Feb Playgroup Guide.pdf - Google Drive

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St. Joseph- May 11th. Remember to thank your local principal for hosting this Playgroup! Featured Songs: We will sing so
February, 2016 “Bedtime Lullaby” from Priddy Books Theme: Winter Fun

Parents as Teachers Visit us at www.berrienresa.org/pat for Playgroup schedules and information about the Parents as Teachers program. Follow Playgroups on Pinterest under Berrien RESA Early Education. Join Berrien RESA on


. Don’t forget to use #BRESAandME

in your post.

Parent Connection: Music and your Child Sing. Sing. Sing. Don’t feel shy about singing with your child. Your voice will please her because you are the most important person in her life. Singing songs and repeating rhymes face to face with your child builds brain connections more effectively than playing music on a CD or video. Keep these things in mind: •

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Singing is a key component in the development of your child’s language and literacy skills. It encourages verbal confidence and vocal imitation. It teaches grammar, vocabulary, patterning, storytelling, and builds concentration and memory. Songs can be used in challenging times to help children transition from one activity to another. Music can be used to change a child’s mood. Slow music can calm a toddler that is excited or upset and it can soothe a fussy baby. Fast music encourages movement that can entertain a restless toddler. Your child may remember things more easily when they are set to music. Just think: we all know the ABC song! You can use songs to teach about counting, colors, and letters. Music offers repetition which helps your child’s brain become better organized to hear and speak language. Rhymes help babies hear similar sounds. This helps your baby to learn how to talk now and learn to read when he is older. Singing together is a form of shared attention that helps build secure attachments. Children learn to associate favorite songs with good memories that help create family bonds.

More information about using music with your child is available at the sign-in table. Feel free to talk to one of our certified Parent Educators about your child’s development.

Upcoming Playgroups March

Touch and Feel Dinosaurs by DK Publishing April

Potluck of books. We will revisit books from this past school year. May

READ AROUND THE COUNTY! 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Niles- May 10 St. Joseph- May 11th th

Featured Songs: We will sing songs from our featured lullaby song book. This gift set includes a book, a plush sheep and a music CD!

Remember to thank your local principal for hosting this Playgroup!

Playgroup Activities Sensory Activity: Shaving cream and winter animals.

Recipe: Soothing Lavender Sensory Bin Use this sensory experience to promote calm play or make transitions from busy play to more relaxed periods of time. Instructions:

Discovery Bin: Soothing lavender sensory rice bin.

Gross Motor: Parachute

Dramatic Play: Doll house

Place uncooked rice in a plastic zip bag. In a bowl, mix blue and pink food coloring to make a lovely lavender shade and add two tablespoons of distilled vinegar. Pour the food coloring into the bag of rice and shake to distribute the color. Lay the rice out in a thin layer to dry overnight. Place rice in play area and mix in flower heads from lavender stalks to create a soothing scent.

Art: Coffee filter art using markers and spray bottles

Snack: Water and animal crackers will be provided. Please eat snack at the table.

To prevent the sharing of germs, all toys and mats are sanitized following each playgroup. Feel free to use the wipes provided in the infant center to wipe toys that have been in a child’s mouth. We also use Surface aide for further protection. See staff for more information about this non-toxic antimicrobial barrier.

Read, Play, Sing, and Talk to your child every day!