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Fall 2015 Vol. XVIII, Issue 1
Contact Information for 2015—2016 Officers President Chris Irwin GlenOak High School 1801 Schneider St. NE Canton, Ohio 44721 330-491-3937 (O) 330-244-8896 (H) 330-546-4350 (C) email:
[email protected] President-Elect Crystal Sabik Alliance High School 400 Glamorgan Street Alliance, Ohio 44601 330-829-1234 x. 2265 (O) 330-768-7287 (H)
[email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Ronald C. Varn North Can ton Hoover High School 525 7th St. NE North Canton, Ohio 44720 330-497-5620 x. 496 (O) 330-244-1682 (H) 330-224-1628 (C) email:
[email protected] Immediate Past President Rich Kibler Lake High School 1025 Lake Center Street Uniontown, Ohio 44685 330-877-4282 (O) email:
[email protected]
From the District President Greetings to everyone in District 8. I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the first nine weeks of this school year. I am honored to continue serving you as District VIII President. This year brings some changes and new opportunities from OMEA. From honors band and choir opportunities for junior high and high school students in District 8 to Guitar Adjudications for high school students, we are actively working to expand opportunities. We are very excited to begin offering yearly honors ensemble opportunities in band and choir. As a committee charged with looking into the feasibility of yearly honors festivals, we determined that the honors choir festival would be best offered in the Fall with the honors band festival in the Winter. If you were not able to nominate students for the choir festival this year, I hope you will make a note for 2016 as we would like to have representation from schools across District 8. Honors band information for this year is detailed in this newsletter. If you have not checked out the new OMEA Website, I hope you take a moment to look around. You will find the digital version of the TRIAD, online HS Solo and Ensemble searchable music lists, OTES resources, and many more helpful topics. Many of these resources are open to the general public. The Membership Portal still contains specific member information. The winter meeting will be held at Papa Bear’s Restaurant in the Belden Village area on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 6:00 PM. We encourage ALL music educators in District 8 to attend whether you are a paid member of OMEA or not. Refreshments will be provided by District 8. If you are planning on attending the 2016 OMEA Professional Conference in Cincinnati on January 28-30, please know that our housing block is filling fast. I encourage you to do your research on the quality of the properties offered as they are not all equal. Searching the reviews over the internet will provide you with more insight. I hope you have a great fall and holiday season. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I hope to see you at our Winter meeting on January 19th! Respectfully, Chris Irwin President
District VIII Meetings 2015-2016 Winter Meeting January 19, 2016 6:00 - 8:00 PM @ Papa Bears, Canton
District 8 Website District 8 Twitter @OMEA8
Spring Meeting May 19, 2016 7:00 PM At a Restaurant Location in Alliance TBA
ADJUDICATED EVENT REGISTRATION: 28 Day Fee Deadline There have been some clarifications made by the AE Committee regarding AE Registration and Payments. Please take note to the following AE Rules (as listed in the AE Rulebook) as site chairs will strictly adhere to this policy: All events must be entered through the OMEA Website Online Registration. Online applications will be available 8 weeks prior to the event and will close 28 days before the event. Participating Directors must send to the Local Event Chair, by first class mail and postmarked no later than twenty-eight days before the event: 1) Summary Form including administrator signature; 2) Payment for registration or a copy of the School Purchase Order. The Summary of Events Form must be accompanied by one check or a copy of an approved purchase order covering all fees. If a purchase order is sent in lieu of a check, payment must be received by the Local Event Chair prior to the date of the event. Payment for events that cancel after being submitted by the director remain the financial responsibility of the participating school. Make check payable to OMEA.
IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! Please be aware that the deadline for High School Solo and Ensembles entries is SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2015. Those planning to enter events should begin thinking about your entries and notifying students and private teachers of this deadline. You might want to consider having everything submitted before your holiday break. Remember that you must be a current OMEA member to register students for ANY AE event online. You must be a current NAfME/OMEA member to register any Adjudicated Events.
Winter Meeting 2016 Please join us for good food, good friends, and lots of ideas to exchange! Your input is valuable to the future of District 8 and O.M.E.A. Tuesday, January 19, 2016 — 6:00 P.M. Papa Bear’s Restaurant — Belden Village area, Canton, Ohio. You’ll find Papa Bear’s on Dressler Road between the Belden Village Mall and Fulton Drive. The District will supply appetizers and nonalcoholic drinks. The Restaurant asks that you please order from the menu, as they offer us a meeting room without charge.
SOLO AND ENSEMBLE REGISTRATION REMINDERS AND TIPS! 1. Accompanists: OMEA highly suggests you have 1 accompanist per 10 students (OMEA Rulebook P. 16). Why? Having more than 10 students per accompanist puts a huge strain on the schedule for all schools participating at that site. Last year several schools had 1 accompanist for more than 25 entries! This prevented any manipulating of the schedule because of how the scheduling software schedules events by Director and Accompanist. 2. Be careful what name you use for each event. For instance, many schools like to list the last name of all the students in that event….this causes a printing issue for not only the schedule but for your certificates. Do not enter long event names such as KiblerLauxTryonCooeyWWQuartet#2...your certificate will look like this: KiblerLa2. OMEA provides site chairs with enough certificates for that site to print one certificate per group...not extras for reprints. Other problematic examples would include having a couple ensembles with the name GlenOakWoodwindTrio1 and GlenOakWoodwindTrio2...the program will cut-off the end of each event title and you will not be able to distinguish between the ensembles in the schedule. 3. Know your registration deadlines. 4. Use the current list of Solos and Ensembles from the OMEA website. We are under yearly Rolling Revisions. DO NOT USE THE OLD BLUE SOLO/ENSEMBLE HS REQUIRED MUSIC is outdated and no longer used. It is also necessary to confirm the publisher used as there is a specific publisher/edition listed for each piece.
A Special Message from your Leadership Council …. To ALL Directors who Participate in Adjudicated Events Please take special note of these concerns which have plagued the chairs of our district adjudicated events (and perhaps the chairs of state events also held in our district!). Honor our volunteer workers by being professional about entering your students and overseeing their participation. In advance, we thank you for addressing the following areas of concern: 1). Be a member of OMEA, updated and card-in-hand, in time to show it at the time of sign-in at an adjudicated event. You must be a member of OMEA and NAfME to register online for all adjudicated events. 2). Enter only students for whom you will be personally responsible. At times, we have been asked to intervene in disputes between parents, teachers, administrators, etc. You should enter only students who are members of your school ensemble. 3). Studio teachers entering multiple students should be members of OMEA! It is unfair to expect local music educators to take responsibility for additional students, especially ones whom they do not know. This is also an infringement of OMEA policy, stating the music educators who enter students must be members. 4). Be fiscally responsible to OMEA. Registration of a student or ensemble means that a non-refundable payment is due! Please make payment in full prior to the AE date unless absolutely impossible. In any case, no performances will be allowed prior to payment in full. Cancellations are not refundable. What is printed on your Summary of Events is the amount that is due. We cannot fix your registration mistakes. 5). Substituted performers constitute an additional entry. These are allowed at the discretion of the chair, but result in payment due for the additional entry. 6). You are responsible for every one of your students attending an AE site! PLEASE sign-in at the beginning of the day, and sign-out before departure, but only after you have checked that all of your students have concluded their participation. You cannot leave students at a site unattended. 7). Homerooms and warm-up rooms are offered at the discretion of the chair. These have been the greatest problem for our district! We create significant difficulties retaining chairs and sites when we ignore our responsibility to prohibit food and drink in classrooms at the performance site, and to adequately care for the personal and professional materials in the classrooms. Homerooms will be checked at lunch hour, and homeroom privilege will be lost if any kind of abuse is observed . Remember, it is your responsibility to provide chaperones for your homeroom and any usage of the warm-up rooms provided. 8). Deadlines must be enforced!! How many times do we read this statement on OMEA forms and in the TRIAD? Yet, we ask our chairs for special favor. You have all year to prepare — make sure you have the information needed to register your students by the deadline. Because all registration is online, the site chairs can no longer take care of registration issues for you. 9). OMEA Rules and Policies established for each site must be observed. Failure to do so will result in a letter being sent to your principal and superintendent. This unanimous decision was reached by your leadership council in executive session. Your observance of these procedures will greatly ease the burden of our event chairs. Please be thorough in your preparation — you’ll find yourself and your students to be much more successful in this way! We all wish you a season of great performances. Again, our thanks in advance for your help in making our events run smoothly this year!
Additional Student Opportunities Singers Companye, Akron, Ohio Semi-Professional group looking to provide educational opportunities for students Contact Kenston Local Band & Choir Director, Scott Sell
[email protected] 440-543-9677 ext. 2390
Kent State University All-Star Honors Band 2016 January 23, 2016 Deadline to register is December 1 Contact Dr. Jesse Leyva at
[email protected] for information
2015/2016 OMEA District VIII Junior High and High School Honors Festivals Honors Choir Festival November 21, 2015 3:00 PM Concert Hosted at Dover High School with Guest Conductors Dr. Bryan Nichols University of Akron Junior High Honors Choir
Dr. Zebulon Highben University of Muskingum High School Honors Choir
Rehearsals for the choir festival are: November 14 from 9:30 am to Noon and November 21 from 9:30 AM to 2 PM. Rehearsals are at Dover High School.
Honors Band Festival February 20, 2016 7:00 PM Concert Hosted at Alliance High School with Guest Conductors L. Timothy DeStefano Jackson Local Schools (ret.) Junior High Honors Band
Dr. Jesse Leyva Kent State University High School Honors Band
High School Honor Band- Rehearsals February 13, 2016 from 9:00-4:00 at the University of Mount Union February 20, 2016 from 1:00-4:00 at Alliance High School Junior High School Honor Band- Rehearsals February 13, 2016 from 9:00-4:00 at Alliance High School February 20, 2016 from 1:00-4:00 at Alliance High School
Information about the Honors Band Festival included in this newsletter.
OMEA District VIII Honors Band Festival 2016 Greetings Junior High and High School Band Directors, Last year marked the inaugural year of the now-annual Honor Band Festival for Junior High and High School Bands. We are excited to announce that L. Timothy DeStefano, retired director of bands in the Jackson Local School District and University of Mount Union will conduct our junior high festival band, and Dr. Jesse Leyva, Director of Bands at Kent State University, will conduct our high school festival band. Below are the dates, times and locations for the rehearsals and performance. High School Honor Band- Rehearsals February 13, 2016 from 9:00-4:00 at the University of Mount Union (Lunch Provided) February 20, 2016 from 1:00-4:00 at Alliance High School (Dinner Provided) Junior High School Honor Band- Rehearsals February 13, 2016 from 9:00-4:00 at Alliance High School (Lunch Provided) February 20, 2016 from 1:00-4:00 at Alliance High School (Dinner Provided) Performance February 20, 2016 at Alliance High School Auditorium at 7:00pm Please only nominate students that can commit to 100% of rehearsal/performance time. This year, students will be selected by nomination. We are asking each school to nominate up to 5-7 students per group using the forms at the top of the page. We will take at least 1-2 from each school, per ensemble, depending on interest/nominations from each participating school. Below is the timeline for the nomination/selection process. Tuesday, December 1 ........................................... Complete the Director Registration Form and Student Registration Forms. Tuesday, December 8 ........................................... Directors will be notified of which students have been selected. Tuesday, December 15 ......................................... Directors will be emailed scanned copies of music and paperwork. Wednesday, January 6, 2016 ..................................... Student Fees/paperwork due
D8 Honor Band Information continued Each student attending must pay a $25 entrance fee, payable before attending the first rehearsal. This will cover most of the cost of two meals, the conductor fees, the sheet music, and a commemorative t-shirt. Many schools will simply pay for their students, which is fine. Either way, we would like a check from your booster group, made payable to OMEA District VIII, once your students have been selected. It is easier to process one check per school instead of 5-7 per school! You will see on the director registration form that we need sectional instructors for the rehearsal day on Saturday, February 13th. The UMU Instrumental Music Faculty will be running the sectionals for most of the high school sections, however we may need more help in the larger sections that have multiple parts. We will also need help running all of the sectionals for the middle school ensemble. Please indicate on the form whether you are willing to help with sectionals and/or any other aspect of the event. Thank you in advance! We are also asking that all participating schools talk to their booster groups about helping sponsor our second annual honor band festival. We are asking for anywhere between a $100$500 donation from participating schools. We will include the names of any booster groups that donate at least $100 to the festival program. Please print/share the “Booster Sponsorship Letter” with your respective booster groups. Our goal is to make this event a yearly activity, one that challenges and engages our students. If you would like to help plan and manage the event, please let me know. If you have any other ideas on how to make this a fun, educational, and rewarding experience, don’t hesitate to pass them along! We’re all in this together! Click on the links to get started! Director Registration Form Student Registration Form Booster Sponsorship Letter Sample Student Contract- please copy and paste Sincerely, Heather Shive Chair, District VIII Honor Band Festival
[email protected] 440-781-4182(cell) Alliance City Schools 200 Glamorgan St Alliance, OH 44641
WEST SITE: TUSLAW HIGH SCHOOL Arts Academy at Summit Canton Country Day Claymont Jr. High Crenshaw Middle *Dover Middle* moved from Alliance Edison Jr. High Faircrest Middle Fairless Jr. High Garaway High Hartford Middle Hartville Christian Elementary Heritage Christian High Immaculate Conception Elementary Indian Valley Middle School Jackson Middle Lehman Middle Malvern Middle Massillon Christian High Massillon Middle Newcomerstown Middle North Canton Middle Northwest Middle Oakwood Middle School Our Lady of Peace Elementary Pfeiffer Middle Rush Christian Elementary Sandy Valley High St. Barbara Elementary St. Clement Elementary St. James Elementary St. Joan of Arc Elementary St. Joseph Elementary — Dover St. Joseph Elementary — Canton St. Mary Elementary St. Paul Elementary Strasburg-Franklin High Sts. Phillip & James Elementary — Canal Fulton Tuscarawas Valley Middle Tuslaw
EAST SITE: ALLIANCE HIGH SCHOOL All Saints Elementary Alliance Middle Aquinas Central Elementary Beaver Local Middle Bell-Herron Middle Bishop Mussio (Steubenville) Buckeye North Middle Buckeye South Middle Crestview Middle David Anderson Jr./Sr. High Daw Jr. High East Canton Middle East Liverpool Christian High East Liverpool Middle East Palestine Middle Harding Middle Heartland Christian Holy Rosary Elementary Indian Creek Jr. High Jefferson County Christian Elementary Joseph Welty Middle Lake Center Christian Elementary Lake Middle Leetonia High Linton’s Piano Studio Louisville Middle Marlington Middle Minerva Middle Regina Coela Elementary Salem Jr. High South Side Middle Southern Local Jr./Sr. High Springfield Jr. High St. Agnes Elementary St. Aloysius Elementary St. Francis Elementary St. Michael Stanton Jr. High Trinity Christian Academy United High Westgate Elementary
WEST SITE: MASSILLON WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Carrollton Central Catholic Claymont Dover East Canton Edison Fairless Garaway Heartland Christian Heritage Christian Jackson Lake Center Christian Leetonia Lisbon Marlington Massillon Christian Massillon Washington Minerva New Philadelphia Northwest Perry Salem Sandy Valley St. Thomas Aquinas Steubenville Steubenville Catholic Central Tusky Valley Tuslaw
EAST SITE: GLENOAK HIGH SCHOOL Alliance Beaver Local Buckeye Local Canton South Claymont Columbiana Crestview East Liverpool Christian East Liverpool High School East Palestine Garaway GlenOak Hoover Indian Creek Indian Valley Lake Louisville Malvern McKinley Newcomerstown Southern Local Stark County Home School Strasburg-Franklin HS Timken Toronto United Wellsville
Happy Holidays to you and your families from your District 8 Officers
High School Solo and Ensemble Adjudicated Event: Jan. 16, 2016 Registration Deadline: Dec. 19, 2015
Junior High Solo and Ensemble Adjudicated Event: April 9, 2016 Registration Deadline: March 12, 2016
Contact Information: West Site: Chair: Kerri Riley Massillon Washington H.S. One Paul Brown Dr., SE Massillon, OH 44646 330-830-3901 Ext. 51500
[email protected] Schools Assigned: See enclosure
Contact Information: West Site: Chair: Lisa Iceman Tuslaw High School 1847 Manchester Avenue NW Massillon, Ohio 44647 330-837-7800
[email protected] Schools Assigned: See enclosure
East Site: Chair: Elyse Laux GlenOak High School 1801 Schneider St. NE Canton, OH 44720 330-491-3800
[email protected] Schools Assigned: See enclosure
East Site: Chair: Crystal Sabik Alliance High School 400 Glamorgan St. Alliance, OH 44601 330-829-1234 Ext. 2265
[email protected] Schools Assigned: See enclosure
High School Large Group Adjudicated Event: March 4-5, 2016 Registration Deadline: Feb. 6, 2016 Contact Information: Choir and Band Site — all applications Chair: Mark Tryon Lake H.S. 1025 Lake Center St. Uniontown, OH 44685 330-877-4282
[email protected]
Junior High Large Group Adjudicated Event: May 13-14, 2016 Registration Deadline: April 16, 2016 Contact Information: Choir and Band Site — all applications: Chair: Ellen Varn North Canton Middle School 605 Fair Oaks SW North Canton, OH 44720 330497-5635 Ext. 317
[email protected] Event held at N. Canton Hoover HS
Band Site (overflow) — to be assigned Chair: Ron Varn North Canton Hoover H.S. 525 7th St. NE North Canton, OH 44720 330-224-1628
[email protected]
If you are not currently in the District 8 email database or know of a colleague who did not receive this newsletter, please email Chris Irwin with subject “Newsletter” at
[email protected] so that you will receive future newsletters, reminders and information electronically.
District VIII O.M.E.A Calendar of Events 2015-2016 Please mark these dates on your personal calendar.
Fall Leadership Meeting For Officers, AE Site Chairs, and Committee Chairs 7:00 PM GlenOak High School – Door #8
D8 Junior High/High School Honors Choir Rehearsal 9:30 AM-12:00 PM – Dover High School
D8 Junior High/High School Honors Choir Festival Performance 9:30 AM-2:00 PM Rehearsal; 3:00 PM Concert – Dover High School
D8 High School Solo and Ensemble Registration/Postmark Deadline
Deadline for Change of Region for State Orchestra and/or District HS Large Group AE
D8 High School Solo and Ensemble # West Site – Massillon Washington HS
East Site – GlenOak HS
Winter Membership Meeting 6:00 PM Papa Bears, Canton
1/23/2016 1/28/2016 – 1/30/2016
NE Region State Orchestra Registration/Postmark Deadline OMEA Professional Development Conference Cincinnati, Ohio
2/6/2016 2/13/2016
D8 HS District Large Group AE Registration/Postmark Deadline D8 Junior High/High School Honors Band Rehearsal Jr. High 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Alliance HS; High School 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Univ. of Mount Union
2/20/2016 2/20/2016
NE Region State Orchestra AE D8 Junior High and High School Honors Band Festival Concert 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Rehearsal at Alliance High School; 7:00 PM Concert at Alliance High School
3/1/2016 3/4/2016-3/5/2016
Deadline for Change of District for Jr. High Large Group AE D8 HS District Large Group AE Lake HS Hoover HS (band overflow)
3/12/2016 4/9/2016
D8 Jr. High Solo and Ensemble Registration/Postmark Deadline D8 Jr. High Solo and Ensemble # West Site – Tuslaw HS
East Site – Alliance HS
D8 Jr. High Large Group AE Registration/Postmark Deadline
EC Region State Band and Choir AE
D8 Jr. High Large Group AE North Canton Hoover HS
Spring Membership Meeting 7:00 PM Alliance restaurant TBA
ALL District 8 Adjudicated Events are now registered online at in the Member Portal # Solo and Ensemble site assignments will be published in the Fall Newsletter (October)