Oct 18, 2012 ... I think President Barack Obama won the 2012 ... 2012 World Series the two
teams that won their ..... My 2013 NFL playoff predictions are as.
The Dart "All the news that is fitting and to the point." Volume XII, Issue I
Arthur Valicenti Bowl by Jackson McKeigue
Fall 2012
Results and Insights Two Views by Patrick DuFour and James Mooney
The Varsity Football Team had a great season, in fact, the best season that it ever has and could ever have! This goal of a perfect season was completed on Saturday, November 17, when they defeated The King School and won the Arthur Valicenti Bowl. The team itself had a great game, but a key component in the game was “Henry’s Corner.” Two and a half fan busses were brought to this game, both busses completely filled with rowdy fans thirsty for a victory. The game traveled along smoothly with loud, energetic chants. The atmosphere was filled with spirit, excitement, and a desire for victory. The goal was fulfilled as the buzzer rang while Henry’s rushed onto the field, sprinting to congratulate the team on a 40-7 win.
Why Barack Obama Won I think President Barack Obama won the 2012 election for the following reasons: Mitt Romney had a great deal of momentum in the weeks before the election, but when Hurricane Sandy struck, it took the focus off the election and showed Barack Obama helping the victims. This swayed people’s view of the President who, prior to this, looked weakened. Also the media, which are predominately liberal, tend to favor the Democratic nominee, and the media has a large impact on the election because the people believe what they say. Throughout the campaign it seemed that more positive news was shown about the President while Romney was portrayed as less favorable. Next, Obama won the swing states because he got his supporters out to vote in those states in bigger numbers than Romney was able to do. So Obama had sheer numbers on his side while Mitt Romney did not. Also demographics favored Obama. Women vote more than men, and women are mostly Democrats so their votes helped Obama a lot.
timing, and ultimately the nation chose President
Why Mitt Romney Lost
Obama for a second term.
On November 6, Mitt Romney lost for three key reasons. First, President Obama received the majority of the young people’s vote largely because his own age and views related better to the young voter, and Mitt Romney’s age and views did not cater to that voter. The second reason Mitt Romney lost was because of Hurricane Sandy. During the final week of campaigning, Mitt Romney was gaining
Romney’s momentum was lost when Hurricane Sandy struck. With the nation in distress, President
World Series by Evan Reddick
Obama swooped in with all the resources that he has as President. It is not as if Mitt Romney
Out of the thirty teams that are in the MLB,
wouldn’t have done what President Obama did, but
only two participate in the World Series. In the
Obama was the President at the right time to collect
2012 World Series the two teams that won their
the rewards (votes) from his hurricane relief effort.
own league were the San Francisco Giants that
This played a big role in changing independent
represented the National League, and the Detroit
voters to President Obama’s side. Lastly, Mitt
Tigers that represented the American League. The
Romney’s secret video in which he was recorded as
first game of the World Series took place in San
saying, “There are 47 percent of the people who
Francisco, and the Kung Fu Panda (Pablo Sandoval)
will vote for the President no matter what, who are
went deep three times, helping his team win 8 to 3.
dependent upon government, who believe that they
In the second game the score was a little closer, but
are victims, who believe that government has a
in the end the Giants pulled out another win 2 to 0.
responsibility to care for them, who believe that
Game Three changed from San Francisco to Detroit,
they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing,
but even this home field advantage did not help the
to you name it.” While a lot of people may agree
Tigers as they fell to the Giants 2 to 0 again.
with this view, it is not the kind of view a
Coming into Game Four in Detroit, everyone was
Presidential candidate admits publicly. This secret
wondering where the first round (second pick) and
video revealed his view and cost him a large part of
the 2011 American League Cy Young Award
the election. A main point Obama used in his
winner was. Also where were the bats, especially
speeches and ads was that the President should
from Prince Fielder, and Miguel Cabrera? These
represent all of the people, not 53% of the people.
problems needed to be fixed if the Tigers wanted a
Mitt Romney lost mainly for mistakes and bad
shot at winning the World Series. Coming into
Game Four, the Giants had a 3-0 lead over the
the bouncy slide and played fun games. The most
Tigers and only needed one more win to capture the
memorable moment for Henry’s Corner and BB&N
World Series. These problems were fixed, and the
fans alike was the last minute of the game. Henry’s
Tigers took the Giants into extra innings. However,
was in full force. Everyone was chanting “The I
these fixed problems were still not enough to stop
Believe” chant. But when the clock reached thirty
the red hot Marco Scutaro. San Francisco’s no hit
seconds, everyone, senior and seventh grader alike,
relief after Matt Cain's solid start won them not only
shouted the countdown. When the clock reached 0,
the game, but also the 2012 World Series. Kung Fu
we stormed the field. We had won and we knew it.
Panda (Pablo Sandoval) won the 2012 World
It was our first Homecoming win in eight years. The
Series MVP.
success of Homecoming gave the team and the student fans a boost in morale.
Homecoming by Nick Browne Homecoming was a victory- not only on the sports fields, but also for the fans. The day started as the Varsity Football and Soccer Teams ran onto the field and lined up before Patrick Clark, Mr. Keefe, and a few others sang the National Anthem. Henry’s Corner and the crowd watched as four United States Marines marched across the field, two Open House by CJ Martin
with rifles in hand and two bearing the American and Marine Corps colors. But the excitement had only begun. The crowd screamed and shouted as
On October 18, 2012, St. Sebastian's held
Brian O’Malley kicked off. BB&N was a tough
the annual Open House for boys who are interested
team, but we were able to persevere and play well.
in the School’s academics, arts, and athletics. The
With good plays like O’Malley’s interception, the
Open House is very important to our school because
team was able to prevail. The game ended with the
it may be the deciding factor in a candidate’s
score 19 to 6. Soccer held their own and were able
decision to attend. All of us who participated
to tie BB&N 1 to 1. Homecoming also had its
needed to help give St. Sebastian's the best
charm off the field where the Guild of St. Irene,
Men’s Association and MPA set up tents filled with
students from St Sebastian's in grades 7-12 giving
school apparel, merchandise, and food.
tours of the school to the families looking at the
uninterested in the varsity contests, crowded around
school. More than one-third of the entire student
The evening started out with the
body was involved in
Lego Robotics by Sam Gordon and Andrew Elcock
this successful night. Everyone
The Lego Robotics League, led by Mr.
tours really represented
Wilbur, has had some major changes this year. In
our school very well
the first meeting, he told us that the seventh and
and gave the guests a
eighth graders would be building their own robots.
good picture of our
In addition to this, he told us that we would not be
school. At around 7:00 everyone gathered in the
competing in any competitions outside of school but
church to hear some students speak about our
would instead be competing against each other.
school. All the prospective students came into the
There are many more eighth graders than seventh
church, hoping to seek the truth of St. Sebastian's
graders in the group, and the seventh graders have
less experience, but it should still be a fun season
The gathering began with Father Arens
saying an opening prayer.
After the blessing,
for everyone. Mr. Wilbur then proceeded to show
seventh-grader Soree Kaba spoke about our school
us a video regarding the rules, goals, and
including academics, athletics, and lunch. Then
regulations for this year. The man in the video
ninth grader Jake Loughborough and twelfth grader
talked about what our robots would need to do
Brian O'Malley spoke about similar things like
during competition as well as this year’s theme:
clubs, teachers, and the student body. Following
people with many more years of experience than the
these three speeches, the chairman of the science
rest of us (elderly people). He described various
department, Mr. Wilbur, spoke, focusing on mostly
problems, such as the difficulties of staying fit and
gardening, as well as bowling with their friends.
Headmaster Burke spoke, showing everyone how
Though it may seem that these things have nothing
St. Sebastian's School is so well connected to its
to do with engineering, he quickly assured us that
mission to love God, work hard, and take good care
the youth of America needs to become more
of one another. Mr. Burke clearly explained what a
involved in both engineering and helping out others
true Catholic school really is. After our gathering in
in our community of elders. So far this year, we
the Church, everyone met in Ward Hall for a
have worked on building the necessary components
reception with cookies, sandwiches, and my
to the field through which we receive points. We
favorite, shrimp. Placed around Ward Hall were
hope soon to start building and programming our
many different tables designated for different clubs
final robot. If you are in seventh grade and are
and activities. Guests could go to different tables
bored during Tuesday homerooms, join the Lego
and learn more about each club. At the reception, I
Robotics League and have a blast. We eighth
saw many boys who are siblings or cousins of
graders look forward to a successful season of
students in our school community.
thrashing seventh graders in robotics!
Jillian’s by Joseph O’Malley
Connors Family Retreat Center in Dover where we participate in several team building and faith
Ah, Jillian’s- an event unmatched by any
building exercises.
As it occurs towards the
other in our seventh or eighth grade lives. Each
beginning of the school year, it gives returning
year, the seventh and eighth grade boys from St.
students a chance to catch up with each other and
Sebastian’s meet up with the seventh and eighth
new students an opportunity to make new friends in
grade girls of Newton Country
the ever-changing St. Sebastian’s community. This
or course, is
year, the eighth grade retreat went something like
this. We arrived at the retreat center in the early
morning and entered the building. There is always a
several bowling alleys and
certain level of excitement for the day to come, as it
billiard tables that is situated near Fenway Park.
is filled with camaraderie, life-lessons, and good
This year, Jillian’s was a really good time. The
food. This year, the chaperones were Mr. Keefe,
NCDS girls were already there when we arrived,
Mr. Tull, Mr. J. Cressoti, Mr. Cornish, and Fr.
and we began to take part in the activities
Arens. We gathered in a meeting room on the
immediately. There are pool, bowling, ping-pong,
second floor and watched Stand by Me, a movie
and arcades. Mr. Moore and Mr. Dagdigian faced
about the trials and tribulations of young friends. It
off in a rousing string of bowling in which Mr.
also revealed a message- one that was pretty easy to
Dagdigian bowled a 127 and Mr. Moore a 124.
pick up on- that one should not abandon a
Others were bowling as well but did not score
commitment until you finish it and always tell the
nearly as high as these two masters of the bowl. A
truth. After the movie was finished, we broke up
bunch of the seventh grade boys and girls were
into groups of three or four
for discussion. Following
conversation and eating pizza while the eighth
the discussion, we had a
grade boys were socializing and eating. The pizza
snack break.
was good and the activities were fun, resulting in a
returned to the retreat room
good experience for all. It is a shame that the
for a little more discussion.
current eighth graders will not be going on this trip
Then we went down to the
next year. I’m sure that they would have enjoyed it.
cafeteria for calzones. The
We then
calzones were, as usual, great.
A short break
followed after lunch, and we ran around outside before we went to a small chapel for Mass
Eighth Grade Retreat 2012 by Kevin Moore and Joe O’Malley
celebrated by Fr. Arens. This was a good way to
Each year, we embark on a journey, one of
end our retreat that helped all of us get to know one
both faith and reason. We also go on a retreat to the
another better. 5
Retreat Center is always generous and provides our
Seventh Grade Retreat by William Fox and Patrick Ryan
school with great food and hospitality every year.
The seventh grade retreat was great this
After eating lunch, we ran outside for a few minutes
year. As always, all of the class of 2018 piled into a
before attending Mass in a small chapel inside the
bus and drove to the Connors Family Retreat Center
retreat center. Fr. Arens celebrated the Mass for us
in Dover. Mr. Keefe, Mr. Shea, Fr. Arens, along
and helped us spiritually. He also explained what
with other faculty members, came along as well.
he was doing on the altar to help us follow along.
They led us in activities that allowed us to get to
After Mass was finished, everyone headed back to
know each other better. Through these activities,
school on the bus.
each student learned something new about each of
At the retreat, our brother relationships were
his forty-five classmates.
ignited, and we were urged to unite as one. Thanks
The first activity which we took part in was
to the help of our teachers and the staff at Connors,
watching clips of the movie, Remember the Titans.
we started the school year off on the right foot. It is
After each clip, we discussed the meaning of it and
clear that our bonds with each other were
what was important about it.
strengthened by this retreat.
The movie’s plot
helped us bond together as a class. The main idea of the movie was breaking the barrier of racial differences and strengthening team unity.
ideas connected to our class because we also had differences and didn’t know each other. Watching the movie encouraged us to reach out to our peers and form strong relationships with them. After watching the clips, Mr. Keefe led us in an icebreaker activity. Each student had to tell a little bit about himself to every one of his classmates. Therefore, every student learned about
Anything Goes A Review by Andrew Elcock
all of his peers and was able to connect with them better than before. Students could find that they had something in common with their classmates. After
This year St. Sebastian’s teamed up with
a brief snack, we resumed watching and discussing
Montrose School from Medfield to perform
the movie.
Anything Goes, by Howard Lindsay and Russel
After we finished the movie, we ate a
The music, written by Cole Porter,
delicious lunch consisting of three types of
includes songs like “You’re The Top” and
“Anything Goes.” The play follows Wall Street
We were also provided with desserts
including brownies and cookies.
The Connors
stock broker Billy Crocker, played by Will Supple, 6
who stows away on a steamship to Britain in an
All in all, the play this year was a success.
attempt to reunite with his lost love Hope Harcourt,
The house was packed every night, and even
played by Eilis Quinn.
newcomers performed well. Kudos to Mr. Rogers
Unfortunately for Billy,
Hope is engaged to the English gentleman Sir
and Ms. Carroll for directing.
I would strongly
Evelyn Oakleigh, played by Mike Petro. Along the
recommend at least trying a play, and with no sports
way Billy picks up Reno Sweeny (Maisy Halloran),
after school during the winter, the Winter Play
a nightclub singer heading to Britain, and public
would be a great idea.
enemy #13 Moonface Martin, (Julian Matra). On the trip, Reno falls in love with Evelyn and everything seems to work out nicely: Billy can marry Hope, and Reno can become engaged to Evelyn.
However, Billy is forced to use the
passport of Snake Eyes Johnson, public enemy #1, and when he is caught, he is thrown in the brig. While he is in the brig, Hope’s mother forces her to Debate by Jake Milbury and Andrew Elcock
marry Evelyn on shipboard, with the Captain (Thayer Wade) presiding. Billy escapes just in time
Our Debate Team lost many of its prime
to prevent the marriage, and the play ends happily.
members in June, and as such, this is a year of rebuilding. However, the younger students have succeeded in filling the shoes of the graduating seniors. Coming out strong at far-away schools such as St. Paul’s, or even here at St. Sebastian’s, our team has proven time and time again to be one of the strongest in the league. Veterans such as Chris Riley and rookies such as Liam Duggan have given The cast, particulary Will, Maisy, and Eilis,
new life to the team. Mr. Nerbonne has provided
sang their numbers beautifully. “You’re the Top,”
much needed advice, as always, but the seniors have
sung by Will and Maisy, was especially well done.
also guided the younger kids. A perfect example of
The orchestra, presided over by Mr. Grohmann,
this occurred before the two of us went to debate at
skillfully played the challenging music of the play,
St. Paul’s, for Chris Riley gave us advice for over
and their talent really made the show. The chorus
an hour, which we later found extremely useful at
also sang their parts well, adding their voices in
the debate. The team has had a successful start to
songs such as “It’s Delovely” and “Blow Gabriel,
the year, and they plan to maintain their success for
the remainder of the year. 7
morning in October, a group selected from the
Fourth Soccer by Tyler Goldman
Fourth Soccer Team boarded the bus for the four-
In the successful 2012 season, the Saint
game tournament. After coming in second place last
Sebastian’s Fourth Soccer Team racked up eight
year, we were determined to come back to school
wins, four ties, and only two losses. In their first
with the first place trophy. We got off to a slow start
five games, both the seven and eighth grade teams
in our first game against the Fessenden School. This
displayed a surplus of talent, winning matches. The
following two games versus experienced teams
opportunities but no finishes throughout the game,
from Belmont Hill and Boston College High School
we ended with a 0-0 tie. Our second game against
resulted in ties. A cycle of a win followed by a loss
Nobles, our rival, was a real nail-biter. Despite
repeated itself until the final game of the season
some solid team play on both offense and defense,
when the team took on the evil empire once again.
we were down 2-0 when the first half came to a
Obviously the better team, the Arrows came out
with the win, creating the perfect end to the perfect
strong, scoring two important goals to even the
season. Leading goal scorers included Parker Joyce
score. Although the game ended in another tie, we
In the second half the Arrows came out
were very satisfied with our play. Heading into our
celebrations fueled the team with excitement and
third game against Thayer, we were hoping for
energy. Mr. Dagdigian, assisted by Mr. Keefe,
victory. It was a back and forth game, with both
coached the team well and guided the squadron to
teams getting countless scoring opportunities, and
eight well-deserved wins. The Armenian Hammer
some great saves by both keepers. Thayer led 3-2
smashed all opponents in his way, and it was a
in the last minutes, our goals having been scored by
season to remember.
Michael Ragnoni and Luke Jones. With seconds left
in regulation, Seamus Noonan kicked a corner into the box and, out of nowhere, Will Allen headed the ball into the top right corner of the net for the tying goal. The Arrows remained undefeated as the Thayer team was stunned. Will was definitely the star of the game. As we stepped onto the field for our last game, we were determined to win. In a rather slow game with both teams tired, we finally The Derby Tournament by Stevie Karol
pulled out a win against Derby Academy with a score of 2-1. The Arrows played well as a team with
The annual 2012 Derby Soccer Tournament
great goalkeeping from Cole throughout the
held at Derby Academy in Hingham proved to be a
tournament. Our record at the end of the games was
tournament to remember. On a sunny Saturday
1-0-3, an undefeated tournament. Waiting for the 8
announcement of the trophy winners, we hoped the
crushed our opponents, recording twelve tackles for
judge would reward our basically flawless effort.
losses. Junior Laura was also an explosive presence
Unfortunately, he did not, and we were handed a
at defensive tackle, showing considerable promise
third place trophy. Although we were a bit
despite having little knowledge of the game. All in
disappointed, we were happy with our play. Our
all, Fourth Football enjoyed a successful season.
team would like to thank Mr. Dagdigian and Mr. Keefe’s amazing coaching. The Derby Tournament was a great bonding experience for our team, and everyone had a lot of fun.
Fifth Football by Henry DeMatteo and Patrick Ryan “The scoreboard is the biggest liar,” Mr. McCarthy told us. That statement rang true for the seventh grade football team. We were coached by
Fourth Football by Thomas Hovsepian and Brian Craven
Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Cornish, who gave up time
Fourth Football this year was a complete
for us. People might see 0-8 as a failure, but we see
success. Even though we didn’t win all our games,
it as success. Twenty-five students played football,
we strengthened our physical and mental abilities.
and only one had experience. He was injured for
We finished with a 2-3-1 season highlighted by our
most of the season. We improved throughout the
final game victory over Nobles in a massive
year, growing as a team. At first we were crushed
blizzard. It was hard to move the ball in the snow,
by Winchester, partly because we were not
but after four first quarter turnovers, Jimmy
experienced or ready. Then we practiced harder
McCabe put the team on his back and scored three
and came close in many games. As we learned how
touchdowns. Thanks to the awesome offensive line
to tackle correctly, our defense excelled.
led by Sammy Cullen, Will Roche, and Max Rocco,
games we held teams to one touchdown. Our team
the game ended with a smoldering 21-0 win. Our
motto was “10,” because everyone else had to do
six opponents this fall were Fessenden, Canton,
his job correctly in order to make that play. If
Dexter, Belmont Hill, Roxbury Latin, and Nobles.
someone missed a block or a tackle, we would lose
Our two wins were over Dexter and Nobles.
yards or give up yards. It made us have to depend
Throughout the season defensive lineman Cam Cain
on one another, pushing us to work harder. One of 9
our greatest games was against Belmont Hill. We
surprising victory over Roxbury Latin. In our next
were pumped up for the game, and it showed
race, however, versus Belmont Hill, we lost in a
through our play. Tied at halftime, we trailed by
close match. From that point on we beat Roxbury
only a touchdown until the fourth quarter. We tried
Latin two more times. We also had a race versus
to tie the game, but they broke away with minutes
Park and Hillside in which we scored the top seven
remaining, and we could never come back.
runners, winning 15–50. One of the highlights of
Throughout the season, we learned lessons of life as
the year occurred in our final race against Belmont
well as football. Besides fundamentals, we learned
Hill. We were able to get revenge for our earlier
not to talk back to our coaches in any sport and to
loss and beat them by one point.
respect our opponents and referees. There was a big
During our many difficult practices, the
difference between our team at the beginning of the
team improved significantly. This was particularly
season and our team at the end of the season. This
evident in our mile time trials. We had two of these
football season was a great experience for everyone
timed miles throughout the season, and each runner
on the team.
improved a lot between the first and the second time trials. This year, the Jamboree Race at Roxbury Latin had ninety-seven runners from thirteen different schools across the league. We sent ten of our top runners, and each ran a great race. After the first mile of the 2.2 mile course, none of the St. Sebastian’s runners were in the top fifteen, and there were seven Belmont Hill runners before our
Cross Country 2012: The Dream Team by Kevin Moore and Marty White
Over the last mile, however, each runner
caught several runners from other teams, and in the
The 2012 Cross Country season was a great
end, we won the race by a huge margin, scoring 39
success. The team consisted of 18 runners: Owen
to Fay’s 60 and Belmont Hill’s 78!
Finnegan ’16, Jimmy Ryan ’16, Jackson Mannix
finished second overall, followed by Ryan Colgan
’16, Erik Jones ’16, Kevin Moore ‘17, Marty White,
(fifth) and Paul Keady (eighth).
’18, Ryan Colgan ’16, Ben Fachetti ’16, Cole
(eleventh) and Jackson Mannix (thirteenth) finished
Aldrich ’16, John Kapples ’16, John Nilles ’16,
off our top five. Thanks to Coach Rest and Coach
David Korzeniowski ’16, Nathan Akukwe ’16,
Thomasy, the 2012 Fourth Cross Country Team was
Nicos Topulos ’16, John McManmon ’16, Paul
one of the best in history. Because the ninth grade
Keady ’16, Austin Huffman ’17, and Sonny Huang
runners will not be on the team next year, we will
’16. This year’s team was one of the best in history,
need more runners for our next year’s team, so we
finishing 26-1.
can be as successful as last year.
We started the season with a 10
Erik Jones
Kevin Moore
In the second AFC wild card game I have the
NHL Lockout by Thomas Hovsepian and Jake Milbury
Ravens defeating the Bengals 17-13.
The NHL just entered their third month of being locked, and this lockout is the fourth in
In the first NFC wild card game I have the Bears
twenty years. Both the NHL and the NHLPA (NHL
defeating the Giants 24-10.
Players Association) are at fault here. The owners
In the second NFC wild card game I have the
started the conflict, and
Packers defeating the Seahawks 17-10.
retaliated. First the
In the first AFC divisional game I have the Texans
beating the Broncos 21-17.
lawyers wanted to
In the second AFC divisional game I have the
Patriots defeating the Ravens 28-17.
percentage money
higher of
In the first NFC divisional game I have the Bears
competition, and they were giving the players
defeating the Falcons 21-10.
unequal and horrific offers. After the owners came
In the second NFC divisional game I have the
to their senses, they gave the players a reasonable
49’ers defeating the Packers 17-14.
deal- a 50/50 split. The offer was made public unlike other deals that were kept private between
In the AFC championship game I have the Patriots
the players and owners. The players quickly turned
defeating the Texans 24-14.
down the fantastic offer. This decision made the
In the NFC championship game I have the Bears
owners very angry. Since then, they have had two
defeating the 49’ers 17-10.
talks but have made no progress. Now a federal mediator is stepping in to help get this thing done.
In the Super Bowl I have the Patriots defeating the
Let’s hope we have hockey back soon.
Bears 24-14.
NFL Playoff Predictions by Patrick DuFour My 2013 NFL playoff predictions are as follows:
In the first AFC wild card game I have the Broncos defeating the Colts 21-10. 11
Johnson. After that excitement, the Nets went out
Starting a New Franchise is No Easy Thing by Peter Julien
and signed another superstar, Gerald Wallace. With
The Brooklyn Nets hit the NBA with a big
these two steals, as of November 29, the Nets sit
surprise during the off season this spring. The Nets
tied for first place in the Eastern Conference and
originally started in New York and were known as
tied for fourth in the league. So, after a long process
the New York Nets from 1968-1977. After that,
of hard work, the Nets have moved to Brooklyn and
they moved to New Jersey and stayed there for
are finally good again.
thirty-five years. But for the past five years, the franchise has just been going downhill rapidly. In 2009, after winning only twelve games, most fans had switched to either supporting other basketball teams or had just stopped watching basketball altogether. After one of their most disappointing years again, David Stern, the NBA Commissioner, knew that changes had to be made. He decided that the New Jerseys Nets were to move to Brooklyn in the 2012 off-season. Now, there were a lot of mixed emotions for the most part. Most people in New Jersey didn’t really care for the Nets, so they were fine with them moving. Others thought that this was
What a Finish! by Johnny Stankard and Reid Walsh
the end of the world for them. But it didn’t matter; they were moving. The first thing that had to be
There was a certain tension in the air on
done was to build an arena. The name of the arena
Monday, the final round of the Deutsche Bank
is the Barclays Center. After the arena was
completed, the team got a surprising phone call
nervousness about the leader board. There were
from one of New York’s hockey teams, the New
players like Ben Crane who were on the bubble,
York Islanders, who made a proposal to move to the
waiting intently to see if they had made the cut to
Barclays Center. After some consideration, the
advance on to the BMW Championship. Then there
Brooklyn Nets franchise along with the NBA and
was a different kind of nervousness.
NHL decided that this idea could work. So, starting
nervousness was the kind that filled Rory McElroy,
in the 2015-16 season, the Barclays Center will be
Louis Oosthuizen, and Tiger Woods.
home of the Brooklyn Nets and the New York
Oosthuizen had the lead going into the final round
Islanders. The final thing that they needed to do was
after a terrific eight under par the day before. Rory
to recruit new players. Their biggest pick-up so far
started off hot, cutting the lead in five holes. While
was acquiring Atlanta Hawks’ shooting star Joe
Oosthuizen was playing from behind the whole day, 12
he came back late in the round. Rory struggled to
won’t spoil the book, but it becomes pretty
make bogey. When they were finished with the
interesting. John Grisham is able to explain law
seventeenth hole, it was all square. On the
terms beautifully and to make you feel like Theo
eighteenth Louis’s approach strayed off to the right,
Boone-a kid who knows all about the court system
where he had a tough up and down. In the end Rory
from watching legal battles in person as opposed to
had an easy two- putt to win the whole
sports games on television. It is not only a book
championship. He made it.
immersed in the law, but it is also clear. Another author attempting to write a book about a similar topic
inexperienced in the field of law might write it in a way that would make them extremely confused and think after finishing the last sentence, “Wait, what did I just read? However, John Grisham executes his writing perfectly, and the entire book is very coherent as well as fun to read. Seldom do you find a novel about such a complicated subject that sustains both of these wonderful qualities. As a whole, Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer is a good read, and I would recommend it to anyone who has even the slightest interest in criminal law. Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Book Review by William Forman Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer by John
From the Dart Staff:
Grisham is a well-written novel taking place in present day Strattenburg. It
Thanks to all the 7th and 8th grade students who worked so hard on their articles. We welcome new writers, cartoonists, and photographers for future issues of the Dart.
is a murder mystery for young readers. Strattenburg is typically a nice place, especially
Editors: Stevie Karol, Kevin Moore, Jake Milbury, Sam Gordon
Faculty moderators: Mr. Cornish, Mr. Deschenes
neighborhood of Waverly Creek. However, there has been a murder, and Pete Duffy is the prime suspect. His wife is dead, obviously murdered, and he was home with her and the only one there at that time. I 13
Random Crossword by Sam Gordon
4. Head of the science department 5. St. Sebastian's football team 6. Fastest fish in the ocean 8. Last year's all school read 9. The number of seniors
1. battle that the movie 300 is based on 2. Measurement system that U.S uses 3. Leader of protestant reformation 7. Number of electors in the Holy Roman Empire