Oracle Database Appliance X5-2 System consists of two X86 servers, each with two 18-core Intel ... Two dedicated and red
An Oracle White Paper January 2017
Evaluating and Comparing Oracle >
Benchmark Setup The following steps are required to setup the Order Entry (OE) workload benchmark. encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> "Order Entry (PLSQL) V2" "" soe soe //hostname-scan/odadb Oracle jdbc Driver 1000 1000 2500 0 0 0 0 20 50 1500 0 0 850 1050 120 -1 0:50 1 1 false true 0:15 0:45 0 Customer Registration NCR
Evaluating and Comparing Oracle >>> DML Operations Per Minute true -1.0 false Transaction Response Time true -1.0
Evaluating and Comparing Oracle >4063 1 Disk 0.0 2.147483647E9 CPU 0.0 2.147483647E9 Response Time 0.0 2.147483647E9 Transactions Per Second 0.0 2.147483647E9 Transactions Per Minute 0.0 2.147483647E9
Evaluating and Comparing Oracle ; $service_name="odadb"; $port=1521; $dbauser="system"; $dbapwd="welcome1";
Evaluating and Comparing Oracle echo $l_awr_log_file; $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s system/
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