Name four books that Darren. Shan has written? 1. 2. 3. 4. How many books are
there in the “Demonata” series? How many books are there in the “Saga of.
Log on: Using the above website, complete the following tasks: Using the “Browse Authors” alphabet or the “search authors” box, search for Darren SHAN. What is his real name? Find
Name four books that Darren Shan has written? 1.
_________________________________ 2. How many books are there in the “Demonata” series? _____________________________ How many books are there in the “Saga of Darren Shan” Series? __________________
3. 4.
Now try searching for a specific book, using the “Search Books” box type in “Harry Potter”. How many books did you find? _______________________________ Look for a title called “Kids’ Letters to Harry Potter”. Who wrote this book? _______________________________________________________________
Who is your favourite author?
Using the header drop down menus, find out how many books were published this month.
________________________ Search for your favourite author and write down how many books they have written.
________________________ Are there any books planned for the future, if so what is it called and when will it be published? ________________________
How many books are coming out soon? ______________________________ Who is the number one top author? ______________________________ Using the ‘Awards’ drop down menu, name a book that won the Carnegie Medal? ______________________________