ups and downs in life, but through his resilience and leadership, his children eventually enjoyed a good education and u
S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s August 2017
BREAKING: Unilever Brands Top the Charts and More
Discover the power of Augmented Reality
The untold legend of Thomas Agus Pamudji
Our chefs reveal their weapon of choice
the league of hero hunters
Ira delivers good news! spectacular!
S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Meanwhile in UFS office building...
POW! The Superheroes Issue Hello team, It has been an intense 2017 for us so far. With all of your extraordinary efforts, we’ve met our target of 11% USG for H1! Most of the countries are also having good growth. I’m so proud of you, and I can’t wait to see what we can do together in the second half of the year. H1 2017 Performance Highlights: • 6 out of 8 countries (ID, MY, SG, VN, MM, KH) have been performing very well in topline. • Indonesia achieved strong performance of USG 17.6% with successful boost up period for Lebaran and stronger support on Core. • Malaysia had a strong start to H1 at USG 9.6% from festive uplifts in Chains, Savoury portfolio and increased FIB manufacturing volumes despite Dressings supply issue. • Vietnam registered strong double digit growth while Singapore is growing well as per target.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 I’LL LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU What would you like to see in SEA Conversations? Let me know your thoughts.
Why Superheroes? Behind every success is an unbeatable spirit: one that has grit, great ideas and courage. What usually inspires such an attitude is a role model whom we’ve encountered in life. Role models show us that we can dream and do the impossible. They help us define our beliefs and goals.
[email protected]
In this issue, we’ve decided to find out about your superheroes – the people who give you that boost in life. I have been inspired by many great people, one amongst those is Oprah Winfrey, who has been an inspiration, and in the video, I share more about how she influences my leadership style. Power-packed Conversations A great team is made of people with diverse skills and talents, and in every issue, we try to uncover the different personalities in UFS. In this issue, our HR friends share with us about their own heroes; the Digital gurus tell us what it’s like to live in a super-human world of Augmented Reality; and our Chefs reveal the ingredients that powerup their dishes. It’s a fun issue that we hope will unveil to you the magic in everyday life. As you’ll find out from our conversations with your colleagues, superheroes and superpowers don’t only exist in the fantasy worlds – they’re also usually just next to us, or more wonderfully, right in us. Yours truly, Ira
S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 EXPOSED...
TTHOM H OM AS AGU S PA M U DJI PAMUDJI Did you know: The MD of Indonesia and Singapore wanted to be an air crash investigator!
In this Q&A with Indonesia and Singapore MD Thomas Agus Pamudji, we ask him about the super power he has always wanted to have. What’s your work like by day, when you’re not out saving the world by night? By day, as an MD in UFS, I discuss and work with my teams to find ways of growing the business. But what is exciting to me is inspiring people through our discussions to open up opportunities and … being paid to enjoy food.
Tell us more about empowering your teams. Since I took on a new portfolio as MD of UFS Singapore, I shuttle between my Indonesia and Singapore teams. This means I’m not always there for each of them, so it gives them the opportunity to step up as self-starters and develop accountability. I tell them, “I can’t do this alone; help me as well.” In other words, a challenge that we have has become an opportunity for all.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17
By day, I’m in UFS. By night, I’m home with my family, where I have one daughter.
Do you think superheroes are important in this day and age? Yes, superheroes help us to understand the possibilities and envision a better future. We turn to them for support. But in the end, it is up to us to get things done or achieve our dreams. No superhero can do the hard work for us.
My team in Singapore. They are Introducing me to the Singaporean way of life through food – that is, dish by dish.
My team in Indonesia. It’s always great fun working with these superheroes. Thanks to them, I manage to get out of my introvert shell.
Who is your superhero? Mum. It’s a classic answer but it’s true! She was only a high school graduate, but she set such a good example for her four children that we all have a proper education and a master’s degree today. Mum is my superhero because she gave me hope for my future. Continue >>
S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 What is one super power that you’ll like to have? I’d like to read minds! I’m an introvert most of the time, so I don’t often strike up conversations. But I’m always interested in understanding people and how they think, so reading minds will be great.
What would you have liked to work as if you aren’t in UFS? An air crash investigator. I have a degree in mechanical engineering, so I’m still interested in the subject. I also like solving problems, and air crashes are huge, complex challenges.
Back in my homeland, there are also many heroic wonders and sights. Here I am at the world’s largest Buddhist temple, Borobudur, in Magelang, Indonesia.
My family and I have a super power: Teleporting to many places around the world!
Thomas’ Life in 140 characters In the end, everything will be ok. If it’s not ok, then it’s not the end. Just keep trying.
S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 DIGITAL TRENDS
What does it feel like to have a super power at your fingertips? The SEA Digital Marketing team tries takes on augmented reality through 3 apps!
Augmented reality (AR) enhances our real-world environment with digital effects or data. The SEA Digital Marketing team tries 3 AR apps and tells us if this technology can really make them super – or not.
google translate
Scan the sky and stargaze.
Scan objects and find out more about them.
Scan texts and translate them.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Tang Ji-Ching, SEA “Better if it can autodetect which language is being scanned”
SCANNED: A UNILEVER PRODUCT FROM RUSSIA “I used this app while figuring out if the free Russian Unilever product from a technology fair was a shampoo, conditioner or lotion. The app is useful during travels, when we want to buy products but can’t read the labels.” Rating: “The camera feature doesn’t auto-detect the language (I had to set it to the right one) – this may defeat the purpose of having a translator app in situations where you don’t know which language you’re looking at.”
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Alex Abreu, Malaysia “I learnt basic Malay words from this app”
SCANNED: VARIOUS UFS PRODUCTS “I actually use the Google Translate app regularly! It helps me with my day-to-day activities – whether it’s at work (adapting materials from a website in local language) or personal use (shopping in the supermarket, and the products are labelled in local language). This way, I don’t mistakenly buy something I don’t need!” Rating: “Super, super helpful. The camera feature saves me the trouble of typing the foreign characters into the app!”
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Chua Shuting, SEA “For a moment, I feel like an astronomy expert”
SCANNED: THE SKY FROM FAR EAST PLAZA, SINGAPORE “Most times, it’s difficult to see stars in the city due to light pollution. With the SkyView app, I can access the wonders of the universe right in the city! I simply hold the phone up to the sky and I can identify the stars and planets.” Rating: “Easy to use free app for amateur stargazers.”
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Dian Marsi, Indonesia “As a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut”
SCANNED: THE SKY FROM HER HOME IN SOUTH JAKARTA, INDONESIA “This app gave me an experience like Pokemon Go, only cooler! It also made me exercise – I was walking around with my phone to search for stars, and it got more exciting when I found a planet. I saw Saturn!” Rating: “Sometimes the app couldn’t scan the sky when I pointed it at the brighter areas, but I look forward to trying this in a different city, under a different sky.”
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Leezel DeAsis, Philippines “Not very accurate results”
SCANNED: A PACK OF KNORR CHICKEN SEASONING POWDER “The Blippar app showed keywords related to the object, but it did not form conclusions to what it was. It generated many generic keywords (Business, Snackfood, Packaging, Stock, Dish), but also a lot of unrelated keywords (Merchandise, Dairy, Refreshment, People, Illustration). I scanned a simpler item like a bottle of Lipton Real Leaf drink, but the conclusions were still inaccurate.” Rating: “The app produced many unrelated keywords; it can be more detailed about the results.”
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Cherdphong Vanijyananda (Oft), Thailand SCANNED: VARIOUS UFS PRODUCTS “The app has a complicated interface, which doesn’t give me any instructions on using it. Right now, it only generates keywords. It will be more useful if the app generated related links to recipes from the UFS items that I scanned.” Rating: “A confusing app”
“It’s not quite user-friendly.”
S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 food secrets
OUR CHEFS REVEAL THEIR WEAPON OF CHOICE Our Executive Chefs tell us the one powerful secret ingredient that they always rely on to make any dish out of this world.
Chef Joanne Limoanco, Philippines
“Use butter to make a dish rich!”
Chef Eric Chua, Singapore
“An egg can be used in so many meals throughout the day.”
Chef Jiraroj Navanukroh (POP), Thailand
“Lemongrass: so aromatic, so flavourful, so good for health.”
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Chef Joanne Limoanco, Philippines
“There are so many ways to use butter in cooking. With butter, you can really turn a dish a few notches up, and make it taste rich. For example, a cheaper seafood item like mussels can transform into a super heavenly dish when butter is used instead of the more conventional cream. With its amazing nutty flavour when heated, butter can enhance the flavour of food.”
Chef Joanne’s Super Dish: Her Mussels in Butter Sauce is a creamy, divine and classic delight.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Chef Eric Chua, Singapore
Eggs – one of the first few things we learn to cook as a chef. How a person cooks an egg determines how good a chef he is. There are more than 10 ways to cook eggs: fried, scrambled, sunny side up, boiled, over easy and more. You can have an egg at any part of the day, whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner. And, there are so many different types of eggs!
Chef Eric’s Super Dish: He can whip up an innovative Caesar-wich if you buy him some eggs.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Chef Jiraroj Navanukroh (Pop), Thailand
“I like to use lemongrass for cooking Thai, Asian and Western-fusion cuisine. Lemongrass has an aromatic flavor, and it’s good for health. It’s also great for marinating meat – after the meat is grilled, the lemongrass lingers well in flavour and taste. Sometimes I infuse lemongrass in Asian dressing. Lemongrass helps me to make magic with my dishes.”
Chef Jiraoj’s Super Dish: His Herb Crusted Baramundi is baked in a crust of lemongrass, garlic, parsley and toasted almonds, and is served with braised orange and fennel sauce. No wonder it won a silver medal at HOFEX 2011.
S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 inspirations
The year is 2017. The Human Resources Team - also known as the League of Hero Hunters - is tasked to assemble super leagues for the UFS galaxy to thrive.
The League searches the universe, empowers humanity to discover its super powers and brings transformation, one hero at a time.
So what drives the League of Hero Hunters?
Let me show you.
We will find you!
We find out more about the team, their life motto and inspirations.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 CAPTAIN SUNSHINE: He leads with positivity
Lim Zhi Rong, AAME/SEA “The more I help others to succeed, the more I succeed.” – Ray Kroc This quote defines the way I work with people. My role as a HR Leader is to inspire, develop, groom and help others to succeed, such that they become better than before. I’m always happy to empower a person – whether it’s in his or her life or career. I’m happy when others are happy. Success is about focusing on strengths – life is too short to waste on our weaknesses! Mum is my superhero. She has inspired me with her resilience. She tirelessly raised four kids in a difficult environment, always helped others in need and learnt something from everyone or in any situation she encountered.
HAWKGIRL: Her super focus gets things done
Zikra Madina, Indonesia “Spend far more energy focusing on your Circle of Influence rather than on your Circle of Concern.” – Stephen Covey I go to this quote every time I’m under pressure or in distress. It helps me to keep my sanity by reminding me to focus on the things I can change, rather than losing my time and energy on those beyond my control. My parents are my superheroes. They’ve raised my siblings and me with strong family values such as doing our best, being respectful, knowing our worth, living with integrity and more.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 MISS FANTASTIC: Her kindness builds bridges
Tan Zhen Ling, Philippines “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle you know nothing about.” – Ian Maclaren This quote reminds me to spend time understanding people, especially those that I may not always agree with. Also, my role requires me to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds – it’s important for me to put myself in others’ shoes. In general, everyone has many different roles in life and is going through challenges that we don’t know about. My superheroes are my parents. They shaped me into who I am today; and ingrained values in me that I highly regard, such as perseverance. Don’t give up in the face of obstacles. Push on to see the fruits of your labour.
THE SAGE: Her weapons are clarity and calm
Win Thet Mon, Myanmar “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” – Buddha This quote helps me to keep life straightforward. We are the only ones who can make our lives better. Instead of criticising others, why not shape our future ourselves and find more meaning this way? My superhero is Thynn Yu Kyaw, my line manager in my previous job. She has inspired me because she is fair, empowering, smart, a good people manager and has a big heart.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 SUPERGIRL: Her joyful charm brightens life
Hong Nguyen Xuan, Vietnam “Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet.” – Sarah Louise Delany Life is tough. However, if we can pause, think about others and make things easier for those around us, we can actually enjoy life. Making life sweet means caring for people and oneself. My grandfather is my superhero. He was a typical farmer, responsible for a big family (10 children). He went through many ups and downs in life, but through his resilience and leadership, his children eventually enjoyed a good education and upbringing.
IRON WOMAN: Her courage is like no one else’s
Wasinee Chatmanop (Gib), Thailand Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, “Holy crap, what a ride!” – Hunter S. Thompson This quote helps me to overcome fear, encourages me to get out of my comfort zone and reminds me to accept that disappointments are a part of life. The ups and downs are what make a journey more meaningful. My mother is my superhero. Such a cliché answer but it’s true! She did not only give me life; she also showed me a life well lived. She built everything from nothing, and passed away from cancer. Her life is the best lesson that inspires me to shape a better path of my own.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 THE MANHUNTER: His sharp senses suss out great teams
Huang Yong Kang, Singapore “You need the right people with you, not the best people.” – Jack Ma In my role as a Business Partner for UFS, I work closely with Business to bring in the right people who can contribute to the dynamics and culture of each functional team. The cost of constantly hiring and training a new person is high, so it’s important to nail it from the start. Jack Ma also said, “Don’t put a Boeing 747 engine into a poor tractor! You make both feel miserable!” My superhero is mum. Being a full-time housewife is probably the toughest job in the world. She gave up her dreams so that my sis and I could chase ours. She has inspired me to overcome adversity and not give up.
THE TRUTH SEEKER: He takes the road less travelled
Chuman-Dev Chandra-Bose, Malaysia “The boat of truth will rock, but never sink.” – Proverb I believe we should treat people the way we want to be treated: I truly value it when others are honest with me. Often, being honest can be difficult, but it speaks heaps about one’s character and strength to face adversities with transparency. In the long run, you are true to yourself and those around you. Mum is my superhero. She can be at many places at a time and multitask like a superwoman. With her spider senses, she can find every lost item. Her hulk-like strength gave me a real whopping when I was younger and playful. She cooks like Gordon Ramsey. Just like the Care Bears, she has infinite love for her family. Overall, she inspires me to be better at the things I do, but more importantly, to value those who are in my inner circle.
S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 BUZZING
Super duper news on Unilever from around the world.
TOP 50
Unilever features more than any other company in Kantar Worldpanel’s study of the world’s most chosen brands. How we ranked in the Top 50:
Lifebuoy (3rd) Sunsilk (10th) Knorr (11th) Dove (12th) Lux (13th) Sunlight (14th) Pepsodent (18th) Surf (27th) Rexona (28th) Vim (29th) Brooke Bond (34th) Close Up (42nd) Lipton (48th)
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 Keith Weed Is Forbes’ World’s Most Influential CMO Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Keith Weed, is the most influential chief marketer globally, according to the latest Forbes World’s Most Influential CMOs report. Keith takes the top spot for his broad visibility and engagement across multiple channels including digital. He is vocal about key industry issues such as gender in advertising and sustainable brands.
Vaseline is World’s No. 1 Hand and Body Care Brand Nielsen Retail Measurements confirmed Vaseline had sold more units globally (470 million) than any other hand and body care brand in 2016. Vaseline Global VP, Marcela Melero, says that there’s still plenty of potential for growth. “We will continue to drive penetration in emerging markets by focusing on purpose-driven, locally relevant brand communication, and prioritising the right products with the right sizes and at the right prices for our countries,” she says.
Persil Powergems: A Breakthrough Innovation Unilever launched the first breakthrough innovation in the laundry category for a decade – a brand new kind of premium detergent that is neither powder nor liquid. It uses 100% active ingredients and is twice as concentrated as powder. The new winning formulation – produced in the U.K. – removes stains effectively with less mess than a powder, but with the care and intense freshness of a liquid. This new technology also allows fragrance molecules to cling to fabric throughout the wash.
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S EA C o n v er s a ti o n s : A u g 2 0 17 We Bought the King of Ketchups We’ve just added ketchup royalty to our portfolio with the acquisition of New York-based condiment firm, Sir Kensington’s, in a deal worth around $140 million. The acquisition moves Unilever forward in our mission to produce delicious food with less impact on the environment and promote nutritious cooking. One of Sir Kensington’s innovations is the use of aquafaba, an innovative vegan ingredient that helps reduce food waste. The firm sources their aquafaba from a hummus manufacturer, which formerly threw the chickpea juice away.
Unilever Acquires Iconic Australian Ice Cream Brand, Weis Weis is a family-run ice cream and desserts manufacturer founded in 1957. It features a variety of unique ice cream types, but is best known for its Fruito Bar, still made in the company’s Toowoomba factory using locally sourced, natural and high-quality ingredients. The acquisition will bring Weis the benefits of scale, strong market access and ice cream category expertise to take the business to a whole new level of growth.
Unilever Acquires Luxury Colour Cosmetics Brand Hourglass Founded in 2004 by beauty industry veteran Carisa Janes, Hourglass is known for its innovation, luxe packaging and exceptional product experience. Unilever looks forward to working with Hourglass. The colour cosmetics category has been showing high growth-rates, and Hourglass is already a successful brand in this space, offering fantastic make-up products that deliver skin care benefits.