Exercise Science Option

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Exercise Science: pre-health and preparation for ... http://www.csun.edu/anr/ forms/chngmajor.pdf ... Kinesiology courses do not count in GE (except for KIN. 306).
Mandatory Advisement Group (MAG) Session Kinesiology Options: Exercise Science Applied Fitness & Active Lifestyle Development Advisors: Sean Flanagan, Kim Henige, Vicky Jaque, Steven Loy, Jennifer Romack, Dino Vrongistinos, & Ben Yaspelkis

Your Kinesiology Advisor 

Advisor assignment: Kinesiology office, RE 250

Provides academic advice throughout the semester

Helps you complete the Graduation Evaluation

Mentoring can be sought from any Kinesiology faculty member

Avoid Learned Helplessness

• Where do you find answers to most of your questions? In the CSUN University catalog!

• View CSUN catalog online at http://www.csun.edu/catalog/

Academic Planning 

Degree Progress Report (DPR) Info http://www.csun.edu/anr/degreeprogress/dpr.html

How to Interpret Your DPR http://www.csun.edu/anr/soc/guides/InterpretDPRMAP.html

4-Year & Transfer Plans http://www.csun.edu/anr/plans/2009/4year/index.html

Registration Appointment 

Registration appointment date/time is viewable through SOLAR

Hard Holds • MAG attendance releases department hold • check SOLAR to see if you have holds from any other agencies

How do the two options differ? 

Exercise Science: pre-health and preparation for graduate school

Applied Fitness: preparation for fitness-related careers • No chemistry, trigonometry/geometry, physics • 2 psychology courses and 1 nutrition course • Some different kinesiology UD requirements and electives

Declare/change option: turn into Kinesiology Office, RE 250 http://www.csun.edu/anr/forms/chngmajor.pdf

General Education (GE) 

Kinesiology courses do not count in GE (except for KIN 306)

Look for courses that satisfy more than one GE requirement

CC Transfer Students • CSU GE-Breadth Certification could save units • www.assist.org

Upper Division GE Requirement (UDGE = 9 units) • Take UDGE courses after completing 60 units • Required for transfer students (even if CSU GEBreadth Certified) • Reserve 9 units of LDGE for double counting of courses common to both LDGE and UDGE sections

GE 


Section A, Basic Subjects

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Math 140 (required by all Kinesiology options) Exercise Science: MATH 102 or 105 or 255A also satisfies this section of GE

Section B, Natural Sciences

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BIO 101/L (required by all Kinesiology options) Exercise Science: PHYS 100A/L and CHEM 101/L or CHEM 103/L satisfies this section of GE

GE (continued) 

Section D, Social Sciences

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KIN 306 (satisfies this section for all Kinesiology options; does not count for UDGE) Applied Fitness: PSY 150 -> PSY 352 (also UDGE)

Section E, Lifelong Learning

Applied Fitness: FCS 207, HSCI 337 (also UDGE)

Information Competence (IC)

Applied Fitness: FCS 207, PSY 352 (also UDGE)

Upper Division Writing Requirement 

Take after 56 units and before 75

• http://www.csun.edu/testing/ • can retake once 

If you wait too long (semester 75 units completed)

• Hard Hold on registration

• http://www.csun.edu/anr/forms/udwpe_appeal.pdf

Exercise Science: additional requirements 

Math and Physics

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MATH 102: need ELM, ELM exempt, or MATH 093 MATH 104 or 105: need MPT or MATH 102 (C or better) PHYS 100A/L: need MPT or MATH 104 or 105 KIN 445: need MATH 104 or 105


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CHEM 101/L: need CPT or CHEM 100 (C or better at CSUN) or

CHEM 103/L: need ELM, ELM exempt

Curriculum Changes 

KIN 377 replaces KIN 329

KIN 477 replaces KIN 325

KIN 478 replaces KIN 325L & KIN 329L

KIN 477 and 478 are co-requisites

Kinesiology Prerequisite Courses 

Plan ahead, for example,

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Applied Fitness: BIO 101/L* -> BIO 211/212 ->KIN 300 -> KIN 345/L Applied Fitness: KIN 345/L and KIN 346/L -> KIN 417/L Exercise Science: BIO 101/L* -> BIO 211/212 ->KIN 300 -> KIN 345/L (C- or better) -> KIN 445

* BOTH Bio 106/L AND Bio 107/L are necessary if taken in lieu of Bio 101/L

Kinesiology Prerequisite Courses 

Plan ahead, for example,

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Both Options: BIO 101/L* -> BIO 281 and KIN 201/L > KIN 346/L (C- or better) -> KIN 446/L Both Options: Kin 200 and 201/L -> KIN 377 -> KIN 477 and KIN 478

* BOTH Bio 106/L AND Bio 107/L are necessary if taken in lieu of Bio 101/L

Other Kinesiology Information 

Complete LD kinesiology core classes (KIN 200, KIN 201/L) right away

Complete majority of the UD kinesiology core (at least 4 of 6) before taking UD required courses in your option

Based on student feedback: try to avoid taking any of these classes simultaneously: 346, 325 477, 446, 445

Courses that require a C- or better in KIN 346/L, KIN 345/L

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KIN 436 KIN 446 KIN 456 KIN 445

Summer 2013 

Courses “usually” offered that can be applied to Exercise Science/Applied Fitness options

• 

KIN 200, 305, 306, 329 377, 345, 346, 325 477/478


Undergraduate Policy on Repeating Coursework (May ’09) 


Only courses with a grade of C- or below

16 units grade forgiveness, additional 12 units grade averaging

Must repeat CSUN courses at CSUN

Cannot register for repeat courses until the Thursday just prior to the beginning of the semester

Third enrollment requires approval of College Dean http://www.csun.edu/anr/forms/ThirdRepeatApprovalRequest.pdf

Individual course enrollment: three times maximum

Preparing for Graduation (≥ 90 units) 

Step 1: Download a Graduation Evaluation Form for your option and an Application for Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma Form • https://www.csun.edu/hhd/kin/GraduationEvaluation_KIN.html • http://www.csun.edu/anr/grad/apply.html

Step 2: Using a current “MAP” (My Academic Planner) and “DPR” (Degree Progress Report) from SOLAR, complete one copy of each form in black ink . • Note: MAP must be completed (map of your plan) http://www.csun.edu/anr/soc/guides/map.html

Step 3: Take the completed forms and your current MAP and DPR, to your advisor for review and approval (signature). Note: Both forms must be fully and accurately completed BEFORE you see your advisor.

Step 4: Submit advisor approved forms to Kinesiology Undergraduate Coordinator (RE 250).

Step 5: You will receive and email (about a week later) to pick up from RE 250 and deliver to Admissions and Records. (Once processed, priority registration is given in your last semester)

Completing a Graduation Evaluation

Physical Therapy School 

Consult with individual schools for prerequisites and other requirements

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Do your research early American Physical Therapy Association: www.apta.org

Common pre-reqs: CHEM 102/L, PHYS 100B/L, BIO 282, PSY 150 & 310

PSY 250 is now a pre-req for PSY 310

GPA generally very important

Consider your current GPA and the potential of achieving a competitive GPA

CSUN Physical Therapy (www.csun.edu/hhd/pt)

• • • • •

Attend one of the regularly scheduled Group Advisement Sessions Prerequisite grades: C or better in each course, minimum 3.0 pre-req GPA Cumulative GPA: minimum 3.0 Recent admits: 2012 < 3% acceptance rate, average GPA of 3.5 DPT program began fall 2012

Have a “Plan B”

Miscellaneous 

Graduate School -Consult individual schools for prereqs and requirements

CSUN Kinesiology MS

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http://www.csun.edu/hhd/kin/graduate.html Can take MS classes last semester of BS, but will not count toward BS Before applying, speak to faculty member in interest area Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Vicky Jaque [email protected]

Do you belong to KMC?

Sign-up • Bagel Sale in west lobby of RE • Email: [email protected]

Think about your future now!

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Attend the bi-semester FUTURE events offered by Dr. Loy Get added to the “Jobs” email list: [email protected]; Please provide alternate email address (not my.csun.edu)

In Closing 

You are responsible for knowing and understanding all of the rules and regulations in the CSUN catalog.

NEATLY write your name and student ID# on the MAG attendance sheet.

Writing someone else’s name on the attendance sheet is in violation of CSUN’s Student Conduct Code.

Confirm that your hard hold has been removed a week prior to your registration. Hard hold removal is completed by the faculty whose session you attended.