry impacts the product choices we make in the grocery store. Learn about the largest manufacturing sector in Canada.
The Socially Connected Classroom Ara Jaingue Senior Manager – Digital Marketing, School Division, Nelson Education Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 301 KTL Ref: PM-S1.12
Demonstrations for Senior Chemistry Peter Bloch TDSB Science Teacher, Northern SS Target: Chemistry (Gr.11-12) Room # - 325 KTL Ref: PM-S1.16
Are your students logged in or wired out? How can current trends in social networks and online collaboration support your classroom? Join us in this insightful session as we discuss ideas
Some old, some new, yet relevant, interesting and entertaining. They will illustrate paramagnetism, heterogeneous catalysis, Ksp with NaCl, acid-base colour changes to music, and others.
Light and Optics Extravaganza Martin Fischer Science Educator, Ontario Science Centre Target: Physics (Gr. 10) Room # - 328 KTL Ref: PM-S1.17 Send music on a beam of light, ignite paper with a laser, and do geometric optics “in the clouds”. Explore invisible wavelengths with a modified webcam and join the hands-on portion to investigate how refraction is used to form images.
1:40 - 2:50
Sign up for the following workshops only if you are NOT registering for a double workshop. Teaching Controversial Issues in SVN3M and SNC4M Gaitri Balbahadur TDSB Teacher, Albert Campbell CI Target: SVN3M & SNC4M Room # - 323 KTL Ref: PM-S2.01
No Science Student Left Indoors! Science and Global Education Laura Palma Product Manager, Science and Innovation Tours , EF Education Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 321 KTL Ref: PM-S1.18
STSE issues can engage students from both the Applied/College and Academic/University streams who enroll in SVN3M and SNC4M. Additionally, without current textbooks teachers may have limited resources available to them. The focus of each course can be STSE issues allow students rich contexts to apply Global Education and 21st century skills are key elements in their scientific understanding to real world situations. Engage in providing today's science student with a dynamic learning and take away some strategies with controversial topics such as experience. Learn more about how to incorporate local and plastic bag bans, waste disposal options, sustainability, pollution, global field experiences into science curriculum to inspire and designer babies, organ transplantation, vaccination, GMO engage students via relevant, authentic and immersive activities. technology. Teachers and students will be encouraged to participate in pre, on, and post field experience programming that facilitates both Videoconference: A Sample VROC Session - Industry Physicist critical and innovative thinking. Dr. Marcello Pavan Physicist, TRIUMF Target: Physics Purposeful Talk Promotes Powerful Pairs: 4 Ps for Room # - Library (Classroom) KTL Ref: PM-S2.02 Achievement John Myers In this VROC (Virtual Researcher On Call) session, learn more Curriculum Instructor , OISE about particle physics from an expert who is currently working Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 at TRIUMF. Watch the live demonstration on how Room # - 317 KTL Ref: PM-S1.19 videoconferencing works as a tool in the classroom and see how it will enrich the learning experiences for students. Purposeful talk drives learning since those who talk more learn more. In this interactive session, participants will - learn why cooperative learning promotes powerful purposeful talk - why Gotta Get Gizmos! pairs are a great place to start this process - experience the Peter Wright power first hand through several cooperative structures that Trainer & Nipissing University Advisor, Gizmos stress both exploratory talk and checking for understanding Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 experience a cooperatively-structured feedback structure that not only can be used in a classroom but will allow participants to Room # - Library (Computer Lab) KTL Ref: PM-S2.03 carry on a conversation with the presenter afterwards. Looking for a flexible teaching tool to help students to investigate “What if…?” questions in science and math? ExploreLearning Gizmos are on‐line interactive simulations fully Food: Exploring Ingredients Lists licensed for use in Ontario secondary science and math classes. Liz Rice Versatile, easy to use, and great for differentiating instruction Enviro-Health Speaker, Enviro-Health Presentations and building inquiry skills, you’ve gotta get Gizmo! Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 332
KTL Ref: PM-S1.20
Teachers will go-online to a website that lists a database detailing ingredients and their toxic effects. Even toothpaste and shampoo can be researched, hence this applies equally to boys and girls. Opportunity also to talk about ethics. Animal testing for cosmetics products is still conducted, even though it’s not legally necessary and there’s a vast database already about ingredients and their effect on animals.
Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Case Studies Marietta (Mars) Bloch / Nika Shakiba Director, Education Services / Outreach Site Co-ordintor Let's Talk Science Target: All Course Relevance Gr.11-12 Room # - 242 KTL Ref: PM-S2.04
This session will highlight the use of case studies to develop critical thinking skills. Case studies with supporting educator resources will be presented in the areas of space science, biotechnology and stem cells. These are accessible for free at CurioCity, Let’s Talk Science’s online place for students and teachers. Also, learn about an opportunity for your students to attend StemCellTalks this March. StemCellTalks is an innovative Let’s Talk Science outreach opportunity for senior biology students to be introduced to the science and practical ethics of stem cells through case studies, interactive presentations and discussions.
Online Collaborative Tools to Promote Student Engagement on Environmental Issues Sara Hassan Outreach Coordinator, McMaster University Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 226 KTL Ref: PM-S2.05 TakingITGlobal (TIG) is an online international charitable organization which serves youth worldwide through a multilingual online learning community (at www.tigweb.org) and innovative education programs (through www.tiged.org) in the areas of global citizenship, environmental stewardship and student voice. The purpose of this session is to provide a handson introduction to TIG and TIGed and explore how technology can help schools prepare students for the future. By the end of this session, participants will realize the power of global collaboration and social networking in facilitating student-led learning in a variety of science-related subjects, better understand how to integrate the study of global issues into the classroom through the use of virtual tools, and create their own virtual classroom spaces through which to engage their students in global project-based learning.
Engineering design is a collaborative and multidisciplinary activity. Design projects such as a car, a computer or a curriculum integrates people and practices across many disciplines: from Art and Calculus, through to Physics and World Issues. In 2012, the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto started a process of sustained collaboration at different levels to improve the FASE undergraduate design curriculum. So far this collaboration includes TDSB, OISE and the Ministry of Education, along with a number of classroom teachers and administrators. Learn about the broad collaborative vision and some of the specific initiatives that are being designed so you can share your reactions, suggestions, and ideas.
Reviewing and Revising the Locally Developed Curriculum Leesa Blake Science Instructional Leader , TDSB Target: Gr.9 & 10 LDCC Room # - 103G KTL Ref: PM-S2.08 Join a group of interested teachers to review the current Locally Developed Compulsory Curriculum for SNC1L and SNC2L. Released in 2005, this material needs some review and possible revision. Be part of a group that can lead change for our students.
Light and Optics Educational Program Nieshan Dissanayake General Manager, Laser Quest Target: Physics (Gr. 10) Room # - 301 KTL Ref: PM-S2.09
Co-operative Learning in the Secondary Panel Leila Knetsch CL of Science , Albert Campbell CI Target: Gr. 9 & 10, Chem 11, Bio 11 Room # - 234 KTL Ref: PM-S2.06
This seminar is an overview of the Lights & Optics field trip from the Quest for Knowledge Education Program presented by Laser Quest. Designed for Applied and Academic Students in high school, this two hour field trip is both interactive and entertaining and promotes student comprehension and retention. Your students will learn about light reflection, light refraction, the visible spectrum and the fascinating world of laser beams.
There will be an overview of Co-operative learning philosophy, followed by engaging teachers to try out a variety of strategies. These include: strategies involving ethical problems, literacy, problem solving and general review strategies. There will also be an emphasis on different sized groupings (2, 3, 4 or whole class) as well as student signalling for understanding.
ChemGems 2012 Milan Sanader Educator, Nelson Education Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-11 Room # - 327 KTL Ref: PM-S2.10
Collaboratively Designing an Improved STEM Continuum Jason Foster Senior Lecturer in Engineering Design, Division of Engineering Science, University of Toronto Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 311 KTL Ref: PM-S2.07
Enrich your classroom discussions with classic demos and new alternatives from chemistry journals. Participants will safely engage in whiz bang reactions, while connecting to important chemistry news stories from 2012. Resources will be given to attendees.
Looking for New College Biology 11 Labs and Activities on a Shoestring? Kathryn O’Connell HDSB Science Teacher, Oakville Trafalgar High School, McGrawHill Target: Biology (College) Room # - 225 KTL Ref: PM-S2.11
Grades 9 & 10. Session will be interactive and hands-on. Topics include core concepts of atomic theory, periodic table concepts and trends and naming compounds/balancing equations.
The Toronto Zoo provides a wealth of experiences relating to the natural sciences. Through this workshop, Adopt-A-Pond and Turtle Island Conservation staff will help familiarize teachers with knowledge about Ontario's diverse reptile and amphibian species. The workshop will consist of an introduction to the new and FREE online Turtle Island Conservation Aboriginal Education Bundle. This bundle aligns with the Ministry of Ontario's Aboriginal Education mandate.
Liz Rice Enviro-Health Speaker, Enviro-Health Presentations Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 332 KTL Ref: PM-S2.16
Videoconference: Environmental Issues: Water, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Responsible Consumption François Pelletier / Samina Rehmani, JOIN US as we provide an engaging hands-on workshop Facilitator - Project manager, Biosphere, Environmental / TDSB presenting McGraw-Hill Ryerson’s new Biology 11C resource. Science Teacher, Agincourt CI Experience first-hand, refreshing approaches to teaching college Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 -level biology and leave with tools, labs, and activities to engage Room # - 317 KTL Ref: PM-S2.15 students while supporting the new curriculum. During that hour, science teachers will be students and we will simulate one of our activities of environmental education. It could be about climate change or biodiversity, depending on Learning about Ontario Reptiles and Amphibians Through what interests the audience. Through science and rational Toronto Zoo Conservation Initiatives thinking, we explain the environmental issues. With those Crystal Robertson / Kim Wheatley Stewardship Co-ordinator / Aboriginal Programme Co-ordinator presentations, we try to trigger a reflection that will hopefully bring students towards more sustainable behavior. Toronto Zoo Conservation Initiatives Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 Room # - 307 KTL Ref: PM-S2.12 What is in Your Personal Care Products?
Physics of Materials: Bridging Complex Concepts with Classroom Demonstrations Sara Cormier Outreach Co-ordinator, McMaster University Target: Physics (Gr. 9-12) Room # - 328 KTL Ref: PM-S2.13
Excellent topic for students and teachers. A topic that applies to an individual’s daily life and health, now and in the future. Individuals become more aware of exactly what they are eating. Individuals become aware of marketing and the general lack of regulation in the food industry. Empowers an individual with this new awareness/knowledge.
Introducing Engineering Products Into Your Science Courses Wendy Noble-Dalgleish Ontario Account Manager , Boreal Northwest Target: All Course Relevance (Gr.9-12) KTL Ref: PM-S2.17 Explore the physical properties of materials with an emphasis on Room # - 313 natural and bio-inspired materials. For example, geckos can walk Introducing our new TeacherGeek line of hands-on, inquiry upside down. Gecko feet must have both strong adhesion based, engineering products into your science courses. Come properties and they must un-stick quickly to run. Despite years build a rubber band racer and compete with your fellow of study, researchers have not yet replicated all aspects of the teachers! gecko foot. This highlights a few remarkable natural materials and artificial materials inspired by nature. Also, a simple Make Science Fun through Games Based Learning classroom experiment measures fundamental properties of Diane Miziolek, B.Ed materials to make comparisons between artificial and natural Spongelab materials. This lab introduces the fields of biophysics and Target: All Course Relevance Gr.9-12 material science. Room # - 224 KTL Ref: PM-S2.18 Hands on Chemistry Activities with Magnetic Manipulatives, Gr. 9/10 Matthew Thompson Science Catalogue Director, Spectrum Educational Supplies Target: Chemistry (Gr.9-10) Room # - 321 KTL Ref: PM-S2.14 Learn how to use hands on magnetic manipulatives from Spectrum to enhance your chemistry curriculum delivery in
This session will demonstrate an eLearning platform that brings Games Based Learning into your classroom with fun, interactive activities. Attendees will learn how to effectively integrate blended learning and will have the opportunity to explore games, videos and other multimedia designed to engage students in learning about STEM. Teachers will learn to how to find and share free educational multimedia and find out how to integrate game-based principles and blended learning in a real, teachable way.