Explosive solutions of elliptic equations with absorption and nonlinear ...

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The aim of this paper is to study the influence of the non-linear gradient term |∇u|a. It .... In order to find a positive sub-solution, we apply Theorem 5 in [2] (see.
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) Vol. 112, No. 3, August 2002, pp. 441–451. © Printed in India

Explosive solutions of elliptic equations with absorption and non-linear gradient term MARIUS GHERGU, CONSTANTIN NICULESCU ∗ ˘ and VICENT¸IU RADULESCU Department of Mathematics, University of Craiova, 1100 Craiova, Romania Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

MS received 22 February 2002; revised 23 May 2002 Abstract. C 1 -function such that f > 0 on (0, ∞), Rf (0) = 0, R ∞ √ Let f be a non-decreasing t 2/a 1/ F (t)dt < ∞ and F (t)/f (t) → 0 as t → ∞, where F (t) = 0 f (s) ds 1 and a ∈ (0, 2]. We prove the existence of positive large solutions to the equation 1u + q(x)|∇u|a = p(x)f (u) in a smooth bounded domain  ⊂ RN , provided that p, q are non-negative continuous functions so that any zero of p is surrounded by a surface strictly included in  on which p is positive. Under additional hypotheses on p we deduce the existence of solutions if  is unbounded. Keywords. Explosive solution; semilinear elliptic problem; entire solution; maximum principle.

1. Introduction and the main results The aim of this paper is to study the following semilinear elliptic problem  1u + q(x)|∇u|a = p(x)f (u), in  u ≥ 0, u 6≡ 0,



where  ⊂ RN (N ≥ 3) is a smooth domain (bounded or possibly unbounded) with compact (possibly empty) boundary. We assume throughout this paper that a ≤ 2 is a positive real number, p, q are non-negative functions such that p 6≡ 0, p, q ∈ C 0,α () if 0,α (), otherwise. The non-linearity f is assumed to fulfill  is bounded, and p, q ∈ Cloc (f1) (f2) (f3)

f ∈ C 1 [0, ∞), f 0 ≥ 0, f (0) = 0 and f > 0 on (0, ∞). Rt R∞ −1/2 dt < ∞ , where F (t) = 0 f (s) ds. 1 [F (t)] F (t) f 2/a (t)



t → ∞.

The condition (f2) is called Keller–Osserman condition (see [5,11]). We also point out that the increasing non-linearity f is called an absorption term. Remarks (1) The above conditions hold provided that f (t) = t k , k > 1 and 0 < a < 2k/(k + 1) (< 2), or f (t) = et − 1, or f (t) = et − t and a < 2. 441


Marius Ghergu, Constantin Niculescu and Vicent¸iu Rˇadulescu

(2) By (f1) and (f3) it follows that f/F a/2 ≥ β > 0 for t large enough, that is, (F 1−a/2 )0 ≥ β > 0 for t large enough whichRyields 0 < a ≤ 2. ∞ (3) Conditions (f2) and (f3) imply 1 dt/f 1/a (t) < ∞ . We are mainly interested in finding properties of large (explosive) solutions of (1), that is, solutions u satisfying u(x) → ∞ as dist (x, ∂) → 0 (if  6≡ RN ), or u(x) → ∞ as |x| → ∞ (if  = RN ). In the latter case the solution is called an entire large (explosive) solution. Cˆırstea and R˘adulescu [2] proved the existence of large solutions to (1) in the case q ≡ 0. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of the non-linear gradient term |∇u|a . It turns out that the presence of this term can have significant influence on the existence of a solution, as well as on its asymptotic behavior. Problems of this type appear in stochastic control theory and have been first studied by Lasry and Lions [8]. The corresponding parabolic equation was considered in Quittner [12]. In terms of the dynamic programming approach, an explosive solution of (1) corresponds to a value function (or Bellman function) associated to an infinite exit cost (see [8]). Bandle and Giarrusso [1] studied the existence of a large solution of problem (1) in the case p ≡ 1, q ≡ 1 and  bounded, while Lair and Wood [7] studied the sublinear case if p ≡ 1. Giarrusso [4] also studied the asymptotic behavior of the explosive solution under the same assumptions as in [1]. As observed in [1], the simplest case is a = 2, which can be reduced to a problem without gradient term. Indeed, if u is a solution of (1) for q ≡ 1, then the function v = eu satisfies ( 1v = p(x)vf (ln v) in  , v(x) → +∞

if dist (x, ∂) → 0.

We shall therefore mainly consider the case where 0 < a < 2. Our first result concerns the existence of a large solution to problem (1) when  is bounded. Theorem 1. Suppose  is bounded and p satisfies (p1) For every x0 ∈  with p(x0 ) = 0, there exists a domain 0 3 x0 such that 0 ⊂  and p > 0 on ∂0 . Then problem (1) has a positive large solution. Note that, by the maximum principle, a solution of (1) provides an upper bound for any solution of 1u = p(x)g(u, ∇u)

in ,

where g(u, ξ ) ≥ f (u) − |ξ |a ,

∀u ∈ R, ∀ξ ∈ RN .

The next purpose of the paper is to prove the existence of an entire large solution for (1). Our result in this case is Theorem 2. Assume that  = RN and that problem (1) has at least a solution. Suppose that p satisfies the condition (p1)0 There exists a sequence of smooth bounded domains (n )n≥1 such that n ⊂ n+1 , RN = ∪∞ n=1 n , and (p1) holds in n , for any n ≥ 1.

Explosive solutions of elliptic equations


Then there exists a classical solution U of (1) which is a maximal solution if p is positive. If p verifies Z the additional condition ∞


r8(r) dr < ∞ ,

where 8(r) = max {p(x) : |x| = r},


then U is an entire large solution of (1). An example of function p satisfying both the conditions (p1)0 and (p2), with p vanishing in every neighborhood of infinity is given in [1]. Theorem 3. Suppose that  6= RN is unbounded and that problem (1) has at least a solution. Assume that p satisfies condition (p1)0 in . Then there exists a classical solution U of problem (1) which is maximal solution if p is positive. If  = RN \ B(0, R) and p satisfies the additional condition (p2), with 8(r) = 0 for r ∈ [0, R], then the solution U of (1) is a large solution that blows-up at infinity. Our paper is organized as follows. In §2 we give an auxiliary result concerning problem (1) for  bounded. In §3 we prove Theorem 1 while in §4 we prove Theorems 2 and 3. In the last part of the paper we prove the following necessary condition for the existence of entire large solutions to eq. (1) if p satisfies (p2), and for which f is not assumed to satisfy (f2), and p is not required to be so regular as before. More precisely, we prove Theorem 4. Assume that p ∈ C(RN ) is a non-negative and non-trivial function which satisfies (p2). Let f be a function satisfying assumption (f1). Then condition Z ∞ dt 0 . This contradiction concludes our proof.

3. Existence results for bounded domains Proof of Theorem 1. By Lemma 1, the boundary value problem    1  a 1vn + q(x)|∇vn | = p(x) + in  f (vn )   n on ∂ vn = n     in  vn ≥ 0, vn 6≡ 0 has a unique positive solution, for any n ≥ 1.

Explosive solutions of elliptic equations


Let us notice first that the sequence (vn ) is non-decreasing. Indeed, by Lemma 1, the boundary value problem  in  1ζ + q(x)|∇ζ |a = (kpk∞ + 1)f (ζ )    ζ =1 on ∂    ζ >0 in  has a unique solution. Using the same arguments as in the proof of Lemma 1 we deduce that 0 < ζ ≤ v1 ≤ · · · ≤ vn ≤ · · · ,

in  .


We now claim that (a) for all x0 ∈  there exist an open set O ⊂⊂  which contains x0 and M0 = M0 (x0 ) > 0 such that vn ≤ M0 in O for all n ≥ 1 . (b) limx→∂ v(x) = ∞, where v(x) = limn→∞ vn (x). We also observe that the statement (a) shows that the sequence (vn ) is uniformly bounded on every compact subset of . Standard elliptic regularity arguments show that v is a solution of problem (1). Then, by virtue of (5) and the statement (b), it follows that v is a large solution of problem (1). To prove (a) we distinguish two cases: Case p(x0 ) > 0. By the continuity of p, there exists a ball B = B(x0 , r) ⊂⊂  such that m0 := min {p(x); x ∈ B} > 0. Let w be a positive solution of the problem ( 1w + q(x)|∇w|a = m0 f (w) w(x) → ∞

in B as x → ∂B.

The existence of w follows by considering the problem ( 1wn + q(x)|∇wn |a = m0 f (wn ) wn = n

in B on ∂B.

The maximum principle implies wn ≤ wn+1 ≤ θ, where ( 1θ + kqkL∞ |∇θ|a = m0 f (θ) θ(x) → ∞

in B as x → ∂B.

We point out that the existence of θ follows as in [1] with the changing of variable θ (x) = 1/(2−a) . u(ξ x), where ξ = kqkL∞ Using the same arguments as in the proof of Lemma 1, it follows that vn ≤ w in B. Furthermore, w is bounded in B(x0 , r/2). Setting M0 = supO w, where O = B(x0 , r/2), we obtain (a).


Marius Ghergu, Constantin Niculescu and Vicent¸iu Rˇadulescu

Case p(x0 ) = 0. Our hypothesis (p1) and the boundedness of  imply the existence of a domain O ⊂⊂  which contains x0 such that p > 0 on ∂O . The above case shows that for any x ∈ ∂O there exist a ball B(x, rx ) strictly contained in  and a constant Mx > 0 such that vn ≤ Mx on B(x, rx /2), for any n ≥ 1. Since ∂O is compact, it follows that it may be covered by a finite number of such balls, say B(xi , rxi /2), i = 1, . . . , k0 . Setting M0 = max {Mx1 , . . . , Mxk0 }, we have vn ≤ M0 on ∂O, for any n ≥ 1. Applying the maximum principle (as in the proof of the uniqueness in Lemma 1) we obtain vn ≤ M0 in O and (a) follows. Let z be the unique solution of the linear problem  −1z = p(x)    z=0    z ≥ 0, z 6≡ 0

in  on ∂


in .

Moreover, by the maximum principle, z > 0 in . We first observe that for proving (b) it is sufficient to show that Z

∞ v(x)

dt ≤ z(x) f (t)

for any x ∈ .


By ([2], Lemma 1), the left-hand side of (7) is well-defined in . We choose R > 0 so that  ⊂ B(0, R) and fix ε > 0. Since vn = n on ∂, let n1 = n1 (ε) be such that n1 >

1 , ε(N − 3)(1 + R 2 )−3/2 + 3ε(1 + R 2 )−5/2


dt ≤ z(x) + ε(1 + |x|2 )−1/2 f (t)


and Z

∞ vn (x)

∀ x ∈ ∂ , ∀ n ≥ n1 .

In order to prove (7), it is enough to show that Z

∞ vn (x)

dt ≤ z(x) + ε(1 + |x|2 )−1/2 f (t)

∀ x ∈  , ∀n ≥ n1 .


Indeed, taking n → ∞ in (10) we deduce (7), since ε > 0 is arbitrarily chosen. Assume now, by contradiction, that (10) fails. Then Z max x∈

∞ vn (x)

 dt 2 −1/2 − z(x) − ε(1 + |x| ) > 0. f (t)

Using (9) we see that the point where the maximum is achieved must lie in . At this point, say x0 , for all n ≥ n1 we have

Explosive solutions of elliptic equations Z 0≥1  = −

vn (x)

dt − z(x) − ε(1 + |x|2 )−1/2 f (t)

1 1vn − f (vn )

447  |x=x0

 0  1 (vn ) · |∇vn |2 − 1z(x) f |x=x0

− ε(1(1 + |x|2 )−1/2 ) |x=x0 

|∇vn |a 1 − = −p(x) − + q(x) n f (vn )

 0  1 2 (vn ) · |∇vn | + p(x) f

− ε(1(1 + |x|2 )−1/2 ) |x=x0 

|∇vn |a − = q(x) f (vn )

 0  1 2 (vn ) · |∇vn | f |x=x0

+ ε(N − 3)(1 + |x0 |2 )−3/2 + 3 ε(1 + |x0 |2 )−5/2 − 

|∇vn |a − ≥ q(x) f (vn )

 0  1 2 (vn ) · |∇vn | f |x=x0

+ ε(N − 3)(1 + R 2 )−3/2 + 3 ε(1 + R 2 )−5/2 −

1 n

1 >0 n

(for the last inequality from above we have used (8)). This contradiction shows that inequality (9) holds and the proof of Theorem 1 is complete.

4. Existence results for unbounded domains Proof of Theorem 2. By Theorem 1, the boundary value problem  in n 1u + q(x)|∇un |a = p(x)f (un )    n un (x) → ∞ as x → ∂n    un > 0 in n


has solution. Since n ⊂ n+1 , for each n ≥ 1, in the same manner as in the uniqueness proof of Lemma 1 we find that un ≥ un+1 in n . Since RN = ∪∞ n=1 n and n ⊂ n+1 it follows that for every x0 ∈ RN there exists n0 = n0 (x0 ) such that x0 ∈ n for all n ≥ n0 . In view of the monotonicity of the sequence (un (x0 ))n≥n0 we can define U (x0 ) = limn→∞ un (x0 ). Applying a standard bootstrap argument (see ([6], Theorem 1)) we find 2,α (RN ) and 1U + q(x)|∇U |a = p(x)f (U ) in RN . that U ∈ Cloc We now prove that U is the maximal solution of problem (1) under the assumption that p is positive. Indeed, let v be an arbitrary solution of (1). By the maximum principle, we find that un ≥ v in n for all n ≥ 1. Thus the definition of U implies that U ≥ v in RN .


Marius Ghergu, Constantin Niculescu and Vicent¸iu Rˇadulescu

We suppose, in addition, that p satisfies (p2) and we shall prove that U blows-up at infinity. From [2], the problem ( 1u = p(x)f (u) in  u ≥ 0, u 6≡ 0

in  ,

admits a classical maximal solution V which, under the above assumption blows-up at infinity. It is sufficient now to show that V (x) ≤ un (x) + ε(1 + |x|2 )−1/2

for any x ∈ n


where ε is fixed. Suppose it is contrary. Then max ( V (x) − un (x) − ε(1 + |x|2 )−1/2 ) > 0 .


Since un (x) → ∞ as x → ∂n , we find that the point where the maximum is achieved must lie in n . At that point, say x0 , we have 0 ≥ 1(V (x) − un (x) − ε(1 + |x|2 )−1/2 )|x=x0 = p(x0 ) (f (V (x0 )) − f (un (x0 ))) + q(x) |∇un |a (x0 ) + ε(N − 3)(1 + |x|2 )−3/2 + 3 ε(1 + |x|2 )−5/2 > 0. This contradiction shows that the inequality (12) holds. Hence V ≤ un in n . By definition of U it follows that V ≤ U in RN and so U (x) → ∞ as |x| → ∞. This completes the proof. Proof of Theorem 3. Let (n )n≥1 be the sequence of bounded smooth domains given by condition (p1)0 . For n ≥ 1 fixed, let un be a positive solution of problem (11) and recall that un ≥ un+1 in n . Set U (x) = limn→∞ un (x), for every x ∈ . With the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 2 we find that U is a classical solution to (1) and that U is the maximal solution provided that p is positive. For the second part, in which  = RN \ B(0, R), we suppose that (p2) is fulfilled, with 8(r) = 0 for r ∈ [0, R]. By ([2], Theorem 3), the problem ( 1v = p(x)f (v) in  v ≥ 0, v 6≡ 0

in  ,

admits a maximal solution V which, under the same assumptions as in Theorem 3, blowsup at infinity. In the same manner as in the proof of Theorem 2 we show that V ≤ U , hence U blows up at infinity.

5. Proof of Theorem 4 Let u be an entire large solution of problem (1). Define ! ! Z u(x) Z u(rξ ) Z Z 1 dt dt 1 dS = dS, u(r) ¯ = f (t) ωN |ξ |=1 a0 f (t) ωN r N−1 |x|=r a0

Explosive solutions of elliptic equations


where ωN denotes the surface area of the unit sphere in RN and a0 is chosen such that a0 ∈ (0, u0 ), where u0 = inf RN u > 0. By the divergence theorem, we have Z 1 1 0 ∇u(rξ ) · ξ dS u¯ (r) = ωN |ξ |=1 f (u(rξ )) Z 1 1 ∇u(y) · y dS = N ωN r |y|=r f (u(y)) ! Z u(y) Z dt 1 · y dS ∇ = ωN r N |y|=r f (t) a0 ! Z u(y) Z ∂ dt 1 dS = f (t) ωN r N−1 |y|=r ∂ν a0 ! Z Z u(x) dt 1 dx. 1 = f (t) ωN r N−1 B(0,r) a0 Since u is a positive classical solution it follows that |u¯ 0 (r)| ≤ Cr → 0,

as r → 0 .

On the other hand ωN (R

N−1 0

u¯ (R) − r


N−1 0

u¯ (r)) =


Z =

Z 1

R r



1 dt f (t)

Z |x|=z

Z 1




dx dt f (t)


! dS


where D = {x ∈ RN : r < |x| < R}. Dividing by R − r and taking R → r we find ! Z Z u(x) dt N−1 0 0 dS u¯ (r)) = 1 ωN (r f (t) |x|=r a0  1 ∇u(x) dS f (u(x)) |x|=r   0 Z 1 1 1u(x) dS (u(x)) · |∇u(x)|2 + = f f (u(x)) |x|=r Z p(x)f (u(x)) dS ≤ ωN r N −1 8(r). ≤ f (u(x)) |x|=r 




The above inequality yields by integration  Z σ Z r 1−N N −1 σ τ 8(τ ) dτ dσ u(r) ¯ ≤ u(0) ¯ + 0


∀r ≥ 0.



Marius Ghergu, Constantin Niculescu and Vicent¸iu Rˇadulescu

On the other hand, according to (p2), for all r > 0 we have  Z σ Z r σ 1−N τ N−1 8(τ ) dτ dσ 0


Z σ  d 2−N N −1 ) τ 8(τ ) dτ dσ (σ 0 dσ 0 Z r Z r 1 1 r 2−N τ N−1 8(τ ) dτ − σ 8(σ ) dσ = 2−N 2−N 0 0 Z ∞ 1 r8(r) dr < ∞. ≤ N −2 0 1 = 2−N



So, by (13), u(r) ¯ ≤ u(0) ¯ +K

∀r ≥ 0.

The last inequality implies that u¯ is bounded and assuming that (2) is not fulfilled it follows that u cannot be a large solution. We point out that the hypothesis (p2) on p is essential in the statement of Theorem 4. Indeed, let us consider f (t) = t, p ≡ 1, α ∈ (0, 1), q(x) = 2α−2 ·|x|α , a = 2−α ∈ (1, 2). The corresponding problem is ( in RN 1u + 2α−2 |x|α |∇u|a = u u ≥ 0, u 6≡ 0

in RN

which has the entire large solution u(x) = |x|2 + 2N. It is clear that (2) is not fulfilled.

Acknowledgements The authors C Niculescu and V R˘adulescu are partially supported by Grant M.E.C. D26044 with the World Bank.

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