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1 | Page. FACT SHEET. THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT. By: Stephen Adly Guirgis. A Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Theatre Production, to be ...

THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT By: Stephen Adly Guirgis A Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Theatre Production, to be performed in The Warren Theatre. (6300 Ocean Drive Center for the Arts Building, Corpus Christi TX) Tickets: $8 General Admission, $7 Military and Seniors, $5 TAMUCC Faculty/ Staff and non TAMUCC students, $3 for all TAMUCC students with a valid sandollar ID. For group sales of 10 or more tickets please contact Olivia Ross at 361-825-3756. CAST ROLE Henrietta Iscariot Gloria Judge Littlefield Bailiff Fabiana Aziza Cunningham Yusef El-Fayoumy Saint Monica Loretta Uncle Pino Butch Honeywell Judas Iscariot Matthais of Galilee Mother Teresa Saint Peter Saint Matthew Sister Glenna Simon the Zealot Satan Mary Magdalene Sigmund Frued Caiaphas the Elder Soldier 1 Soldier 2 Pontius Pilate Jesus of Nazareth

PLAYED BY Kelly Tietz Talia Davis Ryan Ramón William Minter Haley Skeans Jake Raper Jazzay Jabbar Julie Thomas Mitchell Deane Nicholas Lubke Marco Muñoz Ollie Corchado Marissa Moore Keegan O’Brien Paul Mahaffey Shea Lollar Sam Pauly Travis Delgado Kayla Gaar A. Julian Verner Joseph Urick Kevin Fredrick Derek Dubois Dennis L. Hanks Trevor Bynum

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PRODUCTION TEAM Director Stage Manager Scenic Designer Costume Designer Lighting Designer Sound Designer Hair/ Make-Up Designer Properties Designer Technical Director Marketing Director Box Office Manager Original Poster Design

J. Don Luna Kristen R. Hogan Philip Johnson Rosa M. Lazaro William Dean Jacob Henry Han Feng Liu Psyril Apacible Phillip Johnson Alison Frost Olivia Ross Joseph Urick

THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT will be performed with a 15 min intermission. SYNOPSIS: In a time bending world between Heaven and Hell, the Bible's most notorious sinner is on trial. This serio-comedic courtroom thriller addresses the consequence of choice and the limits of forgiveness. With one fateful kiss Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ. Now his fate rests upon the testimony of a colorful host of saints and sinners. Among those called to the witness stand are Satan, Pontius Pilate, Mother Teresa and Sigmund Freud. Was he an avaricious man? An instrument of divine will? Or a thwarted revolutionary? Will he be forgiven? Told with blistering passion in the raw and poetic language of the New York streets, this play finds beauty in the most unexpected places. (Contains adult language and mature themes.) Season Sponsors: Friends of the University Theatre (Michael Snider, Barbra Long, Gerald Rogen, Mr. & Mrs Braselton, Mr. & Mrs Winn, Mr. & Mrs Cheatham, Dr. Jose Duran, Dr. & Mrs. Killebrew, Mr. & Mrs Buschang, D’jango Sanders, and Mr. & Mrs Billeaux) SHOW DATES: Tuesday – Saturday, March 9-13 at 8pm Sunday March 14 at 2pm Opening night is on Tuesday, March 9 at 8pm. Press is invited to photograph and interview the artists after the closing curtain. Media please contact Olivia Ross at 361-825-3756 to arrange interviews and appearances with the cast and crew.

Texas A&M University Corpus Christi University Theatre 6300 Ocean Drive Unit 5722 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 Email: [email protected] Web: theatre.tamucc.edu 361.825.5800

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