Farming Systems Facing Global Challenges: Capacities and ...

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Scale enlargement is a dominant strategy for dairy farmers in The ... speed' dairy farming is preferred by 35 farmers of which 17 are outside cluster 1.
Farmers’ perception on options for farm development in a situation of limiting nearby surroundings R.G. (Ron) Methorst1, D. (Dirk) Roep2, F.J.H.M. (Frans) Verhees3 and J.A.A.M. (Jos) Verstegen4 1

Dronten University of Applied Sciences and Wageningen University, Rural Sociology, Wageningen, The Netherlands ( 2

Wageningen University, Rural Sociology, Wageningen, The Netherlands


Wageningen University, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Wageningen, The Netherlands


LEI, part of Wageningen UR, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Abstract: Farmers are challenged to integrate changes in the biophysical and societal environment in the farm strategy. Scale enlargement is a dominant strategy for dairy farmers in The Netherlands and is a possible threat to vulnerable assets of regions. Regional development programmes aim to support farm development in such a way that vulnerable assets are protected. Stakeholders in regional development may differ in their perceptions on viability of options for farm development. New services and functions in rural areas are often seen as desirable options for farm development. The farmer as entrepreneur chooses a strategy based on the options perceived by him as viable for future farm income: the perceived Room for Manoeuvre (pRfM). For effective regional development programmes it is important to understand differences between (groups of) farmers in the pRfM. In a case study of 79 dairy farmers 4 clusters were found: 1) based on output (29 farmers), 2) based on the use of on-farm resources (21 farmers), 3) based on on-farm non-dairy activities (21 farmers), 4) based on off-farm income and ending dairy production (8 farmers). The clusters have a different focus on their location in relation to farm strategy. The clusters were related to current, planned and preferred activities using cross tabulation. ‘Fullspeed’ dairy farming is preferred by 35 farmers of which 17 are outside cluster 1. Intensification of dairy farming is planned on 14 farms of which 9 are in cluster 2 and 3. Many farmers have a strong preference for more intensive dairy production, even when options for diversified farming are perceived as viable. Results may be influenced by the fact that all farmers in this case study were tenant farmers. This study shows that the construct perceived Room for Manoeuvre allows to distinguish between groups of farmers on their farm strategy in relation to farm location. In regional development this knowledge can be used in the design of support programmes for farm development, increasing the likelihood of a successful programme. Keywords: farm development, strategy, room for manoeuvre, (agricultural) entrepreneurship, adaptive capacity, regional development, rural development, diversification


Introduction Farming systems and farm production level have developed over centuries in a close relation to and in balance with the nearby surroundings (Bieleman 1987). After World War II the process of agricultural modernization started, involving specialisation, intensification and scale enlargement of production. Modernisation was successful in terms of production volumes, yet it loosened the connection between product, production and location (Wiskerke, 2009). An increase in production became possible by importing external inputs to the location of the farm. The intensification of production created negative social and environmental effects on the surroundings of a farm location and therefore a need for prevention of negative effects of farming (Marsden 2003; Wiskerke and Roep 2007). Prevention of negative effects is especially of importance in regions with assets of high natural and cultural-historical value (to be called vulnerable regions in this study) (de Bont et al., 2007). Regional development plans in vulnerable regions aim at supporting stakeholders in the region in developing their activities in such a way that it supports the quality of the assets of the region. In rural areas large parts of the land are in use by farmers (Berkhout & van Bruchem, 2006) making farmers important stakeholders in regional development (de Lauwere, Verstegen et al. 2006). The farmer in his role as entrepreneur has a primary focus on farm development to secure farm income. Farm income is under pressure from the ‘squeeze on agriculture’: the process of increasing costs and decreasing returns on agricultural products (Van der Ploeg & Roep, 2003). Scale enlargement is a dominant strategy for dairy farmers in The Netherlands (Meurink, 2013). The assets of vulnerable regions are protected by legislation on the effects of farming on the environment and landscape, this poses limitations to the increase of production as option for farm development. The assets of vulnerable regions may as well present new options for farm development from new services and functions in rural areas for urban dwellers (Roep, 2000 ; OECD, 2006 ; Horlings, 2010). These new options will support the assets of the region as they are often linked to the value of these assets (natural and cultural-historical value). Farmers implementing these new options on their farm is thus a desireable development in regional development. Farmers are however -to a certain extent- free to choose their strategy out of the options they themselves perceive as viable for future farm development. Perceptions on the viability and preferability of different options for farm development may differ between stakeholders in a regional development program. Differences between farmers in the perception on viable future farm development are likely as well. For this reason it is important to understand possible differences within the group of farmers on their perception of the viable options for farm development in a situation of limiting nearby surroundings.

Analytical framework To study the perception of farmers on farm development the construct perceived Room for Manoeuvre (pRfM) is introduced (figure 1). The pRfM is defined as: ‘the set of options perceived viable by a farmer to obtain future farm income for his situation on his farm’. The pRfM is the result of a (continuous) process of assessing endogenous and exogenous developments that affect for farm development. The verb ‘to perceive’ emphasizes that pRfM is highly influenced by the frame of thinking and the specific situation of the farmer at that moment. Exogenous developments are 1) societal developments, 2) market & technology developments in the dairy sector, and 3) ‘nearby biophysical and societal surroundings’ affecting the farm. The endogenous elements are 1) work experience, 2) networks, 3) personal preferences, 4) entrepreneurial competences, and 5) involvement of the household. When selecting a strategy (explicit or implicit) the farmer chooses the options he will put in practice. This may in turn lead to changes in farm practices. By adding the factor income to the construct pRfM the role of the farmer as entrepreneur is put in the centre.


Research questions 1 Are there differences between farmers in the pRfM for farm development in the context of a region with limitations on farm development 2 How does the construct pRfM relate to current, planned and preferred activities 3 Can the construct pRfM provide insights for a regional development program 4 Can the construct pRfM add to farm development and entrepreneurial discourse We expect that there are differences between farmers in the pRfM and that will reflect in differences in current, planned and preferred activities. We expect that the differences between farmers in pRfM enables to link different groups of farms to policy goals in regional development programmes. We expect that differences in perceived Room for Manoeuvre between farmers will support a further understanding of the entrepreneurial part of farming.

Operationalization Farmers were presented a list of 15 options for farm development based on an expert view on general and specific developments in the region. The descriptions used were tested in the Figure 1: Analytical framework of perceived Room for Manoeuvre (RfM) in relation to farm development

trial phase. The options were related to (1) dairy production strategies, (2) obtaining additional income (off-farm job, energy production, nature preservation, processing of milk to products, onfarm customers, care, recreation, other on-farm companies next to dairy) and (3) options related to terminating dairy activities on the location (relocation outside the region, starting another company on location or transfer to residential use only). Dairy production strategies were split in (1) ‘steady on dairy’: main feed source from own farm land, limited concentrated feeds and byproducts, (2) ‘full power dairy’: high milk production per cow and per ha, high inputs in concentrated feeds and by-products, (3) ‘organic dairy’: complying to the production standards of organic agriculture and (4) ‘joint farming’: operating togeter with other dairy farms as 1 dairy farm. Farmers were asked to select for each option on a 5-point Likert scale their perception on the viability to obtain a relevant part of their income on their farm with this option. The scale ranged from ‘certainly not possible’ to ‘certainly possible’. Farmers were asked to select for their farm (1) the options currently in operation (multiple options possible), (2) the options they plan to put


in practice (multiple options possible), and (3) the option they prefer to do in a situation without limitations (one option to be selected).

Research methodology The area of Kampereiland was selected as a case study. A questionnaire was designed and tested with dairy farmers and both experts on dairy farming and on questionnaire design. Farmers were given a hardcopy and a personal code to access the digital version on the internet. All nonrespondents were contacted after two weeks via e-mail and phone. On closing date, 85 farmers had responded and 79 farmers had completed the questionnaire. Description of the case study Kampereiland (The Netherlands) is owned by the city of Kampen since 1364 and covers 4800 ha of which 4200 ha is farmland. The owner enlarged islands in the delta of the river IJssel by land reclamation. The land is used by 108 tenant farmers of which 102 are dairy farmers. Kampereiland is part of a National Landscape due to its river delta landscape with a high natural and cultural-historical value. Two Natura 2000 nature reserves border the area. The owner wants to preserve the natural and cultural-historical value and to increase the area’s use by residents of the city of Kampen. This creates limitations to intensification and scale enlargement of dairy farms. Farm income is on average 25,000 euro per year less as on reference farms outside Kampereiland (Methorst, 2013). A regional development program aims to support farmers in increasing their income in a way that respects the vulnerability of the area (Prins & de Hoop, 2010). The goals of the program are: 1) a broadening of the income sources for farmers, 2) increasing margins on production, and 3) decreasing the negative environmental effects of farming. Statistical analysis Data reduction was performed using principal component factor analysis with Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Three components were extracted based on eigenvalue higher than 1 and a minimal variance explained of 50%. The first step of the cluster analysis was performed using Ward’s hierarchical cluster. Based upon the agglomeration schedule 4 clusters were determined. The centroid values were used as starting values for the non-hierarchical K-means cluster analysis in the second step.

Results Four groups of farmers were found which differ in the average scores on the 15 options presented (table 1). The scores were measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 as ‘certainly not possible’ to 5 as ‘certainly possible’. Two options score independent from the other options chosen: ‘dairy and energy’ and ‘dairy and off-farm job’. The scores for additional on-farm income related to diversification (care, recreation and on-farm customers) are low with an exception for group 3. Even in this group the average score is hardly above the level of ‘maybe’. Experts in the field of farm supported the content validity of the results.


Characteristics of the 4 groups The groups were described in words based upon the average scores of the options (table 1) and explorative interviews with 13 farmers at the start of the research. 1: Production based – optimizing production Strong focus on ‘full-speed dairy’ (maximizing production per ha, high imports of feed), joint farming is seen as ‘maybe possible’, energy production may add to farm income: Farm location is the place where I try to reach the highest possible production of milk. Limitations are minimized via external inputs or technical input within a frame of economic optimization 2: Resource based – optimizing the resources Strong focus on ‘steady-on dairy’, (mainly feed from own land), off-farm job is seen as a possible option as is energy production: Farm location is the place where I try to produce as much milk as possible within the limitations of the land and environment. The amount of feed harvested from my land determines to a large extent the amount of milk produced 3: Location based – optimizing the location Strong focus on ‘steady-on dairy’, comparable to resources based farming, with a positive perception on diversification as possibility, organic dairy has the highest score in this group: ‘The assets of the farm on this location offer possibilities for income from other activities next to dairy farming by using the assets of the location and the people present on the farm. 4: Off-farm based – optimizing off-farm Focus on steady-on dairy combined with off-farm job or another company. Orientated towards terminating dairy farming with income from other activities (possibly retirement): Farm location is mainly the location where I live, milk production is likely to end in the (near) future and my income will come from either pension funds or activities elsewhere The characteristics of the groups fits with the development of milk production per ha in 1985 and 2012. Group 1 has the highest production per ha in both 1985 (14,300 kg/ha) and 2012 (17,900 kg/ha) with a large standard deviation in 2012 (7,700 kg/ha). In 1985 group 2, 3 and 4 were very similar with a production of 12,300 kg/ha. In 2012 group 4 was the least intensive (10,700 kg/ha), group 3 was relative extensive (11,900 kg/ha) and group 2 was the most intensive of these three groups (14,100 kg/ha).


Table 1: Average scores for the clusters on the options presented, 1 = certainly not possible, 3 = maybe possible, 5 = certainly possible. Names for the options are short versions of words used in the questionnaire. The most distinguishing results are highlighted in bold. Options1) \ Groups

1 Production based n = 29

2 Resource based n =21

3 Location based n = 21

4 off-farm based n=8

Steady on dairy





Full speed dairy





Organic dairy





Joint farming





Dairy & off-farm job





Dairy & energy production





Dairy & nature conservation





Dairy & processing





Dairy & customers





Dairy & care





Dairy & recreation





Dairy and another company





Relocating outside area





Stop milking, other company





Stop milking, residential





1) A longer description was used in the questionnaire

Current, planned and preferred activities Farmers were asked the following questions (table 2): 1 Can you select the options in practice on your farm ‘DO’ (multiple options possible) 2 Can you select the options you will or consider to do ‘PLAN’ (multiple options possible) 3 Which option would you most like to do in a situation of no limitations ‘PREFER’ (one option possible) ‘Steady-on dairy’ is most in practice with 48 farms of which 5 in group 1. ‘Full-speed dairy’ is in practice at 28 farms of which 21 in group 1. An off-farm job is in practice at 34 farms with an emphasis on farmers in group 1 and 2 (each 11 farms). On-farm energy production is in practice at 16 farms of which 7 in group 1 and 6 in group 3. Dairy combined with nature conservation is in practice on a total of 27 farms (respectively 9, 8, 9 and 1 farms). Joint farming is most in practice in group 1 with 8 out of 11 farms. Farms which have options diversification (on-farm additional income) in practice are all but 1 in group 3. Looking at significance of differences the options ‘steady-on’, ‘full-speed’, ‘customers’ and ‘stop milking’ are highly significant at p