Financial workshop - press release - Alameda County Water District

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Aug 24, 2017 - The Alameda County Water District's Board of Directors will hold the first in a series of strategic plann

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 24, 2017 ACWD Contact: Sharene Gonzales, Senior Public Affairs Specialist Phone: 510.668.4208 Email: Alameda County Water District Board of Directors to Host a Series of Strategic Planning Workshops Plan will provide a roadmap in coming years Fremont, Calif. — The Alameda County Water District’s Board of Directors will hold the first in a series of strategic planning workshops on Thursday, September 7 at 4 p.m., which will focus on topics of water supply, finances, staffing resources, customer service and community engagement. This workshop will include staff presentations, discussions, and an opportunity for public comment. “ACWD remains committed to our core mission of providing reliable, high-quality water to our customers, and the kick off of this planning effort will help refine the strategic direction of the District,” said John Weed, ACWD Board President. “We encourage our customers to join the discussions that will shape our future and outline how we, as a district, move forward.” The workshop will include brief presentations about the District’s water supplies and demands, as well as current financial conditions and staffing resources. A facilitator from The Catalyst Group will moderate the discussion and work with the group to identify key areas of interest for further exploration. Plans for additional workshops will be made based on the outcome of the first workshop. Each workshop will be publicly noticed and an agenda will be posted prior to each meeting that will include the meeting date, time and location. For more information on future workshops, please visit


Thursday, September 7, 2017


4 p.m.


Alameda County Water District Headquarters Multi-Purpose Room 43885 South Grimmer Boulevard Fremont, CA 94538 Alameda County Water District (510) 668-4200 43885 S. Grimmer Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538