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21 May 2003 ... Lecture Notes: Introduction to the Finite Element Method. Lecture Notes: Introduction to the. Finite Element Method. Yijun Liu · CAE Research ...
Lecture Notes: Introduction to the Finite Element Method

Lecture Notes: Introduction to the

Finite Element Method Yijun Liu CAE Research Laboratory Mechanical Engineering Department University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 45221-0072, U.S.A. E-mail: Web:

[email protected]

This document is downloaded from the course website: (Last Updated: May 21, 2003)

© 1997-2003 by Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati. © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to the Finite Element Method

Copyright Notice © 1997-2003 by Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati. All rights reserved. Permissions are granted for personal and educational uses only. Any other uses of these lecture notes (such as for classroom lectures outside the University of Cincinnati, trainings elsewhere, and those of a commercial nature) are not permitted, unless such uses have been granted in writing by the author.

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to the Finite Element Method

Table of Contents Copyright Notice ....................................................................................................... ii Table of Contents ..................................................................................................... iii Preface .......................................................................................................................v Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................1 I. Basic Concepts ...................................................................................................1 II. Review of Matrix Algebra .................................................................................7 III. Spring Element ..............................................................................................14 Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements.......................................................................25 I. Linear Static Analysis .......................................................................................25 II. Bar Element .....................................................................................................26 III. Beam Element .................................................................................................53 Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems ................................................................75 I. Review of the Basic Theory ...............................................................................75 II. Finite Elements for 2-D Problems ..................................................................82 Chapter 4. Finite Element Modeling and Solution Techniques........................... 105 I. Symmetry ........................................................................................................ 105 II. Substructures (Superelements) ..................................................................... 107 III. Equation Solving......................................................................................... 109 IV. Nature of Finite Element Solutions ............................................................. 112 V. Numerical Error............................................................................................ 114 © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to the Finite Element Method

VI. Convergence of FE Solutions ...................................................................... 116 VII. Adaptivity (h-, p-, and hp-Methods) ........................................................... 117 Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements ................................................................... 119 I. Plate Theory ................................................................................................... 119 II. Plate Elements ............................................................................................. 129 III. Shells and Shell Elements........................................................................... 133 Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems ..................................................... 138 I. 3-D Elasticity Theory ..................................................................................... 138 II. Finite Element Formulation.......................................................................... 142 III. Typical 3-D Solid Elements ......................................................................... 144 Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics................................................... 157 I. Basic Equations.............................................................................................. 157 II. Free Vibration............................................................................................... 163 III. Damping ...................................................................................................... 167 IV. Modal Equations.......................................................................................... 168 V. Frequency Response Analysis....................................................................... 171 VI. Transient Response Analysis ....................................................................... 172 Chapter 8. Thermal Analysis ............................................................................... 177 I. Temperature Field.......................................................................................... 177 II. Thermal Stress Analysis................................................................................ 180 Further Reading.................................................................................................... 183

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to the Finite Element Method

Preface These online lecture notes (in the form of an e-book) are intended to serve as an introduction to the finite element method (FEM) for undergraduate students or other readers who have no previous experience with this computational method. The notes cover the basic concepts in the FEM using the simplest mechanics problems as examples, and lead to the discussions and applications of the 1-D bar and beam, 2-D plane and 3-D solid elements in the analyses of structural stresses, vibrations and dynamics. The proper usage of the FEM, as a popular numerical tool in engineering, is emphasized throughout the notes. This online document is based on the lecture notes developed by the author since 1997 for the undergraduate course on the FEM in the mechanical engineering department at the University of Cincinnati. Since this is an e-book, the author suggests that the readers keep it that way and view it either online or offline on his/her computer. The contents and styles of these notes will definitely change from time to time, and therefore hard copies may become obsolete immediately after they are printed. Readers are welcome to contact the author for any suggestions on improving this e-book and to report any mistakes in the presentations of the subjects or typographical errors. The ultimate goal of this ebook on the FEM is to make it readily available for students, researchers and engineers, worldwide, to help them learn subjects in the FEM and eventually solve their own design and analysis problems using the FEM. The author thanks his former undergraduate and graduate students for their suggestions on the earlier versions of these lecture notes and for their contributions to many of the examples used in the current version of the notes. Yijun Liu Cincinnati, Ohio, USA December 2002

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 1. Introduction I. Basic Concepts The finite element method (FEM), or finite element analysis (FEA), is based on the idea of building a complicated object with simple blocks, or, dividing a complicated object into small and manageable pieces. Application of this simple idea can be found everywhere in everyday life, as well as in engineering. Examples: • Lego (kids’ play) • Buildings • Approximation of the area of a circle: “Element” Si θi R


Area of one triangle: S i = 2 R 2 sin θ i N


 2π 

2 2 Area of the circle: S N = ∑ Si = 2 R N sin N  → π R as N → ∞ i =1 where N = total number of triangles (elements). Observation: Complicated or smooth objects can be represented by geometrically simple pieces (elements).

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Why Finite Element Method? • Design analysis: hand calculations, experiments, and computer simulations • FEM/FEA is the most widely applied computer simulation method in engineering • Closely integrated with CAD/CAM applications • ...

Applications of FEM in Engineering • Mechanical/Aerospace/Civil/Automobile Engineering • Structure analysis (static/dynamic, linear/nonlinear) • Thermal/fluid flows • Electromagnetics • Geomechanics • Biomechanics • ... Modeling of gear coupling

Examples: ... © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

A Brief History of the FEM • 1943 ----- Courant (Variational methods) • 1956 ----- Turner, Clough, Martin and Topp (Stiffness) • 1960 ----- Clough (“Finite Element”, plane problems) • 1970s ----- Applications on mainframe computers • 1980s ----- Microcomputers, pre- and postprocessors • 1990s ----- Analysis of large structural systems

Can Drop Test (Click for more information and an animation)

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

FEM in Structural Analysis (The Procedure) • Divide structure into pieces (elements with nodes) • Describe the behavior of the physical quantities on each element • Connect (assemble) the elements at the nodes to form an approximate system of equations for the whole structure • Solve the system of equations involving unknown quantities at the nodes (e.g., displacements) • Calculate desired quantities (e.g., strains and stresses) at selected elements


FEM model for a gear tooth (From Cook’s book, p.2).

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Computer Implementations • Preprocessing (build FE model, loads and constraints) • FEA solver (assemble and solve the system of equations) • Postprocessing (sort and display the results)

Available Commercial FEM Software Packages • ANSYS (General purpose, PC and workstations) • SDRC/I-DEAS (Complete CAD/CAM/CAE package) • NASTRAN (General purpose FEA on mainframes) • ABAQUS (Nonlinear and dynamic analyses) • COSMOS (General purpose FEA) • ALGOR (PC and workstations) • PATRAN (Pre/Post Processor) • HyperMesh (Pre/Post Processor) • Dyna-3D (Crash/impact analysis) • ... A Link to CAE Software and Companies

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Objectives of This FEM Course • Understand the fundamental ideas of the FEM • Know the behavior and usage of each type of elements covered in this course • Be able to prepare a suitable FE model for given problems • Can interpret and evaluate the quality of the results (know the physics of the problems) • Be aware of the limitations of the FEM (don’t misuse the FEM - a numerical tool)

FEA of an Unloader Trolley (Click for more info) By Jeff Badertscher (ME Class of 2001, UC)

See more examples in: Showcase: Finite Element Analysis in Actions © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

II. Review of Matrix Algebra Linear System of Algebraic Equations a 11 x1 + a 12 x 2 +...+ a 1n x n = b1 a 21 x1 + a 22 x 2 +...+ a 2 n x n = b2 .......


a n1 x1 + a n 2 x 2 +...+ a nn x n = bn

where x1, x2, ..., xn are the unknowns. In matrix form: Ax = b


where a11 a 21 A = aij =   ... a  n1  x1  x   2 x = { xi } =   :  xn 

a12 a22 ...

[ ]

an 2

... a1n  ... a2 n   ... ...  ... ann  b1  b   2 b = {bi } =   : bn 


A is called a n×n (square) matrix, and x and b are (column) vectors of dimension n.

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Row and Column Vectors v = [ v1

 w1    w = w2  w   3

v3 ]


Matrix Addition and Subtraction For two matrices A and B, both of the same size (m×n), the addition and subtraction are defined by C= A+B


cij = aij + bij

D = A−B


d ij = a ij − bij

Scalar Multiplication λA = [λa ij ] Matrix Multiplication For two matrices A (of size l×m) and B (of size m×n), the product of AB is defined by C = AB


with cij = ∑ aik bkj k =1

where i = 1, 2, ..., l; j = 1, 2, ..., n. Note that, in general, AB ≠ BA , but ( AB )C = A ( BC) (associative).

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Transpose of a Matrix If A = [aij], then the transpose of A is

[ ]

A T = a ji

Notice that ( AB ) T = B T A T . Symmetric Matrix A square (n×n) matrix A is called symmetric, if A = AT

Unit (Identity) Matrix 1 0 0 1 I= ... ... 0 0 


a ij = a ji

... 0  ... 0   ... ... ... 1 

Note that AI = A, Ix = x. Determinant of a Matrix The determinant of square matrix A is a scalar number denoted by det A or |A|. For 2×2 and 3×3 matrices, their determinants are given by

a b  det  = ad − bc  c d  and

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

a11 a12 det a21 a22  a31 a32

Chapter 1. Introduction

a13  a23  = a11a22 a33 + a12 a23a31 + a21a32 a13  a33  − a13a22 a31 − a12a21a33 − a23a32 a11

Singular Matrix A square matrix A is singular if det A = 0, which indicates problems in the systems (nonunique solutions, degeneracy, etc.) Matrix Inversion For a square and nonsingular matrix A ( det A ≠ 0 ), its inverse A-1 is constructed in such a way that AA −1 = A −1 A = I

The cofactor matrix C of matrix A is defined by

Cij = ( −1)i + j Mij where Mij is the determinant of the smaller matrix obtained by eliminating the ith row and jth column of A. Thus, the inverse of A can be determined by A −1 =

1 CT det A

We can show that ( AB ) −1 = B −1A −1 .

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction


a b  (1)   c d 



1  d − b (ad − bc) − c a 

Checking, −1

1 a b  a b   d − b a b  1 0 =  c d   c d  (ad − bc) − c a   c d  = 0 1         

 1 −1 0  (2) − 1 2 − 1    0 − 1 2 



 3 2 1  3 2 1 1 2 2 1 = 2 2 1 =    (4 − 2 − 1)  1 1 1 1 1 1

Checking,  1 − 1 0   3 2 1 1 0 0 − 1 2 − 1 2 2 1 = 0 1 0       0 − 1 2  1 1 1 0 0 1

If det A = 0 (i.e., A is singular), then A-1 does not exist! The solution of the linear system of equations (Eq.(1)) can be expressed as (assuming the coefficient matrix A is nonsingular) x = A −1b

Thus, the main task in solving a linear system of equations is to found the inverse of the coefficient matrix. © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Solution Techniques for Linear Systems of Equations

• Gauss elimination methods • Iterative methods Positive Definite Matrix A square (n×n) matrix A is said to be positive definite, if for all nonzero vector x of dimension n, x T Ax > 0

Note that positive definite matrices are nonsingular. Differentiation and Integration of a Matrix Let



A( t ) = a ij ( t )

then the differentiation is defined by  da (t )  d A(t ) =  ij  dt  dt  and the integration by

A(t )dt =  aij (t )dt   

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Types of Finite Elements 1-D (Line) Element

(Spring, truss, beam, pipe, etc.) 2-D (Plane) Element

(Membrane, plate, shell, etc.) 3-D (Solid) Element

(3-D fields - temperature, displacement, stress, flow velocity)

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

III. Spring Element “Everything important is simple.” One Spring Element









Two nodes:

i, j

Nodal displacements:

ui, uj (in, m, mm)

Nodal forces:

fi, fj (lb, Newton)

Spring constant (stiffness):

k (lb/in, N/m, N/mm)

Spring force-displacement relationship: F = k∆

with ∆ = u j − ui Linear Nonlinear

F k

∆ k = F / ∆ (> 0) is the force needed to produce a unit stretch.

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

We only consider linear problems in this introductory course.

Consider the equilibrium of forces for the spring. At node i, we have f i = − F = − k ( u j − ui ) = kui − ku j

and at node j, f j = F = k ( u j − ui ) = − kui + ku j

In matrix form,  k − k 

− k   ui   f i   =   k  u j   f j 


ku = f where

k = (element) stiffness matrix u = (element nodal) displacement vector f = (element nodal) force vector Note that k is symmetric. Is k singular or nonsingular? That is, can we solve the equation? If not, why?

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Spring System







u1, F1

u2, F2

u3, F3

For element 1,

 k1 − k  1

− k1   u1   f 11   =  k1  u2   f 21 

element 2,

 k2 − k  2

− k 2  u2   f 12   =  k 2  u3   f 22 

where f i m is the (internal) force acting on local node i of element m (i = 1, 2).

Assemble the stiffness matrix for the whole system: Consider the equilibrium of forces at node 1, F1 = f 11

at node 2, F2 = f 21 + f 12

and node 3, F3 = f 22 © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

That is, F1 = k1u1 − k1u2 F2 = − k1u1 + ( k1 + k 2 )u2 − k 2 u3 F3 = − k 2 u2 + k 2 u3

In matrix form, − k1  k1 − k k + k  1 1 2 − k2  0

0   u1    − k2  u2  =  k2  u3 

 F1     F2  F   3

or KU = F

K is the stiffness matrix (structure matrix) for the spring system.

An alternative way of assembling the whole stiffness matrix: “Enlarging” the stiffness matrices for elements 1 and 2, we have  k1 − k  1  0

− k1 k1

0 0 0 k 2  0 − k 2


0  u1   f 11      0 u2  =  f 21   0 u3   0  0   u1   0      − k 2  u2  =  f 12   k 2  u3   f 22 

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Adding the two matrix equations (superposition), we have − k1

 k1 − k  1  0

k1 + k 2 − k2

0   u1   f 11      − k 2  u2  =  f 21 + f 12   k 2  u3   f 22 

This is the same equation we derived by using the force equilibrium concept.

Boundary and load conditions: Assuming,

u1 = 0


F2 = F3 = P

we have  k1 − k  1  0

− k1 k1 + k 2 − k2

0   0   F1      − k 2  u2  =  P   k 2  u3   P 

which reduces to  k1 + k 2  −k  2

− k 2  u2   P   =  k 2  u3   P 

and F1 = − k1u2

Unknowns are u2  U=  u3 

and the reaction force F1 (if desired).

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Solving the equations, we obtain the displacements 2 P / k1 u2    =     2 / + / u P k P k  3  1 2 and the reaction force F1 = −2 P

Checking the Results

• Deformed shape of the structure • Balance of the external forces • Order of magnitudes of the numbers

Notes About the Spring Elements

• Suitable for stiffness analysis • Not suitable for stress analysis of the spring itself • Can have spring elements with stiffness in the lateral direction, spring elements for torsion, etc.

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Example 1.1

k1 1









For the spring system shown above,

k1 = 100 N / mm, k 2 = 200 N / mm, k 3 = 100 N / mm P = 500 N, u1 = u4 = 0 Find:

(a) the global stiffness matrix (b) displacements of nodes 2 and 3 (c) the reaction forces at nodes 1 and 4 (d) the force in the spring 2


(a) The element stiffness matrices are  100 − 100 k1 =   − 100 100 



 200 − 200 k2 =  (N/mm)  − 200 200 


 100 − 100 k3 =   − 100 100 


© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Applying the superposition concept, we obtain the global stiffness matrix for the spring system as u1




0 0  − 100  100 − 100 100 + 200 0  − 200  K= 200 + 100 − 100 − 200  0  0 0 100  − 100 

or 0 0   100 − 100 − 100 300 − 200 0   K= − 200 300 − 100  0  0 0 − 100 100   which is symmetric and banded. Equilibrium (FE) equation for the whole system is 0 0   u1   F1   100 − 100 − 100 300 − 200 0  u2   0    =    − 200 300 − 100 u3   P   0  0 0 − 100 100  u4   F4  


(b) Applying the BC ( u1 = u4 = 0 ) in Eq(4), or deleting the 1st and 4th rows and columns, we have

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

 300 − 200 u2   0  − 200 300  u  =  P    3   

Chapter 1. Introduction


Solving Eq.(5), we obtain u2   P / 250  2   =  =   (mm) u3  3 P / 500 3


(c) From the 1st and 4th equations in (4), we get the reaction forces F1 = −100u 2 = −200 (N) F4 = −100u 3 = −300 (N )

(d) The FE equation for spring (element) 2 is  200 − 200  ui   f i  − 200 200  u  =  f    j   j  Here i = 2, j = 3 for element 2. Thus we can calculate the spring force as u2  F = f j = − f i = [ − 200 200]    u3  2  = [ − 200 200]    3 = 200 (N)

Check the results! © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Example 1.2 k4
















Problem: For the spring system with arbitrarily numbered nodes and elements, as shown above, find the global stiffness matrix. Solution:

First we construct the following

Element Connectivity Table Element

Node i (1)

Node j (2)

1 2 3 4

4 2 3 2

2 3 5 1

which specifies the global node numbers corresponding to the local node numbers for each element.

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 1. Introduction

Then we can write the element stiffness matrices as follows u4  k1 k1 =   − k1 u3  k3 k3 =  − k 3



− k1  k1 

 k2 k2 =  − k 2


u3 − k2  k 2 


− k3  k 3 

 k4 k4 =  − k 4

u1 − k4  k 4 

Finally, applying the superposition method, we obtain the global stiffness matrix as follows u1  k4 − k  4 K= 0  0   0




− k4 k1 + k 2 + k 4 − k2 − k1 0

0 − k2 k2 + k3 0 − k3

0 − k1 0 k1 0

u5 0  0   − k3  0  k 3 

The matrix is symmetric, banded, but singular.

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements I. Linear Static Analysis Most structural analysis problems can be treated as linear static problems, based on the following assumptions 1. Small deformations (loading pattern is not changed due to the deformed shape) 2. Elastic materials (no plasticity or failures) 3. Static loads (the load is applied to the structure in a slow or steady fashion)

Linear analysis can provide most of the information about the behavior of a structure, and can be a good approximation for many analyses. It is also the bases of nonlinear analysis in most of the cases.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

II. Bar Element Consider a uniform prismatic bar:


ui fi









cross-sectional area


elastic modulus

u = u( x )


ε = ε ( x)


σ = σ ( x)


Strain-displacement relation:


du dx


Stress-strain relation:

σ = Eε

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Stiffness Matrix --- Direct Method Assuming that the displacement u is varying linearly along the axis of the bar, i.e., u( x ) =  1 − 

x x  ui + u j L L


we have


u j − ui L

σ = Eε =


∆ L

( ∆ = elongation)

E∆ L

(4) (5)

We also have



(F = force in bar)


Thus, (5) and (6) lead to F=

where k =

EA ∆ = k∆ L


EA is the stiffness of the bar. L

The bar is acting like a spring in this case and we conclude that element stiffness matrix is

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

 k k= − k

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

 EA − EA  − k  L L = k  − EA EA     L L 



EA  1 − 1 L − 1 1 


This can be verified by considering the equilibrium of the forces at the two nodes.

Element equilibrium equation is EA  1 − 1  ui   f i   =  L − 1 1  u j   f j 


Degree of Freedom (dof) Number of components of the displacement vector at a node. For 1-D bar element: one dof at each node.

Physical Meaning of the Coefficients in k The jth column of k (here j = 1 or 2) represents the forces applied to the bar to maintain a deformed shape with unit displacement at node j and zero displacement at the other node.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Stiffness Matrix --- A Formal Approach We derive the same stiffness matrix for the bar using a formal approach which can be applied to many other more complicated situations.

Define two linear shape functions as follows N i (ξ ) = 1 − ξ ,

N j (ξ ) = ξ




x , L

0≤ξ ≤1


From (3) we can write the displacement as u( x ) = u(ξ ) = N i (ξ )ui + N j (ξ )u j


 ui  N j   = Nu u j 



u = Ni


Strain is given by (1) and (12) as


du  d  =  Nu = Bu dx  dx 


where B is the element strain-displacement matrix, which is B=


d N i (ξ ) dx



N j (ξ ) =

B = [ − 1 / L 1 / L]

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

d N i (ξ ) dξ



N j (ξ ) •

dξ dx

(14) 29

Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Stress can be written as

σ = Eε = EBu


Consider the strain energy stored in the bar U=

1 1 σ T εdV = 2 2

∫ V

∫ (u


B T EBu)dV


 1 T T = u  ( B EB )dV u 2   V


where (13) and (15) have been used. The work done by the two nodal forces is W=

1 1 1 f i ui + f j u j = u T f 2 2 2


For conservative system, we state that

U =W


which gives  1 T 1 T u  ( B EB )dV u = u T f 2  2  V

We can conclude that   T  (B EB )dV u = f   V

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

or ku = f


where k=

∫ (B


EB )dV



is the element stiffness matrix. Expression (20) is a general result which can be used for the construction of other types of elements. This expression can also be derived using other more rigorous approaches, such as the Principle of Minimum Potential Energy, or the Galerkin’s Method. Now, we evaluate (20) for the bar element by using (14) L


∫ 0

− 1 / L  EA  1 − 1  E [ − 1 / L 1 / L] Adx = 1 / L L − 1 1   

which is the same as we derived using the direct method. Note that from (16) and (20), the strain energy in the element can be written as 1 U = u T ku 2

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Example 2.1

1 2A,E 1

2 A,E 2






Problem: Find the stresses in the two bar assembly which is loaded with force P, and constrained at the two ends, as shown in the figure. Solution: Use two 1-D bar elements. Element 1, u1


2 EA  1 − 1 k1 = L − 1 1 

Element 2, u2


EA  1 − 1 k2 = L − 1 1 

Imagine a frictionless pin at node 2, which connects the two elements. We can assemble the global FE equation as follows,

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

 2 − 2 0   u1   F1  EA      − 2 3 − 1 u2  =  F2   L   0 − 1 1  u3   F3 

Load and boundary conditions (BC) are, u1 = u3 = 0,

F2 = P

FE equation becomes,  2 − 2 0   0   F1  EA      − 2 3 − 1 u2  =  P   L   0 − 1 1   0   F3 

Deleting the 1st row and column, and the 3rd row and column, we obtain, EA 3]{u2 } = { P} [ L

Thus, u2 =


and  u1  0   PL   u2  = 1 u  3EA 0  3  

Stress in element 1 is

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

u  u2 

σ 1 = Eε 1 = EB 1u1 = E[ − 1 / L 1 / L]  1  =E

u2 − u1 E  PL P =  − 0 = L L  3EA  3 A

Similarly, stress in element 2 is

u2  u3 

σ 2 = Eε 2 = EB 2 u 2 = E [ − 1 / L 1 / L]  =E

u3 − u2 E  PL  P = 0 − =− L L 3EA  3A

which indicates that bar 2 is in compression. Check the results!

Notes: • In this case, the calculated stresses in elements 1 and 2 are exact within the linear theory for 1-D bar structures. It will not help if we further divide element 1 or 2 into smaller finite elements. • For tapered bars, averaged values of the cross-sectional areas should be used for the elements. • We need to find the displacements first in order to find the stresses, since we are using the displacement based FEM.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Example 2.2

∆ 1 1

A,E 2


2 3




Problem: Determine the support reaction forces at the two ends of the bar shown above, given the following, P = 6.0 × 104 N , A = 250 mm2 ,

E = 2.0 × 104 N / mm 2 , L = 150 mm, ∆=1.2 mm

Solution: We first check to see if or not the contact of the bar with the wall on the right will occur. To do this, we imagine the wall on the right is removed and calculate the displacement at the right end, PL (6.0 × 104 )(150) = 18 . mm > ∆ = 12 . mm ∆0 = = EA (2.0 × 104 )(250) Thus, contact occurs. The global FE equation is found to be,

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

 1 − 1 0   u1   F1  EA      − 1 2 − 1 u2  =  F2   L   0 − 1 1  u3   F3 

The load and boundary conditions are, F2 = P = 6.0 × 10 4 N u1 = 0,

u3 = ∆ = 1.2 mm

FE equation becomes,  1 − 1 0   0   F1  EA      − 1 2 − 1 u2  =  P   L   0 − 1 1   ∆   F3 

The 2nd equation gives, u2  EA − 2 1 [ ]   = { P} L ∆  that is, EA EA  ∆ 2]{u2 } =  P + [ L L  

Solving this, we obtain 1 PL u2 =  + ∆ = 15 . mm  2  EA


© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

 u1   0      .  ( mm) u2  = 15 u  12   3  . 

To calculate the support reaction forces, we apply the 1st and 3rd equations in the global FE equation. The 1st equation gives,  u1  EA   EA F1 = [ 1 − 1 0] u 2  = ( − u 2 ) = −5.0 × 10 4 N L u  L  3

and the 3rd equation gives,  u1  EA   EA F3 = 0 − 1 1]u2  = ( − u2 + u3 ) [ L L u   3 = −10 . × 10 4 N

Check the results.!

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Distributed Load

q i







Uniformly distributed axial load q (N/mm, N/m, lb/in) can be converted to two equivalent nodal forces of magnitude qL/2. We verify this by considering the work done by the load q, L

Wq =

∫ 0



1 1 qL uqdx = u(ξ )q ( Ldξ ) = u(ξ ) dξ 2 2 2


qL = 2 qL = 2


∫ [ N (ξ ) i



 ui  N j (ξ )  dξ u j 


 ui  1 − ξ ξ d ξ [ ] u   j 0

1  qL =  2 2

qL   ui    2  u j 


qL / 2  uj   qL / 2 



1 u 2 i


© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

that is, qL / 2 with f q =   qL 2 /  

1 Wq = u T f q 2


Thus, from the U=W concept for the element, we have 1 T 1 1 u ku = u T f + u T f q 2 2 2


which yields ku = f + f q


The new nodal force vector is  f i + qL / 2  f + fq =   + f qL / 2 j  


In an assembly of bars,

q 1

qL/2 1

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


qL 2


qL/2 3


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Bar Elements in 2-D and 3-D Space 2-D Case




ui’ i





X Local


x, y

X, Y

ui' , v i'

ui , v i

1 dof at a node

2 dof’s at a node

Note: Lateral displacement vi’ does not contribute to the stretch of the bar, within the linear theory. Transformation ui  ui' = ui cos θ + v i sin θ = [ l m]   v i  ui  v i' = − ui sin θ + v i cos θ = [ − m l ]   v i 

where l = cosθ , m = sin θ . © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

In matrix form, m ui  ui'   l  ' =   v  − m l v  i   i 


or, ~ u i' = Tu i

where the transformation matrix m ~  l T=  − m l  ~ ~ is orthogonal, that is, T −1 = T T .


For the two nodes of the bar element, we have m 0 0   ui   ui'   l  '  0 0   v i   v i  − m l    ' = l m u j  u j   0 0 v 'j   0 0 − m l  v j 


~ T 0  with T =  ~ 0 T  


or, u = Tu '

The nodal forces are transformed in the same way, f ' = Tf

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Stiffness Matrix in the 2-D Space In the local coordinate system, we have ' ' EA  1 − 1  ui   f i   =  L − 1 1  u 'j   f j' 

Augmenting this equation, we write 1  EA  0 L − 1 0 

0 −1 0 0 0 1 0 0

0  ui'   f i '    0  vi'   0   '  =   0 u j   f j'  0 v 'j   0 

or, k 'u' = f '

Using transformations given in (29) and (30), we obtain k ' Tu = Tf

Multiplying both sides by TT and noticing that TTT = I, we obtain T T k ' Tu = f


Thus, the element stiffness matrix k in the global coordinate system is k = TT k 'T


which is a 4×4 symmetric matrix.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Explicit form, ui




lm − l 2 − lm   l2   m2 − lm − m2  EA  lm k= L  − l 2 − lm l 2 lm   2 2  lm m lm m − −  


Calculation of the directional cosines l and m: l = cosθ =

X j − Xi L


m = sin θ =

Yj − Yi L


The structure stiffness matrix is assembled by using the element stiffness matrices in the usual way as in the 1-D case. Element Stress

 ui'  1 σ = Eε = EB  '  = E −  L u j 

 ui    1   l m 0 0   vi    L  0 0 l m u j  v j 

That is,  ui  v  E  i σ = [ − l − m l m]   L u j  v j 

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Example 2.3 A simple plane truss is made of two identical bars (with E, A, and L), and loaded as shown in the figure. Find

1) displacement of node 2;

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

3 45o 2

P2 2




2) stress in each bar. 45o

Solution: 1

This simple structure is used here to demonstrate the assembly and solution process using the bar element in 2-D space.


In local coordinate systems, we have EA  1 − 1 k = = k '2   L − 1 1  ' 1

These two matrices cannot be assembled together, because they are in different coordinate systems. We need to convert them to global coordinate system OXY. Element 1:

θ = 45o , l = m =

2 2

Using formula (32) or (33), we obtain the stiffness matrix in the global system

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method


Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements




1 − 1 − 1 1 1  − − 1 1 1 EA   k 1 = T1T k 1' T1 = 1 2 L − 1 − 1 1 − 1 − 1 1 1  

Element 2:

θ = 135o , l = −

2 2 , m= 2 2

We have, u2




 1 −1 −1 1  − 1 1  − 1 1 EA   k 2 = T2T k '2 T2 = 1 − 1 2 L − 1 1  1 −1 −1 1   

Assemble the structure FE equation, u1






1 −1 −1 0 0   u1   F1 X  1 1 1 −1 −1 0 0   v1   F1Y       0 − 1 1  u2   F2 X  EA − 1 − 1 2  =   2 1 − 1 v2   F2Y  2 L − 1 − 1 0 0 0 −1 1 1 − 1 u3   F3 X       F − − v 0 0 1 1 1 1   3   3Y   © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Load and boundary conditions (BC): u1 = v1 = u3 = v3 = 0,

F2 X = P1 , F2Y = P2

Condensed FE equation, EA 2 0 u2   P1   =    0 2 2L   v2   P2  Solving this, we obtain the displacement of node 2, u2  L  P1   =   v2  EA  P2  Using formula (35), we calculate the stresses in the two bars, 0   E 2 L 0 2 − 1 − 1 1 1] σ1 = ( P1 + P2 ) [  = L 2 EA  P1  2 A  P2   P1    E 2 L  P2  2 σ2 = [1 − 1 − 1 1]  0  = ( P1 − P2 ) L 2 EA   2 A  0  Check the results:

Look for the equilibrium conditions, symmetry, antisymmetry, etc. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Example 2.4

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

(Multipoint Constraint)





2 L


1 Y 3 45o



For the plane truss shown above, P = 1000 kN,

L = 1m,

A = 6.0 × 10 − 4 m2

E = 210 GPa ,

for elements 1 and 2,

A = 6 2 × 10 − 4 m2 for element 3.

Determine the displacements and reaction forces. Solution: We have an inclined roller at node 3, which needs special attention in the FE solution. We first assemble the global FE equation for the truss. Element 1:

θ = 90 o , l = 0, m = 1

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements


v1 u2 v2

0 0  ( 210 × 10 9 )(6.0 × 10 − 4 ) 0 1 k1 = 1 0 0 0 − 1 


0 0 − 1  ( N / m) 0 0 0 1 

Element 2:

θ = 0o ,

l = 1, m = 0 u2

1  ( 210 × 10 9 )(6.0 × 10 − 4 )  0 k2 = 1 − 1 0 

v2 u3 v3 0 − 1 0 0 0 0  ( N / m) 0 1 0 0 0 0

Element 3:

θ = 45o , l =

1 1 , m= 2 2





0.5 − 0.5 − 0.5  0.5  0.5 − 0.5 − 0.5 (210 × 10 9 )( 6 2 × 10 − 4 )  0.5  k3 = 0.5  − 0.5 − 0.5 0.5 2 − 0.5 − 0.5 0.5 0.5   ( N / m)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

The global FE equation is,  0.5 0.5 0 0 − 0.5 − 0.5  u1   F1 X   . 0 − 1 − 0.5 − 0.5  v1   F1Y  15      −1 1 0 0  u2   F2 X  5 1260 × 10   v  =  F  1 0 0   2   2Y    15 0.5  u3   F3 X  .      F v 0 5 . Sym.   3   3Y  

Load and boundary conditions (BC): u1 = v1 = v2 = 0, and v3' = 0, F2 X = P , F3 x ' = 0.

From the transformation relation and the BC, we have  2 v = −  2 ' 3

2  u3  2 = (− u3 + v3 ) = 0,   2  v3  2

that is, u3 − v3 = 0

This is a multipoint constraint (MPC). Similarly, we have a relation for the force at node 3,  2 F3 x ' =   2

2   F3 X  2 = ( F3 X + F3Y ) = 0,    2   F3Y  2

that is,

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

F3 X + F3Y = 0

Applying the load and BC’s in the structure FE equation by ‘deleting’ 1st, 2nd and 4th rows and columns, we have  1 − 1 0  u2   P      1260 × 105 − 1 15 . 0.5 u3  =  F3 X     0 0.5 0.5 v3   F3Y 

Further, from the MPC and the force relation at node 3, the equation becomes,  1 − 1 0  u2   P      . 0.5 u3  =  F3 X  1260 × 105 − 1 15    0 0.5 0.5 u3  − F3 X 

which is  P   1 − 1 u  2   1260 × 105 − 1 2    =  F3 X    u3   − F  1   0  3X 

The 3rd equation yields, F3 X = −1260 × 105 u3

Substituting this into the 2nd equation and rearranging, we have  1 − 1 u2   P  1260 × 105   =   − 1 3  u3   0 

Solving this, we obtain the displacements, © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

1 u2  3 P   0.01191  =   =  ( m) 5  u P . 0 003968  3  2520 × 10     From the global FE equation, we can calculate the reaction forces, − 500  0 − 0.5 − 0.5  F1 X   0 − 0.5 − 0.5 u − 500 F   1Y 2         5 0 0  u3  =  0.0  (kN)  F2Y  = 1260 × 10  0  v  − 500 − 1 15 F  . . 0 5 3X  3        500   F3Y   0 0.5 0.5 

Check the results!

A general multipoint constraint (MPC) can be described as,

∑ Aj u j = 0 j

where Aj’s are constants and uj’s are nodal displacement components. In the FE software, such as MSC/NASTRAN, users only need to specify this relation to the software. The software will take care of the solution.

Penalty Approach for Handling BC’s and MPC’s

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

3-D Case y


Y i







x, y, z

X, Y, Z

ui' , vi' , wi'

ui , vi , wi

1 dof at node

3 dof’s at node

Element stiffness matrices are calculated in the local coordinate systems and then transformed into the global coordinate system (X, Y, Z) where they are assembled.

FEA software packages will do this transformation automatically. Input data for bar elements: • (X, Y, Z) for each node • E and A for each element

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

III. Beam Element Simple Plane Beam Element

y vi, Fi i

θi, Mi L length I E v = v( x )

vj, Fj j


θj, Mj


moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area elastic modulus deflection (lateral displacement) of the neutral axis

dv dx F = F ( x)

shear force

M = M ( x)

moment about z-axis


rotation about the z-axis

Elementary Beam Theory: d 2v EI 2 = M ( x ) dx


My I


σ =−

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Direct Method Using the results from elementary beam theory to compute each column of the stiffness matrix.

(Fig. 2.3-1. on Page 21 of Cook’s Book)

Element stiffness equation (local node: i, j or 1, 2): vi




6 L − 12 6 L   vi   Fi   12    2 2   EI  6 L 4 L − 6 L 2 L  θi   M i   =  L3 − 12 − 6 L 12 − 6 L  v j   Fj   6 L 2 L2 − 6 L 4 L2  θ   M   j   j  

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Formal Approach Apply the formula, L





To derive this, we introduce the shape functions, N 1 ( x ) = 1 − 3x 2 / L2 + 2 x 3 / L3 N 2 ( x ) = x − 2 x 2 / L + x 3 / L2


N 3 ( x ) = 3x / L − 2 x / L 2




N 4 ( x ) = − x 2 / L + x 3 / L2

Then, we can represent the deflection as, v ( x ) = Nu = [ N1 ( x)

N 2 ( x)

N 3 ( x)

 vi  θ   i N 4 ( x )]   v j  θ j 


which is a cubic function. Notice that,

N1 + N 3 = 1 N2 + N3 L + N4 = x which implies that the rigid body motion is represented by the assumed deformed shape of the beam. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Curvature of the beam is, d 2v d 2 = 2 Nu = Bu 2 dx dx


where the strain-displacement matrix B is given by, d2 B = 2 N = N 1" ( x ) N 2" ( x ) N 3" ( x ) N 4" ( x ) dx 6 12 x 4 6 x 6 12 x 2 6x  = − 2 + 3 − + 2 − − + L L L L2 L3 L L2   L




Strain energy stored in the beam element is U=

1 1 σ T εdV = 2 2

∫ V

1 = 2


∫ 0


∫∫ 0 A


 My  1  My   dAdx  − −  I  E I  L


1  d 2v  d 2v T 1 M Mdx =   EI  2  dx  dx  2  dx 2  EI

∫ 0


1 (Bu) T EI (Bu)dx = 2

∫ 0

L   1 T T = u  B EIBdx u 2   0

We conclude that the stiffness matrix for the simple beam element is L




© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Applying the result in (43) and carrying out the integration, we arrive at the same stiffness matrix as given in (38). Combining the axial stiffness (bar element), we obtain the stiffness matrix of a general 2-D beam element, ui vi θi uj vj θj  EA 0  L  12 EI  0 L3  6 EI  0 2  L k=  EA 0 − L  12 EI − 3  0 L  6 EI  0  L2

0 6 EI L2 4 EI L 0 6 EI L2 2 EI L

EA L 0 0

EA L 0 0

0 12 EI L3 6 EI − 2 L

0 12 EI L3 6 EI − 2 L

0  6 EI   L2  2 EI  L   0  6 EI  − 2  L  4 EI  L 

3-D Beam Element The element stiffness matrix is formed in the local (2-D) coordinate system first and then transformed into the global (3D) coordinate system to be assembled.

(Fig. 2.3-2. On Page 24 of Cook’s book)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Example 2.5




1 1


2 3






The beam shown above is clamped at the two ends and acted upon by the force P and moment M in the midspan.


The deflection and rotation at the center node and the reaction forces and moments at the two ends.

Solution: Element stiffness matrices are, v1




6 L − 12 6 L   12 2 2   EI  6 L 4 L − 6 L 2 L  k1 = 3 L − 12 − 6 L 12 − 6 L   6 L 2 L2 − 6 L 4 L2    v2




6 L − 12 6 L   12 2 2   EI  6 L 4 L − 6 L 2 L  k2 = 3 L − 12 − 6 L 12 − 6 L   6 L 2 L2 − 6 L 4 L2    © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Global FE equation is, v1






6 L − 12 6 L 0 0   v1   F1Y   12  6 L 4 L2 − 6 L 2 L2 0 0  θ1   M 1       0 − 12 6 L  v2   F2Y  EI − 12 − 6 L 24  =   0 8 L2 − 6 L 2 L2  θ 2   M 2  L3  6 L 2 L2  0 0 − 12 − 6 L 12 − 6 L  v3   F3Y       0 6L 2 L2 − 6 L 4 L2  θ 3   M 3   0

Loads and constraints (BC’s) are, F2Y = − P ,

M2 = M ,

v1 = v3 = θ1 = θ 3 = 0 Reduced FE equation, EI L3

24 0  v2  − P   0 8 L2  θ  =  M    2   

Solving this we obtain, 2 v 2  L − PL   =   θ 2  24 EI  3 M 

From global FE equation, we obtain the reaction forces and moments,

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

 − 12 6 L   F1Y  2   M   1  EI − 6 L 2 L  v2   =  = 3 − − F 12 6 L L   θ 2   3Y   6L  M 3  2 L2  

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

2 P + 3 M / L    1  PL + M    4 2 P − 3 M / L   − PL + M 

Stresses in the beam at the two ends can be calculated using the formula,

σ = σx = −

My I

Note that the FE solution is exact according to the simple beam theory, since no distributed load is present between the nodes. Recall that, d 2v EI 2 = M ( x ) dx and dM = V (V - shear force in the beam) dx dV = q (q - distributed load on the beam) dx Thus, d 4v EI 4 = q( x ) dx If q(x)=0, then exact solution for the deflection v is a cubic function of x, which is what described by our shape functions.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Equivalent Nodal Loads of Distributed Transverse Load

q i






qL2/12 j



This can be verified by considering the work done by the distributed load q. q


L qL/2


qL2/12 L

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Example 2.6







L Given:

A cantilever beam with distributed lateral load p as shown above.


The deflection and rotation at the right end, the reaction force and moment at the left end.

Solution: The work-equivalent nodal loads are shown below, y

f m





L where f = pL / 2,

m = pL2 / 12

Applying the FE equation, we have

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

6 L − 12 6 L   v1   F1Y   12 2 2      EI  6 L 4 L − 6 L 2 L  θ1   M 1   =  L3 − 12 − 6 L 12 − 6 L  v2   F2 Y   6 L 2 L2 − 6 L 4 L2  θ   M   2   2   Load and constraints (BC’s) are, F2 Y = − f ,

M2 = m

v1 = θ1 = 0 Reduced equation is, EI L3

 12 − 6 L  v2  − f  − 6 L 4 L2  θ  =  m    2   

Solving this, we obtain, 2 4 v 2  L − 2 L f + 3 Lm − pL / 8 EI   =  =  3 θ EI 6 Lf m pL EI 3 6 6 − + − /  2    


These nodal values are the same as the exact solution. Note that the deflection v(x) (for 0 < x< 0) in the beam by the FEM is, however, different from that by the exact solution. The exact solution by the simple beam theory is a 4th order polynomial of x, while the FE solution of v is only a 3rd order polynomial of x. If the equivalent moment m is ignored, we have, 2 4 v 2  L − 2 L f  − pL / 6 EI   =  =  3 θ  2  6 EI  − 3 Lf  − pL / 4 EI 


The errors in (B) will decrease if more elements are used. The © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

equivalent moment m is often ignored in the FEM applications. The FE solutions still converge as more elements are applied. From the FE equation, we can calculate the reaction force and moment as,  F1Y  L3  − 12 6 L  v2   pL / 2   = − 6 L 2 L2  θ  = 5 pL2 / 12  M EI   2    1  where the result in (A) is used. This force vector gives the total effective nodal forces which include the equivalent nodal forces for the distributed lateral load p given by,  − pL / 2    2 − pL / 12  The correct reaction forces can be obtained as follows,  F1Y   pL / 2   − pL / 2   pL   = = 2  − 2 2 M pL − pL 5 12 12 / /  1    pL / 2    Check the results!

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Example 2.7



1 2

1 L


2 3 L




P = 50 kN, k = 200 kN/m, L = 3 m, E = 210 GPa, I = 2×10-4 m4.


Deflections, rotations and reaction forces.

Solution: The beam has a roller (or hinge) support at node 2 and a spring support at node 3. We use two beam elements and one spring element to solve this problem. The spring stiffness matrix is given by, v3  k ks =  − k

v4 − k k 

Adding this stiffness matrix to the global FE equation (see Example 2.5), we have

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method




Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements





0 0 0   v1   F1Y  12 6 L − 12 6 L  4 L2 − 6 L 2 L2 0 0 0  θ1   M 1       24 0 − 12 6L 0  v2   F2Y   EI       2 2 8L − 6L 2 L 0  θ2  =  M 2  L3       12 + k ' − 6 L − k ' v3   F3Y    2 L 4 0   θ3   M 3  Symmetry k '  v4   F4Y   in which L3 k '= k EI is used to simply the notation. We now apply the boundary conditions, v1 = θ1 = v2 = v4 = 0, M 2 = M 3 = 0,

F3Y = − P

‘Deleting’ the first three and seventh equations (rows and columns), we have the following reduced equation, − 6 L 2 L2  θ 2   0   8 L2 EI      ' L k L − 6 12 + − 6  v 3  = − P  3   L  2 L2 − 6 L 4 L2  θ 3   0 

Solving this equation, we obtain the deflection and rotations at node 2 and node 3,

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

3 θ 2  2 PL     7 L  v3  = − EI (12 + 7 k ')   θ  9  3

The influence of the spring k is easily seen from this result. Plugging in the given numbers, we can calculate θ 2  − 0.002492 rad      v3  =  − 0.01744 m  θ   − 0.007475 rad    3 

From the global FE equation, we obtain the nodal reaction forces as,  F1Y   − 69.78 kN   M  − 69.78 kN ⋅ m   1  =     . kN F 116 2 Y 2      F4Y   3.488 kN  Checking the results: Draw free body diagram of the beam

69.78 kN 1 69.78 kN⋅m

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

50 kN 2 116.2 kN

3 3.488 kN


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

FE Analysis of Frame Structures Members in a frame are considered to be rigidly connected. Both forces and moments can be transmitted through their joints. We need the general beam element (combinations of bar and simple beam elements) to model frames. Example 2.8


3000 lb E, I, A

500 lb/ft



2 3




8 ft X

12 ft Given:

E = 30 × 10 6 psi, I = 65 in.4 , A = 6.8 in.2


Displacements and rotations of the two joints 1 and 2.

Solution: For this example, we first convert the distributed load to its equivalent nodal loads.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

3000 lb

3000 lb

72000 lb-in. 3000 lb




72000 lb-in.





In local coordinate system, the stiffness matrix for a general 2-D beam element is ui


 EA 0  L  12 EI  0 3 L  6 EI  0 L2 k=  EA 0 − L  12 EI − 3  0 L  6 EI  0  L2

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

θi 0 6 EI L2 4 EI L 0 6 EI L2 2 EI L

uj −

EA L 0 0

EA L 0 0

vj 0 12 EI L3 6 EI − 2 L

0 12 EI L3 6 EI − 2 L

θj 0  6 EI   L2  2 EI  L   0  6 EI  − 2  L  4 EI  L 


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

Element Connectivity Table Element

Node i (1)

Node j (2)

1 2 3

1 3 4

2 1 2

For element 1, we have u1






. 0 0 − 141.7 0 0   1417  0 0.784 56.4 0 − 0.784 56.4    56.4 5417 0 − 56.4 2708   0 4 k 1 = k 1 ' = 10 ×   . . − 1417 0 0 1417 0 0    0 − 0.784 − 56.4 0 0.784 − 56.4    56.4 2708 0 − 56.4 5417   0

For elements 2 and 3, the stiffness matrix in local system is, ui '

vi '

θi '

uj '



0 0 0 0  − 212.5  212.5  0 2.65 127 0 − 2.65 127    127 8125 0 − 127 4063   0 k 2 ' = k 3 ' = 104 ×   . . 212 5 0 0 212 5 0 0 −    0 0 2.65 − 127 − 2.65 − 127   0 127 4063 0 127 8125 −   where i=3, j=1 for element 2 and i=4, j=2 for element 3. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

In general, the transformation matrix T is,  l − m   0 T=  0  0   0

m l 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 −m 0 0

0 0 0 m l 0

0 0  0 0 0  1

We have l = 0, m = 1 for both elements 2 and 3. Thus, 0 − 1  0 T= 0 0  0

1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0

0 0  0 0 0  1

Using the transformation relation, k = TT k ' T

we obtain the stiffness matrices in the global coordinate system for elements 2 and 3,

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method



Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements





0 − 127 − 2.65 0 − 127  2.65  0 212.5 0 0 − 212.5 0    0 8125 127 0 4063   − 127 k 2 = 10 4 ×   . . − 2 65 0 127 2 65 0 127    0 − 212.5 0 0 212.5 0    0 4063 127 0 8125   − 127

and u4






0 − 127 − 2.65 0 − 127  2.65  0 212.5 0 0 − 212.5 0    0 8125 127 0 4063   − 127 k 3 = 104 ×   . . − 2 65 0 127 2 65 0 127    0 − 212.5 0 0 212.5 0    0 4063 127 0 8125   − 127

Assembling the global FE equation and noticing the following boundary conditions, u3 = v3 = θ3 = u4 = v4 = θ4 = 0 F1 X = 3000 lb, F2 X = 0, F1Y = F2Y = −3000 lb, M1 = −72000 lb ⋅ in. , M 2 = 72000 lb ⋅ in.

we obtain the condensed FE equation,

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

. 0 127 − 1417 0 0   u1   144.3  0 − 0.784 56.4   v1  213.3 56.4 0    − 56.4 2708  θ1  56.4 13542 0  127 4 10 ×   u  . . − 1417 0 0 144 3 0 127  2    0 − 0.784 − 56.4 0 213.3 − 56.4  v2     − 56.4 13542  θ 2  56.4 2708 127  0  3000   − 3000    − 72000 =  0    − 3000     72000  Solving this, we get

0.092 in.   u1    v   − 0.00104 in.   1   θ1   − 0.00139 rad   =  u 0 . 0901 in.  2   v2   − 0.0018 in.      . × 10− 5 rad  θ 2  − 388 To calculate the reaction forces and moments at the two ends, we employ the element FE equations for element 2 and element 3. We obtain,

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 2. Bar and Beam Elements

 F3 X   − 672.7 lb       F3Y  =  2210 lb   M  60364 lb ⋅ in.   3 

and  F4 X   − 2338 lb       F4Y  =  3825 lb   M  112641 lb ⋅ in.   4 

Check the results:

Draw the free-body diagram of the frame. Equilibrium is maintained with the calculated forces and moments. 3000 lb

3000 lb

72000 lb-in. 3000 lb

72000 lb-in.

112641 lb-in.

60364 lb-in.

2338 lb

672.7 lb 2210 lb

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

3825 lb


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems I. Review of the Basic Theory In general, the stresses and strains in a structure consist of six components:

σ x , σ y , σ z , τ xy , τ yz , τ zx

for stresses,

ε x , ε y , ε z , γ xy , γ yz , γ zx

for strains.


σy τ yz

τ xy

τ zx



σz z


Under contain conditions, the state of stresses and strains can be simplified. A general 3-D structure analysis can, therefore, be reduced to a 2-D analysis.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Plane (2-D) Problems

• Plane stress:

σ z = τ yz = τ zx = 0

(ε z ≠ 0)


A thin planar structure with constant thickness and loading within the plane of the structure (xy-plane). y





• Plane strain:

ε z = γ yz = γ zx = 0

(σ z ≠ 0)


A long structure with a uniform cross section and transverse loading along its length (z-direction). y


© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati





Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Stress-Strain-Temperature (Constitutive) Relations For elastic and isotropic materials, we have,  εx   1/ E     ε y  = − ν / E γ   0  xy  

0  σ x   ε x 0  −ν / E     1/ E 0  σ y  +  ε y 0   0 1 / G  τ xy  γ xy 0 



ε = E −1σ + ε0 where ε 0 is the initial strain, E the Young’s modulus, ν the Poisson’s ratio and G the shear modulus. Note that, G=

E 2(1 + ν )


which means that there are only two independent materials constants for homogeneous and isotropic materials. We can also express stresses in terms of strains by solving the above equation, σ x  E   σ =  y 2 1 ν − τ   xy 

0   ε x   ε x 0  1 ν      ν 1 0 ε − ε   y   y 0    0 0 (1 − ν ) / 2 γ xy  γ xy 0 



σ = Eε + σ 0 where σ 0 = − Eε 0 is the initial stress. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

The above relations are valid for plane stress case. For plane strain case, we need to replace the material constants in the above equations in the following fashion, E→


E 1− ν 2



1− ν G→G

For example, the stress is related to strain by

ν σ x  1 − ν E    ν 1−ν σ y  =  τ  (1 + ν )(1 − 2ν )  0 0   xy  in the plane strain case.

  ε x   ε x 0    ε  −  ε  0   y   y 0  (1 − 2ν ) / 2 γ xy  γ xy 0  0

Initial strains due to temperature change (thermal loading) is given by,  ε x 0  α∆T       ε y 0  = α∆T  γ   0    xy 0  


where α is the coefficient of thermal expansion, ∆T the change of temperature. Note that if the structure is free to deform under thermal loading, there will be no (elastic) stresses in the structure.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Strain and Displacement Relations For small strains and small rotations, we have,

εx =

∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v , ε y = , γ xy = + ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x

In matrix form, 0   ε x  ∂ / ∂x     u  , or ε = Du 0 / = y ε ∂ ∂  y   v  γ  ∂ / ∂y ∂ / ∂x    xy  


From this relation, we know that the strains (and thus stresses) are one order lower than the displacements, if the displacements are represented by polynomials. Equilibrium Equations In elasticity theory, the stresses in the structure must satisfy the following equilibrium equations,

∂σ x ∂τ xy + + fx = 0 ∂x ∂y ∂τ xy ∂σ y + + fy = 0 ∂x ∂y


where fx and fy are body forces (such as gravity forces) per unit volume. In FEM, these equilibrium conditions are satisfied in an approximate sense.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Boundary Conditions




y St x


The boundary S of the body can be divided into two parts, Su and St. The boundary conditions (BC’s) are described as, u = u, tx = tx ,

v = v, ty = ty ,

on Su on S t


in which tx and ty are traction forces (stresses on the boundary) and the barred quantities are those with known values. In FEM, all types of loads (distributed surface loads, body forces, concentrated forces and moments, etc.) are converted to point forces acting at the nodes. Exact Elasticity Solution The exact solution (displacements, strains and stresses) of a given problem must satisfy the equilibrium equations (9), the given boundary conditions (10) and compatibility conditions (structures should deform in a continuous manner, no cracks or overlaps in the obtained displacement fields).

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Example 3.1 A plate is supported and loaded with distributed force p as shown in the figure. The material constants are E and ν.

y p

x The exact solution for this simple problem can be found easily as follows, Displacement: p x, E

v = −ν

p , E

ε y = −ν

σ x = p,

σ y = 0,


p y E


εx =

p , E

γ xy = 0


τ xy = 0

Exact (or analytical) solutions for simple problems are numbered (suppose there is a hole in the plate!). That is why we need FEM! © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

II. Finite Elements for 2-D Problems A General Formula for the Stiffness Matrix Displacements (u, v) in a plane element are interpolated from nodal displacements (ui, vi) using shape functions Ni as follows,

u   N 1  = v   0







 u1  v  1 L   u2   L   v  2  M 


u = Nd (11)

where N is the shape function matrix, u the displacement vector and d the nodal displacement vector. Here we have assumed that u depends on the nodal values of u only, and v on nodal values of v only. From strain-displacement relation (Eq.(8)), the strain vector is,

ε = Du = DNd,


ε = Bd


where B = DN is the strain-displacement matrix.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Consider the strain energy stored in an element, U=

1 1 σ T ε dV = 2 2

∫ V


1 2

∫ (σ


ε x + σ y ε y + τ xy γ xy ) dV


T Eε ) ε dV = ( ∫ V

1 T ε Eε dV 2

∫ V

1 = d T B T EB dV d 2

∫ V

1 = d T kd 2 From this, we obtain the general formula for the element stiffness matrix,





Note that unlike the 1-D cases, E here is a matrix which is given by the stress-strain relation (e.g., Eq.(5) for plane stress). The stiffness matrix k defined by (13) is symmetric since E is symmetric. Also note that given the material property, the behavior of k depends on the B matrix only, which in turn on the shape functions. Thus, the quality of finite elements in representing the behavior of a structure is entirely determined by the choice of shape functions. Most commonly employed 2-D elements are linear or quadratic triangles and quadrilaterals.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Constant Strain Triangle (CST or T3) This is the simplest 2-D element, which is also called linear triangular element. v3 3 (x3, y3) y

u3 v

v1 1 (x1, y1)

v2 u

(x, y)

2 (x2, y2)




Linear Triangular Element

For this element, we have three nodes at the vertices of the triangle, which are numbered around the element in the counterclockwise direction. Each node has two degrees of freedom (can move in the x and y directions). The displacements u and v are assumed to be linear functions within the element, that is, u = b1 + b2 x + b3 y , v = b4 + b5 x + b6 y


where bi (i = 1, 2, ..., 6) are constants. From these, the strains are found to be,

ε x = b2 , ε y = b6 ,

γ xy = b3 + b5


which are constant throughout the element. Thus, we have the name “constant strain triangle” (CST). © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Displacements given by (14) should satisfy the following six equations, u1 = b1 + b2 x1 + b3 y1 u2 = b1 + b2 x 2 + b3 y 2 M

v 3 = b4 + b5 x 3 + b6 y3

Solving these equations, we can find the coefficients b1, b2, ..., and b6 in terms of nodal displacements and coordinates. Substituting these coefficients into (14) and rearranging the terms, we obtain,

u  N1  = v   0

0 N1

N2 0

0 N2

N3 0

 u1  v   1 0  u2    N 3  v 2   u3     v3 


where the shape functions (linear functions in x and y) are 1 {( x 2 y3 − x3 y 2 ) + ( y 2 − y3 ) x + ( x3 − x 2 ) y} 2A 1 N2 = {( x3 y1 − x1 y3 ) + ( y3 − y1 ) x + ( x1 − x3 ) y} 2A 1 N3 = {( x1 y 2 − x 2 y1 ) + ( y1 − y 2 ) x + ( x 2 − x1 ) y} 2A N1 =


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Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

1 x1 1 A = det 1 x 2 2  1 x3

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

y1  y2   y3 


is the area of the triangle (Prove this!). Using the strain-displacement relation (8), results (16) and (17), we have,

 εx   y 23 1    0 = Bd = ε  y  2 A γ   x32  xy 

0 x32 y 23

y31 0 x13

0 x13 y 31

y12 0 x 21

 u1  v  0  1  u2   x 21   (19)  v2 y12     u3     v3 

where xij = xi - xj and yij = yi - yj (i, j = 1, 2, 3). Again, we see constant strains within the element. From stress-strain relation (Eq.(5), for example), we see that stresses obtained using the CST element are also constant. Applying formula (13), we obtain the element stiffness matrix for the CST element, k=

B T EB dV = tA( B T EB )



in which t is the thickness of the element. Notice that k for CST is a 6 by 6 symmetric matrix. The matrix multiplication in (20) can be carried out by a computer program.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Both the expressions of the shape functions in (17) and their derivations are lengthy and offer little insight into the behavior of the element. ξ=0 ξ=a

η=0 η=b



η=1 (a, b) 2


The Natural Coordinates We introduce the natural coordinates (ξ , η ) on the triangle, then the shape functions can be represented simply by, N1 = ξ , N 2 = η, N 3 = 1 − ξ − η


Notice that, N1 + N 2 + N 3 = 1


which ensures that the rigid body translation is represented by the chosen shape functions. Also, as in the 1-D case, 1, Ni =  0,

at node i; at the other nodes


and varies linearly within the element. The plot for shape function N1 is shown in the following figure. N2 and N3 have similar features.

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Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method


Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems


N1 ξ=1

1 2 1

Shape Function N1 for CST We have two coordinate systems for the element: the global coordinates (x, y) and the natural coordinates (ξ , η ) . The relation between the two is given by x = N1x1 + N 2 x 2 + N 3 x3 y = N1 y1 + N 2 y 2 + N 3 y3


or, x = x13ξ + x 23η + x3 y = y13ξ + y 23η + y3


where xij = xi - xj and yij = yi - yj (i, j = 1, 2, 3) as defined earlier. Displacement u or v on the element can be viewed as functions of (x, y) or (ξ , η ) . Using the chain rule for derivatives, we have, ∂ u  ∂ x  ∂ ξ   ∂ ξ ∂ u  = ∂ x    ∂ η   ∂ η

∂ y  ∂ u  ∂ u   ∂ x  ∂ ξ   ∂ x  = J ∂ u  ∂ y   ∂ u      ∂ y  ∂ η  ∂ y 


where J is called the Jacobian matrix of the transformation. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

From (25), we calculate, x J =  13  x 23

y13  ,  y 23 

J −1 =

1  y 23 2 A − x 23

− y13  x13 


where det J = x13 y 23 − x 23 y13 = 2 A has been used (A is the area of the triangular element. Prove this!). From (26), (27), (16) and (21) we have, ∂ u   ∂ x  1  y 23 ∂ u  =    2 A − x 23 ∂ y  =

∂ u  − y13   ∂ ξ    x13   ∂ u  ∂ η 

1  y 23 2 A − x 23


− y13   u1 − u3    x13  u2 − u3 

Similarly, ∂ v   ∂ x  1  y 23 ∂ v  = − x A 2  23   ∂ y 

− y13   v1 − v3    x13  v 2 − v3 


Using the results in (28) and (29), and the relations ε = Du = DNd = Bd, we obtain the strain-displacement matrix,  y 23 1  0 B= 2A   x32









y 23



x 21

0 x 21   y12 


which is the same as we derived earlier in (19). © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Applications of the CST Element:

• Use in areas where the strain gradient is small. • Use in mesh transition areas (fine mesh to coarse mesh). • Avoid using CST in stress concentration or other crucial areas in the structure, such as edges of holes and corners. • Recommended for quick and preliminary FE analysis of 2-D problems.

Analysis of composite materials (for which the CST is NOT appropriate!)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Linear Strain Triangle (LST or T6) This element is also called quadratic triangular element. v3 u3

3 y

v5 5

v6 u6


u5 v2

v1 1






v4 x

Quadratic Triangular Element There are six nodes on this element: three corner nodes and three midside nodes. Each node has two degrees of freedom (DOF) as before. The displacements (u, v) are assumed to be quadratic functions of (x, y), u = b1 + b2 x + b3 y + b4 x 2 + b5 xy + b6 y 2 v = b7 + b8 x + b9 y + b10 x + b11 xy + b12 y 2



where bi (i = 1, 2, ..., 12) are constants. From these, the strains are found to be, ε x = b2 + 2b4 x + b5 y (32) ε y = b9 + b11 x + 2b12 y

γ xy = ( b3 + b8 ) + ( b5 + 2b10 ) x + ( 2b6 + b11 ) y which are linear functions. Thus, we have the “linear strain triangle” (LST), which provides better results than the CST. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

In the natural coordinate system we defined earlier, the six shape functions for the LST element are, N 1 = ξ ( 2ξ − 1) N 2 = η( 2η − 1) N 3 = ζ ( 2ζ − 1)


N 4 = 4ξ η N 5 = 4ηζ N 6 = 4ζ ξ in which ζ = 1 − ξ − η . Each of these six shape functions represents a quadratic form on the element as shown in the figure. ξ=0




6 ξ=1


N1 4



Shape Function N1 for LST Displacements can be written as, 6

u = ∑ N i ui , i =1


v = ∑ N i vi


i =1

The element stiffness matrix is still given by k = ∫ B T EB dV , but here BTEB is quadratic in x and y. In V

general, the integral has to be computed numerically.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Linear Quadrilateral Element (Q4)



η =1






u4 v1 1

η = −1



v2 u2


ξ = −1

ξ =1


Linear Quadrilateral Element There are four nodes at the corners of the quadrilateral shape. In the natural coordinate system (ξ , η ) , the four shape functions are, 1 1 N 1 = (1 − ξ )(1 − η ), N 2 = (1 + ξ )(1 − η ) 4 4 (35) 1 1 N 3 = (1 + ξ )(1 + η ), N 4 = (1 − ξ )(1 + η ) 4 4

Note that


∑ N i = 1 at any point inside the element, as expected. i =1

The displacement field is given by 4

u = ∑ N i ui , i =1


v = ∑ N i vi


i =1

which are bilinear functions over the element. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Quadratic Quadrilateral Element (Q8) This is the most widely used element for 2-D problems due to its high accuracy in analysis and flexibility in modeling.

η η =1



8 y



η = −1




ξ = −1


ξ =1


Quadratic Quadrilateral Element

There are eight nodes for this element, four corners nodes and four midside nodes. In the natural coordinate system (ξ , η ) , the eight shape functions are, 1 N 1 = (1 − ξ )(η − 1)(ξ + η + 1) 4 1 N 2 = (1 + ξ )(η − 1)(η − ξ + 1) 4 1 N 3 = (1 + ξ )(1 + η )(ξ + η − 1) 4 1 N 4 = (ξ − 1)(η + 1)(ξ − η + 1) 4

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

1 N 5 = (1 − η )(1 − ξ 2 ) 2 1 N 6 = (1 + ξ )(1 − η 2 ) 2 1 N 7 = (1 + η )(1 − ξ 2 ) 2 1 N 8 = (1 − ξ )(1 − η 2 ) 2

Again, we have


∑ N i = 1 at any point inside the element. i =1

The displacement field is given by 8

u = ∑ N i ui , i =1


v = ∑ N i vi


i =1

which are quadratic functions over the element. Strains and stresses over a quadratic quadrilateral element are linear functions, which are better representations. Notes:

• Q4 and T3 are usually used together in a mesh with linear elements. • Q8 and T6 are usually applied in a mesh composed of quadratic elements. • Quadratic elements are preferred for stress analysis, because of their high accuracy and the flexibility in modeling complex geometry, such as curved boundaries.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Example 3.2 A square plate with a hole at the center and under pressure in one direction.

y p A



The dimension of the plate is 10 in. x 10 in., thickness is 0.1 in. and radius of the hole is 1 in. Assume E = 10x106 psi, v = 0.3 and p = 100 psi. Find the maximum stress in the plate.

FE Analysis:

From the knowledge of stress concentrations, we should expect the maximum stresses occur at points A and B on the edge of the hole. Value of this stress should be around 3p (= 300 psi) which is the exact solution for an infinitely large plate with a hole.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

We use the ANSYS FEA software to do the modeling (meshing) and analysis, using quadratic triangular (T6 or LST), linear quadrilateral (Q4) and quadratic quadrilateral (Q8) elements. Linear triangles (CST or T3) is NOT available in ANSYS. The stress calculations are listed in the following table, along with the number of elements and DOF used, for comparison. Table. FEA Stress Results

Elem. Type

No. Elem.


Max. σ (psi)






















• Check the deformed shape of the plate • Check convergence (use a finer mesh, if possible) • Less elements (~ 100) should be enough to achieve the same accuracy with a better or “smarter” mesh • We’ll redo this example in next chapter employing the symmetry conditions. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

FEA Mesh (Q8, 493 elements)

FEA Stress Plot (Q8, 493 elements)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Transformation of Loads Concentrated load (point forces), surface traction (pressure loads) and body force (weight) are the main types of loads applied to a structure. Both traction and body forces need to be converted to nodal forces in the FEA, since they cannot be applied to the FE model directly. The conversions of these loads are based on the same idea (the equivalent-work concept) which we have used for the cases of bar and beam elements. qB




fA s




Traction on a Q4 element

Suppose, for example, we have a linearly varying traction q on a Q4 element edge, as shown in the figure. The traction is normal to the boundary. Using the local (tangential) coordinate s, we can write the work done by the traction q as, L

Wq = t ∫ un ( s )q( s )ds 0

where t is the thickness, L the side length and un the component of displacement normal to the edge AB. For the Q4 element (linear displacement field), we have © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

un ( s ) = (1 − s / L )unA + ( s / L )unB

The traction q(s), which is also linear, is given in a similar way, q( s ) = (1 − s / L )q A + ( s / L )qB Thus, we have,  Wq = t ∫  [ unA 0 L

 q A  1 − s / L   − s / L s / L unB ] 1  ds  [ ]     q B   s / L  

= [ unA

( s / L )(1 − s / L ) q A   (1 − s / L ) 2 unB ]t ∫   ds q  2 − s L s L s L ( / )( / ) ( / ) 1 0    B

= [ unA

unB ]


tL 2 1 q A  6 1 2 q B 

and the equivalent nodal force vector is,  f A  tL 2 1 q A   =   q  1 2 f 6  B    B Note, for constant q, we have,  f A  qtL 1   = f 2 1  B For quadratic elements (either triangular or quadrilateral), the traction is converted to forces at three nodes along the edge, instead of two nodes. Traction tangent to the boundary, as well as body forces, are converted to nodal forces in a similar way.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

Stress Calculation The stress in an element is determined by the following relation, σ x   εx      σ y  = E ε y  = EBd τ  γ   xy   xy 


where B is the strain-nodal displacement matrix and d is the nodal displacement vector which is known for each element once the global FE equation has been solved. Stresses can be evaluated at any point inside the element (such as the center) or at the nodes. Contour plots are usually used in FEA software packages (during post-process) for users to visually inspect the stress results.

The von Mises Stress:

The von Mises stress is the effective or equivalent stress for 2-D and 3-D stress analysis. For a ductile material, the stress level is considered to be safe, if

σ e ≤ σY where σ e is the von Mises stress and σ Y the yield stress of the material. This is a generalization of the 1-D (experimental) result to 2-D and 3-D situations.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

The von Mises stress is defined by

σe =

1 (σ 1 − σ 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) 2 + (σ 3 − σ 1 ) 2 2


in which σ 1 , σ 2 and σ 3 are the three principle stresses at the considered point in a structure. For 2-D problems, the two principle stresses in the plane are determined by

σ1P = σ2 = P

σx +σ y 2

σx +σ y 2

σx −σ y  2 +   + τ xy  2  2


σx −σ y  2 −   + τ xy  2 


Thus, we can also express the von Mises stress in terms of the stress components in the xy coordinate system. For plane stress conditions, we have,

σ e = (σ x + σ y ) 2 − 3(σ x σ y − τ xy2 )


Averaged Stresses:

Stresses are usually averaged at nodes in FEA software packages to provide more accurate stress values. This option should be turned off at nodes between two materials or other geometry discontinuity locations where stress discontinuity does exist.

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Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems


1) Know the behaviors of each type of elements: T3 and Q4:

linear displacement, constant strain and stress;

T6 and Q8:

quadratic displacement, linear strain and stress.

2) Choose the right type of elements for a given problem:

When in doubt, use higher order elements or a finer mesh.

3) Avoid elements with large aspect ratios and corner angles:

Aspect ratio = Lmax / Lmin where Lmax and Lmin are the largest and smallest characteristic lengths of an element, respectively.

Elements with Bad Shapes

Elements with Nice Shapes © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 3. Two-Dimensional Problems

4) Connect the elements properly:

Don’t leave unintended gaps or free elements in FE models. A




Improper connections (gaps along AB and CD)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

Chapter 4. Finite Element Modeling and Solution Techniques I. Symmetry A structure possesses symmetry if its components are arranged in a periodic or reflective manner.

Types of Symmetry:

• Reflective (mirror, bilateral) symmetry • Rotational (cyclic) symmetry • Axisymmetry • Translational symmetry • ...


© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

Applications of the symmetry properties:

• Reducing the size of the problems (save CPU time, disk space, postprocessing effort, etc.) • Simplifying the modeling task • Checking the FEA results • ...

Symmetry of a structure should be fully exploited and retained in the FE model to ensure the efficiency and quality of FE solutions.


… Cautions: In vibration and buckling analyses, symmetry concepts, in general, should not be used in FE solutions (works fine in modeling), since symmetric structures often have antisymmetric vibration or buckling modes.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

II. Substructures (Superelements) Substructuring is a process of analyzing a large structure as a collection of (natural) components. The FE models for these components are called substructures or superelements (SE).

Physical Meaning: A finite element model of a portion of structure.

Mathematical Meaning: Boundary matrices which are load and stiffness matrices reduced (condensed) from the interior points to the exterior or boundary points.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

Advantages of Using Substructures/Superelements:

• Large problems (which will otherwise exceed your computer capabilities) • Less CPU time per run once the superelements have been processed (i.e., matrices have been saved) • Components may be modeled by different groups • Partial redesign requires only partial reanalysis (reduced cost) • Efficient for problems with local nonlinearities (such as confined plastic deformations) which can be placed in one superelement (residual structure) • Exact for static stress analysis


• Increased overhead for file management • Matrix condensation for dynamic problems introduce new approximations • ...

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

III. Equation Solving Direct Methods (Gauss Elimination):

• Solution time proportional to NB2 (N is the dimension of the matrix, B the bandwidth) • Suitable for small to medium problems, or slender structures (small bandwidth) • Easy to handle multiple load cases

Iterative Methods:

• Solution time is unknown beforehand • Reduced storage requirement • Suitable for large problems, or bulky structures (large bandwidth, converge faster) • Need solving again for different load cases

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

Gauss Elimination - Example:  8 − 2 0   x1   2   − 2 4 − 3  x  = − 1  2      0 − 3 3   x 3   3 

or Ax = b .

Forward Elimination: Form

(1)  8 − 2 0 ( 2)  − 2 4 − 3  (3)  0 − 3 3

2 − 1 ;  3 

(1) + 4 x (2) ⇒ (2): 0 (1) 8 − 2 ( 2) 0 14 − 12  3 (3) 0 − 3

(2) +

2 − 2 ;  3 

14 (3) ⇒ (3): 3

0 (1) 8 − 2 ( 2) 0 14 − 12  2 (3) 0 0

2 − 2 ;  12 

Back Substitution: x 3 = 12 / 2 = 6 x 2 = ( −2 + 12 x 3 ) / 14 = 5 x1 = ( 2 + 2 x 2 ) / 8 = 1.5

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


1.5   x =  5 . 6   110

Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

Iterative Method - Example: The Gauss-Seidel Method Ax = b (A is symmetric)



∑ aij x j = bi ,

i = 1, 2, ..., N .

j =1

Start with an estimate x ( 0 ) and then iterate using the following: xi

( k + 1)

i −1 N  ( k + 1) (k )  b a x a x − − , ∑ ∑ i ij j ij j   j =1 j = i +1   for i = 1, 2, ..., N .

1 = a ii

In vector form, −1




x ( k + 1) = A D b − A L x ( k + 1) − A L x ( k ) ,

where A D = 〈 a ii 〉 is the diagonal matrix of A, A L is the lower triangular matrix of A, T

such that A = A D + A L + A L . Iterations continue until solution x converges, i.e. x ( k + 1) − x ( k ) x

(k )


where ε is the tolerance for convergence control.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

IV. Nature of Finite Element Solutions • FE Model – A mathematical model of the real structure, based on many approximations. • Real Structure -- Infinite number of nodes (physical points or particles), thus infinite number of DOF’s. • FE Model – finite number of nodes, thus finite number of DOF’s. Ö Displacement field is controlled (or constrained) by the values at a limited number of nodes.

Recall that on an element : 4

u = ∑ N α uα α =1

Stiffening Effect:

• FE Model is stiffer than the real structure. • In general, displacement results are smaller in magnitudes than the exact values.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

Hence, FEM solution of displacement provides a lower bound of the exact solution. ∆ (Displacement)

Exact Solution FEM Solutions

No. of DOF’s

The FEM solution approaches the exact solution from below. This is true for displacement based FEA!

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

V. Numerical Error Error ≠ Mistakes in FEM (modeling or solution).

Type of Errors:

• Modeling Error (beam, plate … theories) • Discretization Error (finite, piecewise …) • Numerical Error ( in solving FE equations)

Example (numerical error): u1








FE Equations:  k1 − k  1


− k 1   u1   P   =  k 1 + k 2  u 2   0 

Det K = k 1 k 2 .

The system will be singular if k2 is small compared with k1.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

P k1

u2 = u1 − u2

u2 =

k1 u1 k1 + k 2

k2 > k1 (two line apart): Ö System well conditioned.



• Large difference in stiffness of different parts in FE model may cause ill-conditioning in FE equations. Hence giving results with large errors. • Ill-conditioned system of equations can lead to large changes in solution with small changes in input (right hand side vector).

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

VI. Convergence of FE Solutions As the mesh in an FE model is “refined” repeatedly, the FE solution will converge to the exact solution of the mathematical model of the problem (the model based on bar, beam, plane stress/strain, plate, shell, or 3-D elasticity theories or assumptions).

Type of Refinements: h-refinement: reduce the size of the element (“h” refers to the typical size of the elements);


Increase the order of the polynomials on an element (linear to quadratic, etc.; “h” refers to the highest order in a polynomial);


re-arrange the nodes in the mesh;

hp-refinement: Combination of the h- and p-refinements (better results!).

Examples: …

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

VII. Adaptivity (h-, p-, and hp-Methods) • Future of FE applications • Automatic refinement of FE meshes until converged results are obtained • User’s responsibility reduced: only need to generate a good initial mesh Error Indicators: Define,

σ --- element by element stress field (discontinuous), σ*--- averaged or smooth stress (continuous), σE = σ - σ* --- the error stress field. Compute strain energy, M

U = ∑U i , i =1


U = ∑U i* , *

i =1 M

U E = ∑U E i , i =1

Ui =

1 T −1 ∫ 2 σ E σdV ; V i

U* = i

1 *T −1 * ∫ 2 σ E σ dV ; V i

UEi =

1 T −1 ∫ 2 σ E E σ E dV ; V i

where M is the total number of elements, Vi is the volume of the element i. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. FE Modeling and Solution Techniques

One error indicator --- the relative energy error: 1/ 2

 UE  η= .  U + U E 

(0 ≤ η ≤ 1)

The indicator η is computed after each FE solution. Refinement of the FE model continues until, say η ≤ 0.05. => converged FE solution.

Examples: …

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements I. Plate Theory • Flat plate • Lateral loading • Bending behavior dominates Note the following similarity: 1-D straight beam model Ù 2-D flat plate model


• Shear walls • Floor panels • Shelves • …

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Forces and Moments Acting on the Plate: z

∆y y





Qy t

Mx Qx


Mid surface


Stresses: z



σy τxy τxz x


© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Relations Between Forces and Stresses Bending moments (per unit length):

M x = ∫− t / 2 σ x zdz ,


( N ⋅ m / m)



( N ⋅ m / m)


( N ⋅ m / m)


( N / m)


( N / m)


M y = ∫− t / 2 σ y zdz , Twisting moment (per unit length): t/2

M xy = ∫− t / 2 τ xy zdz , Shear Forces (per unit length): t/2

Q x = ∫− t / 2 τ xz dz , t/2

Q y = ∫− t / 2 τ yz dz , Maximum bending stresses: (σ x ) max = ±

6M x , t2

(σ y ) max = ±

6M y t2



• Maximum stress is always at z = ± t / 2 • No bending stresses at midsurface (similar to the beam model)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Thin Plate Theory ( Kirchhoff Plate Theory)

Assumptions (similar to those in the beam theory):

A straight line along the normal to the mid surface remains straight and normal to the deflected mid surface after loading, that is, these is no transverse shear deformation:

γ xz = γ yz = 0 . Displacement:

∂w ∂x


w x

w = w( x, y ), ∂w u = −z , ∂x ∂w v = −z . ∂y

( deflection )

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements


∂ 2w ε x = −z 2 , ∂x ∂ 2w ε y = −z 2 , ∂y ∂ 2w γ xy = −2 z . ∂x∂y


Note that there is no stretch of the mid surface due to the deflection (bending) of the plate.

Stresses (plane stress state): σ x  E   σ y  = 2 − ν 1 τ   xy 

0 1 ν  ε x  ν 1  ε  , 0   y     0 0 (1 − ν ) / 2 γ xy 

or,  ∂2w   2  0   ∂x2  σ x  1 ν E     ∂ w  . ν 1 0 σ y  = − z 2    ∂y 2  − 1 ν τ   0 0 (1 − ν )  ∂ 2 w   xy     ∂x∂y 


Main variable: deflection w = w( x, y ) .

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Governing Equation: D∇ 4 w = q ( x , y ) ,



∂4 ∂4 ∂4 ∇ ≡ ( 4 + 2 2 2 + 4 ), ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y 4

Et 3 D= (the bending rigidity of the plate), 2 12(1 − ν ) q = lateral distributed load (force/area). Compare the 1-D equation for straight beam: d 4w EI = q( x ) . 4 dx

Note: Equation (10) represents the equilibrium condition in the z-direction. To see this, refer to the previous figure showing all the forces on a plate element. Summing the forces in the zdirection, we have, Q x ∆y + Q y ∆x + q∆x∆y = 0, which yields, ∂Q x ∂Q y + q( x , y ) = 0 . + ∂y ∂x

Substituting the following relations into the above equation, we obtain Eq. (10). © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Shear forces and bending moments: Qx =

∂M x ∂M xy , + ∂y ∂x

Qy =

∂2w   ∂2w M x = D 2 + ν 2  , ∂y   ∂x

∂M xy ∂x


∂M y ∂y


∂2w   ∂2w M y = D 2 + ν 2  . ∂x   ∂y

The fourth-order partial differential equation, given in (10) and in terms of the deflection w(x,y), needs to be solved under certain given boundary conditions.

Boundary Conditions: Clamped:

w = 0,

∂w = 0; ∂n


Simply supported:

w = 0,

M n = 0;



Q n = 0,

M n = 0;


where n is the normal direction of the boundary. Note that the given values in the boundary conditions shown above can be non-zero values as well. s


boundary © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Examples: A square plate with four edges clamped or hinged, and under a uniform load q or a concentrated force P at the center C. z



y L

Given: E, t, and ν = 0.3

For this simple geometry, Eq. (10) with boundary condition (11) or (12) can be solved analytically. The maximum deflections are given in the following table for the different cases.

Deflection at the Center (wc) Clamped

Simply supported

Under uniform load q

0.00126 qL4/D

0.00406 qL4/D

Under concentrated force P

0.00560 PL2/D

0.0116 PL2/D

in which: D= Et3/(12(1-v2)). These values can be used to verify the FEA solutions.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Thick Plate Theory (Mindlin Plate Theory) If the thickness t of a plate is not “thin”, e.g., t / L ≥ 1 / 10 (L = a characteristic dimension of the plate), then the thick plate theory by Mindlin should be applied. This theory accounts for the angle changes within a cross section, that is,

γ xz ≠ 0,

γ yz ≠ 0 .

This means that a line which is normal to the mid surface before the deformation will not be so after the deformation.


θy  ≠ − 

w ∂w ∂x

∂w   ∂x 


New independent variables:

θ x and θ y : rotation angles of a line, which is normal to the mid surface before the deformation, about x- and y-axis, respectively.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

New relations: u = zθ y ,

v = − zθ x ;


∂θ y , ∂x ∂θ ε y = −z x , ∂y ∂θ ∂θ γ xy = z ( y − x ), ∂y ∂x ∂w γ xz = +θ y , ∂x ∂w γ yz = −θ x. ∂y εx = z


Note that if we imposed the conditions (or assumptions) that

γ xz =

∂w + θ y = 0, ∂x

γ yz =

∂w − θ x = 0, ∂y

then we can recover the relations applied in the thin plate theory. Main variables: w( x, y ),θ x ( x, y ) and θ y ( x, y ) . The governing equations and boundary conditions can be established for thick plate based on the above assumptions.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

II. Plate Elements Kirchhoff Plate Elements:

4-Node Quadrilateral Element z Mid surface




x 1 ∂w  ∂w  w1 ,   ,    ∂x 1  ∂y 1

DOF at each node:



 ∂w   ∂w  w2 ,   ,    ∂x  2  ∂y  2


∂w ∂w , . ∂y ∂y

On each element, the deflection w(x,y) is represented by

∂w ∂w   w( x, y ) = ∑  N i wi + N xi ( ) i + N yi ( ) i  , ∂x ∂y  i =1  4

where Ni, Nxi and Nyi are shape functions. This is an incompatible element! The stiffness matrix is still of the form

k = ∫ B T EBdV , V

where B is the strain-displacement matrix, and E the stressstrain matrix. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Mindlin Plate Elements:

4-Node Quadrilateral z

8-Node Quadrilateral z






y 3



x 1




DOF at each node:





w, θx and θy.

On each element: n

w( x, y ) = ∑ N i wi , i =1 n

θ x ( x, y ) = ∑ N iθ xi , i =1 n

θ y ( x, y ) = ∑ N iθ yi . i =1

• Three independent fields. • Deflection w(x,y) is linear for Q4, and quadratic for Q8.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Discrete Kirchhoff Element: Triangular plate element (not available in ANSYS).

Start with a 6-node triangular element, z


3 6

4 1




DOF at corner nodes: w,


∂w ∂w , ,θ x ,θ y ; ∂ x ∂y

DOF at mid side nodes: θ x ,θ y . Total DOF = 21. Then, impose conditions γ xz = γ yz = 0 , etc., at selected nodes to reduce the DOF (using relations in (15)). Obtain: z






∂w   ∂w  At each node: w,θ x  = . ,θ y  = ∂ x y ∂     Total DOF = 9 (DKT Element). • Incompatible w(x,y); convergence is faster (w is cubic along each edge) and it is efficient. © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Test Problem: z P C

y L


L/t = 10, ν = 0.3


ANSYS 4-node quadrilateral plate element.

ANSYS Result for wc Mesh

wc (× PL2/D)











Exact Solution


Question: Converges from “above”? Contradiction to what we learnt about the nature of the FEA solution? Reason: This is an incompatible element ( See comments on p. 177).

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

III. Shells and Shell Elements Shells – Thin structures witch span over curved surfaces.

Example: • Sea shell, egg shell (the wonder of the nature); • Containers, pipes, tanks; • Car bodies; • Roofs, buildings (the Superdome), etc. Forces in shells: Membrane forces + Bending Moments (cf. plates: bending only)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Example: A Cylindrical Container.



internal forces:


p membrane stresses dominate

Shell Theory:

• Thin shell theory • Thick shell theory Shell theories are the most complicated ones to formulate and analyze in mechanics (Russian’s contributions). • Engineering ≠ Craftsmanship • Demand strong analytical skill

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Shell Elements:


plane stress element

plate bending element

flat shell element

cf.: bar + simple beam element => general beam element. DOF at each node:



v u


Q4 or Q8 shell element.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Curved shell elements:




v i




• Based on shell theories; • Most general shell elements (flat shell and plate elements are subsets); • Complicated in formulation.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 5. Plate and Shell Elements

Test Cases: q




R 80o



F Roof

Pinched Cylinder




F b A




F Pinched Hemisphere

Twisted Strip (90o)

Ö Check the Table, on page 188 of Cook’s book, for values of the displacement ∆A under the various loading conditions. Difficulties in Application: •

Non uniform thickness (turbo blades, vessels with stiffeners, thin layered structures, etc.); Should turn to 3-D theory and apply solid elements.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems I. 3-D Elasticity Theory Stress State:

y F

x z y,v


τ yx

τ yz

τ xy

τ zy

σx σz

τ zx

τ xz

x, u

z, w

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

σx σ  y σ σ = {σ }=  z  τ xy  τ yz   τ zx

     ,    

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems


[σ ] ij


[ε ]



 εx  εy  εz ε = { ε }=  γ xy γ  yz  γ zx

      




Stress-strain relation: σx σ  y σz   τ xy  τ yz   τ zx

v v 0 0 0  1 − v  v  v 1− v 0 0 0  εx      v v v 1 0 0 0 −  ε y    1 − 2v  0  E 0 0   ε z  0 0 =  2  (1 + v )(1 − 2v )   γ xy  1 − 2v 0 0 0 0  γ yz    0 2     1 2 v −   γ zx   0 0 0 0 0  2 


© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

σ = Eε



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Displacement:  u ( x, y , z )   u1      u =  v ( x, y , z )  =  u 2   w( x , y , z )   u    3 

( 4)

Strain-Displacement Relation: ∂w ∂u ∂v εx = , εy = , εz = , ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂v ∂u ∂w ∂v ∂u ∂w + + γ xy = + , γ yz = , γ xz = ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x



ε ij =

1  ∂ui ∂u j   +  , 2  ∂x j ∂xi 

( i, j = 1, 2, 3)

1 ui , j + u j ,i ) ( 2

( tensor notation)

or simply,

ε ij =

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Equilibrium Equations: ∂σ x ∂τ xy ∂τ xz + + + fx = 0 , ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂τ yx ∂σ y ∂τ yz + + + fy = 0 , ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂τ zx ∂τ zy ∂σ z + + + fz = 0 , ∂x ∂y ∂z or

( 6)

σ ij , j + f i = 0 Boundary Conditions (BC’s): ui = ui , on Γu ( specified displacement ) ti = ti ,

on Γσ ( specified traction )

( 7)

( traction ti = σ ij n j )

p n


Γ ( = Γu + Γσ ) Γu

Stress Analysis: Solving equations in (3), (5) and (6) under the BC’s in (7) provides the stress, strain and displacement fields (15 equations for 15 unknowns for 3-D problems). Analytical solutions are difficult to find! © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

II. Finite Element Formulation Displacement Field:



∑ N i ui i =1



∑ N i vi


i =1



∑ N i wi i =1

Nodal values In matrix form:

N1 u     = 0 v  w 0  ( 3×1) 

















 u1   v1  L  w1    L (9)  u2  L ( 3×3N )  v2  w2   M ( 3N ×1)

u=Nd Using relations (5) and (8), we can derive the strain vector ε =B d (6×1) (6×3N)×(3N×1)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Stiffness Matrix:

k = ∫ B T E B dv



(3×N) (3N×6)×(6×6)×(6×3N) Numerical quadratures are often needed to evaluate the above integration. Rigid-body motions for 3-D bodies (6 components): 3 translations, 3 rotations. These rigid-body motions (causes of singularity of the system of equations) must be removed from the FEA model to ensure the quality of the analysis.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

III. Typical 3-D Solid Elements Tetrahedron:

linear (4 nodes)

quadratic (10 nodes)

Hexahedron (brick):

linear (8 nodes)

quadratic (20 nodes)


linear (6 nodes)

quadratic (15 nodes)

Avoid using the linear (4-node) tetrahedron element in 3-D stress analysis (Inaccurate! However, it is OK for static deformation or vibration analysis). © 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Element Formulation: Linear Hexahedron Element

3 4 8




1 5

6 x mapping (xyz↔ξηζ) (-1≤ ξ,η,ζ ≤ 1)


η (-1,1,-1) 4

3 (1,1,-1)

(-1,1,1) 8

7 (1,1,1)


o (-1,-1,-1) 1

2 (1,-1,-1)

(-1,-1,1) 5

6 (1,-1,1)


Displacement field in the element: 8

u = ∑ N i ui , i =1



i =1

1i =1

v = ∑ N i vi , w = ∑ N i wi

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Shape functions:

1 N 1 (ξ ,η ,ζ ) = (1 − ξ ) (1 − η ) (1 − ζ ) , 8 1 N 2 (ξ ,η , ζ ) = (1 + ξ ) (1 − η ) (1 − ζ ) , 8 1 N 3 (ξ ,η , ζ ) = (1 + ξ ) (1 + η ) (1 − ζ ) , 8 M M


1 N 8 (ξ ,η , ζ ) = (1 − ξ ) (1 + η ) (1 + ζ ) . 8 Note that we have the following relations for the shape functions: N i ( ξ j ,η j ,ζ j ) = δ ij , i, j = 1,2,L, 8. 8

∑ N i ( ξ ,η ,ζ ) = 1. i =1

Coordinate Transformation (Mapping): 8



i =1

i =1

i =1

x = ∑ N i xi , y = ∑ N i yi , z = ∑ N i zi .


The same shape functions are used as for the displacement field. ⇒

Isoparametric element.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Jacobian Matrix:  ∂u   ∂ξ     ∂u   =  ∂η   ∂u   ∂ζ 

 ∂x  ∂ξ   ∂x  ∂η  ∂x   ∂ζ

∂y ∂ξ ∂y ∂η ∂y ∂ζ

∂z  ∂ξ   ∂z  ∂η  ∂z   ∂ζ 

≡ J

 ∂u   ∂x   ∂u     ∂y   ∂u   ∂z 


Jacobian matrix

 ∂u   ∂u   ∂ξ   ∂x     ∂u  −1  ∂u  ⇒  =J   ,  ∂y   ∂η   ∂u   ∂u   ∂z   ∂ζ 

 ∂u =   ∂ξ

∂N i  u , etc .  ∑ ∂ξ i i =1  8

and  ∂v   ∂v   ∂ξ   ∂x     ∂v  −1  ∂v   =J   ,  ∂y   ∂η   ∂v   ∂v   ∂z   ∂ζ 


also for w.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

⇒  ∂u   ∂x   ∂v   ε x   ∂ y  ε    y   ∂w   ε z   ∂z  ε =   =  ∂x ∂u  = L use (15) = B d γ xy   +  γ yz   ∂x ∂y     ∂w ∂v  γ zx   +  ∂y ∂z   ∂ u w ∂  +   ∂z ∂x 

where d is the nodal displacement vector, i.e., ε = Bd


(6×1) (6×24)×(24×1)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Strain energy, 1 1 U = ∫ σ T ε dV = ∫ ( Eε ) T ε dV 2V 2V 1 = ∫ ε T E ε dV 2V =

1 T T  d  ∫ B E B dV  d 2  V


Element stiffness matrix,

k = ∫ B T E B dV



(24×24) (24×6)×(6×6)×(6×24)

In ξηζ coordinates: dV = (det J ) dξ dη dζ ⇒


1 1 1

k = ∫ ∫ ∫ B T E B (det J ) dξ dη dζ

( 20)

−1 −1 −1

( Numerical integration) •

3-D elements usually do not use rotational DOFs.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Treatment of distributed loads:

Distributed loads ⇒ Nodal forces pA/3



Area =A

Nodal forces for 20-node Hexahedron

Stresses: σ = Eε = EBd Principal stresses: σ 1 ,σ 2 ,σ 3 . von Mises stress: 1 σ e = σ VM = (σ 1 − σ 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) 2 + (σ 3 − σ 1 ) 2 . 2

Stresses are evaluated at selected points (including nodes) on each element. Averaging (around a node, for example) may be employed to smooth the field. Examples: …

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Solids of Revolution (Axisymmetric Solids)

Baseball bat


Apply cylindrical coordinates:

( x, y, z) ⇒ (r, θ, z) z, w

θ r, u z, w

θ r, u r

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



τ rz σr


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Displacement field: u = u ( r , z ) , w = w( r , z )

(No v − circumferential component )


∂w ∂u u , εθ = , εz = , ∂z ∂r r ∂w ∂u + γ rz = , (γ rθ = γ zθ = 0) ∂r ∂z

εr =

r dθ


( 21)




σ r  σ  E  θ  = σ z  (1 + v ) (1 − 2v ) τ rz 

0  v v 1 − v  v 1− v 0  v   0  v 1− v  v 1 − 2v   0 0 0  2 

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

ε r  ε   θ   ( 22) ε z  γ rz 


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

Axisymmetric Elements




r, u

r, u 3








1 3-node element (ring)

k = B T E B rdr dθ dz

4-node element (ring) ( 23)


or 2π 1 1



B T E B r (det J ) dξ dη dθ

0 −1 −1 1 1

= 2π


B T E B r (det J ) dξ dη

( 24)

−1 −1

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems


• Rotating Flywheel: z

ω angular velocity (rad/s) r

Body forces: fr = ρ rω 2

( equivalent radial centrifugal/ inertial force)

fz = − ρ g

( gravitational force)

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

• Cylinder Subject to Internal Pressure: p

r0 q = ( p ) 2π r0

• Press Fit:



ri +δ

ring ( Sleeve)

shaft at r = ri :

uo − ui = δ ⇒ MPC “i” “o”

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 6. Solid Elements for 3-D Problems

• Belleville (Conical) Spring: z





δ This is a geometrically nonlinear (large deformation) problem and iteration method (incremental approach) needs to be employed.

© 1997-2002 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics •

• •

Natural frequencies and modes


Frequency response (F(t)=Fo sinωt) Transient response (F(t) arbitrary)

I. Basic Equations A. Single DOF System k




ku c u&


 m - mass  k - stiffness    c - damping  f ( t ) - force

f(t) x, u

From Newton’s law of motion (ma = F), we have

mu&& = f(t)−k u −cu& , i.e.

mu&&+cu& +k u = f(t) ,


2 2 where u is the displacement, u& = du / dt and u&& = d u / dt .

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Free Vibration:

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

f(t) = 0 and no damping (c = 0)

Eq. (1) becomes

mu&&+k u = 0 . (meaning: inertia force + stiffness force = 0)


Assume: u(t) = U sin (ω t) ,

where ω is the frequency of oscillation, U the amplitude. Eq. (2) yields −Uω2 m sin( ωt)+kU sin( ωt)= 0


[− ω



m+k U = 0.

For nontrivial solutions for U, we must have

[− ω



m+k = 0,

which yields ω =

k . m


This is the circular natural frequency of the single DOF system (rad/s). The cyclic frequency (1/s = Hz) is f =

ω , 2π

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati



Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method


Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

u = U s in w t U t

U T = 1 /f U n d a m p e d F r e e V ib r a t io n

With non-zero damping c, where 0 < c < cc = 2mω = 2 k m

(cc = critical damping)


we have the damped natural frequency:

ωd = ω 1 − ξ 2 , where ξ =


c (damping ratio). cc

For structural damping: 0 ≤ ξ < 0.15 (usually 1~5%)

ωd ≈ ω .


Thus, we can ignore damping in normal mode analysis. u t

Damped Free Vibration © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

B. Multiple DOF System Equation of Motion Equation of motion for the whole structure is && + C u& + Ku = f (t ) , Mu


u  nodal displacement vector,

in which:

M  mass matrix, C  damping matrix, K  stiffness matrix, f  forcing vector.

Physical meaning of Eq. (8): Inertia forces + Damping forces + Elastic forces = Applied forces Mass Matrices Lumped mass matrix (1-D bar element): ρAL 1 ρ,A,L 2 ρAL m2 = 2 u1 2 u2 Element mass matrix is found to be m1 =

  ρAL 0   m= 2 ρAL    0 2  44244 1 3 diagonal matrix

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

In general, we have the consistent mass matrix given by



ρ N T NdV


where N is the same shape function matrix as used for the displacement field. This is obtained by considering the kinetic energy:

1 T 1 u& m u& (cf. mv 2 ) 2 2 1 1 T = ∫ ρ u& 2 dV = ∫ ρ (u& ) u& dV 2 V 2 V 1 T = ∫ ρ (N u& ) (N u& )dV 2 V 1 = u& T ∫ ρ N T N dV u& V 2 1 42 43

Κ =


Bar Element (linear shape function):

1 − ξ  [1 − ξ ξ ]ALd ξ m = ∫ ρ  V  ξ  1 / 3 1 / 6 u&&1 = ρAL   1 / 6 1 / 3 u&&2


Element mass matrices: ⇒ local coordinates ⇒ to global coordinates ⇒ assembly of the global structure mass matrix M. © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

Example Simple Beam Element: v1


ρ, A, L




m = ∫ ρNT NdV V

54 − 13L  v&&1  156 22L 2  13L − 3L2  θ&&1 ρAL  22L 4 L  = 13L 156 − 22L v&&2 420  54  2 2  && 13 3 22 4 L L L L − − −   θ2


Units in dynamic analysis (make sure they are consistent): t (time) L (length) m (mass) a (accel.) f (force) ρ (density)

Choice I s m kg m/s2 N kg/m3

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

Choice II s mm Mg mm/s2 N Mg/mm3


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

II. Free Vibration Study of the dynamic characteristics of a structure: • natural frequencies • normal modes (shapes) Let f(t) = 0 and C = 0 (ignore damping) in the dynamic equation (8) and obtain && + Ku = 0 Mu (12) Assume that displacements vary harmonically with time, that is, u ( t ) = u sin( ω t ), u& ( t ) = ω u cos( ω t ), && ( t ) = − ω 2 u sin( ω t ), u

where u is the vector of nodal displacement amplitudes. Eq. (12) yields,

[K − ω



M u = 0


This is a generalized eigenvalue problem (EVP). Solutions?

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

Trivial solution: u = 0 for any values of ω (not interesting). Nontrivial solutions: u ≠ 0 only if K − ω 2M = 0


This is an n-th order polynomial of ω2, from which we can find n solutions (roots) or eigenvalues ωi. ωi (i = 1, 2, …, n) are the natural frequencies (or characteristic frequencies) of the structure. ω1 (the smallest one) is called the fundamental frequency. For each ωi , Eq. (13) gives one solution (or eigen) vector

[K − ω

2 i


M ui = 0 .

u i (i=1,2,…,n) are the normal modes (or natural modes, mode shapes, etc.). Properties of Normal Modes

u iT K u


= 0,

u iT M u j = 0 ,

for i ≠ j,


if ω i ≠ ω j . That is, modes are orthogonal (or independent) to each other with respect to K and M matrices.

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

Normalize the modes:

u iT M u i = 1, u iT K u i = ω i2 .



• Magnitudes of displacements (modes) or stresses in normal mode analysis have no physical meaning. • For normal mode analysis, no support of the structure is necessary. ωi = 0 ⇔ there are rigid body motions of the whole or a part of the structure. ⇒ apply this to check the FEA model (check for mechanism or free elements in the models). • Lower modes are more accurate than higher modes in the FE calculations (less spatial variations in the lower modes ⇒ fewer elements/wave length are needed).

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

Example: y



ρ, A, EI 1


2 L

v2  0 K − ω M   =  , θ2  0 EI  12 − 6L K= 3  , 2  L − 6L 4L 




12 −156λ



− 22L . 2   420 − 22L 4L 

ρAL  156

− 6L + 22Lλ

− 6L + 22Lλ 4L2 − 4L2λ 2 4 in which λ = ω ρ AL / 420 EI .

= 0,

Solving the EVP, we obtain, 1




 EI  2  v 2   1   ,   = 1.38 , ω1 = 3.533 4  AL ρ   θ 2 1  L  1

 1   EI  2  v 2   ,   = 7.62 . ω 2 = 34 .81 4  AL ρ   θ 2  2  L 

Exact solutions: 1

 EI  2 ω1 = 3.516  , 4  ρ AL  


 EI  2 ω2 = 22.03  . 4  ρ AL  

We can see that mode 1 is calculated much more accurately than mode 2, with one beam element. © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

III. Damping Two commonly used models for viscous damping. A. Proportional Damping (Rayleigh Damping)

C = αM + β K


where the constants α & β are found from

ξ1 =

αω1 2


β , 2ω1

ξ2 =

αω 2 2


β , 2ω 2

Damping ratio

with ω1 , ω 2 , ξ1 & ξ 2 (damping ratio) being selected.

B. Modal Damping Incorporate the viscous damping in modal equations.

© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

IV. Modal Equations Use the normal modes (modal matrix) to transform the coupled system of dynamic equations to uncoupled system of equations. We have



− ω i M ui = 0 , 2

i = 1,2,..., n


where the normal mode u i satisfies:

 u iT K u  T ui M u

j j

= 0, = 0,

for i ≠ j,


 u iT M u i = 1 ,  T 2 u K u ω =  i i i ,

for i = 1, 2, …, n.

Form the modal matrix: Φ

(n×n )


[u 1



L u




We can verify that ω12 0 L 0    M 0 ω22 T  Φ KΦ = Ω = (Spectral matrix), M O 0  2 L ω 0 0 n  ΦT MΦ = I.


Transformation for the displacement vector,

u = z1 u 1 + z 2 u 2 + L + z n u n = Φ z , © 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

(21) 168

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Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

where  z1 ( t )   z (t )    z=  2   M   z n ( t ) 

are called principal coordinates. Substitute (21) into the dynamic equation: M Φ &z& + C Φ z& + K Φ z = f ( t ). Pre-multiply by ΦT, and apply (20): &z& + C φ z& + Ω z = p ( t ), where C φ = α I + β Ω p = Φ



(for proportional damping),

f (t) .

Introduce modal damping:

 2 ξ 1ω  0 =   M   0


© 1997-2003 Yijun Liu, University of Cincinnati

0 2 ξ 2ω

L 2


    . (23) M  2 ξ nω n  0


Lecture Notes: Introduction to Finite Element Method

Chapter 7. Structural Vibration and Dynamics

Equation (22) becomes, &z&i + 2 ξ i ω i z& i + ω i2 z i = p i ( t ), i = 1,2,…,n. (24)

Equations in (22) or (24) are called modal equations. These equations are uncoupled, second-order differential equations, which are much easier to solve than the original dynamic equation (a coupled system). To recover u from z, apply transformation (21) again, once z is obtained from (24). Notes: • Only the first few modes may be needed in constructing the modal matrix Φ (i.e., Φ could be an n×m rectangular matrix with m