FIGHT FOR EVERY HEARTBEAT - British Heart Foundation

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FIGHT. FOR EVERY. HEARTBEAT Save lives and raise funds for your nursery, pre-school or group! A fun activity-based fundraising scheme.

ARTIE’S Olympics A fun activity-based fundraising scheme for children aged 3–5


Save lives and raise funds for your nursery, pre-school or group!


Artie’s Olympics is the British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) fun activity-based scheme for children aged 3– 5 years old. Its aim is to encourage young children to get active and enjoy physical activity whilst raising funds to save the lives of people living with heart and circulatory conditions, and your organisation. This popular initiative is suitable for nurseries, pre-schools, playgroups and children’s centres, as well as any other group that works with young children

How does ARTIE’S Olympics work? We provide a wide range of individual and teambased games for you to choose from. You select five of those fun activities and hold an Artie’s Olympics Day, which parents and carers can come along to watch. All activities are easily adaptable to suit the age and abilities of the children involved. You can hold the event whenever you want during the year and the free organiser’s pack contains everything you need to make your event a success including:

• an organiser’s guide with The nursery, school or of group can keep 20% the total amount raised w – this could pay for ne resources or activities

lots of great activities, tips and advice

 old medal stickers for you g to present to your children

• laurel crowns for your children to decorate and wear

• posters to help you promote the event

• a balloon for each child (up to 50 will be supplied)

• sponsorship forms.

Who is Artie Beat? Artie Beat is a BHF mascot who stars in educational resources for children to help to deliver the message that a healthy lifestyle is important and can be fun.

How do children benefit from being active? Taking part in physical activity can enable children to:

• be healthy and feel good about themselves • develop confidence in their abilities • enjoy physical activity on a regular basis • have increased opportunities to mix and learn with others

• develop basic and key skills that link to other curriculum areas

• develop basic game skills, which they’ll need in order to play more sophisticated games as they get older

• have lower levels of stress and anxiety.

Being active through physical play will also encourage children to continue being active later in life. That will help them maintain a healthy weight and decrease their risk of heart disease.

Everyone wins with ARTIE’S Olympics! Your children win As they will be learning how to improve their heart health through fun activity-based play. You win It’s simple to organise and you get a comprehensive pack containing everything you will need to make your event a success. Your organisation wins As it gets to keep 20 per cent of any money raised to spend on whatever it wants. Artie’s Olympics can also assist with the delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage and contribute to the achievement of a healthy or active organisation type award. Your community wins Coronary heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer. The money you raise will help the BHF fund research to prevent, predict and try to cure heart disease. It will also provide vital support to those children and adults enduring daily battles with heart disease today.

How do I get involved in this great event? By organising an Artie’s Olympics event, you and your children can have fun, and help the BHF to save lives. All you have to do is fill in the form on the back of this leaflet or register online at There is no entry fee; all we ask is that you encourage parents to raise as much sponsorship as they can.

Children and heart disease • One in every 180 babies born has a heart defect.

• About 30,000 teenagers in the UK are currently living with heart conditions.

• About one in three children are classed as either overweight or obese.

Fill in the form on the back or register online at

ARTIE’S Olympics Registration Form

Send off for your Artie’s Olympics pack here

If your nursery/school/group is not already registered to hold another British Heart Foundation event and it has either a UK or BFPO address, it can register for this event. Full name of nursery/school/group*

We hope you’re keen to give this fun event a go. We’re sure you and your children will love it. Complete the form below and we’ll send you everything you need to run a successful event within two weeks. Alternatively, you can register online at If you have any questions, you can call us on 0300 330 3322 or email [email protected] Number of children taking part?*

(so we can send you the right number of stickers, balloons (up to 50 will be supplied) and sponsor forms) How did you hear about this event?*

agrees to organise a sponsored Artie’s Olympics event on behalf of the British Heart Foundation. We anticipate organising the event during the MONTH of*

(You should allow at least 4 weeks to organise your event, so your children can learn their activities and raise funds). Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr/Other*

BHF website

Local BHF representative

BHF mail shot


BHF email Past participant

Magazine/newspaper article

BHF Kids’ & Schools’ catalogue

Magazine/newspaper advert/insert Social media

Other (please specify)

Conditions of registration

We provide the Artie’s Olympics resources on the understanding that:

First name*

• Your nursery/school/group will hold a sponsored event during the 2014/15 school year or the following school year if your event month falls into that year.


• If you decide not to hold a fundraising event and do not return the resources unused, your nursery/school/youth group will reimburse the British Heart Foundation for the £15 cost of the organiser’s kit. This is not an offer for sale of the equipment as an alternative to holding an event. • You have obtained or are able to obtain the agreement of your nursery manager/head teacher/group leader to take part in this event.

Job title/Position*

Address of organisation*

Please make sure you have completed ALL the sections marked with a * symbol, as we will not be able to send you your pack until we have received all this information.

I have read and agree to the above conditions of registration Signature*





Please return this form by post to: Postcode*

Day telephone number*

Email address*

Artie’s Olympics, British Heart Foundation, Lyndon Place, 2096 Coventry Road, Birmingham, B26 3YU Or fax it to: 0121 742 9571

Keeping in touch

The British Heart Foundation would like to keep you up-to-date on our work and what you’re helping us to achieve. If you DO NOT wish to hear about this by post, please tick this box. If you DO NOT want to hear about this by phone, please tick this box. If you DO wish to hear about this by email, please tick this box. Occasionally we allow other similar organisations to contact our supporters. If you DO NOT wish to be contacted by them, please tick this box.

G117 (114) © British Heart Foundation 2014, a registered charity in England and Wales (225971) and in Scotland (SC039426)