Fina l Prog gram

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Joon Y. Zhong. Jisoon. Jin Jan. Victor. Jung H. Kwang. Seung. Yong H. Young. Nguye. Hanjo. Ki You. Y.S. Li ...... nd Hyo-Eun J. ETs on Si, Sh. Wen-Hsien Tu.
The e 17th Intern I nationa al Symp posium m on th he Phys sics of Semico onduct ctors an nd App plicatio ons

Final Prog gram

Decemb D ber 7 - 11, 1 2014 4 Ra amada Plaza J Jeju Ho otel, Jejju, Korrea http://w Hosted by the Sem miconducto or Physics D Division, The T Korean n Physical S Society (KP PS)

Organiz zed by Sponsored by Suppor rted by

The e 17th Intern I nationa al Symp posium m on th he Phys sics of Semico onduct ctors an nd App plicatio ons

Final Prog gram

Decemb D ber 7 - 11, 1 2014 4 Ra amada Plaza J Jeju Ho otel, Jejju, Korrea http://w Hosted by the Sem miconducto or Physics D Division, The T Korean n Physical S Society (KP PS)

Organiz zed by Sponsored by Suppor rted by


CO ONTEN NTS WELC COME AD DDRESS .............................................................................


ORGA ANIZATIO ON .....................................................................................


SPEA AKERS ..............................................................................................

10 0

INFO ORMATIO ON ....................................................................................... 13 3 Sccopes and Topics ............................................................................... 13 3 Reegistration n Informa ation ................................................................... 13 3 In nstructionss for Prese enters ................................................................. 14 4 Po oster Presentation Awards A ............................................................... 15 5 Su ubmission n of Paperss for Procceedings .............................................. 15 5 So ocial Even nts ....................................................................................... 18 8 Lists of Hosst, Organizers, Spon nsors & Ex xhibitors ........................... 18 8 Exxhibition for f Scientific Equip pments ................................................ 19 9 Fo or Furtherr Informattion .................................................................... 19 9 Syymposium m Site Map p ......................................................................... 20 0 PROG GRAM SU UMMARY ........................................................................... 211 SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRAM M.......................................................................... 23 3 AUTH HOR INDE EX ..................................................................................... 711 SUPP PORTER/E EXHIBTO OR’S ANN NOUNCEM MENTS .............................. 85 5



Web : http:///www w.ispsa Sem miconducctor Physsics Division Th he Koreaan Physiccal Socie ety 6 635-4 Yeeogsam-d dong, Gaangnam--gu, Seou ul 135-70 03, Korea a [T Tel] 82-2 2-556-47737 / [FA AX] 82-2-554-164 43 [W Web] http p://www Ramada Pl aza Jeju Hotel, Jeju J 1255 5 Samdo o2-dong, Jeju, Jejjudo 690 0-032, K Korea [Teel] 82-64 4-729-810 00 / [FA AX] 82-64-729-85554 [web]] http://w www.ram madajeju



WELCO W OME AD DDRESS S Welcome to the 17th International S Symposium on the Physics of Semicondu uctors and Applicatioons (ISPSA A 2014). On O behalf off the Organ nizing Comm mittee of ISSPSA 2014, I am very pleased too invite youu to beautifu ul Jeju Islannd, Korea, fo or this Symp posium. The Firrst ISPSA was w inaugurrated in 19882, as a special meeting g in commeemoration of o the 30th anniversaary of the Korean K Phy ysical Socieety. Since then, the ISPSA I has been bienn nially held every eveen year in Korea K until 2008. 2 Duee to the 30th h Internation nal Confereence on the Physics P of Semicondductors (ICP PS) held in Korea in 22010, the 15 5th and the 16th Sympposiums weere held in th 2011 andd 2013, resspectively. This yearr the 17 ISPSA I is being b held an half yeear earlier returning back to thee old traditio on of even yyears. The Syymposium enters e upon n the thirty second yeaar. There haas been surrprisingly remarkable growth inn semiconduuctor physiics and appplications du uring the laast three deecades sincee the First Symposiuum. In adddition, semiiconductor rresearch areeas went th hrough manyy changes from f basic to appliedd physics, and from th hree dimennsional bulk k to low dimensional nanostructu ure. This symposiuum covers all a area of semiconduuctor fields ranging from fundam mental physsics to the newest teechnologiess and devicces such ass graphene,, topologicaal insulatorrs, nano-bio o devices, green eneergy technollogies, and so on. Reecent progreess and futu ure trends inn these reseearch areas along witth other rappidly advan ncing areas will be discussed in this Sympoosium to giive timely impetus tto researchh and deveelopment inn semicond ductors and d related appplications.. In this Symposiuum, 63 invitted talks including 3 pplenary sesssions and more m than 3000 contributted papers will be prresented. The Sympo osium proceeedings willl be published separattely in the Journal of the Koreaan Physical Society, Cu urrent Appliied Physicss, Science of Advancedd Materials, and Nano Convergeence. Jeju Islland, officiaally the Jeju u Special Seelf-governin ng Provincee, contains a volcanic island and lava tubees that weree registered d as the Naatural World d Heritage Site of UN NESCO in 2007. Mt. Hallasan Nature Resserve, Seon ngsan Sunri se Peak, an nd Geomun noreum Lavva Tube Sysstem were selected ffor their uniique and sig gnificant feeatures with h scientific, cultural, annd ecotourissm-related importancce. I hopee all of you to enjoy thee scenery an nd have a chance for a short tour during the excursionn. I wouldd like to exppress my th hanks to the committee members for f their effoort on the sy ymposium organizatiion, KOFS ST, ONRG and KUSC CO for fin nancial supp port, all thhe other co ontributors helping thhis symposiium to be an nother succcessful one, and especially to Proff. Yoon-Soo o Park and Suk-Ki M Min for helpfful advice for f the organnization. Finallyy, I deeply appreciate a your y attendaance to share this time, and please enjoy both h academic discussionns and beauutiful Jeju Issland. Sympossium Chair of ISPSA 201 14

Eun Kyyu Kim -4-


 O ORGANIZ ZING COM MMITTEE E Hon norary Cha airman

Sam m Kyu Noh (KRISS, Korea)


Eun Kyu Kim (H Hanyang Un niv., Korea))

Vice e-Chairma an

Suk--Ho Choi (K Kyung Hee Univ., U Koreaa)

Gen neral Secre etary

Yonggmin Kim (D Dankook Univ., Korea))

Secr retary

Soo B Bong Choi (Incheon ( National Uniiv., Korea)

Prog gram

Hyun nsik Im (Do ongguk Univ., Korea) Jae S Su Yu (Kyun ng Hee Univ., Korea)


Woo ochul Yang (Dongguk ( Univ., U Koreaa) Dongg-Wook Kim m (Ewha Woman’s W Uniiv., Korea)

ance Fina

Jongg Su Kim (Y Yeungnam Univ, U Korea)) Jin-D Dong Song (KIST, Kore ea) Moo ongyu Jang (Hallym Un niv., Korea)

asurer Trea

Kwu un-Bum Chu ung (Dongguk Univ., K Korea) Sangg Jun Lee (K KRISS, Kore ea)

mmunicatiion Com

Mun n Seok Jeong (Sungkyu unkwan Univ iv., Korea) Claree C. Byeon (Kyungpook ( k Nat’l Univv., Korea)

al Loca

Sam Nyung Yi (Korea Mariitime and O Ocean Univ., Korea) K Il Ki Han (KIST T, Korea) Yongg-Hoon Cho o (KAIST, Korea) K Hon ng Seok Lee (Chonbuk Nat’l N Univ., Korea) honbuk Natt’l Univ, Korrea) Heessuk Rho (Ch Jin S Soo Kim (Ch honbuk Natt’l Univ, Korrea)




Ch hairman

Yoon-S Soo Park (R RPI, USA)

Co ng Hee Univ v., Korea) o-Chairman Suk Kii Min (Kyun Tae Won W Kang (D Dongguk Un niv., Korea) M Members

Joon Y Choe (Offi fice of Navall Research Global, G USA A) Zhong g Fang (Chin nese Academ my of Sciences, China) Jisoon n Ihm (Seou ul Nat’l Univ v., Korea) Jin Jan ng (Kyung H Hee Univ., Korea) K Victor I. Klimov(L Los Alamoss National Lab., L USA) Jung Hee H Lee (Kyyungpook Nat’l N Univ., Korea) K Kwang g-Man Lee ((Jeju Nat’l Univ., U Korea) Seung Joo Lee (D Dongguk Un niv., Korea) Yong Hee H Lee (KA AIST, Korea a) Young g Hee Lee (S Sungkyunkw wan Univ., Korea) K Nguye en Quang Liiem (Vietana amese Academ my of Sci. & T Tech., Vietn nam) Hanjo Lim (Sungkkyunkwan Univ., U Kore ea) ung Lim (Ch honbuk Natt’l Univ., Ko orea) Ki You Y.S. Liiu (Nat’l Tsiing Hua Un niv., Taiwan) Yasuyu uki Miyamo oto (Tokyo Instituete I of Technologgy, Japan) Pramo od S. Patil (S Shivaji Univ v., India) Seong-Ju Park (G GIST, Korea) A Reed (Yaale Univ., USA) Mark A. Eun-K Kyung Suh ((Chonbuk Nat’l N Univ., Korea) K Kang L. L Wang (U UCLA, USA)


OR RGANIZA ATION Yung Kee K Yeo (AF FIT/ENP, USA) U Euijoo on Yoon (Seeoul Nat’l Un niv., Korea)) E.A. Zakhidov (U Univ. of Uzbeekistan, Uzb bekistan) Dou Zheng (N Nanjing Un niversity, Ch hina) You-D




Suk-Ho Choi (Kyu ung Hee Un niv., Korea)

o-Chairman Hyunssik Im (Don Co ngguk Univ., Korea) Jae Su u Yu (Kyungg Hee Univ.,, Korea)

Co ompound d Semicond ductors Mee-Y Yi Ryu (Kanggwon Nat’l Univ., Kore ea) Shu Han Hsu (ND DL, Taiwan)) Sii and Grou up IV base ed Semico onductors Yong Sung S Kim (K KRISS, Korea) Fumio o Komori (T Tokyo Univ.,, Japan) Sp pintronics s & Ferrom magnetic S Semicond ductors Hyun Cheol C Koo ((KIST, Koreea) T. Tan niyama (Tokkyo Instituete of Technology, Japaan) O Organic and Oxide ba ased Semiiconducto ors Ji Seon n Kim (Imp perial Colleg ge) n) M. Iwa amoto (Toky kyo Instituette of Techno ology, Japan N Nano- Bio- Materials s and Deviices Jaebum m Choo (Haanyang Univ., Korea) Tae Ge eol Lee (KR RISS, Korea)) G Graphene Suklyu un Hong (Seejong Univ., Korea) Manish h Chhowallla (Rutgers Univ., USA) Huang g Yuli (Natio onal Uinverrsity of Sing gapore, Singgapore) To opologica al Insulators Seung--Hoon Jhi ((POSTECH,, Korea) Junji Tominaga T (A AIST, Japan n) Pllasmonics s and Opto oelectroniics Kwang g Geol Lee ((Hanyang Univ., U Korea a) Gon Namkoong N (O Old Dominiion Univ., USA) U



En nergy Sun Jin Yun (ET TRI, Korea)) Emma anuel Deboiis (Univ. of Lille1/IEMN N, France) Elie Le efeuvre (Un niv. of Paris Sud, France) Q Quantum In nformatio on Thierry y Ferrus (H Hitachi Cam mbridge Labo oratory, UK K)



PLENA ARY SPE EAKERS S P Prof. Rodn ney S. Ruoff, UNIST T, Korea “Grap phene, and New N Carboons on the Horizon” H D Dr. Victor I. I Klimov,, LANL, U USA “ Eng gineered Qu uantum Dotts for Solar Energy Con nversion an nd LEDs” P Prof. Jesus s del Alam mo, MIT, U USA “ InGaAs MOSFE ET Electron nics”

INVITE ED SPEA AKERS  C Compound d Semicon nductors Pr rof. Yun Da aniel Park, Seoul Natioonal Univ., Ko orea D Dr. Jeong-gu un Lee, KAN NC, Korea Pr rof. Ho-You ung Cha, Hongik H Univ.,, Korea D Dr. Jae-Kyou ung Mun, ETRI, E Korea

 S Si and Gro oup IV based Semico onductors s D Dr. Shu Han n Hsu, NDL,, Taiwan Pr rof. Minche eol Shin, KA AIST, Korea Pr rof. Suk-Min Jeong, Chonbuk C Nattional Univ., Korea Pr rof. Fumio Komori, Univ. U of Tokyyo, Japan

 S Spintronic cs & Ferromagnetic Semicond ductors Pr rof. T. Taniiyama, Toky yo Inst. of Teechnology, Ja apan Pr rof. Kyung-Jin Lee, Ko orea Univ., K Korea

 O Organic an nd Oxide based b Sem miconducto ors Pr rof. Ji Seon n Kim, Impe erial College,, UK Pr rof. M. Iwa amoto, Toky yo Inst. of Teechnology, Ja apan Pr rof. Young--Woo Heo, Kyungpookk National Un niv., Korea Pr rof. Antoniie Kahn, Priinceton Univv., USA Hua Univ., Taiwan Pr rof. Jyh Miing Wu, Nattioanl Tsing H T

- 10 -

SP PEAKERS S  N Nano- Bio-- Materials and Dev vices Pr rof. Jaebum m Choo, Ha anyang Univ.., Korea Dr. Tae Geoll Lee, KRISS S, Korea Pr rof. Jung-S Suk Sung, Dongguk D Uniiv., Korea Pr rof. Sang-K Kwon Lee, Chung-Ang C U Univ., Korea

 G Graphene Pr rof. Sunmiin Ryu, POS STECH, Koreea Pr rof. Jang-U Ung Park, UNIST, U Koreaa Pr rof. Sang Ouk O Kim, KA AIST, Korea Pr rof. Wenjin ng Zhang, National N Univ iv. of Singapo ore, Singaporre D Dr. Kanji Ta akehana, NIIMS, Japan Pr rof. Guy Le e Lay, Aix-M Marseille Univv., France Pr rof. Won Jo ong Yoo, Su ungkyunkwaan Univ., Korrea Pr rof. Young Shin Park,, UNIST, Korrea Pr rof. Chul-H Ho Lee, Kore ea Univ., Korrea

 T Topologica al Insulato ors Pr rof. Seung--Hoon Jhi, POSTECH, K Korea Dr. Junji Tominaga, AIIST, Japan Pr rof. Jongse eok Lee, GIS ST, Korea

 P Plasmonic cs and Opttoelectron nics Pr rof. Kwang g Geol Lee, Hanyang Un niv., Korea Pr rof. Gon Na amkoong, Old O Dominioon Univ., USA A Pr rof. Wounjjhang Park, Univ. of Coolorado at Bo oulder, USA Pr rof. Jianlin n Liu, Univ. of Californiaa Riverside, USA U

 E Energy P Prof. Elie Le efeuvre, Un niv. of Paris S Sud, France P Prof. Keon Jae J Lee, KA AIST, Korea D Dr. Sun Jin n Yun, ETRI,, Korea P Prof. Emma anuel Debo ois, Univ. of Lille1/IEMN N, France

 Q Quantum Informati I on Dr. Thierry Ferrus, F Hitachi Cambriidge Laborato ory, UK Dr. Kunihiro o Inomata, NEC/RIKEN N, Japan

- 11 -


S Sejong Gra aphene Sp pecial Sesssion Pr rof. Seung--Hyun Chun n, Sejong Un niv., Korea Pr rof. Zongho oon Lee, UN NIST, Koreaa Pr rof. SangW Wook Lee, Konkuk K Univ.., Korea Pr rof. Gun-Do Lee, Seou ul National U Univ., Korea Pr rof. Hyeonsik Cheong g, Sogang Un niv., Korea Pr rof. Noriak ki Takagi, Univ. U of Tokyyo, Japan Pr rof. Zhenyu u Zhang, Un niv. of Sciencce and Techn nolgy of Chin na, China Pr rof. Hyunsoo Yang, National N Univv. of Singapore, Singapore

K Korea-Bellarus Spec cial Sessio on Pr rof. Sergey y Maksimen nko, Belarussian State Un niv., Belarus Dr. Polina Kuzhir, K Belarusian State Univ., Belarrus Pr rof. Aleksa ander Fedottov, Belarussian State Un niv., Belarus Pr rof. Dmitrii Migas, Bellarusian Stat e Univ. of In nformatics an nd Radioelect ctronics, Bela arus Pr rof. Jae Eu un Jang, DG GIST, Korea Pr rof. Jin Pyo o Hong, Hanyang Univ. , Korea Pr rof. Bae Ho o Park, Kon nkuk Univ., K Korea Pr rof. Jinki Hong, H Korea a Univ., Koreea Pr rof. Seokhy yun Yoon, Ewha E Womaans Univ., Ko orea

- 12 -


Scope es and Topics T The priimary goal of the ISP PSA 2014 iss to share the latest developmen nts of hysics and te echnologies w within the sem miconductorr research soociety. semicconductor ph The sym mposium will w cover a broad ra ange of ph hysics and application ns on semicconductors such s as Compound Semiiconductors (III-V ( and III-VI), Si an nd Other Gro oup IV based d Semicondu uctors, Spintrronics & Ferrromagnetic Semiconduct S tors, Organicc and Oxide based Semiconductors, Nano- Bio o- Materials and Devicces , Graph hene, Topoloogical Insullators, Plasm monics and Optoelectron O nics, Energy, and Quantu um Informatiion. Special al emphasis will w be given n to ‘Emergiing Low Dim mension Naanomaterialss’ such as Graphene. G More than n sixty leadin ng scientistss and engine eers have beeen invited from f all over the world to present recent r progrress in these fields. Both fun ndamental studies and p practical issues in the following f toppical areas of o the advan ncing semico onductor scie ence and tech hnologies will be presented in this sym mposium : • Compound Semicon nductors (IIII-V and II-V VI) • Si and Other O Group IV based Se emiconducttors • Spintron nics & Ferromagnetic Se emiconducttors • Organic and Oxide based b Semic conductors • Nano- Biio- Materials s and Device es • Graphen ne • Topological Insulato ors • Plasmon nics and Opttoelectronic cs • Energy • Quantum m Informatio on

Registrat R tion Info formatio on All p participantss registered d will receivve a copy off Final Prog gram, and w will be invitted to the W Welcome Reception. R Please visiit the Website [http:/ //] fo or the Symp posium Reg gistration Fo orm or morre informatiion. Fees Regula ar (Ba anquet inc cluded) Studen nt (Banquet not included d) Add ditional Banquet Tickett

Pre-R Registratio on (O On or befo ore Nov. 15 5, 2014)

Regisstration (after No ov. 15, 2014 4)

KRW 600 0,000/USD D 600

KRW 700,0 000/USD 700 7

KRW 200 0,000/USD D 200

KRW 250,0 000/USD 250 2

KRW W 50,000/U USD 50

- 13 -


* KR RW means Korean Wo on, USD meeans US Dolllar * Reegistration fee for all attendees a co overs: admiission to all conferencee sessions, coffee c brreaks, welco ome receptiion, and a co opy of Finall Program. * Baanquet is in ncluded in th he symposiium fee for regular r partticipants. Students, guests, g an nd companiions should additionallly purchase a ticket to enter e the Baaquet. E reg gistration@ Regiistration E-mail:

Instructio ons for Presente P ers Offic cial Langu uage Thee official lan nguage of th he symposiu um is Englissh. Pres sentation Scheme S Theere will be four f parallel sessions fo or oral presentations and three pooster session ns. Orall Presenta ation Presentation times are 30 3 minutes ffor each inv vited talk an nd 15 minu utes for each h oral talk ((including 3 minutes fo or discussio ons). Ab beam projeector with PC P will be p prepared ass standard presentation p n equipmen nts in each oral pressentation room. r Pleaase bring your prese entation fiile [with both Pow werPoint (p ppt) and PDF P forma at] on USB memory stiick or CD-R ROM to uplo oad it to th he computerr in the sesssion room n no later than the day before your ttalk. (Macintosh systeem or otherr media is not n availab ble in the presentation p n.) Your filee will be de eleted immediately aftter the sessiion and thee hard-drivee will be re--formatted aat the end of o the symp posium. Sp peakers req quiring spe ecial equipm ments beyo ond the sttandard mu must contact the Geneeral Secreta ary with the details. F For referencce, the stan ndard AC p power syste em in Koreea is 220 V/60 Hz. Postter Presen ntation Thee poster sesssions will be at 17:30 0~19:30 on n Monday (Dec. 8), at 17:30~19:3 30 on Wednesday (Deec. 10), and at 10:40~12 2:30 on Thursday (Decc. 11). The dimension ns of a posteer board aree 90 cm in n width an nd 136 cm in height. Preesenters arre requested to comp plete displa aying their posters beefore 17:30 0 and remo ove them affter 19:30 on o Dec. 8 aand Dec. 10 0, and before 10:40 an nd remove them afterr 12:30 on Dec. D 11 for the t next sch hedule. Preesenters sho ould stay neear their po osters durin ng the session time.

- 14 -


Pos ster Pre esentatio on Awards To o encouragee authors to t present informativee and well designed posters (an nd to disco ourage the presentatio p on of some pages of manuscript m as a a poster)), there willl be a KRW W 100,000 0 award for f the grap phically beest presenta ation in eacch of the poster p sessiions. Posterr presenters who wan nt to be a candidate c for f the post ster presenttation awarrds should put a tag of "Candi didate for Poster Pr resentatio on Awards s" on the left corner of o their posster board. The tag will w be prepa ared at an eentrance off each posteer session room. r The awards a wiill be given n at the Cllosing Cerremony on n the last day of ISP PSA 2014 (12:30, ( De ec. 11, Thursday).

S Submiss sion of P Papers for f Proc ceedingss Speccial Issues of ISPSA 20114 Auth hors of accep pted presen ntations are invited to submit s theirr full manusscripts to th he speciial issues off ISPSA 20114 in the folllowing jourrnals. - Cur rrent App plied Physiics (CAP) 'Scien nce Citation n Index (SC CI)' journal ((impact facttor: 2.026 in 2013) Num mber of pagees: at least 5 pages inclu uding figurees and table es Pagee charge for the special issue: USD D 100 per jou urnal page Dead dline of the manuscriptt submissio n: Dec. 22, 2014 Instrructions for authors: http::// /1567-1739//guide-forautho ors [Note] To ensurre that all manuscripts m are correctlly identified d for inclusiion into the e speciial issue of ISPSA I 2014 4, authors sh hould selectt “SI: CAP_ _ISPSA 20144 when reacching the “A Article Type” step in th he submissiion process. - Jou urnal of th he Korean n Physical Society (J JKPS) 'Scien nce Citation n Index (SC CI)' journal ((impact facttor: 0.425 in 2013) Num mber of pagees: at least 4 pages inclu uding figurees and table es Pagee charge for the special issue: KRW W 50,000 an nd 60,000 per p journal page for Te ex and W Word forma ats, respectiively Dead dline of the manuscriptt submissio n: Jan. 12, 2015 2 Instrructions for authors: htttp:// - Sciience of Ad dvanced Materials M ((SAM) 'Scien nce Citation n Index-Exp panded (SC CIE)' journall (impact fa actor: 2.908 8 in 2013)

- 15 -

INF FORMAT TION Num mber of pagees: at least 4 pages inclu uding figurees and table es Pagee charge for the special issue: USD D 100 per jou urnal page Dead dline of the manuscriptt submissio n: Jan. 12, 2015 2 Instrructions for authors: htttp:// - NA ANO Conve ergence Open n-access and d Free-Dow wnload 'SpriingerOpen' Journal Num mber of pagees: at least 4 pages inclu uding figurees and table es Dead dline of the manuscriptt submissio n: Jan. 12, 2015 2 Instrruction for authors a : http:://www.nan noconvergen ors/instructiions - Applied Scie ence and Convergen C nce Techno ology Open n-access and d Free-Dow wnload on-liine Journal, Successor of "The Jou urnal of Korrean Vacu uum Societyy(JKVS)" In th he contact with w internattional publiishers for worldwide w diistribution. No liimit for num mber of pages No p page charge Dead dline of the manuscriptt submissio n: Dec. 1, 2015 Instrructions for authors: htttp:// Subm mission willl be conside ered as regu ular paper su ubmission with w the forrm of rapid comm munication.

Geneeral guidelin nes for the special s issuees The m manuscriptts are solicitted for workks (both ora al and poste er) presenteed at ISPSA--2013 and ttheir topics should be appropriate a e for the jou urnals' scope es. In orderr to be included in the journals, at least one e of the auth hors should register forr the Conferrence and make m a preesentation in n the assign ned session.. Autthors should d submit the manuscrip pts online by b the due date. d All tthe submittted manuscripts will bee peer-revieewed accord ding to the eeditorial pollicies of the journals. To T expedite e the publicaation proceesses, only one o manuscr cript revision n is allow wed within given g time to t completee the resubm mission. Autthors should d prepare th he manu uscripts verry carefully.. The fformat of su ubmitted manuscript m sshould be in n accordance e with ruless and instrructions of each e journal.

- 16 -


The p page limit for f each jourrnal will be strictly app plied: shorte er manuscriipts will be returrned to auth hors. The E English pro oof-reading service is n not provided d by the pub blication com mmittee. Maxximum num mber of papers publisheed in CAP and a JKPS frrom an auth hor is limite ed to "two" in each journal, inclu uding all thee papers con ntributed ass one of the co-authorss. Forr the accepteed manuscrripts, publiccation fees for f the speciial issues (N NOT include ed in the rregistration fee) are billled to autho ors. If publication fees are not paid d within du ue date,, the accepta ance of the manuscriptt can be can nceled. Forr further info formation ab bout the sub bmission an nd publicatiion of the P Proceedings, pleasse contact th he Publicatiion Committtee at the following f ad ddress: Prof. Dong-Wo ook Kim (Ew wha Woman ns University, Korea) [T Tel] +82-2-3277-6688 [E-maiil] [email protected]

- 17 -


Soc cial Eve ents Wellcome Re eception Th here will bee a Welcom me Recpeti on from 17 7:00 on Su unday (Decc. 7) at Ram mada Ballrroom I of Ramada R Pla aza Jeju Ho otel. All sy ymposium participantss registered d and accom mpanying persons p are invited to tthe party. Banquet Th here will bee an official Banquett from 18:3 30 on Tue esday (Dec.. 9) at Ram mada Ballrroom I of Ra amada Plaza Jeju Hoteel. Regularr members registered r aare invited to this banq quet.

Lists of o Host,, Organiizers, Sp ponsors s & Exhiibitors Hostt

The 17th Intern national Sy ymposium o on Physics of Semicon nductors an nd Applicattions, ISPS SA 2014, is hosted h by th he Semicond ductor Division of Korean Physicaal Society (K KPS). Orga anizers

❏ The Korea an Federatio on of Sciencce and Tech hnology Socciety (KOFST ST) ❏ Institute of o Natural Sciences, S Kyyung Hee University, Korea K ❏ Korea Institute of Sciience and T Technology, KIST, Kore ea ❏ Graphenee Research Institute, I Seejong Univeersity, Korea a Spon nsors

❏ Office of Naval N Resea arch Global,, USA (ONR RG) ❏ Korea-U.S S. Science Cooperation C n Center (KU USCO) ❏ Korea Tourism Orga anization ❏ Jeju Convvention & Visitors V Bureeau (Jeju CV VB) Supp porters (Ex xhibitors)

❏ ANT Kroeea/NT-MDT T ❏ Effu ucell ❏ NAN ❏ Alpha-Plu us NOBASE ❏ Laseropteek ❏ ATS S Technology

- 18 -

nix ❏ Lasser Spectron ❏ KO OS Inc. ❏ Lee e Optics


Exhibittion for Scientiffic Equip pmentss An n exhibition n is schedule ed for ISPS SA 2014 witth companie es displayin ng analytica al and proceessing equiipments. The T exhibittion booths are display yed in Ballrroom Lobby in the ssymposium site, and open all the days from 10:00 of Monday M (Deec. 8) to 13:00 of Thurrsday (Dec. 11).

For F Furtther Info ormatio on All the inform mation abo out ISPSA 2014 is available on the in nternet We ebsite [http p://www.isp]. For further informatiion about ut registra ation, accom mmodation n, transporttation, sociaal events, or for any otther inquiryy, please co ontact the G General Secrretary. Confference Secrretariat [Tel]] +82-32-83 35-8228 [E-M Mail] secreta [email protected] Proggram [E-M Mail] progra [email protected]

Sym mposium m Site s & Eventss Sessions Welcome e Reception Opening Ceremony Sessiion-A Sessiion-B Ora al Presentattion Sessiion-C Sessi on-D Poster Prresentation Ban nquet Closing Ceremony C Exhiibition

- 19 -

Loca ation Grand G Ballrroom I Grand G Ballrroom I Grand G Ballrroom I Grand G Ballrroom II Grand G Ballrroom III Grand G Ballrroom IV Grand G Ballrroom Lobbyy Grand G Ballrroom I Grand G Ballrroom I Grand G Ballrroom Lobbyy


Symp posium Site S Map p (Rama ada Plaz za Jeju H Hotel)

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Progr ram Sum mmary Date 1st dayy

Session S A

Sess sion B

Session nC

Session S D

(B Ballroom I )

(Ballroom II )

( Ballroom m III )

( Ballroom B IV )

Time e 16:00 - 19:00

Regis stration ( Balllroom Lobbyy )

17:00 - 19:00

Welcome Receptio on( Ballroom I )

08:30 - 19:30

Regis stration ( Balllroom Lobbyy )

10:30 - 11:00 1

Opening ceremony y ( Ballroom I )

Dec. 7 (SUN)

Session S A1 Ses ssion B1

Session n C1

Organic an nd Oxide based

Korea- Beelarus

Semico onductors (I)

Joint Sesssion (I)

Si and a Group IV

11:00 - 12:45 based

Session D1 Graphene

Semiconductors (I)

12:45 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00

Plenary Session S I (R Rodney S. R Ruoff)

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break

2nd dayy Dec. 8 (MON) 15:30 - 17:30

Session S A2

Sess sion B2

Session n C2

Compound C

Organic an nd Oxide based

Korea- Beelarus

Session D2 2D Materials (I)

Semiconductors (I)

Dec. 9

Joint Sesssion (II)

17:30 - 19:30

Poster Session P1 ( Ballroom B Lobbby )

08:30 - 21:00 2

Regis stration ( Balllroom Lobbyy )

09:00 - 10:45

3rd dayy

Semicon nductors (II)

Session S A3

Sess sion B3

Sessio on C3

Compound C

Organic an nd Oxide based

Nano-Bio M Materials

Carbon C Nano

Semiconductors (II)

Semicon nductors (III)

and Devicces (I)


10:45 - 11:10 1

Coffee Break

11:10 - 12:10

Plenary Session II (V Victor I. Klim mov)

12:10 - 13:30


13:30 - 18:30

Fre ee Time and Excursion


18:30 - 21:00 2


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Session D3



Session S A

Sess sion B

Session nC

Session S D

(B Ballroom I )

(Ballroom II )

( Ballroom m III )

( Ballroom B IV )

Time e

08:30 - 19:30

Regis stration ( Balllroom Lobbyy ) Session S A4

09:00 - 10:45

Ses ssion B4

Session n C4

Quantum m Information


Session D4

Nitride 2D D Materials (II)

Sem miconductors

10:45 - 11:10 1

Coffee Break Session S A5 Si and a Group IV

11:10 - 12:40 based

Session D5

Ses ssion B5 Sejong Gra aphene Special Ses ssion (I)

Session n C5 Nan no-Bio Materialss Solar Ce Cells an nd Devices (II)

Semiconductors (II)

12:40 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00

Plenary Se ession III (Je esus del Allamo)

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break

4th dayy Dec. 10 0 (WED)

Session S A6 Spintronics and

15:30 - 17:30 Fe erromagnetic

Sess sion B6

Session n C6

Sejong Graphene Special Session S (II)


Pla asmonics and


Op ptoelectronics

Se emiconductor

5th dayy

17:30 - 19:30

Poster Session P2 ( Ballroom B Lobbby )

08:30 - 12:00

Regis stration ( Balllroom Lobbyy )

Session S A7

Sess sion B7

The ermoelectrics

General Se emiconductors

09:00 - 10:40

Dec. 11 (THU) 10:40 - 12:30

Poster Session P3 ( Ballroom B Lobbby )

12:30 - 13:00

Closing g Ceremony / Poster Awaard

10:00 Dec. 8 (Monda ay) ~ 13: 00 0 Dec. 11 1 (Thursd day) Exhib bition for Scientifiic Equipm ments (Ba allroom L Lobby)

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Session S D6

SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Decem mber 8 (M Monday), 11:00~12:4 1 45

Session n A1 (Balllroom I) Si and Group G IV based Se emicondu uctors (I) Chaiir: Jae Su Yu u (Kyung Hee H Univ., Korea) K A1-I-01 (11:00~11:30 0) [Invited] Q Quantum sim mulations of o silicon na anowire field effect tran nsistors: su urface rough hness an nd strain efffects, Minch heol Shin* an nd Hyo-Eun Jung J (KAIST, Korea) A1-I-02 (11:30~12:00 0) [Invited] N Nearly defec ct-free Ge GA AA n-/p-FE ETs on Si, Sh hu-Han Hsu, Chun-Lin C Chu hu (Nat’l Nano o Device Laaboratories, Taiwan), T Yen--Ting Chen,W Wen-Hsien Tu u(Nat’l Taiwan n Univ., Taiwaan), Fu Ju Ho ou, BoYu Yuan Chen, Gu uo-Wei Huan ng, Guang-Li L Luo (Nationall Nano Device e Laboratoriess, Taiwan), C..W.Liu* (N National Nano o Device Labo oratories, Taiw wan/ Nat’l Taiwan Univ., Taiwan), Chen nming Hu (UC C Berkeley, USA)) and Fu-Lian ng Yang (Natiional Nano Deevice Laborato ories, Taiwan)) A1-O-011 (12:00~12:115) G Geometry-Dependent Cooling C of Fiield Emissio on from n-ttype Si Cath hodes, Moon n S. C Chung*, Jin Y.. Choi and Yo oung K. Kim ((University off Ulsan, Korea a) A1-O-02 2 (12:15~12:3 30) L Lattice therm mal conducttivity of cry ystalline, am morphous Sii and Si nan nowires: Mo olecular d dynamics an nd Boltzman nn transporrt equation studies, Min nkyu Park, In n-Ho Lee and YongSu ung Kim* (KR RISS, Korea/UST, Korea) A1-O-03 3 (12:30~12:4 45) E Effect of Stra ain for Nanowire Schot ottky Barrier r p-MOSFET Ts, Junbeom m Seo, Pooja Srrivastava (KA AIST, Korea), Jaehyun Leee (KIST, Korea a), Hyo-Eun Jung J (KAIST T, Korea), Seungchul K Kim, Kwang-R Ryeol Lee (KIS ST, Korea) an nd Mincheol Shin* S (KAIST T, Korea)

Session n B1 (Balllroom II)) Organic c and Oxid de based Semicon nductors((I) Chair: Don ng-Wook Kiim (Ewha Woman’s W Un niv., Korea) B1-I-01 (11:00~11:25 5) [Invited] O Organic Sem miconductor r Nanostrucctures for Electronic E Devices, Ji-Seeon Kim* (Im mperial C College Londaon, UK)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM B1-I-02 (11:30~12:00 0) [Invited] A Analysis of visualized v ca arrier motio on in organ nic double la ayer devicess by electric c-fieldin nduced optiical second--harmonic g generation,, Mitsumasa Iwamoto* I (Tookyo Institute e of Technology, Ja apan) B1-O-011 (12:00~12:115) H High-perform mance bilay yer metal-o oxide thin fillm transisto ors using ulltra-thin sollutionprocessed Zr rOx dielectr ric, F. K. Shan n* (Qingdao Univ., U China/ / DongEui Un niv., Korea), G. G X. Liu an nd A. Liu(Qin ngdao Univ., China) C B1-O-02 2 (12:15~12:3 30) F Fully Solutio on-Processe ed Low-Volttage Aqueou us In2O3 Thiin-film Tran nsistors Using U Ultra-thin Zr rOx dielectr ric, A. Liu, G.. X. Liu (Qing gdao Univ., Ch hina) and F. K K. Shan* (Qin ngdao U Univ., China/ DongEui Uniiv., Korea) B1-O-03 3 (12:30~12:4 45) T The electron nic propertie es of oxygen n interstitia al defects in n amorphou us In-Ga-Zn-O se emiconducttors, WooHy yun Han, You ungJun Oh an nd KeeJoo Chang* (KAIST T, Korea)

Session C1 (Ballr room III) Ko orea-Bela arus Jointt Session (I) Chair: Jun Pyo H Hong (Hany yang Univ., Korea) K C1-I-01 (11:00~11:20 0) [Invited] Terahertz Response of o Carbon N Nanotube Th hin Films: Evidence E of Nanotube AntennaSe ergey, Maksimenko*, Mikkhail Shuba, Polina P Kuzhirr (Belarusian n State Univ., Belarus), Gregory Slep pyan (Tel Aviiv Univ., Israeel) C1-I-02 (11:20~11:40 0) [Invited] Graphene//PMMA san ndwiches fo or microwav ve absorptio on, Polina KU UZHIR*, Kon nstantin BATRAKOV V, Sergey MAK KSIMENKO, Alesya PADD DUBSKAYA, SofiaS VORON NOVICH (Belorussian State Univ., Belarus), Phiilippe LAMBIIN Univ. of Namur, N Belgiu um), Tommi K KAPLAS, Yurri SVIRKO (Un niv. of Easterrn Finland, Fiinland) C1-I-03 (11:40~12:00 0) [Invited] Nanoscale e graphene oxidized o an nd hydrogen nated using AFM lithog graphy, Bae Ho Park* (Konkuk Un niv., Korea) C1-I-04 (12:00~12:20) [Invited] Ultra-fast diode stru ucture emplloying tunn neling and sttructural assymmetric effect, e Jung Hee Sh hin and Jae Eun E Jang* (DG GIST, Korea)

- 24 -

SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM C1-I-05 (12:40~13:00) [Invited] Transport mechanism m of avalancche magnetto-diode, Jin nki Hong*(Koorea Univ., Ko orea), Sungjung Jo oo (KRISS, Ko orea), Jin Do ng Song and Joonyeon Ch hang (KIST, K Korea)

Session n D1 (Balllroom IV V) Graphen ne Chairr: Wenjing Z Zhang (Shenzhen Univ v., China)

D1-I-01 (11:00~11:30 0) [Invited] L Logarithmic c temperatu ure depende ence of resis stivity in CV VD graphem me, K. Takehana*(NIMS, Japan) D1-I-02 2 (11:30~12:00) [Invited] Stretchable, Transparen nt Electrode es using Gr raphene-bas sed Hybrid S Structures for W Wearable Electronics, Jang-Ung J Parrk* (UNIST, Korea) K D1-O-011 (12:00~12:115) Soft Lithog graphy of Graphene G Sh heets via Su urface Energ gy Modifica ation for Fabricatio on of Flexiblle Devices U Utilizing, Miin Wook Jung g (KRICT, Koorea / Sungky yunkwan Univ., Korea a), Sung Myung, Wooseokk Song (KRICT T, Korea), Ch hong-Yun Parkk2 (Sungkyun nkwan Univ., Korea a) and Ki-Seo ok An* (KRIC CT, Korea) D1-O-02 2 (12:15~12:3 30) Optical An naylsis of Siz ze-depende ent Photolum minescence e in Graphen ene Quantum m Dots prepared by b Graphite e Intercalatiion Compou unds, Min-H Ho Jang, Sungg Ho Song, Jin Chung, Sung Hawn Jin, Bo Hyun n Kim (KAIST T, Korea), Seu ung-Hyun Hu ur (Univ. of U Ulsan, Korea), Seunghyup Yoo*, Y Seokwo oo Jeon* and d Yong-Hoon Cho*(KAIST,, Korea) D1-O-03 3 (12:30~12:4 45) High photo ogain of gra aphene pho otodetector using silico on back gatee, Daeyeong Lee L (Sungkyunk kwan Univ., Korea), K Hua-M Min Li (Univ. of Notre Dam me, USA), Euyyheon Hwang g (Sungkyunk kwan Univ., Korea), K Kenji W Watanabe, Ta akashi Tanigu uchi (NIMS, JJapna) and Won W Jong Yoo* (Sungk kyunkwan Un niv., Korea)

- 25 -

SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Decem mber 8 (M Monday), 14:00~15 5:00

Session PL1 (Ballroom I) Plen nary Session I Ch hair: Kanji T Takehana (N NIMS, Japa an) PL1 (14:00~15:00)

C Carbon Ma aterials fo or the Futu ure P Prof. Rodneey S. Ruoff (UNIST, ( Ko orea)

Decem mber 8 (M Monday), 15:30~17 7:30

Session n A2 (Balllroom I) Co ompound d Semicon nductors (I) Ch hair: Young Sin Park (U UNIST, Korea) A2-I-011 (15:30~16:00) [Invited] N Nanomechan nical modullation of Ga aMnAs Anom malous Halll Effect, Jaee-Hyun Lee, Minky M Seeo and Yun Daniel D Park* (Seoul ( Nat'l U Univ., Korea) A2-O-011 (16:00~16:115) T Tunnel Field d Effect Tran nsistor with h an Electro on-hole Bila ayer Induceed by a Sy ymmetricallly Arranged Double-ga ate, Woo Jin n Jeong, Tae Kyun K Kim, Juung Min Moon n, M Mincheol Shin n and Seok He ee Lee* (KAIS ST, Korea) A2-O-02 2 (16:15~16:3 30) C Catalyst-free e growth of InxGa1-xAs/IInAs core-s shell nanoro ods on grap phene layers s by m molecular be eam epitaxy y, Youngbin T Tchoe, Jangh hyun Jo, Tae-y yun Lee, Miyooung Kim and d GyuC Chul Yi* (Seou ul Nat'l Univ.,, Korea) A2-O-03 3 (16:30~16:4 45) A Anomalous Hall H effect and a thermo oelectric pro operties of MBE-grown M n MnP films s on G GaAs (100), Anh-Tuan A Du uong, Yooleem mi Shin, Van--Quang Nguy yen and Sungllae Cho* (Univ. of U Ulsan, Korea) A2-O-04 4 (16:45~17:0 00) C Characteriza ation of RF--Sputtered G GaN on Si fo or Electronic and Opticcal Devices with H Higher Scala ability, Jeongmin Lee, Seoongmin Lee, Jisun Lee, Eo ou Sik Cho, Saang Jik Kwon n and Seeongjae Cho** (Gachon Un niv., Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM A2-O-05 5 (17:00~17:115) M Modulation of Exciton Aharonov-B A Bohm Effectt in a Single e Quantum R Ring by late eral ellectric field d, localisatio on, and tem mperature, K. K Kyhm* (Pusan Nat’l Uniiv., Korea/ CN NRS, Frrance), H. D. Kim (Univ. of o Oxford, U.K K), A. Nicolett, G. Nogues, M. M Potemski((CNRS, Francce), R. A. Taylor (Univ. of o Oxford, U.K K), W. J. Lee (Pusan Nat’l Univ., Korea a), K. C. Je (An Anyang Univ., Korea), R R. Okuyama, M. M Eto (Keio Univ., U Japan)), J. S. Kim (Y Yeungnam Un niv., Korea), JJ. H. Kyhm, E. E H. Lee an nd J. D. Song g (KIST, Korea) A2-O-06 6 (17:15~17:3 30) D Densify func ctional theo ory study on n In adatom m on the In/S Si(111) surfa ace: stable ad dsorption sites s and difffusion path hways, Jung g-Min Hyun and Hanchul K Kim* (Sookm myung W Women's Univv., Korea)

Session B2 (Ballr room II) O Organic and a Oxide e based Semiconductors(III) Chair: M.Iwamoto M o (Tokyo Insst. Technol, Japan) B2-I-011 (15:30~16:00) [Invited] Rapidly Sy ynthesized Ultrafine U Zn nO Nanopar rticles/Nanowires: Forrmation, Water W Molecules, and Surfac ce Defect Efffects, Jyh Ming M Wu* (Na ati’l Tsing Huua Univ., Taiw wan), YiRu Chen and d Wei Tsung Kao, Lu-Chih h Wang (Feng g Chia Univ., Taiwan) and Hong-Ching Lin (ITRI, Taiwa an) 2 (16:00~16:3 30) [Invited] B2-I-02 Growth an nd Propertie es of p-type e Transparent Oxide Se emiconducto ors, Young-W Woo Heo*, Eun-H Ho Chu, Kwang-Min Jo, Jooon-Hyung Lee L and Jeong g-Joo Kim (Ky Kyungpook Na at’l Univ., Korea) B2-O-011 (16:30~16:4 45) D Diameter-Co ontrolled gr rowth of Ytttrium functionalized ZnO Nanoro od Arrays by y H Hydrotherm mal Techniqu ue, Sanjeev K Kumar Sharm ma, Byungho Lee, L Changmiin Kim, Narin nder K Kaur, Sejoon Lee L and Deuk k Young Kim** (Dongguk Univ., U Korea) B2-O-02 2 (16:45~17:0 00) Fabricatio on and chare ecteristics o of periodic metal m oxide e nanostrucctures for se ensor application ns, Bhaskar Dudem, D Jungg Woo Leem and a Jae Su Yu u* (Kyung Heee Univ., Kore ea) B2-O-03 3 (17:00~17:115) High qualiity nitrogen n-doped zincc oxide thin n films grow wn on ITO byy Sol-gel, L..P. Purohit*, Trrilok K. Patha ak (Gurukula Kangri Univ.., India) and Sanjeev S K. Sh harma (Dongg guk Univ., Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM B2-O-04 4 (17:15~17:3 30) Highly den nse 2D-like Nickel oxid de (NiO) nan noflakes on n Ni foam fo or high performan nce binder-ffree superccapacitor ele ectrode app plications, V V. Senthilkum mar and Yong Soo Kiim* (Univ. off Ulsan, Koreaa)

Session C2 (Ballr room III) Korea-Belarrus Jointt Session (II) Ch hair: Sergey y Maksimen nko (Belaru usian State Univ., U Belaruus) C2-I-01 (15:30~15:50 0) [Invited] Effects of morphology m y on electro onic propertties of hydr rogenated siilicon nanowires, Dmitri B. MIGAS* M (Univ. of Informatiics and Radio oelectronics, Belarus) B C2-I-02 2 (15:50~16:10 0) [Invited] Raman Sca attering Stu udies of Mettal Oxide Nanowires, Seokhyun S Yooon* (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea a) C2-I-03 3 (16:10~16:30 0) [Invited] Electrofor rming step-d driven switcchable resis stive switch hes: Transitiion from biipolar with multii-level states to comple ementary re esistive swittching dyna amics, Ah Ra ahm Lee, Yoon Cheol Bae, Gwang Ho H Baek, Je B Bock Chung and a Jin Pyo Hong* H (Hanyaang Univ., Ko orea) C2-I-04 4 (16:30~16:5 50) [Invited] Low-temperature car rrier transp port and magnetoresisttance in Siliicon heavily y doped with Antim mony, Alexan nder K. FEDO OTOV* (Belarrusian State Univ., U Belaruss), Alexander L. DANILYUK K (Belarusian State Univ. off Informaticss and Radioele ectronics, Bellarus), Ivan A. A SVITO (Belarusian State Univ., Belarus), B Antton G. TRAFIMENKO and Serghej L. PR RISCHEPA (Belarusian State Univ. of o Informaticss and Radioellectronics, Be elarus)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Session n D2 (Ballroom IV)) 2D Materials s (I) Chair: Moon Gyu u Jang (Halllym Univ., Korea) K D2-I-011 (15:30~16:0 00) [Invited] CVD growtth and opto oelectronicss of two-dim mensional la ayered transsition meta al dichalcoge enide thin fiilms, Wenjin ng Zhang* (Sh henzhen Univ v., China/ Nat ational Univ. of o Singapore, Singapore) S , Lain-Jong L Li((Academia Sin nica, Taiwan/ / KAUST, Kin ngdom of Sau udi Arabia) and Andrew w T. S. Wee* (N National Univ iv. of Singapo ore, Singapore e) D2-O-01 (16:00~16:115) Structurall and electro onic properrties of MoX X2 (X=S, Te)), Duk-Hyun CHOE, Ha-J Jun SUNG and Kee K Joo CHAN NG*(KAIST, Korea) D2-O-02 (16:15~16:3 30) Graphene--WS2-Metall Barristorss for Low-po ower Applic cations, Dooo-Hua Choi, Jun-Ho J Lee, Hyun-C Cheol Kim, Han-Byeol Leee and Hyun-Jong Chung* (Konkuk ( Univv., Korea) D2-O-03 (16:30~16:45) Stability an nd electron nic structure es of native defects in single-layer s r MoS2 with finitesize superc cell effect correction, JJi-Young Noh h (Sookmyung g Women’s U Univ., Korea/ KRISS, Korea), Han nchul Kim (So ookmyung Woomen’s Univ.., Korea) and Yong-Sung K Kim* (KRISS, Korea) D2-O-04 (16:45~17:0 00) Phonon-dr rag thermop power and energy-loss s rate in two o-dimension nal monola ayer MoS2, Pratu umma Anuch ha* and Euyh heon Hwang (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korrea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Decem mber 8 (M Monday), 17:30~19:3 1 30 Postter Sessio on P1 (Ballroom Lobby)

M-P-00 01 Selective e growth off micro-AlG GaN/GaN arr ray structur res on top o of GaN strip pes, Seunghyu un Lee, Junhy yeong Lee, Yeeonsu Yu, Hyu ungsoo Ahn and a Min Yangg* M-P-00 02 Substratte effect on structural p properties for f CdMnTe e thin filmss grown by magnetr ron co-sputttering, Heejjin Ahn, Jeou unghyeon Seo, ByoungWoook Kim and Youngho Y Um* M-P-00 03 InGaN Quantum Q Do ots Grown o on m-plane of n-GaN Nanowires N b by Self-catallyst method,, Ji Hyeon Pa ark, San Kangg, Eun A Cho, Dae Young Um U and Cheuul-Ro Lee* M-P-00 04 Mechan nical Respon nses of Nano oindented Graphene G Nanoribbon N n: Molecular r Dynamics Study, Su un-Young Kim m, Sang-Hoon n Cho, Jin-Su u Ko, Ki-Sub K Kim* and Jeo ong Won Kang* M-P-00 05 Micro-R Raman specttroscopy fro om GaAs/A AlGaAs multtiple quantu um wells Taegeon Lee, Heessuk Rho*, Wo on Jun Choi, JJin Dong Son ng and Hyun Ji J Oh M-P-00 06 Inspectiion of GaN-b based Blue LED Epi-wafers By Ph hotoluminesscence Imag ging, Jongseok k KIM*, Hyun ng Tae KIM, S Seungtaek KIM M, Hoon JEO ONG, In-Sungg CHO, Min Soo S NOH and Hyun ndon JUNG M-P-00 07 High qu uality coaxia al AlGaN/Ga aN MQW on n n-GaN nan nowires by M MOCVD, Ji--Hyeon Park, Jaee-Kwan Sim, Yong-Hyun Y C Choi, Da Som Lee, Arjun Mandal M and Ch heul-Ro Lee* M-P-00 08 Quantum m Confined d Effects of tthe InxGa1-xN/GaN N Multi Quantum m Disks Grow wn on GaN Nan norods, You ung S. PARK**, Christopherr C. S. CHAN,, Benjamin P.. L. REID, Ro obert A. TAYLOR

- 30 -

SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM M-P-00 09 High-qu uality AlN ep pilayer grow wn by HVPE E Method, Ji J Young Kim,, Gang Seok Lee, L Min Ah Park, Hunsoo Jeon n, Min Jeong Shin, Jun Hy yeong Lee, Yeon Su Yu, Sam m Nyung Yi, Min M Yang, Hyyung Soo Ahn*, Young Mooon Yu, Suck-W Whan Kim an nd Nobuhiko SSawaki M-P-010 0 Negative e diamagne etic shift ind duced by exc citon localiz zation in In nP-GaP later ral superlatttice, Y. H. Shin, Yongmin n Kim*, J. D. Song, D. Nak kamura, Y. H.. Matsuda and d S. Takeyama M-P-0111

Interfac cial Electron nics Structu ure of C60/Zn nPc/AZO by y ultraviolet et photoemission spectros scopy, Nari Heo, H Yoonsu Kim, Jeongsu up Lee, Sangh ho Lee, Minsooo Kim, Nalae Lee, Yunwoo Jung, J Soohae eng Cho, Sangg Wan Cho*, Soohyung S Parrk and Yeonjiin Yi

M-P-012 2

Parametterization of o dielectricc function off InxAl1-xAs alloys a as a ffunction of xcomposiition, J. C. Park*, P T. J. Kiim, N. S. Bara ange, H. G. Pa ark, Y. R. Kan ng and Y. D. Kim K

M-P-013 3

Nano-electrotribolo ogical prop erties of HffN insulator r formed byy rf magnetr ron sputter with w variou us nitrogen cconcentratiion, Myung Joon J Park, Sooo In Kim, Su ung Won Jin, Gu Ill Jung, Min Chul C Kim, Kyu ung Hoo Mun n, Jin Hyun Se eok, Sung Jaee Chi, An Su Bin, B Min Ki An and d Chang Woo o Lee*

M-P-014 4

Power-d dependent Photolumin P nescence Ch haracteristic cs of AlGaA As/GaAs Multiple Quantum m Wells, Jan nghyun CHO O, Jin Dong SO ONG, Jong Su u KIM, Hyun--Jun JO, Yon ng-Sub Jung and d Clare Chisu BYEON*

M-P-015 5

Temperature-depen ndent Photo oluminesce ence of AlGa aAs/GaAs M Multiple Qua antum Wells, Ja anghyun CHO O, Jin Dong S SONG, Jong Su S KIM, Hyun n-Jun JO, Yoong-Sub Jung and Clare Chiisu BYEON*

M-P-016 6

Therma al Treatment of Post-Bu uffer Growtth and Short-Period Su uperlattice : Effects on Struc ctural Qualiity of Directt GaAs Grow wn on Si Su ubstrates, Hyyun Duk Yan ng, Keun Hwan Lyu u, Ho Sung Kim, K Ye Seul Y Yoon, Jin Don ng Song and Won W Jun Chooi*

- 31 -


Optical properties p of o non-pola ar a-axis ZnO O single cry ystal for ligh ht emitting applicattions, Younghun Hwang aand Youngho Um*

M-P-018 8

Lumines scence Prop perties of In nP/InGaP Quantum Q Str ructures Grrown at Diffferent Temperatures, Il Wook W CHO, See Ra KWON, Mee-Yi M RYU* and Jin Don ng SONG

M-P-019 9

Design, simulation, fabrication n, packagin ng and testin ng of AlGaA As/GaAs Gun nn diode att 94 GHz, Sa anjeev K. SHA ARMA* and Deuk D Young KIM* K

M-P-02 20 Tunable e electrical properties p o of Al doped ZnO by hyd drogen pero oxide imme ersion process,, Hyun-Woo Park, Seungm muk Ji, Hyuneui Lim and Kwun-Bum K C Chung* M-P-02 21

Transpa arent Thin Film F Transisstors Consttructed with h In-doped Z ZnO on Plas stics, Sukhyung g Park, Kyoun ngah Cho* an nd Sangsig Kim*

M-P-02 22 Areal de ependent electrical cha aracteristics s of Pd-base ed Schottkyy diodes fabricated on Ga-polar n-type GaN, Yunju Choi and Hy yunsoo Kim* M-P-02 23 Laser An nnealing off CdTe Thin Films Usin ng 808-nm Diode D Laserr with 10-mm m Beam Spot Siz ze by a Focu using Lens, C Chan Il Park, Young-Kil Ju un and Nam-H Hoon Kim* M-P-02 24 L/S-ban nd 0.5 μm AllGaN/GaN M MISFET inc cluding SiN--assisted T--gate Structure, HoKyun Ahn n*, Hae-Cheo on Kim, Dongg-Min Kang, Sung-Il S Kim, Jong-Min J Leee, Byoung-Gu ue Min, Hyoung-S Sup Yoon, Ky yung-Ho Lee, Jong-Won Lim, L Yong-Hw wan Kwon andd Eun-Soo Na am M-P-02 25 Fabricattion and characterizatiion of GaAs s solar cell on o Si substrrate, SangHy yeon Kim, Minsu Pa ark, Daemyeo ong Geum, Hyyunduk Yang,, Hosung Kim m, Geunhwan Ryu, Jindong g Song, Changzoo o Kim and Wo onjun Choi* M-P-02 26 Optimiz zation of Shiielding Elecctrode Leng gths of Virtu ual Frisch-g grid CdZnTe e Radiatio on Detector r for Gamma a ray Detecttion, Woo Jin Jo, Manheee Jeong, Han n Soo Kim, You ung Soo Kim, Joon Ho Oh, Hyo Jeong Choi, C Dong Jin n Kim and Jaang Ho Ha* M-P-02 27 Anisotro opic thermo oelectric prroperties of mixed-laye er compoun nds of (GeTe)m m(Bi2Te3)n, Yoon –Min K Kim, Jin Hee Kim and Jon ng-Soo Rhyee**

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM M-P-02 28 Growth of ZnTe:N thin t films o on n-type Ga aAs substrattes by plasm ma assisted-pulsed laser dep position, Ky young Su Leee, Kyu Jin Oh and Eun Kyu u Kim* M-P-02 29 100W pu ulsed SSPA A using 25W W AlGaN/GaN N HEMT Te echnology att 9.2 – 9.5 GHz, G Dong Min n Kang*, Jong g Won Lim, H Ho Kyun Ahn, Sung Il Kim m, Hae Cheon Kim, Hyung Sup Yoon, Yon ng Hwan Kwo on and Eun S Soo Nam M-P-03 30 Pre-trea atment on Patterned P Sa apphire Sub bstrate by using u the Ion n-implantattion for Selective e Area Grow wth of GaN,, Dae-Sik Kim m, Seonho Bae e, Seojoo Jun ng, Woo Seop Jeong, Junggeun n Jhin, Hyung gduk Koh, Ja e-Sang Lee an nd Dongjin Byun* B M-P-03 31

Influenc ce of temper rature of AllN buffer la ayer deposittion on crysstallinity of GaN, Woo Seop p Jeong, Byun ng Hoon Kan ng, Chang Min n Lee, Dae-Sik k Kim, Seonh ho Bae, Seojoo o Jung, Jung Geu un Jhin and Dongjin D byun**

M-P-03 32 Analysis s of Reverse e Characteri ristics in AlG Gan/GaN SB BD with Eleectrode Mes sa, HyunGyu Jang g, Jeho Na, Ju ung-Jin Kim, Y Young-Rak Park, P Hyun-So oo Lee, Dongg-Yun Jung, JaeKyoung Mun*, M Sang-C Choon Ko and d Eun-Soo Na am M-P-03 33 Ohmic contact c to AlGaN/GaN A h heterostruc cture on sap pphire, Zin-SSig KIM*, Ho o-Kyun AHN, Jon ng-Won LIM,, Sang-Choon n KO, Sung-Bu um BAE, Hae e-Chun KIM, Sung-Il KIM, YongHwan KW WON and Eun nsoo NAM M-P-03 34 Fabricattion of GaN N HEMT on S SiC with Taper-Shaped d Backside V Via-Hole, By youngGue MIN N*, Hyung Sup p YOON, Haeecheon KIM, Ho-Kyun H AHN, Seong-Il K KIM, Jong-Miin LEE, Byoung-C Chul JUN, Yo oun-Kook JUN NG and Jong--Won LIM M-P-03 35 DC and RF R Charactteristics of A AlGaN/GaN N HEMTs on n SiC with R Recessed Gate by ICP Etch hing of BCl3/SF6, Hyungg Sup Yoon*, Byoung Gue Min, Jong Miin Lee, Dong Min Kang, Ho o Kyun Ahn, Sung S Il Kim, C Chul Won Ju,, Hae Cheon Kim K and Jongg Won Lim M-P-03 36 Passivattion effect of o Al2O3/SiN Nx bi-layer on o AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,, J. J. Kim*, J. J H. Na, S. C. Ko, E. E S. Nam and J. W. Yang

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM M-P-03 37 Fabricattion and Ch haracterizattion of Ultra aviolet A La aser Diodes on GaN Sub bstrate, Dong Chu url Kim*, You ung-Ho Ko, Su ung Beom Ba ae, Sung-Bock k Kim, Youngg Ahn Leem, Jae-Kwan J Kim, Ji-M Myon Lee, Yon ng Rae Kim, JJun-Cheon Park, Soo-Keun Jeon, D. Paavlidis and Eu unSooNam M-P-03 38 Anticros ssing Effectt in GaN-Bassed Laser Diodes D and Optimum O W Waveguide Structur res in Ultrav violet Laserr Diodes, Do ong Churl Kim m*, Young-H o Ko, Sung Beom Bae, Sung-Bocck Kim, Young Ahn Leem aand Eun-Soo Nam M-P-03 39 Molecullar beam ep pitaxy growtth and characterization ns of Type-III InAs/GaS Sb superlatttice for infr rared photo odetectors, Im Sik Han, Yong Seok Leee, Jun Oh Kiim, SangWoo Kan ng, Sam Kyu Noh, N Jong Su Kim and San ng Jun Lee* M-P-04 40 Studies of the Relia ability of Pa ackaged AlG GaN/GaN HE EMTs on 4-iinch SiC witth a Gate Len ngth of 0.25 5 um, Jong-M Min Lee*, Cheeol-Won Ju, Byoung-Gue B M Min, Hyung Sup S Yoon, Ho o-Kyun Ahn, Seong S Il Kim,, Dong Min Kang, K Hae Che eon Kim, Jong ng-Won Lim and a YongHwan Kw won M-P-04 41

Growth and charac cterization o of high In. content c InG GaN/GaN na anowire heterosttructures on n Si (111) by y PA-MBE, J. J W. Min, E. K. Kang, S. Y Y. Bae, K. W. Park, P S. J. Kang, C. C H. Kim and d Y. T. Lee*

M-P-04 42 Perform mance enhan ncement off GaAs/GaAs s tunnel dio ode using Bee delta dopiing at the junc ction interfa ace, S. J. Kan ng, K. W. Park k, S. K. Lee, C. C I. Yeo, J. W W. Min and Y. T. Lee* M-P-04 43 Annealin ng effect off wet therma al oxidation n on InGaAs s/GaAs Qua antum well for vertiical-cavity surface-emi s itting laser, Sung Hyun Bae, B Gun Wu Ju, Hee Ju Choi, C Yong Woo Lee and Yon ng Tak Lee*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM M-P-04 44 Reductio on of Interfface State D Density by using Oxygen n Treatmen nt in Ni-GaN N contact, Hyeonseok Woo, W Jongkyoong Lee, Yong gcheol Jo, Jaeseok Han, Joongmin Kim,, Hansol Jo, Hyungsang Kim, Cheonghyun C R Roh, Junho Lee, L H.S. Im, Jung-ho J Parkk and Cheol-k koo Hahn* M-P-04 45 Study off Sloped bar rrier for Im mproving the e Light Effic ciency in AllGaInP-base ed LEDs, Hwa H Sub Oh, A Ri Song, Su ung Hoon Jun ng, Tae Hoon Jung, Hyungg Joo Lee, You ung Jin Kim, You ung Dae Cho and a Jong Hyeeob Baek* M-P-04 46 Role of edge e facets on stability y and electro onic proper rties of III-V V nanowires, Dmitri B. MIGAS S*, Andrew B. B FILONOV, D Dmitri A. YA ATSYNA, RUS SLI and Cesarre SOCI M-P-04 47 A study of current crowding c an nd its effectts on the car rrier spill-o over in InGa aN/GaN Blue Lig ght Emitting g Diodes, Hyye-Jung YU, Jin-Gyu J LEE, Tae-Soo KIM M, Nan-Cho OH O and Jung-Hoo on SONG* M-P-04 48 Effect off p-AlGaN electron e bloccking layer on efficiency droop an nd identifica ation of the dom minant mech hanism for tthe droop in n InGaN/Ga aN MQW LE EDs, Nan-Ch ho Oh, Yanqun Dong, D Tae-Soo o Kim, Jin-Gyyu Lee, Hye-J Jung Yu and Jung-Hoon J SSong* M-P-04 49 Growth of InxGa1-x xN thin film m on Si(111) with Metal--flux Modullated Epitax xy method by PA-MBE E, Hansol Jo, Junho Lee, Cheong C Hyun n Roh, Yong G Gon Seo, Hyeo onseok Woo, Hyu unsik Im and Cheol-Koo H Hahn* M-P-05 50 Time-re esolved phottocurrent w with Q-switc ching laser in i InAs/GaA As quantum m dot solar celll, Seung Hyu un Kim, Hyun n-Jun Jo, Im Sik Han, Jon ng Su Kim*, SSang Jun Lee and Sam Kyu Noh M-P-05 51

Investig gation for ellectric fieldss in InAs/GaAs QD sola ar cell with optical bias s by electror reflectance spectroscop s py, Seung Hy yun Lee, Im Sik Han, Chan ng Won Sohn,, Hyun Jun Jo, Jong Su Kim*,, Sang Jun Leee and Sam Kyu K Noh

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM M-P-05 52 Growth and charac cterization o of doping pr rofile for In nAs nanowirres during vaporv liquid-so olid and vap por-solid grrowth mech hanism by MOCVD, M Jeoongwoo Hwan ng, Jeong-Wo oo Choe, Sang Jun Lee and d Jae Cheol Shin* S M-P-05 53 The stud dy of intern nal electric ffield for the e external op ptical or eleectrical bias s in p+n-n+ Ga aAs solar celll by using tthe electror reflectance, Mo Geun So,, Hyun-Jun Jo, J Im Sik Han, Jon ng Su Kim*, Sa ang Jun Lee aand Sam Kyu u Noh 54 Improve ed Solution Processed In-Zn-O Th hin Film Tra ansistor usin ng Double Layer L M-P-05 Structur re and Micr rowave Irra adiation at Low L Temper rature, Kwan ang-Won Jo, Se-Man S Oh and Won-Ju W Cho* M-P-05 55 Effects of o Ultrathin n Silicon Film m in Fully-D Depleted SO OI MOSFET Ts, S.-J. Chan ng, M. Bawedin,, F. Andrieu, C. C Navarro, Y Y-H. Bae* and d S. Cristolove eanu M-P-05 56 Characterization off solution p rocessed Sii nanopartic cles, J. Park**, S.-Y. Kang and C.-S. Hwang M-P-05 57

Enhance ement of an ntigen-detecction sensittivity throug gh the contrrol of buried d oxide thicknes ss in silicon n-on-insulattor based du ual-gate ion n-sensitive ffiled-effect transisto ors, In-Kyu Lee, L Hyun-Ju une Jang, Min nhong Jeun, Kwan K Hyi Leee and Won-Ju u Cho*

M-P-05 58 Strong Visible V Electtroluminesscence in Si Nanocrysta als Embedd ded in a Si Carbide Matrix, Chul Huh*, Tae-Youb T Kim m, Chang-Geu un Ahn and Bong Kyu Kim m M-P-05 59 Effect off Iron Conta amination C Conditions in CMOS Im mage Sensorr Cell, Eun-H Hee Shim, Ji-Sun Lee, Seung-Hyun Son ng, Il-Hwan Kim, K Joo-Hyeong Park, Jun n-Seong Park k and Jea-Gun Park* M-P-06 60 CMOS-im mage-senso or Cell Affeccted by Iron n and Coppe er Contamin nation, Ji-Su un Lee, Eun-Hee Shim, Seung g-Hyun Song, Il-Hwan Kim m, Joo-Hyung g Park, Jun-Seeong ParK an nd JaeGun*

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Effect off the interfa ace roughne ess of the hiigh-k dielec ctric layer on n the electr ron mobility y in the chan nnel of the M MOSFETs, Jutae J Ryu, Ke eon Ho Yoo aand Tae Whan n Kim*

M-P-06 62 High Ele ectrical Res sistance Varriation in Tr ransition Metal M Doped d-Germaniu um, Jiyoun CH HOI, Jeongyo ong CHOI, Su ungyoul CHOI and Sunglae e CHO* M-P-06 63 A compa arative anallysis on recttifying char racteristics of the Scho ottky contac cts for Mo and Ti on 4H-SiiC, Jinseon L Lee, Seula Leee, Gye Cheol Lee, L Tai Youn ng Kang, Sinsu u Kyoung and a Kyung Hw wan Kim* M-P-06 64 Implementation off dynamical decoupling g for longer coherence time of elec ctron spins in a Si:P syste em, Minchan n Gwak, Insuk k Yu, Soonchiil Lee and San nggap Lee* M-P-06 65 Effect off Deposition n Pressure o on Structur ral and Elec ctrical Propeerties of Sp puttered Amorph hous Carbon n Films, Hyu ungon Oh, Ky youngah Cho and Sangsig Kim* M-P-06 66 Effect off Multi-step p Germanium m Condens sation, Joo-H Hyeong Park, Seung-Hyun n Song, Eun-Hee Shim, Ji-Sun n Lee and Jeaa-Gun Park* M-P-06 67 Enhance ed Magneto oresistance in n-Si/Ni Nanorod-lik N ke Schottky Barriers Pr roduced Electroc chemical De eposition in n Pores of SiiO2 temlate, Julia FEDO OTOVA, Ivan SVITO S Anis SAA AD, Pavel APE EL, Alexanderr MAZANIK, Serguey TUR RISCHEV , Eleen PARINOV VA, Dmitry IV VANOU, Euge en STRELTSO OV and Alexa ander FEDOT TOV* M-P-06 68 Enhance ed ferromag gnetism by preventing g antiferrom magnetic Mn nO2 in InP:Be/M Mn/InP:Be triple layerrs fabricate ed using molecular beam am epitaxy, D.J. Lee, J.W. Lee, C.S S. Park, J.D. S Song, H.C. Ko oo, Im Taek Yoon, Y H.S. Kim m, T.W. Kang g and Yoon Sho on* M-P-06 69 Propertiies of high-k k hafnium o oxide dielec ctric films prepared p byy sol-gel pro ocess, F. Zhang an nd F.K.Shan* M-P-07 70 Magneto ostatic inter raction betw ween domain walls in sub-micron s n sized dual Co rings, Ch hunghee Nam m*

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Multifer rroic effect in GaMnAs /PVDF hete erostructure, Sh. U. Yulddashev, H. C. Jeon, T. W. Kang and S. J. Lee**

M-P-07 72 The Disttinct Behavior of Speciific Heat of Diluted Ma agnetic Semi miconductor r Quantum m Wells, H. C. Jeon, M. L Li, S. J. Lee*, T. W. Kang, G. Ihm and SS. A. Chizhik M-P-07 73 Optimiz zing the Exc change Coup pling Streng gth of SyAF Structure iin [Co/Pt] MultiM layers, Jong-Ung J Bae ek, Min-Su Jeeon, Seung-Eu un Lee, Du-Y Yeong Lee, Yas asutaka Takem mura, Tae-Hun Shim and Jea-Gun Park* M-P-07 74 Controllling ferrom magnetism in n epitaxial Mn M films by y substrate-iinduced str rain, Younghun n Hwang, You ungho Um an nd Sunglae Ch ho* M-P-07 75

A Study of the Cons stricted Con nducting Fillament of Resistive R Sw witching Mem mories Using Non-destruct N tive Method d, Yongcheol JO, Yongmin n KIM, Jongm min KIM, Hye eonseok WOO, Inh ho KIM, Woo oyoung PARK K, Jongkyung Lee, Hansol CHO, Sangeuun CHO, Jaesseok HAN, A. I. I INAMDAR R, S. M. PAWA AR, Hyunsik IM, I Hyungbae KIM and H Hyungsang KIM*

M-P-07 76 White-liight emissio on from Ca2 La8(GeO4)6O2:(Eu3+, Dy D 3+) by pech hini-type so ol-gel process,, Yong Il Jeon n, L. Krishna Bharat and J. S. Yu* M-P-07 77

ectric doma ain study on n the Bi0.8La a0.2FeO3 thin n films for p piezoelectriic Ferroele energy generator, g Jeongdae J Seoo, Yoonho Ahn n and Jong Ye eog Son*

M-P-07 78 Improve ed Electrica al Propertie es of Silicon n quantum dots d for Pho otovoltaic Applicattions, Songw woung Hong, Ansoon Kim** and Kyung Joong J Kim

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Decem mber 9 (Tu uesday), 09:00~10 0 0:45

Session n A3 (Balllroom I) Co ompound Semicon nductors (II) ( Cha air: Sam Ny yung Yi (Korrea Maritim me and Ocea an Univ., Koorea) A3-I-011 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] COSMOS 2020 2 Initiattive: Hetero ogeneous In ntegration of o Compoun nd Semicond ductor and MEMS S on Silicon n; Next-Gene eration Tec chnology Pla atform for H High-Perfor rmance Microsyste ems, Jeong-g gun Lee* (KA ANC, Korea) A3-O-011 (09:30~09::45) Effect of hy ydrogenatio on on deep level defectts of GaN na anorods, Reeddepa Madd daka, Byung Guon n Park, R. Sarravana Kumarr, Sang Tae Lee, L Moon Deock Kim* (Ch hungnam Natt’l Univ., Korea) and Song S Gang Kim (Joongbu Univ., Korea a) A3-O-02 2 (09:45~10::00) MOCVD gr rowth of Crack-free AlG GaN on GaN N templates s for UV-Lasser diodes, Young-Ho Ko*, K Sung Beo om Bae, Sungg-Bock Kim, Dong D Churl Kim, K Young Ah hn Leem and Eun-Soo Nam (ETRI,, Korea) A3-O-03 3 (10:00~10::15) Post-passiivation Bufffered Oxide e Etch and Plasma P Trea atment Effeccts on AlGaN/GaN SBDs, Jeho o NA*(ETRI, Korea), Jungg-Jin KIM(ET TRI, Korea / Chonbuk C Natii’l Univ., Kore ea), Hyun Gyu JANG (ETRI, ( Korea// UST, Koreaa), Youngrak PARK, P Chi-Hoon JUN, San ng Choon KO O and Eun Soo NA AM (ETRI, Ko orea) A3-O-04 4 (10:15~10:3 30) Growth off semi-insulating GaN llayer for HE EMT structu ure by elimiinating dege enerate layer at Ga aN/sapphire e interface, In-Su Shin (Seoul Nat'l Univ., U Korea), Donghyun Kim K (KANC, Korrea), Donghyu un Lee (Seoull Nat'l Univ., Korea), Yumiin Koh, Keun n Man Song, Chan C Soo Shin (KANC C, Korea), Yon ngjo Park* (A AICT, Korea) and a Euijoon Yoon* Y (Seoul Nat'l Univ., Korea/ K AICT, Korea a) A3-O-05 5 (10:30~10:45) Characteriistics of a Fiield Plate C Connected to o T-shaped Gate in AlG GaN/GaN HE EMTs, Kyu Jun Cho o*, Ho Kyun Ahn, A Sung Il Kim, Dong Min M Kang, Jon ng Min Lee, B Byoung Gue Min, M Sang Heung Lee, Dong Yung Kim, K Hyung S Sup Yoon, Haee Cheon Kim,, Kyung Ho L Lee, Chul Won n Ju, Jong Won Lim, L Yong Hw wan Kwon and d Eun Soo Na am (ETRI, Ko orea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Session B3 (Ballr room II) O Organic an nd Oxide based Se emicondu uctors (IIII) Chair: Jy yh Ming Wu u (Nat’l Tsin ng Hua Univ v., China) B3-I-011 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] E Electronic sttructure of Organo-Me O etal Halide Perovskites P Films and IInterfaces, Antoine K Kahn* (Princeton Univ., US SA) B3-O-011 (09:30~09::45) Synthesis and lumine escence of E Eu3+ doped La L 2(MoO4)3 phosphorss with spind dle shapes, L. Krishna Bharrat and J. S. Y Yu* (Kyung Hee H Univ., Korrea) B3-O-02 2 (09:45~10::00) Growth cha aracteristic cs of MoO3/A Ag/MoO3 multilayer m transparent cconductive films, S. Chandramoh han, Beo Deull Ryu, Hyoun n Suk Song, Yee-Ji Lee, Eun n-Kyung Suh, Chel-Jong Ch hoi and Chang-Hee Hong* H (Chonb buk Nat’l Uniiv., Korea) B3-O-03 3 (10:00~10::15) Effect of Cr-doping C co oncentratio on on the ph hotocatalytic c activity off CuO nanopartic cles synthes sized by refflux conden nsation meth hod, Magesh hwari Kandha asamy (Hanyang Univ., U Korea), Sathyamoortthy Ramakrisshnan (Kongu unadu Arts an nd Science Co ollege, India) and Jinsub J Park* (Hanyang Un niv., Korea)

Session C3 (Ballr room III) Nano-Bio Ma aterials an nd Device es (I) Chair: Sang S Kwon Lee (Chung g Ang Univ., Korea) C3-I-01 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] H Highly Sensiitive Biomedical Diagn nostics Usin ng Nanoplas smonics-Bassed Microflluidic Senso, Jaebum Choo*, Rongke Gao, Jooonki Hwang and Sangyeop p Lee (Hanyaang Univ., Korea) C3-I-02 2 (09:30~10:0 00) [Invited] Nano-Bio Mass M Imagiing Technollogy for Nan no-Bio Mate erials Chara acterization n, Tae Geol Lee,* (KRISS, Korea a) C3-I-03 3 (10:00~10:3 30) [Invited] Effects of extremely e lo ow frequen ncy electrom magnetic field on neuro onal differentiation of human mesenchym mal stem cellls on graph heme, Jung-S Suk Sung*, Yo Yoo-Jung Lee,, HyunSik Im and Ki-Kang K Kim (Dongguk Un niv., Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Session D3 (Ballr room IV) Carbon n Nano Materials Ch hair: Sunmin n Ryu (POS STECH, Korrea) D3-I-011 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] Nanoscale e Assembly & Chemicall Modification of Graph hene Based d Nannomatterials, Sangwook Kim* K (KAIST, Korea) D3-I-02 2 (09:30~10:0 00) [Invited] Silicene an nd Germane ene in Terra a Plana, Guy y LE LAY* (A Aix-Marseille U Univ., France e) D3-I-03 3 (10:00~10:3 30) [Invited] Intercalatiion process s of metals b between a graphene g an nd substratees, Young Shiin Park* (U UNIST, Korea a) D3-O-01 (10:30~10:4 45) Investigatiion of Dura ability and A Activity of Electrochem E mical Reactio ons on Mesoporou us Carbon with w Atomicc Force Mic croscopy, Jo ong Hun Kim (IBS, Korea// KAIST, Korea), Jae Yeong Cheon n (UNIST, Ko rea), Hye Soo ok Joo, Han Shin S Choi (KIIST, Korea), Sang S Hoon Joo (U UNIST, Korea a) and Jeong Young Park* (IBS, Korea/ / KAIST, Koreea)

Decem mber 9 (Th huesday),, 11:10~12 2:10

Session PL2 (Balllroom I) Plen nary Sessiion II Chair: Youngmin Kim (Dank kook Univ., Korea)

PL2 (11:10~12:10)

Engine eered Qua antum Dotts for Sola ar Energy Conversio C on and LED Ds, Dr. Victtor I. Klimo ov (LANL, USA) U

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Decem mber 10 (W Wendesda ay), 09:00 0~10:45

Session n A4 (Balllroom I) Nitride Semicon nductors Chair:: Fumio Kom mori (Univ.. of Tokyo, Japan) J A4-I-011 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] GaN Techn nology: From Device to o System De emonstratio on, Jae Kyouung MUN* (ET TRI, Korea/ UST T, Korea), Woo ojin CHANG,, Sang Choon KO (ETRI, Korea) K and Euun Soo NAM (ETRI, Korea) A4-I-02 2 (09:30~10:0 00) [Invited] Gallium Nitride N Based d Power Sw witching FET Ts, Ho-Young CHA* (Hon ngik Univ., Ko orea) A4-O-01 (10:00~10:15) Dielectric responses of o multi-com mponent pllasmas in a Wurtzite Ga GaN, Hye-Jun ng Kim and Kyung-S Soo Yi*( Pusa an Nat’l Univ.., Korea) A4-O-02 2 (10:15~10:3 30) Hybrid hetterojunction based on GaN nanon needles and d MEH-PPV,, Min Jeong SHIN, S Dong-Oh GW WON, Chan Mi M LEE, In Ju un JEON, Hyu ung Soo AHN N, Sam Nyungg YI* (Korea Maritime M and Ocean Univ., U Korea) and Dong Haan HA (KRIS SS, Korea) A4-O-03 3 (10:30~10:45) Optical pro operties of InGaN nano odisks emb bedded in Ga a(In)N nano orods with different top morphology, Byung Guon Park, Moon M Mee Lim m, R. Saravan na Kumar, Sa ang Tae Lee, Moon Deock D Kim* (Chungnam N Nat’l Univ., Ko orea) and Jae e Eung Oh (H anyang Univ., Korea)

Session B4 (Ballr room II) Quantu um Information Chair: Hyunsik Im (Dongguk Univ., Korea) K B4-I-011 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] Quantum computing c in silicon issolated double quantum m dots : goiing wireless s, Thierry Ferrus*, Aleessandro Rosssi (Hitachi Caambridge Lab boratory, UK), Tetsuo Kodeera, Tomohirro Kambara, Sh hunri Oda(To okyo Institutee of Technolo ogy, Japan) an nd David Willliams (Hitach hi Cambridge Laboratory, L UK) U

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM B4-I-02 2 (09:30~10:0 00) [Invited] Impedance e-Matched L System in n Driven Cir rcuit QED, K. K Inomata* ((RIKEN, Japa an), K. Koshino(Tok kyo Medical and a Dental U Univ., Japan), Z. R. Lin, J. S. S Tsai(RIKEN N, Japan), Y. Nakamura(R RIKEN, Japan/ The Univ. of Tokyo, Jap pan) and T. Yamamoto Y (N NEC, Japna) B4-O-01 (10:00~10:15) Modificatiion of Sponttaneous Em mission of III-VI Semico onductor Sel elf-assemble ed Quantum Dots D by Opttical Nanoa antennas, Ch hi-Tsu Yuan* and Jyh-Shyyang Wang (C Chung Yuan Christtian Univ., Taiwan) B4-O-02 2 (10:15~10:3 30) Metal/diellectric coate ed single qu uantum dot structures for enhance ced light colllection efficiency,, Vasanthan Devaraj*, D Hyu uk Jeong, Yud dong Jang and Donghan L Lee (Chungnam Nat’l Univ., Korea a)

Session C4 (Ballr room III) Energy Chair: Sun Jin Yun (ET TRI, Korea)) C4-I-01 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] Self-Power red Flexible e Electronicc Systems, Keon K Jae Lee* * (KAIST, Korrea) C4-I-02 2 (09:30~10:0 00) [Invited] Challenges s and persp pectives of ssmall-scale energy e harv vesting for m medical imp plant application ns, Elie Lefeu uvre*, Marion n Woytasik, Sarah S Risquezz and Fabien Parrain (Universite Paris Sud – CNRS, Francce) C4-O-011 (10:00~10:15) Surface loc cal current and potenttial propertiies of Zn(O,,S) based bu uffer layer on o Cu(In,Ga)S Se2 thin-film ms, Gee Yeon ng Kim, Ju Rii Kim and William Jo*(Ew wha Womans Univ., Korea) C4-O-02 2 (10:15~10:3 30) Semicondu ucting Piezo oelectric Crr-doped ZnO O Nanorods s for Optoellectronics and Mechanica al Energy Harvesting H A Applications s, Manoj Kum mar GUPTA (SSungkyunkw wan Univ., Korea), Sanjjeev Kumar SHARMA*, S H Hyunsik IM (D Dongguk Univ v., Korea) andd Binay KUMAR (Univ. of Delhi, Ind dia) C4-O-03 3 (10:30~10:45) Flexible co ontact-mode e triboelecttric nanogen nerators ba ased on grap phite top ele ectrode under diffferent pushiing forces a and load res sistances, So oo Hyun Lee, Young Hwan n Ko and Jae Su Yu* (Kyung ( Hee Univ., U Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Session D4 (Ballr room IV) 2D M Materials s (II) Chair: Guy Le lay (Aix-Marseeille Univ., France) F D4-I-011 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] Hetero-str ructured P-N N Junction Devices Fo ormed by Us sing 2D Matterials, Won n Jong Yoo* (Sungk kyunkwan Un niv., Korea) D4-I-02 2 (09:30~10:0 00) [Invited] Raman Me etrology for r Surface Sccientific Inv vestigation of o 2-Dimenssional Syste ems, Sunmin Ryu u* (POSTEC, Korea) D4-O-01 (10:00~10:15) Electronic c Transport of MoS2, Jin n Shu Li* and d Euy Heon Hwang H (Sungkkyunkwan Un niv., Korea) D4-O-02 (10:15~10:3 30) Efficient liight couplin ng of graphe ene plasmon n for applic cation to CM MOS-scale silicon waveguide e integrated d devices, Jaaehwan Kweo on, Wonjong Yoo* Y and Euyyheon Hwang g* (Sungkyunk kwan Univ., Korea) K D4-O-03 (10:30~10::45) Opto-electtronic Chara acteristics o of Multi-lay yered MoS2 Thin-film T Transistors with Local Botttom Gated Structure, S Y Young Ki Hong, Junyeon Kwon, K Omkaraam Inturu (K Kyung Hee Univ., Korea), K Woon ng Choi (Kookkmin Univ., Korea), K Young gki Yoon and Sunkook Kim m* (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada)

Decem mber 10 (W Wendesda ay), 11:10~ ~12:40

Session n A5 (Balllroom I) Si and Group G IV b based Sem miconduc ctors (II)) Ch hair: Yong S Sung Kim (K KRISS, Kore ea) A5-I-01 (11:10~11:40 0) [Invited] Interaction n of Aromatic Moleculles with a High-Index Si S Surface, SSukmin Jeong g* and Gyu-Hyeong g Kim (Chonb buk Nat’l Uniiv., Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM A5-I-02 2 (11:40~12:10 0) [Invited] Low-dimen nsional mettallic statess of self-asse embled nan nowires form med on Ge((001) with Pt and Au, Fumio o Komori* (Un niv. of Tokyo, Japan) A5-O-011 (12:10~12:2 25) Migration pathways and a barrierss for B diffu usion in Si/S SiO2 and SiG Ge/SiO2 intterfaces, Geun-Myeong Kim*, You ung Jun Oh, C Chang Hwi Leee and Kee Jo oo Chang(KAIIST, Korea) A5-O-02 2 (12:25~12:4 40) Crystalliza ation behavior of Si1-xG Gex in Si1-xGe ex /Si bi-laye er structuree for vertica al channel in n VNAND, Sangsoo Lee (S Seoul Nat'l Univ., Korea), Yong-Hoon Y SSon (Seoul Na at'l Univ., Korea/ Sam msung Electron nics Co, Koreea), Yongjo Pa ark(Seoul Natt'l Univ., Koreea), Kihyun Hwang, H Yoo Gyun Sh hin(Samsung g Electronics C Co, Korea) an nd Euijoon Yo oon* (Seoul N Nat'l Univ., Ko orea)

Session B5 (Ballr room II) Sejon ng Graph hene Spec cial Sessio on (I) Chair: Seung-Hyu un Chun (Seejong Univ., Korea) B5-I-01 (11:10~11:35 5) [Invited] Study on Graphene G an nd other 2D D Crystals att Atomic Scale using Ab Aberrationcorrected TEM, T Zongh hoon Lee* (UN NIST, Korea) 2 (11:35~12:00 0) [Invited] B5-I-02 Stability an nd Dynamic cs of Defectts and Dopa ants in Grap phene, Gun-D oul Nat'l Do Lee* (Seo Univ., Korea a) B5-I-03 3 (12:00~12:2 25) [Invited] Graphene based spinttronic and o optoelectro onic applications, Hyun nsoo Yang* (National N

University of o Singapore, Singapore)

Session C5 (Ballr room III) S Solar Cellls Chair: Elie E Lefeuvrre (Univ. off Paris Sud, France) C5-I-01 (11:10~11:40 0) [Invited] Amorphou us and Micr rocrystalline e Si and SiG Ge Thin Film ms and Its A Applications s to Thin Film Solar Cells,, Sun Jin YUN N*, Seong Hy yun LEE, Jung Wook LIM,, Kwang Hoon n JUNG, Yoo Jeong LEE L and Da Jung LEE (ET TRI, Korea / UST, U Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM C5-O-011 (11:40~11:55) Low Temp perature Deposition of a-Si:H Thin n Films for Solar S cell, K Kyoung suk Oh* O (NFRI, Koreea), Sun-hwa Lee, Chaehw wan Jeong (KIITECH, Korea a), Ji-hwan Y Yang and Koen ng Su Lim (KAIST T, Korea) C5-O-02 2 (11:55~12:110) Photovolta aic propertiies dependiing on the sttructure of Si quantum m dot supper lattice and the fab brication pr rocess of so olar cell, Anssoon Kim* (K KRISS, Korea)), Seong Woo ong Hong (KRISS, Korrea/ UST, Korrea), Jong Sh hik Jang (KRIISS, Korea), Kyea K Young K Kwak and Kyu ung Joong Kim* (KRIS SS, Korea/ US ST, Korea)

Session D5 (Ballr room IV) Nano o-Bio Matterials an nd Device es (II) Chair: Woo Chul Y Yang (Dong gguk Univ., Korea) D5-I-011 (11:10~11:40 0) [Invited] Circulating g tumor celll capture ussing pattern ned silicon nanowire n p platform and d its drug respo onse of capttured cells w within brea ast cancer pa atient blood d, Sang-Kwon n Lee*, Dong-Joo Kim K (Chung-A Ang Univ., Korrea) and Won nshik Han (Se eoul National University College of

Medicine, Korea) K D5-O-01 (11:40~11:5 55) Cytotoxicitty mechanis sm of differrent gold na anoparticles s obtained u using differ rent functionall groups of amino a acidss, Gajanan Gh hodake, Min Kim, Jung Suuk Sung, and DaeYoung Kim** (Dongguk Univ., U Korea) D5-O-02 (11:55~12:110) Estimation n of MEMS Acceleratio A on Sensor as s Respiratory detectorr, Jiwon Sung g (Korea Univ., Korea a/ Kyung Hee e Univ., Koreaa), Myonggeu un Yoon (Korea Univ., Korrea), Weon Ku uu Chung, and Dong Wook W Kim* (K Kyung Hee Un niv., Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Decem mber 10 (W Wendesda ay), 14:00 0~15:00

Session PL3 (Balllroom I) Plena ary Sessio on III Chair: C Jin D Dong Song (K KIST, Korea a)

PL3 (14::00~15:00)

InGaA As MOSFET T Electron nics, Prof. Jeesus del Alamo, (MIT, USA) U

Decem mber 10 (W Wendesda ay), 15:30 0~17:30

Session n A6 (Balllroom I) Sp pintronic cs and Ferrromagn netic Semiiconducto or Chair:: Jong Su Ki Kim (Yeungn nam Univ., Korea) K A6-I-011 (15:30~16:00) [Invited] Theoretica al study on magnetic m in nterfaces su ubject to spiin-orbit cou upling, Kyung-Jin Lee* (Korea a Univ., Korea a) A6-I-02 2 (16:00~16:3 30) [Invited] Optical spiin orientatiion study off spin filteriing at ferrom magnetic metal/sem miconductor r interfaces , Tomoyasu TANIYAMA* T (Tokyo Instittute of Technology, Japan) A6-O-011 (16:30~16:4 45) Magnetoellectric Effec ct in GaMnA As /P(VDF-T TrFE) Comp posite Multi tiferroic Nanostruc ctures, Sh. U. U YULDASHE EV*, Z. A. YU UNUSOV, V. Sh. S YALISHEV V, S. J. LEE, H. C. JEON, Y. H.. KWON (Don ngguk Univ., Korea), G. T.. LEE , C. M. PARK P (Yonseei Univ., Kore ea) and T.W. KANG G (Dongguk Univ., Korea) A6-O-02 2 (16:45~17:0 00) A new non n-magnetic ion i doped o oxide semic conductor fo or room tem mperature spintronic cs, Ju Won Le ee, J. Nisar, JJ. C. Lee, Y.H. Kwon, T.W. Kang, Yoon SShon (Dongg guk Univ., Korea), X.Peeng, R. Ahuja a (Uppsala Un niv., Sweden) and N.G. Sub bramaniam* (Dongguk Un niv., Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM A6-O-03 3 (17:00~17:115) Supercond ducting property of Sn11-xInxTe com mpounds, Ka a Ryeong Kim m and Jong-Soo Rhyee* (Kyu ung Hee Univ v., Korea) A6-O-04 4 (17:15~17:3 30) Revelation n on the effe ect of tempe erature on switching s ch haracteristiics of tantallum oxide, Yaw war Abbas, Mi Ra Park, You ung Jin Choi and a Chi Jung g Kang* (Myoongji Univ., Ko orea)

Session B6 (Ballr room II) Sejon ng Graphe ene Speciial Sessio on (II) Cha air: Chanyoong Hwang (KRISS, ( Korea) B6-I-011 (15:30~15:55 5) [Invited] Direct Inte egration of few-layer G Graphene in nto Light Em mitting Diod des, Seung-H Hyun Chun* (Sejo ong Univ., Korea) B6-I-02 2 (15:55~16:20) [Invited] Silicene gr rown on Ag substrates,, Noriaki Tak kagi* (The Univ. of Tokyo, JJapan) B6-I-03 3 (16:20~16:4 45) [Invited] Graphene Based Nanoelectrome echanics, Sang Wook Lee e * (Konkuk U Univ., Korea) B6-I-04 4 (16:45~17:10 0) [Invited] Atomistic Formation Mechanism ms of Graph hene and Re elated Two-D Dimensiona al Materials on o Transition Metal Su ubstrates, Zhenyu Z Zhang g* (USTC, Chiina) B6-I-05 5 (17:10~17:35 5) [Invited] Optical Properties of Graphene a and 2 dimen nsional Matterials, Hyeoonsik Cheong g (Sogang Univ., Korea a)

Session C6 (Ballr room III) Topolo ogical Ins sulators Chair: Suk-Ho Ch hoi (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea) C6-I-01 (15:30~16:00) [Invited] Atomic str ructure and d topologica al insulating g property of o Ge-Sb-Te phase chan nge materials, Jeongwoo Kim, K Jinwoongg Kim and Seung-Hoon Jh hi* (POSTECH H, Korea) C6-I-02 2 (16:00~16:3 30) [Invited] Topologica al Switching g Phase Cha ange Memo ory, Junji TOM MINAGA* (A AIST, Japan)

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C6-I-03 3 (16:30~17:0 00) [Invited] Surface an nd interface e states of to opological in nsulators in nvestigated d by nonline ear optical tec chniques, Su unyoung Ham mh, Soon-Heee Park (GIST, Korea), Joon nbum Park, Jun Sung Kim (POSTE EC), Dunjip Choi C (Univ. off Seoul, Korea a), Sung Kim,, Suk-Ho Chooi (Kyung Hee e Univ., Korea), Seon ngshik Oh (The State Univversity of New w Jersey, USA A), Jeong Heuum Jeon, Se-J Jong Kahang (Ko orea Univ., Ko orea), and Jon ngseok Lee* (GIST, ( Korea)) C6-O-011 (17:00~17:115) IInteraction n of O atoms s and O2 mo olecules witth the pristiine and the defected Bii2Se3 (111) surfac ce, Eun-Ha Sh hin (Sookmyu ung Women'ss Univ., Korea a), Geunseopp Lee (Inha Un niv., Korea) and Hanchul H Kim* * (Sookmyungg Women's Univ., U Korea) C6-O-02 2 (17:15~17:3 30) Fermi leve el tuning an nd weak loca alization/an nti localization compettition of bullk single crystalline e of Bi2-xSbxSe S 2Te, WonH Hyuk SHON and a Jong-Soo o RHYEE* (K Kyung Hee Un niv., Korea)

Session D6 (Ballr room IV) Pla asmonicss and Opto oelectron nics Chair: Mun n Seok Jeon ng ( Sungky yunkwan Un niv., Korea) D6-I-011 (15:30~16:0 00) [Invited] Challenges s in Charactterization o of Single-Ph hoton-Emittters, Seung-JJin Yoon and KwangGeol Lee* (H Hanyang Univ v., Korea) D6-I-02 2 (16:00~16:3 30) [Invited] Effect of Polar P Solven nt upon Deg graded PEDO OT:PSS for Organic Ph hotovoltaic Applicatio ons, Gon Nam mkoong* (Old d Dominion Univ., U USA), Enas E M. Youn nes(Old Domiinion Univ., USA// Damanhourr Univ., Egyptt) and Tarek M. M Abdel-Fattah (Christoppher Newportt Univ., USA) D6-I-03 3 (16:30~17:0 00) [Invited] Energy and Biomedic cal Applicatiions of Plas smonic Nan nostructuress, Wounjhang Park* (Univ. of Co olorado, USA)) D6-I-04 4 (17:00~17:3 30) [Invited] Electricallly pumped ZnO Z nanowiire lasers, Jianlin J Liu* (U University off California Riiverside, USA)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Decem mber 10 (W Wendesda ay), 17:30 ~19:30

Poste er Session n P2 (Balllroom Lo obby) W-P-00 01 Photoin nduced hydr rophilicity o of TiO2/WO O3 double lay yer films, Doongyoung Kim m, Sungbo Seo, S Kang Bae e, Sunyoung S Sohn and Hw wa-Min Kim* W-P-00 02 Pre-Ann nealing effect: Reduce w water layer r on the SiO2 substrate,, Jongboum Kim K and Dong Ryeeol Lee W-P-00 03 Pulsed laser l assiste ed synthesiss of Ho3+ do oped CaMoO O4 colloidal nanocrysta als and its upco onversion lu uminescencce, Jung-Il Leee, Joon Hwan ng, Chang Wooo Hong and Jeong Ho Ryu* W-P-00 04 Optical Properties of In-Si-O T Thin Films: Correlation n Between M Microstructture and Opttical Proper rties, Jun-Wooo Park, Hyeon Seob So, Hye-Min H Lee,, Han-Ki Kim m and Hosun Leee* W-P-00 05 Absorpttion Spectra a and Sunlig ght Convers sion Efficien ncy in Fulleerene Bonded Supram molecules on n Nanostruccturized ZnO, E.A.Zakhiidov*, A.M.Kookhkharov, Sh. Q. Nematovv and R.A.Nussretov W-P-00 06 Low-Tem mperature, Nontoxic W Water-Induced Metal-O Oxide Thin F Films and its Applicattion in Tran nsistors, A. L Liu, G. X. Liu u, H. H. Zhu and a F. K. Shan n* W-P-00 07 Grain siize effects on o the metall-insulator transition t behaviors b off VO2 thin films, f Ahrum Sohn, Teruo Kanki, K Hyun-T Tak Kim and Dong-Wook Kim* K W-P-00 08 Propertties of high-k yttrium o oxide dielecttric films pr repared by ssol-gel proc cess, FengXu, Fu-Kai Shan**, Guo-XiaLiu u, Hui-YueTa an, B.C.Shin and a W.J.Lee W-P-00 09 Optical Properties of Amorpho ous and Cry ystalline Sn nO2 thin film ms, Hyeon Se eob So, Jun-Woo o Park, Dae Ho H Jung, Kun Hee Ko and Hosun H Lee*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM W-P-0110 Low Tem mperature Fabrication F n of High Pe erformance Indium Ox xide Thin Fillm Transisiitor, You Me eng, Ao Liu an nd FuKai Sha an* W-P-0111

Impact of o Process Parameters P s on Pattern n Formation n in the masskless plasm monic computational litho ography, Saang-Kon Kim**


Enhanced Al-Induc ced Crystalllization of Silicon-Rich S h Oxide Film ms, Jong-Hwan Yoon*


Charactterization off Amorphou us ZnO-SnO O2 Superlatttice Thin Fillms and Their Field Efffect Electro onics Prope erties, Su-Jaee Lee*, Chi-Su un Hwang, Jaae-Eun Pi, Jo ong-Heon Yang, Him mchan Oh, Kyoung-Ik K Choo and Hye Yo ong Chu


Orientation effects in structurral and electtronic prop perties of an natase TiO2 nanowir res and nan notubes, Dm mitri Migas*, Andrew A Filon nov, Victor Boorisenko and Natalia Skorodum mova


Optical properties of ZnO nan norod films blended b witth Si nanop particles stu udied by Raman scattering spectroscop s py and FDTD D simulatio on, Hankyoull MOON, Hae e-Young SHIN, Jo ong-Hyurk PA ARK, Yun San ng LEE and Seokhyun YOO ON*


Integratting ZnO miicrowires w with nanosca ale electrod des using a ssuspended PMMA ribbon for f investigating their e electrical an nd electrom mechanical p properties, Hakseong g Kim, Ho An ng Yoon, Hoyyeol Yun and Sang S Wook Lee*


Micro-S Structural Property P of S Solution-De eposited InG GaZnO Thin n Film Tran nsistor using Microwave M an nd Thermall Annealing g, Jung Hoon Park , Kwan Hyi Lee and Won Ju Cho*


Effects of o gate insu ulators on th he performa ance of ZnO O Thin Film Transistor, S. E. Moo on*, S. Y. Kan ng, S. D. Ahn, H. J. Lee, J. H. Yang, J. E. E Pi, C. S. Hw wang and S. H. H Ko Park


The 2-D Dimensionall Hall Effectt on ZnO Miicrowire, Ho Ang Yoon, H Hakseong Kim m, Yeon Soo Kim,, Bae Ho Park k and Sang W Wook Lee*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM W-P-02 20 Temper rature depen ndence of th he radiative e recombina ation time iin ZnO nano orods under an a external magnetic m fie eld of 6 T, Woojin W Lee, Takayuki T Kibaa, Akihiro Mu urayama , Corinne Sartel S , Vincent Sartel, Inh hong Kim, Ro obert A. Taylor, Young-Dah hl Jho and Kw wangseuk Kyhm* W-P-02 21

Nanorods Li-rich cathode c matterials synth hesized by anodic a alum minum oxid de (AAO) templattes, Su-bin Ya ang, Byeong-cchan Jang, Ch heong Kim an nd Jong-tae SSon*

W-P-02 22 Pd/Ta2O5/SiC Sensors for Hyd drogen Gas Detection D at a High Tem mperatures, Changeon n Bae and Seo ongjeen Kim** W-P-02 23 Compar rative study y of FTO thin n film deposited by RF and DC ma agnetron sputteriing, Eun Mi Park, P Dong H Hoon Lee and Moon Suhk Suh* S W-P-02 24 Structur ral and mag gnetic prope erties of SiO O2-coated Fe3O4 nanop particles stu udied by polarize ed small ang gle neutron n scattering,, SungHo Lee e, Dong Heon n Lee, Young-Soo Han, Tae-Hwa an Kim, Hyun n Jung and W Woochul Yang** W-P-02 25 Prepara ation and mechanolum m minescence properties p of o SrAl2O4:E Eu, Dy thin films for visualization off stress, Zhi--Jun Zhang, Yang-Yang Y Gu uo and Wooch hul Yang* W-P-02 26 Extract of Titanium m Dioksida ffrom Zircon n Sand Ilme enite of Kaliimantan Pr rovince for Multti Function in Nanoma aterial, Suna ardi Rahmana a*, Tito Prastyyo Rahmanbcc, Dwi Wahyu Nugrohobc, N Irwan Nugrahaaa, Radyum Ikonobd and Nurul N Taufiquu Rochmanbe e W-P-02 27 Resistiv ve switching g characteriistics of TiO O2 thin film with w differeent electrod des, Jae Hyuck Sh him, Ee Le Sh him, Abbas Yaawar, Yong Jiin Choi, Tae Sik S Yoon and Chi Jung Kan ng* W-P-02 28 Mechan nical Charac cteristics off a-IGZO or Graphite in n Roll-To-Ro oll Process Based on Printted Electron nics, Hak-Ju un Kim and Youn-Jea Y Kim* W-P-02 29 Sensing g properties s of CO gas ssensors based on porou us ZnNi2O4 nanospheres, Soohyun Kim, Sungho oon Park, San ngbo Park and d Chongmu Lee* L

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM W-P-03 30 Room te emperature e CO gas sen nsing prope erties of multiple netwo orked Te2O5 nanorod d sensors co ofunctionallized with Pt P and Ag na anoparticless, Sunghoon Park, Soohyun Kim, Suyoun ng ParOk and d Chongmu Leee* W-P-03 31

Temper rature Effec ct on Iron Ox xide Particlles as Anode Materialss in Li-ion Batterie es, Hang-Ducck Oh and San ng-Wha Lee**

nsistor usin W-P-03 32 Enhancement of de evice perforrmance for InGaZnO th hin film tran ng the ation of ultr ra-violet irrradiation an nd low temp perature an nnealing, Miin Jun combina Choi, San ng Hun Cho, Se S Ra kwon, H Han-Ki Kim, Jin-Seong Pa ark and Kwun n-Bum Chung g* W-P-03 33 Therma al Conductiv vity Measurrement of Al-doped A Zin nc Oxide (Zn nO) Thin fillms by Four-po oint 3-ω metthod, Tae-Hyyun Park, No o-won Park, Sang-Hyeok S C Cho, Sang-In Park, P Jin-Hwan n Kim, Jung-hyuk Koh and d Sang-Kwon n Lee* W-P-03 34 In-situ XRD X and I-V V measurem ments durin ng depositio on of organiic films in OFETs, O Kwangseok Ahn, Jong g Beom Kim, D Dong-Ok Kim m and Dong Ryeol R Lee* W-P-03 35 Insights s for CsF do oped solutio on-processe ed ZnO thin fim transisstors, Taesun ng Kang and Jinpyyo Hong* W-P-03 36 Improve ement of ele ectrical cha aracteristic of InGaZnO O thin film ttransistor by b the combine ed post processing of U UVO-irradia ation and lo ow temperat ature annealling, Min Jun Choi, Sang Hun H Cho, Se R Ra kwon, Han n-Ki Kim, Jin--Seong Park aand Kwun-Bu um Chung* W-P-03 37 Compre ehensive stu udy about Z ZnO film gro owth on (00 01) substratee by rf-sputttering, K. B. Kim m, S. M. Lee and D. C. Oh* W-P-03 38 Electron n transport of ZnO film ms on semi-iinsulating, p-type, and d n-type (00 01) Si substrattes, S. M. Lee e, K. B. Kim aand D. C. Oh** W-P-03 39 The effe ects of therm mally-inducced biaxial stress s on the structural al, electricall, and optical properties p of o Cu2O thin n films, Younghun Hwang, Heejin Ahn n and Youngh ho Um*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM W-P-04 40 Influenc ce of Selectiive Nucleatiion on the One O Step Ch hemical Batth Depositio on of ZnO Film ms, Minh Ta an Man, NoSooung Myoung g, Sang-Youp Yim and Hon ng Seok Lee* W-P-04 41

Effect off seed layer r on ZnO na anorod struc cture, Seonh ho Bae, Dae-SSik Kim, Seojo oo Jung,Wo oo Seop Jeong g and Dongjin n Byun*

W-P-04 42 Study on n surface te exturing forr enhancing g efficiency of o hybrid-so olar cells ba ased on organic//inorganic structures, Jae-Ho Lee, Min-Young Park, P Cheong--Min Noh, Yo oung-Tak Kim, Se-Y Yun Oh, Seun ng-Hun Yang,, Jae-Hoon Kim, K Gil-Sung Kim and Chooong Hun Lee e* W-P-04 43 Photovo oltaic prope erties of org ganic-inorga anic hybrid solar cells u using silver r nanowir res, Min-You ung Park, You ung-Ho Seo, Jae-Ho J Lee, Jae-Yoon J Jun ng, Sang-Hyup p Nam, Keum-So oo Kim, Jae-H Hoon Kim, Gil il-Sung Kim and a Choong Hun H Lee* W-P-04 44 Ferroele ectric Prope erties of Lea ad-Free CaB Bi2Nb2O9 Th hin Films fo or Memory Devices, Yoonho Ahn n, Jeongdea S Seo and Jong Yeog Son* W-P-04 45 Bipolar Resistive Switching Ch haracteristiics in Sol-ge el processed d TiOx Thin film, Jang-Han n Kim, Ki-Hy yun Nam, Woon-Ju Cho and d Hong-Bay Chung* C W-P-04 46 Improviing the effic ciency of Zn nO dye-sens sitized solar r cells by cha hanging the growth conditio ons of MOCV VD, Seojoo JJung, Dae-sik k Kim, Seon-h ho Bae, Woo-sseob Jeong, Hyungdu uk Koh and Dongjin Byun** W-P-04 47 Synthes sized new co omposition cathode ma aterial for lithium-ion battery : xLi2MnS SiO4-xLiMnP PO4, Cheong Kim and Jon ng-tae Son* W-P-04 48 The effe ect of the am mount of dro op-casted polyaniline p for f superca apacitor applicattions, Jongm min Kim, Jaessang Sohn, Yo ongcheol Jo, Hyeonseok H W Woo, Jaeseok Han, Wooyoun ng Park, Inho o Kim, Sangeu un Cho, Jongk kyung Lee, A.. I. Inamdar1,, Hyungbae Kim, K Hyungsang Kim and Hyunsik H Im*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM W-P-04 49 Observa ation of bias s stress insttability of so olution-pro ocessed indiium-zinc-ox xide thin-film m transistor rs for long sstorage periiods, Jung-H Hye Kim, Joon nwoo Kim, So oon Moon Jeo ong and Jaew wook Jeong* W-P-05 50 Theorettical investigations of b bulk and sta acked structtures of PbV VO3, Janghw wan Cha, Seol Hee Oh, William Jo and Suklyyun Hong* W-P-05 51

Study off carrier tra ansport mecchanism of organic dev vices by cha arge modula ation spectros scopy and electric-field e d induced optical o secon nd harmoniic generatio on measure ement, Moo onjeong Bok, D Dai Taguchi, Mitsumasa Iwamoto and Eunju Lim*

W-P-05 52 Influenc ce of Ba sub bstitution on n Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Co0.08Mn0.52]O2 catho ode for Li-io on batterie es, Hyo jin Je eon, Gi Won Y Yoo and Jong Tae Son* W-P-05 53 Prepara ation of Celllulose Aerog gel as a Non no-Biomate erial from L Lignocellulo osic Biomass s, Sinah LEE E, Yeseul DOO O, Bong Suk YANG, Y Myung g-Joon JEON NG and Kyu-Y Young KANG* W-P-05 54 Changes s in Cellulos se Aerogel S Structure According A to o the DP of C Cellulose, Sinah LE EE, Yeseul DO OO, Myung-Jooon JEONG and a Kyu-Youn ng KANG* W-P-05 55 Study on n shape-dep pendence off Gram-pos sitive bacter ria on cell w wall stiffness s by force sp pectroscopy y, Sangwoo Kw won, Hee-Soo o Lee and Wo oochul Yang* W-P-05 56 Fully Au utomatic Re eal-time Rem mote Monittoring IVD System S for A Allergy Dia agnosis, Won Ick Jang, Hoyoun ng Hwang, Su ung Jae Yun, Hak-Myoung g Lee, Man-Sooo Lee, Sun-Y Young Park, Mu un Cheol Paek k, In Won Parrk and Chunh hwa Ihm* W-P-05 57

Optimiz zing on CD4++ T lymphoccytes separa ation using various nan nopillar and d their filopodiial morphollogy, Dong-JJoo Kim, Gil-S Sung Kim, No o-Won Park, W Won-Yong Le ee, MunKi Choi, Jin-Tak J Jeong and Sang-K Kwon Lee*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM W-P-05 58 Controllled Therma al Conductiv vity of Bism muth Thin Fiilms by Thicckness and Porosity y, No-Won Pa ark, Won-Yon ng Lee, Tae-H Hyun Park, Sa ang-Hyeok Ch ho, Jung-Hyu uk Koh and Sang g-Kwon Lee* W-P-05 59 Fabricattion and Ch haracterizattion of Nano o-patterns for f Selective ve Cell Adhe esion, Soyeun Park* P W-P-06 60 Structur ral characte erization off zinc-tin-ox xide films de eposited on n quartz sub bstrates by radio o frequency y magnetron n sputtering g, Nark-Eon Sung, S Hoju K Kang, and Ik-J Jae Lee*

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Decem mber 11 (T Thursday)), 09:00~110:40

Session n A7 (Balllroom I) The ermoelecttrics Chair: Soo Bong Choi (Incheeon Univ., Korea) K A7-I-01 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] How Good d Silicon for r Thermoele ectric Conve ersion?, Em mmanuel DUB BOIS*, Jean-F François ROBILLARD D (IEMN, Fra ance), Maciej HARAS, Valeria LACATE ENA (IEMN, F France/ STMicroelecctronics, Fran nce), Françoiss MORINI (IE EMN, France), Stéphane M MONFRAY an nd Thomas SKO OTNICKI (ST TMicroelectroonics, France)) A7-O-011 (09:30~09::45) Thermoele ectric prope erties of the ermodynam mically stablle Cu1.94A0.022Se (A=Al, Ga G and In) polycry ystals, SueK Kyung OH, Jon ng-Soo RHYE EE* (Kyung Hee H Univ., Koorea) and SuD Dong PARK (Koreea Electrotech hnology Reseaarch Institutee, Korea) A7-O-02 2 (09:45~10:00) Enhancem ment of Ther rmoelectricc Properties s over a wide temperatu ure range in n p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te e3/Ag2Te composite, Miin Ho Lee, Yo oo jang Song and Jong Sooo Rhyee* (Kyu ung Hee Univ., Korea a) A7-O-03 3 (10:00~10:15) Thermoele ectric Prope erties of p-ttype AgxBi0.55Sb1.5-xTe3-x, Yoo Jang Soong, Jong-Soo o Rhyee* (Kyung Heee Univ., Korea a), Bong Seo K Kim and Su Dong D Park (KE ERI, Korea) A7-O-04 4 (10:15~10:3 30) Thermoele ectric prope erties of Se--deficient an nd Pb-/Sn-c codoped In4 4Pb0.01Sn0.003Se3-x polycrysta alline compo ounds, Jin H Hee Kim, Min n Jae Kim, Suekyung Oh an nd Jong-Soo Rhyee* (Kyung Heee Univ., Korea a) A7-O-05 5 (10:30~10:4 45) Thermoele ectric prope erties and S Shubnikov-d de Haas osc cillation in B Bi2-xCuxSe3, Min Ho Lee and Jon ng-Soo Rhyee* (Kyung Heee Univ., Korea)

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM Session n B7 (Ballr room II) Generall Semicon nductors Chair: Cla are C. Byeon n (Kyungpook Nat’l Un niv., Korea) B7-I-01 (09:00~09:3 30) [Invited] Two-dimen nsional atomic semico onductor he eterojunctio ons composeed of mono olayer transition metal dicha alcogenidess, Chul-Ho Leee* (KU-KIST T, Korea) B7-O-011 (09:30~09::45) Development of a New w Orifice Fllow System for Vacuum m Gauge Callibration in n the Range from m 10-1 Pa – 10 1 -4 Pa, Wakkil KHAN, M.. RAFIQ (Nat’’l Institute of Vacuum Scie ence and Technology (NINVAST), Pakistan), Ch h. Tariq SATT TAR, M. ASIF F (Pakistan Vaacuum Societty (PVS), Pakistan) an nd Seung Soo o HONG*(KRIISS, Korea) B7-O-02 2 (09:45~10:00) Influence of o KCN etch hing treatm ment on surfface potential distributtion and opttical responses of Cu2ZnSn nS4 thin-film ms grown by y electropla ating metho od, Ju Ri Kim m, Gee Yeong Kim, Ngyuen Thi Thu T Trang, H Hae-Young Sh hin, Seokhyun n Yoon and W William Jo* (E Ewha Womans Un niv., Korea), Ki K Doo Lee an nd Jin Young Kim (KAIST,, Korea) B7-O-03 3 (10:00~10:15) Si/SiO2 intterface defe ects models and its optiical propertty, Limei Ron ng*, Cong Xia ao, Zhijun Meng, Zhong Lon ng, Longhuan Du and Jiangfeng Du (Un niversity of Ellectronic Scie ence and Technology of China) B7-O-04 4 (10:15~10:3 30) Studying in nfluence off NaF co-eva aporation on Cu2ZnSnS Se4 thin film ms by Rama an scattering spectroscopy, Trang Th hi Thu NGUY YEN, Hae-You ung SHIN, Geee Yeong KIM M, William JO and Seokhyu un YOON* (Ew wha Womanss Univ., Korea a) B7-O-05 5 (10:30~10:4 45) Enhanced CW Red Ex xternal Caviity Diode La aser, Hong Joo Song (KET TI, Korea/ Ko orea Univ., Korea a), Jun Ho Le ee (KETI, Korrea), Ji Yeon Park P (KETI, Korea/ K Yonseei Univ., Korea), Jong Hwan Park, Ga Ye Park, Hong Man N Na (KETI, Korrea/ Korea Un niv., Korea) an nd Jung Ho Park* P (Korea Univv., Korea)

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Decem mber 11 (T Thursday)), 10:40~112:30

Poste er Session obby) n P3 (Balllroom Lo T-P-0011 Influence e of grafene e on the parrameters off liquid crystal displayss (LCD’s), Va aleri Lapanik* and a Wolfgang g Haase T-P-002 2 Improve ed Character ristics of Po olyaniline Film F from th he Use of Fleexible Grap phene Coated Substrates S and a a Carbo on-nanotube e Layer, Jaeseok Han, Jaeesang Sohn, Akbar A I. Inamdar, Sangeun Cho o, Yongcheol JJo, Jongmin Kim, K Hyeonseok Woo, Woooyoung Park k, Inho Kim, Ki Ka ang Kim, Hyu ungbae Kim, H Hyungsang Kim K and Hyun nsik Im* T-P-003 3 Graphen ne Quantum m Dots Direcctly Prepare ed from Gra aphite via M Magnetron Sputterin ng and Theiir Applicatio on for Thin n-Film Trans sistors, H. H H. Zhu, A. Liu u, F. K. Shan and J.Q. Liu* T-P-004 4 Fabricatiion of Mono olayer MoS2 by Two-Sttep Chemica al Exfoliatio ons, Jungkil Kim, Si Duck Oh, Dae Hoon Le ee, Sung Kim and Suk-Ho Choi* T-P-005 5 Synthesiis and Chara acterization n of Graphe ene Quantum m Dots-enca apsulated Silica S Particles s, Sung Kim, Dong D Hee Sh hin, Jungkil Kim, K Jong Min n Kim, Kyeon ng Won Lee an nd SukHo Choi* T-P-006 6 Fabricatiion of Grap phene Quanttum Dots by y Nanosphe ere Lithogra aphy and Structural and Optic cal Charactterizations, Si Duck Oh h, Jungkil Kim m, Ju Hwan Kim, K Sung Kim and Suk-Ho S Choi** T-P-007 7 Direct measuremen m nt of the amo ount of diss sociated hyd drogen atom ms attached d on graphene e, Dong Seok k Shin, Sung JJu Hong, You ung Bum Kim, Do Yoon Kim m, Yung Woo o Park, Tae Hoon Choi* and By yung Hoon K Kim*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM T-P-008 8 Multileve el character ristics and o operating mechanisms m s of nonvola atile memor ry devices fabricated f utilizing u gra aphene oxid de floating gate g and poly lystyrene or rganic insulator r, Yu Na Kim m, Dong Yeol Y Yun and Tae Whan W Kim* T-P-009 9 Polarity Switching of o MoS2 dep pending on Physisorpti P ion and Cheemisorption n of Hydroge en, Sang Woo ok Han*, Won n Seok Yun, J. D. Lee, Hiro oyuki Yamanee, Nobuhiro Kosugi K and Han Woong W Yeom T-P-010 0 Fabricatiion and cha aracterizatio on of suspe ended MoS2 phototranssistors, Dongri Qiu, Dong Uk Lee, L Kyoung Su S Lee and Eu un Kyu Kim* T-P-0111

Controlla able p-type doping of G Graphene viia Mangane ese Oxide (M Mn3O4) nanopartticles decor ration, Phan n Thanh Luan n, Shaolin Zha ang, Myunggooo Kang, Hyu un Jung and Woocchul Yang*

T-P-012 2

Thermall stability off mono-laye er graphene e/MoS2 hybr rid structurres, SeungHw wan Kim, SooHo Ch hoi and Wooch hul Yang*

T-P-013 3

Electrica al Transportt of Black P Phosphorus Thin-Film Transistors T s with Differ rent Metal Co ontacts, Jung g Ho KIM and d Young Hee LEE*

T-P-014 4

Photoem mission Spec ctroscopic S Study on the e Epitaxial Graphene G O Oxide Layer r Produced d by Irradia ation of Dee ep UV Lightt under the Flow F of Dryy Oxygen Ga as, Wondong Kim*, Gwang g-Eun Yang, C Chanyong Hw wang, M. Zah hir Iqbal, Jongghwa Eom an nd Byung-Gyyu Park

T-P-015 5

Nonlocall transport properties of the graph hene synthe esized by ch hemical vap por depositio on method, Jong-Hee Leee and Yun-H Hi Lee*

T-P-016 6

Synthesiis, character rization, an nd adsorptio on properties of β-cyclo odextrin multifunctionalized magn netic graphe ene oxide, Xuan X Thang Cao, C Ali Md.SShowkat and Kwon K Taek Lim**

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Observattion of Phon non Anoma aly in Single e-Layer Grap phene Facillitated by Ch hemical Doping, Jong J Min Kim m, Chan Woook Jang, Ju Hw wan Kim, Dong Hee Shin,, Sung Kim an nd SukHo Choi*

T-P-018 8

Electrica al character ristics of gra aphene-MoS S2 heterostr ructure devvice, Servin Rathi, R Inyeal Leee, Jinhyung Park and Gil-H Ho Kim*

T-P-019 9

Alignmen nt of Single e-Walled Ca arbon Nanottubes by Die electrophorresis for Photovolltaic Applications, Hon ng-Seok Kim and a Jae-Hee Han* H

T-P-020 0 Function nalizing Single-Wall Ca arbon Nanotubes with Aryl A Diazon nium salt en nhances Purity off (n, m) Chir rality Separration using g Gel Chrom matographyy, Woo-Joo Ya ang and Jae-Hee Han* H T-P-0211

Assembly y of Stacked d CVD-Grap phene Layer r for Hetero ostructured d Devices, Daeyoon D Kim and Jae-Hee J Han**

T-P-022 2 Observattion the var riation of su urface plasm mon polariton on gold d depending on the existence e of graphen ne by using g near-field scanning s op ptical micro oscope, Minhee Kim and Soobo ong Choi* T-P-023 3 Self-Asse embly of Ho orizontally-A Aligned Sin ngle-Walled d Carbon Na anotubes wiith Chemica al Functiona alizations an nd Their Op ptical Prope erties, Dawooon Jung and Jae-Hee Han* T-P-024 4 Performance Enhan ncement of b back-gated MoS2 multiilayer transsistor by usiing bottom graphene g electrode, Deeshun Qu, Xia aochi Liu, Faissal Ahmed an nd Won Jong Yoo* T-P-025 5 Depende ence of Impedance on tthe chain le ength of amiino acids atttached to graphene e oxide, Min nh-Hai Tran aand Hae Kyun ng Jeong* T-P-026 6 Dual Ram man and Ph hotoluminesscence Map pping Study on CVD-Grrown Horizo ontally Aligned Single-Wall S led Carbon Nanotubes Array, Gido ong Ma and Jaae-Hee Han**

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM T-P-027 7 Molecula ar Dynamic cs of Nanosccale Inertiall Sensor Based on Grap phite-Flake e with Self-Retr racting Motion, Sang-Hooon Cho, Sun n-Young Kim,, Jin-Su Ko, K Ki-Sub Kim* and a Jeong Won Kang* T-P-028 8 Large-Sc cale Ultra-Th hin MoS2 La ayers Form med by Sulfu urization Ussing a Therm mal Cracker, Dae-Hyung Cho*, Woo-Ju ung Lee, Jae--Hyung Wi, Won W Seok Han n, Sun-Jin Yu un and Yong-Ducck Chung T-P-029 9 Polarized d Raman Sc cattering wiith Differing g Angles of Laser Incid dence on Graphen ne, Maeng-Je Seong* and G Gaeun Heo T-P-030 0 Quasi-Fr ree-Standin ng Graphene e Monolayer on a Ni Cr rystal throu ugh Spontan neous Na Interc calation, La aishram Tomb ba Singh, You ung Shin Park k, Jae H. Parkk, Han N. Hw wang, Kwang Soo Kim, Myun ng H. Kang an nd Chan Cuk Hwang* H T-P-0311

1D and 2D Dual Optical Spectro oscopic Cha aracterizatio on (Raman n and Photolum minescence e) of Variouss Types of Chemical C Fu unctionaliza ations on a Chemica al-Vapor-De eposition-grrown Single e-Layer Grap phene, Kyun ng Hye Seo an nd JaeHee Han*

T-P-032 2 Optical Characteriza C ation of Che emical Moie ety Function nalized on V Various Typ pes of Liquid Ex xfoliated Tw wo-Dimensiional Layer red Nanoma aterials, Ji H Hye Lee and Jae-Hee J Han* T-P-033 3 Fabricatiion and per rformance o optimization of amorph hous In-Ga--Zn-O thin-film transisto ors with gra aphene electtrodes, Joon nwoo Kim, He ee-Yeon Noh,, Soon Moon Jeong and Jaewo ook Jeong* T-P-034 4 First-principles Stud dy of Dopin ng Effect in Graphene on o Oxide Su ubstrates : MgO(1111) and SiO2(0001), Kyu ung-Ah Min and a Suklyun Hong* H T-P-035 5 Scanning g gate imagiing of quan ntum fluctua ations in CV VD graphem me, Masahiro o Matsunaga, Chiashain Chuang, Li-H Hung Lin, Chii-Te Liang, Yu uichi Ochiai aand Nobuyuk ki Aoki*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM T-P-036 6 In-situ Characteriza C ation of Opttical Proper rties of a Graphen-baseed Supercap pacitor, Seon Hyo Lee and Jae-Hee Han* T-P-037 7 Laser-ex xfoliation off Few-layer M MoS2 by Hiigh-power Femtosecon F nd Pulses, Su ung-Jin An, Yong-Hwan Kim, Ji-Hee J Kim* aand Mun Seok k Jeong* T-P-038 8 Ab initio o study of atomic and ellectronic structure of adsorbates a o on graphem me, Dongchul Sung and Suklyun Hong* T-P-039 9 Enhance ed Photolum minescence from Stack ked Bi-layer MoS2, Hyojuung Kim, Ji-H Hee Kim* and Mun Seok S Jeong* T-P-040 0 Fletching g-shaped Bii4Te3-ZnTe h heterostruc cture nanow wires, Man SSuk Song* and d Yong Kim T-P-0411

p-type Se emiconductting Behavio ors Controllled by Nb-a additives in Atomically y ThinMoSe2, Youngjo Y JIN, Hyun H Seok LE EE, Donghoo on KEUM and d Young Hee L LEE*

T-P-042 2 Structural deformattion and ba and engineering in stra ained topolo ogical insula ator Bi2Se3 th hin film, Tae-Hyeon Kim, Byung Cheoll Park, Kwang gSik Jeong, H Hyejin Choi, Sang S Han Park, Kwa ang-Ho Jeong g, Jae Hoon K Kim and Mann n–Ho Cho* T-P-043 3 Surface Plasmon P Po olaritons off a symmetriic metamaterial slab w waveguide with w a hollow co ore for fluid d sensing, C Cherl-Hee Leee, Young Ki Cho* and Heun ung-Sik Tae T-P-044 4 Compariison of Collo oidal Silica and Titaniu um Dioxide for Low Errosion and Dishing D in Tungs sten Chemic cal Mechaniical Polishin ng, Young-Hu Song, Eun--Bin Seo, Soo--Beom Kim, Jin-H Hyung Park and a Jea-Gun P Park* T-P-045 5 Investiga ation on the e metal-oxid des based pr rinted optoelectronic d devices, Jieu un Koo, Sangtae Leee, Kyoungsu uk Gil, Jung-Y Yeul Jung, Mo oonjin Lee an nd Jiho Changg* T-P-046 6 A surface e plasmon resonance r cchip with wa aveguide sa andwiched b by two meta als for the detec ction of very y small conccentrations s of a bioma arker, Youngg-Soo SOHN**, Yeon Kyung LEE, Kyeong-Se eok LEE and W Won Mok KIM M

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM T-P-047 7 Improve ement on Ph hoto Diode W Well Capaciity by Remo oving Charg ge Transfer Loss in CMOS Im mage Sensor r, Keosung P Park, Seong Biin Kim, Sinsu u Kyoung, Jon ng-Won Choi, SoonMoon Jun ng and Man Young Y Sung* T-P-048 8 Determin ning the Re efractive Ind dex Distribu ution of Opttical Compo onent using g DualWavelen ngth Digital Holographiic Microsco opy with Liq quid, Sanghooon Shin and Younghun n Yu* T-P-049 9 A Study on o Projectio on Display U Using a Gre een Light Ge eneration by Intra-caviity Frequency Doubling g of an End--Pumped Diode-Pumped Solid Sta ate (DPSS) Laser, L Jong Hwa an Park, Ji Yeo on Park, Ga Y Ye Park, Hong g Man Na, Ho ong Joo Songg, Jung Ho Pa ark and Jun Ho Leee* T-P-050 0 The measurement of o surface pllasmon pola aritons surr rounded byy various die electric materials by using Near-field N S Scanning Op ptical Micro oscopy, Naraam Kwon and d Soobong Choi* C T-P-0511

Enhance ed emission efficiency o of green Ga aN-based lig ght-emitting g diodes em mploying Au nanoc clusters in micro-hole m array, Ah Hyun H Park, Ta ae Hoon Seo, G Gun Hee Lee e and Eun-Kyun ng Suh*

T-P-052 2 Gettering g of Copper r and Iron in n CMOS-im mage-sensor cell, Ji-Sun Lee, Eun-He ee Shim, Seung-Hyyun Song, Il-H Hwan Kim, Jooo-Hyeong Pa ark, Jun-Seon ng Park and JJea-Gun Park* T-P-053 3 Effective e Internal Quantum Effficiency and d Thermal Resistance R iin Light-Em mitting Diodes, Byungjin B MA**, Jemin Kim m, Sungsoon Choi C and Kwa anhoon LEE* T-P-054 4 High Qua antum Effic ciency Reso onant Cavity y-Enhanced d Photodetecctor using High H Absorptiion Coupled d Quantum W Wells, Gun Wu W Ju, Byung Hoon Na, H Hee Ju Choi, Sung S Hyun Bae and Yong Ta ak Lee* T-P-055 5 Carbon Nanotube N In ncorporatio on Effect on n Organic Ellectrolumin nescence Displays, SeGi Yu* and a Beomhee e Won

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM T-P-056 6 Polarizattion depend dence of Litttrow type red-emitting r g external ca cavity diode laser for high slope s efficie ency, Ji Yeon n Park, Hong g Joo Song, Jo ong Hwan Parrk, Ga Ye Parrk, Hong Man Na, Jun J Ho Lee an nd Ilgu Yun* T-P-057 7

Chemica al bath depo osition of cry rystalline Zn nS thin film ms for CIGS ssolar cells, Heejin Ahn and Youngho Y Um**

T-P-058 8 Electro-s surface anallysis of Cu2Z ZnSnS4 thin n-films on Mo M annealed d under var rious condition ns, Juran Kim m, Gee Yeongg Kim, Juri Kiim, William Jo*, J Kee-Jeon ng Yang, Jun--Hyoung Sim and Jin-Kyu Kang T-P-059 9 Periodic surface nan nopatterns for high effficiency ultr rathin (~10μ μm) crystallline silicon so olar cells, Yunae Y Cho, Miinji Gwon, Eu unah Kim, Hy yeong Ho Parrk, Joondong Kim and Dong-Woo ok Kim* T-P-060 0 Thermall Stability off ozone-bas ed Al2O3 pa assivation la ayer grown b by Atomic Layer L Depositio on on crysta alline Si sollar cell, Young Joon Cho and Hyo Sik Chang* T-P-0611

Electroch hemical beh havior of MW WCNT/PDP PA composiites as supp port for Pt anode catalyst in i direct me ethanol fuell cells, Ali Md M Showkat, Xuan X Thang C Cao, Dong Wo oo Kim and Kwon n Taek Lim*

T-P-062 2 GaAs sin ngle junction n solar cell grown on Si S substrate,, Hyo Jin Kim m*, Young Sung Seo and Seong g Min Kim T-P-063 3 Effects of graded refflective inde ex on indiu um tin oxide e as transpa arent electro ode and anti-refle ector for so olar cells, Gyyujin Oh, Kyo oung Su Lee and a Eun Kyu K Kim* T-P-064 4 The stud dy of thermo oelectric pro operties in cobalt siliciide/silicon tthin film thermoelectric devices, Soojungg Kim, Hyund dal Kim, Wonchul Choi, Doongsuk Jun, Sungryul Kim, K Junsoo Kim and Mooongyu Jang*

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SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM T-P-065 5 Photovolltaic InAs/G GaAs p-i-n Q Quantum Do ot Infrared Photodetecctors Opera ating at High-tem mperature, Min-Su M Park,, Hyun Duk Yang, Y Dae My yeong Geum, JJin Dong Son ng, Sang Huck Kim m, SangHyeon Kim and Woon Jun Choi* T-P-066 6 The effec ct of scatter ring layer on n the perfor rmance of dye-sensitize d ed solar cellls using nitrogen n doped TiO2 hollow sph heres/nano oparticles co ompositeTiO O2 electrodes, Su Kyung Parrk, Tae Kwan Yun and Jaee Young Bae* T-P-067 7 The influ uence of nan nostructure ed morphollogies in org ganic/inorg ganic heteroju unction hybr rid solar celll, Chan Mi Lee, L Min Jeon ng Shin,Dong Oh Gwon, In n Jun Jeon, Hyu ung Soo Ahn and a Sam Nyu ung Yi* T-P-068 8 Thermoe electric effe ect in the Ko ondo dot sid de-coupled to t a Majora ana fermion n, Heunghwa an Khin, Rosa a López, Jongg Soo Lim and d Minchul Le ee* T-P-069 9 Fabricatiion of Ge-allloyed CZTS S thin film solar s cells adopting thee direct solu ution coating (DSC) ( appro oach, Dhrub a Khadka, SeeongYeon Kim m, Tanka Ran na and JunHo o Kim* T-P-070 0 Influence e of Titaniu um (IV) isop propoxide concentratio c ons on the p performanc ce of flexible dye d sensitized solar cellls, Zhen-Yu Li, M. Shahee er Akhtar, Doo-Hwan Kwak k and OBong Yang g* T-P-0711

Dual Ene ergy Donor Antenna fo or Efficient Dye-Sensiti D ized Solar C Cells, Gun Hy yung Lee, Dong Yuell Kwon and Young Y Sik Kim m*

T-P-072 2 Theoretiical Study off Novel porp phyrin-base ed dye for Efficient E Dye ye-Sensitized d Solar Cell, Gun n Hyung Lee, Dong Yuel Kw won and Youn ng Sik Kim* T-P-073 3 ITO/GaA As Schottky Barrier Sollar Cell with h InAs Quan ntum Dot, H HoSung Kim, Minsu Park, Sang gHyuck Kim, Jindong Son ng, Wonjun Ch hoi* and Jung gHo Park T-P-074 4 The stud dy of InAs/G GaAs quantu um dot Sola ar Cells with h different p position in base b region, HoSung H Kim, SangHyuck K Kim, Jindong g Song, Wonju un Choi* and JungHo Park k*

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Fabricatiion of SnS Thin T Films b by Chemica al Bath Depo osition for S Solar Cell Applicatiion, Tanka R. R Rana, Seon ng Yeon Kim, Dhruba B. Kh hadka and JuunHo Kim*

T-P-076 6 Study of a simple hy ybrid solar e energy conv version systtem, Young-SSoo SOHN*, JongGoo BHAK K and Hong Tak T KIM T-P-077 7

Molar Ra atio of Al to Structural Defects in Co-sputtere C ed and Rapiid Thermal Annealed d CAS Thin Films with CuSe2 and Al A Targets, Young-Kil Juun, Woo-Sun Lee and Nam-Hoo on Kim*

T-P-078 8 The effec ct of diffusio on barrier a and Na inco orporation for f CIGS sollar cells on stainless s-steel substtrate, Jae-Kw wan Sim, Seu ung-Kyu Lee, Dae-Young U Um, Yong-Hyu un Choi, Il-Seok So ong and Cheul-Ro Lee* T-P-079 9 Studies of o local surfface photov voltage in su urface nano-patterned crystalline silicon, Eunah Kim m, Yunae Cho o, Ahrum Soh hn, Minji Gwo on, Kwangtae Park and Doong-Wook Kim m* T-P-080 0 Characte eristics of Terahertz Trransmitter and a Receive er Fabricateed on InGaAs/IInAlAs Mulltiple Quanttum Well Su ubstrates, Dong D Woo Parrk, Jin Soo Kiim, Young Bin n Ji, Tae-In Je eon and Sam Kyu Noh* T-P-0811

Magnetic c configurattions in a psseudo spin--valve rhom mbic ring, Jaaewoong Lee, Daesung Yoo and Chunghee C Nam m*

T-P-082 2 Anomalo ous electrica al propertie es of Sn-inte ercalated Sn nxTiSe2 polyycrystalline e compoun nds, Minjae Kim K and Jongg-Soo Rhyee** T-P-083 3 Thermoe electric and d Galvanoma agnetic Pro operties of Tin T Doped B Bismuth, Ale exander S. FEDOT TOV, Vasily G. SHEPELEV VICH, Sergey K. K POZNYAK K, Anis SAAD,, Ivan A. SVIT TO, Alexanderr V. MAZANIK K and Alexan nder K. FEDO OTOV* T-P-084 4 Modeling g of Thermo oelectric an nd Galvanom magnetic Pr roperties off as-deposite ed and Annealed d Bismuth Films, F Alexaander S. FEDO OTOV, Vasily G. SHEPELE EVICH, Serge ey K. POZNYAK K, Alexander V. V MAZANIK K, Ivan A. SVITO and Alexa ander K. FED DOTOV*

- 67 -

SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM T-P-085 5 Numeric cal Analysis on Electriccal and Optiical Propertties of Field d Fringe Swiitching LC Cell with w Commo on Electrod de, Hyeongi Lee L and Taeyo oung Won* T-P-086 6 Electrica al Signaling of Enzyme--Linked Imm munosorbe ent Assays w with an Ion-Sensitive e Field-Effec ct Transisto or, Hyun-Jun ne Jang, Minh hong Jeun, In n-Kyu Lee, Won-Ju W Cho* and Kwan Hyi Lee* es Grown b T-P-087 7 Carbon Microspher M by Hydride Vapor V Phase Epitaxy, M Minah Park, Gang G Seok Lee, Ji young Kim m, Hunsoo Jeoon, Min Jeon ng Shin, Sam Nyung N Yi, Min in Yang, Hyun ng Soo Ahn*, Succk-Whan Kim, Young Moon n Yu, Kee Sam m Shin and Nobuhiko N Saw waki T-P-088 8 Antibody y Detection Using Exten nded-Gate Field-Effect F t-Transistorr with Sensing Membrane, Sung-Wa an Moon, Hyu un-June Jang g, Minhong Je eun, Kwan Hyyi Lee* and Won-Ju W Cho* T-P-089 9 Renderin ng high charge density y of states in n ionic liquid-gated Mo oS2 transisto ors, Inturu Om mkaram, Yeon nsung Lee, Yooung Ki Hong g, Jiyoul Lee, Hee Kyung ppark, Jong Yeo ol Baeck and Sunko ook Kim* T-P-090 0 Na-Depe endent Ultra afast Carrie er Dynamics s of Cu(In,G Ga)Se2/CdS Measured by b Optical Pump-THz P Probe P Specttroscopy, Woo-Jung W Lee* *, Dae-Hyungg Cho, Jae-Hy yung Wi, Jaehun Pa ark, Jung Min n Bae, Mann- Ho Cho, Won n-Seok Han and Yong-Ducck Chung T-P-0911

Depende ence of rf po ower on the e Mo sulfide e thin films deposited d b by rf sputter ring, Juyun Parrk, Sujin Choii, Eunkang Jeeong and Yon ng-Cheol Kang g*

T-P-092 2 Surface Analysis A and Characterrization of PZT P Thin Fiilm at Vario ous O2 Gas Ratio, R Sujin Choii, Juyun Park k, Eunkang Jeeong and Yon ng-Cheol Kang g* T-P-093 3 Effect off Polyacrylic c Acid Conce entration on Nano TiO O2 Slurry in C Chemical Mechaniical Planariz zation of Tu ungsten, Gu u-Jin Jeong, Soo-Beom S Kim m, Eun-Bin Seo, JinHyung Parrk and Jea-Gun Park*

- 68 -

SCIEN NTIFIC PROGRA AM T-P-094 4 Study of Polyvinylpy yrrolidone C Concentrattion on High h Selective C Chemical Mechaniical Polishin ng of Tungstten, Gi-Ppeu um Jeong, Soo o-Beom Kim,, Eun-Bin Seo o, JinHyung Parrk and Jea-Gun Park* T-P-095 5 Local ano odic oxidatiion lithogra aphy of MoS S2 nanoflakes by using atomic forc ce microsco opy, Yang-Ya ang Guo, Zhiju un Zhang, Sa angwoo Kwon n and Woochuul Yang* T-P-096 6 Experim mental investtigation on the decreas se in the quality factor of quartz tu uning forks for r scanning probe p micro oscopy appllications, Na aveed Ullah, SSang-Joon Pa ark and Yong Joon ng Lee* T-P-097 7 Calculatiion of mech hanical prop perties of qu uartz tuning g forks from m analogous Lee* electrica al parameter rs, Sang-Joon n Park, Naveed Ullah and Yong Joong L T-P-098 8 Improve ement of lea ad adsorptio on using holocellulose aerogel bea ads, Dae-You ung Kim, Eun-Ji Kim m, Joo-Hyon Kang and Gu u-Joong Kwon n* T-P-099 9 Wood ch harcoal char racteristics by the carb bonization conditions, c Gu-Joong Kw won, DaeYoung Kim m* and Won-Joung Hwangg T-P-100 0 Type con nversion of few f layer bllack phosph horus via ch hemical dop ping and its analysis,, Taesoo Kim,, Si Young Leee and Young Hee Lee* T-P-1011

Band gap p opening in n monocliniic MoTe2, Donghoon D Keu um, Suyeon C Cho, Jungho Kim, K Min Kan, Dukh hyun Choe, Hajune H Sung, K Keejoo Chang g, Younghee Lee, L Sungwngg Kim and He eejune Yang*

T-P-102 2

Depende ence of optic cal propertiies on temp perature and d compositiion of Cd1-xNi N xTe single cry ystals, Youn nghun Hwangg and Youngh ho Um*

T-P-103 3

Effects of substrate bias on the e hardness of o TaN and TiN T films, Ju Junqing Lu* and a Nishat Arsshi

- 69 -


Mechaniism of the Reset R Processs in Bipola ar-Resistanc ce-Switchin ng Ta/TaOx/P Pt Capacito ors Based on n Observatio on of Capac citance and Resistancee, Sang-Chul Na, N JaeJun Kim, Min M Chul Chu un, Da Hee Jiin, Seoung-Eo on Ahn and Bo B Soo Kang**

T-P-105 5

Study of Instability of Reset Pa arameters Due D to Intrin nsic Propert rty of Singly y Connecte ed Conducting Filamen nts in Unipo olar Resista ance Switch hing, Sang-Ch hul Na, Keundong g Lee, Min Ch hul Chun, Ji S Seok Im, Jae-J Jun Kim, San ngik Lee, Bae Ho Park and Bo Soo Kang*

T-P-106 6

Design and Develop pment of a H Hollow-Ano ode Discharg ge Source fo for Sputterin ng Process, I. J. Kang*, S.-G. S Cho, M. K. Bae, D. H. Lee, H. G. Choi C and K.-S.. Chung

T-P-107 7

Second harmonic h ge eneration o of LiNbO3 NWs N in near-field, Hyun nhwa Lee, Soo obong Choi, Byun ng Kil Yun, Yong Y Keun Parrk, Minbaek Lee L and Jong gHoon Jung

T-P-108 8

Reductio on of Contac ct Resistancce via Contr rolled Plasm ma Treatmeent, Dewu Yu ue, Chang-Ho o Ra, Daeyeon ng Lee and W Won Jong Yoo**

T-P-109 9

Generatiion of ultra--high vacuu um using Vitton O-rings s, M. Shoaibaa, M. Y. Gonda ala and S. S. Hong g*

- 70 -

Autho or Index Abbas Y Abdel-Fatttah T.M Ahmed F Ahn C.G Ahn H.J Ahn H.J Ahn H.J Ahn H.K Ahn H.K AHN H.K K Ahn H.K Ahn H.K Ahn H.K Ahn H.K Ahn H.S Ahn H.S Ahn H.S Ahn H.S Ahn H.S Ahn K.S Ahn S.D Ahn S.E Ahn Y.H Ahn Y.H Ahuja R Akhtar M.S Alamo J An K.S An M.K An S.J Andrieu F Anucha P Aoki N Apel P Arshi N Bae C.G Bae J.M Bae J.Y Bae K Bae M.K Bae S.B Bae S.B Bae S.B Bae S.B Bae S.H Bae S.H Bae S.H Bae S.H Bae S.H Bae S.H Bae S.Y Bae Y.C Bae Y.H Baeck J.Y Y Baek G.H Baek J.H Baek J.U Barange N N.S Batrakov K Bawedin M Bhak J.G Bharat L.K K Bharat L.K K Bin A.S Bok M.J Borisenko oV Byeon C.C C Byeon C.C C Byun D.J Byun D.J Byun D.J Byun D.J Cao X Cao X Cha H.Y

A6-O-04 D6-I-02 T-P-024 M-P-058 M-P-002 W-P-039 T-P-057 M-P-024 M-P-029 M-P-033 M-P-034 M-P-035 M-P-040 A3-O-05 M-P-001 M-P-009 A4-O-02 T-P-067 T-P-087 W-P-034 W-P-018 T-P-104 M-P-077 W-P-044 A6-I-02 T-P-070 PL2 D1-O-01 M-P-013 T-P-037 M-P-055 D2-O-04 T-P-035 M-P-067 T-P-103 W-P-022 T-P-090 T-P-066 W-P-001 T-P-106 M-P-033 M-P-037 M-P-038 A3-O-02 M-P-030 M-P-031 M-P-043 W-P-041 W-P-046 T-P-054 M-P-041 C2-I-03 M-P-055 T-P-089 C2-I-03 M-P-045 M-P-073 M-P-012 C1-I-02 M-P-055 T-P-076 M-P-076 B3-O-01 M-P-013 W-P-051 W-P-014 M-P-014 M-P-015 M-P-030 M-P-031 W-P-041 W-P-046 T-P-016 T-P-061 A4-I-02

Cha J Cha S.J Chan C.C.S S Chandram mohan S Chang H.S S Chang J.H Chang J.Y Chang K.J Chang K.J Chang K.J Chang K.J Chang W.JJ Che B.Y Che Y.R Chen Y.T Cheon J.Y Cheong H. S Chi S.J Chizhik S.A A Cho D.H Cho D.H Cho E.A Cho E.S Cho H.S Cho I.S Cho I.W Cho J.H Cho J.H Cho K.A Cho K.A Cho K.I Cho K.J Cho M.H Cho M.H Cho S.G Cho S.G Cho S.G Cho S.G Cho S.H Cho S.H Cho S.H Cho S.H Cho S.H Cho S.H Cho S.H Cho S.J Cho S.L Cho S.L Cho S.L Cho S.W Cho S.Y Cho W.J Cho W.J Cho W.J Cho W.J Cho W.J Cho W.J Cho Y.D Cho Y.H Cho Y.J Cho Y.K Cho Y.N Cho Y.N Choe D.H Choe D.H Choe J.W Choi D.H Choi E.J Choi H.G Choi H.J Choi H.J Choi H.S Choi J.W Choi J.Y Choi S.B

- 71 -

W-P-050 M-P-055 M-P-008 B3-O-02 T-P-060 T-P-045 C1-I-05 B1-O-03 D2-O-01 A5-O-01 T-P-101 A4-I-01 A1-I-02 B2-I-01 A1-I-02 D3-I-01 B6-I-05 M-P-013 M-P-072 T-P-028 T-P-090 M-P-003 A2-O-04 M-P-075 M-P-006 M-P-018 M-P-014 M-P-015 M-P-021 M-P-065 W-P-013 A3-O-05 T-P-042 T-P-090 M-P-075 W-P-048 T-P-002 T-P-106 M-P-004 M-P-011 W-P-032 W-P-033 W-P-036 W-P-058 T-P-027 A2-O-04 A2-O-03 M-P-062 M-P-074 M-P-011 T-P-101 M-P-054 M-P-057 W-P-017 W-P-045 T-P-086 T-P-088 M-P-045 D1-O-02 T-P-060 T-P-043 T-P-059 T-P-079 D2-O-01 T-P-101 M-P-052 D2-O-02 C6-I-03 T-P-106 T-P-042 T-P-054 D3-I-01 T-P-047 A1-I-01 T-P-022

Choi S.B Choi S.B Choi S.H Choi S.H Choi S.H Choi S.H Choi S.H Choi S.H Choi S.J Choi S.J Choi S.S Choi T.H Choi W Choi W.C Choi W.J Choi W.J Choi W.J Choi W.J Choi W.J Choi W.J Choi Y.H Choi Y.H Choi Y.J Choo J.B Choy C.J Choy H.J Choy H.J Choy J.Y Choy J.Y Choy M.J Choy M.J Choy M.K Choy S.Y Choy Y.J Choy Y.J Chu C.L Chu E.H Chu H.Y Chuang C Chun M.C Chun M.C Chun S.H Chung H.B Chung H.J Chung J Chung J.B Chung K.B Chung K.B Chung K.B Chung K.S Chung M.S Chung W.K Chung Y.D Chung Y.D Cristolovean nu S.C Danilyuk A..L Devaraj V Dong Y Doo Y.S Doo Y.S Du J Du L Dubois E Dudem B Duong A.T Eom J.H Fedotov A Fedotov A.K K Fedotov A.K K Fedotov A.K K Fedotov A.SS Fedotov A.SS Fedotova J FengXu Ferrus T

T-P-050 T T-P-107 T T-P-017 T T-P-004 T T-P-005 T T-P-006 T T-P-012 T C6-I-03 C T-P-091 T T-P-092 T T-P-053 T T-P-007 T D4-O-03 D T-P-064 T M-P-005 M M-P-016 M M-P-025 M T-P-065 T T-P-073 T T-P-074 T M-P-007 M T-P-078 T M-P-022 M C3-I-01 C B3-O-02 B M-P-026 M M-P-043 M M-P-062 M M-P-062 M W-P-032 W W-P-036 W W-P-057 W M-P-062 M A6-O-04 A W-P-027 W A1-I-02 A B2-I-02 B W-P-013 W T-P-035 T T-P-104 T T-P-105 T B6-I-01 B W-P-045 W D2-O-02 D D1-O-02 D C2-I-03 C M-P-020 M W-P-032 W W-P-036 W T-P-106 T A1-I-01 A D5-O-02 D T-P-028 T T-P-090 T M-P-055 M C2-I-04 C B4-O-02 B M-P-048 M W-P-053 W W-P-054 W B7-O-03 B B7-O-03 B A7-I-01 A B2-O-02 B A2-O-03 A T-P-014 T M-P-067 M C2-I-04 C T-P-083 T T-P-084 T T-P-083 T T-P-084 T M-P-067 M W-P-008 W B4-I-01 B

Autho or Index Filonov A Filonov A A.B Gao R.K Geum D.M M Geum D.M M Ghodake G Gil K.S Gondala M M.Y Gun J Guo Y.Y Guo Y.Y Gupta M.K Gwak M.C C Gwon D.O O Gwon D.O O Gwon M.J J Gwon M.J J Ha D.H Ha J.H Haase W Hahn C.K K Hahn C.K K Hamh S.Y Y Han J.S S Han I.S Han I.S Han I.S Han I.S Han J.C Han J.H Han J.H Han J.H Han J.H Han J.H Han J.H Han J.H Han J.H Han J.S Han J.S Han S.W Han W.H Han W.S Han W.S Han W.S Han Y.S Haras M Heo G Heo N Heo Y.W Hong C.H H Hong C.W W Hong J.K K Hong J.P Hong J.P Hong S Hong S Hong S Hong S.J Hong S.S Hong S.S Hong S.W W Hong S.W W Hong Y.K K Hong Y.K K Hou F.J Hsu S.H Hu C Huang G.W Huh C Hur S.H Hwa W.J Hwang C..C Hwang C..S Hwang C..S Hwang C..S

W-P-014 M-P-046 C3-I-01 M-P-025 T-P-065 D5-O-01 T-P-045 T-P-109 M-P-060 W-P-025 T-P-095 C4-O-02 M-P-064 A4-O-02 T-P-067 T-P-059 T-P-079 A4-O-02 M-P-026 T-P-001 M-P-044 M-P-049 C6-I-03 T-P-002 M-P-039 M-P-050 M-P-051 M-P-053 W-P-048 T-P-019 T-P-020 T-P-021 T-P-023 T-P-026 T-P-031 T-P-032 T-P-036 M-P-044 M-P-075 T-P-009 B1-O-03 D5-I-01 T-P-028 T-P-090 W-P-024 A7-I-01 T-P-029 M-P-011 B2-I-02 B3-O-02 W-P-003 C1-I-05 C2-I-03 W-P-035 W-P-050 T-P-034 T-P-038 T-P-007 B7-O-01 T-P-109 M-P-078 C5-O-02 D4-O-03 T-P-089 A1-I-02 A1-I-02 A1-I-02 A1-I-02 M-P-058 D1-O-02 T-P-099 T-P-030 M-P-056 W-P-013 W-P-018

Hwang C.Y Y Hwang E.H H Hwang E.H H Hwang E.H H Hwang E.H H Hwang H.N N Hwang H.Y Y Hwang J.H H Hwang J.K K Hwang J.W W Hwang K.H H Hwang Y.H H Hwang Y.H H Hwang Y.H H Hwang Y.H H Hyu J.M Ihm C.H Ihm G Ikonobd R Im H.S Im H.S Im H.S Im H.S Im H.S Im H.S Im H.S Im J.C Inamdar A A.I Inamdar A A.I Inamdar1 A A.I Inomata K Inturu O Iqbal M Ivanou D Iwamoto M Iwamoto M Jan H.G Jang B.C Jang C.W Jang H.G Jang H.J Jang H.J Jang H.J Jang J.E Jang J.S Jang M.G Jang M.H Jang W.I Jang Y.D Je K.C Jeo J.T Jeo K.H Jeo M.J Jeo S.K Jeon H.C Jeon H.C Jeon H.C Jeon H.J Jeon H.S Jeon H.S Jeon I.J Jeon I.J Jeon J.H Jeon M.S Jeon S.W Jeon T.I Jeon Y.I Jeong C.H Jeong E.K Jeong E.K Jeong G.J Jeong G.P Jeong H Jeong H Jeong H.K K

T-P-014 D1-O-03 D2-O-04 D4-I-01 D4-I-02 T-P-030 W-P-056 W-P-003 C3-I-01 M-P-052 A5-O-02 M-P-017 M-P-074 W-P-039 T-P-102 A2-O-06 W-P-056 M-P-072 W-P-026 M-P-044 M-P-049 M-P-075 C3-I-03 C4-O-02 W-P-048 T-P-002 T-P-105 M-P-075 T-P-002 W-P-048 B4-I-02 D4-O-03 T-P-014 M-P-067 B1-I-02 W-P-051 M-P-032 W-P-021 T-P-017 A3-O-03 M-P-057 T-P-086 T-P-088 C1-I-04 C5-O-02 T-P-064 D1-O-02 W-P-056 B4-O-02 A2-O-05 W-P-057 T-P-042 W-P-054 M-P-037 M-P-071 M-P-072 A6-O-01 W-P-052 M-P-009 T-P-087 A4-O-02 T-P-067 C6-I-03 M-P-073 D1-O-02 T-P-080 M-P-076 C5-O-01 T-P-091 T-P-092 T-P-093 T-P-094 M-P-006 B4-O-02 T-P-025

- 72 -

Jeong J.W Jeong J.W Jeong K.S Jeong M.H Jeong M.J Jeong M.S Jeong M.S Jeong S.M Jeong S.M Jeong S.M Jeong W.J Jeong W.S Jeong W.S Jeong W.S Jeong W.S Jeun M.H Jeun M.H Jeun M.H Jhi S.H Jhin J.G Jhin J.G Jho Y.D Ji S.M Ji Y.B Jin D.H Jin S.H Jin S.W Jin Y.J Jo H.J Jo H.J Jo H.J Jo H.J Jo H.J Jo H.S Jo H.S Jo J.H Jo K.M Jo K.W Jo W Jo W Jo W Jo W Jo W Jo W.J Jo Y.C Jo Y.C Jo Y.C Jo Y.C Joo H.S Joo S.H Joo S.J Ju C.W Ju C.W Ju C.W Ju G.W Ju G.W Jun B.C Jun C.H Jun D.S Jun D.Y Jun H.E Jun H.E Jun J.Y Jun S.M Jun Y.K Jun Y.K Jung D.H Jung D.W Jung G.I Jung H Jung H Jung H.D Jung J.H Jung J.Y Jung K.H

W-P-049 W T-P-033 T T-P-042 T M-P-026 M W-P-053 W T-P-037 T T-P-039 T A5-I-01 A W-P-049 W T-P-033 T A2-O-01 A M-P-030 M M-P-031 M W-P-041 W W-P-046 W M-P-057 M T-P-086 T T-P-088 T C6-I-01 C M-P-030 M M-P-031 M W-P-020 W M-P-020 M T-P-080 T T-P-104 T D1-O-02 D M-P-013 M T-P-041 T M-P-014 M M-P-015 M M-P-050 M M-P-051 M M-P-053 M M-P-044 M M-P-049 M A2-O-02 A B2-I-02 B M-P-054 M C4-I-01 C W-P-050 W B7-O-02 B B7-O-04 B T-P-058 T M-P-026 M M-P-044 M M-P-075 M W-P-048 W T-P-002 T D3-I-01 D D3-I-01 D C1-I-05 C M-P-035 M M-P-040 M A3-O-05 A M-P-043 M T-P-054 T M-P-034 M A3-O-03 A T-P-064 T M-P-032 M A1-I-01 A A1-O-03 A T-P-045 T T-P-047 T M-P-023 M T-P-077 T W-P-009 W T-P-023 T M-P-013 M W-P-024 W T-P-011 T M-P-006 M T-P-107 T W-P-043 W C5-I-01 C

Autho or Index Jung M.W W Jung S.H Jung S.J Jung S.J Jung S.J Jung S.J Jung T.H Jung Y.K Jung Y.S Jung Y.S Jung Y.W W Kahang S.J Kahn A Kambara T Kan M Kandhasaamy M Kang B.H H Kang B.S Kang B.S Kang C.J Kang C.J Kang D.M M Kang D.M M Kang D.M M Kang D.M M Kang D.M M Kang E.K Kang H.J Kang I.J Kang J.H Kang J.K Kang J.W W Kang J.W W Kang K.Y Kang K.Y Kang M.G G Kang M.H H Kang S Kang S.J Kang S.J Kang S.W W Kang S.Y Kang S.Y Kang T.S Kang T.W W Kang T.W W Kang T.W W Kang T.W W Kang T.W W Kang T.Y Kang Y.C Kang Y.C Kang Y.R Kanki T Kao W.T Kaplas T Kaur N Keum D.H H Keum D.H H Khadka D Khadka D D.B Khin H.H H Kiba T Kilmov V Kim A.S Kim A.S Kim B.H Kim B.H Kim B.K Kim B.S Kim B.W Kim C Kim C Kim C.H Kim C.M

D1-O-01 M-P-045 M-P-030 M-P-031 W-P-041 W-P-046 M-P-045 M-P-034 M-P-014 M-P-015 M-P-011 C6-I-03 B3-I-01 B4-I-01 T-P-101 B3-O-03 M-P-031 T-P-104 T-P-105 A6-O-04 W-P-027 M-P-024 M-P-029 M-P-035 M-P-040 A3-O-05 M-P-041 W-P-060 T-P-106 T-P-098 T-P-058 M-P-004 T-P-027 W-P-053 W-P-054 T-P-011 T-P-030 M-P-003 M-P-041 M-P-042 M-P-039 M-P-056 W-P-018 W-P-035 M-P-068 M-P-071 M-P-072 A6-O-01 A6-I-02 M-P-063 T-P-091 T-P-092 M-P-012 W-P-007 B2-I-01 C1-I-02 B2-O-01 T-P-041 T-P-101 T-P-069 T-P-075 T-P-068 W-P-020 PL2 M-P-078 C5-O-02 D1-O-02 T-P-007 M-P-058 A7-O-03 M-P-002 W-P-021 W-P-047 M-P-041 B2-O-01

Kim C.Z Kim D.C Kim D.C Kim D.C Kim D.H Kim D.J Kim D.J Kim D.J Kim D.O Kim D.S Kim D.S Kim D.S Kim D.S Kim D.W Kim D.W Kim D.W Kim D.W Kim D.W Kim D.Y Kim D.Y Kim D.Y Kim D.Y Kim D.Y Kim D.Y Kim D.Y Kim D.Y Kim D.Y Kim E.A Kim E.A Kim E.J Kim E.K Kim E.K Kim E.K Kim G.H Kim G.H Kim G.M Kim G.S Kim G.S Kim G.S Kim G.Y Kim G.Y Kim G.Y Kim G.Y Kim H.B Kim H.B Kim H.B Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.C Kim H.D Kim H.D Kim H.J Kim H.J Kim H.J Kim H.J Kim H.K Kim H.K Kim H.K Kim H.M Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S

M-P-025 M-P-037 M-P-038 A3-O-02 A3-O-04 M-P-026 D5-I-01 W-P-057 W-P-034 M-P-030 M-P-031 W-P-041 W-P-046 D5-O-02 W-P-007 T-P-059 T-P-061 T-P-079 B2-O-01 M-P-019 A3-O-05 D5-O-01 W-P-001 T-P-007 T-P-021 T-P-098 T-P-099 T-P-059 T-P-079 T-P-098 M-P-028 T-P-010 T-P-063 A5-I-01 T-P-018 A5-O-01 W-P-042 W-P-043 W-P-057 C4-I-01 B7-O-02 B7-O-04 T-P-058 M-P-075 W-P-048 T-P-002 A2-O-06 D2-O-02 D2-O-03 M-P-024 M-P-029 M-P-033 M-P-034 M-P-035 M-P-040 A3-O-05 C6-I-01 A2-O-05 T-P-064 A4-I-01 W-P-028 T-P-039 T-P-062 W-P-004 W-P-032 W-P-036 W-P-001 M-P-016 M-P-022 M-P-025 M-P-026 M-P-044 M-P-068 M-P-075 W-P-016

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Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.S Kim H.T Kim H.T Kim H.T Kim I.H Kim I.H Kim I.H Kim I.H Kim I.H Kim I.H Kim I.H Kim J.B Kim J.B Kim J.D Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.H Kim J.J Kim J.J Kim J.J Kim J.J Kim J.J Kim J.J Kim J.K Kim J.K Kim J.K Kim J.K Kim J.M Kim J.M Kim J.M Kim J.M Kim J.M Kim J.M Kim J.M Kim J.O Kim J.R Kim J.R Kim J.R Kim J.R Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.S Kim J.W Kim J.W Kim J.W Kim J.W Kim J.Y

W-P-019 W W-P-048 W T-P-002 T T-P-019 T T-P-073 T T-P-074 T M-P-006 M W-P-007 W T-P-076 T M-P-059 M M-P-060 M M-P-075 M W-P-020 W W-P-048 W T-P-002 T T-P-052 T W-P-002 W W-P-034 W T-P-059 T M-P-027 M D3-I-01 D W-P-033 W W-P-042 W W-P-043 W W-P-045 W W-P-049 W A7-O-04 A T-P-006 T T-P-013 T T-P-017 T T-P-037 T T-P-039 T T-P-042 T T-P-069 T T-P-075 T T-P-101 T B2-I-02 B M-P-032 M M-P-036 M A3-O-03 A T-P-104 T T-P-105 T M-P-037 M T-P-004 T T-P-005 T T-P-006 T M-P-044 M M-P-075 M W-P-048 W T-P-002 T T-P-005 T T-P-017 T T-P-053 T M-P-039 M C4-I-01 C B7-O-02 B T-P-058 T T-P-058 T B1-I-01 B A2-O-05 A M-P-006 M M-P-014 M M-P-015 M M-P-039 M M-P-050 M M-P-051 M M-P-053 M T-P-064 T T-P-080 T C6-I-03 C C6-I-01 C C6-I-01 C W-P-049 W T-P-033 T M-P-009 M

Autho or Index Kim J.Y Kim J.Y Kim K.B Kim K.B Kim K.H Kim K.J Kim K.J Kim K.K Kim K.K Kim K.R Kim K.S Kim K.S Kim K.S Kim K.S Kim M Kim M.C Kim M.D Kim M.D Kim M.H Kim M.J Kim M.J Kim M.S Kim M.Y Kim N.H Kim N.H Kim S Kim S Kim S Kim S Kim S Kim S.B Kim S.B Kim S.B Kim S.B Kim S.B Kim S.B Kim S.B Kim S.C Kim S.G Kim S.H Kim S.H Kim S.H Kim S.H Kim S.H Kim S.H Kim S.H Kim S.H Kim S.H Kim S.I Kim S.I Kim S.I Kim S.I Kim S.I Kim S.I Kim S.I Kim S.I Kim S.J Kim S.J Kim S.K Kim S.K Kim S.K Kim S.M Kim S.S Kim S.S Kim S.T Kim S.W Kim S.W Kim S.W Kim S.W Kim S.Y Kim S.Y Kim S.Y Kim S.Y Kim S.Y Kim T.H

B7-O-02 T-P-087 W-P-037 W-P-038 M-P-063 M-P-078 C5-O-02 C3-I-03 T-P-002 A6-O-03 M-P-004 W-P-043 T-P-027 T-P-030 D5-O-01 M-P-013 A3-I-01 A4-O-03 T-P-022 A7-O-04 T-P-082 M-P-011 A2-O-02 M-P-023 T-P-077 T-P-004 T-P-005 T-P-006 T-P-017 C6-I-03 M-P-037 M-P-038 A3-O-02 T-P-044 T-P-047 T-P-093 T-P-094 A1-O-03 A3-I-01 M-P-025 M-P-050 W-P-029 W-P-030 T-P-012 T-P-065 T-P-065 T-P-073 T-P-074 M-P-013 M-P-024 M-P-029 M-P-033 M-P-034 M-P-035 M-P-040 A3-O-05 W-P-022 T-P-064 D4-O-03 W-P-011 T-P-089 T-P-062 M-P-021 M-P-065 M-P-006 M-P-009 D3-I-01 T-P-087 T-P-101 M-P-004 T-P-027 T-P-064 T-P-069 T-P-075 W-P-024

Kim T.H Kim T.J Kim T.K Kim T.S Kim T.S Kim T.S Kim T.W Kim T.W Kim T.Y Kim W.D Kim W.M Kim Y Kim Y.B Kim Y.D Kim Y.H Kim Y.J Kim Y.J Kim Y.K Kim Y.M Kim Y.M Kim Y.M Kim Y.N Kim Y.R Kim Y.S Kim Y.S Kim Y.S Kim Y.S Kim Y.S Kim Y.S Kim Y.S Kim Y.S Kim Y.T KIM Z.S Ko J.S Ko J.S Ko K.H Ko S.C Ko S.C Ko S.C Ko S.C Ko S.C Ko Y.H Ko Y.H Ko Y.H Ko Y.H Kodera T Koh H.D Koh H.D Koh J.H Koh J.H Koh Y.M Kokhkharoov A.M Komori F Koo H.C Koo J.U Koshino K Kosugi N Kumar B Kumar R.S S Kumar R.S S Kuzhir P Kuzhir P Kwak D.H Kwak K.Y Kweon J.H H Kwon D.Y Kwon D.Y Kwon G.J Kwon G.J Kwon J.Y Kwon N.R Kwon S.J Kwon S.R Kwon S.R Kwon S.R

- 74 -

T-P-042 M-P-012 A2-O-01 M-P-047 M-P-048 T-P-100 M-P-061 T-P-008 M-P-058 T-P-014 T-P-046 T-P-040 T-P-007 M-P-012 T-P-037 M-P-045 W-P-028 A1-I-01 M-P-010 M-P-027 M-P-075 T-P-008 M-P-037 A1-O-02 B2-O-04 D2-O-03 M-P-011 M-P-026 W-P-019 T-P-071 T-P-072 W-P-042 M-P-033 M-P-004 T-P-027 W-P-009 M-P-032 M-P-033 M-P-036 A3-O-03 A4-I-01 M-P-037 M-P-038 A3-O-02 C4-O-03 B4-I-01 M-P-030 W-P-046 W-P-033 W-P-058 A3-O-04 W-P-005 A5-I-02 M-P-068 T-P-045 B4-I-02 T-P-009 C4-O-02 A3-I-01 A4-O-03 C1-I-01 C1-I-02 T-P-070 C5-O-02 D4-I-02 T-P-071 T-P-072 T-P-098 T-P-099 D4-O-03 T-P-050 A2-O-04 M-P-018 W-P-032 W-P-036

Kwon S.W Kwon S.W Kwon Y.H Kwon Y.H Kwon Y.H Kwon Y.H Kwon Y.H Kwon Y.H Kwon Y.H Kyhm J.H Kyhm K Kyhm K.S Kyoung S.S Kyoung S.S Lacatena V Lambin P Lapanik V Lay G.L Lee A.R Lee B.H Lee C.H Lee C.H Lee C.H Lee C.H Lee C.H Lee C.M Lee C.M Lee C.M Lee C.M Lee C.M Lee C.R Lee C.R Lee C.R Lee C.W Lee D.H Lee D.H Lee D.H Lee D.H Lee D.H Lee D.H Lee D.J Lee D.J Lee D.R Lee D.R Lee D.S Lee D.U Lee D.Y Lee D.Y Lee D.Y Lee E.H Lee G Lee G.C Lee G.D Lee G.H Lee G.H Lee G.H Lee G.S Lee G.S Lee G.T Lee H.B Lee H.G Lee H.H Lee H.J Lee H.J Lee H.L Lee H.M Lee H.M Lee H.S Lee H.S Lee H.S Lee H.S Lee H.S Lee I.H Lee I.J Lee I.K

W-P-055 W T-P-095 T M-P-024 M M-P-029 M M-P-033 M M-P-040 M A3-O-05 A A6-O-01 A A6-I-02 A A2-O-05 A A2-O-05 A W-P-020 W M-P-063 M T-P-047 T A7-I-01 A C1-I-02 C T-P-001 T D3-I-02 D C2-I-03 C B2-O-01 B A5-O-01 A W-P-042 W W-P-043 W B7-I-01 B T-P-043 T M-P-031 M A4-O-02 A W-P-029 W W-P-030 W T-P-067 T M-P-003 M M-P-007 M T-P-078 T M-P-013 M A3-O-04 A B4-O-02 B W-P-023 W W-P-024 W T-P-004 T T-P-106 T M-P-068 M C5-I-01 C W-P-002 W W-P-034 W M-P-007 M T-P-010 T D1-O-03 D M-P-073 M T-P-108 T A2-O-05 A C6-I-01 C M-P-063 M B5-I-02 B T-P-051 T T-P-071 T T-P-072 T M-P-009 M T-P-087 T A6-O-01 A D2-O-02 D T-P-085 T T-P-107 T M-P-045 M W-P-018 W W-P-009 W W-P-004 W W-P-056 W M-P-032 M W-P-004 W W-P-040 W W-P-055 W T-P-041 T A1-O-02 A W-P-060 W M-P-057 M

Autho or Index Lee I.K Lee I.Y Lee J.C Lee J.D Lee J.G Lee J.G Lee J.G Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.H Lee J.I Lee J.K Lee J.K Lee J.K Lee J.M Lee J.M Lee J.M Lee J.M Lee J.M Lee J.M Lee J.M Lee J.S Lee J.S Lee J.S Lee J.S Lee J.S Lee J.S Lee J.S Lee J.S Lee J.S Lee J.W Lee J.W Lee J.W Lee J.Y Lee K.D Lee K.D Lee K.G Lee K.H Lee K.H Lee K.H Lee K.H Lee K.H Lee K.H Lee K.H Lee K.J Lee K.J Lee K.R Lee K.S Lee K.S Lee K.S Lee K.S Lee K.W Lee M.B Lee M.C Lee M.H Lee M.H Lee M.J Lee M.S Lee N.L Lee S.A Lee S.A Lee S.C Lee S.E

T-P-086 T-P-018 A6-I-02 T-P-009 M-P-047 M-P-048 A3-I-01 A1-O-03 A2-I-01 B2-I-02 D2-O-02 M-P-001 M-P-009 M-P-044 M-P-049 W-P-042 W-P-043 B7-O-05 T-P-015 T-P-032 T-P-049 T-P-056 W-P-003 M-P-044 M-P-075 W-P-048 A2-O-04 M-P-024 M-P-034 M-P-035 M-P-037 M-P-040 A3-O-05 A2-O-04 M-P-011 M-P-030 M-P-059 M-P-060 M-P-063 M-P-066 C6-I-03 T-P-052 M-P-068 A6-I-02 T-P-081 T-P-089 B7-O-02 T-P-105 D6-I-01 M-P-024 M-P-057 A3-O-05 W-P-017 T-P-053 T-P-086 T-P-088 C4-I-01 A6-I-01 A1-O-03 M-P-028 T-P-010 T-P-046 T-P-063 T-P-005 T-P-107 T-P-068 A7-O-02 A7-O-05 T-P-045 W-P-056 M-P-011 W-P-053 W-P-054 M-P-064 M-P-073

Lee S.G Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.H Lee S.I Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.J Lee S.K Lee S.K Lee S.K Lee S.K Lee S.K Lee S.K Lee S.L Lee S.M Lee S.M Lee S.M Lee S.S Lee S.T Lee S.T Lee S.T Lee S.W Lee S.W Lee S.W Lee S.W Lee S.Y Lee S.Y Lee T.G Lee T.G Lee T.Y Lee W.J Lee W.J Lee W.J Lee W.J Lee W.J Lee W.S Lee W.Y Lee W.Y Lee Y.H Lee Y.H Lee Y.H Lee Y.H Lee Y.H Lee Y.J Lee Y.J Lee Y.J Lee Y.J Lee Y.J Lee Y.K Lee Y.S Lee Y.S Lee Y.S Lee Y.T Lee Y.T Lee Y.T Lee Y.T Lee Y.W Lee Z.H Leem J.W Leem Y.A

M-P-064 A2-O-01 M-P-001 M-P-011 M-P-051 A3-O-05 C4-O-03 C5-I-01 C5-O-01 W-P-024 T-P-036 T-P-105 B2-O-01 M-P-039 M-P-050 M-P-051 M-P-052 M-P-053 M-P-071 M-P-072 A6-O-01 W-P-013 M-P-042 D5-I-01 W-P-033 W-P-057 W-P-058 T-P-078 M-P-063 A2-O-04 W-P-037 W-P-038 A5-O-02 A3-I-01 A4-O-03 T-P-045 B6-I-03 W-P-016 W-P-019 W-P-031 C3-I-01 T-P-100 M-P-005 C3-I-02 A2-O-02 A2-O-05 W-P-008 W-P-020 T-P-028 T-P-090 T-P-077 W-P-057 W-P-058 T-P-013 T-P-015 T-P-041 T-P-100 T-P-101 B3-O-02 C3-I-03 C5-I-01 T-P-096 T-P-097 T-P-046 M-P-039 W-P-015 T-P-089 M-P-041 M-P-042 M-P-043 T-P-054 M-P-043 B5-I-01 B2-O-02 M-P-037

- 75 -

Leem Y.A Leem Y.A Lefeuvre E Li H.M Li J.S Li L.J Li M Li Z.Y Liang C.T Lim E.J Lim H.E Lim J.S Lim J.W Lim J.W Lim J.W Lim J.W Lim J.W Lim J.W Lim J.W Lim J.W Lim K.S Lim K.T Lim K.T Lim M.M Lin H.C Lin L.H Lin Z.R Liu A Liu A Liu A Liu A Liu A Liu C.W Liu G.X Liu G.X Liu G.X Liu G.X Liu J.L Liu J.Q Liu X Long Z López R Lu J Luan P Luo G.L Lyu K.H M.Asif Ch.T T M.Eto R.O Ma B.J Ma G Maddaka R Maksimenkko Maksimenkko S Man M.T Mandal A Matsuda Y.H H Matsunaga M Mazanik A Mazanik A.V V Mazanik A.vv Meng Y Meng Z Migas D Migas D.B Migas D.B Min B.G Min B.G Min B.G Min B.G Min B.G Min J.W Min J.W Min K.A Monfray S Moon H.K

M-P-038 M A3-O-02 A C4-I-02 C D1-O-03 D D4-I-01 D D2-I-01 D M-P-072 M T-P-070 T T-P-035 T W-P-051 W M-P-020 M T-P-068 T M-P-024 M M-P-029 M M-P-033 M M-P-034 M M-P-035 M M-P-040 M A3-O-05 A C5-I-01 C C5-O-01 C T-P-016 T T-P-061 T A4-O-03 A B2-I-01 B T-P-035 T B4-I-02 B B1-O-01 B B1-O-02 B W-P-006 W W-P-010 W T-P-003 T A1-I-02 A B1-O-01 B B1-O-02 B W-P-006 W W-P-008 W D6-I-04 D T-P-003 T T-P-024 T B7-O-03 B T-P-068 T T-P-103 T T-P-011 T A1-I-02 A M-P-016 M B7-O-01 B A2-O-05 A T-P-053 T T-P-026 T A3-I-01 A C1-I-01 C C1-I-02 C W-P-040 W M-P-007 M M-P-010 M T-P-035 T M-P-067 M T-P-083 T T-P-084 T W-P-010 W B7-O-03 B W-P-014 W C2-I-01 C M-P-046 M M-P-024 M M-P-034 M M-P-035 M M-P-040 M A3-O-05 A M-P-041 M M-P-042 M T-P-034 T A7-I-01 A W-P-015 W

Autho or Index Moon J.M M Moon S.E E Moon S.W W Morini F Mun J.K Mun J.K Mun K.H Murayam ma A Myoung N N.S Myung S Na B.H Na H.M Na H.M Na H.M Na J.H Na J.H Na J.H Na S.C Na S.C Nakamura D Nakamura Y Nam C.H Nam C.H Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam E.S Nam K.H Nam S.H Namkoon ng G Navarro C Nematov Sh.Q Nguyen T Nguyen V V.Q Nicolet A Nisar J Nogues G Noh C.M Noh H.Y Noh J.Y Noh M.S Noh S.K Noh S.K Noh S.K Noh S.K Noh S.K Nugrahaaa I Nugrohob bc D Nusretov R.A Ochiai Y Oda S Oh D Oh D.C Oh D.C Oh G.J Oh H.C Oh H.D Oh H.G Oh H.J Oh H.S Oh J.H Oh K.J Oh K.S Oh N.C Oh N.C Oh S.D Oh S.H Oh S.K

A2-O-01 W-P-018 T-P-088 A7-I-01 M-P-032 A4-I-01 M-P-013 W-P-020 W-P-040 D1-O-01 T-P-054 B7-O-05 T-P-049 T-P-056 M-P-032 M-P-036 A3-O-03 T-P-104 T-P-105 M-P-010 B4-I-02 M-P-070 T-P-081 M-P-024 M-P-029 M-P-032 M-P-033 M-P-036 M-P-037 M-P-038 A3-O-02 A3-O-03 A3-O-05 A4-I-01 W-P-045 W-P-043 D6-I-02 M-P-055 W-P-005 B7-O-04 A2-O-03 A2-O-05 A6-I-02 A2-O-05 W-P-042 T-P-033 D2-O-03 M-P-006 M-P-039 M-P-050 M-P-051 M-P-053 T-P-080 W-P-026 W-P-026 W-P-005 T-P-035 B4-I-01 T-P-006 W-P-037 W-P-038 T-P-063 W-P-013 W-P-031 M-P-065 M-P-005 M-P-045 M-P-026 M-P-028 C5-O-01 M-P-047 M-P-048 T-P-004 W-P-050 A7-I-01

Oh S.K Oh S.M Oh S.S Oh S.Y Oh Y.J Oh Y.J Omkaram I Paddubskaaya A Paek M.C Park A.H Park B.C Park B.G Park B.G Park B.G Park B.H Park B.H Park B.H Park C.I Park C.M Park C.S Park C.Y Park D Park D.W Park E.M Park G.Y Park G.Y Park G.Y Park H.G Park H.H Park H.K Park H.W Park I.W Park J Park J.B Park J.C Park J.C Park J.G Park J.G Park J.G Park J.G Park J.G Park J.G Park J.G Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.H Park J.S Park J.S Park J.S Park J.S Park J.S Park J.S Park J.U Park J.W Park J.W Park J.Y

- 76 -

A7-O-04 M-P-054 C6-I-03 W-P-042 B1-O-03 A5-O-01 T-P-089 C1-I-02 W-P-056 T-P-051 T-P-042 A3-I-01 A4-O-03 T-P-014 C1-I-03 W-P-019 T-P-105 M-P-023 A6-O-01 M-P-068 D1-O-01 A2-I-01 T-P-080 W-P-023 B7-O-05 T-P-049 T-P-056 M-P-012 T-P-059 T-P-089 M-P-020 W-P-056 M-P-056 C6-I-03 M-P-012 M-P-037 T-P-044 M-P-059 M-P-066 M-P-073 T-P-052 T-P-093 T-P-094 M-P-060 T-P-044 M-P-003 M-P-007 M-P-044 M-P-059 M-P-066 W-P-015 W-P-017 B7-O-05 B7-O-05 T-P-018 T-P-030 T-P-049 T-P-049 T-P-052 T-P-056 T-P-073 T-P-074 T-P-090 T-P-093 T-P-094 M-P-059 M-P-060 B3-O-03 W-P-032 W-P-036 T-P-052 D1-I-02 W-P-004 W-P-009 D3-I-01

Park J.Y Park J.Y Park J.Y Park J.Y Park J.Y Park K.S Park K.T Park K.W Park K.W Park M.A Park M.A Park M.J Park M.K Park M.R Park M.S Park M.S Park M.S Park M.Y Park M.Y Park N.W Park N.W Park N.W Park S.B Park S.D Park S.D Park S.H Park S.H Park S.H Park S.H Park S.H Park S.H Park S.H.K Park S.I Park S.J Park S.J Park S.K Park S.Y Park S.Y Park S.Y Park T.H Park T.H Park W.J Park W.Y Park W.Y Park W.Y Park Y.J Park Y.J Park Y.K Park Y.R Park Y.R Park Y.S Park Y.S Park Y.S Park Y.W Parrain F Pathak T.K Pavlidis D Pawar S.M Peng X Pi J.E Pi J.E Potemski M Poznyak S.K K Poznyak S.kk Prischepa SS.L Purohit L.P Qiu D Qu D Ra C.H Rafiq W Rahmana S Rahmanbc T Ramakrishn nan S Rana T Rana T

B7-O-05 B T-P-049 T T-P-056 T T-P-091 T T-P-092 T T-P-047 T T-P-079 T M-P-041 M M-P-042 M M-P-009 M T-P-087 T M-P-013 M A1-O-02 A A6-O-04 A M-P-025 M T-P-065 T T-P-073 T W-P-042 W W-P-043 W W-P-033 W W-P-057 W W-P-058 W W-P-029 W A7-I-01 A A7-O-03 A M-P-011 M M-P-021 M W-P-029 W W-P-030 W T-P-042 T C6-I-03 C W-P-018 W W-P-033 W T-P-096 T T-P-097 T T-P-066 T W-P-030 W W-P-056 W W-P-059 W W-P-033 W W-P-058 W D6-I-03 D M-P-075 M W-P-048 W T-P-002 T A3-O-04 A A5-O-02 A T-P-107 T M-P-032 M A3-O-03 A M-P-008 M D3-I-03 D T-P-030 T T-P-007 T C4-I-02 C B2-O-03 B M-P-037 M M-P-075 M A6-I-02 A W-P-013 W W-P-018 W A2-O-05 A T-P-083 T T-P-084 T C2-I-04 C B2-O-03 B T-P-010 T T-P-024 T T-P-108 T B7-O-01 B W-P-026 W W-P-026 W B3-O-03 B T-P-069 T T-P-075 T

Autho or Index Rathi S Reid B.P.L L Rho H.S Rhy J.S Rhyee J.S S Rhyee J.S S Rhyee J.S S Rhyee J.S S Rhyee J.S S Rhyee J.S S Rhyee J.S S Rhyee J.S S Risquez S Robillard J.F Rochman nbe N Roh C.H Roh C.H Rong L Rossi A Ruoff R.S S Rusli Ryu B.D Ryu G.H Ryu J.H Ryu J.T Ryu M.Y Ryu S.S Saad A Saad I Sartel C Sartel V Sawaki N Sawaki N Senthilku umar V.C Seo E.B Seo E.B Seo E.B Seo J.B Seo J.D Seo J.D Seo J.H Seo K.H Seo M.K Seo S.B Seo T.H Seo Y.G Seo Y.H Seo Y.S Seok J.H Seong M.J J Shan F Shan F.K Shan F.K Shan F.K Shan F.K Shan F.K Shan F.K Sharma S S.K Sharma S S.K Sharma S S.K Sharma S S.K Shepeleviich V.G Shepeleviich V.G Shim E.H H Shim E.H H Shim E.H H Shim E.H H Shim E.L Shim J.H Shim T.H H Shin B.C Shin C.S Shin D.H Shin D.H Shin D.S

T-P-018 M-P-008 M-P-005 M-P-027 A6-O-03 C6-I-02 A7-I-01 A7-O-02 A7-O-03 A7-O-04 A7-O-05 T-P-082 C4-I-02 A7-I-01 W-P-026 M-P-044 M-P-049 B7-O-03 B4-I-01 PL1 M-P-046 B3-O-02 M-P-025 W-P-003 M-P-061 M-P-018 D4-I-02 T-P-083 M-P-067 W-P-020 W-P-020 M-P-009 T-P-087 B2-O-04 T-P-044 T-P-093 T-P-094 A1-O-03 M-P-077 W-P-044 M-P-002 T-P-031 A2-I-01 W-P-001 T-P-051 M-P-049 W-P-043 T-P-062 M-P-013 T-P-029 W-P-010 B1-O-01 B1-O-02 M-P-069 W-P-006 W-P-008 T-P-003 B2-O-01 B2-O-03 M-P-019 C4-O-02 T-P-083 T-P-084 M-P-059 M-P-060 M-P-066 T-P-052 W-P-027 W-P-027 M-P-073 W-P-008 A3-O-04 T-P-005 T-P-017 T-P-007

Shin E.H Shin H.Y Shin H.Y Shin H.Y Shin I.S Shin J.C Shin J.H Shin K.S Shin M.C Shin M.C Shin M.C Shin M.J Shin M.J Shin M.J Shin M.J Shin S.H Shin Y.G Shin Y.H Shin Y.L.M M Shoaiba M Shon W.H Shon Y Shon Y Showkat A Showkat A Shuba M Sim J.H Sim J.K Sim J.K Singh L Skorodumoova N Skotnicki T Slepyan G So H.S So H.S So M.G Soci C Sohn A Sohn A.R Sohn C.W Sohn J.S Sohn J.S Sohn S.Y Sohn Y.S Sohn Y.S Son J.H Son J.T Son J.T Son J.T Son J.Y Son J.Y Son S.H Son S.H Son Y.H Son Y.H Song A.R Song H.J Song H.J Song H.J Song H.S Song I.S Song J.C Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.D Song J.H

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C6-I-01 W-P-015 B7-O-02 B7-O-04 A3-O-04 M-P-052 C1-I-04 T-P-087 A1-I-01 A1-O-03 A2-O-01 M-P-009 A4-O-02 T-P-067 T-P-087 T-P-048 A5-O-02 M-P-010 A2-O-03 T-P-109 C6-I-02 M-P-068 A6-I-02 T-P-016 T-P-061 C1-I-01 T-P-058 M-P-007 T-P-078 T-P-030 W-P-014 A7-I-01 C1-I-01 W-P-004 W-P-009 M-P-053 M-P-046 W-P-007 T-P-079 M-P-051 W-P-048 T-P-002 W-P-001 T-P-046 T-P-076 M-P-048 W-P-021 W-P-047 W-P-052 M-P-077 W-P-044 M-P-060 M-P-066 A5-O-02 T-P-044 M-P-045 B7-O-05 T-P-049 T-P-056 B3-O-02 T-P-078 M-P-015 C1-I-05 A2-O-05 M-P-005 M-P-010 M-P-014 M-P-016 M-P-018 M-P-025 M-P-068 T-P-065 T-P-073 T-P-074 M-P-047

Song K.M Song M.S Song S.H Song S.H Song S.H Song W.S Song Y.J Song Y.J Srivastava P Streltsov E Subramaniaam N.C Suh E.K Suh E.K Suh M.S Sun J.S Sung D Sung H.J Sung H.J Sung J.S Sung J.W Sung M.Y Sung N.E Svirko Y Svito I.A Svito I.A Svito I.A Tae H.S Taguchi D Takagi N Takehana K Takemura Y Y.C Takeyama S Tan H.Y Taniguchi T Taniyama T Taylor R.A Taylor R.A Taylor R.A Tchoe Y.B Tominaga J Trafimenkoo A.G Tran M.H Trang N Tsai J.S Tu W.H Turischev S Ullah N Ullah N Um D.Y Um D.Y Um Y.H Um Y.H Um Y.H Um Y.H Um Y.H Um Y.H Voronovich S Wang J.S Wang L.C Watanabe K Wee A.T.S Wi J.H Wi J.H Williams D Won B.H Won T.Y Woo H.S Woo H.S Woo H.S Woo H.S Woo H.S Woytasik M Wu J.M Xiao C Yalishev V.SSh

A3-O-04 A T-P-040 T D1-O-02 D M-P-059 M T-P-052 T D1-O-01 D A7-O-02 A A7-O-03 A A1-O-03 A M-P-067 M A6-I-02 A B3-O-02 B T-P-051 T W-P-023 W C3-I-03 C T-P-038 T D2-O-01 D T-P-101 T D5-O-01 D D5-O-02 D T-P-047 T W-P-060 W C1-I-02 C C2-I-04 C T-P-083 T T-P-084 T T-P-043 T W-P-051 W B6-I-02 B D1-I-01 D M-P-073 M M-P-010 M W-P-008 W D1-O-03 D A6-I-02 A A2-O-05 A M-P-008 M W-P-020 W A2-O-02 A C6-I-02 C C2-I-04 C T-P-025 T B7-O-02 B B4-I-02 B A1-I-02 A M-P-067 M T-P-096 T T-P-097 T M-P-003 M T-P-078 T M-P-002 M M-P-017 M M-P-074 M W-P-039 W T-P-057 T T-P-102 T C1-I-02 C B4-O-01 B B2-I-01 B D1-O-03 D D2-I-01 D T-P-028 T T-P-090 T B4-I-01 B T-P-055 T T-P-085 T M-P-044 M M-P-049 M M-P-075 M W-P-048 W T-P-002 T C4-I-02 C B2-I-01 B B7-O-03 B A6-O-01 A

Autho or Index Yamamotto T Yamane H Yan W.J Yang B.S Yang F.L Yang G.E Yang H.D D Yang H.D D Yang H.D D Yang H.J Yang H.S Yang J.H Yang J.H Yang J.H Yang J.W W Yang K.J Yang M Yang M Yang M Yang O.B Yang S.B Yang S.H Yang W.C C Yang W.C C Yang W.C C Yang W.C C Yang W.C C Yang W.C C Yatsyna D D.A Yawar A Yeo C.I Yeom H.W W Yi G.C Yi K.S Yi S.N Yi S.N Yi S.N Yi S.N Yi Y.J Yim S.Y Yoo D.S Yoo G.W Yoo K.H Yoo S.J Yoo S.Y Yoo W.J Yoo W.J Yoo W.J Yoo W.J Yoo W.J Yoon E.J Yoon E.J Yoon H.A A Yoon H.A A Yoon H.S Yoon H.S Yoon H.S Yoon H.S Yoon H.S Yoon H.S Yoon I.T Yoon J.H Yoon M.G G Yoon S.H Yoon S.H Yoon S.H Yoon S.H Yoon T.S Yoon Y.K Yoon Y.S Younes E..M Yu H.J Yu H.J Yu I.S Yu J.S

B4-I-02 T-P-009 T-P-020 W-P-053 A1-I-02 T-P-014 M-P-016 M-P-025 T-P-065 T-P-101 B5-I-03 C5-O-01 W-P-013 W-P-018 M-P-036 T-P-058 M-P-001 M-P-009 T-P-087 T-P-070 W-P-021 W-P-042 W-P-024 W-P-025 W-P-055 T-P-011 T-P-012 T-P-095 M-P-046 W-P-027 M-P-042 T-P-009 A2-O-02 A4-I-01 M-P-009 A4-O-02 T-P-067 T-P-087 M-P-011 W-P-040 T-P-081 W-P-052 M-P-061 D6-I-01 D1-O-02 D1-O-03 D4-I-01 D4-I-02 T-P-024 T-P-108 A3-O-04 A5-O-02 W-P-016 W-P-019 M-P-024 M-P-029 M-P-035 M-P-040 A3-O-05 M-P-034 M-P-068 W-P-012 D5-O-02 C2-I-02 W-P-015 B7-O-02 B7-O-04 W-P-027 D4-O-03 M-P-016 D6-I-02 M-P-047 M-P-048 M-P-064 B2-O-02

Yu J.S Yu J.S Yu J.S Yu S.G Yu Y.H Yu Y.M Yu Y.M Yu Y.S Yu Y.S Yuan C.T Yue D.W Yuldashev Sh.U Yuldashev Sh.U Yun B.K Yun D.Y Yun H.Y Yun I.G Yun S.J Yun S.J Yun S.J Yun T.K Yun W.S Yunusov Z Z.A Zakhidov E E.A Zha Z.J Zhang F Zhang S Zhang W.JJ Zhang Z Zhang Z Zhu H.H Zhu H.H

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M-P-076 B3-O-01 C4-O-03 T-P-055 T-P-048 M-P-009 T-P-087 M-P-001 M-P-009 B4-O-01 T-P-108 M-P-071 A6-O-01 T-P-107 T-P-008 W-P-016 T-P-056 C5-I-01 W-P-056 T-P-028 T-P-066 T-P-009 A6-O-01 W-P-005 W-P-025 M-P-069 T-P-011 D2-I-01 B6-I-04 T-P-095 W-P-006 T-P-003

Autho or Index

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P Publication n of the pro oceedings w was sponso ored by the e Korean Fe Federation of Sccience and Technolog gy Societiees Grant fun nded by th he Korean G Government.

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