2. Profile & Persona. 3. Competitor Analysis. 4. Customer Journey Map. 5. Lead Management Map. 6. Custom Fields. 7.
Example Pardot Compendium
Contents Ph ase 1
Ph ase 2
En gagem en t St u dio
1. File Hierarchy map
9. Forms
18. Engagement Studio
2. Profile & Persona
10. Pardot Links to Assets
Nurturing Strings
3. Competitor Analysis
11. Lists
19. Engagement Studio
4. Customer Journey Map
12. Prospect Lists
5. Lead Management Map
13. User groups
20. Engagement Studio Map
6. Custom Fields
14. Scoring
7. Field Standardisation
15. Data Snapshots
8. Campaign Benchmarking
16. Email Review
17. Reporting
Phase 1
1. File Hierarchy Map
This file structure is designed to be scalable. At a top level, we can score content based on categories. It would be beneficial to add another layer (folder) of scoring based on the content they are engaging with, for a more detailed insight. Once more detailed campaigns are set up, they can sit in the industry specific folder (We've provided examples below).
Campaign X folder
Scoring category
Folder Campaign Y folder
Campaign Z folder
-Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists -Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists -Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists
Campaign X folder
Scoring category
Campaign Y folder
Campaign Z folder
-Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists -Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists -Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists
Campaign X folder
Scoring category
Campaign Y folder
Campaign Z folder
-Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists -Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists -Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists
Scoring category
General Website scoring category
Scoring category
General Website
-Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists
- Forms - Custom Redirects - General downloads - Dynamic Content - Automation rules
-Email - Custom redirects - Dynamic content - Landing Pages - Forms - Automation rules - Lists
Subscription folder
Scoring category
- Campaign -Email - Custom redirects
zTest folder
This test folder can be used for all testing. Name this folder 'zTest' so that it sits at the bottom of the list.
Ideally, this folder will only include layout templates as every asset will be linked to a campaign or category.
2. Profile & Persona
Saf e assu m pt ion s f or FD/ FC Job t it le: Finance Controller / Finance Director / Export Manager.
- Highly experienced individual with 10-19+ years experience in finance. Rarely changes role.
Locat ion : UK based,. - Average Salary: 74K - 190K (£96,632).
Per son a
Year s t r adin g: 15-20 years. - Typically have degrees in economics or accounting. Com pan y t u r n over : £15-20 million. Th e Per son : Predominantly male aged 40-60.
- Top business challenges include reducing costs, company growth and streamlining processes in a cost effective way.
- They measure success primarily based on cost savings.
Pr of ile f or gr adin g
Employees = 20+ Increase grade by 3/3
UK based = Yes Increase grade by 1/3
Annual revenue = £2mill-100mill Increase grade by 3/3 Are you an Importer/Exporter? = Importer OR Exporter Increase grade by 3/3
Job Title = includes words: 'Finance Director/Controller/Manager ', 'Export/Purchasing manager ', 'Treasury/Treasurer ', 'Head of Accounts', 'CFO'. Increase grade by 3/3
Which markets you operate in = If 1 or more Increase grade by 3/3
Ownership = Private/Public Parent, Owner UK Increase grade by 3/3
3. Competitor Analysis
Marketing automation
No marketing automation tool
Social community
LinkedIn: 100 followers Twitter: 100 followers Youtube: 100 subscribers
LinkedIn: 100 followers Twitter: 100 followers Youtube: 100 subscribers
LinkedIn: 100 followers Twitter: 100 followers Youtube: 100 subscribers
Other tools
Adroll - Retargeting Intercom - Instant messenger
CrazyEgg - Heatmap tool Adobe Analytics - Web analytics
CrazyEgg - Heatmap tool Adobe Analytics - Web analytics
Web pages
Web pages - 217
Web pages - 189
Web pages - 490
Home meta description
4. Customer Journey Map Have they acquired over 100 points?
Create task for prospects w/100+ points & Grade above C
Pardot 1-1 emails
Engagement Studio Organic traffic
Website blog
Grade AGrade C- Grade C-B+ & above & below
Email Marketing
Sales team follow up
Sales £££ See Lead Management Map
MQL Prospect segmentation via dynamic lists
Landing page(s)
Progressive forms
Pardot to update customer profile/score/grade
2-6 months
Create task for prospects w/100+ points & grade Aor above
5. Lead Management Map
Internal sales team pre-qualify over the phone - same day
Appointment Booked & Sat
App Accredited
Prospect spoken to sales team
Sales $$$
If volume over £300k/year Qualified face-to-face. App sent. (1-2 weeks)
Application received within 1 week (2-3 weeks depending on delays from client)
Up to 4 weeks (no delays)
App sent to Compliance for on-boarding and checks. (3 days)
6. Custom fields Current fields
New Pardot fields to be added
Are you an importer/exporter?
UK based?
Which markets do you operate in?
7. Field Standardisation Fields
Data Format
Annual Revenue
Number (no punctuation) e.g 100000
Number (no punctuation) E.g 1000
Are you an Importer/Exporter?
Checkbox: - Importer - Exporter - Importer and Exporter - Neither
Which markets do you operate in?
Checkbox: - Asia - Europe - North America - South America - Africa - Asia Pacific
Annual Trading £
Number (no punctuation) e.g 100000
Dropdown: - Private Parent - Public Parent - UK Owner Based
8. Campaign benchmarking report
[Target audience profile]
Prospect list: Record count - x Data source - record Criteria (e.g. company size, sector, location etc)
Program level goals: - Contain forms within Pardot to enable progressive profiling - Contain landing pages within Pardot to enable better nurturing - Restructure folder taxonomy for more efficient campaign management and make better use of scoring categories - Addressed custom fields to be created in Pardot so that the system is integrated with Salesforce - Customer journey is mapped from first thematic touch point through to Sale - Management of leads between marketing and sales is considered and mapped out - Incorporate dynamic content into program - Get propsect lifecycle report setup and working - Setup Engagement Program
N.b. There must be at least one Contact record listed under the standard Contact Roles related list on the Opportunity. The contact role must be synched with a Pardot Prospect.
Phase 2
Landing Page Form
9. Forms
First Name (Links to 'First Name')
Company (Links to 'Company')
Last Name (Links to 'Last Name')
We would like to use your contact information for marketing purposes (Links to 'Agreed to be mailed')
Email (Links to 'Email')
Phone (Links to 'Phone')
I have read and agree with the privacy policy (Links to 'Privacy Policy Agreement')
Completed Actions
Set sou r ce t o: Marketing
Assign t o u ser : J
Not if y: Marketing notification
Set sou r ce cam paign :
Set cu st om f ield t o: Privacy policy confirmed
Ch an ge lead r ecor d t ype t o : Lead
Add t o list :
Add t ag: Payments LP Form
Completed Actions
Name (Links to 'First Name')
Newsletter Form
Set sou r ce cam paign : FORM Newsletter Sign-Up
Email (Links to 'Email') Add t ag: subscriber
14. Scor in g
15. Database Snapshot 67,459 total prospects
22,166 Unmailable Prospects (of which 11,246 Unsubscribed)
There are a lot of unmailable prospects. These can be deleted in Pardot if they are not needed (this won't effect their presence on Salesforce) and if they become active, Pardot will pick them out of the recycle bin and make them active again. Fortunately, only 318 of these are part of the daily market report list.
63,907 Never Active Prospects
23,696 Assigned Prospects
This will not be an issue once Engagement Studios are created for each key customer group.
35,290 Records not in Salesforce
3,555 Active Prospects
Database Snapshot (as of 03/04/17) 68,346 total prospects
22,596 Unmailable Prospects (of which 11,493 Unsubscribed)
63,929 Never Active Prospects
27,787 Assigned Prospects
35,383 Records not in Salesforce
4,417 Active Prospects
Corporate Acquisition Engagement Studio
18. En gagem en t St u dio Nu r t u r in g St r in gs
19. En gagem en t St u dio Over view Engagement Studio Prospects already on Pardot List of Landing pages Prospect list
100 points+
Organic & other Visitors (PPC, Facebook etc.)
Landing page(s)
Progressive form
Content Downloads
Grade >D Scoring
Set Profile to 'Biz'
Landing Pages and Progressive form
Grade C's
Grade B's
Grade A's
Assign to sales (location based)
En gagem en t St u dio M ap Automation rule running in the background will take any prospects from this Engagement Studio and distribute them to the relevant sales when a score of over 100 is attained. A tag is added called 'Been through acquisition nurturing'
Send emails between the hours of 9-5 Tag: Started corporate acquisition program
*Progressive profiling: Order of questions asked in each form. Form 1) - Job title - Current provider Form 2) - Ownership - Are you an importer/exporter?
Score is reset to 0 & given profile
Suppression list: 'Prospects over 100 points and assigned automatically'
- Prospects already on Pardot - ICS - New prospect add to nurture program Dynamic list: sign ups from web form
Form 3) - What markets operated in - Annual trading Form 4) - Annual revenue - Employees Scoring Custom redirect click: 3 Email open: 1 File acces: 10 Form error: -5 Form submission: 30 Landing page error: -5 Landing page success: 30 Page view: 3 Visitor session: 3
Send Email 1: Acquisition full HTML template
Lan din g page: Screenshot of video linking to page incuding Video with sign up form
Week 1 Wait 7 days Send Email 2: Acquisition full HTML template
If anyone signs up at any point during program:
Lin k 1 Web Blog post :
Lin k 2 Web page: Sign up to platform Cu st om r edir ect (Add 30 poin t s)
Blog lin k s t o sign u p page Com plet es Bu sin ess sign u p f or m
Add tag 'Business sign up form'
Wait 3 days Did prospect click the specific link to the blog?
Adds to dynamic suppression list: sign ups from web form
Add tag: Viewed @BLOGNAME@ Blog
Removed from ES program
Week 2
Wait 4 days Send Email 3: Acquisition content download * Lan din g page Downloadable content:
Wait 3 days Did prospect complete the landing page?
Is current provider 'Bank'?
Follow up template Send plain text email selling benefits of services
Assign to sales (Set score 100) Schedule task to call
Week 3
Wait 4 days Send Email 4: Acquisition content download
* Lan din g page Downloadable content:
Wait 3 days Is grade above B?
Yes Follow up template Send plain text email selling benefits
Assign to sales (Set score 100) Schedule task to call
Week 4 Wait 4 days Send Email 5: Acquisition content download Lan din g Page: Case study 1
Lan din g Page: Case study 2
Dynamic content here showing case study most relevant. Perhaps show case study based on whether prospect is importer/exporter?
Week 6
Wait 14 days Send Email 6: Acquisition full HTML
UK survey (outputs: analysis/write-up
Use longer form as it's a big content download
Wait u p t o 7 days Did prospect complete the landing page?
No Add tag 'Been through corporate ES'
For these prospects, it would be worth building a slower nurturing program to feed them useful content 1-4 times a month to keep Co at front of mind.
Add to list 'Prospects been through nurturing, didn't convert'
Assign to sales (Add score 100) Schedule task to call
Tr ain in g Delet in g u n m ailable pr ospect s
Every month, the number of unmailable prospects should be checked and removed to ensure EarthportFX aren't charged unnecessarily for extra data storage space. NOTE: Removing prospects simply keeps them in the recycle bin, if the prospect becomes active again then Pardot will pull them from the recycle bin. Steps:
1. Log in to pardot and navigate to 'Prospects > Prospect lists' on the left hand side.
2. Make sure that 'Unmailable prospects' is selected from the dropdown and the duration 'All-Time' is chosen.
3. Click the checkbox as shown in the diagram to the left, which will select all of the prospects on the page. Following this, click the hyperlink which tells you how many prospects in total will be selected. This will select everyone in the list.
4. At the bottom of the list, choose 'Delete' from the dropdown list and then click 'Go'. These prospects will now be sent to the recycle bin. You can remove them from the recycle bin at any time.
Sen din g leads t o n u r t u r in g pr ogr am
Sales will want to make sure that any leads that aren't ready, they're being nurtured. It makes sense that any prospect who goes through the acquisition drip and speaks to sales, is then sent to the next program instead of being places back into the acquisition on. In terms of a process, all sales need to do is send prospects to the list ''. Here's how the automation works: NOTE: Enagement Program needs to be built. This is the logic that gets them there.
If tag is 'Been through acquisition nurturing'
Sales send prospect into list from Salesforce
Passive Engagement Program
Passive Engagement Program
Sales - add to nurture program' list
If no tag is present
No tag send to Acquisition: Tagged so send to passive engagement program Score is reset by these automation rules.
Prospect list
Acquisition Program
User Gr ou ps If someone from the sales team is on holiday or not present, you can remove them from their user group and replace them so no leads are waiting to be assigned. Here's how to do it:
1. Log in to pardot and navigate to 'Admin > User management > Users'. Select the user who is away, and click 'Edit Groups'
2. Untick the user from the groups that they are associated to.
3. Go back to the 'Users' screen. Now tick the user who will replace the person who is away and scroll down to the bottom. Choose 'Add users to group' from the dropdown, select the relevant area and click 'Go'.
Tom Ryan | Founder & Certified Pardot Consultant | 07800897425 |
[email protected]