Evidence-Based Second Language Pedagogy

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Collaborative prewriting discussions and ESL students' vocabulary development: LREs and depth of engagement. Kim McDonough & Teresa Hernández ...
Evidence-Based Second Language Pedagogy A Collection of Instructed Second Language Acquisition Studies

Edited by Masatoshi Sato and Shawn Loewen

Evidence-based second language pedagogy: A collection of Instructed Second Language Acquisition studies Edited by Masatoshi Sato, Universidad Andres Bello Shawn Loewen, Michigan State University TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1

Towards evidence-based second language pedagogy: Research proposals and pedagogical recommendations Masatoshi Sato & Shawn Loewen SECTION I

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

A FOCUS ON INSTRUCTION Concept-Based Instruction for Concept-Based Instruction: A model for language teacher education James Lantolf & Olga Esteve Revisiting clarifications: Self- and other-clarifications in corpus-based pragmatics instruction Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Sabrina Mossman, John Rothgerber, Yunwen Su, & Kyle Swanson Content and Language Integrated Learning classes for child Mandarin L2 learners: A longitudinal observational study Rhonda Oliver, Masatoshi Sato, Susan Ballinger, & Lanlan Pan SECTION II

Chapter 5

Chapter 6 Chapter 7

Chapter 8

A FOCUS ON LEARNING PROCESSES Collaborative prewriting discussions and ESL students’ vocabulary development: LREs and depth of engagement Kim McDonough & Teresa Hernández González Peer feedback: An activity theory perspective on givers and receivers’ stances Neomy Storch & Marzooq Aldossary The role of peers in young learners’ English learning: A longitudinal case study in China Yuko Goto Butler & Yeting Liu The associations between cognitive aptitudes and oral task performance under instructional conditions with or without pretask grammar instruction Shaofeng Li & Mengxia Fu SECTION III

Chapter 9

A FOCUS ON LEARNING OUTCOMES Priming Spanish subjunctives during synchronous computer-mediated communication: German peers’ classroom-based and homework interactions

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Marije Michel & Laura Stiefenhöfer What impact does heritage language instruction have on Spanish heritage learners’ writing? Melissa Bowles & Adrian Bello-Uriarte The effect of input characteristics on students’ perception of task difficulty and their comprehension of authentic listening tasks YouJin Kim & Katia Monteiro Vanderbilt SECTION IV

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

A FOCUS ON LEARNER AND TEACHER PSYCHOLOGY The predictive power of multicultural personality traits, learner and teacher variables on foreign language enjoyment and anxiety Jean-Marc Dewaele & Peter MacIntyre Interaction vision intervention to increase second language motivation: A classroom study Masatoshi Sato & Pamela Lara The language learning experiences and their perceived impact on teaching: An interview study with English teachers in Hungary Kata Csizér