Familial Adenomatous Polyposis From Bedside to

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hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE; a hyperpigmentation of the retina caused by increased numbers of large pigment granules18,19), central ...

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis From Bedside to Benchside MAUREEN J. O'SULLIVAN, MB, MD,1* TOMMIE V. MCCARTHY, PhD,2 AND CUIMIN T. DOYLE, MD, FRCPath1 the APC gene are also frequently observed in a variety of other human carcinomas. Isolation of the APC gene has led to the recognition of genotype-phenotype correlations and, together with protein studies, has helped to elucidate the structure and function of the APC protein. This report aims to take the reader from a clinical appreciation to a molecular understanding of FAP. (Key words: Familial adenomatous polyposis; Adenomatous polyposis coli [APC] gene; Truncating mutations; APC protein; Germline mutation; Somatic mutation) Am J Clin Pathol 1998;109:521-526.

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominantly inherited cancer-predisposition syndrome that is causally linked to mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC) that has been localized to 5q21. 1-11 The reported incidence ranges from 1:17,000 to 1:5,000.12 Spontaneous germline mutation is frequent, with resultant cases accounting for up to 30% of patients. 1 3 Disease penetrance is almost 100% at 40 years of age. 14 The disease is classically characterized by the development, usually during the teenage years, of at least 100 adenomatous polyps in the colorectum. Because adenomatous polyps of the gastrointestinal tract are premalignant, ultimate progression to carcinoma is inevitable in the absence of therapeutic intervention. 15 ' 16 The standard mode of intervention has been surgical, in the form of prophylactic colectomy,

although medical therapy with sulindac, which has been shown to induce polyp regression, 17 is undergoing trial by the English-based concerted action polyposis prevention group (J Burn, MD, oral communication, December 1994). Adenomatous polyps may develop more proximally in the gastrointestinal tract also, most notably in the stomach and second part of the duodenum, where eradication and control of neoplastic progression are far more challenging. Numerous extraintestinal lesions may cosegregate with adenomatous polyposis. These include desmoid tumors, exostoses of the long bones and endostoses (particularly of the mandible), which have been loosely referred to as osteomas. Furthermore, congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE; a hyperpigmentation of the retina caused by increased numbers of large pigment granules18,19), central nervous system neoplasms, and epidermoid cysts also may be featured in the disease. Traditionally, the association of FAP, d e s m o i d s , and exostoses has been termed Gardner's syndrome, 20-23 whereas the combination of cerebral neoplasia and FAP is known as Turcot's syndrome. 24 These two syndromes have also been causally linked to mutation of the APC gene. Less well established associations that have been reported include an increased risk of development of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, 25 extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, hepatoblastoma, 26-28 papillary thyroid carcinoma,29'30 and several of the multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes. 31-33

From the ^Department of Pathology, Cork University Hospital and the 2Molecular Biology Research Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, University College, Cork, Ireland. Manuscript received May 28,1997; accepted June 27,1997. Address reprint requests to Dr O'Sullivan: Lauren V. Ackerman Laboratory of Surgical Pathology, Washington University Medical Center, PO Box 8118, 660 S Euclid Ave, St Louis, MO 63110. *Dr O'Sullivan is now affiliated with the Lauren V. Ackerman Laboratory of Surgical Pathology, Washington University Medical Center, St Louis, Missouri.


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Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a dominantly inherited cancer-predisposition syndrome with an incidence of between 1:17,000 and 1:5,000. The condition has been causally linked to mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene located at 5q21. Virtually all mutations in the APC gene are truncating mutations, resulting in loss of function of the APC protein. Spontaneous germline mutation of this gene occurs frequently and accounts for the high incidence of FAP. The gene is somatically mutated at an early point in the colorectal adenoma-carcinoma progression. Somatic mutations of



The APC gene was first identified in 1986, with the observation of a constitutional interstitial deletion of a segment of the long arm of chromosome 5 in a young man with polyposis and numerous other congenital anomalies. 1 The exact gene locus was then established by positional cloning. 34-38 The APC gene has an open reading frame of 8538 base pairs (bp)34 and comprises 15 coding exons, with exon 15 alone containing 6571 bp, making it the largest known human exon. The gene codes for a 2843 residue protein with a molecular weight of 310 kD 3 4 , 3 6 and wide tissue expression, including stomach, liver, esophagus, kidney, brain, and eye.

To date, more than 300 different mutations of the APC gene have been described. 40 These are distributed throughout the whole gene, with a higher concentration in the 5' part of exon 15, where 60% of all reported somatic mutations occur between codons 1000 and 1600 in the so-called mutation cluster region, which comprises only 20% of the entire gene. 39 The majority are frameshift mutations, resulting from deletions or insertions of b e t w e e n 1 a n d 8 b p . A certain few germline mutations are particularly prevalent, notably the 5-bp deletions at codons 1061 and 1309, which represent 5% and 10% of the mutations in the German FAP populations, respectively, 41 and together account for approximately 20% of all mutations demonstrated in the Italian population. 42 In the Irish population, these m u t a t i o n s account for 6% a n d 11% of r e p o r t e d germline APC gene mutations, respectively.43 Overall, 33% of all published APC gene mutations are located at codons 1061, 1309, or 1465. 44 Larger deletions and insertions have been reported, 3 9 ' 4 5 and isoforms of messenger RNA lacking exon 7 or with alternative splicing of exon 9 have also been described.36-46 The exact location of a mutation within the APC gene seems to be significant for the disease phenotype. Apart from variation in extraintestinal disease manifestations, the actual number of polyps is inconstant also, with the disease being categorized as sparse when

APC Gene Codon 1309—Aggressive course


FIG 1. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) genotype-phenotype correlation: significance of the mutation site within the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene. AAPC = attenuated form of familial adenomatous polyposis; CHRPE = congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium.

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The APC gene was classified as a tumor suppressor gene on the basis of the frequently observed loss of heterozygosity at 5q21 in diverse tumors, including those of the colorectum, and the finding that most mutations (95%) reported in the APC gene are truncating and, therefore, presumably inactivating, mutations. 39 In addition, the Knudson "two-hit" model can be applied to the APC gene in the development of colorectal carcinoma, both hereditary (FAP type) and sporadic. Mutation of one allele is sufficient for the development of adenomas, suggesting a dose-dependent effect by the gene product a n d / o r a dominant negative effect by its mutated form.

fewer than 1,000 polyps are present and profuse when more than 5,000 are present. 44 ' 47 Mutations proximal to codon 1249 are associated with sparse polyposis, mutations between codon 1250 and 1330 lead to a profuse phenotype, and mutations distal to codon 1465 again lead to sparse polyposis. Furthermore, the common mutation at codon 1309 has been linked to a more aggressive disease course with earlier onset of gastrointestinal s y m p t o m s , 4 8 while m u t a t i o n at the extreme 5' portion of the APC gene is associated with "attenuated polyposis," characterized by the development of fewer polyps at a later age. 49 The presence or absence of CHRPE is apparently attributable to the location of a mutation within the APC gene. 50 CHRPE is reportedly systematically present in patients in whom the mutation lies downstream of exon 9, but is absent in those in whom the mutation is located 5' of exon 9 (Fig 1). No consistent relationship between the exact mutation site and other extracolonic disease features has been demonstrated. 51,52 These findings, coupled with the observation of somatic APC gene mutation as a key initial step in sporadic colorectal t u m o r i g e n e s i s , 5 3 h a v e p r o v o k e d intense interest in the role of the APC protein. This is a 2843 residue protein with cytoplasmic localization. Wild-type APC protein complexes precipitate in the insoluble cell membrane fraction.54 Early studies showed that the APC protein can be subdivided into two major regions: the carboxy terminal 75% and the amino terminal 25%, the latter of which contains proline-free blocks with heptad repeats of hydrophobic residues. 34 This pattern is characteristic



Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

Further insight into the function of the APC gene product came with the precipitation of 2 proteins that were shown to associate with the region of the APC protein between residues 1014 and 1210. 56 Analysis of these proteins characterized them as a- and p-catenins.57 The catenins are a group of cytoplasmic proteins that were identified primarily because of their association with the cell adhesion molecule, E-cadherin.57 o Catenin is structurally similar to vinculin, a known junction-associated protein, and p-catenin shares substantial homology with armadillo, a Drosophila segment polarity gene product involved in signal transduction.57 Protein fusion studies confirmed the association of the catenins with the APC protein, which is demonstrably independent of their interaction with E-cadherin.56'58 pCatenin interacts with the intracellular domain of E-cadherin, anchoring its cytoplasmic region to the adherens junction,59 while its extracellular domain interacts homotypically with E-cadherin on adjacent cells. 5 9 The adherens junction is critical for the establishment and maintenance of epithelial layers, cell-cell adhesion, and anchorage to the actin cytoskeleton. 59 ' 60 oc-Catenin is believed to associate with E-cadherin and the APC protein indirectly, through its interaction with the amino-terminal portion of p-catenin. 56 ' 61 a-Catenin, which also binds actin, is thus thought to link the adherens junction and the APC protein to the actin cytoskeleton. p-Catenin was recognized originally as a cadherinbinding protein; however, its Drosophila homolog

armadillo also has a role in signal transduction in the wingless pathway, which determines segment polarity and cell fate during embryogenesis. The roles of pcatenin in signal transduction and cell adhesion have been shown to be distinct and separate. 58 The APC protein may regulate the role of p-catenin in the Wnt-1 (the vertebrate oncoprotein counterpart of wingless) signaling pathway. 62 ' 63 Initiation of the mitotic signal via the Wnt-1 pathway causes posttranslational stabilization and cytoplasmic accumulation of P-catenin. The APC protein, in contrast, contains at its c a r b o x y t e r m i n u s a site that, w h e n phosphorylated by GSK-3P, enhances the degradation of APC-bound p-catenin. 6 3 This site is almost invariably lost in APC mutations (Fig 2, B), a fact that may well correlate with the reportedly increased expression of p-catenin in early colorectal adenomas. 64 Wnt-1 signaling inhibits GSK-3p phosphorylation of APC and results in cytoplasmic and nuclear accumulation of p-catenin. 6 5 p-Catenin has been

171 Residues Homo-oligomerization of wild-type APC protein

Inactivating oligomerization of wild-type with mutant protein

Truncation Or




Nonoligomerization—caused by loss of binding site In severely truncated protein





Mutant APC



• p-catenin binding site (codons 1014 to 1210) • Phosphorylation site—important in p-catenin degradation (codons 1323 to 2075) • Microtubule interaction site (terminal third) • DLG and EB-1 binding sites FIG 2. A, Negative regulatory effect of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene product on the cell cycle and loss thereof in truncating mutations. B, Depiction of APC protein showing carboxy-terminal binding sites for p-catenin, DLG, and EB-1 proteins, and microtubule interaction and phosphorylation site, all of which may be lost in truncating mutations. Black bar = amino terminal portion of protein; gray bar = carboxy terminal portion of protein in which majority of truncating mutations occur.

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of oc-helical coiled coils and implies protein-protein interactions. Studies of the binding properties of the APC protein indicated that the amino terminus was critical for homo-oligomerization. 5 5 The first 171 residues were found to be sufficient for complex formation; the first 45 residues proved essential (Fig 2, A). Most APC gene mutations result in the production of a protein that is truncated at some point beyond r e s i d u e 171. T h u s , the p o t e n t i a l for c o n t i n u e d oligomerization should generally be preserved in truncated proteins, permitting the formation of inactivating complexes; this in essence could explain the dominant negative effect by the mutant protein. Nondetection of any protein smaller than 80 kd in transgenic mice suggests instability of these severely truncated proteins or of their messenger RNA (R Fodde, MD, unpublished data, 1994). Inactivating complexes cannot be formed from such products because they lack the critical binding domain. Instead, in this situation, the total amount of wild-type APC protein is reduced, and this reduction is believed to account for the attenuated form of FAP observed when mutation occurs very proximally within the APC gene.10-49




It has been shown that the WT-APC protein colocalizes with the microtubule cytoskeleton via its carboxy-terminus. 72 Expression of partial cDNA constructs has indicated that the carboxy-terminus of the protein is essential for this interaction, 7 3 and notably, this region is lost in virtually all mutated (truncated) APC products (Fig 2, B). The APC protein has been detected near the ends of microtubules at the o u t e r m o s t p o i n t s of cell-cell c o n t a c t s . 7 4 W h e t h e r APC d i r e c t l y b i n d s m i c r o t u b u l e s or whether other proteins link APC to the microtubules remains to be established. In the gut, where an intact epithelial monolayer must be maintained in the face of rapid epithelial cell turnover with progressive migration of cells from the depths of crypts to the tips of villi, the balance between cell migration and cell-cell adhesion is critical. Accumulation of excess epithelial cells at the crypt-villus junction produces a polyp. Considering this, with the knowledge that truncated APC protein is causally linked to polyp formation, the possibility that APC mutations may be related to a disruption of the balance between cell migration and cell adhesion becomes intriguing. The interactions of APC and E-cadherin with pcatenin are a p p a r e n t l y separate, a n d it has been reported that APC protein and E-cadherin compete AJCP-

for P-catenin. 61 Other investigators considered this implausible because the expression level of E-cadherin greatly exceeds that of APC, making competition unlikely, except p e r h a p s locally, where APC tends to cluster near microtubules at the outer boundary of cell-cell contacts where cells are migrating past one another. 74 It is possible that in this microenvironment, the functional APC protein, by decreasing the availability of p-catenin to E-cadherin, could cause localized loosening of cell-cell adhesive junctions, resulting in the facilitation of cell migration. Loss of such a function could then perhaps allow cells to accumulate and "heap u p " into a polypoid mass. The overexpression of full-length APC protein reportedly blocks cell cycle progression from the 75 G Q / G J to S phase. This is thought to result largely from inhibition of CDK2 (cylin-dependent kinase) activity. Interestingly, C-terminally truncated mutant APC proteins diminish the cell cycle-blocking activity of w i l d - t y p e APC, possibly by i n a c t i v a t i n g heterodimerization (Fig 2, A). The exact mode of action of APC in cell cycle r e g u l a t i o n is unclear, b u t it is unlikely to be similar to the much-studied p53, pRB (retinoblastoma) and Wilms' tumor-1 proteins, all of which also have negative regulatory effects on cell cycle progression from G Q / G J to S phase because these are nuclear proteins and APC is a cytoplasmic protein. The APC protein has been shown to associate with microtubules and cell adhesion molecules to modify transcriptional activation and to alter cell cycle regulation. Loss of functional APC could thus result in impairment of cell migration, perhaps as a result of stabilization of cell-cell adhesions as increased free cytoplasmic P-catenin is incorporated into the E-cadherin-catenin unit. A simultaneous increase in cell proliferation could further enhance accumulation of cells at the crypt-villus boundary and result in polyp formation, setting the stage for carcinogenesis. It is hoped that the advances in our understanding of the molecular pathology of FAP will ultimately result in novel therapeutic strategies, as alluded to in a rather amusing fashion by Dukes in his thoughtprovoking 1952 rhyme: "You are old, Father William," the young surgeon said, "And your colon from polyps is free. Yet most of your sibling are known to be dead— A really bad family tree." "In my youth," Father William replied with a grin, "I was told that a gene had mutated, That all who carried this dominant gene To polyps and cancer were fated.


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shown to interact with leukocyte enhancing factor (LEF-1) and members of the T-cell factor (Tcf) family of transcription factors. 66 It has been reported that LEF-1 binds directly to p-catenin and translocates the latter to the nucleus, 66,67 thus potentially mediating its role in the Wnt-1 signaling pathway. Constitutive complexing of P-catenin with Tcf-4 and LEF-1 has been reported in APC _//_ colorectal carcinoma cells (cell lines homozygous for the deletion of APC) 68 and melanoma cell lines 69 and is believed to be related to cancer progression through persistent activation of as yet uncharacterized downstream target g e n e s . E x o g e n o u s w i l d - t y p e (WT)-APC can down-regulate p-catenin and abrogate transcriptional transactivation by removing P-catenin from Tcf in APC"/ - cancer cells. 68 Thus, regulation of p-catenin seems critical to APC function as a tumor suppressor gene. This function can be disrupted by mutations in APC or p-catenin 70 ; the latter have been reported in colorectal carcinoma very infrequently. The carboxyterminus of the APC protein also contains binding sites for EB-1 protein (of u n k n o w n function) and DLG tumor suppressor protein (the human homologue of Drosophila disks larger tumor suppressor protein) (Fig 2, B).71 The significance of these associations remains to be elucidated.



Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

"I s o u g h t advice from a surgical friend, W h o sighed a n d s a i d — ' W i t h o u t d o u b t Your only escape from a n u n t i m e l y e n d Is to h a v e y o u r intestine right out.' "It s e e m e d rather b a d luck—I w a s t h e n b u t n i n e t e e n — So I w e n t a n d c o n s u l t e d a quack, W h o t o o k a firm g r i p o n m y d o m i n a n t g e n e A n d p r o m p t l y mutated it back." "This," said the s u r g e o n , "is s o m e t h i n g q u i t e n e w A n d before w e ascribe a n y m e r i t We m u s t see if the claims of this fellow are true, A n d observe w h a t y o u r children inherit!"*


'Reprinted with permission of Dukes C. Familial intestinal polyposis. Ann Royal Coll Surg Eng. 1952; 293-304.

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AJCP • May 1998

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