Sustainable Manufacturing and Eco- Factories within sustainable industrial areas within fast growing Eco- cities
Sustainable Manufacturing and Eco- Factories within sustainable industrial areas within fast growing Eco- cities Leino T. 1*, Salminen K 2, and Joutsiniemi A 3 1
Department of Construction Engineering Tampere University of Technology Tampere, FI-33101, Finland
Department of Production Engineering Tampere University of Technology Tampere, FIN- 33101, Finland
School of Architechture Tampere University of Technology Tampere, FIN- 33101, Tampere
ABSTRACT Th Competitive Sustainable Manufacturing and related Eco Factory concepts with clean manufacturing solutions for green products represent the present high end in factory design. The main drivers come for on the other hand increased environmental awareness and on the other the need to manage sustainable way the rapid industrial growth in developing countries and related global urbanisation. The new standards set by all major industrial countries already give though guidelines for the industrial cities. All major manufacturing companies have developed their own eco-factory concepts to cope with the increasing demands. This paper describes an open complex system based planning process approach for creating a mixed –use sustainable city area for rapidly proceeding urbanisation. Three research projects addressing city planning, factory planning and sustainable industry combined their efforts. The developed approach integrates city and factory design. Sustainable development is reflected towards STEEPL (Social Technological Environmental Economical Political and Legal) framework and relevant tools are used to manage the complex web of interdependencies related to systemic nature of sustainability and eco-Industrial Area within City planning.
1. INTRODUCTION As urban development and related industrial change accelerates currently globally and the economical and demographic structures change unexpectedly many countries are setting strict sustainability targets for their cities. These targets put Industrial cities in difficult comparison with commercial cities. New solutions are needed for industrial cities in order to meet these growing requirements of sustainability. Sustainable Industry is the broad concept used here for eco-industrial area planning to connect it to global targets and to EU (European Union) Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS). SDS concentrates on management of natural resources, with production and consumption patterns, aims for continuous improvements in human well-being, now and in the future, setting four key objectives: environmental protection – breaking the link between economic growth and environmental damage, social equity and cohesion – building a democratic society with equal opportunities for all and economic prosperity – with full employment and good jobs [1]. Tampere University of Technology (TUT) Faculty of built environment and Department of production engineering joined with three prominent cities (Helsinki, Tampere and Vantaa) and their landmark projects for sustainable urban development as context in an integrative project “Adaptive Innovative Development process for sustainable Area” (AIDA) (2010-2012) [2]. TUT Department of production engineering started simultaneously developing together with its industrial partners a corresponding eco-factory concept CSM-Hotel [3] for sustainable industry and eco-cities. It is based on Manufuture a European industry led initiative for Competitive Sustainable Manufacturing (CSM) [4] that aims at addressing sustainability issues using STEEP-L (Social, Technological, Environmental, Economic, Politic and Legislative) context. Sustainability related values of the city and factory planning profession have changed over time, and these values manifest themselves in the physical design of the current built environment. Similarly does the values of eco-industrial area design domain, eco-construction business domain and cities political domain. The major planning * Corresponding author: Tel.: (358) 40 1981884; Fax: (358) 3 3115 3295; E-mail:
[email protected]
Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2011,
challenges in all these areas are related to rapidly developing new standards, norms and guidelines for low carbon society, eco-city planning, eco-industrial planning and the constant new related knowledge needed. This research assumes that the planning process itself has significant influence on outcome and that the needed new process can be found by finding the relevant questions. 2. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND RELATED CONCEPTS IN EU Modern cities are facing a growing number of simultaneous area development cases of both brown and green field types. New areas are built and the old ones are changing their identity. European Union’s (EU) Sustainable Development Strategy was adopted by the European Council in June 2006. It is an overarching strategy for all EU policies which sets out how we can meet the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The Sustainable Development Strategy deals in an integrated way with economic, environmental and social issues and lists the following seven key challenges: 1. Climate change and clean energy 2. Sustainable transport 3. Sustainable consumption and production 4. Conservation and management of natural resources 5. Public health 6. Social inclusion, demography and migration 7. Global poverty European Union policies for Industry seek to balance and mutually reinforce economic, environmental and social objectives. Regional governments, city authorities and industry should within EUs Environmental Action Programme (EAP), concentrate on four priority areas; climate change, nature and biodiversity, environment and health, natural resources and waste. Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) is a part of EAP and is directed for eco-innovation and use of environmental technologies. Regional governments and industry are urged to co-invest for the development and demonstration of environmental technologies in line with the EU objectives. The EU and its Member States ratified also the Kyoto Protocol to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and commit to reducing their collective emissions of six key greenhouse gases by at least 5%.
2.2. SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL AREA AS CONCEPT Sustainable Industrial area can be defined according to EU definitions as an industrial area concept where competitiveness and sustainability are mutually reinforcing [3]. Thus it should manifest co-operative regional and enterprise policy, with its focus on competitiveness, ensure economic growth and provide the essential resources to tackle environmental pressures and reinforce social cohesion. All actors in various life cycle of an eco-industrial area development in various roles must integrate accordingly environmental and social concerns into their design, planning and business practices, and promote framework conditions conducive to sustainable innovation. This calls for innovative new approaches regarding life, living, work, transport, movement, use of resources, wastes, emission and business. Integrated innovative 6R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Redesign and Remanufacture) for total sustainability strategy of an Industrial eco-city is needed. Design and architecture of mixed-use urban environment and ecosystems is currently dominated by energy and water use footprints and several ways are introduced to asses them. Various EU environmental regulations will touch just about every major energy and industrial company [1]. But design of urban industrial eco-city environment and ecosystems depends also on other issues such as demographics, congestion, transportation, waste handling, and nutrient flows. OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) [5] also stress the innovation as response to environmental and economic challenges cities face now. Related “Innovation cities”- concepts are seen as places where the political, economic, regulatory, engineering and cultural activities as critical to economies translate into economic results such as jobs and wealth for cities. For the design of such mixed use multidisciplinary urban environments there is basically two different approaches, a strict top down design or a bottom up discursion based evolutionary one. In real current cases their hybrids are the ones that actually take place and usually without any clear systematic, principles and standards.
Sustainable Manufacturing and Eco- Factories within sustainable industrial areas within fast growing Eco- cities
Besides design approaches affecting the quality of developed concepts the most influential factor is the set of regulatory constraints given. Although Sustainable Industry area development within EU cities is strongly tied into a vast set of common commitments, directives and action plans these are often not communicated clearly to area planning and related factory planning. This concerns not only the Urban Design part but also the very construction and use of the areas over its life cycle. The EU sustainability initiatives seek to standardise the life cycle issues related to energy, waste, emissions, safety etc. For instance energy issues are put into two categories: energy related products (ERP) (the use of which has an impact on energy consumption) and energy-using products (EUPs), which use, generate, transfer or measure energy (electricity, gas, fossil fuel), such as boilers, computers, televisions, transformers, industrial fans, industrial furnaces etc. Other energy related products (ERPs) which do not use energy but have an impact on energy and can therefore contribute to saving energy, such as windows, insulation material, shower heads, taps etc. However city planning does not usually integrate to these in same extent as factory design. One important co-operative partner for sustainable area design should be eco-industry. The term “eco-industries” is in this context is defined to mean those industrial sectors acting in the field of, e.g. renewable energy, waste recycling, environmental auditing and consultancy and those capital intensive sectors providing goods and services in specific areas, e.g. waste, wastewater and transport.
2.2. SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRY STRATEGY Main principles and strategies for Sustainable Industrial area within European cities is here discussed related to EU`s sustainable development strategy and corporate systems. Within EU strategy the corporate/community approaches consist of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and sustainable industrial policy (SIP). Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) is usually related narrowly to energy-using products (EUPs) and energy related products (ERPs). Main principles, concepts and tools for Sustainable Industry in regional context within EU: 1.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), The European Commission's definition of CSR is: "A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis."
Sustainable consumption and production (SCP). SCP concentrates on energy and natural resources savings and new opportunities offered by a "green" economy.
Sustainable Industry Policy (SIP). SIP concentrates on incentives rewarding eco-friendly products, green public procurement, support to environmental industries, and promotion of sustainable industry internationally and various standards directives and norms.
EMS Enterprises are encouraged to implement EMS, either conforming to national/regional certification criteria or complying with international standards (e.g. EN ISO 14001)
Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). (EMAS) is a management tool for companies and other organisations including public and private services, to evaluate report and improve their environmental performance. Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009
IPP (Integrated Product Policy). IPP seeks to minimise environmental degradation, whether from their manufacturing, use or disposal caused by the products by looking at all phases of a products' life-cycle and taking action where it is most effective.
From city planning perspective EU strategy for Sustainable Industries is thus a concept that on the other hand aims at creation of novel industries better suited to sustainable development and on the other hand on the eco-friendly products and novel eco-technologies for society. However there is no integrative process for the eco-industrial area design over the area life cycle. The approach seeks only to regulate and audit not actually give guidelines for planning process using these principles, norms, guidelines and standards. Therefore the city planning units are seldom aware of their existence.
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3. INTEGRATIVE RESEARCH FOR SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL AREA This paper discuss the first year results of three ongoing multidiscipline research projects that seek to create novel sustainable industry approach by integrating area design with factory design. Research use three Finnish cities (Helsinki, Tampere and Vantaa) and their landmark projects for sustainable urban development as context. These new zones shall house typically 12- 20.000 residents and the same number of industrial workplaces. The new zones are set to share sustainability strategy and solutions between residential and industrial zones and co-evolve over area life-cycle. 3.1. CHOSEN APPROACH The essential goal for this paper is to discuss the mixed-use area planning issues and the relevant findings of the three pragmatic area planning projects. This research seeks to find novel approaches to be used in sustainable industrial area design within city planning context. Research strategy is to use Action learning (AL) approach where L=Q+P (Learning= L, insightful questions= Q and related interventions= P) [6]. Reginald Revans, the developer of AL maintained that P is the domain of experts while Q is the domain of leaders who wish to drive process forward by getting answers. Researcher’s role is to provide (P) for city-planning teams, their consulting and development partners and industry who as customer have the role to formulate relevant questions (Q). CSM-Hotel project collects academia, manufacturing companies and their service providers to develop a next generation sustainable factory solution suited for sustainable development. Academia has then the role to bring explicit the found best practices for future use. This integrative approach sees sustainable industrial city planning development as a dynamic bottom up emergent process where the relevant actors in different phase of planning life-cycle interact in an ongoing process the outcome of which is difficult to predict mainly because of rapid changes. Therefore dynamic process capable of reacting fast to emerging questions coming for the real process is needed. As all the planning decisions done by the teams bring forth a new set of problems with them a constant reflection between outcomes and process is used. Main strategy for the integration of the three area development projects and their planning teams and two research project is the use of common researches and common meetings and seminars (CSM-Forums).
3.2. RELEVANT QUESTIONS FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL AREA PLANNING Working with pragmatic real sustainable mixed use area cases of three cities with their peer groups lead the research gradually to the initial problems. As the questions emerged they formed the core of AIDA area planning platform. Within three brainstorming session with all parties the questions were analyzed and put in the order of importance. The question classes in order of importance
Order of importance
Question class and type
Interventions (P)and related started research
Quality system, visio .
Quality , visio factors
Total Quality System that attain the interaction with process and outcome in relation to quantitative and qualitative metrics.
Defining what is good Criterias for sustainable planning, Principles, Norms, standards
Open criteria system development started. Sustainability web by cSUR Tokio [10]
Integration platform (meta-engineering), strategic decisions
Integration strategy Open complex systembased multidisciplinary platform
Meta-engineering system for continuous competences, capabilities, cooperation and
Sustainable Manufacturing and Eco- Factories within sustainable industrial areas within fast growing Eco- cities
Process, domain , role based process pool
Technology, domain, role based technology pool
Change management ; Integration of various processes, actors, technologies and information.
knowledge development
Enabling resource
Role based process integration approach to life-cycle processes.
Integration of various life-cycle processes from design intention to identity change Enabling resource Best practice technology pool
Process management over the life-cycle and different actors
Relaxed stability system was introduced to allow different roles. Open role based technology service platform that allow various actors to advertise their services Best practice solution pool
Network, domain, role based actor pool
Enabling resource Multidicplinary partnership integration trough life-cycle
Public Private Partnership building system. Participative systems Life-cycle roles management
Information, domain , role based ICT pool
Enabling resource
Open ICT strategy
Open platform for ICT
Area BIM Spatio Temporal systems OO based semantic support
Knowledge system, integrative (process and information)
Performance factor Planning relevant knowledge creation and use Knowledge management over area life-cycle
Capability system, integrative (process and technology)
Performance factor
Competence system, integrative (technology and network)
Performance factor
Relevant multidisciplinary capabilities building and management
Relevant multidisciplinary competence building and management
OO based knowledge creation from information flow in processes Knowledge creation and formalizing [11]
Capability management system development Role based partner capabilities description Competence management and building system
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Co-operation system, integrative (network and information)
Performance factor Co-operation in various phases of area life-cycle
Co-operation models, systems and platforms
The interdependencies of ten most relevant questions classes were studied. It was then noted that questions Q1 were visio oriented and Q2 were strategic in nature, questions Q3, Q4, Q5 and Q6 were clear enabling domains providing the solution space and questions Q7, Q8, Q9 and Q10 could be classified as pointing to performance oriented issues. The created planning framework addresses quality as vision building and grounding tool and related principles, standards and norms are embedded in shared TQM (Total Quality Management) system supporting the life-cycle of area. Strategic multidisciplinary integration of life cycle processes, technology, information and actors is supported by creation of a common integration platform for all actors. The constant evolving nature of these two key strategic areas proves the result of other related researches that urban area design is by nature an “open process, without a predetermined end or goal, that must be constantly recalibrated to the changing society and urban conditions” [7]. Similarly the importance of the Q1 and Q2 point in direction of process school where understanding what is good is seen to require constant attention to process and outcome [8]. Good selection of enabling resources (Q3, Q4, Q5,Q6) and coherent creation and use of (Q7,Q8,Q9,Q10) knowledge, co-operation, competence and capabilities creates good outcomes and good outcomes call for a good process [9].
Figure 1: Integrative open complex system for sustainable industrial area design The holistic integrative nature of the platform points to the true nature of interconnected planning problem where the problem cannot be fully understand until a total solution emerges. These kinds of complex planning problems are thus considered “wicked”. (Rittel & Webber 1973) [9]. Being dynamic and context bound these open problems do not have a specific end point as “solution for a closed complex problem” but solutions emerge as “best within constrains of closed complex design task”. Therefore we can argue that understanding the process in its entirety has a significant influence on the outcomes. Much of the attempts to solve problems this kind fail only because the suggested solutions attempt to retain the centric, top-down planning approach without trying to trace how the organizational arrangement is interwined with the problem [10]. As the solution frame takes its form and concept emerges the next important question is the quality of the implementation. Then the selection of the partners, technology base, ICT solution and formulation of processes are essential. The outcome is especially its evolution is then dictated by competences, knowledge, capabilities and co-operation. All the solution areas of question classes are actually constantly evolving processes. Therefore we can assume that as all the parts of the system are evolving the also the main system is an evolving process. From the question setting we can assume that the process starts with quality definitions and evolves
Sustainable Manufacturing and Eco- Factories within sustainable industrial areas within fast growing Eco- cities
towards concept where the integration issues emerges and continues with constrains of resources to implementation and through implementation and understanding competences, knowledge, capabilities and co-operation improve.
Figure 2: Planning as process through area life cycle (intention change). Adapting the framework gradually to current planning practices is on the way. As the planning issue is noted to be multidimensional and multidisciplinary one and subject to constant change the new approach has the emphasis on bottom up development guided by TQM. The new eco-industry area is allowed to grow and change rather than be planned. The new industrial area planning process concentrates on design intention based standards norms and guiding principles and seeks to integrate with life-cycle oriented actors for constant development. Typical actors are sustainability service providers. As industrial facilities within multi- use areas share similar basic quality requirements and processes on site as in residential area. Such common sharable systems are waste, energy, water, transport, recreation, safety, health and innovation management and systems. As the possible shared community/industrial eco-system is such large and multidimensional it cannot be pre-planned and maintained over any longer period by top down approach. Therefore a role based service provider oriented system approach is needed. Integrating several service providers calls for common open platform to ensure constant sustainable evolution. This platform is currently under development.
4. CSM-HOTEL AN INNOVATIVE SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING SOLUTION FOR MIXED-USE AREAS Sustainable Industry is not only a European issue. All major OEMs in forefront Japanese companies like Hitachi, Sharp, Toshiba and Toyota have invested recently heavily on eco and super-eco factories the level of technological and operational sustainability is beyond reach for most European SMEs. Competitive Sustainable Manufacturing Hotel (CSM-Hotel) [4] is an effort to provide European SMEs a rapid means to reach the new competitive level and even go beyond the level of competitors in terms of innovation capabilities, competences, sustainable development, technological level, market presence and speed. CSM-Hotel is aimed as new concept of a next generation eco-factory concept for mixed–use eco-industrial areas. It is beyond any current solutions in deriving its standards from sustainable development as well as sustainable industry. CSM-Hotel is an eco-factory concept integrating: • • • • •
manufacturing SMEs (internal, network) manufacturing OEMs (internal, network) service providers (technological, ICT, management and organisational services) Reserach centers and learning factories (university base or other) and Sustainable Urban City development, (eco-areas)
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CSM-Hotel project integrates to AIDA area planning process and its targets. It shares common standards and guidelines and share AIDA planning platform. All sustainability solutions can be integrated and support city evolution and thus the concept allows bottom up co-operative approach for area planning over the life-cycle. As concept CSM-Hotel resembles “silicon valley” concept in its innovation aim but differs in its global perspective and clear manufacturing identity. Most of the prominent cities have also their science parks and CSM-Hotel concept is now seen there as next evolutionary step. The projects continue and approach to implementation phase.
4. SUMMARY The design of novel sustainable industrial cities and their multi-use areas within current rapid urbanization calls for a new process oriented planning approach as the current project oriented practices are failed in bringing forth needed change. Several new innovations and approaches are needed for the constantly growing demands of sustainable manufacturing. Achieving simultaneously competitiveness and sustainability is not an easy task but can be achieved if the sustainability issues are not addressed as separate additional requirements. Common design language can be based on mutually accepted principles, norms and standards. CSM-Hotel is a novel effort for integrating factory planning and sustainable development allowing natural bottom up development of industry within city context. This multidisciplinary research that integrated city planning and manufacturing industry together with academia is unique and results so far promising.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is supported by Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation. Tekes is the main public funding organisation for research, development and innovation in Finland. REFERENCES [1] /(accessed February 4, 2011).
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