Contours Ш {0}, PlotPoints Ш 50, ContourShading -> False]. Out[85]=. We can get an idea of the data structure used in ContourPlot by using FullForm ... Then we can display the plot of the ordered pairs in the x-y plane as follows ... Let us reconstruct the third curve in the contour plot for f2(x,y), which in this case is the based ...
Extracting Data From ContourPLot Background In this notebook we will show how one can extract the raw data from the ContourPlot. Since Mathematica V6, the data object used in ContourPlot is called a GraphicsComplex. One needs to be able to manipulate this data object in order to get access to the raw data.
Extracting data from ContourPlot Consider the following function In[84]:=
f2@x_, y_D := x - y2 Cos@yD
Here is the ContourPlot for the function f2(x,y) In[85]:=